10 pm MDT
Why the Battleship USS Massachusetts Was So Legendary
Robert Farley, The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *History, Americas* [image: By United States Navy - http://www.navsource.org/archives/01/015904.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18826965] It was quite the warship and it is preserved as a museum today. *Key Point: *This warship was smaller than other battleships, but it was no less deadly. Here is how it served in World War II with great distinction. The U.S. Navy began construction of its first fast battleships in 1937, with the two ships of the North Carolina class. The restrictions of the Washington and London Naval Treatie...
Sinotech: The U.S. and China Order Consulate Closures as Huawei Tensions Heat Up in Europe
raltieri, Lawfare - 6 hours ago
The Chinese consulate in Houston, Texas. (Wikimedia/WhisperToMe; CC0 1.0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) *U.S. and China Order Consulate Closures* The U.S. government on July 22 ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, accusing Chinese diplomats of engaging in espionage and the theft of American scientific research. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the consulate was “a hub of spying and intellectual property theft.” The Chinese Embassy in Washington called the decision to close the consulate “an outrageous and unjustified move which sabotages China-...
UNCF Survey Measures How COVID-19 Has Affected HBCU Students’ Fall Plans
Jessica Ruf, Diverse - 7 hours ago

More than 5,000 students from 17 United Negro College Fund (UNCF) historically Black colleges and universities shared how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting their lives and enrollment plans for fall, in a recently published UNCF student pulse survey. Key findings from the survey include: Over 80% of students prefer to return to campus for some […]
Poll: Will end of federal $600 weekly jobless benefit impact marijuana sales?
Kevin Huhn, Marijuana Business Daily - 7 hours ago
The $600-a-week subsidy that has kept millions of unemployed Americans afloat since late April was to expire July 31. Congress has been unable to strike a deal to renew or replace the CARES Act, so all sectors of the U.S. economy are fearful of what lies ahead. And that includes the cannabis industry. Read about […] Poll: Will end of federal $600 weekly jobless benefit impact marijuana sales? is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Ontario to open second cannabis warehouse ‘by September,’ analyst says
Matt Lamers, Marijuana Business Daily - 7 hours ago
Ontario’s lone cannabis wholesaler and distributor received the green light from the provincial government to expand its privately operated distribution network when necessary, an Ontario Cannabis Store spokesperson told Marijuana Business Daily. A new distribution warehouse could come sooner than later, according to one analyst, potentially providing the slack the system currently lacks to open […] Ontario to open second cannabis warehouse ‘by September,’ analyst says is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Ooze Wholesale is Named the Exclusive Distributor of Stache Products in New Partnership
Pamela Moore, Marijuana Business Daily - 8 hours ago
Jane Wagner (248) 224-9769 jane@oozewholesale.com www.oozewholesale.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OAK PARK, Mich. — Ooze Wholesale, a Metro Detroit-based distribution company specializing in dispensary, smoke shop and retail supplies, has attained exclusive distributor rights in a partnership with Stache Products. Stache Products focuses on upscale concentrate vaporizers, and is best known for the RiO Portable Dab […] Ooze Wholesale is Named the Exclusive Distributor of Stache Products in New Partnership is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news ...
Israel, US reach agreement on air defense cooperation
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 8 hours ago
[image: Israel, US reach agreement on air defense cooperation] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – The Israeli army announced that it has signed a cooperation agreement with the U.S. regarding joint air defense projects. “After a hypothetical meeting, the Israeli Air Force and the U.S. Air Force signed a document specifying the interoperability between the American THAAD missile and the Israeli Iron Dome in the event of an emergency in Israel.” The American High Altitude Defense (THAAD) and the Israeli Iron Dome are both anti-ballistic missile defense systems, designed to intercept and ...
Syrian Army steps up attacks in northwest Syria as offensive becomes imminent
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 8 hours ago
[image: Syrian Army steps up attacks in northwest Syria as offensive becomes imminent] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued to launch heavy strikes on the jihadist rebel positions in northwestern Syria this week, as their troops repeatedly struck the militant defenses in Idlib, Hama, and Latakia. According to a field report from the Latakia countryside, the Syrian Army launched several strikes on the jihadist defenses near the key town of Kabani, which has long been under the control of the Turkestan Islamic Party and their allied militants. Continue ...
Russian Su-27 scrambles to intercept US aircraft over Black Sea, 2nd time in 24 hours
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 9 hours ago
[image: Russian Su-27 scrambles to intercept US aircraft over Black Sea, 2nd time in 24 hours] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 P.M.) – The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Friday that its Su-27 fighter aircraft intercepted an American spy plane over the Black Sea waters. They said that the American plane moved away from the Russian border, as soon as Su-27 approached the aircraft. “On July 31, a U.S. aircraft approached Russia’s airspace and was discovered over neutral waters in the Black Sea, and a Su-27 fighter jet immediately set off to intercept it,” the Russian Ministry of Defen...
France's Surrender To Nazi Germany: Did It Really Need to Happen?
Robert Farley, The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *History, Europe* France surrendered to the Nazis in 1940 for complex reasons. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The eventual course of World War II put an especially bad light on the decision of the French military and political hierarchy to cease resistance against Germany. Even without foreknowledge of the German disaster in Russia, however, the French had meaningful means to resist Germany, and to continue to put pressure on the Nazi regime. France surrendered to the Nazis in 1940 for complex reasons. The proximate cause, of course, was the success of the G...
America Must Become a World Model Again
Ahmed Charai, The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Ahmed Charai* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] In recent years, America has become a country engulfed in turmoil, withdrawn from the world, wanting for leadership. The Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, observed this week, stems from the Bible by way of the Qur’an, and celebrates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice one of his sons in response to a command from God. In many Muslim countries, Eid this year has taken on a less festive and a more somber tone. As COVID-19 saps our economies and swells the vast ranks of the poor, those of us who can afford to are purcha...
UK's Stunning Hypocrisy over Hong Kong
Land Destroyer, Land Destroyer - 6 hours ago

