Mount McKinley, Denali National Park and Preserve 18px scanned image (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

10:39pm MDST
Tragedy in Roanoke
[image: WDBJ-TV7 news morning anchor Kimberly McBroom, center, gets a hug from visiting anchor Steve Grant, left, as meteorologist Leo Hirsbrunner reflects after their early morning newscast at the station, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015, in Roanoke, Va. Reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were killed during a live broadcast Wednesday, while on assignment in Moneta. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)] The horrible murder of two local journalists in Roanoke, Virginia, has affected me more than I thought it would. Journalists are taught early on to compartmentalize. As a local TV reporter, I ... more »
Confidential to the Ohio Denali-deniers: If you really can't grasp the name change, bear in mind that it's none of your frigging business
*Mount Denali (20,237 feet)* *"President McKinley never visited, nor did he have any significant historical connection to, the mountain or to Alaska."* *-- Interior Secretary Sally Jewell* *"I'd like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect, and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska."* *-- Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)* *by Ken* Confidential to Ohio Republicans mouthing off about the Obama administration's redesignation of the continent's highest peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, as it was long known to indigeno... more »
“Stock Market Collapse- Take The Opportunity To Bail Before It’s Too Late!”
*“Stock Market Collapse- * *Take The Opportunity To Bail Before It’s Too Late!”* by James Quinn “Last week ended with the cackling hens on CNBC and the spokesmodels on Bloomberg bloviating about the temporary pothole on the road to riches. They assured their few thousand remaining viewers the 11% plunge in the stock market was caused by China and the communist government’s direct intervention in their stock market, arrest of a brokerage CEO, and threat to prosecute sellers surely cured what ails their market. The Fed and their Plunge Protection Team co-conspirators reversed the free... more »
"Russian Military Forces Arrive In Syria, Set Forward Operating Base Near Damascus"
*"Russian Military Forces Arrive In Syria, * *Set Forward Operating Base Near Damascus"* by Tyler Durden While military direct intervention by US, Turkish, and Gulf forces over Syrian soil escalates with every passing day, even as Islamic State forces capture increasingly more sovereign territory, in the central part of the country, the Nusra Front dominant in the northwestern region province of Idlib and the official "rebel" forces in close proximity to Damascus, the biggest question on everyone's lips has been one: would Putin abandon his protege, Syria's president Assad, to west... more »
Our Hidden History: Are We Descendants of the Annunaki?
*Video - *Let's take a look at an alternate version of human history, a version that was recorded throughout time across many ancient texts and artifacts that have been recently uncovered. The post Our Hidden History: Are We Descendants of the Annunaki? appeared first on Waking Times.
Gluten-Free: “Fad” or Not? Studies Suggest Most Gluten Sensitivity Is Imagined
*Makia Freeman* - Health fads come and go, some is this a figment of imagination? The post Gluten-Free: “Fad” or Not? Studies Suggest Most Gluten Sensitivity Is Imagined appeared first on Waking Times.
Fear Programmers Distorting Color in Push for Race War
*Ida Lawrence* - In a war between truth and lie, which one can be crushed and which one is eternal? The post Fear Programmers Distorting Color in Push for Race War appeared first on Waking Times.
Alice Embree : BOOKS | ‘Haydée Santamarîa, Cuban Revolutionary’
Margaret Randall, bringing a poet’s voice to her work, gives human dimensions to the heroes of the Cuban revolution. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | August 31, 2015 [Haydée Santamarîa, Cuban Revolutionary: She Led by Transgression, (August 2015: … finish reading Alice Embree : *BOOKS* | ‘Haydée Santamarîa, Cuban Revolutionary’
Fr. Mun Back in Gangjeong Village
Catholic Father Mun has been away from Gangjeong village on Jeju Island for the past couple of weeks. He had minor heart surgery a week or so ago when the doctors put in a stent to help ease arterial blockage. On my last day in the village he called to apologize (can you imagine that?) for not being able to greet me while I was on Jeju. Fr. Mun is credited with bringing many activists from around South Korea to help the struggling villagers in Gangjeong fight against the construction of the Navy base. He and Jeju Bishop Kang recently successfully raised funds across their cou... more »
August 31: "The Canadians are coming. The Canadians are coming."
