10 pm MDT
Reflecting on a Foiled Plot to Destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque to Rebuild The Third Temple
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago
i24NEWS English 3 Aug 2018 PERSPECTIVES | A terror plot by an Israeli underground group to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem was foiled by Israel’s intelligence. What might have happened if it wasn’t foiled? The Jewish Underground Director Shai Gal reflects on it with host Tracy Alexander. end
COVID-19: ‘How May I Cure Thee? Let Me Count the Ways’
21wire, 21st Century Wire - 21 hours ago

*Dr Thomas E. Levy* | There already exist numerous ways to prevent, mitigate, and even cure COVID, including in late-stage patients.
(VIDEO) U.S. Doctors Speak Out Against COVID Hysteria
21wire, 21st Century Wire - 21 hours ago

*21WIRE* | The first in a series of videos that have been heavily censored by Silicon Valley tech firms.
Chicago Residents Required to Quarantine After Visiting 22 states, Threats of Huge Fines
21wire, 21st Century Wire - 21 hours ago

*21WIRE* | Mayor jumps the shark, implementing a mandatory two-week quarantine for travelers or face hefty fines.
COVID COPS: Police Arrest Florida Gym Owner for NOT Forcing Members to Wear Masks
21wire, 21st Century Wire - 21 hours ago

*21WIRE + Local 10* | Officers locked business after owner allowed members to choose whether or not they would wear a mask during workouts.
Ohio Withdraws Ban On Hydroxychloroquine; Fauci Accused Of ‘Misinformation Campaign’
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago

Ohio Withdraws Ban On Hydroxychloroquine; Fauci Accused Of ‘Misinformation Campaign’ by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Update (1240ET): The Ohio Board of Pharmacy withdrew a rule preventing the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 after Governor Mike DeWine called on the board to halt the rule, according to the Dayton Daily News. – “As a result of the feedback …
Israel Moves Advanced Missile Systems to Lebanese Border Amid Fears of Hezbollah Attack
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago

Israel Moves Advanced Missile Systems to Lebanese Border Amid Fears of Hezbollah Attack by https://www.almasdarnews.com/ BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:10 A.M.) – A Hebrew-language channel stated on Wednesday night that the Israeli army expects an attack by Hezbollah during the Eid Al-Adha holiday. The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, Kann, that Israel fears a “second attack” by Hezbollah in …
The FedRes Will Be Destroyed, System Unraveling, Reset Is Coming
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago
SGTreport Wayne Jett, author of ‘The Fruits of Graft’ joins me to discuss POTUS, and the plan which` Mr. Jett believes will bankrupt the Fed and usher in a new system that won’t leave our country and its people in ruins. end
The Return Of The Nigerian Scammer
TheDarkMan, The Duran - 21 hours ago

