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CFACT21 hours ago
China laughs as the “woke” West self-implodesAs China builds more and more coal-fired power plants, consolidates its stranglehold on rare-earth metals vital for 21st century economies, and extends its influence into America’s backyard, “woke” Westerners are marching like lemmings toward the energy poverty cliff. The post China laughs as the “woke” West self-implodes appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Mass Formation Psychosis takes shape in America [Video]A psychosis is forming in America and in some other places around the world as the result of COVID-19’s ongoing mutations and waves, but more, because of the way the governments of these countries and their information media are driving the situation. For perhaps the first time in the COVID crisis, in the United States […] read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
15 products to help you get organized in the new yearMark the new year by getting organized. Need a little inspiration? We've got the perfect products to help you get started. read more
Real Climate Science22 hours ago
It Is A Physical PrincipleWhen a climate alarmist claims “basic principles” – you can be 97% certain you are hearing junk science and propaganda. read more
balance1020 hours ago
Listen well.O Mighty Ones of God, Hear not the word of the Adversary! For in this hour it is drowned by the thunder of Elohim who must rearrange the heavens and earth that the cradle of Light might be formed for the Divine One and his appearing in your midst, and that these threads of Darkness might be pulled. T herefore, beloved, understand the purpose of the Call and recognize that the labor of the Great White Brotherhood of which ye are a part is most truly for the very moving of elements of Earth in answer to the prayer of many, many righteous ones who say, “O God, let Thy kingdom co... read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
Lawrence Wilkerson: Is Biden Risking War by Pushing Taiwan Independence?Larry Wilkerson discusses whether Biden is provoking a military response from China that could go nuclear. read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Could European & US F-35s Save the Baltics from a Russian Invasion? *Kris Osborn* *F-35, Europe* F-35s are taking to the skies all over Europe. That paints a new picture when it comes to any ability to deter or destroy Russian forces from the Baltic Sea. A quick look at a map of the Baltic Sea raises new possibilities for U.S. and NATO allied Air Forces in Northern Europe. It's all thanks to the rapid arrival of new Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter jets. Just last year, Denmark received its first F-35, Norway conducted F-35 training missions, the Royal Netherlands Air Force declared its F-35s operational. Poland increased its F-35 force, U.... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Americans Were Upgrading the B-52 Bomber, Then the Soviets Destroyed It*Trevor Filseth* *XB-70 Valkyrie, * Only two of the enormous XB-70 bombers were ever built. Of these, only one exists today, in the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio; the other was destroyed in a mid-air collision in 1966. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Only two of the enormous XB-70 bombers were ever built; one resides in a museum in Ohio, the other was destroyed in a collision in 1966. The XB-70 Valkyrie was a massive undertaking on the part of North American Aviation, which pitched the plane to the U.S. Air Force as a successor to the legendary B-52 bomber. At the... read more
naked capitalism21 hours ago
Our Ancestors Worked Less and Had Better Lives. What Are We Doing Wrong?In an age of both untold prosperity and existential crisis, it’s time to rethink work read more
The Duran21 hours ago
2021: the year of political bankruptcy of Lithuanian governmentRamūnas Karbauskis, Lithuanian businessman and politician, Chairman of the Farmers and Greens Union severely criticized Lithuanian authorities’ actions. The Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (Lithuanian: LVŽS) is a green-conservative and agrarian political party in Lithuania. Following the 2020 parliamentary election, the LVŽS has been in opposition to the Šimonytė Cabinet. Ramūnas Karbauskis did not even […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Why Is Chicago More Dangerous Than Kabul?
