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The other day I was driving along, minding my own business, happy to not be thinking about the extremism of
Newt Gingrich and
Mitt Romney or about Obama's latest betrayal of his base. So I didn't mind whe...
Syria's leading opposition movement warned Friday of an impending government "massacre" designed to crush activists in the city of Homs, a metropolis that has emerged as a center of anti-regime unrest. Th...
* * *"9 Reasons You Should Wear Tinfoil Hats"* By David Kravets "There’s plenty of reason to be concerned Big Brother is watching. We’re paranoid not because we have grandiose notions of our self-importanc...
Could the purpose of four shafts deep inside the Great Pyramid be revealed in 2012?
On Saturday, the moon will be eclipsed by the Earth's shadow, possibly turning it blood-red during totality.
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake has struck the
Sea of Okhotsk, Japan at a depth of 380.2 km (236.3miles), the quake hit at 19:42:56 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 135 km (84 miles) East of Yuzh...
At least 24 people have been killed in renewed anti-government protests across Syria, activists say. Eleven of the deaths were in and around the city of Homs, while five were in the suburbs of Damascus, ...
The Germans and French were ready to accommodate Britain's difficulties but were not prepared to write them into a new treaty. "I have not and have no plans to attend any wife swapping parties," David Cam...
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be...
A magnitude 3.4 earthquake has struck Western Texas at a depth of 4.1 km (2.5 miles), the quake hit at 18:47:32 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 26 km (16 miles) North of Snyder, Texas No Rep...
*"Getting Raided by FBI Thugs, It Can and Is Happening Here"* By Jeff Berwick "Less than two months ago I was the guest on a radio program out of Fairbanks Alaska called Patriot's Lament (click here to vi...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Kepulauan, Babar, Indonesia at a depth of 176.6 km (109.7 miles), the quake hit at 18:12:26 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 218 km (135 miles) Saumlaki...
Philadelphia police have charged a 13-year-old girl for distributing a sleeping aid to classmates after several students reported feeling ill, according to authorities. Police say just after 9 a.m., sev...
The White House unveiled a strategy Thursday aimed at battling homegrown terrorism that emphasizes better coordination with local authorities. The United States has made significant progress in degrading a...
Learning a martial art, how to fly a plane or how to speak a new language without even being awake is set to become a reality, say researchers. Scientists at Boston University and ATR Computational Neurosc...
The chance of a military strike on Iran has roughly tripled in the past year, the senior geopolitical risk analyst at Barclays Capital said on Thursday. New York-based analyst Helina Croft, writing in a n...
Wall Street's poorly hidden, poorly coordinated agenda in Russia. Who is behind it? by Tony Cartalucci 1. Wall Street-London's Defense Team for Jailed Russian Oligarch Khodorkovsky The background of j...
Doing your holiday shopping at the pawn shop? WWJ’s Sandra McNeill reports that’s not so odd anymore. Tom Blaine owns the Garden City Exchange and says his business though October is already up 49 percent...
You have to admire the pro-EU spin that Richard Black - the BBC's resident eco-alarmist - served up here. Nations seeking a strong climate change deal at the UN talks received a rebuff as draft texts p...
A “food insecure” Muppet is helping to promote a national “Food for Thought” campaign that teaches poor families to seek out nutritious food and to eat on the taxpayers’ tab. At the National Press Club on...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Molucca Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 41.4 km (25.7 miles), the quake hit at 17:06:38 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 192 km (119 miles) WSW of Tern...
A madam who forced hundreds of women into prostitution has been executed in China. Wang Ziqi was sentenced to death for luring young women to work in brothels which were disguised as tea houses, beauty sa...
* the**REALnews Permalink* December 9, 2011 *Wilkerson: New Military Powers the Road to Tyranny* Larry Wilkerson: National D...
The average US household lost $21,261 of net worth this summer, the largest decline in family wealth in nearly three years. The drop in the third quarter, tied to falling home values and a cratering stock...
"We have to press the emergency button now. . .Spread the word. These maniacs have taken over the asylum and they're trying to destroy the world if we don't stop them."
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 3 hours ago
From On Monday, Prime Minister Harper’s Conservative MPs voted for the cruel Crime Bill. That night, the NDP, Liberal, Bloc and Green MPs stood together against the bill, and many of them were...
At least 10 people have been killed in renewed anti-government protests across Syria, activists says. Six of those killed were in the flashpoint city of Homs and two in Deraa, the UK-based Syrian Observat...
*"Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S."* by Kurt Nimmo " has received a document originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR that provides details on a push to outfit FEMA and U.S. Army...
Barack Obama's campaign for re-election has just cranked up a notch. The US president has gone to Kansas to make a big economic speech, saying this is a make or break moment for the American middle class a...
A majority of European leaders agreed early Friday on a new deal to try to resolve the continent's debt crisis, but Britain refused to back a broader treaty change. The 17 members of the eurozone, which...
South Sudan's foreign minister has warned his country is on the brink of war with Sudan following days of fierce fighting along the border. Nhial Deng Nhial told the BBC Sudanese forces had invaded the tow...
Toyota, Japan's largest carmaker, has halved its profit forecast for this year due to disruptions caused by Thailand's floods. It now expects a net profit of 180bn yen ($2.3bn; £1.5bn) for the year ending...
Prime Minister David Cameron has insisted he put Britain's interests first by using a veto to avoid signing up to a new European economic treaty. *Mr Cameron* has come under fire for leaving the UK isolat...
Marc Morano sent us a link to a remarkable UNFCCC draft document that was proposed as the final statement by the participants of the ongoing climate fat cats' orgies in Durban, South Africa: Update of t...