And so governor Scott of Wisconsin is galloping through the night streets of the U.S., sounding the alarm. The Irving press did notice the story that governor Scott has warned of the need for a wall between Canada and the U.S. to protect the U.S. from ---whatever. Good for the Irving press. This would all be very funny if some U.S. leaders and a great many U.S. citizens weren't buying it. But they are buying it. It began with Trump's stunning rise in the polls after he proposed building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. The U.S. has enormous problems, few of which have been add... more »
Carly Deserves to Be in the CNN Debate
[image: CLEVELAND, OH - AUGUST 05: Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina is interviewed by Sirius XM Patriot host David Webb during the Republican National Committee Summer Meeting at the Renaissance Hotel August 5, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. Fiorina is in Cleveland ahead of Thursday's GOP presidential debate, the first of the 2016 election cycle. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)] In the unwieldy Republican presidential field, where attention is as important as money, there was supposed to be a formula for an underappreciated candidate to break out. It went like this:... more »
Space Warfighting Technology: A Key Obstacle to Nuclear Disarmament
- I've got a month of neglected administrative work to catch up on. Today I worked on the Global Network database, email list, made bank deposit, paid bills, returned phone calls, and began final work on Keep Space for Peace Week. In addition I needed to spend some more time to keep our Maine Peace Walk (Oct 9-24) in motion which begins near the end of space week. Plus I set in motion my next taping of *This Issue* public access TV show. So lots of balls in the air were juggled today. - There is an interesting (and fundamental) debate going on beween som... more »
Harry Targ : Imperialism, war, and/or diplomacy: Where should the peace movement stand on Iran?
Any foreign policy initiative that reduces the possibility of war, and arguments about its necessity, must be supported. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | August 31, 2015 Not every conflict was averted, but the world avoided nuclear catastrophe, … finish reading Harry Targ : Imperialism, war, and/or diplomacy: Where should the peace movement stand on Iran?
Two Vice News journalists arrested in Turkey
*Vice is a scummy NATO backed lying "media" outfit.* *And no better friend to the biggest THEOCRATIC state in the M/E: Israel.* Controlled opposition is the least of it's sins. Brain washing/poisoning the minds of younger dupes is it's worst You just know this pair was up to no dam good! What with them hanging with NATO's Al Nusra at Golan. And the marauding NATO backed, again, YPG in northern Syria. * Despite the sympathetic spin by the leftist version of the war mongering media, they'll get **no sympathy from me. VICE in Turkey tells you all you need to know about Turkey being ta... more »
Democrats Control The California State Legislature, But DINOs Are Still Mucking Up The Works-- Climate Change
Matt Debabneh, corrupt DINO and Climate Change denier Saturday I was at the celebration of the anniversary of the Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, one of the most outspoken progressive Democratic clubs in the state of California. The event included local Congressman Ted Lieu as well as recipients of achievement awards like Alan Grayson and Tom Hayden. And there were plenty of candidates, some of whom I already knew, like Nanette Barragán, who is a congressional candidate running against corrupt oil-lobbyist-owned state Senator Isadore Hall, and Agua Dulce City Co... more »
French Prime Minister Opens Floodgates to Muslims in Europe
[image: immigration3 - 400] French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has claimed that all migrants fleeing war or persecution can come to Europe, potentially triggering another huge wave of people attempting to settle across the continent. The claim, which would open Europe up to hundreds... more »
The United States of America and Islam Have Nothing Fundamental In Common
*Guest post by Andy Clarkson* *Five years ago, President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Cairo, Egypt, whose many errors are still widely embraced today. He declared “civilization's debt to Islam” and sought “common ground” between Islam and the United States, arguing “they overlap, and share common principles”. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance,” he said, and its culture and its many innovations have “given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.” Analysing the speech and its... more »
Musical Interlude: Runrig, “Running to the Light”
Runrig, “Running to the Light” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BRZ-SFFnMg
"A Look to the Heavens"
“While hunting for comets in the skies above 18th century France, astronomer Charles Messier diligently kept a list of the things he encountered that were definitely not comets. This is number 27 on his now famous not-a-comet list. In fact, 21st century astronomers would identify it as a planetary nebula, but it's not a planet either, even though it may appear round and planet-like in a small telescope. Messier 27 (M27) is an excellent example of a gaseous emission nebula created as a sun-like star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core. The nebula forms as the star's outer layers are... more »
*"Ubuntu" * "I am what I am because of who we all are." - A definition offered by Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee. "Archbishop Desmond Tutu offered a definition in a 1999 book: “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.” Tutu further explained Ubuntu in 2008: “One of the sayings in our countr... more »
"7 Ways to Support Others During Tough Times"
*"7 Ways to Support Others During Tough Times"* by Lexi Behrndt "Life is fragile. Hard times are inevitable. At one time or another, we will all go through a difficult time, whether we deal with sickness, catastrophe, crisis, or relational breakdown. In those times, we need each other more than ever, but it's not just enough to be surrounded by people. We, as supporters, need to be educated in the best way to love our friends and family through tough times. *1. Silence speaks louder than words misspoken.* Don't ignore them. Plain and simple. If you don't know what to say, don't av... more »
*Crucifixion Road* by Karl Demolay This is for the city that care forgot... the city that forgot to care. This city, carelessly forgotten, our party time's behind us now, sensual drums in the dank and virile heat. City of culinary delights, musical giants, simple pleasures, squalid splendors. A city of dust, now shrouded in mold, forever succumbing to entropic bliss on pause. This city of history, a living archive of revelry and regret. The past and the future collide in slow motion. This is the city that must be remembered and rebuilt, this bastion of visceral pleasures and historic ... more »
Were Some Pastors Included on Ashley Madison List Who Did Not Register for Site?
