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The Rio Times16 hours ago
Covid vaccines help China to export more goods to Argentina than Brazil for the first timeRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil has lost the position of the largest exporting country to Argentina in 2021. After a technical tie in 2020, China surpassed Brazilian sales to the Argentines by more than US$1 billion last year. With US$13.5 billion worth of shipments to the country, the Chinese have increased the pace of […] The post Covid vaccines help China to export more goods to Argentina than Brazil for the first time appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
OrientalReview.org16 hours ago
Who’s Lying About Ukraine This Time & Why: The Biden Administration Or CNN?One of the two is lying but it’s unclear which it is because they both have a history of spewing fake news, though usually the same false narrative and in full coordination with one another. All that observers can do is make educated conjectures based on their paradigms for analyzing […] read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Bolsonaro accuses Brazil’s electoral court of “cowardice” for possibly shutting down TelegramRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Thursday, January 27, Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro accused the country's highest electoral authority of "cowardice" for considering the possibility of banning the messaging app Telegram, the leading social media channel he uses to communicate with his followers. Brazil's Superior Electoral Court (TSE) is considering banning Telegram . . . […] The post Bolsonaro accuses Brazil’s electoral court of “cowardice” for possibly shutting down Telegram appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Viable Opposition9 hours ago
Canada - A Primer For How the World Economic Forum Infiltrates GovernmentsIt's becoming increasingly apparent that the World Economic Forum, the purveyor and promoter of our dystopic future, has its hands in governments around the world most often through its programs of so-called "young leadership". One of these programs, the Forum of Young Global Leaders or YGL, was founded by Klaus Schwab in 2004 and now includes over 1400 people from 120 nationalities. From the YGL website, we find this under "Who We Are": "*The Young Global Leaders Community is an accelerator for a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influ... read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana13 hours ago
Capitalism is Mephistophelian“Honestly, inflation has always been a positive for our business.” ~ Jim Fitterling, CEO, Dow Inc., speaking to reporters in January 2022 Capitalism is Mephistophelian. The commodity chemical companies are cheering inflation. The pharma companies are cheering pandemics. The military equipment companies are cheering the Western wars. The digital companies are cheering the draconian social restrictions. The financial institutions are cheering the currency and interest rate manipulations. The media companies are cheering the theories of apocalypse which frighten the masses. The capit... read more
Gangsters Out Blog15 hours ago
Fake Environmentalists want to bring nuclear power to BCPost Media Trash is reporting that the fake environmentalists are considering bringing nuclear power to BC in response to climate change. AYFKM? Nuclear power is not green. Hydroelectric power is green. Nuclear waste is very hard to dispose of. Unless you put it on a rocket and aim it at the sun, that shit will always come back to haunt you. The Hanford Waste Management Site in Washington has been leaking radioactive waste into the Columbia River. The storage tank began rusting out and one of the tanks had been leaking about 640 US gallons per year into the ground since about 2010... read more
The Free Thought Project15 hours ago
Over a Dozen Cops Surround Man Holding a Tiny Box Cutter, Execute Him Like a Firing Squad[image: execution]A man in need of mental health help was instead surrounded by over a dozen cops and executed in a firing squad fashion. read more
What is the new ‘stealth #Omicron’?https://www.wionews.com/world/explainer-what-is-the-new-stealth-omicron-447976 read more
The Watchers » Latest articles16 hours ago
Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits south of PanamaA strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit south of Panama at 11:14 UTC on January 28, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles). The epicenter was located about 284 km...... Read more » read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville16 hours ago
Pottersville Digest100% sourced by Constant Reader, CC. ------------------------------ Good old Candace Owens and the GOP- Obsessing over the hood ornament issues that mean the most to us. ------------------------------ If the FBI had a 59 Most Wanted list, they'd have a great head start with these assholes. ------------------------------ You almost have to admire the balls of psychopaths like Sarah Palin, who was recently caught eating dinner at a trendy Manhattan restaurant two days after being diagnosed with COVID. ------------------------------ Why would a highly-profitable s... read more