A Taiwanese city is keeping dog mess off its streets by offering prizes to owners who clear up after their pets. Officials in New Taipei City say that more than 4,000 people have collected 14,500 bags of ...
A Taiwanese city is keeping dog mess off its streets by offering prizes to owners who clear up after their pets. Officials in New Taipei City say that more than 4,000 people have collected 14,500 bags of ...
For Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Earth lay at the centre of a small universe and the idea of alien life was unthinkable. Since then the tide of opinion has turned. Astronomers have shown that Earth ...
Household wealth took its biggest hit since the height of the 2008 financial meltdown during the third quarter, weakened by a downturn in stocks, according to a report issued Thursday. The Federal Reserve...
Household wealth took its biggest hit since the height of the 2008 financial meltdown during the third quarter, weakened by a downturn in stocks, according to a report issued Thursday. The Federal Reserve...
By modeling rainbows on computers, scientists find what factors create rare twinned rainbows.
Moon rocks, soil, meteorites and dust from comets are among the things missing.
These robots are not programmed, but use visual recognition software and perception algorithms to perform complex tasks.
If you listen closely, there are eerie similarities between the sabre rattling now being heard over Iran and that cacophony of war-hawk voices that helped propel the U.S. into the Iraq war in 2003. This t...
Friday draws to a close, the weekend beckons, and so a NEW Open Thread for you. It's endorsed by the IMF and Merkozy, so what more need I add....go for it... Click through to read and contribute comments...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 3 hours ago
In October, I blogged about my impressions of the BBC nature series "Planet Earth". I loved the show, but criticized the producers for making it completely apolitical. There was not a single mention of h...
Astronauts may have had the 'right stuff' to go to the moon, but when it comes to keeping track of what they brought back, NASA seems to have misplaced some of the stuff. In a report issued by the agency'...
Sometimes I worry about my old pal, radio host Nicole Sandler. She keeps pressing her luck. Her district is represented by fascist Allen West and she keeps questioning him. Fascists don't like being quest...
High winds tore through Newfoundland and Labrador overnight Thursday and into Friday, knocking out power in many parts of the province, cancelling ferries and closing a section of the Trans-Canada Highway....
The amount of ice covering Canadian Arctic waters in summer declined in all sea ice regions from 1968-2010, according to a new Statistics Canada report. The map below shows the ice loss per decade and over...
A bomb went off near a U.N. patrol vehicle in southern Lebanon Friday, wounding five French U.N. troops in the latest attack on peacekeepers in the region this year. The soldiers received treatment on the...
Investigators have arrested six staff members after a fire that killed at least 89 people in a hospital Friday in eastern India. The six worked at a five-story hospital in the city of Kolkata, said Javed...
A letter bomb blamed on anarchists injured the chief of a state tax collection agency in Rome on Friday, two days after a similar device addressed to a top banker was intercepted in Germany. The bomb exp...
Authorities in this violence-plagued border city Thursday were investigating a series of attacks the day before that left 14 people dead, including four people who were slain aboard an ambulance. Among th...
*"The National Discussion We Must Have"* by Karl Denninger "If we refuse to do this our nation and economy is finished. Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lu...
Rats are wired to show compassion for each other and will help out their fellow rat rather than get a treat.
Youtube videos have surfaced of employees using a forklift to destroy body shells of the electric vehicle.
The Saving American Democracy Amendment ------------------------------ December 8, 2011 Find on YouTube Cherchez la Verite
Every other experimental collaboration with more than 3,000 members harbors a traitor, whistleblower, or a black sheep in general. We're very fortunate that much like University of East Anglia, the CMS Col...
We'd like to thank our readers in Australia for playing among the largest roles in helping us climb toward our once-a-day goal for yesterday. We sincerely appreciate the fact that our Australian readers to...
The military council that runs Egypt and an Islamist party that has done well in parliamentary elections accused each other Thursday of plotting a dictatorship. Leaders also sparred over plans for draft...
Robert Levinson, a retired FBI agent who went missing in Iran nearly five years ago, appeared in a video that his family posted online Friday. Levinson said he is not in very good health and has been run...
avaazglobaloccupations on Broadcast Live Free BREAKING: Hundreds Protest Inside UN Climate Talks in Solidarity with Africa and Small Islands *Greenpeace Executive Director Kumi Naidoo esco...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 5 hours ago
* Fox News has been showing streets ablaze, violent clashes and firebombs thrown at security officers in Russia as aftermath to recent elections, but with one major problem - the images are not from Russi...
SPILL co-created by Leigh Fondakowski and Reeva Wortel
The US meddling in Russia. The US meddling in Syria A key components of the meddling in both nations? The Ambassadors. I have previously covered Ambassador Robert Ford and his role in the destabilization o...
Yesterday's edition of the Today programme managed the impressive feat of reporting the jailing of Rod Blagojevich without mentioning that he's a Democrat. This morning's edition reported on MF Global boss...
Coco Robicheaux Memorial Second-line Parade and Concert On today's episode of The Lens Ate My Comment~Library Chronicles Study of elevated I-10 over Claiborne to get underway; demolition being considered ...
A modular "backpack" for electric cars provides mileage expansion and more cargo capabilities.
*(I'm republishing this exactly as they sent it - they are looking for people to help spread the word - so please help spread the word*) Major corporations are helping suppress the votes of Black folks an...
[The penguins are released at about 1:00.] The first of the little blue penguins, cleaned and recovered after the Rena oil spill, are released back to their home shores. Interview with lead vet at the ...
BECAUSEWECAN - We own Congress! Republicans are tying the payroll tax credit and the extension of the unemployment benefits to approval of the Keystone Pipeline. *Who benefits from this?* *Follow the Mone...