[image: Ashley Madison4 - 400] Responding to a report that up to 400 pastors or church staff members could resign their positions because of accounts registered to the Ashley Madison site, one owner of a faith-based crisis firm says some of those on the list did not... more »
World News Briefs -- August 31, 2015
*Reuters*: *Migrant trains reach Vienna, EU asylum rules under strain* Trains carrying hundreds of migrants started arriving in Vienna on Monday after Austrian authorities appeared to give up trying to apply European Union rules by filtering out refugees who had already claimed asylum in Hungary. In the latest twist in a humanitarian and political crisis that is now testing the survival of both Europe's open-border regime and its asylum rules, Hungary allowed the migrants, many of them fleeing Syria's civil war, to cram into at least four trains leaving Budapest for Austria or Ge... more »
Ze and Zir He Created Them: Gender Revolt in Tennessee
[image: Adam and Eve] So God created humanity in God’s own image, in the image of God, ze created them; ze and zir, zir created them. --Genesis 1:26, 2015 University of Tennessee Edition (UTE) The University of Tennessee has just publicized gender-neutral language recommended for... more »
Talking refugee “quotas”
*I think western countries … will make a big mistake in not accepting large numbers of these people. They have proven their mettle by what they have gone through to get out of (e.g.) Syria. And they will be among the most loyal advocates of “western civilisation” and toleration.* - Mario Rizzo, spotted by Cafe Hayek Helen Clark says New Zealand can accept more refugees, and the NZ government should therefore raise NZ's refugee quota. *Former Prime Minister Helen Clark last night drew parallels between New Zealander settlers from humble beginnings in Britain and the thousands... more »
Satire: "Nation with Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall"
*"Nation with Crumbling Bridges and Roads Excited to Build Giant Wall"* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "As the United States’ bridges, roads, and other infrastructure dangerously deteriorate from decades of neglect, there is a mounting sense of urgency that it is time to build a giant wall. Across the U.S., whose rail system is a rickety antique plagued by deadly accidents, Americans are increasingly recognizing that building a wall with Mexico, and possibly another one with Canada, should be the country’s top priority. Harland Dorrinson, the executive director ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, "ICBW IDTS"
*"ICBW IDTS"* by Chet Raymo "Which means, according to text messagers, "It could be worse (but) I don't think so." It seems a Finn has published a 332-page novel written entirely in text messaging abbreviations. Leave it to the Finns, who essentially invented mobile phone culture. Well, that's one novel I will never read. At my age, I might as well try to learn Finnish as the language of TXT MSG. I've had a mobile (as they call them in Europe) for three years now, and I've yet to have an incoming call. Not surprising, since no one has my number, and even if they did the phone is ne... more »
"Study: Some Types Of Multitasking Are More Dangerous Than Others"
*"Study: Some Types Of Multitasking Are More Dangerous Than Others"* by The Ohio State University "In a study that has implications for distracted drivers, researchers found that people are better at juggling some types of multitasking than they are at others. Trying to do two visual tasks at once hurt performance in both tasks significantly more than combining a visual and an audio task, the research found. Alarmingly, though, people who tried to do two visual tasks at the same time rated their performance as better than did those who combined a visual and an audio task - even thou... more »
"Are We Addicted To Technology?"