Warning from #Wuhan: Chinese scientists say new #Covid variant ‘#NeoCov’ has high #mortality rate.Warning from Wuhan: Chinese scientists say new Covid variant ‘NeoCov’ has high mortality rate – Report, World News | wionews.com https://www.wionews.com/world/warning-from-wuhan-chinese-scientists-say-new-covid-variant-neocov-has-high-mortality-rate-report-448335 read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Conservative pleaThe following letter to the editor appeared in The Charlotte Observer yesterday, penned by female citizen who identifies herself as conservative. She offers a well-articulated view of her concerns for the current state of the Republican party. As an independent … Continue reading → read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Could Japan Survive a War With China?*Kyle Mizokami* *Japanese Military, Asia* Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing seem to grow more strained with each passing year. Here are five ways that Japan can push back against China. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The presence of someone else’s military on this list may strike some as unusual, but let’s face it: the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between Japan and the United States means Japan has the most powerful military in the world backing it up. Sino-Japanese relations have been deteriorating since 2010. What started as a dust-up over a Chinese fisherman... read more
Collecting My Thoughts16 hours ago
Second best seller of all times--Imitation of Christ"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." ~ Thomas a Kempis (Born: 1380, died: July 25, 1471) "The Imitation of Christ. Book I, ch. 16". 1418. Advice that's still good today. His book "The Imitation of Christ" is the 2nd best-seller and 2nd most translated and most influential book of all times. The Bible is number one. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Media supports corrupt Democrats*Jack Hellner:* *It is no wonder we have so much corruption when most of the media willingly support corrupt people for president* There are new details on the Biden family corruption and its ties to the Chicoms. There is also a review of the Clinton family corruption. It is a long piece, because there is a lot of Democrat corruption. read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Where did Chicoms get idea Russia had 'reasonable' concerns in Ukraine*Breitbart:* *China Demand U.S. Yield to ‘Russia’s Reasonable Concerns’ on Ukraine* I have yet to see the Russians articulate "reasonable concerns" about Ukraine. It is a country that is no threat to Russia at all. I suspect the Chicoms also have the bazaar notion that they have "reasonable concerns" about Taiwan. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man16 hours ago
The clearest predictor yet of out-of-control inflationSundance points out that the latest wholesale price increases from Kraft-Heinz amount not just to inflation, but to embryonic hyperinflation. Bold, underlined text is my emphasis. Last year, when CTH discussed the original Kraft-Heinz wholesale notification for January 2022, we warned it was only the first round. The reason for waves of price increases is specifically, because each of the processed food categories is impacted differently depending on the amount of processing involved. Each category is different. This understanding is why we warned everyone in October of las... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 1/28/2022naked capitalism17 hours ago
Financialization of Housing in Europe Is Intensifying, New Report WarnsSince the Global Financial Crisis residential property in European cities has become an attractive asset class for financial institutions, many in the U.S. The virus crisis has merely intensified this trend. read more
Real Climate Science17 hours ago
Israel Waves The White FlagSerious cases in Israel increase 10X and the government starts scaling back 100 weeks of tyranny – which accomplished nothing – other than tyranny. read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Cannabis producers cautioned against profiteering from COVID-19 researchAs research broke over the past two weeks that cannabis products such as CBD, cannabinoid acids and even synthetic cannabis compounds might prevent or treat COVID-19 infections, excitement among entrepreneurs spread. Cannabis producers cautioned against profiteering from COVID-19 research is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The New Dark Age17 hours ago
Black Agenda Report 27 January 2022Thursday, 27 January 2022 — Black Agenda Report Ukraine and U.S. War Propaganda The 2014 U.S. sponsored coup against the elected government of Ukraine must be the starting point for any discussion of the current crisis. That crisis has been manufactured by Joe Biden, who was the Obama administration point person in using Ukraine as … Continue reading Black Agenda Report 27 January 2022 read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Navigating Russia/Ukraine Warmongering DisinformationTrying to pull some signal out of the considerable propaganda, um, noise, on Russia and Ukraine. read more