[image: European Union Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said she hasn’t yet won backing for her demand for a 'road map' pointing to the next climate treaty because some nations are holding back supp...
*[NOTE: This piece was written a few weeks ago, but accidentally left unposted. It has been backdated for posterity.]* "An arms deal with the United States that will give Israel 25 of the most sophistica...
Super Shorts 2011: eXtinction *by SRmanitou*
Macro Cell Lens brings stunning detail to your smart phone snapshots.
Read about this situation when Rick Scott in Florida implemented their "drug testing" for welfare recipients. Read about this when ALEC member Nikki Haley wanted to implement it in SC for welfare recipien...
Scientists at Johns Hopkins have found a way to fold complex shapes smaller than a dust grain.
*Call for an Alternative Day of Action on Human Rights Day, Saturday, December 10th, 2011* The success of October 15th has triggered an unprecedented momentum for global action. Humanity has united acro...
Protests against president's party escalate across social media with flood of automated counterattacks and alleged hacking. Russians have flooded Facebook and Twitter as they organise unprecedented protes...
The right-wing crazies are crawling out of the woodwork now to get behind one of their hazily-remembered heroes and to defeat the Mormon flip flopper. Seeing their preferred candidates-- Bachmann, Perry a...
In this week's episode, Steve lays a cunning trap for Barry. In exchange for agreeing to pass travel and "informal" info about Canadians on to Homeland Security, Steve gets Barry to promise to maybe matc...
Heather submitted this question at Ask A Manager, and I thought it would be a good one to address here: I was employed at a large successful company - while there, I got a call from a man who is a CEO of ...
Day, 37, butchered his family after a row at the family's semi-detached home in Melton Mowbray, Leics., on Thursday afternoon. He attacked his family with a knife, killing his wife Samantha, 38, a nurser...
** What is a psychopath? *New research* suggests that: *1.* A psychopath doesn't have just one condition, but a blend of conditions. *2.* The psychopath is shaped partly by his or her environment. ...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck Mindoro, Philippines at a depth of 132.9 km (82.6 miles), the quake hit at 10:02:37 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 32 km (19 miles) WSW of Batangas, L...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 11 hours ago
Well then, wonder what you make of the BBC's coverage of the Euro-talks and David Cameron's decision to veto the proposed Treaty. Nick Robinson seems to think we are now at war with Merkozy and her Gauliet...
"Star was happy to stay with me all day; gave me kisses on a regular basis; she was just a beautiful creature... "I got more emotion and love back from Star than any of them... "A fabulous, clever and ve...
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 11 hours ago
Although the focus of this blog is BBC bias, I wanted to take a moment or two to review a book by a reader and supporter of the site. His name is DC Alden and his new book is called *"The Horse at the G...
*Russia and China have held their first meeting for cooperation in the development of marine nuclear energy for floating power plants and potentially for propulsion of large ships.* While hundreds of nuc...
A father woke his two children and slit their throats while they desperately tried to fight him off before calling his ex-wife to say: 'I have killed your children'. Jean Francis Say, 62, murdered his ei...
Engineers are battling to restore power to more than 70,000 homes in Scotland after hurricane-force winds battered northern Britain. Scottish Hydro said that workers were being hampered by the severe weat...
Website for this image 'Market value specialists' IPS have compiled a list of *the world's eight 'most distressed' property markets: *(
Japan is spending 2.3 billion yen ($29 million) from its supplementary budget for tsunami reconstruction to fund the country's annual whaling hunt in the Antarctic Ocean, a fisheries official confirmed Thu...
Residents in three municipalities near the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been exposed to up to some 37 millisieverts of radiation during the four months after the powerful earthquak...
A utility spokesman says the former chief of Japan's crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant has cancer but doctors do not believe it is related to radioactive exposure. Masao Yoshida, who led the onsi...
FORT William's 10,000 inhabitants were all but cut off by road during the storms. The A82, the main artery for the second largest town in the Highlands, has been closed indefinitely after it suffered a ...
A 4.4-magnitude earthquake was reported just before 4:26 p.m. AKST near the Alaska towns of Gulkana, Glenallen and Gakona on Thursday, and just miles from the massive federal military installation known as...
Pounding rain, high winds and the threat of heavy snow caused power outages in four provinces, school closures, ferry shutdowns and a rare total closure of Confederation Bridge. In Nova Scotia, there wer...
At least four people died and ten people were injured Thursday in a strong explosion in the quarters of the Intervention and Rescue Group (GIR), a specialized police unit in northern Quito, The Interior Mi...
A large male manatee was found dead near Big Hickory Pass Thursday morning. The manatee was eight feet long and showed no sign of propeller trauma. Fish and Wildlife Conservation is examining the remain...
*Resisting Gender Violence Without Cops or Prisons * *--An interview with Victoria Law* *By Angola 3 News* (First published by Truthout) Activist and journalist Victoria Law is the author of Resistance B...
Mt. Sakurajima, an active volcano in Kagoshima Prefecture, explosively erupted late Thursday for the 897th time this year, breaking its annual record for the third consecutive year, the local observatory s...
An earthquake in Rakhine State has caused underground water temperatures to rise, setting off volcano eruptions of mud and small amounts of lava. Retired geologist Soe Thein said volcanos in the Kyaukphyu ...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Crete, Greece at a depth of 12 km (7.4 miles), the quake hit at 08:14:02 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 49 km (30.4 miles) Southeast of Palaiokhóra, Gr...
The NATO attack that killed two dozen Pakistani troops on the border with Afghanistan last month appeared to be deliberate, two Pakistani lawmakers said Friday, ratcheting up the war of words with Washingt...
Violence across the Israeli-Gaza border escalated on Friday with Israeli air strikes killing at least three people and Palestinian militants firing rockets deep into southern Israel. The latest round of ...