*"Are We Addicted To Technology?"* By Zoe Kleinman "Just five minutes after meeting sleep and energy expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan in her central London clinic, she delivers some bad news. "You've got the classic pattern of someone who's in a fatigue cycle," she says. "You're running on survival energy. Your sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive. I would guess you feel pretty shattered mid-afternoon which would mean you are running on adrenalin, noradrenalin, cortisol." I'm turning into a dopamine junkie - the brain chemical associated with pleasure that is released when we are s... more »
*New Nola Blog: Waking Crescent City!*
Six Scientists Getting Taste of Life on Mars by Living in a Tiny Dome in Hawaii
[image: Six Scientists Getting Taste of Life on Mars by Living in a Tiny Dome in Hawaii] The planned manned mission to planet Mars may be far ahead but NASA already makes the necessary preparations. On Friday, six individuals went into voluntary isolation in a cramped dome on the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii to simulate a... more »
Five Truths About Advertising that the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
[image: Five Truths About Advertising that the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know] In a world full of health claims and ambiguous labels, eating well isn't easy. In fact, it can be downright confusing. Is this label accurate? Who created it? How do we know that it's truly healthy? The food industry has... more »
March for Life Prevails Over Obamacare’s Abortion-Pill Mandate
[image: March for Life Prevails Over Obamacare’s Abortion-Pill Mandate] A federal court issued an order Monday in March for Life v. Burwell that permanently prohibits the Obama administration from enforcing its abortion-pill mandate against the pro-life organization, founded to end abortion, or its employees, who also oppose the mandate.... more »
Pornography Consumption on the Rise
[image: Pornography Consumption on the Rise] Along with real-time news, cat videos, and pop-up ads, the Internet has given us greater access than ever before to a decried--but certainly desired--product: pornography. It’s widely assumed that the number of people watching sexually explicit material has increased as... more »
Compare and Contrast
Here is a screenshot of Fukushima during the rain storm Aug 31 at 3:47 (AM). Notice the line that emanates from unit 4 toward the crane: Below find a comparative day-time shot. Notice the line connects up with the crane. I've noticed this effect in this same location before. Is it merely water on the lens or is it something else entirely? I do not know the answer to that question but the repeated effect in the same location makes me wonder. Here is a contrast view taken Sep 1, 2015 6:31 AM Here are more screenshots from the rain storm: https://www.dropbox.com/s/butz0cuplocncl... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 30, 2015
*Defense Tech*: *Big Week for China Watchers* This week will be a big one for China watchers as the People’s Liberation Army holds a massive parade on Thursday in Beijing to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Japanese surrender during World War II. The parade comes the same week Taiwan released its a report warning that China will declare an Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ, in the South China Sea after it finishes building military facilities on the Spratly Islands, according to the aviation blog Alert 5. *Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 30, 2015* Mi... more »
‘Big Garden,’ by Mark Wooller
[image: Pencarrow] Few artists choose to celebrate suburban values, suburban gardens. With his new collection of paintings (opening tonight in Newmarket), North-of-Auckland artist Mark Wooller is one. *The once traditional quarter acre Auckland section is now almost a distant memory. In my new series of work I have expanded the lush gardens to cover the whole section – totally surrounding or “safeguarding” the houses… “The once traditional quarter acre Auckland section is now almost a distant memory. In my new series of work I have expanded the lush gardens to cover the whole se... more »
"A fully automated restaurant, opens today"
What happens when the minimum wage is raised by the state, but workers' skills are insufficient for that rate of pay? Unquestionably, jobs will be lost. Some who are young and have little or no experience will never be able to be employed, because the minimum wage is too high for them. Others, who are older but are not highly productive, will either lose their current jobs or remain unemployed. Despite all that, it is possible that most low-paid workers will keep their jobs and will thus be better off making more money. Some marginal workers may have to upgrade their skills to ... more »