PrairiePundit14 hours ago
Biden snubs Musk in talk about electric carsDailywire: Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk slammed Democrat President Joe Biden on Thursday over remarks that Biden made about using American automakers to produce more electric vehicles. “I meant it when I said the future was going to be made right here in America,” Biden wrote in a tweet that featured a video of him talking with General Motors CEO Mary Barra. “Companies like GM and Ford are building more electric vehicles here at home than ever before.” “Starts with a T,” Musk responded. “Ends with an A. ESL in the middle.” Another account responded to Biden’s remarks by wri... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Georgia Dominion voting system questioned* Washington Examiner:* *'Secret report' on alleged voting system vulnerabilities roils Georgia ahead of midterm elections* ... "The 'secret report' referenced by the *Atlanta Journal-Constitution* today is not an objective, academic study by a non-biased actor. It is assertions by an individual who is paid to espouse opinions supporting the elimination of electronic voting systems to help a lawsuit brought by liberal activists, including one funded by Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight Action," Raffensperger's office said in a statement. ... The media report in question talks about Ha... read more
Collecting My Thoughts16 hours ago
What's going on in Kazakhstan?I was watching Israeli TV this morning while cycling in place (my office). They are loving the snow in Jerusalem--a new event for many. Wait until it's dirty and slushy--they won't be so thrilled--all the drivers looked like they learned how to drive in snow in Columbus, Ohio. Also, I watched the Arabic French special feature discussing the latest threat to world peace in Kazakhstan. Thirty years of the USSR boot off their necks and they are unhappy with the free market. Seems there are too many rich people. We don't see a lot about Kazakhstan on our TV channels. Their elderly (my g... read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
More evidence of Democrat panic over 2022 election*Fox News:* *Breyer was relentlessly bullied by the left to get out before Republicans seize the Senate* *Groups such as Black Lives Matter and Women's March launched an effort calling for the justice's retirement* Democrats are clearly concerned about their ability to hold on to the Senate in 2022 and desperate to put another lib on the court. It looks like Biden has made a commitment to select the new Justice on the basis of race and gender instead of merit. It is the same mistake he made in selecting Kamala Harris as his VP. We have already seen what a disaster that was.... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro reopens cultural center in Figner mansionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Serviço Social do Comércio do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Sesc RJ) inaugurates today (28) at 5 pm the Espaço Cultural Arte Sesc, located in the Figner Manor in Flamengo, the southern part of Rio de Janeiro. The building was acquired by the Rio de Janeiro State Trade Federation […] The post Brazil: Rio de Janeiro reopens cultural center in Figner mansion appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Star Trek Come to Life: The Story of the USS Enterprise*Kyle Mizokami* *Aircraft Carriers, * More than the ship from Star Trek, the USS Enterprise was the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, serving from the early 1960s until the 2010s. *Here's What You Need To Remember: **Enterprise* proved the viability of nuclear power for aircraft carriers, but in hindsight, that was the most forgettable of its achievements. it circled the globe three times, conducted twenty-five overseas cruises, and completed an astonishing four hundred thousand aircraft landings in its lifetime. The first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier ever buil... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Deepening Ties: Belarus and Russia Sign Union State Treaty*Mark Episkopos* *Zapad, Eurasia* Lukashenko traveled to Moscow last week to sign an agreement to implement part of the integration provisions outlined in the 1999 Union State treaty, paving the way for a full national merger between Russia and Belarus. *Here's What to Remember: *The massive drills are a sign of deepening Russian-Belarusian defense ties at a time when the embattled government of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko faces mounting pressure from western sanctions. The Russian-Belarusian Zapad-2021 military exercises are nearing their conclusion. The closing... read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