For AK Nation, that is a rhetorical question – Chiraq is the capital of Blakistan, but for you here are the reasons. The city is awash with illegal guns and drugs. Last year, seventy-six police officers were shot at or actually shot. Chicago has a massive problem with gangs, which are actually recruiting young boys. […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Dollar breaches R$5.70 after tougher Fed speechRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The U.S. Central Bank's toughening of the U.S. interest rate hike caused turbulence in the global financial market. The dollar surpassed the R$5.70 threshold, on the third consecutive day of highs. The commercial dollar closed Wednesday, January 5, at R$5.712, up R$0.022 (+0.39%). The quotation followed the pattern of recent […] The post Dollar breaches R$5.70 after tougher Fed speech appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
A Look Back at MedicineWaiting for Smugglers Inexact Science (Historical Reference) Having been exposed to the medical establishment, I’ve seen different standards of care provided by doctors within the same insurance group. Some are careful, some are careless. Having some time on my hands, I turned to the days of Fighting Sail as I often do, […] The post A Look Back at Medicine appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
São Paulo street blocks announce decision not to participate in CarnivalRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the statement, the cancellation is due to the lack of clarity and consensus among federal, state, and municipal government institutions in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing health and social crisis. "With more than 600 blocks regularly registered for a potential holding of our festivity, […] The post São Paulo street blocks announce decision not to participate in Carnival appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Islamic State Launches Surprise Attack on Iraqi Peshmerga*Trevor Filseth* *Peshmerga, Middle East* The attack, which took place in the northern Diyala province, consisted of a combined roadside bomb and sniper ambush. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although ISIS was territorially defeated within Iraq in 2017, cells of the group’s adherents remain and have carried out traditional terror tactics. The Peshmerga are favorite targets of the group. Five Kurdish “Peshmerga” fighters were killed, and four wounded, in an Islamic State (ISIS) attack on Friday, according to Iraq’s northeastern Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack, ... read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
How the F-15E Replaced the F-16XL*Trevor Filseth* *Aviation History, * The F-15E enjoyed many of the F-16XL’s advantages, and brought its own; it was slightly faster at Mach 2.5, could fly higher, and, crucially, boasted two engines instead of one. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The F-16XL was pitched as faster, lighter, and able to carry more, but it largely failed due to an even more sophisticated F-15E. In 1977, after the successful sale of the F-16 “Fighting Falcon” to the Air Force, U.S. defense contractor General Dynamics launched a project intended as a technology demonstrator. This project, the “S... read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Bahia totals 163 municipalities in a state of emergency due to floodsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bahia has reached 163 municipalities with declared emergency situations due to floods in several regions of the state, said on Wednesday, January 5, the Superintendence of Protection and Civil Defense (SUDEC). The last six cities to declare an emergency situation were Aiquara, Barro Alto, Bom Jesus da Serra, Brumado, Itamari […] The post Bahia totals 163 municipalities in a state of emergency due to floods appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s Health cites risk of myocarditis in children to justify longer interval between vaccine dosesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Special Secretary for the Fight against Covid-19 Rosana Leite de Melo cited in a press conference on Wednesday, January 5, the alleged risk of myocarditis (proven rare) in the administration of the vaccine against Covid-19 in children aged 5 to 11. The Secretary justified the Ministry's adoption of a longer […] The post Brazil’s Health cites risk of myocarditis in children to justify longer interval between vaccine doses appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil: Pfizer confirms delivery of children vaccines to begin January 10RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Pfizer on Wednesday, January 5, confirmed that vaccine doses against Covid-19 for children aged 5 to 11 will begin to be delivered in the week of January 10. In a statement, the pharmaceutical company says that 20 million doses will be delivered in the first quarter this year. According to […] The post Brazil: Pfizer confirms delivery of children vaccines to begin January 10 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s Gol posts 15.2% increase in airline demand in Q4RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Gol (GOLL4) released its operating forecast for December showing that total demand (measured by passenger-kilometer carried, RPK) increased 15.2% in the fourth quarter compared to the same period in 2020. The supply (seat-kilometer offered, ASK) rose 13% between October and December over the same period in 2020. The occupancy rate […] The post Brazil’s Gol posts 15.2% increase in airline demand in Q4 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
OrientalReview.org1 day ago
