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Turcopolier16 hours ago
“What will the US Space Force be able to do with its new GPS III variant?”
“New GPS III Follow-on satellites — or GPS IIIF for short — will continue to improve the constellation’s accuracy and protection against jamming. GPS III satellites are already a substantial upgrade to the current constellation, providing three times greater accuracy … Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Australian Judge Says Djokovic Can Stay but Saga Not OverThe drama might not be finished, with the government threatening to cancel his visa a second time and deport him. read more
Mining Awareness +18 hours ago
RW Malone Advising Richest Asian on New Covid-19 Vaccine While Making Rounds Criticizing Competitor mRNA Vaccines
“Inside James Bond’s $79 Million Estate” recently purchased by RW Malone’s new patron, Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries: https://youtu.be/afwKcOZ6v00 While … Continue reading → read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 215 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, "Fear Is Gripping The Markets. Dollar Meltdown, Much Higher Inflation, Surging Debt"Gregory Mannarino, AM 1/10/22: *"Fear Is Gripping The Markets. Dollar Meltdown,* * Much Higher Inflation, Surging Debt"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
PrairiePundit15 hours ago
Democrats' civil war rhetoric againSteven Hayward: Let’s set the scene: American democracy is said to be under threat from a political party that questions the legitimacy and outcome of a presidential election, that incites and justifies lawless “insurrectionist” actions and undermines American democratic institutions and processes, threatening the continued existence of the Constitution itself. If this state of affairs continues unabated, experts claim, the United States might well lapse into a second Civil War, as argued in Barbara F. Walter’s new book “How Civil Wars Start.” Yes — that’s a pretty good descript... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 215 hours ago
“Fourth Turning 2022 - Bad Moon Rising” (Excerpt)*“Fourth Turning 2022 - Bad Moon Rising” (Excerpt)* by Jim Quinn “Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuv... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles15 hours ago
Destructive floods hit Eastern Cape, South AfricaHeavy rains affecting South Africa's Eastern Cape on January 8 and 9, 2022, have left several people dead and scores displaced. The floods affected areas of Mthatha, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, the township of Mdantsane, and areas of East London,...... Read more » read more
Covert Geopolitics16 hours ago
Xi Assures Support to Kazakh President vs. “Foreign Interference”Beijing’s policy of ‘non-interference’ in other countries has been tested by events in Kazakhstan, with Xi Jinping openly supporting the government. It’s a sign of things to come, further straining relations with the US. With the crisis in Kazakhstan beginning to stabilise, it’s been fascinating to observe China’s role and how it has been offering … Continue reading Xi Assures Support to Kazakh President vs. “Foreign Interference” → read more
War News Updates16 hours ago
U.S. Cyber Command Task Force Conducted Its First Offensive Operation Last YearPersonnel with the 175th Cyberspace Operations Group monitor cyberattacks on the operations floor, known as the Hunter's Den. USAF/Joseph Eddins *Warzone/The Drive:* *Cyber Command Task Force Conducted Its First Offensive Operation As The Secretary Of Defense Watched* *The operation is another sign of the rapidly evolving nature of warfare in the digital domain and the future importance of offensive cyber operations.* A U.S. Cyber Command task force executed what is being described as its “first offensive cyber effect operation” against real-world cyber threats. While the ex... read more
The Free Thought Project16 hours ago
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Set Unarmed Man on Fire, Take Off Running as He Burns[image: fire]A man in the midst of a mental health crisis was inside the police department when cops cornered him, set him on fire and then ran away, leaving him to burn. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Are Big Tech censors doing it at Democrats behest?Power Line: Shareholders in Alphabet, the parent of Google and YouTube, have introduced a resolution calling for disclosure of any collusion between Alphabet’s companies and the Biden administration in suppressing information that is critical of administration policies: The National Legal and Policy Center, an ethics watchdog group that holds a voting stake in Google and YouTube’s parent corporation Alphabet, submitted the shareholder proposal to the company this week, following a string of controversies over Google and YouTube’s removal of videos that question the Biden adminis... read more
UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
