11:30 pm MDT
Newsweek: “Tens of Thousands of Patients with COVID-19 are Dying Unnecessarily” – by Dr. Harvey A. Risch
Admin, Health Impact News - 6 hours ago

While not a "news" story, but an "opinion" piece, it is still rare to see a corporate media outlet like Newsweek publish the truth about hydroxychloroquine. Since this was written the week before the Frontline Doctors descended upon Washington D.C. to educate the public on how they were curing ALL of their COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine, we are republishing the entire editorial by Dr. Harvey A. Risch before it disappears. The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It - by Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD , Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public H...
Gotham City Digest: Expanded edition
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Gotham City - 6 hours ago

("I support my country 100% of the time and the government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain.) ------------------------------ Yes, the Trump "administration" is so desperate, stupid and ignorant that they're actually asking a federal judge to overrule the Supreme Court. ------------------------------ "Fauci's throwing out the first pitch, huh? Well, so am I! On the 15th!" Yankees: "?!" "On second thought, no I'm not." Yankees: "?!" ------------------------------ Typhoid Mary didn't invent typhus, but she DID spread it. She will forever own that name. ...
CIA Fabricated Russiagate ‘Evidence’, Says Former NSA Tech Chief
Eric Zuesse, The Duran - 6 hours ago

Eric Zuesse An important public statement was made on July 27th by Bill Binney, the U.S. Government’s top expert on the internet, and on computer hacking. He had been the Technical Director of the NSA when he quit and became a whistleblower against that Agency while George W. Bush was the U.S. President and invaded […]
Does Farting Negate the Use of Masks to Prevent COVID-19?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
It's natural to pass gas, but please don't pass along this meme.
Does China's Missiles Mean Aircraft Carriers are Now Obsolete?
Robert Farley, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, * The anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) systems around the world may indeed curb the effectiveness of the Ford class, but the U.S. will still find uses for this ships. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The vulnerabilities of the big carriers are real, and the U.S. needs to either remedy those problems, or consider an alternative means of delivering ordnance. The United States has decided to spend many billions of dollars on the CVN-78 (“Ford”) class of aircraft carriers to replace the venerable Nimitz class. The latter has served the U.S. Navy since 19...
Congressmen and Tech CEOs Spar Over Political Bias
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] Democrats questioned CEOs about their anti-competitive business practices while multiple Republicans asked them about big tech’s supposed political bias against conservative users. Four of the nation’s largest and most powerful tech companies battled allegations of political bias during a heated congressional hearing on Wednesday. The House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Antitrust Issues hearing, which was originally scheduled for Monday but pushed back two days after a memorial to Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), featured tes...
CEOs Of Apple, Google, Facebook, And Amazon Face Congress
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* 'We have a word for that: monopoly.' Mark Zuckerberg's emails boasting about buying competitors and plotting to buy Instagram because it 'can hurt us meaningfully' are revealed at tech CEO hearing - as conservatives slam giants for 'bias' * Congressman Joe Neguse revealed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's emails at Wednesday's Judiciary Committee on antitrust laws where he details the company's goal to 'neutralize potential competitors' * 'We have a word for that – that word is monopoly,' The Democratic representative said * Zuckerberg, who joined the hearing virtuall...
Did Sen. Cotton Say Slavery Was a ‘Necessary Evil’?
Nur Ibrahim, Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
The Republican senator faced backlash after he criticized a school curriculum on slavery.
Schiller Institute Webcast: The Corruption of the System is the Problem We All Face
adam, LaRouchePAC Feed - 7 hours ago
Redirect to https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2020/07/29/webcast-the-corruption-of-the-system-is-the-problem-we-all-face/
The Corruption of the System is the Problem We All Face
David, LaRouchePAC Feed - 7 hours ago
Classical Renaissance New International Economic Order The Corruption of the System is the Problem We All Face Video of The Corruption of the System is the Problem We All Face In her closing comments in today's dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the corruption of the whole system as responsible for the civilizational crisis we face. She pointed to her comment years ago, at the time of the collapse of the Madoff bubble, that the system as a whole is a Ponzi scheme, with no interest in the Common Good, but only increasing private profits.
Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Securing Democratic Convention
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 7 hours ago
Way 2 Go. Give dems their own medicine right back. Rusty Weiss July 29, 2020 Over 100 police agencies have backed out of providing security at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Milwaukee next month. WTMJ reports that, according to Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales, the departments are concerned with new orders that restrict the … Continue reading Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Securing Democratic Convention →
CENSORSHIP: CDC Takes Over Frontline Doctors’ Website and Replaces Content with Their Own Data
AdminM, Medical Kidnap - 7 hours ago