Sir Tony Blair: Bloody Knight Of The RealmAwards and honours bestowed by States or private committees, republican or monarchical, are bound to be corrupted by considerations of hypocrisy, racketeering and general, chummy disposition. From the Nobel Peace Prize to the range of eccentric and esoteric orders bestowed each year in Britain by Her Majesty, diddling and manipulating […] read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Russia-Belarus Joint Military Exercises Stoke Fear of Invasion*Trevor Filseth* *Belarus, Eurasia* In recent months, Russia has increased the number of troops on the border it shares with Ukraine and stoked fears of an invasion. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Belarusian troops have never played a major role in the ongoing confrontation between Russia and Ukraine over the former’s 2014 seizure of the Crimean Peninsula and support for pro-Russian secessionist rebels in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region. In November, state-run media outlets within Belarus announced that the country would hold joint military exercises with Russia on the two ... read more
War News Updates22 hours ago
5 Threats To The Global Economy In 2022Global economic recovery has lost momentum due to pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions *DW: **5 threats to the global economy in 2022* *The global economic recovery is being held back by the ongoing COVID pandemic. However, the mutating coronavirus is just one of the main risks which could dampen investor spirits in the coming year.* The global economy recovered strongly in 2021 from its pandemic lows, only to lose some of its steam in the second half thanks to fresh pandemic outbreaks, supply chain bottlenecks, labor shortages and a slow rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, e... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Earth’s Oldest Ocean Giant Was a Reptile With an Eight-Foot Skull
My problem is that i see no good reason for these creatures to go extinct. They could make a handy living today. In that case, they may well be doing fine in the Deep in particular. We have had reports of encounters but few so far. This will hardly improve until we stop using screws again. what i have discovered is that such ancient specimens are specific to unique habitats that make human interction unlikely. They are also not widespread at all. Would a breaching ichy actually look different than a whale? Then does it dive to depth and stay there? all this is simple eno... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Study: Loving-Kindness Meditation Slows Biological Aging & Protects DNA StrandsThis is obviously a positive result and i am left wondering if lenthening is a plausible objective for meditation. It may werll lead to ba metric for training effectiveness. Is this a plausible on off switch in terms of all training programs. So far we are looking at indicators and pretty broad speculation that really needs to be rigorously developed. what about expereinced meditators? This is about a bunch of rookies. *Study: Loving-Kindness Meditation Slows Biological Aging & Protects DN... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
100,000 excess deaths per month happening right now in the USA
Happy yet. The current death rate trend is on line to produce up to 2,000,000,000 dead, exactly as informed vfrom the other side. What we do not now know is the level of female infertility. Understand that most numbers can be suppressed. That is not true with the life insyurance industry. They must almost immediately cancel insurance to all vaccinated individuals if they want to survive. That is coming and quickly. That trend has not changed at all. This is looking more and more like a direct CCP and NAZI assault of Western civilization. Scared yet? *Life insurance com... read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Here’s what the SECRET dot in your iPhone’s weather app meansThere's a mysterious dot on your iPhone's weather app. Here's why. read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Can Ukraine's Revamped Armed Forces Stand Up to a Russian Invasion?*Mark Episkopos* *Ukraine, Eurasia* Military power is dangerously lopsided in Moscow's favor. As tensions mount in the ongoing military standoff between Russia and Ukraine, Western intelligence sources are warning that the Russian forces gradually massing along Ukraine’s eastern border could strike at any moment. But what form can such an attack possibly take, and how would Ukraine’s military fare in a direct military confrontation with its Russian neighbor? Ukraine’s Armed Forces have undergone substantial reforms since the pitched fighting of 2014-2015, evolving into a relati... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Without the KC-46 Tanker, the U.S. Air Force Be as Good as Dead*Dan Goure* *Air warfare, United States* The KC-46 is primarily intended to replace the aging KC-135 Stratotanker. The KC-46 will be a substantial improvement over the KC-135 regarding the amount of fuel it can deliver and its cargo capacity. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* In some respects, the success of the K-46 is the most important of all these achievements. It is the capability of the aerial refueling fleet that gives the Air Force its global reach and the ability to concentrate decisive military power wherever it chooses. Last week, the KC-46 Pegasus aerial refueling a... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