Kiwi teenager bitten by shark in Oamaru Harbor; 'she will live to tell a pretty amazing tale'UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
Australian writer seeks information on Texarkana falling fish phenomenon; 'an amazing natural mystery'UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
Even bleached coral reefs can provide nutritious seafood, scientists findUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
Dubai: Sheikh Hamdan posts video of 'rare visitor' as whale is spotted in DubaiUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
After 33 years, Fish Radio's Laine Welch hangs up her mic; 'I have a lot of mixed feelings'UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page16 hours ago
Whale big: Terrifying moment a diver almost collides with a baby whale while swimming with huge creatureThe National Interest16 hours ago
Russia is Stepping Up Efforts to Track NATO Submarines*David Axe* *Anti-Submarine Warfare, Russia* The Tu-142 and other Russian long-range warplanes flew several missions in 2020 in part in order to keep tabs on NATO submarines. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *British and Norwegian Typhoon and F-16 fighter jets also scrambled twice in late February 2020 to intercept pairs of Tu-142s after the Russian planes flew farther south than normal and approached Norwegian air space. A pair of Russian navy Tu-142 patrol planes flew one of the longest-ever flights in international air space in decades on and around March 11, 2020. The pow... read more
The Reference Frame16 hours ago
Shortages may have started the deflation of the most insane bubblesWhen the Covid hysteria started in February 2020 (and the fear actually peaked on March 23rd, 2020, long before the median Covid death), it was clear that the cash was going to lose its value. In early March 2020, I told you to invest into stocks on the following week. It was a great time but March 23rd was a better time. At any rate, some people moved into stocks which was the most important good decision, the identity of the stocks didn't matter much. It was clear (from the recent dovish obsession) that the central banks and governments would react to Covid by a huge wave of free ... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Uruguay’s first crypto ATM a success: over 1,000 transactions in just hoursRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In addition to crypto exchange platforms, users can perform several transactions through an ATM. While there are still relatively few of them, they are growing in number. "We are fulfilling something that many people linked to the crypto world were asking for. Uruguay currently has over 30,000 people counting, 'logging' […] The post Uruguay’s first crypto ATM a success: over 1,000 transactions in just hours appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden has yet to solve supply chain problem* Post Millennial:* *#BareShelvesBiden trends on Twitter as Americans deal with empty shelves* *The hashtag "BareShelvesBiden" has taken off on Twitter, with Americans nationwide documenting an alarming number of empty shelves in their local grocery stores.* The pictures demonstrate the problem at the stores. There appears to be no task force working on dealing with the problem. read more
No More Mister Nice Blog16 hours ago
ANYONE WHO THINKS THE PANDEMIC POLITICALLY HELPS LIBERALS IS AN IDIOTIn a recent *New York Times* focus group of Republican voters, one partcipant said this: *Gayle:* I’ll be quite frank: I think that the reason that [Democrats] push Covid so much is because they’re going to try to keep the mail-in ballots. I think that they are putting the fear in people so that they can push Covid as long as possible for 2024. It’s all about control, and they’re keeping Covid as one of their biggest weapons. Gayle believes that the pandemic is good for Democrats electorally. Your right-wing relatives probably believe this, too. Here's the reality: EATONVILLE, W... read more
Turcopolier16 hours ago
Transporter 3 (Dedicated SSO Rideshare)
https://spacelaunchnow.me/launch/falcon-9-block-5-transporter-3-dedicated-sso-rides read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana16 hours ago
The Myth of the “City on a Hill” Ronald Reagan described America as a shining city on a hill in his November 1980 speech. He returned to this theme in multiple speeches; notably in his last White House address in January 1989. By city on a hill, he meant that America was a beacon of hope. But a beacon of hope for whom? Not for the Native Indians who lost their lives or were evicted from their ancestral land; not for the Africans who were forced to toil as slaves; not for the people in nations which America and its allies invaded in the twentieth century. Several other American presidents (including Kennedy, Bush, an... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Bolivian Justice begins trial against former President Jeanine Áñez for coup d’étatRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As part of the ongoing judicial proceedings against Bolivia's former de facto president, the justice system will issue this Wednesday the order to open the trial against Jeanine Áñez and nine other defendants for the 2019 coup d'état. "On Wednesday, the order to open . . . To read the […] The post Bolivian Justice begins trial against former President Jeanine Áñez for coup d’état appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