A British arms embargo on Hong Kong over "human rights concerns" while the UK continues to arm and train Saudis amid Yemen genocide? *August 1, 2020 *(Joseph Thomas - NEO) - Further evidence the UK hides behind "human rights" rather than stands for them was demonstrated when London placed sanctions on Hong Kong after the passing of a security law aimed at combating overt foreign interference in special administrative region of China. British state media in an article titled, "UK suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong," would claim: *The UK government will suspend its extradit...
UK's Stunning Hypocrisy over Hong Kong
Land Destroyer, Alt Thai News Network ATNN - 6 hours ago

A British arms embargo on Hong Kong over "human rights concerns" while the UK continues to arm and train Saudis amid Yemen genocide? *August 1, 2020 *(Joseph Thomas - NEO) - Further evidence the UK hides behind "human rights" rather than stands for them was demonstrated when London placed sanctions on Hong Kong after the passing of a security law aimed at combating overt foreign interference in special administrative region of China. British state media in an article titled, "UK suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong," would claim: *The UK government will suspend its extradit...
Academic-Turned-Politician Piyabutr Reveals Hand in Recent Protests
Land Destroyer, Alt Thai News Network ATNN - 6 hours ago

*August 1, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) *Opposition figure Piyabutr Saengkanokkul - co-founder of the disbanded Future Forward Party and now co-founder of its spin-off, the Progressive Movement - has all but openly demanded his and his party's demands be met or unrest in the streets would escalate. Piyabutr's role at the center of ongoing unrest is the culmination of years of serving fugitive billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra and his efforts to return to power by any means necessary. It is no coincidence that "student protesters" are making identical demands to his own party's demand...
Wisconsin Orders Mandatory Face Masks. Some Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce.
Luis Miguel, rss - 6 hours ago
[image: wisconsin-orders-mandatory-face-masks-some-sheriffs-refuse-to-enforce] Wisconsin Democratic Governor Tony Evers signed an order mandating masks indoors, but some sheriff's departments say they will not go after violators.
Gotham City Digest
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Gotham City - 6 hours ago

(Wham, bam, thank you, mere mortal.) ------------------------------ How embarrassing, to live under a right wing ideology over an 80 year-long life only to be killed by your biggest right wing hero and his policies. ------------------------------ It seems the most dangerous job in America is being a Trump fan. Look at Herman Cain, who attended his Tulsa rally without a mask. What a legacy to leave behind: He died so he could watch Trump drink a glass of water with one hand and walk down a ramp. ------------------------------ Your Karen o' the day. ------------------------...
The Daily "Near You?"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago

Apollo Beach, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"Memo from Insiders: Dear Bagholders, Thanks for Buying Our Shares at the Top"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago

