10:10 pm MDT
What It Takes to Build a Global Healthcare System
What It Takes to Build a Global Healthcare System Video of What It Takes to Build a Global Healthcare System Look for a new article from LPAC on the bill of materials necessary to build up the planet's healthcare system, coming soon. Considering the economies across the planet, it becomes obvious that building up the healthcare system isn't a healthcare issue, it's a basic infrastructure issue. This won't happen as long as central banks continue to dictate policy to governments. That must stop. Every weekday morning Harley will brief you on what you need to know to start your day... more »
Urgent: Must Examine Scientific Evidence Base Of UK's COVID-19 Policy Of Ignoring WHO Advice To Isolate Cases And Trace Contacts
Reminder to all of you, do protect yourself using the simple methods recommended by the WHO - they work and save lives of yourself and others: - How To Protect Yourself From COVID-19 - And Help Stop The Spread ------------------------------ You may not know that we in the UK are ignoring the WHO's advice. Allyson M Pollock, professor of public health at Newcastle university put it like this: read more
What '5G Causes Coronavirus' Claims Share With Anti-Ag, Anti-Vax, And Anti-Natural Gas Movements - Russia
It's long been hiding in plain sight that Russia funnels money to activist groups in the U.S. that will help their causes. Russia's top two exports are food and energy so it was no surprise when activists began to claim that hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") would lead to earthquakes or cause the earth to deflate, or that 400 miles of Keystone XL pipeline in addition to 20,000 miles of pipeline on top of an aquifier would be risky. read more
Señor Trumpanzee: "Trust Me... I'm Like A Smart Person"
Yesterday, just as the news broke that the Trumpist economy has seen another 6.6 million new unemployment claims filed, the *Wall Street Journal* published a piece by a team of their reporters in Europe-- Jason Douglas in London, Tom Fairless in Frankfurt and Stacy Meichtry in Paris-- explaining how the EU has unleashed massive subsidies to stem job losses. "As job losses ricochet across the U.S.," they wrote, "Europe is conducting an unprecedented experiment in navigating the economic fallout from the new coronavirus: Persuade companies to forgo layoffs by subsidizing private-se... more »
Not a belated April Fools joke
So guess who has been made Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion by Sir Keir Starmer? Yes, Naz Shah, the Labour MP who: - Was suspended by the Labour Party following tweets she herself conceded were anti-Semitic, including one suggesting Israel should be relocated to the USA with the words "problem solved". - Marked the death of Winnie Mandela with a quote celebrating necklacing. - Denounced the MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, for writing an article about how "Britain had a problem with Pakistani men targeting vulnerable white girls". - Retweeted and ... more »
CARES Act for cannabis companies: A financial expert’s take
The federal government has come out with the single most expansive relief package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act , since the New Deal of the 1930s. While the CARES Act is certainly sweeping in its mandate, there is one sector potentially missed - the cannabis industry. CARES Act for cannabis companies: A financial expert’s take is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Funny Friday
Dear Friends….We are living through a troubled time. Many adjustments to our daily routines have to be made. At Hardnox & Friends we strive to stay on top of things in order to bring you, Our Cherished Socially-Isolated Readers, the best blog money can never buy. To that order, I have been working diligently to bring you this new feature…. YES, you read that right! You can now take your family for a ride ( If you are pulled over, just tell the cops you are going to the hospital for testing ), pull into one of our new ISO-HUMOR … Continue reading →
With Super Crop in 2020, Brazil Reclaims World Soybean Throne
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian countryside is stepping on the gas. Soy, the country's main export product, is experiencing a boom with a harvest that is about to reach a record level. More than 126 million tons of the grain will have been harvested in Brazil by the end of the 2019-2020 season […] The post With Super Crop in 2020, Brazil Reclaims World Soybean Throne appeared first on The Rio Times.