ENTWURF ANZEIGE AN AZ ENTWICKLER JOHN BELL, AUSSAGE WEGEN STERILIZATONhttps://www.channel4.com/news/im-hopeful-were-going-to-start-to-get-readout-early-in-autumn-as-to-whether-this-thing-works-or-not-prof-sir-john-bell-on-oxford-vaccine “But then don’t forget, these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise the population. They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage, say 60 or 70 per cent." "Aber vergessen Sie nicht, diese Impfungen werden wahrscheinlich nicht die Bevolkerung vollkomen steriliseren. Sie werden sehr wahrscheinnlich eine Wirkung haben, welche in eine Prozentteil wirkt, sagen wir 60 bis 70 Prozent." https:/... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Biden says 5+ trillion to defeat Covid is not enough?Liz Peek: Are they kidding? The Washington Post reports that the Joe Biden White House will soon ask Congress for even more money to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. More money, that is, than the $5.4 trillion already allocated by Congress via six separate pieces of legislation over the past 24 months, an unprecedented and dangerous sum that is spurring inflation and keeping people from going back to work. A sum greater than what was spent fighting World War II or the Great Depression that somehow, according to Biden officials, has failed to adequately provide for COVID testing... read more
Organizing Notes16 hours ago
The US orchestrated coup in Ukraine 2014The deep story behind Ukraine-Russian-US-NATO tensions. May 2, 2014 people of Ukrainian city Odessa were trapped in a building and set on fire. They were attacked as they gathered referendum signatures in protest against the new nationalist government that came to power in Kiev as a result of the coup d'état orchestrated during the Obama administration by V-P Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland. Officially, 42 were announced dead, including 7 women and 1 minor. (Many more were never accounted for and were either killed or jailed by the new regime.) No one has bee... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
These Five Russian Submarines Turned Out As Duds*Mark Episkopos* *Submarines, Eurasia* Submarine design and construction is a notoriously tricky business. *Here's What to Remember: *There are five terrible Russian and Soviet submarines that cost many their lives. For decades, the Soviet Union has been one of the world’s leading producers of cutting-edge submarine technology. The Russian Federation has since picked up its predecessor’s mantle, challenging its NATO rivals with two formidable new submarine classes. But submarine design and construction is a notoriously tricky business—these projects often don’t pan out for a wid... read more
Collecting My Thoughts16 hours ago
Memorializing January 6 is a big failAs Democrats memorialize January 6 with false claims that Democracy was threatened, we remember - An invasion at the southern border - Inflation at a 40-year high and rising - A COVID response that’s both ineffective and arguably unconstitutional - An unparalleled supply-chain crisis - A disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left hundreds of Americans behind, 13 U.S. service members dead, - U.S. drone strike that killed 10 civilians, including seven children - The loss of trust from our allies - The loss of fear from our adversaries (List by Dorstewitz a... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Uruguay leads Latin America in the ranking on respect for the rule of lawRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The World Justice Project published a new index on respect for the rule of law in 139 different countries, both globally and in the region. Based on global surveys of more than 138,000 households, 4,200 lawyers, and experts, Uruguay ranked first in Latin America and 25th globally in its latest […] The post Uruguay leads Latin America in the ranking on respect for the rule of law appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Bronx Apartment Fire Kills 19, Including 9 ChildrenTrapped residents broke windows for air and stuffed wet towels under doors as smoke rose from a lower-floor apartment where the fire started. read more
musingsofanoldfart17 hours ago
Movies and more moviesSince I have emerged from quarantine and am more than fine post-COVID infection, I wanted to share that I have been watching a number of movies. A large number. While the vaccines and booster kept the COVID wolves at bay, … Continue reading → read more
OrientalReview.org17 hours ago