*"Memo from Insiders: * *Dear Bagholders, Thanks for Buying Our Shares at the Top"* by Charles Hugh Smith "What looks like a powerful, can't-lose rally to newbies is recognized as distribution by old hands. In low-volume markets (as in the past few months), insiders holding large positions can't dump all their shares at once or the price of the stock would plummet due to the thinness of the bid. The only way to get top-dollar for one's overvalued shares is to play distribution games: sell a little each day on the upticks, and buy back shares when they threaten to drop below the key ...
UN Still Calls the Shots in Afghanistan
John F. McManus, rss - 7 hours ago
[image: un-still-calls-the-shots-in-afghanistan] I recently had occasion to employ the “Ask a Question” technique as a way to get an acquaintance to do some serious thinking.
Court Overturns Boston Marathon Bomber’s Death Sentence
AP News, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
A federal appeals court says the judge who oversaw the case did not adequately screen jurors for potential biases.
McCloskeys Fire Back at Prosecutor Who Charged Them With Brandishing
Bob Adelmann, rss - 7 hours ago
[image: mccloskeys-fire-back-at-prosecutor-who-charged-them-with-brandishing] St. Louis Circuit Attorney (chief prosecutor) Kimberly Gardner announced last week that she was bringing charges against a St. Louis couple, the McCloskeys, for threatening "peaceful protesters" with guns; now the couple is fighting back, stating that Gardner is attempting a political prosecution.
As COVID-19 Surges, Farmworkers Are Paying A High Price
Kevin Zeese, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
Every day, California farmworkers worry that the pandemic plowing through agricultural hubs will catch them and kill them. They also worry that not working will kill them. The collapse of food service demands when most businesses and institutions shut down has cut farm jobs statewide by 20 percent, or 100,000. Many farmworkers who are still working have had their hours or days reduced, sometimes without warning. Lockdowns have also cost workers second jobs they needed to make ends meet. They are juggling bills and going hungry. These are some of the findings in a new survey of 900...
GDP Shrinks By Record Amount In Second Quarter
Kevin Zeese, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
The U.S. economy shrunk at a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 32.9 percent during the second quarter of 2020 as the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic spurred an economic collapse of record-breaking speed and size, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. Between April and June, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) shrunk at a pace that would have wiped out roughly a third of the value of the economy if extended over 12 months, according to the Commerce Department’s advance estimate of second-quarter growth. It is the largest one-quarter plunge in economic growth since th...
Here’s How We Remake The Economy
Kevin Zeese, PopularResistance.Org - 7 hours ago
To defend the $600 unemployment payments as both morally and economically necessary is not to suggest that the CARES Act is a sufficient solution to our economic problems. Nor, says Pavlina Tcherneva, Associate Professor of Economics at Bard College and a Research Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute and advisor to Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign, is the Democratic-led HEROES Act, which would extend the payments through January 2021 if Senate Republicans and the Trump administration would support it. Dr. Tcherneva studies the impact of unemployment on growth, income...
Entire NBA Takes a Knee During National Anthem
James Murphy, rss - 8 hours ago
[image: entire-nba-takes-a-knee-during-national-anthem] As the NBA restarts its season, which was suspended due to COVID-19, the league seems far more interested in making a political statement than it does in rebounds, dunks, and three-pointers.
Goodbye, Suburbia: If Biden Wins, Democrats Plan to Absorb Suburbs Into Cities
Selwyn Duke, rss - 8 hours ago
[image: goodbye-suburbia-if-biden-wins-democrats-plan-to-absorb-suburbs-into-cities] It’s not what politicians say they’re going to do that you most have to worry about, and this isn’t just because they’re notorious for breaking promises. It’s that it’s what they don’t say they’re going to do, but do anyway once in power, that’s far worse. A good example is the Democrats’ plan to destroy the suburbs, which they see as bastions of white privilege/supremacy whose rise has occurred at cities’ expense.
Every Nozzle Stroke Updates, By Arthur T
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 8 hours ago
Where’s Will Gompertz these days? As there is no Turner Prize in 2020, we might assume he’s been furloughed - but no, he’s around - he reported on the 9th May on the 2020 BP Portrait Award. I must admit I missed it - it never made the BBC News website Home page: *Jiab Prachakul: Will Gompertz reviews BP Portrait Award 2020 winner* ★★★☆☆ Reading between the lines of his report, Will’s not happy. There’s no political angle to Jiab Prachakul’s portrait. It’s conventional. It tells the story of a couple during a moment of closeness. Unlike so much current portraiture, it isn’t derive...
America’s Own Color Revolution Is Coming Along Nicely Indeed – Anti-Empire
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
What we are experiencing is not the “return of fascism.” It is the global capitalist empire restoring order, putting down the populist insurgency that took them by surprise in 2016. The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution, the fake apocalyptic plague, all the insanity of 2020 … it has been in the pipeline all along. It … Continue reading America’s Own Color Revolution Is Coming Along Nicely Indeed – Anti-Empire →
After 300 Million Infections It’s Time to Knock It Off With the “Survivor” Nonsense – Anti-Empire
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
Would you ever call yourself a “flu survivor”? Mind Virus-19 Dissenters and Skeptics of Oregon 19 hours ago It is deeply offensive to me for people who’ve caught C19 to call themselves “survivors.” Obviously, they had a virus. Every day, many viruses infect many people. Most of them survive. It is common knowledge that every human on … Continue reading After 300 Million Infections It’s Time to Knock It Off With the “Survivor” Nonsense – Anti-Empire →
Steve M., No More Mister Nice Blog - 7 hours ago
Shockingly, it appears that trying to kill constituents is bad for your poll numbers if you're an elected official. A look at recent polling of nine governors ... shows that the governors who instituted face-mask requirements, urged social distancing and reopened more slowly than other states have seen a jump in their approval ratings. By contrast, the governors who eschewed public health experts’ advice and reopened quickly — as President Trump urged — have seen their approval ratings drop, by double digits in some cases. The five governors listed at the top of the chart have taken...
what last 2 or 28 years has taught Diane Feinstein
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 7 hours ago
7-30-20 And as a country growing into a respectable nation among other nations. And I deeply believe that. I've been to China a number of times. I've studied the issues." -Feinstein (D-CA) during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing https://www.foxnews.com/politics/feinstein-letting-americans-sue-china-over-coronavirus-response-would-be-huge-mistake ……… According to four former intelligence officials, in the 2000s a staffer in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s San Francisco field office was reporting back to the MSS [China’s Ministry of State Security, its intelligence and security ...
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago

"Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the handmaiden of truth. Doubt is the key to the door of knowledge; it is the servant of discovery. A belief which may not be questioned binds us to error, for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief. Doubt is the touchstone of truth; it is an acid which eats away the false. Let no one fear for the truth, that doubt may consume it; for doubt is a testing of belief. The truth stands boldly and unafraid; it is not shaken by the testing, for truth, if it be truth, arises from each testing stronger, more secure. He that would silence ...
Digi Debates: Dr Kyle Johnson and Denis Rancourt PHD Face Off- The Mask Debate
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 7 hours ago
*hattip yaya*
Reports: Trump To Order China’s ByteDance To Sell TikTok
AP News, Snopes.com - 7 hours ago
President Donald Trump will order China’s ByteDance to sell its hit video app TikTok because of national-security concerns.
Report: PA Charters Game The Special Education System.
Peter Greene, CURMUDGUCATION - 7 hours ago
In a new report, Education Voters of Pennsylvania looks at “how an outdated law wastes public money, encourages gaming the system, and limits school choice.” Fixing the Flaws looks at how Pennsylvania’s two separate funding systems have made students with special needs a tool for charter gaming of the system, even as some of them are shut out of the system entirely. The two-headed system looks like this. Public schools receive special education funding based on the actual costs of services, while charter schools are funded with a one-size-fits-all system that pays the same amount for...
Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 7 hours ago
Harvey A Risch Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis American Journal of Epidemiology, kwaa093, https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwaa093 More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times … Continue reading →
If the US General Election Is Delayed, Does Pelosi Become President?
Bethania Palma, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
The premise of this question is inherently flawed.
Right-wing Former Brazilian Minister Elected to Board of World Bank
Newsfeed, The Rio Times - 8 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Reuters) Abraham Weintraub, a right-wing former Brazilian education minister, has been elected as an executive director of the World Bank, according to a statement by the Bank, whose staff had raised . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? […] The post Right-wing Former Brazilian Minister Elected to Board of World Bank appeared first on The Rio Times.
Florida Teen Charged in Massive Twitter Hack, Bitcoin Theft
AP News, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
The 17-year-old boy was arrested July 31 in Tampa and faces 30 felony charges.
Vanderbilt Administrator Applies Engineering Background to Diversity Work
Sara Weissman, Diverse - 8 hours ago

Dr. William H. Robinson has spent the last 17 years at Vanderbilt University. In 2018, he became the institution’s first African American full professor in engineering, also serving as associate dean for academic success for the engineering school and the interim vice provost for strategic initiatives. Now, he’s taking on a new role as Vanderbilt’s […]
Is Pedophilia Considered a Disability in Greece?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 8 hours ago
Outrage over a proposed change in 2012 — that never came to fruition — continued to percolate into 2020.
Segregation Forever? Research Finds Black, Latinx Students Still Excluded From Selective Public Institutions
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago

As communities and institutions seek solutions to the nation’s racial inequities in the aftermath of protests surrounding George Floyd’s death in police custody, the Education Trust recently cited “continued and systematic exclusion of Black and Latinx students from the most selective public colleges and universities in the country” in an incisive report published on its […]
Missouri Valley Conference Delays Fall Sports to September 18
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago

The Missouri Valley Conference has delayed the start of fall sport competition to Sept. 18 and decided it will hold conference-only competition in men’s soccer, women’s soccer and volleyball, on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Competitive schedules for men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s golf, and women’s tennis will be delayed until Sept. […]
SEC Announces Conference-Only Schedule for Football
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago

The Southeastern Conference, or SEC, has announced a conference-only schedule for football and set Sept. 26 as the new kickoff for its 2020 season. The decision has been taken to allow member institutions “to focus on the healthy return of their campus communities and the gradual re-introduction of athletics” amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The SEC said […]
MIAA Postpones Fall Sport Competition Due to Pandemic
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago

The Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, or MIAA, has decided to postpone fall conference competition and conference tournaments for cross country, football, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s soccer, and volleyball in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference said it will aim to schedule these sports for later in the academic year. It will […]
Northeast Conference Postpones Fall Sports Competition and Championships
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago

The Northeast Conference has postponed all fall sports athletics competition and championships “in response to the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.” The decision affects conference events in all fall sports including men’s and women’s cross country, field hockey, football, men’s and women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball. The conference plans to meet again Oct. […]
Illinois State University to Remove Names in Residence Hall That Have Links to Slavery
cmaadmin, Diverse - 9 hours ago

Illinois State University will remove names in a residence hall that have links to slavery. The university said it will rename floors in its Watterson Towers residence hall, which consists of 10 “houses” named after the first 10 former U.S. secretaries of state. Of those 10, eight actively participated in slavery, the university said. “Asking […]
Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 208 – 2020
Hifast, Climate Collections - 10 hours ago

Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North ? ?
‘We Will Coup Whoever We Want’
Kevin Zeese, PopularResistance.Org - 12 hours ago
On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second U.S. “government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people.” Someone responded to Musk soon after, “You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.” Musk then wrote: We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it. Musk refers here to the coup against President Evo Morales Ayma, who was removed illegally from his office in November 2019. Morales had just won an election for a term that was t...
The White House distributed contaminated coronavirus test kits, involving a secretive purchase
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours ago
The White House distributed contaminated masks following a secretive purchase deal, reports Vanity Fair, exposing the role of son-in-law Jared Kushner. This comes as Native women in Minnesota protest Ivanka Trump, saying she is attempting to co-opt the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women's movement in a political ploy. By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo: Coronavirus testing on
Trump Is The Worst Monster On Earth-- But Does Biden Want To Make You Puke Up Your Lunch?
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

6 states have fewer than a million people; Delaware is one of them. Biden has never been elected to anything-- unless you want to pretend *he* was elected VP-- outside of Delaware, a state with a pronounced penchant for electing very conservative Democrats. He has often tried to make it seem that he was a favorite son of Pennsylvania, the 6th most populous state in the union but he's never run for anything there. With 20 electoral votes, Pennsylvania is an important prize. Trump managed to win it in 2016-- 2,970,733 (48.18%) to 2,926,441 (47.46%) in a stunning and consequential up...
The precious First Amendment
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 8 hours ago
Yes, Google is a private firm, and it can censor anything it wants--it is not the government. But it has more power over you than the government and it is a public utility whether or not it has that title. No, we can't assemble and we can't petition--because petitioning the government is useless so it might as well not exist. And where would we assemble if the government has closed everything? Freedom to worship on-line is not the same as freedom of religion. Anyone who speaks against the current myths developed by the left or the intersectionality promoted by academe risks her ca...
"Off the Charts; Off Their Rockers"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago

*"Off the Charts; Off Their Rockers"* By Bill Bonner SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – "These two headlines from Bloomberg caught our eye yesterday: “U.S. Economy Shrinks at Record 32.9% Pace in Second Quarter” “U.S. Jobless Claims Rise a Second Week in Sign of Growing Risks” These are the reports we’ve been expecting. They tell us what we already knew: When you shut down an economy, well… you have less of an economy. About a third less, in this case. And since an economy is what provides our wants and needs… turn it off, and you have less of both of them. *Off the Charts: *The decline in GD...
Covid antibodies and vaccines
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 8 hours ago
7-31-20 At the end of May there was a significant breakthrough in understanding of COVID antibodies which was not widely reported: a Swiss study from Zurich led by Professor Onur Boyman74 demonstrated that a large proportion of the population had a natural immunity through existing antibodies on the mucous membrane (IgA) or cellular immunity (T cells), likely to have been acquired through previous exposure to coronaviruses such as influenza or the common cold (the absence of exposure to previous coronavirus is now thought to explain the opposite effect in 1918) 75. The study fo...
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 31, 2020
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 8 hours ago
An Indian Army convoy moves along a highway leading to Ladakh. Photo: Reuters *SCMP/Bloomberg*: *India moving 35,000 more troops to disputed China border in Himalayas amid heightened tensions* * Both countries have rushed thousands of soldiers, artillery guns and tanks to the region since deadly clashes last month * ‘Additional troops rushed by either side will not move back, unless there is a rapprochement at the highest political level,’ analyst said India is positioning an additional 35,000 troops along its disputed Himalayan border with China as the possibility of an early reso...
Sarmat: Russia's New ICBMs Have Been Decades in the Making (But Worth the Wait?)
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 8 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, * Though their development has been rocky, once they’re in service, they could change the balance of ballistic missile power in Russia’s favor. One of Russia’s farthest-reaching missiles is the SS-18 Satan. This intercontinental silo-based missile has a purported range of around ten thousand kilometers, or about sixty-two hundred miles and is equipped with a nuclear warhead. Although the Satan’s range is undeniably impressive, the missile is old. The original variant of the missile was developed nearly fifty years ago, in the early 1970, and the latest i...
Why Battlecruisers Were a Terrible Idea
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 8 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *History, World* [image: By Photographer: Allan C. Green 1878 - 1954Restoration: Adam CuerdenPlease credit both - State Library of Victoria, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24585571] No navy should build these. *Key Point: *The Battle of the Jutland shows why battlecruisers were not a good idea. They were a half-measures that couldn't fit in either class and couldn't take their punches. "There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today," said Admiral Beatty as he watched his battlecruisers blow up one by one at the Battl...
The Nazis Had A Use For The Weird "Ball Tank" Kugelpanzer
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 8 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* Like out of Star Wars or something. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The kinship with World War I-era prototypes ties the Kugelpanzer’s concept to an era in which the tank’s advantage in “mobility” related to its ability to negotiate the cratered and trench-strewn battlefields of World War I, rather than execute Blitzkrieg-style rapid advances. It therefore seems likely the spherical tank’s designers abandoned the Kugelpanzer because of its inability to keep up with the mobile warfare raging across Europe. The *Star Wars *prequel movies f...
Halifax’s design review committee approves 16-storey waterfront development from Southwest Properties
Zane Woodford, Halifax Examiner - 8 hours ago
The city’s design review committee has rejected advice from planning staff and approved an application from Southwest Properties for a 16-storey building on the waterfront. The site is known as the Cunard lot — located on the waterfront along Lower Water Street between Morris and Bishop streets, next to Southwest’s Bishop’s Landing condo development. It’s […]
Nova Scotia COVID-19 update: Two new cases, masks become mandatory
Yvette d'Entremont, Halifax Examiner - 9 hours ago
The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. Premier Stephen McNeil told a media briefing today that while he’s considering the options of re-opening to the rest of Canada, “we’re not there yet.” Two new travel-related cases of COVID-19 were announced in the province today, the first since July 15. Both cases were […]
Gov. Scott Walker’s Proposed Mandamus to Compel Congress to Call an Article V Convention
David Super, Balkinization - 9 hours ago
After losing his bid for re-election in 2018, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker enlisted as a consultant for several conservative groups. Among these groups was one of several seeking to call this country’s first convention since 1787 to amend the U.S. Constitution. Upon taking that position, Gov. Walker announced that he would be visiting several states and persuading leaders there to abandon their resistance to calling a constitutional convention. Governor Walker claimed that twenty-eight states had already requested a convention for the purpose of adding a balanced budg...
Awakening Sleeping Dogs - Or Billy Meyer Again **
KRandle, A Different Perspective - 9 hours ago