The Unsolved Mystery: Why Is Coronavirus More Lethal to Men?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - It is common knowledge that Covid-19 tends to affect more the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases. However, there is one question that has puzzled scientists worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic: why are men The post The Unsolved Mystery: Why Is Coronavirus More Lethal to Men? appeared first on The Rio Times.
Caixa Announces Six Months’ Grace Period, Further Crisis Measures
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Caixa Econômica Federal (Federal Savings Bank) announced on Thursday, April 9th, that it will provide a six-month grace period for new housing loans, both for individuals and corporations. The initiative is part of a package of new measures focused particularly on home loans in an attempt to . . […] The post Caixa Announces Six Months’ Grace Period, Further Crisis Measures appeared first on The Rio Times.
Lacking Sufficient Signatures, Bolsonaro’s New Party Cannot Dispute October Elections
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The first round of voting in municipal elections is scheduled for October 4th. The legal deadline for parties disputing these elections to be officially registered with the Electoral Court, expired last Saturday, April 4th. As a result, the newly formed Alliance for Brazil will not be able to run its […] The post Lacking Sufficient Signatures, Bolsonaro’s New Party Cannot Dispute October Elections appeared first on The Rio Times.
‘Ação da Cidadania’ Organization Delivers 40 Tons of Food in Rio de Janeiro
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The non-governmental organization 'Ação da Cidadania' (Citizens Action), founded in 1993 by sociologist Herbert de Souza, Betinho, delivered yesterday, April 9th, in partnership with the 'Bem Maior' (Greater Good) Movement, 40 tons of non-perishable foodstuffs, hygienic supplies, and 1,200 masks, to representatives of 40 organizations listed by the NGO in […] The post ‘Ação da Cidadania’ Organization Delivers 40 Tons of Food in Rio de Janeiro appeared first on The Rio Times.
Anti-Coronavirus Bill Allows States to Incur More Debt
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The emergency rescue bill for the states under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies allows for a ten percent increase in their debt, between R$55 billion (US$11 billion) and R$65 billion in new loans, in addition to the R$565 billion at the end of last year. The calculations were carried […] The post Anti-Coronavirus Bill Allows States to Incur More Debt appeared first on The Rio Times.
Coronavirus: WHO Lists Brazilian Fiocruz as Reference Laboratory in the Americas
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The World Health Organization (WHO) officially appointed the Fiocruz Respiratory Virus and Measles Laboratory (Oswaldo Cruz Institute) as the reference laboratory for fighting the novel coronavirus in the Americas. The Fiocruz laboratory, which was already a reference with the WHO for Influenza-type viruses, was in charge of testing samples and […] The post Coronavirus: WHO Lists Brazilian Fiocruz as Reference Laboratory in the Americas appeared first on The Rio Times.
Still No Official Results in Guyana, One Month After General Election
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - There are still no election results in Guyana. For some four weeks, courts and the country's Supreme Electoral Commission (GECOM) have been considering whether and to what extent the results will be recounted Earlier this week, the Guyana Court of Appeals ruled that the GECOM was competent to recount the […] The post Still No Official Results in Guyana, One Month After General Election appeared first on The Rio Times.
Gotcha journalism?
The *Guardian*'s 'exclusive' yesterday that Robert Jenrick MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government, "is facing questions" after visiting his elderly parents house is itself facing questions. The *Times*'s Matt Chorley responded to it by writing: A story which doesn’t even survive four pars. There are plenty of people who would be in real trouble, including some of my own family, if relatives didn’t travel to leave food/medicine on the doorstep. Credit to Robert Jenrick for looking after his parents. And the BBC's Andrew Neil commented: This *Guardian* s... more »
Covid-19 confronts American exceptionalism By M.K. Bhadrakumar
One doesn’t know whether the US President Donald Trump ever got around to reading a Greek tragedy. Oedipus at Colonus, the drama by Sophocles written toward the very end of his life in 406 BC could be a good starter for its contemporary relevance.
COVID-19: ‘It may turn out that the world has been deceived’ hints Russian Military Intelligence Agent
Against the backdrop of the panic “We are all going to die!”, Terrifying revelations of doctors and patients, quarantined states and apocalyptic news from Italy, I want to hear the voice of common sense.
Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test By Pepe Escobar
As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire cities, states and nations.
"Death Panels" aren't a joke any more
Sarah Palin was pilloried by the mainstream media for her claim that Obamacare would involve what she called "Death Panels" to decide whether or not one would receive appropriate care. However, the coronavirus pandemic has illustrated very clearly that such panels do exist, and that the decisions they take - the priorities they assign to treatment and those who will receive it - are, quite literally, life or death choices. In Spain, a doctor was forthright about it. SPAIN's coronavirus death toll has resulted in hospitals refusing to admit elderly and frail patients into intensive... more »
Government Has Never Even Tried to Flatten the Autism Curve
Note: Anne has been compiling thousands upon thousands of stories about the catastrophic rise in pediatric illnesses that have both hobbled and stymied schools around the world. It's clear that we CAN respond to emergencies on a dime. The world... more »
Black carbon confounds climate model predictions
Laura Fierce, Timothy B. Onasch, Christopher D. Cappa, et al. Radiative absorption enhancements by black carbon controlled by particle-to-particle heterogeneity in composition. PNAS March 10, 2020 117 (10) 5196-5203; first published February 25, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1919723117 Black carbon (BC) absorbs solar … Continue reading →
CalPERS Dumps Risk Hedge Right Before Coronacrash, Sacrificing $1 Billion and Confirming Doubts About Chief Investment Officer Ben Meng’s Expertise
CalPERS supposed star hire Ben Meng just cost the giant fund $1 billion, over the objections of expert adviser Wilshire Associates.
The Navy Has Deployed Warships Near Venezuela to Stop Drug Smuggling
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1309CFB920&share=true] A good idea? Last week the White House announced that U.S. Navy warships would be sent to the coastal waters off Venezuela in a counter-narcotics role to stop the flow of drugs in the Caribbean. The United States had charged Nicolás Maduro Moros, along with fourteen current and former Venezuelan officials, with narco-terrorism, corruption and drug trafficking last month. Maduro has been labeled the “Former President of Venezuela” by the U.S.... more »
You’ve Probably Never Heard of the Army's Amazing Little Airlifter
*David Axe* *Technology, Americas* Cute and powerful. The silver-painted cargo plane appeared suddenly, zooming at 100 miles per hour, just 150 feet over the mountaintop. A U.S. Army outpost was on that mountain in Marzak, located in eastern Afghanistan’s restive Paktika province. Twin engines roaring, the Turbo Caribou airlifter—registration number N238PT—pulled up sharply. Pallets of food, fuel and equipment slid out of the cargo hold. Parachutes unfurled, slowing the pallets as they tumbled onto the drop zone. Then the Turbo Caribou droned away. That airdrop in January 2012... more »
Is The Su-57 Stealth Fighter Really Better Than The Su-35 If It Has The Same Engines?
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Europe* Russia's latest jet has many problems on its hands. *Key point: *Perhaps when it becomes more obvious that the Su-35S and other aircraft are unable to fulfill their missions, we’ll see more Su-57s in the air. All the cards are stacked against the Su-57 — the price of oil is low, it’s engines are no better than its predecessors, and the current airframes it would replace are doing just fine. *Less Money, More Problems* Russia depends on oil and gas for revenue. If these energy exports would slow to a trickle — or when the price for these exports... more »
Recent Wargames Show That America's Military Dominance Over Russia And China Has Ended
*David Axe* *Security, Americas* It's not just a problem of funding. *Key point: *Too many fixed bases and vulnerable carriers are becoming a problem. If the enemy strikes first, the costs would be very high. The U.S. military keeps getting its butt kicked in war games, one analyst *told* Breaking Defense reporter Sydney Freedberg, Jr. It would cost $24 billion a year to fix the worst problems, the same analyst said. "In our games, when we fight Russia and China, blue gets its ass handed to it," David Ochmanek, an analyst for the California think tank RAND, said as part of a Ma... more »
86% of New Yorkers Who Have Died With Coronavirus Had Other Illnesses
Data released from New York state show that the vast majority of Empire Staters who allegedly died from the Coronavirus had at least one additional illness, and most of them also were over age 60.