As we have been reporting this week, a group of doctors who have been on the front lines treating COVID patients, successfully, descended upon Washington D.C. this week to conduct press conferences and a 2-day "White Coat Summit" to share their experiences in treating, and curing, their COVID patients. They claim that they represent "thousands" of doctors who have been censored. Their first press conference was sparsely attended by the Washington D.C. media, and the only media company that filmed it and shared it online, Breitbart News, was immediately censored, and the video was q...
Facebook’s Unchecked Power Endangers Civil Rights
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 7 hours ago
July 29, 2020 Common Dreams If Mark Zuckerberg truly believes in giving everyone a voice, the company must integrate a power, race, and social analysis into its policies and their enforcement. Gaurav Laroia, Carmen Scurato With an image of himself on a screen in the background, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies … Continue reading Facebook’s Unchecked Power Endangers Civil Rights →
As Big Tech CEOs Face Historic Anti-Trust Hearing, New ‘Merger Tracker’ Reveals Outsized Power of Silicon Valley Titans
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 7 hours ago
July 29, 2020 Common Dreams “Policymakers and enforcers have allowed these big tech barons to bully workers, consumers, and businesses for far too long.” Jake Johnson, staff writer This combination of file photos shows Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and Apple CEO Tim Cook. (Photo: DSK/AFP via Getty … Continue reading As Big Tech CEOs Face Historic Anti-Trust Hearing, New ‘Merger Tracker’ Reveals Outsized Power of Silicon Valley Titans →
Global Witness Reveals 2019 Was ‘Deadliest Year on Record’ for Eco-Defenders, With 212 Murdered Worldwide
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 7 hours ago
July 29, 2020 Common Dreams “Those that defend our land and environment are on the front lines of #ClimateAction. But we are failing them badly.” by Jessica Corbett, staff writer At least 212 eco-defenders were murdered around the world last year, according to a new annual report. (Image: Global Witness) “In 2019, Global … Continue reading Global Witness Reveals 2019 Was ‘Deadliest Year on Record’ for Eco-Defenders, With 212 Murdered Worldwide →
Bucking BLM’s attempts at indoctrination on campuses
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Charlie Butts (OneNewsNow.com) A traditional values organization believes Black Lives Matter is seeking to influence students within the school systems in order to turn them into mouthpieces for the movement. MassResistance vows to stand against the BLM agenda. An example is a demonstration in El Segundo, California, where MassResistance … Continue reading Bucking BLM’s attempts at indoctrination on campuses →
CENSORSHIP: CDC Takes Over Frontline Doctors’ Website and Replaces Content with Their Own Data
Admin, Health Impact News - 8 hours ago

As we have been reporting this week, a group of doctors who have been on the front lines treating COVID patients, successfully, descended upon Washington D.C. this week to conduct press conferences and a 2-day "White Coat Summit" to share their experiences in treating, and curing, their COVID patients. They claim that they represent "thousands" of doctors who have been censored. Their first press conference was sparsely attended by the Washington D.C. media, and the only media company that filmed it and shared it online, Breitbart News, was immediately censored, and the video was q...
SARS Cross-Immunity from T-cells
Hifast, Climate Collections - 9 hours ago