Michael Horn appended a comment to post that was a couple of years old. I had grown tired of the whole Billy Meyer mess. Given the state of the world today, I really couldn’t care less about Meyer and his claims of alien contact. To me, it just isn’t worth the effort. I would have posted Horn’s comment had he not made some rather snarky comments and then descended into profanity… not to say that I haven’t said a Michael Horeprofane word now and again. I just try to class things up periodically and have attempted to be the voice of civility in the world; sort of a mission to civi...
Video: George Carlin and Covid-19: If George Carlin Was Alive Today, He Would Say That Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman and the Rest of Hollywood Are A Bunch of Pussies!
admin, Silent Crow NewsSilent Crow News | News, Opinions & Analysis that Matters - 9 hours ago
Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – The controversial face-mask wearing and social- distance problem in the US has celebrities getting into the political aspect of shaming people like actor Tom Hanks who recently said that “There’s really only three things we can do in order to get to tomorrow: Wear a mask, social distance,... (read more)
Congress passes legislation to expend $19 million/day on behalf of Israel
Alison Weir, Israel Palestine News - 9 hours ago
While some Americans know that the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day ($7,000 per minute), they may be unaware that additional spending on behalf of Israel significantly increases the cost to American taxpayers... thanks to Appropriations Chair Nita Lowey & the Israel lobby...
PSA updated data on PH death statistics
Bienvenido Oplas Jr, Government and Taxes - 10 hours ago

Kudos to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) for updating the country's death statistics until June 2020. PSA Chief, the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General, is Dr. Dennis Mapa (BS Stat, MA Econ, MS Stat, PhD Econ, all from UP Diliman). Dennis is a friend and the last two weeks I was bugging him when they will release the updated PSA vital stats (births, deaths, marriages, etc). The death stats especially because of this persistent hysteria over the Wuhan virus -- that there are more diseases and deaths now because of the pandemic. I often use PSA data in my BWor...
Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Face Masks; Sweden Says They Are ‘Pointless’
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 10 hours ago
From SummitNews: Excerpts: The Netherlands has decided not to mandate the wearing of face masks in public, citing the fact that there is NO scientific evidence to suggest they are effective against the spread of the coronavirus. “From a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks, the Cabinet has decided that there will be no national obligation for wearing non-medical masks” announced Netherlands Minister for Medical Care Tamara van Ark. The country’s National Institute for Health (RIVM) noted that it is aware of studies from other countries that purport to show m...
Marriage Is Healthy For Men But Bad For Women? Results Show The Opposite
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 10 hours ago
Men who live alone and have a smaller social network are less likely to be obese than women who have the same lifestyle, according to results found in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging survey. This debunks the cultural trope that marriage is worse for women and better for men when it comes to health. The data used were the social ties of 28,238 adults aged 45 to 85 and their waist circumference, body mass index and general obesity. These results are only exploratory, they cannot create a causal link and since they are based on surveys have numerous confounders. read more
Multistate marijuana operator Jushi upsizes debt financing to $33.3 million
Solomon Israel, Marijuana Business Daily - 10 hours ago
Florida-based multistate marijuana and hemp operator Jushi Holdings increased a debt financing announced in late July by roughly $18 million, citing strong demand from shareholders and management. The debt financing, which was meant to fund Jushi’s $37 million purchase of grower-processor Pennsylvania Medical Solutions (PAMS) from Minneapolis-based MSO Vireo Health International, was previously worth $15.25 […] Multistate marijuana operator Jushi upsizes debt financing to $33.3 million is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis ent...
Hottest Day Of Year At ………Heathrow!!
Paul Homewood, NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 11 hours ago

By Paul Homewood How can they say that with a straight face? https://twitter.com/metoffice It’s marvellous what a bit of tarmac will do!
When Corporate Power Is Your Real Government, Corporate Media Is State Media
Caitlin Johnstone, null - 8 hours ago
[image: undefined] The New York Times published an astonishingly horrible article the other day titled “Latin America Is Facing a ‘Decline of Democracy’ Under the Pandemic” accusing governments like Venezuela and Nicaragua of exploiting Covid-19 to quash opposition and oppress democracy. The article sources its jarringly propagandistic claims in multiple US government-funded narrative management operations like the Wilson Center and the National Endowment for Democracy-sponsored Freedom House, the extensively plutocrat-funded Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the Unite...
Réparation vs augmentation/amélioration
Ethical Technology - 9 hours ago
*La distinction entre réparation et augmentation/amélioration n’est valable que par rapport à une norme humaine, subjective, fixée de manière essentiellement arbitraire. Ce n’est pas une loi objective comme la vitesse de la lumière ou la gravité.*
Covid-19 Infects Nuclear Plant Workers - Plan for Disruptions Now to Avoid Darkest Winter
Majia's Blog, Majia's Blog - 9 hours ago
Nuclear power plants at risk: Hannah Baker (30 JUL 2020). Balfour Beatty confirms more workers test positive at Hinkley Point C supply site. BristoLive. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/local-news/balfour-beatty-confirms-more-workers-4380333 CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES must be bolstered and secured. Worst case scenarios must be imagined and planned for as we potentially face the darkest winter. Plan for “Darkest Winter” scenario - Dr. Rick Bright in testimony before House Energy and Commerce Committee, reported May 13, 2020.[i] ------------------------------ [i] Rica...
From Bedridden to Thriving: Author Describes How Acupuncture Saved Her Life Where Western Medicine Failed
Nick Meyer, AltHealthWorks.com - 9 hours ago