CSTO In Kazakhstan Annoys USThe US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Press Availability at Washington on Friday was largely devoted to Ukraine and the forthcoming strategic stability talks with Russia. But in response to a carefully planted question at the fag-end of the interaction, Blinken reflected bitterly on the deployment of Russian troops to […] read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Emerging economies should prepare for Fed monetary policy tightening, says IMFRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The impact of tightening by the Federal Reserve (Fed) could be significant for the most vulnerable emerging economies, warns the International Monetary . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login Here The post Emerging economies should prepare for Fed monetary policy tightening, says IMF appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Novartis’ Covid treatment shows positive trial resultsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis announced today, January 10, positive results in Phase 2 trials of a new antiviral treatment against COVID-19 "capable of neutralizing all variants" of the coronavirus, including omicron. The treatment, called "ensovibep", is based on DARPin technology, which uses genetically engineered proteins specially designed to neutralize the virus. […] The post Novartis’ Covid treatment shows positive trial results appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Financial markets in Brazil raise projection for Selic to 11.75% in December 2022 -Focus reportRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The financial market has raised its forecasts for the Selic rate this year from 11.50% to 11.75%. This is according to the Focus report published by the Central Bank this morning (10). The Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) is expected to raise the key interest rate by 1.5 percentage points from […] The post Financial markets in Brazil raise projection for Selic to 11.75% in December 2022 -Focus report appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s health minister says Omicron causing uncertainty, but doesn’t expect explosion in hospitalizationsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga said Monday that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus generates a scenario of uncertainty for the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil but said he does not expect the new strain to cause an explosion of hospitalizations for the disease in the country, despite the increase in cases. […] The post Brazil’s health minister says Omicron causing uncertainty, but doesn’t expect explosion in hospitalizations appeared first on The Rio Times . read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Argentine military projects awaiting progress in 2022RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Several projects for the Argentine Armed Forces are still waiting for the green light to start or continue. ARGENTINE AIR FORCE COMBAT AIRCRAFT: JF-17 AND MiG-35 For some time now, the Argentine Air Force has been selecting and evaluating the fighter-bomber that will make . . . To read the […] The post Argentine military projects awaiting progress in 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil: Vale suspends part of its operations in Minas Gerais state due to heavy rainsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Monday, the mining company Vale said it has partially halted production in the Southeast and South Systems to ensure the safety of its employees and communities due to heavy rains affecting Minas Gerais. According to a statement, the circulation of trains on the Vitória-Minas Railroad (EFVM) was affected. Despite […] The post Brazil: Vale suspends part of its operations in Minas Gerais state due to heavy rains appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily18 hours ago
Several states in play to legalize marijuana this year through legislationMarijuana legalization through state legislatures heated up in 2021, and that trend likely will continue this year as lawmakers in several states are expected to legalize either recreational or medical cannabis. Several states in play to legalize marijuana this year through legislation is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Bob Saget, Beloved TV Dad of ‘Full House,’ Dead at 65Bob Saget, a comedian and actor known for his role as a widower raising a trio of daughters in the sitcom “Full House,” has died. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Michael Lang, Woodstock Festival Co-Creator, Dies at 77He reportedly had been battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma and died at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Democrats launch irrational attacks on GOP, TrumpSusan Ferrechio: Democrats haven’t had a very happy new year, thanks to a stalled agenda, mediocre poll numbers, and an increasingly dim outlook for their party in the November elections. Lacking many significant accomplishments they can tout to voters, Democratic lawmakers have instead intensified attacks on the GOP, who otherwise stand poised to reclaim the House majority and perhaps the Senate 10 months from now. The party seized on the one-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol to resurrect their effort to tie Republicans to the violent throng who stormed t... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles17 hours ago