Originally posted on Science Matters: The functions of helper T cells in increasing immune activity (A) and killer T cells in killing virus-infected cells (B). The breaking news is in an accelerated preview article at Nature SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells in healthy donors and patients with COVID-19. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Abstract Severe acute…
World War I Drove Cavalry Into the History Books, But Not For The Reasons You Think
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *History, Europe* Horses were still used in World War II, but their effectiveness had waned. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Cavalry is now relegated to parades and other ceremonial duties, but how it disappeared should still be viewed as a portent to what could come in the future. While superior weapons led to the end of the cavalry, so too did the fact that fewer people could ride horses. Cavalry had been a crucial part of armies since antiquity, beginning soon after the domestication of the horse. The Greeks and Romans were skilled horsemen centuries before t...
The U.S. Army's Excalibur "S" Artillery Round Can Destroy Targets On The Move
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Technology, Europe* “This does give the round maneuverability to target a floor within a building, go under a bridge or hit the backside of a mountain,” Trevor Dunwell, Raytheon’s Excalibur Portfolio Director, told Warrior in an interview. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In a modern threat environment, wherein near-peer and smaller-level rivals increasingly possess precision-guided land weapons, longer-range C4ISR technology and drone weapons, increasing range is a ubiquitous emphasis across the Army and other services. (Washington, D.C.) Enemies hiding under ...
You'll Never Guess Who Controls America's Largest Stockpile Of Historic Guns
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *History, Americas* The National Parks Service. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* Today the largest collection of historic military firearms in the country is actually under the care of the National Parks Service (NPS), which oversees the Springfield Armory, the United State’s first armory. It was there that weapons were manufactured for every American conflict from the War of 1812 through Vietnam until it was closed by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1968. Its origins go back to the American Revolution when in 1777 General George Washington ordered the ...
The Air Force Is Ready to Arm Its Jets With Hypersonic Missiles
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* The weapons are already being prototyped and test-fired. *Key Point*: Hypersonic weapons bring a number of strategic implications. The Air Force is now ready to arm its force with fast-emerging hypersonic weapons, keeping pace with the service’s plan to fast-track the high-speed missiles to war. Live fire exercises are slated to begin shooting prototypes of the Lockheed-built AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), according to a June 3 report in The Drive. The Air Force plans to purchase eight prototypes, the paper said. The Air F...
Routine Gas Flaring: Wasteful, Dirty and Undermeasured
Gunnar W. Schade, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Gunnar W. Schade* *Economics, Americas* [image: Reuters] Routine flaring gives the industry a black eye. If you've driven through an area where companies extract oil and gas from shale formations, you've probably seen flames dancing at the tops of vertical pipes. That's flaring - the most uncontrolled practice of burning off a byproduct of oil and gas production. Over the past 10 years, the U.S. shale oil and gas boom has made this country one of the world's top five flaring nations, just behind Russia, Iran and Iraq. It’s a dubious distinction. Routine flaring gives the industr...
Black Teens are Less Likely to Get Mental Health Treatment Than White Teens
Rebecca Klisz-Hulbert, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Rebecca Klisz-Hulbert* *Society, Americas* [image: Reuters] These youngsters may then become adults with mental health issues that remain unaddressed. Black youth in the U.S. experience more illness, poverty, and discrimination than their white counterparts. These issues put them at higher risk for depression and other mental health problems. Yet Black youth are less likely to seek treatment. About 9% of them reported an episode of major depression in the past year, but less than half of those – about 40% – received treatment. By comparison, about 46% of white youth who reporte...
Hong Kong on Brink of ‘Large-Scale’ Coronavirus Outbreak
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 6 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Health, * Hong Kong is on the cusp of a “large-scale” coronavirus outbreak that may “collapse” its health-care facilities and cost even more lives, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said on Wednesday. Hong Kong is on the cusp of a “large-scale” coronavirus outbreak that may “collapse” its health-care facilities and cost even more lives, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said on Wednesday. While grappling with a sharp rise in new coronavirus cases in the region—now regularly registering more than a hundred new daily cases—government officials and health experts have urged p...
ASX rises on US gains, as Fed promises to see economy through coronavirus
Sue Lannin, Just In - 7 hours ago
The Australian share market is trading higher after the US central bank pledged to continue doing whatever it takes to keep the US economy afloat amid the coronavirus pandemic.
'You're in so much pain you don't want to do anything': Exercising when your body's working against you
Simon Leo Brown, Just In - 7 hours ago
Akii Ngo has lived with chronic pain since she was a child, and says her two dogs help her to exercise regularly. There are professionals who can help as well — but finding the right one can be difficult.
Roar look forward to tough A-League tests after win over Victory
Just In - 7 hours ago
A-League finals aspirants Brisbane Roar are focused on trying to catch teams above them rather than worrying about the ones snapping at their heels.
'This is not a budget repair story': NT Treasurer criticised for COVID-19 fiscal claim
Jano Gibson And Jacqueline Breen, Just In - 7 hours ago
The NT Treasurer's claim that a better-than-expected deficit for last financial year is linked to the Government's budget-repair initiatives is inaccurate, an independent budget policy analyst says.
Bishop given Church blessing to remain 'Bishop of Broome' during police, Vatican inquiries
Erin Parke, Just In - 7 hours ago
The Catholic Church moves to clear up confusion about the status of Bishop Christopher Saunders, who stood aside pending a Vatican investigation.
Sons say goodbye to mum from the footpath as disaster zone healthcare teams arrive
Just In - 7 hours ago
Families fear they will never see their loved ones alive again as more aged care residents are moved to hospital, while crisis-response teams are strengthened by AUSMAT personnel.
Live: Medical teams hit the ground as over 800 COVID-19 cases linked to Victoria aged care homes
Alicia Nally, Just In - 8 hours ago
Medical assistance teams that usually respond to overseas humanitarian disasters will hit the ground in Melbourne today to help stem the spread of COVID-19 in aged care. Follow live.
FedCoin: A New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 8 hours ago
From Ron Paul Institute: This is in the works folks….. Excerpts: If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed “digital dollar” or “fedcoin.” Fedcoin was initially included in the first coronavirus spending bill. While the proposal was dropped from the final version of the bill, there is still great interest in fedcoin on Capitol Hill. Some progressives have embraced fedcoin as a way to provide Americans w...
Bill Gates Is in Good Company Each One of the Four Vaccine Producers
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 8 hours ago
From HNews Wire: Excerpts: “Is a Convicted Serial Felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.” and There Are Two Countries Looking to Bring Gates Into Court for Crimes Against Humanity… Environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned Americans on Thursday to be cautious about any new coronavirus vaccine, pointing out that key parts of testing are being skipped. “The Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing altogether,” Kennedy said during an online debate on mandatory vaccinations with renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. The debate was aired by...
NSW Now: At least three Sydney schools and preschool close, while politicians clash over mandating masks
Just In - 8 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *The schools and preschool, in Sydney's west and south-west, are closing — some for the second time — while the State Government reject calls for making masks compulsory on 'overcrowded' trains and buses.
Why Has Everyone Seemingly Forgotten How the Immune System Works?
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 8 hours ago
From Children’s Health Defense: Part 1 and Part 2 -> COVID-19—Lessons from History and The Power of “The Terrain” Dr. Alan Palmer (Bold and Italics mine) I will only hit some fine points, I recommend that you read the articles….They aren’t terribly long and good reads… Excerpts: The media blitz surrounding the COVID-19 crisis strangely omits any mention of the power of the human immune system. It is critical for thinking people to look beyond the noise and learn why a healthy lifestyle and a targeted nutritional approach, which I’ve been passionately advocating for over 30 years...
Melbourne company takes staff to Fair Work after they refuse to turn up amid COVID-19 outbreak
Rachel Clayton, Just In - 8 hours ago
A Melbourne cleaning company takes staff to the Fair Work Commission after they refuse to come to work following an outbreak of coronavirus.
Major Teachers Union Tells Members to Strike If They Have to Return to Work
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 8 hours ago
From Liberty Headlines: (Bold and Italics mine) Excerpts: One of the nation’s largest teachers unions is authorizing its members to strike if their schools plan to reopen without proper safety measures. (Read everybody wears a mask requirement.) The American Federation of Teachers, which represents 1.7 million school employees, issued a resolution on Tuesday saying it will support any local chapter that decides to strike over reopening plans. Although the measure says strikes should be considered only as a “last resort,” it lists conditions the organization wants met for schools to ...
5 Key Demands for the New Coronavirus BillCOVID-19 has left the...
Robert Reich - 6 hours ago
*5 Key Demands for the New Coronavirus Bill*COVID-19 has left the economy in tatters, put millions of people on the brink of financial devastation, and taken the lives of over 145,000 Americans. Congress has just days left to pass legislation that will keep struggling Americans afloat and stave off economic catastrophe. Here are five key demands for the new bill. *1. Contain COVID-19*. Its catastrophic rates of sickness and death, as well as tragic economic consequences, require the boldest remedies this country is capable of mustering. There will be no economic recovery until t...
U.S. Covid-19 Coronavirus Deaths Have Passed 150,000
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Daily Mail: **US coronavirus death toll spikes by 10,000 in 11 days and now surpasses 150,000 - with Florida, California, Texas and Arkansas hitting record daily fatalities* * The number of American who have died from coronavirus surpassed the 150,000 mark on Wednesday * Fatalities have increased by more than 10,000 since July 17, which marks the fastest increase in deaths since the US went from 100,000 to 110,000 fatal cases over 11 days in early June * Nationally, COVID-19 deaths have risen for three weeks in a row while the number of new cases week-over-week recently fell for ...
Kidnapped Assyrian Man Still Missing in Turkey
Assyrian International News Agency - 7 hours ago
Hurmuz Diril and his wife Şimoni.A 71-year-old Assyrian Christian man, Hurmuz Diril, who lived in a village in southeast Turkey, has been missing since he and his wife Simoni were kidnapped on January 11 (AINA 2020-05-21).
Richmond, Virginia Officials and Media Claim Antifa and BLM Arrestees Are "White Supremacists"
C. Mitchell Shaw, rss - 7 hours ago
[image: richmond-va-officials-and-media-claim-antifa-and-blm-arrestees-are-white-supremacists] RICHMOND, VA — The story of riots under the pretext of “peaceful protest” continues to play out in America’s cities. In Richmond, Virginia, both government and media continue to spin the facts to condemn white conservatives with a smear campaign that has not even a passing acquaintance with reality.
The Problem
Louis Hissink, Louis Hissink's Crazy World - 7 hours ago
Biological species that experience periodic catastrophic reductions in population compensate with equally catastrophic increases in populations so that sufficient individuals will survive to repopulate the changed environment. The human problem it’s addiction to memory, institutionalized as ideology, whether secular or … Continue reading →
Coriolis Effect
Louis Hissink, Louis Hissink's Crazy World - 8 hours ago
The Coriolis force does not exist. It is an optical illusion created by an observer on a rotating reference plane observing a moving object on a different reference plane, whether in linear or non-linear motion. It is an attempt to … Continue reading →
Medgar Evers’ Wife Opposes Reappointment of Rudy Crew as President of Medgar Evers College
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago
Civil rights activist Medgar Evers’ wife Myrlie Evers has opposed the reappointment of Rudy Crew as the president of Medgar Evers Colege, a Brooklyn institution named after her late husband, reported the BK Reader. In a letter to the board of the City University of New York (CUNY), which she shared with the BK Reader, […]
How do political donations work in the Northern Territory?
Steve Vivian, Just In - 8 hours ago
The way politicians and parties raise money is undergoing change across Australia, and the ABC has looked into whether the Northern Territory's system is becoming more fair and transparent.
Canberrans have the nation's biggest rates bills, but pay less tax than others
Markus Mannheim, Just In - 8 hours ago
ACT residents are almost halfway through a tax overhaul that has left them with the nation's highest rates. But they still pay less tax than most Australians.
The Trump Administration Is ‘Temporarily’ Rejecting All New DACA Applications and Shortening Renewals
Jessica Ruf, Diverse - 9 hours ago

