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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2 March - Partisan Punditry Perusal

Jim Hightower at the 2008 Texas Book Festival,...Image via Wikipedia
As Abraham Lincoln famously said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." When you put enough dots in front of people sooner or later they will connect the dots. And Americans are connecting th...
Thank you, Scott Walker! And you, too, Charles and David Koch! Thanks for being so ham-handed in pushing your self-serving, virulently anti-union agenda on the schoolteachers, health care workers, park rangers and other public employees of Wisconsin.
Robert Scheer: "The gift that keeps on giving" should have been the headline on the Pentagon's decision to award Boeing Co. a $35 billion defense contract. Defense of the nation, of course, had nothing to do with it, since the end of the Cold War also ended the need for midair refueling of the nucle...
Koch Industries, the international conglomerate owned by Charles and David Koch, is not only the second largest private company in America, it is the most politically active. As ThinkProgress has carefully documented over the last three years, Koch groups have spent tens of millions to influence gov...
William Rivers Pitt: If I hear one more person talk about the "liberal media" in America, I will probably vomit on them. It was a stupid and ridiculous thing to say last week - take a long look at which mega-corporations own which news networks, and you won't find a "liberal" entity anywhere on the ...
On Monday afternoon, the Capitol Police in Madison, Wisconsin refused to enforce an order to clear the Capitol building of hundreds of peaceful protesters who have been occupying the site to protest Governor Scott Walker's plan to eliminate the collective bargaining rights of public employees.
Normally, in media accounts, you hear about the Pentagon budget and the war-fighting supplementary funds passed by Congress for our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. That already gets you into a startling price range - close to $700 billion for 2012 - but that’s barely more than half of it. 
"The Class Slipper" Need help understanding how the Military Industrial Congressional Complex works and how it is draining our economy? "The Pentagon Labyrinth, 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It" is now available for FREE download here: http://dnipogo.org/labyrinth/
"The Class Slipper" Another helpful resource/article to help understand the impact of the MICC on the economy: http://chuckspinney.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-military-spending-weakens-economy.html
The crisis of corporate influence over American democracy is the latest subject of award-winning Internet filmmaker, Annie Leonard, who, on March 1, released "The Story of Citizens United v. FEC," an animated short.
Clay Bennett's latest editorial cartoon.
Dean Baker: Part of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's union-busting agenda is including a "right to work" rule for public-sector employees. Several other Republican governors are considering similar measures for both the public and private sectors.
Henry A. Giroux: Signaling a generational crisis that is global in scope, young people have sent a message to the world that they refuse to live any longer under repressive political regimes sustained by a morally bankrupt neoliberal world.
Let's play a game called "Washington Budget Whackers Go Wacky"! Unfortunately, though, it's not a game. Ax-wielding Republicans and Democrats alike are madly whacking at our nation's public programs in a political contest to show which of them is the scroogiest of all.
Last weekend, ABC News heavily promoted its special "Made in America" series that will run all week. From the promotions, it looks like the series will focus partly on what happens when a US household seeks to remove all furnishings and other items from its home that are not made in America. 
Anna Becker looks tired. Becker is leaning against the brick wall beside the entrance to Bank of America's Pearl District branch in Portland, Oregon, where one of over 50 nationwide protests by US Uncut has been underway for nearly two hours.
The call reportedly arrived from Cairo. Pizza for the protesters, the voice said. It was Saturday, February 20th, and by then Ian's Pizza on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, was overwhelmed. One employee had been assigned the sole task of answering the phone and taking down orders. And in they ca...
Khalil Bendib's latest editorial cartoon features the sacred cows of our current political parties: Wall Street and the Military-Industrail Complex. 
 Keith Olbermann 4Image by afagen via Flickr