Bao Nguyen: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Is Despicable And Divisive
With Loretta Sanchez running for the U.S. Senate, Orange County's 46th Congressional District is be an open seat in 2016. It's a solidly blue district (D+9), and Obama won it with 59% in 2008 and with 61% in 2012. The district includes Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange, and the voters are overwhelmingly Hispanic-American and Asian-American. Although there may be as many as 10 Democrats interested in running, Blue America has endorsed the most progressive of the lot, Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen, an openly gay Vietnamese immigrant who arrived in this country when he was just three mon... more »
Offering Real Choices or Just Segregated Charter Schools: Let's Look at the Wait Lists
Nashville is one of two cities in Tennessee that is on the billionaires' hit list for school privatization. Here are the corporate foundation whales that are funding efforts to put "harbormasters" in every city on the hit list to promote segregated No Excuses corporate welfare schools as the billionaires' choice for parents in poor neighborhoods. A corporate outfit called Education Cities is fronting the resources of the Big Four of corporate welfare education reform (Gates, Broad, Walton, and Dell), and they are all engaged in a last ditch struggle to impose the corporate segrega... more »
Why Ballot Selfies Are A Terrible Idea For Workers
Indiana is facing a free speech suit relating to a law they passed making it a crime to take a photo of yourself with your completed ballot. While the law is clearly overreaching and punishes the wrong people, I think the folks saying there is no risk of voter coercion are off the mark. In the anti-employee climate that exists now, it's only a matter of time before employers start demanding proof of how you voted. Banning the practice of ballot selfies is one way to stop this practice before it starts. Think I'm overreacting? Remember these? - I already wrote about a Florida CEO... more »
February 13th 1962
"On February 12, 1962, at midday, the seventy-two-year-old Hitler collapsed as his two caregivers were helping him to the bathroom. Three hours later he suffered a stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body. After spending a restless night, the dictator slipped into a coma. On February 13, 1962, at 3:00 p.m., Dr. Lehmann verified that all signs of life were absent. On May 31, 1962, Eichmann was hanged and cremated, and his ashes discarded outside Israeli territorial waters." As January 1962 progressed, Hitler’s mental and physical condition deteriorated more rapidly, and ... more »
Banking Ties Could Hurt Joe Biden in Race With Populist Overtone
[image: Banking Ties Could Hurt Joe Biden in Race With Populist Overtone] During a meeting with consumer advocates in Washington in July 2010, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. lauded the Obama administration's progress on reforms it had long sought while offering pointed words about the practices of lenders and banks. "Credit-card... more »
Ashley Madison, Adultery and Same-Sex Marriage
[image: Ashley Madison, Adultery and Same-Sex Marriage] In recent days, many Americans have reveled in the hypocrisy of a number of well-known people revealed as subscribers to the Ashley Madison pro-adultery website. But there is a far more important revelation from the hackings: the alarming number who... more »
Judges may not engage in speculative reasoning or supplement facts based on personal experience
R. v. MacIsaac, 2015 ONCA 587: [46] It was open to the trial judge to draw inferences that reasonably and logically flowed from the facts established by the evidence. But it was an error of law to draw inferences that did not flow logically and reasonably from established facts, because doing so draws the trial judge into the impermissible realms of conjecture and speculation: *R. v. Morrissey *(1995), 22 O.R. (3d) 514 (C.A.), at pp. 530-531. [47] Where a trial judge has employed speculative reasoning, unless the Crown can demonstrate that the error caused no substantia... more »
Saner oil prices: an expansion of OPEC could be a good idea
As kids, we were taught that cartels were a terrible thing. They represented the transition from the evil free market capitalism to the even more evil imperialism, the second stage of communism, which is controlled by multinational cartels. I've never parroted this stuff in front of a teacher but I hope that they would give me an A now. ;-) Needless to say, this hostility towards cartels was sort of "confirmed" by the post-Velvet-Revolution capitalism, too. In fact, just like the systems of most Western countries, the Czech legal system is full of assorted laws and bureaus designe... more »