Weeks after the Supreme Court blocked the Trump administration’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the White House announced Tuesday it would reject all new applications for the program and shorten the length of renewals from two years to one for the more than 650,000 DACA recipients. A day later, on Wednesday, […]
Roueche Center Forum: Diversifying the Undergraduate Engineering Education Pathway – An Opportunity for the Community College
cmaadmin, Diverse - 9 hours ago
Vision 2030, a recently released report from the National Science Board (NSB), is the latest in a plethora of warnings that the American way of life is threatened because we are in danger of falling behind in STEM, the disciplines that have powered American prosperity for decades. The current COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the power and […]
Germans in Nova Scotia ‘devastated’ by reports of hard-right extremist colony in Cape Breton
Joan Baxter, Halifax Examiner - 9 hours ago
Recent media reports about conspiracy-theorizing and hard-right extremists buying and selling land in Cape Breton, and setting up a colony of like-minded German-speakers from Europe on the island have shaken up many people in Nova Scotia, no more so than in the German-Canadian community. The reports have “devastated” her German business clients in Nova Scotia, says […]
Police Agencies Won’t Assist Milwaukee With Dem Convention Over Crowd-control Directives
James Murphy, rss - 9 hours ago
[image: police-agencies-won-t-assist-milwaukee-with-dem-convention-over-crowd-control-directives] More than 100 police agencies have opted out of assisting Milwaukee police with crowd control at the Democrat National Convention next month over a new city directive banning the use of tear gas.
New Reports Suggest Libyan Warlord Khalifa Haftar is Working with Mossad
Raul Diego, MintPress News - 9 hours ago
Reports of Israeli support for the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar are nothing new, but as the apartheid state gains ground among Arab nations, the need to hide Mossad's role in the destabilizing of oil-rich Libya may be disappearing. The post New Reports Suggest Libyan Warlord Khalifa Haftar is Working with Mossad appeared first on MintPress News.
US forces block Russian military from important border triangle in northeast Syria
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 9 hours ago
[image: US forces block Russian military from important border triangle in northeast Syria] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 P.M.) – The mini Cold-War in northeastern Syria has recently intensified, following the U.S.’ move to block the Russian military from the strategic border triangle area, which links Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. According to the latest reports from the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the U.S. forces have setup blockades in the Al-Malikiyah District, which is located near Iraq’s Mosul Governorate and Turkey’s Sirnak Province. This area is incredibly important because it would provid...
YouTube - Censoring the COVID-19 Narrative
A Political Junkie, Viable Opposition - 9 hours ago