If you are reading this, you have probably heard of the 419 scam, also known as the Nigerian scam. To its credit, the Nigerian Government clamped down on these people a few years ago, but there are now crooks operating it and other scams the world over. There is however one particular Nigerian scammer who […]
A Word For September 2020 — Pastor Dana Coverstone
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda by Nicole Hao, https://www.theepochtimes.com/ Authorities in Beijing recently posted air raid posters on the streets, while one hawkish state-run media urged the Chinese regime to develop more nuclear missiles to target the United States. The war-mongering atmosphere comes amid escalating tensions …
Jean Castex’s First Three Errors
Thierry MEYSSAN, OrientalReview.org - 22 hours ago
No doubt, Jean Castex is a brilliant senior civil servant. But that does not make him the right man to become Prime Minister of France. He has not thought about how to restore the social pact in the face of financial globalisation and is satisfied with measures to buy social peace in the short term. As soon as he was appointed, he showed that he did not want to reform the political class, that he was content to fight the pandemic by doing as others did, and that he supported the Maastrichian project conceived during the Cold War.
Editor, Dances With Bears - 22 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Austria officially confirmed this week that the British Government’s allegation that Novichok, a Russian chemical warfare agent, was used in England by GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, in March 2018, was a British invention. Investigations in Vienna by four Austrian government ministries, the BVT intelligence agency, and by Austrian prosecutors […]
Rio Tinto: ditch the colonial baggage and get with a 21st-century program
Stephen Mayne, Michael West - 22 hours ago
[image: Rio Tinto mosquito] Astronomical profits on the back of continued exploitation of Indigenous-owned land in WA. It's time Rio upped the royalties it pays, moved its HQ to Australia, hired Indigenous Australians in senior roles, and ditched its colonial British establishment attitude.
This Special Forces Unit Was Trained to Attack Russia From Germany During the Cold War
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *History, Europe* Had the Cold War turned hot, there would have been no escape for the U.S. garrison in West Berlin. *Here's What You Need to Remeber: *Deep inside East Germany, in the midst of a vast Soviet military and secret police apparatus, a small group of U.S. commandos would attempt to blow up Russian supply depots and lead local resistance groups. Had the Cold War turned hot, there would have been no escape for the U.S. garrison in West Berlin. Marooned in a city more than 100 miles inside Communist East Germany, the U.S. Berlin Brigade—and the British an...
History Tells Us India Can Defeat China in a War
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Indian troops would use hit-and-run tactics, lurking in the Himalaya mountains, and then swooping down to surprise Chinese troops in the valleys below. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In an Indian Ocean naval war, in the short term, India would enjoy the advantage of concentrating its forces and operating near its bases, while Chinese forces would be split between the Indian and Pacific oceans. How can India defeat China in a war, even though China has a larger and more technologically advanced military? By essentially using the same tactics tha...
How Threatening is China's Special Forces Units?
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Chinese special forces exist, and they have been growing in size, sophistication and global reach, according to the U.S. Army's Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO). *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Special forces are only as good as their transportation, and China is developing the capability to convey special forces to where they are needed. Some special force units get all the attention. America’s Delta Force, Russia's Spetnatz and Britain's SAS have glamorous reputations. When was the last time you heard about China's commandos? But Chinese...
Why Ukraine Really Is On the Road to Reform
Iuliia Mendel, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Iuliia Mendel* *Politics, Europe* We need to change the narrative of self-victimization in society and aggressive manners towards each other. Last month Ukraine secured a $5 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund. A week ago, the European Union provided $1.2 billion for the macro-financial assistance program. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has invested more than $350 million in Ukraine this year alone. This has become possible largely due to the launch of structural reforms. The fight against corruption, land market creation, new legislation on ...
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* And I for one have stopped stepping on the scale... Problem solved! I am no longer overweight! Nothing beats Trump logic! But, seriously folks, Trump logic aside, the temperature has been hitting 90 degrees or higher in most of this great infected land for a bigly tremendous amount of days now and those coronavirus cases haven't disappeared by any miracle that I can see! In fact, in the real world that the minds of non-Trumpies live in, COVID-19 cases have been multiplying exponentially by the hour, and it seems that the hotter the state, the wider the spread. Trump log...
Kamala Harris or Susan Rice? The Veepstakes Appears To Have Kicked Out Two Truly Terrible Choices
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 21 hours ago
If having Kamala Harris or Susan Rice isn't unappetizing enough, as Lambert points out, the Dem VP pick is the presumptive 2024 Prez nominee.
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/31/20"
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago

*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/31/20"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "The massive psyop from the mainstream media (MSM) and the so-called “Masters of the Universe” in the tech industry are intensifying. Twitter accounts of major conservative figures are being suspended, scientific videos are being scrubbed from the Internet and search results for conservative websites are being demolished. All the while, top tech CEO’s testified in front of Congress and said conservative censorship is not happening. It is happening. Bought and paid for Congress, on both sides of the isle, are not doing...
Musical Interlude: Disturbed, “Sound of Silence”
CoyotePrime, Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
Disturbed, “Sound of Silence”
CDC Privately Changed Their Fatality Reporting Guidelines, Over-inflating Deaths by 92.2%
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 22 hours ago
Remember, the CDC is a private corporation & not a government agency. EWR From GreenMedInfo Originally published on www.childrenshealthdefense.org By H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, P. Anderson Key Findings For Data Through July 12th According to the CDC, 101 children age 0 to 14 have died from … Continue reading CDC Privately Changed Their Fatality Reporting Guidelines, Over-inflating Deaths by 92.2% →
An open letter to every physician in America
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 22 hours ago
From ourgreaterdestiny.org Posted by State Of The NationDear Physicians of America: First, may we say that the American people are extremely thankful for the valorous efforts many of you have made throughout 2020. Not only have many Americans been saved from the COVID-19 disease through your medical interventions and urgent care, physicians across the nation … Continue reading An open letter to every physician in America →
Did you know Palmerston North that 5G has been launched in your city?
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 22 hours ago
So you’ll be able to download stuff really really fast Palmy folks. Did anybody ask you though if you thought this was a good idea? Or safe? People have presented submissions to your corporation outlining the dangers not told us about 5G & predictably from what I’ve heard they have been ignored. Like with anything … Continue reading Did you know Palmerston North that 5G has been launched in your city? →
NZ’s “Enabling Act” – the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill – It gives the government sweeping powers to enter people’s homes and direct them to quarantine centres
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 22 hours ago
Thanks to Robin Westenra at seemorerocks blogspot: There has been a lot said about the Covid-19 Health Response Act on social media. I decided to have a look for myself what is there. This Act was passed under urgency without the support of the opposition parties after it was found that the government did not … Continue reading NZ’s “Enabling Act” – the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill – It gives the government sweeping powers to enter people’s homes and direct them to quarantine centres →
Is the general population fatality rate for Covid-19 comparable to what should be expected for influenza (Flu)?
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 23 hours ago