The U.S. Is Losing in the Hypersonic Weapon Race*Dan Goure* *Hypersonic Missiles, China, Russia, United States* A new “missile gap” is emerging, one that is based in fact. This is the disparity between the United States and its main competitors, Russia and China, in the field of hypersonic weapons systems. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Over the past several decades, the U.S. may have lost its erstwhile lead in a number of advanced military technologies, including hypersonics. But this does not mean it is out of the race. In a speech on the Senate floor on August 14, 1958, then-Senator and aspiring presidential candidate... read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil’s Bolsonaro enacts law benefiting coal industry in Santa CatarinaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The bill had been presented early in Bolsonaro's term, but was only passed by the Senate in mid-December last year with the support of the Santa Catarina caucus. Despite the renewal of the authorization for this thermoelectric plant (coal-fired), the new law establishes the PTJ (Fair Transition Policy), focused on […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro enacts law benefiting coal industry in Santa Catarina appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
World's Largest Port Grinding To A Halt As Covid Outbreak Worsens*Zero Hedge: **Ningbo Port Activity Grinds To A Halt As China Outbreak Worsens* After authorities found more COVID cases in Ningbo, a port city and industrial hub home to one of the world's largest ports, residents are facing a partial lockdown, and reports claim that movement of essential products has been dramatically slowed as the lockdown measures slow activity at the port. Beijing has managed to keep reports about the situation mostly under wraps, but reports in Bloomberg and several trade journals have warned that the slowdowns at the port could have wide-ranging ramifica... read more
Untitled* Bjorn Lomborg says that global warming is real and damaging but the damage is trivial* * Academic article:* "Welfare in the 21st century: Increasing development, reducing inequality, the impact of climate change, and the cost of climate policies" Abstract Climate change is real and its impacts are mostly negative, but common portrayals of devastation are unfounded. Scenarios set out under the UN Climate Panel (IPCC) show human welfare will likely increase to 450% of today's welfare over the 21st century. Climate damages will reduce this welfare increase to 434%. Arguments for... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Ministry of Health reverses; releases vaccination of children without prescriptionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Health on Wednesday, January 5, authorized the administration of the vaccine against Covid-19 in children aged 5 to 11 without the need for a doctor's prescription. In the press release, the Ministry did not set a specific date for vaccination to start, which will be carried out […] The post Ministry of Health reverses; releases vaccination of children without prescription appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Imagine Electric Vehicles In Bad WeatherBy Ronald Stein ~ With more than forty percent of the EV’s in America being in California at the end of 2020, the EV popularity in California has gotten President Biden so excited to want the rest of the country to follow California’s lead that Biden issued a new executive order that pushes for half […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Texas 1836 Project To Examine State’s History, FutureBy Fred Lucas ~ The 1836 Project Advisory Committee will examine the glories of Texas history, as well as its “warts,” members said Wednesday at the first meeting of its nine-member advisory board. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation creating the committee in June. Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836. In September, the […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
WHO reports show food safety strategy progressThe World Health Organization (WHO) has published two reports from meetings of a group working on its revised food safety strategy. WHO’s food safety strategy for 2022 to 2030 will be taken up by the 75th World Health Assembly in May. The FAO will also present an updated food safety strategy this year. The first Technical... Continue Reading read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
Andrews sacks Victorians for refusing the jab, but rules don’t apply to elite sportsmenThere’s one story today on the mind of Australians and it’s the Morrison government’s decision to deny unvaccinated tennis champion Novak Djokovic a visa for the upcoming Australian Open tennis tournament. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Study finds climate change could worsen microbial contamination of raw milkClimate change could have a big impact on the microbiological quality of raw milk in Europe, according to a study. While many organisms suffer from the increased temperatures of climate change, some E. coli strains seem to be thriving. The danger is they have the potential to adapt to withstand the pasteurization process. Unpasteurized, raw... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA continues investigations into several outbreaks of foodborne illnesses
The patient count continues to rise in an outbreak of infections from Salmonella Javiana. Officials from the Food and Drug Administration report that the outbreak has now sickened at least 64 people. As of this past week, the patient count stood at 60 patients. No cause has been identified for the ongoing outbreak. The FDA... Continue Reading read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