With the Big Tech Congressional antitrust hearing taking place in the hallowed halls of Washington, a fine example of how the technology monopoly is controlling a key part of the global narrative is timely. In this posting, we will take a look at how Google/YouTube is handling its responsibility to its stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know, Google's YouTube has increasingly become a heavily censored platform in which dissenting views are not permitted. By controlling the COVID-19 narrative, Google has essentially white-washed any views that go against thos...
Iran unveils newly upgraded missile: photos
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 9 hours ago
[image: Iran unveils newly upgraded missile: photos] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran conducted a large-scale military exercise, dubbed the Great Prophet 14, in the Strait of Hormuz this week. Among the published pictures from the Great Messenger maneuvers was the upgraded Fateh missile, which was fired from a platform that had previously not been used. This solid fuel missile, apparently from the ‘light’ missile generation, is fired from inside a capsule, the first time that such a platform has been used to launch ballistic missile...
Nova Scotia finance minister projects $850-million deficit due to COVID-19
Jennifer Henderson, Halifax Examiner - 9 hours ago
The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. The Province of Nova Scotia is forecasting a record-breaking deficit of $852.9 million: a seismic shift of $907.9 million from the $55-million surplus predicted in February’s budget. The COVID-19 lockdown that began March 22 paralyzed the economy with businesses forced to shut their doors and […]
Pompeo says sanctions are meant to end Syrian war after sanctioning Assad’s son
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 10 hours ago
[image: Pompeo says sanctions are meant to end Syrian war after sanctioning Assad’s son] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 P.M.) – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that his country imposed new sanctions on Damascus, saying it came as part of Washington’s efforts to stop the “brutal war.” “Today we continue our campaign of sanctions designed to force Bashar al-Assad and his regime to cease their brutal war against the Syrian people and implement the political solution called for by UNSCR 2254,” he tweeted on Wednesday. Continue reading Pompeo says sanctions are meant to end...
Israeli newspaper claims intelligence knows what ‘basement’ Nasrallah is hiding in
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 10 hours ago
[image: Israeli newspaper claims intelligence knows what ‘basement’ Nasrallah is hiding in] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) – A Hebrew-language newspaper alleged on Tuesday that the Israeli military intelligence, Aman, knows what the ‘basement’ the Secretary-General of the Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, is hiding in. According to the Israel-based newspaper, the Israeli intelligence service knows the basement where Nasrallah’s is hiding, but Israel itself does not have the answer to the most important question, which is “what next”. The newspaper claimed that the two countries, Le...
The Bermuda Triangle Solved - Again, for the Fourth Time
KRandle, A Different Perspective - 7 hours ago

Not matter how many times I post about the Bermuda Triangle and the true explanation for it, someone comes up the scientific find that will explain it all. The latest was an article by Ryan Unger in an article entitled “Scientists Find Evidence that May Finally Explain the Bermuda Triangle.” My response? Seriously? As those of you who visit here on a regular basis know, I have explained, repeatedly, that the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery. That means that those who have written about or investigated the Triangle have overlooked the evidence, misrepresented the case or...
Contrapoints on Cringe and Humilation
Phil, All That Is Solid ... - 8 hours ago
A long but, as always, interesting discussion about humiliation in the internet age. Watch if you find online culture befuddling.
"Nothing will give you greater peace than minding your own business." #QotD
Peter Cresswell, Not PC - 8 hours ago
*"Nothing will give you greater peace than minding your own business."* ~ unknown author . Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution.
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates PM 7/29/20"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago

*"Covid-19 Pandemic **Updates PM 7/29/20" * *- Frequently **Updated* Please visit these sites often for the very latest ○ *7/29/20* Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic news and information. By David Leonhardt *"Experts grow wary: *My colleague Donald McNeil interviewed 20 public health experts about the coronavirus pandemic and found “a pervasive sense of sadness and exhaustion.” He writes: “Where once there was defiance, and then a growing sense of dread, now there seems to be sorrow and frustration, a feeling that so many funerals never had to happen and that nothing is going well.” *...
Carrie Lam Warns Hong Kong On Verge Of 'Large-Scale' Coronavirus Outbreak
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*BBC*: *Coronavirus: Hong Kong on verge of 'large-scale' outbreak, says Carrie Lam* Hong Kong's hospital system could face "collapse" as it grapples with a sharp rise in coronavirus cases, the city's leader Carrie Lam has warned. She said the city was "on the verge of a large-scale community outbreak" and urged people to stay indoors. New regulations, including mandatory face masks and the closure of dine-in restaurants, kicked in on Wednesday. Hong Kong - which had early success against Covid-19 - is now regularly reporting over 100 new daily cases. Less than a month ago, the...
Gregory Mannarino, "Critical! The Fed. Again Promises Unlimited Debt"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, *"Critical! The Fed. Again Promises Unlimited Debt"* - https://traderschoice.net/
California COVID-19 cases increase after “mask mandate”
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 8 hours ago