Everyone should be extremely proud of what we all accomplished together this weekend. I'm immensely enjoying reading the reports and seeing the pictures and video from each chapter. My email inbox is full of messages from excited chapter members eager to hear about when the next protest will be (pay
Thanks to a CNN documentary airing this week, the tale of FBI informant Ernest Withers is now well known. The black photographer spent years busily documenting the civil rights movement and capturing candid images of its leaders, most notably Martin Luther King, Jr.
An article in the New York Times, April 9, 1944. From Henry A. Wallace, Democracy Reborn (New York, 1944), edited by Russell Lord, p. 259.
Industrial globalised agriculture is heavily implicated in climate change. It contributes to the three major greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2) from the use of fossil fuels, nitrogen oxide (N2O) from the use of chemical fertilizers and methane (CH4) from factory farming. According to the Intergo
Sunday evening, February 27, hundreds of millions of movie fans will watch the 83d annual Academy Awards. These viewers may not be aware of a fact that merits particular attention this year, as Wisconson’s public sector employees stand up for their rights: every presenter and almost every recipien
Today, hundreds of thousands of people comprising a Main Street Movement — a coalition of students, the retired, union workers, public employees, and other middle class Americans — are in the streets, demonstrating against brutal cuts to public services and crackdowns on organized labor being pushed
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates bluntly told an audience of West Point cadets on Friday that it would be unwise for the United States to ever fight another war like Iraq or Afghanistan, and that the chances of carrying out a change of government in that fashion again were slim.
On January 12, thirty thousand people attended a memorial service for the seven victims of the Tucson massacre. Thirty thousand: that’s about the same number of Americans who died in 2006 from gunshot wounds. Almost one hundred every day.
Madison, WisconsinImage via Wikipediawww.truth-out.org
People congregate outside the Wisconsin Capitol to protest a plan proposed by Gov. Scott Walker to limit public employees' bargaining rights, in Madison, Wis., Feb. 26, 2011. Tens of thousands of demonstrators flooded the square around the capitol on Saturday afternoon in what local authorities call
Chen Guangcheng, a blind, 39-year-old self-taught human rights lawyer in China who was recently released after years in prison, has been put in home detention, isolated and beaten by authorities. Winner of numerous human rights awards, Chen was imprisoned for investigating violence and forced aborti...
Moammar Gadhafi found himself on the weekend even more isolated in his last major stronghold of Tripoli, as a former top aide declared he was forming a national opposition government and President Barack Obama said the Libyan dictator should leave "now."
“Mom’s in intensive care. Mom says: Go to Madison.” Such was the conversation with my sister last week as demonstrations erupted across Wisconsin to stop Governor Walker’s union busting, health care gutting, budget “repair” bill. My eighty-eight year old mother was admitted to the emergency room wit
Pakistani and Indian newspapers are reporting that Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor in jail in Lahore facing murder charges for the execution-slayings of two young men believed to by Pakistani intelligence operatives, was actually involved in organizing terrorist activities in Pakistan. As the Expr
wow-thingImage by x-ray delta one via Flickr
Richard D. Wolff: Over the last half-century, the richest Americans have shifted the burden of the federal individual income tax off themselves and onto everybody else. The three convenient and accurate Wikipedia graphs below show the details.
Consider these clips named YES we are under attack 1 to 6 as a whole, it is then blatantly obvious we are being attacked and face a daily onslaught never before perpetrated against so many people. Recent evidence points to GM foods being the cause of the awful disease that has swept America. A
beforeitsnews.comIt is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet.
‎*What is predictive programming? Alan Watt explains: "Hollywood is the magician's wand (holly-holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public. Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bwa-bwa-chica-bwa-wow!Image by x-ray delta one via Flickrbizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fan
( You could see this when '24' came out. Suddenly torture was chic and lifesaving in the War on Terra. Perception Alteration should be ready for another hit  )