Russian anger over fraud allegations in last week’s parliamentary election may swell a demonstration challenging the vote and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s plan to return as president to the biggest in a...
Violence across the Israeli-Gaza border escalated on Friday with Israeli air strikes killing at least three people and Palestinian militants firing rockets deep into southern Israel. The latest round of ...
Russian anger over fraud allegations in last week’s parliamentary election may swell a demonstration challenging the vote and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s plan to return as president to the biggest in a...
European banks need an extra 114.7bn euros (£97.7bn) to survive the eurozone debt crisis, the region's banking authority has said. The European Banking Authority said the overall shortfall, including an ...
David Cameron is being blamed for the collapse of attempts to agree a new Europe-wide treaty to deal with the economic crisis in the eurozone. The French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the Prime Minister'...
An Italian anarchist group has claimed responsibility for a failed mail bomb attack on Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, German investigators said Thursday. A suspicious package sent to Ackermann contai...
The military council that runs Egypt and an Islamist party that has done well in parliamentary elections accused each other Thursday of plotting a dictatorship. Leaders also sparred over plans for drafti...
Three soldiers were killed in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi on Friday when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle, police said. The bomb was buried near a spot where the soldiers often par...
Authorities in this violence-plagued border city Thursday were investigating a series of attacks the day before that left 14 people dead, including four people who were slain aboard an ambulance. Among t...
At least 60 people have been killed in a fire that broke out in a hospital in the eastern Indian city of Calcutta (Kolkata), officials say. Most of the victims were patients who were trapped after the fla...
Some innovative thinking here andit may end up been productive. Itcertainly looks neat and the initial promise of avoiding cranes looks good. Taking it further, we may be able to built itall in a nor...
This is really important. Suddenly we have a way to apply known drugsand methods in a new protocol that at the least partially starves cancer cellsand allows and supports a personalized solution to th...
This reports steadily increasingtechnical virtuosity with the device. Itlooks here that pulse repeatability is possible and plausible and that ispositive for actual continual operations. We should so...
Revisiting the thunderbird myth whichruns through the Eastern Woodlands and the Great Plainswe have this series of old reports and one does get the impression that theCalifornia Condor could well fit t...
I have seen plenty of work onusing printing technology to build up 3D structures with nothing veryconvincing to show for it. Here we see abone scaffold produced that is then put in a bath of immature b...
This is not a cure but a substance shown to slow theprogress toward lung cancer with superior efficiency and fully justifies itsuse in at risk patients. Of course,lowering the risk in the first place i...
The irony here is that freedom ofreligion is interpreted as freedom of the government from religion which theyoutright regulate. Considering thehistory of Islam, that is likely a good thing. That the...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 14 hours ago
As Durban fizzles out - much to Richard Black's chagrin- and the wheels spectacularly fall off the renewables frenzy, Christopher Booker has summed up brilliantlythe saga of how the corporation has abandone...
I confess I like to pretend I am a rockstar. I play the air guitar in my kitchen often. This is probably why my little girl has started telling people, "Mommy's crazy!" Of course, she says my husband is ...
As 2011 draws to a close, it's time to look back (and vote) on the last 12 months of incredible space science and discovery.
*The Countryside agreement says that except the entire process is cut down, the digital divide will keep rising and the money pledged will be all but valueless. The Countryside union says plans to transpo...
An excerpt from the transcript of Barbara Walters's interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Walters: Will you allow freedom of expression, freedom of press? Assad: We already have it. Walters: Y...
*Harry Morgan, best familiar for live Colonel Sherman Potter in US TV show Mash, has died aged 96 after suffering from pneumonia*. From 1967 to 1970, Morgan also appeared as Officer Bill Gannon opposite ...
- Intense mothering early in life could boost levels of an immune system molecule in the child's brain [image: Babies with attentive mothers may produce greater levels of an immune system mol...
*A method to slice very intricate shapes into nanoparticles has been unveiled by a panel of researchers. In their opinion the main aim is the creation of more complex nano-objects.The ultimate use of the ...
- More than half of single women would feel less inclined to date someone who owned a spider If you've spent the last few years wondering why you find it so hard to hold down a partner, it m...
The public perception of psychopaths has been shaped by characters such as Alex in A Clockwork Orange or Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. While they are portrayed as charming, dishonest, guiltless, an...
- Our 'limited' minds may be a defence - having too vivid a memory can be destructive for personalities - Higher IQs may be linked to nervous system disease - Intelligence gains always have...
I had to coax myself into clambering out of my doomer sanctuary yesterday, where a cardinal shivered in the rosy rain of the Japanese maple outside my kitchen window. I took a trip into the city, headed t...
Mystery surrounds how American's most sophisticated spy plane was captured by Iran after it was paraded on Iranian state television earlier today in near mint condition. Iran claims the lost RQ-170 Sentin...
*The EU and a few of the world's poorest nations have launched a combined proposition for a burly conclusion on the UN typical weather discussion. The association among the EU, the association of Small I...
David Cameron has blocked an EU deal for a crucial treaty change and now faces virtual isolation as the others forge ahead without the UK. Officials at the summit in Brussels said efforts to alter the tre...
A magnitude 3.0 earthquake has struck Colorado at a depth of 4.8 km (3miles), the quake hit at 03:54:16 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 19 km (11 miles) WSW of Trinidad, Colorado No Reports ...
A man of wealth and fame, certainly... but steadiness and constancy? In a year where the very worst thing to be is a safe, dull, garden variety, Establishment politician, the quintessential safe, dull, g...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Southern Iran at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:23:34 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 266 km (165 miles) Northeast of Doha, Qatar No ...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Bali Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 614 km (381.5 miles), the quake hit at 03:03:24 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 197 km (122 miles) NNE of Mataram...
A magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Central Alaska at a depth of 23.4 km (14.5 miles), the quake hit at 01:25:41 UTC Friday 9th December 2011. The epicenter was 14 km (9 miles) West of Gulkana, Alaska No ...
European Union leaders have failed to secure the backing of all 27 member states to change the EU Treaty, according to Reuters news agency. French President Nicolas Sarkozy says a new Treaty among 17 euro...
"Israeli panel drafts $8b social plan" September 27, 2011|By Isabel Kershner, New York Times JERUSALEM - A government-appointed committee on socioeconomic change, set up in the wake of the social protests...
*Have been for over 60 years now....* "Israelis and Palestinians throw stones in clash in West Bank; Settlers reportedly set fields on fire" September 21, 2011|By Dalia Nammari, Associated Press RAMALLAH...
"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had for...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
*By Brenda Norrell* *Censored News* Kandi Mossett photo by Heather Box/STARKThe Anonymous hacktivists are in the news. They've just put the public relations firm for Monsa...
"Palestinian rivals said to strike deal" November 28, 2011|By Associated Press RAMALLAH, West Bank - The rival leaders of the Palestinians have quietly decided to keep their respective governments in the ...
A colony of honeybees. Photograph: Haraz Ghanbari/AP via The 27th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster in India that killed 20,000 people will be commemorated by World No Pesticides Use Day. T...
*Heads they win, tails you lose.* "Western Wall coins challenge theory; Point to later date for construction of Jerusalem site" November 24, 2011|By Matti Friedman, Associated Press JERUSALEM - Newly foun...
Water on the floor inside Fukushima after a leak in an image released by Tepco. Water has been used to cool reactors at the plant. Photograph: Tepco/AFP/Getty Images via The operator of Jap...
Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons Working security at a preserve for big cats might seem like a pretty cushy job, considering how well-equipped the animals are in defending themselves against anyone or an...
Water on the floor inside Fukushima after a leak in an image released by Tepco. Water has been used to cool reactors at the plant. Photograph: Tepco/AFP/Getty Images via The operator of Jap...
Photo courtesy: Heather Cowper/CC BY 2.0 The French Alps were once the destination of the rich and famous; the beautiful people; and, those wishing to be seen. That may soon change. Climate change seems t...
"The cosmic brush of star formation composed this alluring mix of dust and dark nebulae. Cataloged as Sh2-239 and LDN 1551, the region lies near the southern end of the Taurus molecular cloud complex some ...
OCCUPY MOVEMENT GETS MORE INVOLVED IN SPECIFICSby Neil Garfield EDITOR'S COMMENT: The Occupy movement is taking on a life of its own, expressing citizen outrage over the behavior of the banks and the compl...
*"I completely understand the concerns that people have expressed about the bill and the good thing about our system is that there is always opportunity for improvement. In fact, because this debate has b...
Dozens of protesters have been arrested by police in the US capital, Washington DC, during a march to protest against the influence of money in politics. A total of 62 people were arrested, police told th...
Iranian TV aired images Thursday of what it says is a U.S. stealth drone that went down in Iran last week, an apparently intact RQ-170 drone propped on a pedestal and triumphantly displayed. "Military e...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
*Ahoy, riders of the storm, we've set sail for the new journalism* By Brenda Norrell Censored News There is a new journalism evolving. The more I read, the more I understa...
In the UK, there is a political party which is always present at industrial disputes and protest gatherings. This party is the SWP. Laughingly claiming to be against the Establishment, the Socialist Wo...
Religious Americans find moral imperatives to support environmental laws but are less inclined to relate those laws to the need for action on climate change.
As we mentioned two years ago, polar bears eating polar bears is very rare. But another sighting has people wondering if we will see even more.
*If Palestinians are happy, I'm happy.* "Israel agrees to free 1,027 Palestinians in swap for soldier; Top Fatah leader not expected to be among released" by Ethan Bronner | New York Times, October 12, ...
Heiligenhaus, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Thanks for stopping by.
*"Choosing Not to Look Away: Helping the Homeless"* by The DailyOm "Most of us know in our hearts that the homeless and the poor are not so very different from us. Homeless people in our communities are a...
*"The Oldest Road" * by Chet Raymo *"The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager...
“If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. The free mind is not a barking dog,to be tethered on a ten-foot chain.” - Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 23 hours ago
Honestly, you would need a heart of stone not to LAUGH at this image of an exploding windmill in Scotland. It appears it was the wrong sort of wind wot done it! I notice the BBC reported it without any add...
*Uncensored Magazine* "The collapse of Building 7 shows beyond any doubt that the demolitions were pre-planned. It is simply impossible to demolish a 47 story building over a coffee break.” – Lt. Col. G...
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than fa...
*Seeing as the governor and Globe are promoting the globalist agenda I say burn it*: "West Bank tech firms, Patrick try to build bridges, business" October 20, 2011|By Hiawatha Bray, Globe Staff For many...
*"Falling in Polls, Romney Considers Adultery"* Huddles with Advisors About Possible Affair by Andy Borowitz CONCORD, NH (The Borowitz Report)– "Troubled by his fading poll numbers, former Massachusetts G...
*And they told him where to take it*: "Talks with Palestinians vital for Israel, defense chief says; US urges bold action to reduce tension in region" by Lolita C. Baldor Associated Press / October 4, 201...
Rove's super-PAC took a few minutes-- and a few million dollars-- out from their relentless attacks on Mitt Romney's GOP rivals to put together the most dishonest and perverse ad of the year (so far), th...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
*Morning readers. Here’s a few things that interested me. They might grab you too. But first, a message from our sponsor:* To take ideas seriously means that you intend to live by, to *practice,* any ...