Taiwan Report: China To Declare ADIZ In South China Sea
*Focus Taiwan:* *China seen likely to declare ADIZ in South China Sea* Taipei, Aug. 31 (CNA) China's island-building spree in the South China Sea has completely changed the strategic structure in the region, and China will speed up militarization and declare a South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the area, according to an assessment by the Republic of China's Ministry of National Defense. In a report to the Legislature on China's military strength, the defense ministry said that in September 2013, China started piling sand onto Johnson South Reef (赤瓜礁), one of ... more »
The Price
For Those That Remember : We Spent All of 2005 Waiting for Pete Doherty to Die *And then he didn't.* They made documentaries about it - on Channel 4 *Bob Dylan: It goes back to that destiny thing. I made a bargain with it a long time ago, and I’m holding up my end.* *Q: What was your bargain?* *Bob Dylan: To get where I am now.* *Q: Should I ask whom you made the bargain with?* *Bob Dylan: With the Chief... The Chief Commander.* *Q: On this earth?* *Bob Dylan: (laughing) On this earth, in and the world we can’t see.* *Its one and the same, one and the same, oh... * *So w... more »
Supplemental: Jake Tapper has your CROSSTALK right here!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015Blackburn, Brazile drop the gloves:* Has the American cable “news” business ever been quite so inane? That’s the question we found ourselves asking as we watched Donna Brazile and Marsha Blackburn drop the gloves for a hockey fight on yesterday’s State of the Union. In recent weeks, our cable nets have been playing by two basic rules: If Candidate Trump is speaking somewhere, the nets must break away to watch. If Candidate Trump is sleeping or silent, teams of pundits must spend their time examining day-to-day changes in polls—day-to-day changes which, at ...more »
Blue Angels Did A Fly-Over The Pentagon This Weekend
*AP*: *Blue Angels flew over the Pentagon, DC area* WASHINGTON (AP) - The Blue Angels flew over the Pentagon and the Washington area on Sunday as part of a team photo shoot. U.S. Navy flight demonstration squadron was in the region for Sunday's shoot, which was scheduled between approximately 6:15 and 6:45 p.m. The Blue Angels flew the squadron's six-jet F/A-18 Hornet Delta Formation. In a statement, the team said it would be making multiple passes from east to west over Ronald Reagan International Airport. The team flew all around the city from north to south between photo runs. ... more »
Poll: Ben Carson Ties Donald Trump in Iowa
[image: Ben Carson2 - 400] A new poll of likely Republican caucusgoers in Iowa finds Donald Trump and Ben Carson tied for the lead at 23 percent support. The Monmouth University poll is the first since July to show Trump not in the sole lead... more »
The Great European Disaster Movie IV
Mark Wallace at *ConservativeHome *has now taken up the story: *The BBC denied ‘The Great European Disaster Movie’ was EU-funded: that was untrue* (though as we now know, they actually partially covered themselves by means of a canny 'form of words'). Mark seems determined to pursue the parties involved (including the BBC) in search of some answers. He's also concerned about the Richard Sambrook angle.
Who are the Evangelicals Supporting Donald Trump?
[image: Donald Trump signing autographs - 400] New polling shows Donald Trump continuing to surge among the Republican field. His strong showing among Evangelicals is a surprise to some and annoyance to others. As a matter of fact, he currently leads among conservative Christians. “I love the... more »
Watch the videos of our symposium Reconsidering Humanity: Big Data, the Scientific Method and Images of Humans
This symposium was organised and chaired by Urban Strandberg (political science and CERGU at the University of Gothenburg), with myself as co-organiser and -chair. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, it took place June 25-26, 2015, at the Visual Arena venue of the joint Lindholmen campus of Chalmers Institute of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, featuring keynote speakers from anthropology, philosophy, music, neuroscience, digital design, cogntive science, robotics, computer science, digital humanities, and politics from universities and research centres in Denmark, Spai... more »
"How It Really Is"
Oh no we haven't, but we will, and sooner than later, too... Like that old rock song sang, "You ain't seen nuthin' yet!"