While the mainstream medical world has had plenty of successes that have been widely publicized over the years, there are countless miracles of alternative medicine happening on a daily basis as well, involving several different types of therapies most people have never tried. One of them is acupuncture, a healing art from the Far East that sounds intimidating but is virtually if not entirely painless for most people, and has the ability to release stagnant energy or blood flow, or lack thereof, within the human body. Acupuncture has become more widespread in recent years to the ...
The U.S. Army Is Working on Self-Healing Tanks, Drones, and Body Armor
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1BETETAEIAB&share=true] Could biology provide the techniques to make these sci-fi defenses a reality? Imagine an armored vehicle takes enemy fire and is disabled, crew members are injured and its functionality is impaired when all of a sudden its armor regenerates. Perhaps a drone is conducting surveillance while operating in a forward, high-risk combat area when it is nearly decimated by enemy explosions, yet its biologically-inspired polymer material instantly ...
Tens Of Thousands Of Americans Died On Iwo Jima So Others Could Live
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* Taking the small island, encompassing only about eight square miles, required the commitment of 70,000 American fighting men and 26,000 casualties, over 6,800 of them killed. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *On March 4, 1945, even before the island was declared secure, the B-29 *Dinah Might* reported that it was critically low on fuel and requested an emergency landing. It is estimated that by the end of World War II more than 27,000 American airmen were saved from an uncertain fate when their planes safely landed on Iwo Jima. Roughly...
Imperial Japan Planned To Send Plague Bombs To America During World War II
Sebastien Roblin, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* Following the Japanese surrender, Ishii cut a deal with the U.S. military: he would hand over all the research data from his atrocious experiments on live human subjects in exchange for immunity from war-crimes prosecution for him and his scientists. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Plans to employ bioweapons cannot help but seem especially short-sighted given the indiscriminate and unpredictable nature of diseases. If the attack at Bataan had been carried out, for example, soon-to-be victorious Japanese troops would likely have fallen vict...
WHO: Young People ‘Not Invincible’ to Coronavirus and Can Be Major Spreaders
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Health, * “Young people can be infected, young people can die and young people can transmit the virus to others.” World Health Organization officials are contending that young people “letting down their guard” could be driving the surge of new COVID-19 cases in some countries. The agency noted that while young people’s mortality rate is generally low to the virus, they still may suffer from long-term symptoms even after they recover. “We have said it before and we will say it again, young people are not invincible,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom G...
Unverified satellite photos show deployment of elite Chinese forces near Indian border
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 9 hours ago
[image: Unverified satellite photos show deployment of elite Chinese forces near Indian border] India and China, both nuclear powers, have been engaged in military level talks to diffuse ongoing tensions following a violent clash on 15 June, the worst in nearly 50 years, that resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese troops. China’s People’s Liberation Army has built a floating dock, tents and huts in the contested Pangong Tso district of Ladkah; unverified satellite images released by private agency Maxar Technology suggest. Continue reading Unv...
Sysco recalls red onions in Canada because of Salmonella link; U.S. mum
News Desk, Food Safety News - 9 hours ago
Last evening, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada, as of Thursday there have been 114 confirmed cases of Salmonella Newport illness linked to red onions. It could be related to a U.S. outbreak that has yet to be associated with any food. As of this afternoon, neither the U.S. Centers for Disease Control... Continue Reading
UK: GE deregulation amendment is withdrawn – but there is more work to do
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 10 hours ago
In its last meeting before the summer recess, the House of Lords finally debated Amendment 275 of the Agriculture Bill, which proposed to deregulate products of gene editing in UK agriculture.
Iraqi airstrikes wipe out ISIS supply vehicles: photos
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 10 hours ago
[image: Iraqi airstrikes wipe out ISIS supply vehicles: photos] BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:50 P.M.) – The Iraqi Ministry of Defense announced on Friday, that Iraqi warplanes carried out precise airstrikes, destroying vehicles belonging to the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh). The Iraqi Ministry of Defense released a statement that said their forces targeted the Islamic State’s movements in the Wadi Al-Shai area, as they sought to deliver supplies to their terrorist comrades. The statement added, “The strikes resulted in the destruction of two Hyundai type wheels used by ISIS to ...
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