*That was over two months** ago; I must admit the luster is now as lost as the UN vote.* "Abbas welcomed home as a hero; Emerges from Arafat’s shadow with bid at UN" September 26, 2011|By Dalia Nammari, ...
Why is Denver International Airport a hub of conspiracy theories and 2012 doomsday predictions?
Bush’s TEMPORARY tax cuts that were supposed to be “job creators” (but never produced jobs) were suppose to expire in December 2010. God – Grover Norquist – told his minions that YOU WILL NOT RAISE TAXES O...
An astounding piece of pro-Labour propaganda from Robert Peston, says Biased BBC contributor Alan 'The Party's Over:How the West Went Bust ' In a one hour programme describing how we ended up bust and bank...
Biased BBC contributor Alan notes.... "Wednesday was fascinating...if you had flicked between the various BBC radio channels you would have heard a consistent drumbeat....S&P, Standard and Poor the rating...
A Virginia Tech alum follows every move in the latest VT shooting and recalls the last one, in 2007.
I received this email earlier today.... "This story makes the BBC England page headline But you can’t find this story on the BBC news pages; unless you search the BBC news site using ‘muslim alcohol’ and you...
This eco-friendly modular structure is meant for outdoor office work.
Two people, including a police officer, were killed after a shooting incident at Virginia Tech.
Militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons attacked and destroyed at least 22 oil tankers parked in Pakistan, carrying fuel for NATO troops in Afghanistan, a senior Pakistani poli...
President Barack Obama said on Thursday the United States was considering all options on Iran and would work with allies, including Israel, to prevent Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. On Iran, Oba...
*Tarpley on Banks, Concentration camps, Obama, Russia...* *Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, China to Brink* *Media lies about Russia* *FOX fakes Moscow protest with Athens clashes* *Indone...
The story of what might be the first international debt crisis bears haunting similarities with today's; but a somber difference remains.
While watching a video of a coronal mass ejection travel from the sun, it would appear that a solar observatory has discovered a massive alien spacecraft docked next to Mercury.
Police investigating the murders of a mother and daughter in Southport have arrested their lodger. Barry Morrow will be questioned by Merseyside Police later. Angela Holgate and her mother Alice Huyton w...
A police officer and another person have been shot dead at America's Virginia Tech university, with the gunman still at large. In a statement the school confirmed the policeman had stopped a vehicle duri...
Four people died Wednesday when a landslide in the northeast of Colombia buried a bus under tons of rubble. According to the police commissioner of Santander, the department where the incident took place...
Japan admits using tsunami recovery funds to support its whaling fleet, which has left port for the Antarctic.
The NDP may not believe in using financial incentives to encourage environmentally conscious behaviour, but leadership candidate Paul Dewar has come up with a market solution that incentivizes political pa...
More than 7,000 utility customers in central and eastern New York are without power after an overnight storm dumped nearly 9 inches of wet, heavy snow on some upstate areas. About 5,000 of the homes and ...
The FBI approved an iPhone-adjacent scanner that can run fingerprints through the national database in ten seconds.
Samsung envisions future electronic devices as transparent, shape-shifting and bendable.
Scientists are going vertical with components on computer chips.
posted by All Seeing Eye at
Biased BBC - 1 day ago
Question Time tonight comes from Stoke-On-Trent. On the panel Conservative PPS to the Defence Secretary Claire Perry, Labour MP Tristram Hunt, black part-time judge Constance Briscoe, Chief Executive of ...
A magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck the Gulf of Alaska at a depth of 4.4 km (2.7 miles), the quake hit at 17:53:33 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 178 km (111 miles) SSE from Chenega, Al...
September seems so long ago and our brief discussion of former GOP operative Mike Lofgren was buried in a post about then seemingly formidable GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry. Perry is buried now, h...
Destabilizing Russia is on! So is your perception management. I am going to ramble here, cause I am short of time.... Touted as the Russian "spring". Reinforcement of the meme "an idea, behaviour or style ...
The first and formeost thing that every reader must remember is that there is no such thing as a "former member" of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). If you were a member - it is kind of l...
Here's Bill O'Reilly, a man who is to history and rational, informed, civil discourse what Jack the Ripper was to women's rights, walking out of a Newt Gingrich fundraiser. The rest of the video tells you...
Tesco is shifting its currency exposure, holding cash and refusing to sign long-term supply contracts in the face of the eurozone crisis. Britain’s biggest retailer said it was taking the risk of a eurozo...
Hurricane force winds of up to 165mph swept across Scotland today as storms battered Britain and police told people to stay indoors for their own safety. Weather forecasters said the gusts were recorded...
A magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck Luzon, Philippines at a depth of 40 km (24.8 miles), the quake hit at 15:31:01 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 10 km (6.2 miles) Northwest of Claveria...
[image: The US top Special Envoy for Climate Change, Todd Stern, said on 7 December 2011 that countries should focus between now and 2020 on a voluntary emissions-cutting pact reached last year. Cris Bou...
Pakistani police say assailants have fired rockets at tankers carrying fuel for U.S-led troops in Afghanistan, setting at least 10 vehicles on fire. The attack Thursday was the first since Pakistan closed ...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 1 day ago
*"Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law." - Sophocles*
------------------------------ * the**REALnews Permalink* *Military to Gain Power of Indefinite Detention in Senate Bill* Ray...
Icy winds up to 165mph are battering the northern parts of Britain, with people warned to stay indoors, schools forced to close and flights and rail links cancelled. Localised flooding has also caused ma...
Roald Amundsen breaks the record for the furthest southern point ever reached.