The Economy: "More Bone-Smoking Garbage"
*"More Bone-Smoking Garbage"* by Karl Denninger "I read this twice before realizing the last name of the author perfectly fit the so-called "fix" for 2008- and the premise that "they could do that again." By the end of the week, stocks, currencies and commodity prices weren't crashing any longer but financial markets were far from settled. Over the past 10 days, markets have plummeted, paused, recovered and fallen again. There's little sign the anxiety is lifting. Until recently investors had been preoccupied with the weakness of the post-2008 recovery. Now some are asking whether... more »
The 5,000-Year-Old Sunken City in Southern Greece
What i find remarkable and unremarked as well is that this city sat smack on the water as a port. There must be an additional city nearby that is fortified and a few hours inland. In the event this city was located on the route from Italy around the Peloponnese on the way into Athens and Greece proper. It is exactly where an important port would arise. That means it was part of the Atlantean trade system at least and the organization seen may well be Atlantean inspired. Just not big enough for a Pyramid. Its demise coincides with 1159 BC as well and may simply have not su... more »
LIDAR and Infrared Imagery Reveals Many More Terrace Complexes in Appalachia
*[image: MagicGardenIrrigation1]* This is excellent work. by going out and doing what was done originally we discover just how the environment actually responds. Better yet this is an excellent way to exploit a hill sided with natural reentries already in place to carry off runoff. That allows a simple irrigation ditch set at the top of every terrace to allow seepage into the bed beneath. All that captures ample water from every shower or thunderstorm that passes through and forces the water into a retaining grid of channels. I cannot imagine a better use of a hillside ever.... more »
Tomatoes Taste Better After a Nice Hot Bath
This possibly will even work in your kitchen when you have tasteless tomatoes. Five minutes in 125 degree water and a cool down to serve is practical for anyone. This does not suggest that it will work but we all need to try it to see if it helps. winter is coming soon enough. What it does mean though is that industry will be able to adjust their current process to produce better flavor and that is certainly welcome It is even a simple trick to implement. *Tomatoes taste better after a nice hot bath* *By David Szondy - August 23, 2015 * *\ * *Heat treating fresh tomatoes... more »
We May Not be Running Out of Helium After All
[image: Vast new sources of could keep helium-filled balloons a party staple] The transport mechanism is robust and powerfully suggests major enrichment taking place. Thus merely putting a premium of the commodity will quickly promote serious exploration. However it is also likely that we are wasting a lot right now. Thus conventional efforts will quickly increase supplies. . *We may not be running out of helium after all* * By David Szondy - August 23, 2015 * *http://www.gizmag.com/helium-source-natural-gas-fields/39038/* *Vast new sources of could keep helium-fi... more »
Wayne Grudem and Economist Barry Asmus on The Poverty of Nations
[image: Wayne Grudem Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 1.54.37 PM copy__1441047454_198.49.27.212] There is only one effective solution to world poverty: poor nations must follow several specific steps that will enable them to produce their own prosperity. This sustainable solution is evident from the history of economic development in many nations. It... more »
Mystery Deepens into How Classified Emails Got onto Clinton’s Unclassified Server
[image: Hillary_Clinton_CBS] The daily revelations over classified information finding its way onto Hillary Clinton’s personal email server are raising perplexing questions for former government officials who wonder how classified information made its way onto the former secretary of state’s non-classified server —... more »
‘Phenomenal’: The World’s Oldest Christian Bible Dating Back to the Fourth Century is Going on Display
[image: bible - 404] The oldest surviving Bible, the Codex Sinaiticus, which includes the earliest copy of the New Testament, will be put on rare display in London starting in October, the British Museum announced this week. It's only the second time the British-held... more »
The Politics Of U.S. Military Aid
U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice calls on Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at the PM House, Islamabad, Pakistan, Aug. 30, 2015. *Stepehn Tankel, War On The Rocks*: *Is The United States Cutting Pakistan Off? The Politics Of Military Aid* Ending U.S. reimbursements to Pakistan's military is not as simple as it sounds. The way Washington handles this delicate issue could have a big impact on Pakistan's behavior as well as on militant groups with American blood on their hands. U.S. policymakers have learned a lot of hard lessons since the invasion of Afghanistan months a... more »
Pakistan Denies U.S. And Afghan Claims That The Haqqani Network Is Using Its Territory To Launch Attacks
Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz (R) shakes hands with German Foreign Minister Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier (L) in Islamabad on August 31. PHOTO: PID *Wall Street Journal*: *Pakistan Denies Haqqani Insurgents Use Its Territory as Base* Pakistan responds to comments by U.S. national security adviser. ISLAMABAD—Pakistan on Monday denied that a key Afghan insurgent group was using it as a base, responding to statements by the U.S. national security adviser about the group’s links to Pakistan during a weekend visit to Islamabad. Washington ... more »
Top Ukraine General Declares That Town Was Destroyed Even Though it Had 'No Military Value'
Chief of General Staff Colonel General Viktor Muzhenko *Kyiv Post*: *Chief of General Staff sparks outrage with remark Shyrokyne has ‘no military value’* The chief of Ukraine’s Army General Staff has left many baffled after declaring that the destroyed village of Shyrokyne “has no military value” – after soldiers held positions there for months that they said were key to defending the strategic city of Mariupol. Army chief Viktor Muzhenko made the comments in an interview with the news portal ZN.UA on Aug. 30, saying the “(separatists’) winter offensive on this village was more a... more »
60 Brain Foods that You Should Include in Your Diet
*Infographic - *By eating the right amounts of brain boosting foods, filled with healthy fats such as essential omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acid, you can enhance your brain function The post 60 Brain Foods that You Should Include in Your Diet appeared first on Waking Times.