White House accused of lying about Monoclonal treatmentConservative Tree House: Keep an eye on this story folks; there’s something else here. The FDA decision to block COVID-19 treatment options is very sketchy, and I sense that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis knows the science will not support the Biden administration. This story -when exposed- has the potential to bring down the Biden administration, big time… DeSantis senses it. Earlier today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable press conference with physicians, clinicians and other health officials in Florida to denounce the Biden FDA decision to revoke monoclonal anti... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Rio de Janeiro’s heat sets a new record this summerRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Rio de Janeiro recorded yesterday afternoon, January 27, the highest temperature this summer. According to the Operations Center of Rio's City Hall, thermometers registered 40 degrees Celsius (°C) in Barra da Tijuca, at 1:30 pm, with a thermal sensation of 48°C (118 degrees Fahrenheit). The previous record was registered on […] The post Rio de Janeiro’s heat sets a new record this summer appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Michigan's aging population*Michigan Radio:* *More people died in Michigan in 2020 than were born, demographer says* They are getting some growth in Western Michigan. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Biden and Pelosi facilitating invasion of AmericaMiranda Devine: While Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi go all out to protect Ukraine’s national sovereignty, at the same time they are orchestrating a clandestine invasion of America across the southern border. Two million illegal immigrants from dozens of countries crossed over from Mexico last year, and the Biden administration is facilitating the cartels’ people-smuggling operation — at taxpayer expense. Under cover of darkness, every night the federal government is transporting illegal migrants as fast as it can away from the border on secret charter flights into unsuspecting comm... read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!17 hours ago
Robert Kennedy with Law and Liberation: Ripping the Veil Off Big Pharma’s Agenda
Children's Health Defense invites you to listen to Robert Kennedy Jr. tomorrow: FREE ONLINE EVENT: Saturday, January 29, 2022, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM Robert Kennedy Jr. will join Foster Gamble to explore the shocking disclosures of his new book,... Related Stories - Is our Federal Government making Religious Exemption lists of its employees? - Don't Punish Progress - We Remember read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
NY Times Soros cover-up?*Matt Palumbo:* *New York Times Snubs Best Selling Anti-Soros Book From Best Seller List* Soros has been funding the campaigns of "progressive" prosecutors who are failing to prosecute criminals. It has led to an increase of crime in several major cities. read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
3 Houston police shot in wild car chaseNY Post: A gunman shot three cops in Houston in the middle of a wild car chase across the city that ended with him barricaded in a house on Thursday, police said. The three wounded officers were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries and in stable condition, authorities said in a media briefing. “All three officers are in good spirits, all were talkative,” Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner told reporters after meeting with the officers at Memorial Hermann Hospital. The gunman was arrested after an hours-long standoff at a house in Houston’s Fifth Ward on Thursday night. H... read more
PrairiePundit18 hours ago
Wisconsin considers legislation to withdraw its electoral votes for Biden?*National File:* *Wisconsin Assembly Unanimously Votes To Withdraw Biden's 2020 Electoral Votes* The legislation will go to a rules committee and then to the State Senate. They are consdiering evidence of vote fraud. read more
Science 2.0 blogs18 hours ago
The Science Of What Makes A Good COVID-19 Mask*The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its guidelines about masks and respirators a number of times over the past two years and gave its most recent update on Jan. 14, 2022. The update states that cloth face coverings offer the least protection from the coronavirus compared with surgical masks or N95-style masks. Christian L'Orange is a mechanical engineer who has been testing the performance of masks for the state of Colorado since the beginning of the pandemic. He explains the new CDC guidelines and the science of what makes for a good mask.* read more read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
Tech tip: Convert your old VHS tapes into digital formatYour VHS tapes could degrade to the point where they're unusable. Here's how to convert them to digital. read more
The Aviationist19 hours ago