Corona: Creating the Illusion of a Pandemic Through Diagnostic Tests
The “pandemic effect” is entirely without scientific support. For example, literature from Creative Diagnostics, a manufacturer of PCR test kit components, says "For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.”
The Use and Abuse of MMT
Using government spending power to bail out financiers and rentiers makes a travesty of MMT.
Are America's Virginia-Class Submarines Not As Stealthy As They Seem?
*David Axe* *Security, Americas* A whistleblower brings a problem to light. *Key point:* It was apparent more than a decade ago that the *Virginia*’s coatings were peeling off during operations. A former employee of Huntington Ingalls Industries, the Virginia-based shipbuilder that helps to construct all of the U.S. Navy’s submarines, has sued the company in federal court, claiming that the firm lied about problems with the external coating on *Virginia*-class attack subs. Ari Lawrence, a former HII engineer, claimed he was fired for raising his concerns about the “anechoic” hul... more »
The Army's New Artillery Cannon Can Destroy Targets Over 1,000 Miles Away
*David Axe* *Security, Americas* A long-range strike capability to match the navy and air force. *Key point: *The Strategic Long-Range Cannon is similar to railway guns from the World Wars. The U.S. Army still is studying a concept for a gigantic new cannon that could fire shells as far as 1,000 miles. The new Strategic Long-Range Cannon could give the ground-combat branch roughly the same kind of fast deep-strike capability that the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy possess with their warplanes and cruise missiles. The Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command in late February ... more »
US thwarts Russia’s effort to form new force in Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The U.S. has allegedly thwarted Russia’s attempt to form a new force that resembles the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria, the Turkish state-owned Anadolu Agency said on Thursday, citing ‘sources’ in Al-Hasakah. “Russia was trying to recruit insurgents from local militias in Amuda and Tel Tamer towns, which […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Heavily armed Russian warships leave Syrian waters: photos
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:50 A.M.) -Two heavily armed Russian warships were seen transiting the Bosphorus Strait this week after completing military drills off the coast of Syria. According to maritime observer Yoruk Isik, the Russian naval ships, Admiral Essen and Admiral Makarov, which are part of the Black Sea Fleet, were seen transiting the Bosphorus Strait […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Newest US aircraft carrier completes combat systems testing
The US Navy announced in an April 6 news release that Ford, the lead ship of its aircraft carrier class, recently completed testing of vital combat systems as part of its post-delivery test and trials phase. “The tests exercise the combat systems suite as a complete unit and ensure maximum availability to meet combat and […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
New satellite image reveals aftermath of massive Israeli attack on Syrian airbase: photo
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – The Israel-based Image Satellite International company released a new satellite image that showed the aftermath of the Israeli military’s attack on a Syrian airbase. The attack, which took place on March 31st, 2020, heavily targeted the Shayrat Airbase in the eastern countryside of Syria’s Homs Governorate. The Shayrat Airbase was […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Turkish-backed GNA forces bomb LNA airbase in southern Tripoli
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 A.M.) – The Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) forces announced on Friday a new raid on a strategic airbase in the southern countryside of Tripoli. According to the official Facebook of the GNA-affiliated “Volcano Rage” operation, their air force bombed the Libyan National Army’s (LNA) positions at the Al-Watiya Airbase. The […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US F-22 fighter jets intercept Russian warplanes: report