[image: Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 10.40.46 AM]
Tech Giants Censor Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Video Promoted by Trump
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 8 hours ago
Jack Davis Published July 28, 2020 A video pushing back against the mainstream media’s summary judgment against the use of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to fight the coronavirus was removed by Facebook and other tech giants not long after it was promoted by President Donald Trump. Breitbart News reported Monday that its video of … Continue reading Tech Giants Censor Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Video Promoted by Trump →
Sheriff’s Office Announces Cause of Death of Prominent Conservative Professor
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Professor Mike Adams died inside his home last week in what the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office has described as a suicide, the Raleigh-based News & Observer reported Monday. Johnathan Jones Published July 28, 2020 Police have released details about the death of a prominent conservative professor who taught at the University of North Carolina … Continue reading Sheriff’s Office Announces Cause of Death of Prominent Conservative Professor →
Time to cancel the “COVID Cancel Culture”
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 9 hours ago
Will big tech buy the House Judiciary Committee?
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 9 hours ago
“Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google have donated vast sums of money to members of the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust subcommittee in advance of its Big Tech hearing on Wednesday.” click here
Seattle Radio Host Gives Narrative-Busting Account of What’s Happening in City: ‘Evil People’
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Joe Saunders Published July 28, 2020 Less than 100 days from an election that will turn the course of American history, the mainstream media is turning up its propaganda efforts to portray mayhem in the streets of American cities as some kind of legitimate “protest” against police brutality. But Seattle talk show host Jason Rantz … Continue reading Seattle Radio Host Gives Narrative-Busting Account of What’s Happening in City: ‘Evil People’ →
Coronavirus Week 19: Make This 2,000-year-old Roman Bread Recipe
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 9 hours ago
If you've run out of friends to give your sourdought Friendship bread to, and 'feeding' it every three days has become drudgery, you can mix things up a little during your COVID-19 baking spree by making bread the Romans made 2,000 years ago. How do we know the recipe is real? Because during excavations of Herculaneum in 1930, a loaf of bread was discovered still inside an oven. Here it is, courtesy of The British Museum and Chef Giorgio Locatelli. read more
Nadler Takes Off His Mask To Blast House Members for Not Wearing Masks
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Johnathan Jones Published July 28, 2020 Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York is a difficult person to take seriously and that’s terrifying, considering he wields so much power in the House of Representatives. Aside from the Democrat’s consistent displays of glaring hypocrisy and his propensity to disregard the truth, the 73-year-old is somewhat of … Continue reading Nadler Takes Off His Mask To Blast House Members for Not Wearing Masks →
Churches Take the Pledge: I Will Serve Christ First, Not Caesar
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
DAILY STAND EMAIL Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @ 7:12 AM Tim Wildmon President MORE Some churches are now fighting back, and rightfully so. Churches across America are under attack. State and local governments have hijacked the China virus pandemic to prevent Christians from congregating for worship. God instituted government for the purpose of restraining … Continue reading Churches Take the Pledge: I Will Serve Christ First, Not Caesar →
When Millions of Mail-In Ballots ‘Go Missing’ …
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
DAILY STAND Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Authorities on election integrity say that those who are pushing mail-in voting over in-person voting are ignoring facts showing that literally millions of the ballots mailed out go unaccounted for every election season. Hans von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow for The Heritage Foundation who monitors developments affecting America’s … Continue reading When Millions of Mail-In Ballots ‘Go Missing’ … →
Antifa militia group encourages Facebook followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face”
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Man, oh, man… Well, ladies and gentlemen, looks like it almost time. Privatize your profiles, real tight and arm up. July 29, 2020 Over the weekend there were multiple shootings at “mostly peaceful” demonstrations across the US. In Louisville, KY, three members of the Black Nationalist militia group, NFAC, were injured due to … Continue reading Antifa militia group encourages Facebook followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face” →
Symptomatic Case Fatality Ratio - A Better Way To Know True COVID-19 Mortality?
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 10 hours ago
Reliable estimates of the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 infection are essential to understanding the COVID-19 epidemic and develop public health interventions, but we don't have them. If you realistically think that China, where the disease originated, only had a relative few deaths while, Brazil, which is both crowded and lacking in health infrastructure, has a fraction of U.S. deaths, you don't understand how disease transmission works. But you should understand how numbers can be manipulated. There is also conspiracy theory that political activists are exaggerating or underestimatin...
Plugged In Podcast #56: Kathryn Klaber on Regulation in Pennsylvania
IER, IER - 10 hours ago
Kathryn Klaber, founder and former CEO of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, joins the show to discuss the regulatory landscape in… The post Plugged In Podcast #56: Kathryn Klaber on Regulation in Pennsylvania appeared first on IER.
Expert Mental Health Tips As Kids Transition Back To School
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 10 hours ago
Kids often have excitement or anxiety about the return to school. COVID-19 threw a lot of families into disarray when kids started staying home. And it be may present as they go back. School safety protocols for COVID-19 or other things highlighted in the news such as racial tension could cause increases in anxiety. While a little anxiety is normal, it may that the usual relief found in positive student relationships may disappear along with bullying if kids are again staying home. Here are some tips for navigating the adjustment if kids are going back to school. *Image: Nationwi...
Musical Interlude: Peder B. Helland, "Bright Future"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Peder B. Helland, "Bright Future"
"A Look to the Heavens"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago

“M13 is one of the most prominent and best known globular clusters. Visible with binoculars in the constellation of Hercules, M13 is frequently one of the first objects found by curious sky gazers seeking celestials wonders beyond normal human vision. *Click image for larger size.* M13 is a colossal home to over 100,000 stars, spans over 150 light years across, lies over 20,000 light years distant, and is over 12 billion years old. At the 1974 dedication of Arecibo Observatory, a radio message about Earth was sent in the direction of M13. The featured image in HDR, taken through a s...
The Poet: Joy Harjo "Eagle Poem"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