When something is too dangerous to apply topically, why not just put it in the food supply? What planet are these people from? # Red #3 (Erythrosine) Recognized in 1990 by the FDA as a thyroid carcinogen in animals and is banned in cosmetics and externally applied drugs. What it's in: Sausage casings, oral medication, maraschino cherries, baked goods, candies.
Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of those who criticise the p
Empower disenfranchised communities of the Southwest, to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice.
Consider these clips named YES we are under attack 1 to 6 as a whole, it is then blatantly obvious we are being attacked and face a daily onslaught never before perpetrated against so many people. Recent evidence points to GM foods being the cause of the awful disease that has swept America. A
The dangers of food coloring include an increased risk of cancer and other diseases.
From 1998 to 2005 two-thirds of American corporations did not pay any taxes. Now, middle-class Americans are fighting back. Ryan Clayton of US Uncut.org, and Justin Ruben of MoveOn.org, talk with MSNBC's Cenk Uygur about the protests sweeping across America and how you can get involved.
‎'Weapons accumulated since the '80s are crammed into 12 hangars now under control of anti-Gaddafi forces.' Martin Chulov, Guardian UK
‎'If you take away the right to strike, you are taking the biggest bargaining chip off the table,' said Senator Joe Schiavoni, a Democrat.' Sabrina Tavernise, Richard A. Oppel Jr., The New York Times
It was and has been ever since the end of December, the conclusion of a year in which workers' share of the US economic pie shrank to the smallest piece ever: 54.4 percent of GDP, down from about 60 percent in the 1970s.' Rana Foroohar, TIME
This Video contains Closed Captioned Subtitles! View in many different languages! SEE ALSO setfree68 UPDATE: Tried to email Al-Jazeera for clarification of this claim. As yet NO response. After the BBC censored this clip and then reinstated it, then some of them now claiming they NEVER censored 
‎"It's crucial that individuals have a voice," he said at a press conference with Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne. Otherwise, he said, people could resort to "desperate actions. 
RJ Eskow, in today's Chimp: "Call it a 'general strike' ... from above. Republicans in Congress are trying to paralyze the government with their new budget bill, using a "disrupt and defeat" strategy to prevent it from delivering services promised to the the nation's citizens and required under current law. It's fiscal sabotage, plain and simple. Will people fight back?"
David Michael Green, in today's Chimp: "Whatever else one can say about America (and, regrettably, there is a lot), its place in human history is secure. These are remarkable achievements individually, and they are astonishing collectively. Which just makes it all the more jaw-dropping to watch such a country commit national suicide, and especially to do so for all the stupidest of reasons."
Donna Smith, in today's Chimp: "'Republican lawmakers who support the bills say the state can no longer afford its burgeoning indigent-health-care program, which now insures more than 1.3 million Arizonans, and they believe those who qualify should shoulder more of the costs.' Let them die. Let them suffer. Let them go broke. Those lousy indigents have no right to anything. In Arizona, the poor are expendable."
RJ Eskow, in today's Chimp: "'Entitlement reform' is a euphemism for deep cuts to programs that are vital and even life-saving for millions of elderly and poor people, but it's politically unpalatable to say that. So it became necessary to come up with yet another cognition-killing term designed to numb us from the human toll of our political actions. 'Entitlement reform' is the new 'collateral damage.'"
Russ Baker, in today's Chimp: "Thus, the fact that [al-Libi] suddenly 'killed himself' while being held by Qaddafi’s police state at least raises the question of whether Qaddafi was doing a favor for the US. Of course, by 2009, when al-Libi suddenly died, Obama had become president—but it’s safe to say that deep, covert cleanup operations don’t end with an inauguration."
Dennis Rahkonen, in today's Chimp: "As potholes proliferate, as levees erode and bridge trusses rust, while crumbling schools beg for scarce dollars, what do conservatives advocate? They want lower taxes and more extravagant breaks for the rich. Meanwhile, public sector employees, typical wage earners, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are targeted for sacrifice."
Don Monkerud, in today's Chimp: "Extending Bush tax cuts creates a deficit of $3.7 trillion over ten years. While such cuts are supposed to create jobs, America's 500 largest non-financial corporations are hoarding $2 trillion in cash and corporate profits grew 36 percent in 2010, while hiring plummeted. Tax breaks are used to increase CEO pay and expand corporate monopolies. Does this support the common good?"
 ( Heads, I Win; Tails,You Lose Economics )