US F-22 fighter jets intercepted two Russian antisubmarine airplanes in international airspace near the Alaska coast, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said in a statement on Thursday. “F-22 fighters, supported by KC-135 Stratotanker and E-3 AWACS aircraft from the North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepted two Russian IL-38 aircraft entering the Alaskan Air […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Daily Brief 2020-04-08
This is a summary of 16 AMN articles on the following subjects: US, Idlib, Russia, Syria, Saudi, Yemen, Trump, Ansarallah, OPCW, Hasakah, Turkey, France, Coronavirus, ISIS. Categories covered in this brief: World-News, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Middleeast Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — The AMN Live Team Table of […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
OPERATION COVID-19: Desperate Attempt to Deploy 5G Under Cover of Bioterrorism to Activate Global Control Matrix
OPERATION COVID-19: Desperate Attempt to Deploy 5G Under Cover of Bioterrorism to Activate Global Control Matrix by State of the Nation Tyrannical Technocracy Emerges from the Shadows as Technological Singularity Inexorably Approaches the Apocalyptic Event Horizon! – Everyone knows — deep in their bones — that there’s something very wrong with COVID-19. And, that there …
The FedRes And The Treasury Have Now Merged
The FedRes And The Treasury Have Now Merged by Jim Bianco of Bianco Research, https://www.zerohedge.com/ As I’ve argued, the Fed and the Treasury merged. Powell said this was the case today (from his Q&A): – These programs we are using, under the laws, we do these, as I mentioned in my remarks, with the consent …
David Knight Show: Bilderbergers, Kushner & Gates Push Surveillance Database, Entering Homes, Taking Unvaccinated Kids
David Knight Show: Bilderbergers, Kushner & Gates Push Surveillance Database, Entering Homes, Taking Unvaccinated Kids by https://www.infowars.com/ Share this censored broadcast to spread this crucial information at this critical time in history. – On this Thursday transmission of The David Knight Show, viewers and listeners will learn about the surveillance systems being promoted in …
AG Barr Signals Discomfort With Bill Gates’ Vaccine Agenda — Mark of The Beast
AG Barr Signals Discomfort With Bill Gates’ Vaccine Agenda — Mark of The Beast by https://www.infowars.com/ To buy, sell, travel & work, every human on earth will be forced to take a digital, implanted ID to ‘prove’ Covid-19 inoculation end
Humanity in Crisis! ‘Mark of The Beast’ Plan Publicly Announced by Bill Gates / MIT!
Humanity in Crisis! ‘Mark of The Beast’ Plan Publicly Announced by Bill Gates / MIT! by https://www.infowars.com/ To buy, sell, travel & work, every human on earth will be forced to take a digital, implanted ID to ‘prove’ Covid-19 inoculation – Watch live as we analyze how Bill Gates and others are pushing an …
The Bank of England Goes Into Hyperinflationary Mode
maneco64 Today is, in my opinion, a historic day as the Bank of England announced it will provide HM Treasury directly with printed money so it does not have to borrow it in the Gilt or money markets. We are being told it will be a temporary measure and the that the Treasury will pay …
Greenland Movie Trailer: Comet Breakup-Fragments Strikes Planet — Illuminist Predictive Programming?
This movie is clearly predictive programming. Likely event it is foreshadowing is Revelation 8. – Revelation 8:8-12 New King James Version (NKJV) Second Trumpet: The Seas Struck 8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. …
Philippines beyond clichés series 2 #3: ‘Tambays’ are lazy
'Tambay' are often victims of structural impediments to moving forward in life, says Professor Clarence Batan. The post Philippines beyond clichés series 2 #3: ‘Tambays’ are lazy appeared first on New Mandala.
A Good Friday
It’s good Friday. I hope that it’s a good Friday for each of you. Possibly even a morning of contemplation is in order. Every sunrise is different. Every sunrise is perfect. There is no such thing as an imperfect sky. Think of that on Easter, too. It starts like this with the most important meal […] The post A Good Friday appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Heartland launches 22 climate science “gatebreakers”
A gatebreaker is something a skeptical student can send around to the class when the teacher insists on alarmism. Or something short and simple to send to a journalist in response to an alarmist article, or to a politician making alarmist speeches, or the local blowhard alarmist. It's power lies in its specificity and its simplicity. The post Heartland launches 22 climate science “gatebreakers” appeared first on CFACT.