The fatality rate for confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US is <4 100="" 12="" 13="" 3="" 4="" a="" be="" coivd-19.="" confirmed="" continue="" deaths="" div="" every="" expected="" for="" identify="" indicates="" may="" or="" overall="" percent.="" persons="" reading="" tests="" that="" this="" to="" with="">
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 23 hours ago
There is nothing new under the Sun. Identify the Glider and the Tank Answers at the bottom of this blog. Re-Purposed The Vought OS2U Kingfishers were assigned to battleships and cruisers to spot naval gunfire. When radar came along, they were repurposed to scout for U-boats while escorting convoys across the Atlantic […] The post SPQR appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
July 31st – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1289
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
Friday July 31st – Open Thread
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Thursday 30th July 2020
TonyfromOz, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago

By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
Big-City Rioting Is No Tea Party Protest
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago

By Tim Graham ~ Few subjects more easily betray aggressive media bias than protests. If you’re a conservative protester, you’re most likely to be ignored. The networks mostly ignored this year’s prayerful “March for Life” in January, even though President Trump came in person, a historic first. ABC anchor David Muir offered 15 seconds: “The […]
Biden’s False Climate Promises
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago

By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ Biden’s multi-trillion dollar climate action plan is full of promises that the law says he cannot keep. Promising to do what you cannot do is a false promise. Here are some big ticket examples. Biden says “If I am elected I will do the following: Create millions of good, union […]
Republicans And Democrats Agree On Need To Cancel ‘Cancel Culture’
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago

By Angela Sailor ~ Seeing the rise of “cancel culture” can lead one to despair. But don’t believe the hype. Virtue is not being canceled. Most Americans, in fact, believe forgiveness is an essential part of a just society. Consider a recent survey by the Cato Institute. It revealed that 49% of all Americans say […]
Tweets For Today
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 22 hours ago
24-hour coronavirus update: - U.S. economy contracts at record pace - Spikes in Asia spur warnings against complacency - Johnson & Johnson starts human safety trial for vaccine candidate https://t.co/AIkIfb2qKQ pic.twitter.com/sqtUNsQKVp — Reuters (@Reuters) July 30, 2020 Belarus opposition rally attracts thousands despite escalating crackdown on the opposition https://t.co/cl2C1rKcpR — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) July 30, 2020 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau denies 'preferential treatment' in ethics scandal https://t.co/0VnNqLKPwn — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) July 30...
Why You Should Be Afraid of China's New Warship Capabilities
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * China says its newest destroyer is capable of launching land-attack missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The more significant question is whether the capability for Chinese warships to launch cruise missiles at targets a thousand miles away, will tempt Beijing to use them. China says its newest destroyer is capable of launching land-attack missiles. That puts China in a select club. The Tomahawk land-attack cruise missile has been a favorite tool of U.S. foreign policy and warfighting for 30 years, fired at everything from military bases in ...
DARPA's Crewless Navy Warship Is Shaking Up The High Seas
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * What is it like to design a ship with no crew? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In some ways, Sea Hunter was familiar to anyone who has been aboard a U.S. Navy ship. There was the haze-gray paint, and the ladders connecting the decks. But Sea Hunter also seemed inhumanly narrow, an 11-foot-wide vessel that seemed like it had been compressed in a vise. Indeed, it was inhuman, because there were no crew quarters: there was something eerie about an engine room empty of anything but machinery, or a compartment described as the brains of the ships. It w...
To Deter Hitler, The Allies Sent Mustard Gas To Italy (But It Totally Backfired)
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *History, Europe* Hitler didn't use chemical weapons, but the Allies did gas their own troops. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the end, the mustard gas shipped to Bari proved unnecessary. The Nazis did not employ chemical weapons on the battlefield (though contrary to what President Trump’s press secretary suggested, they did use poison gas to murder millions of Jews and other victims in the death camps). There was no need for the Allies to resort to them, because they were able to defeat the Third Reich with their armies—though they did need two atomic weap...
Asia's Stalingrad: World War II's Battle For Shanghai Was A Hell Like No Other
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* As many as 300,000 people died in the epic three-month struggle that pitted China’s best divisions against Japanese marines, tank, naval gunfire and aircraft. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Unlike the Stalingrad battle, the Battle of Shanghai took place under the eyes of numerous Westerners who could bear witness to the slaughter. “It was as though Verdun had happened on the Seine, in full view of a Right Bank Paris that was neutral; as though a Gettysburg were fought in Harlem, while the rest of Manhattan remained a non-belligerent observer,...
Picture Of The Day
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*Indo-Pacific Power* The U.S. Navy’s Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group participates in trilateral exercises with Japanese and Australian units in the Philippine Sea, June 21, 2020. *WNU Editor*: The above picture came form this photo-gallery .... *U.S. Department of DEfense Photo-Gallery*.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Says Charity That Paid His Family Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Received No Preferential Treatment
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Daily Mail: **Trudeau says he didn't offer WE Charity preferential treatment in winning government contract for pandemic relief for students, even though the organization has paid $300K to his family to speak at events* * Trudeau said he should have recused himself from the decision made by the Cabinet to award the contract * WE Charity was chosen to administer the program - aimed at helping students struggling during the pandemic * It was brought under scrutiny when it was revealed that Trudeau's family had been paid $300K to speak at WE events * 'We Charity received no prefer...
FDA has big hopes for outbreak research with new water protocols
Coral Beach, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
The FDA’s big news is that there is now an EPA-approved protocol for developing pathogen treatments for pre-harvest agricultural water. The agency’s nagging news is that its inspectors still can’t collect water or any other samples from animal ag operations without the express permission of the landowners. The FDA’s top food safety man said the... Continue Reading
Three histamine outbreaks in three months for Sweden
Joe Whitworth, Food Safety News - 1 day ago
Sweden has reported three outbreaks of histamine poisoning in tuna from Vietnam in the past three months. The outbreaks, which have affected about 60 people, do not appear to be directly related as the tuna originated from different batches. Patients are from different municipalities in southern and central Sweden. Symptoms were typical for histamine poisoning... Continue Reading
FDA takes action against seafood, spice, other food companies
News Desk, Food Safety News - 1 day ago
The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click on the links to view the full alerts. Import Alert Desc Text... Continue Reading
JD Scholten To Cheri Bustos: "Keep Out Of My Race"
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

One of the things that always attracted Blue America to J.D. Scholten has been his independent spirit. I don't see him in Congress as just another Democrat-- not even as just another progressive Democrat. I see him as a guy standing up for working families regardless of whatever some shifting party priorities happen to be at the moment. And he was always a lot more than just a way to replace racist Republican Steve King. In fact, King lost his primary to far right state legislator Randy Feenstra who actually attacked King from the right-- someone who couldn't deliver for Trump! ...
U.S. Secretary Of State Pompeo Defends The Administration During Thursday's U.S. Senate Hearing
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago
*ABC News:** Senate hearing puts Mike Pompeo's defense of President Trump in sharp contrast* The top U.S. diplomat battled Democrats on Russia, Trump's tweets and more. The longest-serving member of President Donald Trump's national security cabinet, Mike Pompeo is also his fiercest defender -- a tactic that has helped keep him in power within the administration for nearly four years now, even as that loyalty sometimes leaves him alone on the battlefield. Pompeo played that role again on Thursday as the Secretary of State danced around a defense of Trump's tweet about moving Elect...
Wildfire response by task force absurd and unscientific
Editor, cairnsnews, Cairns News - 1 day ago