Video Allegedly Showing F-35C Mishap Landing On USS Carl Vinson Emerges[image: F-35C video] A new video filmed from the aircraft carrier fantail appears to show the F-35C doing short, heavy landing. Yesterday we posted a photograph, believed to be genuine, showing the F-35C belonging to the “Argonauts” of [...] The post Video Allegedly Showing F-35C Mishap Landing On USS Carl Vinson Emerges appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
Places you’re most likely to get COVID – and a way to score free N95 masksIf you're worried about catching COVID, avoid these places. And pick up one of these free N95 masks. read more
The New Dark Age13 hours ago
Ukraine News Links 27-28 January 2022Friday, 28 January 2022 • 16:00 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back. If it gets updated, I usually insert the time on the line above. A lot of cross-posting usually indicates that the article is popular. Make … Continue reading Ukraine News Links 27-28 January 2022 read more
PrairiePundit16 hours ago
Funding freeze for Canadian trucker protests?*Lifesite:* *GoFundMe freezes more than 4 million dollars raised for Canadian truckers protesting vax mandates* *The 'Freedom Convoy 2022' GoFundMe page stated clearly that the money will go toward the cost of 'fuel, food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.'* They appear to be taking sides with those responsible for the supply chain problems and against those trying to increase the freedom of movement of goods and services. See, also: *‘Canadian Truckers Rule’: Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson Endorse ‘Freedom Convoy’* And: *Canadians Furiou... read more
PrairiePundit17 hours ago
Biden trafficking illegal migrants around USWashington Examiner: Federal contractors in newly released video criticized the Biden administration for flying migrants released from the southern border into New York in operations meant to be hidden from the public, with one saying the government was betraying the country. The employees vented to a Westchester County, New York, police officer who was on the scene one night last August as planes touched down and migrants were loaded onto buses that dispersed them across the Northeast, according to police body camera footage obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
How the B-21 Raider Would be Critical in a War with China*Alex Hollings* *B-21 Raider, America* The U.S. Navy is working to counter China in the Pacific, but it could be the Air Force’s B-21 Raider that really shakes things up. *Here's What You Need to Know: *Instead, the U.S. would likely keep the fighting at sea, blocking China’s access to the global market and using stealth aircraft like the B-21 first to disrupt China’s anti-ship capabilities, and then closing with Chinese shores enough to begin launching sorties of strike aircraft aimed at pounding China’s military and industrial infrastructure into submission. The U.S. Navy is w... read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Its Friday On Trudeau’s Turtle IslandMore on the Freedom Convoy. Are the vaccines safe? China Joe and his 31 million dollars. Richard Littlejohn on mandates. Lord Frost for prime minister of Canada. read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
How America's Anti-Radiation Missiles Are Game-Changers*Caleb Larson* *Anti-Radiation Missile, * Anti-radiation missile’s mode of operation is simple: they home in on enemy radio emissions. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The most modern anti-radiation missiles can loiter in the air for extended periods of time, moving closer to radio emission sources as they are activated, even intermittently. No, it’s not some doomsday weapon — but it will give the Navy a potent capability nonetheless. The United States Navy will receive a new missile into service, the AGM-88G Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile – Extended Range (AARGM-ER).... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
The Marines Will Soon Be Sinking Submarines*Caleb Larson* *U.S. Marine Corps, * Berger cites the expanding Chinese and Russian capabilities underwater as justification for a Marine anti-submarine warfare capability. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The disruptive potential of Russian submarine assets in the Atlantic cannot be overstated. In *Proceedings*, a monthly magazine published by the United States Naval Institute, General David Berger, the Commandant of the Marine Corps outlined what could end up being a new mission for the Corps: anti-submarine warfare (ASW). Berger cites the expanding Chinese and Russian capa... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Non-NATO Finland Once Landed a Fighter Jet on a U.S. Aircraft Carrier*David Axe* *F/A-18 Super Hornet, Finland* On March 17, 2017 in the Atlantic, a fighter jet landed onto the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. The only difference this time was that the pilot was Finnish, not American. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Finnish navy has no need for carriers, and its reason for existence is primarily coastal defense provided by a small fleet of minelaying and fast-attack craft. On March 17, 2017 in the Atlantic, a fighter jet landed onto the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. The only difference this time was that... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Why B-52s and F/A-18s Are Flying in Formation Near Iran*WarIsBoring* *Formation Flying, * The message? Be afraid, Iran. *Here's What to Remember: *Formation flying is more than a photo-friendly exercise. A U.S. Navy carrier strike group and U.S. Air Force bombers conducted simulated military strikes near Iran over the weekend, reminding the Persian nation why they should not provoke the United States of America. In response to Iranian military posturing, the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group launched assets from Carrier Air Wing 7, working in sync with B-52 bombers from the U.S. Air Force. According to Task and Purpose, the... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Russia's New Yars ICBMs are Replacing Older Systems*Kris Osborn* *ICBMs, Russia* The biggest question hanging over the Yars missile, which may not be answerable, is the extent to which the missiles are engineered for longevity, resiliency and reliability. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While beginning as road-mobile weapons, the Yars missiles have also reportedly been migrating into and tested in silos as well, a circumstance which multiplies threats to the United States by presenting both better-protected Yars missiles as well as road-mobile Yars missiles able to maneuver and obscure a launch position from overhead sensors... read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
Is Lockheed Martin Dictating Politico’s War Propaganda Articles in Secret? Hell No–They’re Doing it Right Out in the OpenCheck out Politico’s latest “independent” news story designed to scare the bejeezus out of its readers and justify the cry for more and bigger military hardware contracts to fatten the coffers of our leading weapons makers. read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
The vast anti-Russian psyop campaign that’s brought us to the brink of nuclear warThere’s an absurdity to humanity’s current predicament of standing on the brink of World War III. This is that the decisive factor behind why the U.S. and Russia are close to war has not been the geopolitical struggles, the economic competition, or the imperialist military encirclement around Russia, but the strange and insipid tools that the imperialists have used to bring these factors to the present point. Their sabotage of the international balance wouldn’t have been possible without the paranoid, conspiratorial, and consequently goofy propaganda campaigns that Washington has ca... read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
The Folly of Pandemic CensorshipEarlier this week, in the latest in a series of scolding campaigns, a Britain-based group called the Center for Countering Digital Hate gave a sneak peek at a research report on Substack to The Guardian and The Washington Post. Both outlets came out with their scare pieces this morning. From The Guardian: read more
Global Issues News Headlines19 hours ago
When Will Countries Ever Learn how Well to do Fuel Subsidy Reforms?WASHINGTON DC, Jan 28 (IPS) - Consider the situation. Faced with growing fiscal stress, the government of an energy exporting country decides to cut generous subsidies, doubling the fuel price overnight. Read the full story, “When Will Countries Ever Learn how Well to do Fuel Subsidy Reforms?”, on globalissues.org → read more
Climatism19 hours ago
Joe Biden has issued more oil drilling permits than Donald Trump, despite gushing climate change promisesClimate Joe, “Saving the planet”, one election promise at a time… Politicking turns out to be more important than supposed climate ‘ambition’. As one observer commented: “Objectively, he over-promised and under-… Joe Biden has issued more oil drilling permits than Donald Trump, despite gushing climate change promises read more
CFACT19 hours ago
Texas remains in energy perilIt has been one year since the devastating blackouts in Texas, so it’s time to examine whether Texas is in danger of repeating the disaster. The post Texas remains in energy peril appeared first on CFACT. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Lawyer Reveals Vaccine Injuries: Cancer and Miscarriages Up 300%, Neurological Problems Up 1000%According to Renz, a weekly report from October 2021, based on information provided by the Dept. of Defense, said that 71% of new cases were in the fully vaccinated and 60% of the seniors hospitalized with COVID were fully vaccinated, yet Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden were calling COVID a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