Deep freeze from Upper Midwest, U.S. to Atlantic CanadaNumerous wind chill advisories and warnings are in place from the Upper Midwest to New England on Monday, January 10, 2022, as wind chills are expected to plummet to -31 to -40 °C (-25 to -40 °F). In addition, heavy lake effect snow is likely downwind of...... Read more » read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Biden conned by TheranosWashington Examiner Editorial: Elizabeth Holmes was supposed to be some kind of feminist success story. The 37-year-old was the female Steve Jobs — she even dressed the part with her characteristic black turtleneck. The fact that she is now a convicted fraudster facing decades in prison changes all that. And it calls into question the appalling judgment of everyone who praised her, swindled by her fraud upon her company's investors and the patients who depended upon its supposedly lifesaving biological tests. Theranos's story was only slightly too good to be true. Her company had ... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
How French Special Forces Waged War Against ISIS in Mali*David Axe* *Special Forces, Mali* Operation Serval, which France’s Western and African allies strongly supported, routed the militants. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * In January 2013, a heavy French force struck Islamic militants who had been advancing across Mali. Paris deployed 4,000 troops plus tanks, helicopters and warplanes. Operation Serval, which France’s Western and African allies strongly supported, routed the militants. And a year and a half later, Paris expanded the operation—and renamed it Barkhane—to include counterterrorism missions across the Sahel region... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
When Will the Omicron Wave End?*Stephen Silver* *Omicron, * There are indications that South Africa has already passed its peak when it comes to the Omicron wave. Could something like that happen in the United States? The Omicron wave is currently moving quickly through the United States, but ever since it was first identified in South Africa in late November, there’s been one thing in some people’s minds: Perhaps the variant, which is highly contagious but is thought to lead to milder illness than other versions of the virus, would burn out quickly. There are indications that South Africa has already passed ... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
These Five Countries Rule the Skies Completely Uncontested*Kyle Mizokami* *Air Force, Global* For the purpose of this article, we’ll judge air forces by the following criteria: size, influence and doing the best job of matching capabilities to the mission. *Key point: *Qualifying the five most powerful air forces in the world is certainly a difficult and challenging proposition Qualifying the five most powerful air forces in the world is certainly a difficult and challenging proposition. There are large, well-trained and well-equipped air forces that are obvious candidates for such a list. Then there are less-obvious candidates—like Ru... read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Google geeks try to censure criticism of Biden Afghan blunderEpoch Times: A music video produced by singer John Ondrasik that criticized President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was removed and reinstated by YouTube, highlighting concerns about whether the Google-owned platform is censoring dissenting viewpoints. ... Google has made the mistake of censoring material that does not fit its preferred narrative again. In doing so it is making itself look unreliable as a source of information. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Supreme Court Justice wrong on the facts*Epoch Times:* *CDC Director Disputes Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s Claim About Children Seriously Ill With COVID-19* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walenksy disputed Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s claim that 100,000 children are hospitalized or seriously ill with COVID-19 during arguments made before the court on Jan. 7. ... The real number of hospitalized children is 3,500. Sotomayer appears to be taken in by misinformation from liberals. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
College bans 'offensive' words while imposing woke policies*Fox News:* *Western Carolina University subjects RAs to mandatory 'woke' 'Gender Unicorn' training* *Referring to America as a 'melting pot' can be deemed offensive* Many sane people find the woke agenda offensive and totalitarian. Parents and students would be wise to avoid such institutions. read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!18 hours ago
Air Travel. Autism. Covid.