Ignorant Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe disgraces her nationAfter demanding the Morrison government stop acquiring weapons to protect us from CCP expansionism, the Greens are now inciting violence in our nation’s capital. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Tweets Of The DayA Russia-led military alliance says it will dispatch peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan. Protests of rising fuel prices have escalated into violence, including the seizure and setting afire of some government buildings. https://t.co/JJH8YH2wlO — The Associated Press (@AP) January 6, 2022 Biden will call Trump the 'singular responsibility' behind the Capitol riot 'carnage' and a ‘threat to democracy' in January 6 speech https://t.co/JydcOYfu5d — Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) January 5, 2022 The U.S. CDC backed its week-old guidance for a five-day COVID-19 isolation period while adding ... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Picture Of The DayPeople holds signs and chant slogans as protestors demonstrate against mandates for the vaccines against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as they rally outside the New York State Capitol in Albany, New York, U.S., January 5, 2022. REUTERS/Mike Segar *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Americans protest COVID-19 rules as infections reach an all time high* (Reuters). read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Turkish Uyghurs File Criminal Complaint Against China*Trevor Filseth* *Uyghurs, * Although charging the Chinese government for its own practices within its own territory would nominally be a violation of its sovereignty, Turkish courts recognize the principle of universal jurisdiction for human rights abuses. A group of Uyghurs living in Turkey has filed a criminal complaint against more than one hundred Chinese government officials, accusing them of crimes against humanity for the government’s treatment of Uyghurs in China’s westernmost province, the “Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.” The complaint was filed on Tuesday at the Ch... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
How Italian Special Operators Sunk a British Battleship*Robert Farley* *Italy, Europe* In order to further redress the imbalance, the Italians conceived a daring operation to attack British ships directly. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The raid helped demonstrate the potential for special operations forces to have a* strategic* impact, and influenced how both the United States and the Soviet Union thought about special operators after the war. Mussolini’s effort to seize control of the Mediterranean had, by late 1941, largely ended in failure. The success of the Royal Navy in the raid on Taranto and at the Battle of Cape Mat... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Is Russia Preparing for War Against Ukraine?*Mark Episkopos* *Russia, Eurasia* Ukrainian military intelligence estimates that there are currently 94,000 Russian troops at the border. *Here's What to Remember: *The Biden administration is reportedly not entertaining a U.S. military response in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. As Russian troops continue to mass on Ukraine’s borders, Kiev and Washington sound the alarm over a potential invasion scenario. A recent crop of U.S. intelligence assessments found that the Kremlin is massing troops and military hardware along Russia’s side of the Russian-Ukrainian bord... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Why the U.S. Army Practices Sinking Warships*Sebastien Roblin* *Naval Strike Missile, United States* Multiple Launch Rocket Systesms may be accurate enough to potentially hit a ship, as the SINKEX exercise highlighted, but GPS-guidance alone will not suffice to hit a moving target. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Army and Marine Corps’s growing anti-ship capabilities show a willingness to adapt weapons systems originally designed for a Cold War slugfest in twentieth-century Europe to meet the changing security environment of the Pacific in the twenty-first century. *(This article first appeared in 2018.)* On July 12,... read more
Untitled* Tennessee College Offers $3k Incentive to Professors Teaching DEI* The University of Memphis told its professors that they could receive $3,000 stipends for “infusing” diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice into their curricula as part of the university’s “Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative.” That comes from an email sent to the faculty and obtained by the Washington Fee Beacon, which reported that: The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university’s co... read more
Untitled*Tennessee College Offers $3k Incentive to Professors Teaching DEI* The University of Memphis told its professors that they could receive $3,000 stipends for “infusing” diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice into their curricula as part of the university’s “Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative.” That comes from an email sent to the faculty and obtained by the Washington Fee Beacon, which reported that: The University of Memphis told faculty they could collect a $3,000 stipend for redesigning their curricula to align with the university’s comm... read more
#Omicron-led third wave infects more people but spares lungsOmicron-led third wave infects more people but spares lungs https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/omicron-led-third-wave-infects-more-people-but-spares-lungs/articleshow/88723017.cms Download Economic Times App to stay updated with Business News – https://etapp.onelink.me/tOvY/135dde21 read more
War News Updates1 day ago
U.S. And Germany Issue Joint Statement Warning Russia Over UkraineGerman Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (L) speaks during a news conference with Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the State Department, Jan. 5, 2022, in Washington. *VOA:* *US, Germany to 'Respond Swiftly' if Russian Aggression Against Ukraine Escalates * The United States and Germany reaffirmed their steadfast support for Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity on Wednesday, warning of "massive" and "severe consequences" if Russia invades neighboring Ukraine. The renewed warning comes days ahead of scheduled U.S.-Russia talks in Geneva next week. "Both Germany... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