Finance Institute Projects Global GDP Down 2.8 Percent in 2020; Brazil’s Will Contract 4.1 Percent
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Washington D.C. based Institute of International Finance (IIF) has lowered its global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) projection and forecast a 2.8 percent contraction in 2020, meaning that "the shock caused by Covid-19 will be sharper than during the 2008 financial crisis. In a report released on Thursday, April 9th, […] The post Finance Institute Projects Global GDP Down 2.8 Percent in 2020; Brazil’s Will Contract 4.1 Percent appeared first on The Rio Times.
With New Daily Record, Brazil Approaches 1,000 Coronavirus Deaths (April 9th)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The number of deaths from the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) totaled 941, according to an update released by the Ministry of Health yesterday, April 9th. The result marks an increase of 17 percent in relation to Wednesday when 800 deaths were recorded. São Paulo concentrates the largest number of deaths, with […] The post With New Daily Record, Brazil Approaches 1,000 Coronavirus Deaths (April 9th) appeared first on The Rio Times.
Coronavirus Could Have Unusual Symptom – Conjunctivitis
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Conjunctivitis may be among the symptoms of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. In a statement, the American Academy of Ophthalmology warned that the symptom may have gone unnoticed in cases of contagion of the disease. The American Academy of Ophthalmologists recommends that ophthalmologists use eye, nose and […] The post Coronavirus Could Have Unusual Symptom – Conjunctivitis appeared first on The Rio Times.
"The Project For A New American Century And The Age Of Bioweapons: 20 Years Of Psychological Terror"
*"The Project For A New American Century And The Age Of Bioweapons: * *20 Years Of Psychological Terror"* by Matthew Ehret "A little over 20 years ago, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a military exercise that involved a “hypothetical scenario” of hijacked planes flying into both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. One year later, on October 24-26, 2000, another “hypothetical” military exercise was played out featuring an airline crashing into the Pentagon killing 341 people followed by yet another May 2001 Department of Defense “hypothetical scenario... more »
Modern Medicine Laid Bare
First, all of you are more trustwortnhy as a source of knowledge regarding nutritian than almost any doctor who has recived scant knowledge and training. Some even knock vitamin C when the science there has been settled since the Napolionic wars. We need sufficent nutritian. That turns out to be way more than is claimed in industry approved regulatory work. Rather obviously chronic malnutrition allows the increased sales of no end of drugs and particularly anti inflamatories. What is now clear is a pattern of disinformation on all forms of nutritian supported by money interes... more »
Captain Crozier Was Right, And His Sailors Knew It
I wonder if this will be allowed to stand. I do hope not. The great strenght though of the USA military in particular is that for every leader you fire, you have twenty more just as good to step in. Obama merely proved all that. Recall how Stalin wiped out the entire Red Army offficer corp from major on up. In five years all those sabaltrns and captains had rebuilt it all top to bottom and had defeated Germany. Armies are engineered top to bottom to absorb catastrophic losses and rebuild as fast as possible. Never forget that. Even small armies are dangerous in that way. ... more »
COV 19 Mortality collapse pending.
The mortality curve for COV 19 is already collapsing as global social distancing succedds in stalling the spread of this virus. With the additional advent of a clear understanding of COV 19 biological role and the effective elimination of mortality using anti malarial drugs, we are now in position to rotate the economy back on by April 30th. It will still be necesasary to practise avoidence strategies. That means using masks for all non household contact and quick testing and positive quarantines. that is exactly what is done in Wuhan now. We can run a food service this way i... more »
The Onion Therapy
If you go to the internet to discover the value of onions as a therapeutic, you came across plenty of both lay bunk and sadly scientific bunk as well. Let me say sonmething that you can take to the bank. An exposed raw vonion emits a lot of smelly ( ie reactive chemistry ) It is thus probably good for something. Better yet, it does not kill you. Having said that, the obvious application method is to slice one open and place this by your pillow allowing you to breathe those same fumes while you sleep. I would refresh it each night by slicing off the dried surface. In this mann... more »
US ‘Disinformation’ Claims Do Exactly What Enemies Are Accused of: Distract From Covid-19 Failures
The official Covid-19 death toll in the United States continues to climb, now exceeding 14,000, with at least hundreds of thousands more infected. Under these circumstances, the federal government has found it opportune to reignite the “Fake News” scare, censuring two familiar foes: Russia and China.