*"Eagle Poem" * "To pray you open your whole self To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon To one whole voice that is you. And know there is more That you can't see, can't hear Can't know except in moments Steadily growing, and in languages That aren't always sound but other Circles of motion. Like eagle that Sunday morning Over Salt River. Circles in blue sky In wind, swept our hearts clean With sacred wings. We see you, see ourselves and know That we must take the utmost care And kindness in all things. Breathe in, knowing we are made of All this, and breathe, knowing We are truly blessed bec...
"Our Dilemma..."
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better. " - Sydney J. Harris
'We couldn't get people off the couch': Farm worker shortage looms despite rising unemployment
Kath Sullivan, Just In - 9 hours ago
Short-term farm work is often not practical for unemployed Australians: Federal Government seeks international solution amid COVID-19 travel restrictions.
A single mother does battle at home and work in Colombian domestic drama Litigante
Valerie Ng, Just In - 9 hours ago
Inspired by and starring the women in director Franco Lolli's life, this film offers a clear-eyed portrait of life's everyday struggles — and joys.
Where did it all go wrong for Hawthorn? There's a handful of reasons
Sean Lawson, Cody Atkinson And James Coventry, Just In - 9 hours ago
Hawthorn ruled the AFL from 2012 to 2015, but the cost of that sustained success appears to be being paid now, with the club's dizzying highs precipitating a rapid fall from grace.
'This too will pass': Messages of support to Karens from Jans who have been here before
Michael Collett, Just In - 9 hours ago
We asked Jans (of "not happy, Jan" fame) to share their perspective on the Karen phenomenon, since they've been there before. Here's what they told us.
Long waits as hundreds attend coronavirus testing clinics on Brisbane's southside
Tim Swanston, Just In - 9 hours ago
Queensland Health is leading a contact tracing and testing response in Logan and Brisbane's southside encompassing multiple restaurants, two schools and a medical practice after three new COVID-19 cases were detected yesterday.
These Scientists Are Testing an Experimental COVID Vaccine on Themselves
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Nobody knows if it actually works or not — but they’re passing it around like a party drug. by Victor Tangermann / 2 hours ago An impressive scoop by the MIT Technology Review: Using simple lab tools, a ragtag group of scientists cobbled together their own grey-market COVID-19 vaccine — and instead of jumping through … Continue reading These Scientists Are Testing an Experimental COVID Vaccine on Themselves →
On Tomorrow’s Launch, NASA Is Sending Spacesuit Chunks to Mars
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 9 hours ago
Victor Tangermann in 24 minutes Is this what Martian spacesuits could eventually be out of? NASA’s fifth Mars rover, Perseverance, is scheduled to finally blast off into space tomorrow morning. Besides a whole host of fascinating scientific instruments, the rover will also be carrying small bits of space suit to the Martian surface. The goal is … Continue reading On Tomorrow’s Launch, NASA Is Sending Spacesuit Chunks to Mars →
'We have always been independent people': Vanuatu celebrates 40 years since independence
Tahlea Aualiitia, Just In - 9 hours ago
Crowds draped in bright colours gather to celebrate 40 years of Vanuatu's independence without fear of coronavirus, as the country spent another week without a single case.
'Difficult and sad': Australian Muslims will celebrate 'sacrifice' Eid in isolation amid COVID-19
Erwin Renaldi, Just In - 9 hours ago
Eid al-Adha, also known as the 'festival of sacrifice', is considered one of the largest Islamic festivals, and is celebrated with large family gatherings and food sharing. But this year, the Muslim community are looking at creative ways to sacrifice while in isolation.
Can I take my parents out of aged care during the COVID-19 crisis?
Norman Hermant, Loretta Florance And Lucy Kent, Just In - 10 hours ago
With hundreds of COVID-19 cases in aged care homes in Victoria, and NSW on alert, many families are grappling with how safe their loved ones are and what options they have during the pandemic.
Refugees will see their unemployment rate spike from 20pc to 42pc, but they aren't getting government support
Nassim Khadem, Just In - 10 hours ago
A new report commissioned by the Refugee Council of Australia estimates that almost 19,000 refugees and asylum seekers on temporary visas will lose their jobs because of the current COVID-19-led recession.
After years of failure, Australia and its states agree to historic new Closing the Gap plan
Isabella Higgins, Just In - 10 hours ago
For the first time, Australia will commit to reducing Indigenous imprisonment rates, suicides and child removals under a historic Closing the Gap agreement to be unveiled by the Prime Minister today.
History shows Joe Biden's running mate has a rocky road ahead of her
Rebecca Armitage And Lucia Stein, Just In - 10 hours ago
Joe Biden's vice-presidential pick may be the first time a woman has been added to a ticket with a decent shot at winning, but history shows she will face a level of scrutiny that male candidates rarely endure.
For Rachel's father, a positive COVID-19 diagnosis was just the start — another symptom made it worse
Yasmin Jeffery And Bridget Judd, Just In - 10 hours ago
Since the pandemic started, Edmund* has feared one thing above all: being left alone. Now the 83-year-old care home resident has contracted coronavirus, he's more isolated than ever.
Mapping coronavirus cases in Melbourne shows link to job types and ability to stay home
Just In - 10 hours ago
As cases soar in Melbourne, large clusters of COVID-19 cases have been identified across the northern and western suburbs, raising questions about occupation types and socio-economic differences across the city.
Coronavirus update: Madonna flagged for sharing COVID-19 misinformation
Just In - 13 hours ago
Pop icon Madonna has been flagged by Instagram for posting a video about a coronavirus conspiracy to her 15.4 million followers.
New York police abduct young woman, force her into unmarked van
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 8 hours ago
New York police abduct young woman on her skateboard, gang of New York police force her into an unmarked van. "It was like a kidnapping," reports the Washington Post. Viral video shows NYPD forcing protester into unmarked van By Allyson Chiu July 29, 2020 at 3:50 AM EDT Washington Post When an unmarked Kia minivan screeched to a stop near protesters marching in Manhattan on Tuesday
OMERS CPO on the Importance of Leadership
Leo Kolivakis, Pension Pulse - 8 hours ago