January 6th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 352In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post January 6th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 352 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Thursday January 6th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday January 6th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Y2Kyoto: A Watched PotIt has been an exciting start to the year where I live, because the highest astronomical tide was forecast for 3rd January and there was a cyclone tracking towards us. On the highest tide each year, I wonder if the waves will reach to the wave cut notch at the bottom of the cliff face,… Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Australia Northern Territory Goes Another Step Further, Unvaxxed Are Now Locked Out of SocietyWe have discussed this guy before. [HERE and HERE and HERE]. Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner is a fast-talking little man of notoriously intemperate disposition who will not allow any criticism of his totalitarian tendencies. Gunner has promised to be as brutal as needed to stop COVID spread in the region. He will accept […] The post Australia Northern Territory Goes Another Step Further, Unvaxxed Are Now Locked Out of Society appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
January 6, 2022: Reader TipsWhile driving through the middle of Texas recently, this song came on the radio. I had never heard of Kenny Wayne Shepherd before but rather like this music. Your most interesting tips of the past day are much welcome! read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Center for Produce Safety funds 12 new research projects with $3.9 millionThe Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has funded 12 new research projects, valued at just more than $3.9 million, to help answer some of the industry’s most urgent produce food safety questions. The topics included in the 12 projects are risk evaluation and mitigation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella, Cyclospora control, and sanitation for harvesting... Continue Reading read more
War News Updates1 day ago
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Warns Russia That There Will Be No Progress With "Gun Pointed At Ukraine's Head"*Axios: **Blinken warns Russia: No progress with "gun pointed at Ukraine's head"* The U.S. and Germany's top diplomats issued a joint warning to Russia ahead of high-level security talks in Europe next week, pledging "massive" economic consequences if Vladimir Putin proceeds with an invasion of Ukraine. *Why it matters:* With Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border and questions swirling about how far Germany is prepared to go to deter Putin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and new German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock presented a united front at their first pre... read more
Manhattan Contrarian1 day ago
No End To The Audacious Deplatformings* About a year ago I had a series of posts covering some of the more audacious deplatformings and cancelations then occurring in the realms of progressive orthodoxy enforcement. * Examples of prominent victims of such conduct cited in my posts of February 22, 2021 and March 4, 2021 included: The Epoch Times (“demonetized” by Google, apparently as a result of relentless criticism of the Chinese Communist Party), Project Veritas (a constant irritant to the Left, shut out by Twitter), Catholic World Report (locked out by Twitter after calling President Biden’s nominee for Assistant Sec... read more
News – TOTT News1 day ago
BREAKING: Northern Territory orders lockdown of unvaccinated citizensUnvaccinated people in the Northern Territory have been placed in lockdown from 1pm local time on Thursday. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Jonestown PrecinctOn Wednesday, employees of KIRO Newsradio captured a shocking example of this new [no pursuit] policy in action when they recorded a driver of a stolen vehicle casually driving away from several police officers who had surrounded the car with their weapons drawn. The incident happened directly outside their studio in downtown Seattle. read more
Terra Forming Terra1 day ago
China’s Reform Generation Adapts to Life in the Middle ClassIt is really hard to imagine the scale of the transition that took place. You are literally born a dirt farmer and jump over a thirty year working career into a middle class existence. There is no real going back either as your entire comminity knows how to live bthis sway now and will not go backwards. even during the great depression the houses merely got a decade older. Nothing was ever really lost. Then economic resuregence and all boats rose. China is now going through a deep restructuring and there is plenty of pain but we start with a vested middle class who will sur... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Horrifying: Nano-Tech Implants Open Up Whole New World Of “Bio-Hacking”Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Celeste Expose: OPERATION ADAM — The Dark Plan to Remake Humanity — Destroying The Image of GodCeleste Expose: OPERATION ADAM — The Dark Plan to Remake Humanity — Destroying The Image of God by Celeste Solum, https://shepherdsheart.life/ “ADAM is a canvas of genetic modification… but Plasmids are the paint.” ― Yi Suchong – ADAM is a chemical substance that can rewrite genetic material, allowing the user to alter their bodies, their … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
FULL SHOW: President Of France Says Unvaccinated Individuals Are Not People And He Wants “To Piss Them Off”
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Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
EVIL: Globalists THREATEN Unvaccinated! – Macron Wants To “Piss Off” Unjabbed To “Bitter END!”