Modeling the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic – 2.Simple Models
Armed with the data on the coronavirus such as the serial interval, incubation period, and the base growth rate, we are now in a position to start modeling the pandemic. Note that as the title suggests, these are simple models. Any conclusions drawn from this specific page should be taken with a grain of salt. More realistic modeling will be carried out in subsequent posts. *SIR - A very simple model* Using the above numbers, we are pretty much ready to start modeling the pandemic. We start with the simplest model that can encapsulate the exponential growth. The simplest model ... more »
Here's how governments have agreed to help households pay bills during the coronavirus lockdown
Hardship support will be available to households and small businesses experiencing "financial stress" while utility companies and local councils are being urged to be understanding of customers during the financial crisis.
NSW Arts Minister resigns after breaking coronavirus lockdown rules
Just In - 19 hours ago
Don Harwin resigns after being caught breaking coronavirus lockdown regulations by visiting his Central Coast holiday home.
Perth beachgoers urged to 'do the right thing' to prevent shutdowns as temperature set to hit 37C
WA's Health Minister warns Perth beaches may be closed if people do not continue to observe physical distancing measures over the Easter long weekend, with even hotter conditions expected today.
Aussie nurse Yanti has worked in virus outbreaks before. But what she's seeing in the US is 'terrifying'
An Australian nurse working in one of the United States' coronavirus hotspots is urging Australians to continue to adhere to social-distancing measures to avoid the horrors she is witnessing in the US.
Australia 'on the cusp' of slowing coronavirus infections, Professor Paul Kelly says
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly says it is not the time to ease social distancing restrictions or leave the house for Easter, saying Australia is on the cusp of seeing the epidemic die out.
Queensland hopes to have one of the lowest coronavirus death rates in the world
Queensland's rate of new coronavirus infections continues to remain low, with 13 new cases overnight, and the state hopes to become the envy of the world with an oversupply of intensive care beds ready for peak demand.
Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 2)
Now here’s the rub, Shelly’s big mistake was faking her injuries and reporting the crime at once. What she should have done was wait six months or a year before reporting it. During that time she could have worked on her son, and drip fed lies to her circle of friends – as did false […] More The post Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 2) appeared first on The Duran.
NATO alliance experiencing not only brain death, but also financial heart failure
The global fight against COVID-19 has devastating economic consequences which might soon be felt in the defense sector. First estimates by OECD and national institutions conclude that the initial economic impact of the measures to fight the virus will by far exceed that of the 2008 financial crisis. The severe socio-economic consequences may tempt European […] More The post NATO alliance experiencing not only brain death, but also financial heart failure appeared first on The Duran.
France Calls Cuba For Help And Allows Veterinary Drugs To Bb Administered To COVID-19 Patients
1. The French government calls Cuba for help in its overseas territories of Antilles and Guyana to deal with the coronavirus. Author: François Asselineau, issued on April 2, 2020, translated by Etienne Source : https://www.upr.fr/affaires-etrangeres-et-relations-internationales/cest-officiel-la-france-appelle-cuba-au-secours-dans-nos-dom-dantilles-guyane-pour-faire-face-au-coronavirus/ What an irony in history ! With a health system torn down by 21 years of budget cuts “to save […] More The post France Calls Cuba For Help And Allows Veterinary Drugs To Bb Administered To COVID-19 P... more »
Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 1)
The recent sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden was largely ignored by the mainstream media until it could be ignored no longer. It is easy to understand why: his accuser Tara Reade is away with the fairies. That being said, some conservative commentators, including Larry Elder, have pointed to the double standard used for judging […] More The post Should We Believe All Women? Ask Jack Rebolledo! (Part 1) appeared first on The Duran.