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck South of the Sandwich Islands Region at a depth of 153.7 km (95.5 miles), the quake hit at 16:12:38 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 44 km (27 miles) ...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 54.1 km (33.6 miles), the quake hit at 15:34:38 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 75 km (46 miles) E...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck offshore El Salvador at a depth of 88.6 km (55.1 miles), the quake hit at 14:34:11 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 31 km (19 miles) SSW of Acajutla, ...
The stealth C.I.A. drone that crashed deep inside Iranian territory last week was part of a stepped-up surveillance program that has frequently sent the United States’ most hard-to-detect drone into the co...
The future of Europe’s single currency hangs in the balance, interest rates are moving and the debt crisis threatens to trigger a recession next year. Faced with such uncertainty, there’s only one option l...
As more and more people move into cities looking for opportunity, their impact is skyrocketing.
*RCMP Spied on Protesting First Nations* *Posted at Mostly Water:* Intelligence unit collaborated with partners in energy and private sector By...
Standard & Poor’s warning that no less than fifteen eurozone states, including Germany, could lose their AAA credit rating has been met with howls of protest from leading German politicians. The general se...
The remains of hundreds of Los Angeles County residents whose bodies were never claimed by family or friends were buried in a mass burial Wednesday. “This holiday season many of us are reminded how fortu...
A DAD had his finger bitten off in a fight — at a school nativity play. Parents waiting excitedly for their kids' Christmas performance were horrified as another father stormed into the primary school hall...
Scores of police officers marched into an encampment of protesters and homeless people across from City Hall before dawn Tuesday, forcing the dozens of occupants out and removing tents in a peaceful evicti...
A Mars rover has found the best evidence yet that water flowed on the Red Planet long ago.
Glacial melt water could help combat global warming, depending on how much and the type of iron it contains and how much of the iron actually gets to parts of the ocean where the nutrient is scarce.
A woman known as “the bird lady” is facing criminal charges for feeding the ducks, geese, and pigeons at a local pond. Eighty-year-old Claire Butcher has been feeding the birds for 45 years at Flax, Slu...
Economic powerhouse Germany played down hopes Wednesday that a crucial debt summit will save the euro as French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned the risk of a eurozone "explosion" was very real. Piling th...
ncinerated partial remains of at least 274 troops were reportedly dumped at landfill between 2004-08 by the largest military mortuary in the US. The Washington Post report was based on data from Dover Air ...
It's not quite as true as it is in the case of the global warming panic but it's still true that the main drivers that led to the birth of the euro were some desired political signals, not economic advan...
Nasa's Mars rover Opportunity has found slivers of a bright material that looks very much like it is gypsum (calcium sulphate). If confirmed, it would be the most unambiguous signal of water activity yet ...
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin blamed the United States Thursday for encouraging opposition protests that have broken out since parliamentary elections Sunday. His accusation followed comments by...
Police have told people in Scotland not to travel, as severe winds of up to 165mph are battering the country, leaving thousands without power. As the Met Office issued its highest warning, a red alert, hun...
It is an image that is sure to shock many people. An adult polar bear is seen dragging the body of a cub that it has just killed across the Arctic sea ice. Polar bears normally hunt seals but if these are...
New U.S. federal safety data shows texting while driving increased 50 per cent last year, despite a rush by states to ban the practice. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does an annual sur...
Some organic produce in Canada contains pesticides, according to government inspection documents obtained by CBC News — including nearly 24 per cent of organic apples. Records released to CBC News by the ...
Leaders from the 17 countries in the eurozone are meeting in Brussels this week in an 11th-hour attempt to avert an economic crisis that many people believe will lead to the collapse of the Euro. The deadl...
Environment Canada has issued warnings for the Maritime provinces to prepare for heavy snowfall and high winds on Thursday. Northern New Brunswick is expected to see an estimated 20 centimetres. Westerly ...
Last week Olli Rehn, Europe's Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, warned the eurozone was entering a critical phase to solve its debt crisis, which has deepened since Greece took its first ba...
A 10-year-old boy, his face still innocent, abducted from his village and forced to kill alongside ruthless militia fighters. A 60-year-old grandmother too ashamed of the injuries caused by a brutal rape t...
Thick black smoke and darting flames enveloped the turbulent Syrian region of Homs Thursday after what the government and activists say was an attack on an oil pipeline. Amateur video said to be from th...
Two Palestinian militants were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza Thursday, Palestinian medical sources told CNN. Four other Palestinians were injured, medical officials said, but it was unclear if th...
European leaders must band together to save the euro this week, the leaders of the eurozone's two biggest economies said Thursday, even as the head of the European Central Bank was warning of more bad econ...
A suspicious package sent to the chief executive of Deutsche Bank in Germany contained a functioning bomb, law enforcement officials in the state of Hesse announced Thursday. The package addressed to Jose...
Europe's leaders are battling to keep the eurozone and the wider European Union together in the face of a financial crisis that threatens to split partnerships forged over more than half a century. So why...
By: Duane Craig Kincaid Park in Anchorage, Alaska continues to surprise with more lead and antimony showing up in the soil, according to this report at KTVA Channel 11. It's a heavily used park and now t...
*Global Leaders Powerfully Denounce Green Economy * *Expose its impacts on peoples and ecosystems* *Clown Ejected and Photographer for Z Magazine Assaulted by UN Security* By Global Justice Ecology Projec...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Behind your screen* a covert 'war' is raging. Web- and printed media designers know all about it. Journalists payed per line, not word, feel the financial pinch of it. The average computer-user unknowing ...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 1 day ago
*Viability of a Voluntary CWB The removal of the CWB’s single desk selling powers will almost inevitably result in either the disappearance of the CWB or the diminution of its scope and volume to the point...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck offshore El Salvador at a depth of 89.6 km (55.7 miles), the quake hit at 14:03:03 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 34 km (21 miles) SSW of Acajutla, ...