Marty Kaplan, in today's Chimp: " Today, watching what's been going on in Madison, Wisconsin, as well as in Washington, D.C., I can't help thinking that the real monsters are chortling at their success in pitting neighbor against neighbor, and I can't help marveling at their genius for distraction and unaccountability."
David Michael Green, in today's Chimp: "It's crucial to understand what the regressive initiative that our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin are right now fighting is really all about, and how that fits into the context of our era. This is just the latest, and nearly the last, in a succession of efforts in America over the last three decades to move money from the hands of non-elites to those of oligarchs."
William Rivers Pitt, in today's Chimp: "These are days to be remembered. These are days to join up, and join in. Similarly brutal and savagely anti-worker bills are pending in more than a dozen states - there was a similar protest in Ohio on Thursday, which looks to be just as chippy as what is taking place in Wisconsin - so this fight will continue to be waged across this great land."
Stephen Pizzo, in today's Chimp: "Meanwhile, out here where the rubber hits the road for the 99.9% of the rest of us, all I see is a once state-of-the-art nation falling apart, students being left behind the rest of the developing world, roads and bridges falling apart, entire states, counties and cities bankrupt and once proud middle class families losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their dignity."2001 Power PlantImage via Wikipedia
Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication...
RJ Eskow, in today's Chimp: "Deficits aren't caused by spending. They're caused by spending more than you collect. Yet in a year when the medias is breathlessly sounding the alarm over 'entitlement' programs, which will cost around $800 billion this year, it remains rather silent about ten years' worth of tax "entitlements" - sorry, tax 'breaks' - to the wealthiest 2% of Americans, which cost more than $1 trillion."
Bill Moyers, in today's Chimp: "George Orwell had warned six decades ago that the corrosion of language goes hand in hand with the corruption of democracy. If he were around today, he would remind us that 'like the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket,' this kind of propaganda engenders a 'protective stupidity' almost impossible for facts to penetrate."
www.smirkingchimp.com Robert Redford, Jim HightowerImage by Public Citizen via Flickr
David Michael Green, in today's Chimp: "...almost every penny of that growth has gone to the already rich, while the middle, working and poor classes continue to sink. Did that maldistribution of wealth occur by accident? No, it is precisely the result of the public policies we adopted, on issues ranging from taxation to trade to labor relations to regulation to bailouts to spending priorities to corporate welfare."
Bob Burnett, in today's Chimp: "The new Republican House majority had no sooner settled into their offices than they proposed savage restrictions of women's reproductive rights. Americans might question the GOP actions, since the new laws have nothing to do with Republican campaign promises to create jobs and reduce the Federal deficit. But it's consistent with their archconservative ideology."
Eric Boehlert, in today's Chimp: "A former Fox News employee confirmed what critics have been saying for years about Murdoch’s cable channel: that Fox News is run as a purely partisan operation, virtually every news story is actively spun by the staff, its primary goal is to prop up Republicans and knock down Democrats, and that staffers at Fox News operate without the slightest regard for fairness or fact checking."
Jack Lessenberry, in today's Chimp: "Once upon the time, there was a quaint belief that journalism was supposed to help us make sense of the world. One of the major ways we did that was to sort out what was really important from that which was only fascinatingly loopy. Not only don't we do that anymore; even when we do try to tackle the serious news, we end up being manipulated by politicians of all stripes."
David Sirota, in today's Chimp: "The more angry the subjugated population becomes at the dictator and us for backing him, the more we feel an urgency to help prop up the dictator for fear of an ever-more powerful backlash against that dictator and, by extension, us. It's like the addict thinking the only way to survive and mitigate pain is to keep upping the dosage."
Martin Longman
RT @: Fox News Announces Suspension Of Contributor Status For Gingrich, Santorum As They Consider Presidential Runs || Why bother?
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and aircraft from...Image via Wikipedia
Martin Longman
Casual Observation
Martin Longman
Some Jobs Are Just Immoral
Martin Longman
Humpday Odds & Ends USS Abraham Lincoln Sailors hold basketball to...Image by Official U.S. Navy Imagery via Flickr
Martin Longman
RT @: Could the Beltway press be any more broken? || Yes, and it will get even more broken, there are no brakes
Martin Longman
So, What's Next?
Martin Longman
RT @: boehner orders thermostats in house offices set to 86 in winter and 62 in summer||Soon: coal burning furnaces in every office
Martin Longman
The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Read
Martin Longman
Incipit Newt 2.0
David Roberts
Estimating the Global Public Health Implications of Electricity and Coal Consumption
David Roberts
Frequently Asked Questions About the REINS Act Worst bill you've never heard of.

Schwarzenegger calls for Tunisian-style green revolution

"What you in this room also are saying by the work that you do is: We want to subvert the status quo. We want change. Innovation. We want to overturn the old energy order."

Today, in the same way, we are stuck on global climate change.  Let's face it ... if we haven't convinced the skeptics by now, we aren't going to. So, unless the North Pole breaks off this spring and floats up onto the north shore of Long Island, let's move past the old arguments."


  • opit
  • 2 Mar 2011 11:43am
What we have is institutional inertia. Copyright law and patent law are devices to stifle creativity. Interestingly, China is getting on the bandwagon and is looking to turn its green research into patent protected technology.
This is the same country that has tried for a virtual stranglehold on rare earth elements needed in computer parts.
It's time to find out if there are substitutes for costly minerals which are running out. I recall reading about one enterprise that was using human hair in the manufacture of solar panels !

I agree it is time to 'get past' the 'climate change' meme : where valid concerns about the limits of human wisdom and ability have been turned into a mockery by the omnipresent 'Denier' meme : a mainstay of U.S. propaganda for decades which itself 'denies' equal opportunity rebuttal by 'taking both sides in an argument.' That's perpetrating a farce.

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