Note: We've been reading stories of unruly passengers wreaking havoc during flights. "Don't Make Me Turn This Plane Around!" says a female pilot over her shoulder, as a message from FAA to travelers. No one wants to have to use... Related Stories - A Letter to My Mother, All the Way In Heaven - Hero to Zero in Australia - Gayle Louise DeLong 1958 - 2021 read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
#BareShelvesBidenUh oh, Sleepy Joe, what have you done now? #BareShelvesBiden read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Links 1/10/2022The Aviationist18 hours ago
USMC F-35Cs Have Departed For The First Operational Deployment Aboard USS Abraham Lincoln[image: F-35C Lincoln] Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 314 of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing becomes the first Marine squadron to deploy the F-35C on an aircraft carrier. The F-35C Lightning II of the U.S. Marine Corps reached yet another [...] The post USMC F-35Cs Have Departed For The First Operational Deployment Aboard USS Abraham Lincoln appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Michael Hudson: What is Causing So Much Inflation?Economist Michael Hudson explains inflation crisis and Fed's secretive $4.5 trillion bank bailout. read more
Cairns News18 hours ago
Atherton Reclaim the Line Rally and March on Jan 15Tablelands residents have become more determined than ever to rid the Far North of vile and unlawful vaccine mandates imposed by the socialists of Queensland Labor. The Labor/LNP duopoly has managed to terrify Queenslanders into believing they have to wear dangerous masks, unlawfully put tracking devices on their phones and tell shopkeepers if they have […] read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
The Mauling of Novak DjokovicRarely can the treatment of a grand sporting figure by officialdom have caused such consternation. Novak Djokovic, the tennis World Number One, has always had a tendency to get under skin and constitution, creating a large following of admirers and detractors. But his current treatment by Australian authorities, and his subsequent detention as an unlawful arrival despite being granted a visa to participate in the Australian Open, had the hallmarks of oppression and incompetent vulgarity. In time, it may well also prove to have been another example of provincial opportunism and cra... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
South African boss of alleged Bitcoin Ponzi scheme arrested in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Johann Steynberg, CEO of Mirror Trading International (MTI), a South Africa-based trading platform, was arrested in Brazil for being associated with a Bitcoin (BTC) Ponzi scheme. Brazilian police recently arrested Steynberg on Dec. 30, 2021, in Goiânia province. The subject mobilized around 16,000 BTC from several cryptocurrency investment platforms between […] The post South African boss of alleged Bitcoin Ponzi scheme arrested in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
Memes that made me laugh 91Memes gathered over the past week or so. There aren't as many as usual, because my wife and I had to make a 3-day road trip to attend the funeral of one of her cousins, so I had less browsing time available. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
CFACT20 hours ago
EV’s destined to pay for upgrading electrical gridsDue to an already unstable grid, the UK will soon be requiring EV chargers to be separately metered which allows the electricity used for charging EVs to be charged and taxed at a higher rate than domestic electricity. The post EV’s destined to pay for upgrading electrical grids appeared first on CFACT. read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
A Movement to Organize Against the Systemic Corruption of CongressSince Citizens United, systemic corruption as a subject of discussion has virtually disappeared from public awareness. read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
The Air Force Must Empower Decision Makers On the Front Lines*Kris Osborn* *European Security, Europe* U.S. Air Force doctrine is evolving to reflect the rapid pace of conflict in the 21st century. The United States and its NATO allies are growing eager to leverage the benefits of a growing fleet of interoperable F-35A Lightning II fighters strategically positioned throughout Europe. This requires not only refining interoperability among allied nations with F-35s, but also developing an expeditionary posture to ensure assets and lethal combat teams can quickly deploy when they are needed. Successful attack operations in the twenty-first ... read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Out of Vogue: Why the U.S. Navy Discontinued Diesel Powered Subs*Mark Episkopos* *Barbel-class, United States* When the USS Barbel was commissioned in 1959, it was one of the most advanced submarines of its time. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The decision was made not to pursue further *Barbel*-class models beyond the three that had already entered service: *Barbel, Blueback, and Bonefish.* The last of the U.S. Navy’s diesel-electric attack submarines, the *Barbel*-class submarines were among the most advanced boats of their time. But only three were ever built, as the *Barbel*-class was fast overshadowed by looming developments in nuc... read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