Putchists in the Shadow of the Coronavirus
While the public’s eyes are riveted on the progression of coronavirus numbers, a profound reorganization of the executive is taking place, giving primacy to senior health officials over policy. In the shadows, bankers and soldiers are agitating in the hope of confiscating power for their own benefit. by Thierry Meyssan The primacy of administrative logic … Continue reading Putchists in the Shadow of the Coronavirus →
Falun Gong Organs Please!
This trope has to be the most enduring because there is an… Continue reading “Falun Gong Organs Please!”… The post Falun Gong Organs Please! appeared first on Asian Straight Shooter .
Explaining away
Rembrandt, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee The* Guardian* featured a touching interview yesterday with 61 year old Hylton Murray-Philipson. He's been through five days of intensive care and been on a ventilator, 'thanks to' coronavirus. Unlike either a similar aged man on the same ward or an ENT consultant at the same hospital, Mr Murray-Philipson pulled through. He is profoundly grateful to the NHS: While in recovery, the nurses found out it was my 61st birthday coming up and asked me what I wanted. I felt pretty rough and beaten up so I said I’d love a shave. The nurse gave me on... more »
Open Thread
Glencoyne Bay, Ullswater - inspiration for a famous poem This open thread is open to the public, despite coronavirus. Thank you for your comments.
Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by ET Slavemasters Ever Since
*We have not resolved nor integrated our genesis and our history as a species, and, therefore, are at a loss to understand our real nature and future trajectory. That we do not see this as a profound puzzle is further proof of our species primitive naiveté. * Neil Freer, antiquarian-futurist lecturer-author The roots of the British monarchy and black nobility bloodlines of Europe still dictating and controlling today’s world can all be traced back to one of the earth’s first conquerors from outer space – the alien Anunnaki civilization allegedly from the... more »
Evaluating grip strength to identify early diabetes
Belgian-Dutch Study: Why in times of COVID-19 you can not walk/run/bike close to each other.
Cats can catch coronavirus, study finds, prompting WHO investigation
Single Cherry Tree Can Offset 20 Pounds of Carbon Emissions Each Year, New Study Says
Anesthesiologists hailed as special heroes in fight against coronavirus
Experimental anti-malarial drug shows promise in first clinical trial
How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine
Scientists warn this #coronavirus will be with us through summer
Modeling the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic – 1.Background Data
This is the first in a series of posts in which I study the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. My original goal was to understand the behavior of the pandemic. As a scientists my curiosity forces me to not to leave such problems untouched. I wanted to know what are the possible outcome scenarios possible and what are the steps required to reach them. Is there a reasonable solution in which we avoid the collapse of health systems and/or the economies? I am sure (we'll, I hope) that professional epidemiologists know all of this, I decided to share with whomever is interested my insights... more »
COVID-19 Crisis Threatens Beleaguered Assisted Living Industry
Unregulated assisted living facilities are becoming hotbeds of coronavirus cases.
Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) Trajectory Simulation on Stellarium
Collection Channel Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) مذنب اطلس 2020 توقع مساره Download Stellarium program http://stellarium.org/release/2020/03… end
The Elites Are Already Prepared For The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar Bubble
The Elites Are Already Prepared For The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar Bubble by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, via https://www.zerohedge.com/ Today, stock market investors are hoping desperately for Weimar-style hyperinflation to boost equities prices to dizzying heights in what some call a “crack-up boom”. In terms of money creation, we are not there yet, but …
Comet Atlas Latest Views — The Comet Cast Out of The Tail of Draco The Dragon
Ray’s Astrophotography Last night I took a picture of Comet Atlas. It is supposed to visible without telescope in the month of May, 2020. As it is approaching closer to Sun it seems it is disintegrating. This Comet Atlas is expected to be a fragment of a much bigger comet. ATLAS is named after the …
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