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Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
January 2022: A Game Changing Moment Between Russia, America and the WorldJanuary 2022: A Game Changing Moment Between Russia, America and the World by Tim Kirby, January 1, 2022, https://www.strategic-culture.org/ What Moscow is really asking for is to redraw the borders of influence between Russia and the West. – One of the most frequently asked questions about U.S.-Russian relations over the last few years has been … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pfizer Trial Data Shows Jab Caused Severe Fever in 1 Out of 5 Children
Pfizer Trial Data Shows Jab Caused Severe Fever in 1 Out of 5 Children by Adan Salazar, https://www.infowars.com/ * Data released to investors last month showed company struggling to figure out dosage for young age group. – Pfizer’s experimental mRNA jab caused one in five children aged 2–5 enrolled in clinical trials to develop severe … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Leo Zagami Reveals: The Occult Roots Of The Great Reset
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Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
China Launches iPhone And Android Apps for Its Digital Currency
China Launches iPhone And Android Apps for Its Digital Currency by Emma Roth, https://www.theverge.com/ The digital yuan isn’t a cryptocurrency, though China has rolled out a pilot version of an app that allows users to store and pay with digital yuan, also known as e-CNY, as reported by the South China Morning Post. And no, … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Scientist Discovers a Possible Planet Nine Candidate at the Edge of the Solar System! (4K UHD)V101 Science Planet Nine is a hypothetical planet that may be hiding in a region known as the Kuiper belt, and an exciting new study may have just discovered a potential candidate for the elusive world from data collected back in 1983! Could this research lead to the discovery of Planet 9? or is it … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Macron’s Vow to ‘Piss Off’ The Unvaccinated Angers Opponents • FRANCE 24 EnglishFRANCE 24 English France 24’s international affairs commentator Armen Georgian explains why French President Emmanuel Macron’s remarks have angered his opponents and caused concern on social media. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
French President Emmanuel Macron Declares War On The Unvaccinated, Says Will Treat Them As Non-Citizens And Cut Them Off From French Society
NEW – Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens" and vows: "I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That's the strategy." (Le Parisien) pic.twitter.com/5DoSlBskMo — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 5, 2022 French President Emmanuel Macron Declares War On The Unvaccinated, Says Will … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
COVID Passport Microchip Developer Says Chipping of Humans Happening “Whether We Like it or Not”COVID Passport Microchip Developer Says Chipping of Humans Happening “Whether We Like it or Not” by Paul Joseph Watson, https://summit.news/ Resistance is futile. The developer of an implanted microchip that is linked to a COVID vaccine passport says that the mass chipping of humans as a means of verifying compliance is happening “whether we like … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Lee Adler: We are on the Eve of DestructionPalisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes a new guest Lee Adler to discuss how the Fed operates. The Fed creates money via their primary dealers which include banks in the U.S., Europe, and Canada. The dealers directly invest in the markets with the money they get from the Fed. This is why M1 and M2 metrics … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Fourth COVID Jabs Should Not Be Offered Until There is More Evidence, Says JCVI Chief | English NewsWION Fourth COVID-19 jabs should not be offered until there is more evidence, the head of Britain’s vaccine body Professor Sir Andrew Pollard has said as he warned that giving boosters to people every six months was “not sustainable”. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Dr. Fauci’s “Noble Lie” and Tech Censorship, with Senator Rand Paul | The Megyn Kelly ShowSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Fed’s Credibility is Destroyed, Why Cash, Gold and Silver Will Be Best Lifeline | Outlook 2022Stansberry Research The Fed ceasing the bond purchasing is, “my biggest concern for 2022, where does the yield go and what impact does that have across all asset classes,” says Michael Gentile, Founding Partner and Senior Portfolio Manager at Bastion Asset Management. Having cash and owning gold are equally under-owned in the current state of … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Here’s What Silver Could Do In A Manic Phase | Gary SavageLiberty and Finance $200 to $500 silver is not out of the question in the next mania phase, says Gary Savage, publisher the Smart Money Tracker. While silver may fall below $20 in the short term, he says, anywhere in the 20s is still an incredible buying opportunity. end read more
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