Why the RAH-66 Comanche Was Doomed From Takeoff*Alex Hollings* *RAH-66 Comanche, * Among Defense Department insiders, the RAH-66 Comanche program is still seen in a fairly positive light. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *After decades of development and nearly $7 billion spent on the Comanche program, it came to a close with just two operational prototypes ever reaching the sky. The U.S. has long led the world in stealth technologies, and for a time, it looked as though America’s love for all things low-observable would extend all the way into rotorcraft like the RAH-66 Comanche Helicopter. Despite being only a decade awa... read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
The Bitcoin Challenge: How to Tame a Digital PredatorPublic authorities should refrain from taking measures supporting additional investment flows into Bitcoin and should treat it as rigorously as the conventional financial industry to combat illicit payments, money laundering, and terrorist financing read more
Matt Ridley on Net ZeroBy Paul Homewood h/t Philip Bratby Matt Ridley’s interview is well worth watching, especially between 18 and 30 mins: read more
Science 2.0 blogs19 hours ago
Blade Runners Do Not Have A Competitive AdvantageDo amputee sprinters using running prostheses, or blades, have a competitive advantage? The world’s fastest 400-meter sprinter, Blake Leeper, was ruled ineligible to compete in the Tokyo Olympics due to having an assumed advantage, but a new study with the most comprehensive set of data ever collected from elite runners with bilateral leg amputations compared performance data from Leeper, South African “blade runner” Oscar Pistorius and other bilateral amputee sprinters with those of the best non-amputee sprinters in the world across five performance metrics and found no advantage. ... read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 20229 January 2022 — Climate & Capitalism Start the new year with seven new books for red-greens and green-reds Ecosocialist Bookshelf is a monthly Climate & Capitalism feature, hosted by Ian Angus. Books described here may be reviewed at length in future. Inclusion of a book does not imply endorsement, or that C&C agrees with everything … Continue reading Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2022 read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil: Heavy rains put 138 towns in Minas Gerais state in distressRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A heavy rainstorm continued to lash the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, in the southeast of the country, where at least 138 cities are in an emergency due to flooding, landslides, and damage to infrastructure. Since the beginning of the rainy season, last October, until this Sunday, there have been […] The post Brazil: Heavy rains put 138 towns in Minas Gerais state in distress appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil: Portonave terminal in Navegantes port in Santa Catarina records the highest growth in its history in 2021RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Portonave terminal recorded a growth of 29% in 2021, corresponding to an increase in throughput of 259,372 TEUs compared to 2020. In this way, the port company achieved the highest result in its history, with 1.1 million TEUs. According to a report by the National Agency for River Transport […] The post Brazil: Portonave terminal in Navegantes port in Santa Catarina records the highest growth in its history in 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Electroverse20 hours ago
Record-Breaking Blizzards Batter Pakistan, Killing At Least 23; Extreme Cold Hits Canadian Refineries, Sending Gas Prices to Record Highs; + Historic Arctic Blast Headed For Boston, As Record Snow Continues to Sweep U.S.
Plus, NOAA's Arctic fraud: Satellite data reveals sea ice was "significantly less" back in 1972. The post Record-Breaking Blizzards Batter Pakistan, Killing At Least 23; Extreme Cold Hits Canadian Refineries, Sending Gas Prices to Record Highs; + Historic Arctic Blast Headed For Boston, As Record Snow Continues to Sweep U.S. appeared first on Electroverse. read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Israel's Hypersonic Missile Interceptor: A Boon for The Nation*Mark Episkopos* *Arrow-4, Middle East* To fully grasp the significance of the Arrow-4 project, it is important to understand exactly how it figures into Israel’s broader air defense system. *Here's What you need to remember: *Israeli defense officials expect the Arrow-4 missile system to replace the Arrow-2 over the coming decades, with Jacob Galifat, general manager IAI's MLM Division, said in a statement that the upcoming missile system will be the most advanced of its kind in the world. Lockheed Martin and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have teamed up to develop a hyperso... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Coast Guard Accepts Delivery of Newest Fast Response Cutter*Caleb Larson* *Coast Guard Cutters, United States* The USCGS Clarence Sutphin will be the sixth Sentinel-class cutter to be sent to Bahrain. The United States Coast Guard’s (USCG) newest Fast Response Cutter (FRC), has been delivered to the USCG. Bollinger Shipyards, who built the ships, announced in a press release that USCGS *Clarence Sutphin* is “the final of six FRCs to be home-ported in Manama, Bahrain, which will replace the aging 110’ Island Class Patrol Boats, built by Bollinger Shipyards 30 years ago, supporting the Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA), the U.S. Co... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Could Saddam Hussein Have Sunk a U.S. Battleship?*James Holmes* *Battleships, Middle East* It was far from hypothetical to the 3,200 or so crewmen of the battleships USS Wisconsin and Missouri who squared off against Iraq in 1991. *Here's What You Need to Know*: My answer: yes. In the abstract. Under ideal conditions. Could Saddam Hussein’s armed forces have sunk a U.S. Navy battleship? That might seem like a question destined to launch an excursion into alt-history, but it was far from hypothetical to the 3,200 or so crewmen of the battleships USS Wisconsin and Missouri who squared off against Iraq in 1991. It was daily life,... read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
The Time to Protect Our Oceans is NowWASHINGTON DC, Jan 10 (IPS) - There is no other place in the world like Costa Rica’s Cocos Island National Park. The waters surrounding the island--covered with tropical forests--are a playground to countless shivers, or schools, of sharks, including hammerhead sharks, whitetip reef sharks and whale sharks. Read the full story, “The Time to Protect Our Oceans is Now”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Watchers » Latest articles20 hours ago
Massive rock topple at Canyon de Furnas in Brazil kills 10 people, injures 32At least 10 people have been killed and 32 others injured after a massive chunk of rocks toppled onto boaters in Canyon de Furnas, Brazil. The event took place on Saturday, January 8, 2022, after a period of heavy rain. 4 boats were affected, of which two directly....... Read more » read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Cyprus identifies “Deltacron,” variant combining Delta and OmicronRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Cyprus, a European country on the Mediterranean Sea, announced this weekend that it has identified a new variant of the coronavirus. The mutation has been named "Deltacron" because it combines elements previously identified in the Delta and Omicron strains. At least 25 cases have been reported in recent days. University […] The post Cyprus identifies “Deltacron,” variant combining Delta and Omicron appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s Fiocruz begins production of 100% national Covid vaccine this MondayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This Monday, January 10, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) will begin production of a 100% national vaccine against Covid-19. Initially, 20 million doses of the immunizer will be delivered to the Ministry of Health. The plant is prepared to produce 1 million doses per day. Last Friday, January 7, the […] The post Brazil’s Fiocruz begins production of 100% national Covid vaccine this Monday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Michael West Media1 day ago
TANKS A LOT SCOTT!No free RAT tests but Dutton has forked out $3.5 billion for tanks to replace a fleet we purchased in... read more
CENSORED NEWS20 hours ago
Navajo Nation reports 242 new COVID cases in one day regardless of high vaccination rate -- January 9, 2022On Christmas, and during January, Dine' volunteer Mercury Bitsuie, Uncle Andy Dann, family and friends delivered food and water to fellow Navajos. Although the Navajo government received $2 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds in May of 2021, eight months ago, the funds have not yet been distributed to Navajos in need. The Navajo government approved hardship payments in December, but the read more
Untitled* Covid in Scotland: Ex-teachers can help keep schools open during winter crisis* Retired teachers who have been fully vaccinated should consider returning to the classroom to help keep schools open this winter, according to a senior government education adviser. Linda Bauld, who chairs the Scottish government’s coronavirus advisory sub-group on education, said they could make “a huge contribution”. Parents and pupils face weeks of uncertainty with teachers told isolate for ten days if a member of their household tests positive, potentially cutting the workforce to critical level... read more
Untitled*Covid in Scotland: Ex-teachers can help keep schools open during winter crisis* Retired teachers who have been fully vaccinated should consider returning to the classroom to help keep schools open this winter, according to a senior government education adviser. Linda Bauld, who chairs the Scottish government’s coronavirus advisory sub-group on education, said they could make “a huge contribution”. Parents and pupils face weeks of uncertainty with teachers told isolate for ten days if a member of their household tests positive, potentially cutting the workforce to critical levels. ... read more
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