SpeculationWho Might it Be? DISCLAIMER: The following list of names and comments are taken verbatim from Biden’s list and do not reflect the views of The Babylon Bee. Queen Latifa: She’s black, female, and sassy! That’s a win-win-win scenario. Michelle Obama: Barack will kill me if I don’t nominate her. Rachel Dolezal: A woman who […] The post Speculation appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Canada: Trudeau ‘Isolates’ to Dodge Truckers’ 45-Mile Long Caravan Opposing His Vaccine PoliciesCanadian truckers must show they've had two doses of an mRNA vaccine, or one dose of a Johnson & Johnson shot, if they want to avoid stringent testing and quarantine. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated foreign nationals are not allowed into Canada. The US has imposed a similar vaccine mandate. read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
Oddments For The WeekendIncluding a hardcore rocker; some careful turning; how to cut a baby’s hair; how stickers are applied to lemons; and scenes of grilled chicken detection. All this and more. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s Eletrobras privatization hinges on shareholders’ approval and TCU’s decisionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The government aims to complete the process in the second quarter of 2022. However, there are two pending steps: the approval of the shareholders' meeting, scheduled for February, and the Federal Audit Court (TCU) decision, begun last year and expected to take place by March this year. The TCU Justices […] The post Brazil’s Eletrobras privatization hinges on shareholders’ approval and TCU’s decision appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s Petrobras sustains price policy and urges shelving of investigationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Petrobras told the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) that its investigation into the fuel readjustment is irregular and called for the administrative inquiries opened by the council this month to be shelved. "For all the above, it seems that any concerns about Petrobras' conduct that may have prompted this […] The post Brazil’s Petrobras sustains price policy and urges shelving of investigation appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s Supreme Court subpoenas Bolsonaro over leaked documentsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes subpoenaed President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday and ordered police to question him in relation to a probe involving leaked documents. The Justice had granted Bolsonaro a 60-day grace period to testify, which has already expired. The matter concerns a leak by Bolsonaro of a […] The post Brazil’s Supreme Court subpoenas Bolsonaro over leaked documents appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s power regulator clears studies to install three mega-plants in the AmazonRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This week, the regulator authorized the request of the state-owned companies to conduct technical and economic feasibility studies of the Jamanxim, Cachoeira do Caí and Cachoeira dos Patos dams, hydroelectric plants that would generate over 2,200 megawatts, enough to supply more than 3 million families. The studies may be conducted […] The post Brazil’s power regulator clears studies to install three mega-plants in the Amazon appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Gold Coast doctor’s account of children’s vaxx damage does not add upfrom News Ltd Police are investigating death threats against a Gold Coast doctor after he was trolled by anti-vaxxers following a child fainting episode at his vaccination clinic earlier this week. An emotional Pacific Pines medico Dr Wilson Chin broke down on Thursday as he told of the threats and intimidation. It came after two […] read more
Untitled* GOP Governor Creates Tip Line to Report CRT in Schools* Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools has been a hot-button issue in recent years. In my interview with former Nevada attorney general and current Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, he described how CRT "is one of the main constructs that is being used to force this radicalism on our country." Now, one GOP governor has implemented a tip line for parents to report it. On Monday, newly-elected Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced that his administration set up a tip line for parents to report schools teaching "divisive" CRT c... read more
naked capitalism20 hours ago
California Could Be on the Verge of Passing Single-Payer Health CareCalifornia Assembly Bill 1400 shows that the funding math of single payer healtcare works. But does the politics? read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s TSE partners with WhatsApp to block spread of what is considered fake newsLet's hear it for the Talking Heads aka Fact Checkers ( or B.S. .R Us )RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's Superior Electoral Court (TSE) on Thursday, January 27, closed a partnership with WhatsApp to implement measures to counter the spread of what is called fake news, or in Brazil's case rather undesired news, in the months leading up to the elections. Given the track record of the TSE and […] The post Brazil’s TSE partners with WhatsApp to block spread of what is considered fake news appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
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