by Robert J Lee A levy imposed on the fossil fuel industry to pay for fighting bushfires allegedly caused by climate change is absurd, unscientific and will not stop wildfires. It comes as part of 165 recommendations by the Emergency Leaders for Climate Action (ELCA), a group of more than 150 experts and affected community […]
Science Vs. Dr. Fauci
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 1 day ago
Everything Dr. Fauci has done has been counterproductive. It is unfortunate that the US doesn’t have a competent scientist in charge – like Sweden’s Dr. Anders Tegnell. Sweden Unveils ‘Promising’ Covid-19 Data as New Cases Plunge – Bloomberg Fauci says … Continue reading →
Philosophy is Always Unfinished
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 1 day ago
The philosophical work of an original philosopher is always unfinished; it is, in a sense, a never ending work—this is in the sense that after the original philosopher’s death, his disciples continue to work on his philosophy, pursuing new researches based on the original positions, discovering implications that had not been noticed by the original philosopher, and after they too are gone, their disciples pick up the responsibility of further strengthening the foundations of their philosophy and expanding its scope, and after them, their disciples, and so forth. New thought leads to...
Lancet retracts ‘junk science’ paper on hydroxychloroquine
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 1 day ago
“After its publication, a grass-roots investigation by hundreds of physicians and researchers worldwide revealed irreconcilable inconsistencies in the data that The Lancet’s peer-review process overlooked. The study is now found to have inconsistencies with data from national registries of hospitalized … Continue reading →
New Climate Summary: Heatwaves Are LESS Frequent and Severe
James Taylor, Climate Realism - 1 day ago
Heatwaves during recent decades remain far less frequent and severe than was the case during the 1930s – nearly 100 years of global warming ago, reports a new topical summary at the website Climate at a Glance. When climate alarmists react to annual summer heatwaves by claiming they are being caused by global warming, people […] The post New Climate Summary: Heatwaves Are LESS Frequent and Severe appeared first on Climate Realism.
MIT Cashes In on Discredited Extreme Weather Claims
H. Sterling Burnett, Climate Realism - 1 day ago
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology published an article yesterday falsely claiming climate change causes more frequent and intense severe weather events. The article, titled “$25 million gift launches ambitious new effort tackling poverty and climate change,” asserted an avalanche of fake climate claims to justify a huge donation to MIT. Well, at least MIT demonstrated […] The post MIT Cashes In on Discredited Extreme Weather Claims appeared first on Climate Realism.
Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies: Epstein’s Former Employer Steven Hoffenberg Exposes Blackmail Operation
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies: Epstein’s Former Employer Steven Hoffenberg Exposes Blackmail Operation Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies: Epstein’s Former Employer Steven Hoffenberg Exposes Blackmail Operation-Today on TruNews we share part one of an exclusive interview with Epstein insider Steven Hoffenberg, who worked with the superspy pedophile at the initiation of his clandestine international blackmail operations, and …
Alex Jones Predicts Bioweapon Release & Vaccine Solution
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
If BLM Protests Go Ahead It Will Be Clear Australia Isn’t a ‘Country of Laws’
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Sky News Australia Sky News host Paul Murray says by Tuesday evening it will be clear whether Australia is a country of laws or one of “finger waving” as the Sydney Black Lives Matter protests look to push ahead. “One where you must do what the police or the courts say, as opposed to whatever …
By: Usidian for Understanding
Usidian for Understanding, Comments on: Rape Facts and Falsehoods - 1 day ago
Well, well, well, all the respondents are male, unless Shy Stranger is male. Now, before I continue, I like your site and have read only a couple of complete reports, so my analysis is still in motion, so to speak. On the subject of rape, note that the younger women report this most often, aside from the voracious desires of the male animal to be satisfied w/o thought of the other individual as a person when he's in his brain-altered state, one of the reasons reported, what are called "non-forced" rape, is because it takes female people who haven't been well schooled by family or oth...
Of Hydroxychloroquine and Sex With Demons
Pierre Lemieux, Econlib - 1 day ago
I know as little about biology and medicine as the typical public health expert knows about economics and the scientific study of society. I don’t know if hydroxychloroquine is effective against Covid-19 or under which conditions. However, I believe I know something about, or I have the analytical tools to understand, a social system where […] The post Of Hydroxychloroquine and Sex With Demons appeared first on Econlib .