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of encouraging and supporting election protests. He said that by describing Russia's parliamentary election as rigge...
A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Bonin Islands, Japan Region at a depth of 10.1 km (6.3 miles), the quake hit at 13:24:29 UTC Thursday 8th December 2011. The epicenter was 143 km (88 miles) NNE of...
Mardi Gras 2012 Parade Schedules! ~Editilla Stomp'a'rellas~Never to soon to Rock'N'Roll! ~Krewe du View rolls the weekend of my Birfday -again! That's one of the reasons why I've always loved Mardi Gras, to...
If you missed the President's soaring populist rhetoric in Kansas on Monday-- and it's less than an hour-- please watch it above. This is the president we thought we were getting three years ago when we ...
*With Christmas Break coming up, the kids are going to be home all day and we are all going to need ideas on how to keep them busy. Today Emily, on behalf of Primrose Schools is here to gives idea for be...
Having already profiled Alexandra Mendes, my tour of LPC presidential candidates turns next to Sheila Copps. *Who is Sheila Copps?* I suspect everyone going to the convention is familiar with Sheila Cop...
BOMBSHELL: US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections!
Putin compares US funded NGOs to Judas the betrayer. by Tony Cartalucci December 4, 2011 - What would Americans say if they found their polling stations and certain political parties entirely infiltrated b...
Bradford-based chain of 191 Barratts and Priceless Shoes stores goes in administration for the second time since 2009. British shoe shop chain Barratts has collapsed into administration, becoming the late...
“No society in history has imprisoned more of its citizens than the United States of America” (MUST-SEE) Original here. Cherchez la Verite
Motorists across central Scotland have been advised by police not to drive from midday on Thursday because of the hurricane-force winds sweeping the country. Police said the warning was "not given lightly...
Freethinker left a link in my Fukushima post from the other day. If you haven't seen this little report, take the few minutes to watch it. Thanks for leaving the link Freethinker? Nah, I appreciate it. Dar...
A respected scientist from the Cern particle physics laboratory has told the BBC he expects to see "the first glimpse" of the Higgs boson next week. It comes as the search for the mysterious fundamental p...
Opposition activists said flames and clouds of thick black smoke were seen at the site of the explosion in a suburb of the city, the epicentre of popular unrest against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad tha...
posted by leftdog at
Buckdog - 1 day ago
*Regina Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski's Riding Office in Regina had a big delivery of wheat recently .... *
Deep beneath the dwindling Dead Sea, newly uncovered sediments harbor clues to ancient events.
***Boy's heartbreaking letter to Santa is focus of new Christmas campaign against domestic violence** * ~~~ *Are FAMILY COURTS run py pedophile rings? * On 8 December 2011, *The Ellis County Observer*...
About 1000 asteroids big enough to cause catastrophic damage if they hit Earth are orbiting relatively nearby, a NASA survey shows. In a project known as Spaceguard, the US space agency was ordered by Con...
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday it is considering releasing into the Pacific Ocean low-level radioactive water now stored in tanks at the premises of its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power pla...
The education ministry commissioned a group managed by top executives of utility firms to produce supplementary books on radiation for elementary, junior and senior high school students even after the outb...
A nationwide power outage hit Ghana for close to four hours on Wednesday night moments after the Uefa Champions League games ended. Accra residents in particular, who thought the power cut was just one of ...
A massive influx of jellyfish shut down the St. Lucie nuclear power plant in late August, but it is only now that nuclear regulators, wildlife officials and marine researchers are learning that the event a...
At least eight children in Ecuador's Amazon basin region have died after being bitten by rabid bats, officials said Saturday. "So far the deaths of eight children have been confirmed," Health Minister Da...
Dengue and Yellow Fever are among the diseases carried by exotic types of mosquito caught by biosecurity staff at the Ports of Auckland. Two species of the unwanted insect were discovered on Tuesday on a ...
Businesses will begin cleaning up this morning after heavy rain caused flash flooding in Roma in Queensland's southern inland overnight. The storm dumped 65 millimetres of rain in 20 minutes, inundating th...
"In accordance with the cybercrime law, access to this website is not possible," read a notice to anyone inside Iran trying to visit The "Virtual Embassy Tehran" website -- which make...
Escalation of the covert US-Israeli campaign against Tehran risks a global storm. Opposition has to get more serious. They don't give up. After a decade of blood-drenched failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, ...
*Ternate, North Maluku. *Residents here are beginning to suffer from upper respiratory tract infections as a result of the ongoing eruption of Mount Gamalama. “Three of my children have been suffering fr...
As many as 2,209 people are taking refuge due to eruption of Mount Gamalama in Indonesia's North Maluku province as of Thursday, a press statement said here. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of the Center of Da...
The remains of a pair of ancient compound eyes that belonged to the world's first super predator have been discovered by fossil hunters in Australia. Anomalocaris was a soft-bodied marine animal that patro...
Thailand: A U.S. citizen received a 2.5-year prison sentence in Thailand on Thursday for insulting the king, prompting the American Embassy to issue a rare rebuke, saying it supported free speech and that ...
( `Supported Free Speech` : apparently they don`t know what the Senate just passed. How much `Free Speech`is there when your person is at risk : or we can ask those jailed in peaceful OWS demonstrations after being assaulted in raids by militarized police)
December 9, 2011
December 8, 2011
December 7, 2011
December 5, 2011
December 2, 2011
December 1, 2011
November 29, 2011
November 30, 2011
November 28, 2011
November 23, 2011