In the first installment of their "Leadership Under Fire" series, Satish Rai, Chief Investment Officer, and Annesley Wallace, Chief Pension Officer, chat about the impact of COVID-19 and the importance of leadership during unprecedented times. Mr. Rai writes this on LinkedIn: Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with leaders from OMERS and our portfolio companies to discuss the impact of COVID-19. Amid a global pandemic, a slowing economy and what can often feel like an uncertain future, we discussed lessons learned and the importance of true leadership when it matters most...
First indictments for destruction of Fed Bldg Portland happening now
Uriel, 'Nox & Friends - 9 hours ago
Portland Man Charged in May 29, 2020 Arson at Justice Center Lesson One to all would-be arsonists – make certain no camera can catch you in the act. Lesson Two to all would-be anarchists claiming to be Marxists – make certain there are no identifying marks or tattoos that can finger you as the person committing a crime. Lesson Three to all tech companies that might be involved in setting anarchists on a path to take down our country –you are royally screwed if those folks can be proved to be in fact paid by you to do this kind … Continue reading →
Snowball Earth events linked to drastic drop in Sun's radiation
The Watchers » Latest articles - 9 hours ago
Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggest that Snowball Earth-- a hypothesis proposing that the planet's surface became entirely frozen at least twice 700 million years ago-- might be linked to dramatic plunges in the amount of...... Read more »
“What Not to Say to a Depressed Mate”
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago

*“What Not to Say to a Depressed Mate”* By Linda Wasmer Andrews "You mean well, but it’s easy to say the wrong thing to a loved one with depression. And that may only add to their troubles. Here are the top statements to avoid and what to say instead.Which piece of advice will most likely cheer up a clinically depressed person? A. “Pull yourself together.” B. “Look on the bright side.” C. “Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious.” The answer: None of the above. Such statements probably will make a depressed mate or friend feel worse. That’s because depression – an illness characterized b...
Are Video Games the Future of HBCU Sports?
Sara Weissman, Diverse - 9 hours ago

As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on traditional fall sports, historically Black colleges and universities are leaning into a growing athletic trend – esports.
Coronavirus Nightmare: The Pandemic Has Been a Bonanza For Human Trafficking
Virginia Allen, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Virginia Allen* *Security, * [image: Image: Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) look on after executing search warrants and making some arrests at an agricultural processing facility in Canton, Mississippi, U.S. in this August 7, 201] Sadly, experts say, the virus is leading to an increase in violence against women and children. The sexual exploitation of women and children has likely increased amid the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say. Groups such as Polaris and International Justice Mission work to fight human traffic...
Progressives’ Next Foreign Policy Fight: Cuba Sanctions
Matthew Petti, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Matthew Petti* *Security, * Left-wing groups believe that the pandemic is no time for more pressure. Progressive foreign policy groups are forming a new alliance to push for better relations with Cuba, after an attempt to roll back the Trump administration’s economic sanctions on the island nation failed in the House of Representatives. The Trump administration has sharply limited the ability of Cuban-Americans to send money to their relatives in Cuba, hoping to stop Americans “from enriching Cuban regime insiders and their families.” Progressives lined up against the new sanct...
Taliban Announce 3 Day Afghan Ceasefire Starting This Friday
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*Reuters:** Taliban announce three-day ceasefire in Afghanistan for Eid al-Adha, starting Friday* KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan’s Islamist Taliban militants announced on Tuesday that they will observe a three-day ceasefire for the Muslim religious holiday of Eid al-Adha, starting Friday, offering some respite from weeks of increasing violence. Disagreements over a prisoner exchange and the violence have delayed peace talks between an Afghan government-mandated committee and the Taliban, as envisaged in an agreement signed between the United States and the militant group in Doha...
Taiwanese Economist Offers Suggestions for U.S. to Counter China
Warren Mass, rss - 9 hours ago
[image: taiwanese-economist-offers-suggestions-for-u-s-to-counter-china] Taiwanese economist Wu Chia-lung on July 24 offered his opinion that that the United States has at least 10 ways to counteract China’s aggressive global expansion.
President Trump Delivers Remarks in Midland, Texas – 4:20pm Livestream…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 9 hours ago
Today at approximately 4:20pm ET, President Trump is scheduled to deliver remarks in Midland, TX, on the topic of restoring energy dominance in the Permian Basin. [Livestream Links Below] White House Livestream – RSBN Livestream Link – Alternate Livestream Link … Continue reading →
Taboo Question: Are Face Masks Spreading the Coronavirus?
Selwyn Duke, rss - 9 hours ago
[image: taboo-question-are-face-masks-spreading-the-coronavirus] As censorship intensifies, with a doctors’ press conference largely scrubbed from the Internet because the physicians reject the establishment narrative, there’s another important question now being asked only in Web Siberia: Could face masks be spreading the Wuhan virus?
At Least 6,300 COVID-19 Cases Linked to 270 U.S. Colleges, Reveals a NYTimes Survey
Jessica Ruf, Diverse - 10 hours ago

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, at least 6,300 cases have been linked to a group of roughly 270 U.S. colleges, reveals a survey published Wednesday by The New York Times, which also noted that the data is “almost certainly an undercount.” The group includes public four-year colleges, some research universities and some private […]
Points to Consider for Running a Virtual Orientation Program
Andrew Martinez, Diverse - 10 hours ago

While institutions across the nation continue to finalize their Fall opening plans, many of them have opted-in for a virtual orientation program.
List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears Worst in ICC War Crimes Investigation
Ramzy Baroud, MintPress News - 10 hours ago
The fact that a “secret list” exists is an indication that Tel Aviv understands that this era is different and that international law, which has failed Palestinians for over 70 years, may, for once, deliver a small measure of justice. The post List of Targets Leaked: Israel Fears Worst in ICC War Crimes Investigation appeared first on MintPress News.
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