Josh Duggar, Christian Marriage and Hypocrisy
[image: Duggar Family 410] The recent hacking of the Ashley Madison adultery website exposed names and information from its approximately 37 million members--among them, a couple of prominent, family values patriarchs. One critic pounced on that hypocrisy to try to paint traditional Christian marriage... more »
Forgiveness in the Age of ‘Selfie Murder’
[image: christian persecution] There is not much moral distance between a killer's movie of shooting a former co-worker, and an ISIS promotional video featuring mass beheadings. Admittedly in the American context it's a bit unusual: usually if you want to see mass murder...more »
How the Ballpoint Pen Changed Handwriting
[image: Ballpoint Pen-400] Recently, Bic launched a campaign to "save handwriting." Named "Fight for Your Write," it includes a pledge to "encourage the act of handwriting" in the pledge-taker's home and community, and emphasizes putting more of the company's ballpoints into classrooms. As... more »
Want to Save the Arts? Support Capitalism
[image: Taylor Swift- 300] When I was in middle school, downloading MP3s on Napster was the hip thing to do, and in response to that phenomenon, Metallica's Lars Ulrich was quick to engage in battle, spitting out doomsday prophecies faster than AOL was mailing... more »
How the US Can Stop ISIS Without Setting Foot in Syria
*September 1, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Increasingly difficult to cover-up or spin, it is becoming apparent even in Western media coverage that the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) is not sustaining its fighting capacity from within Iraq or Syria, but rather through supply lines that lead to and from adjacent nations. These nations include Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, and most obviously, NATO-member Turkey. It was in Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW)'s report, "'IS' supply channels through Turkey," that hundreds of trucks destined for ISIS held territory we... more »
Keep your eye on the bouncing September "Perfect Storm" ball
Karl Rove > Quotes > Quotable Quote *“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create * *our own reality. **And while you’re studying that reality* * — judiciously, as you will —**we’ll act again, creating* *other new realities, which you can study too, **and * *that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s* *actors . . . **and you, all of you, will be left* * to just study what we do.”* * *************** *Sorry about the formatting on this post, folks...I've had a bit* *of trouble with formatting today. : \* The above quote...officially anonymous--but generally attri... more »
This Is The Face Of Evil
Abu Abdullah, the Isis suicide-bombing commander known as ‘the planner’, in his Baghdad prison cell. Photograph: Sam Tarling for the Guardian *The Guardian*: *No regrets, no remorse: Isis mastermind who sent out 15 suicide bombers* In prison interview, Baghdad commander is defiant as he details his deadly campaign that left more than 100 people dead, including children. For almost a year Abu Abdullah was the most wanted man in Baghdad. He was known among his bosses inside Islamic State as “the planner” – the man responsible for dispatching suicide bombers to attack mosques, univer... more »
MINNEAPOLIS 'Women of Wellbriety' nDigiFest Festival
Brenda Manuelito, Dine', and Carmella Rodriguez of Laguna, N.M. created nDigiDreams for sharing stories in a digital format. Storytelling becomes an act of healing, reconnecting and restoring. About nDigiDreams: Our stories are rooted in the earth and lie within our hearts. Our stories tell about our interrelationship with all that surrounds us—our four directions, elements, seasons
Bill Bonner, “An Update from Our Ranch in Argentina”
*“An Update from Our Ranch in Argentina”* by Bill Bonner GUALFIN, Argentina – “Oh… Señor Bonner. Where is la señora?” This was the greeting we got on Saturday when we arrived at the school. Five little girls came running up. They were genuinely happy to see us. But only because it meant that Elizabeth was there, too. Elizabeth came over a little later, walking over the dusty path from the house to the school. The girls ran to greet her and gathered round, eager to talk to her… to touch her… to kiss her cheek. It was the Fiesta de San Ramon, patron saint of Gualfin. There were alrea... more »
China Using Falcons, Monkeys And Hunting Dogs To Clear WW2 Parade Skies Of Birds
A Chinese air force employee handles the monkeys, who can together dismantle 60 birds' nests a day. *Wall Street Journal:* *China Military Uses Falcons, Monkeys to Clear WW2 Parade Skies* China’s World War II Victory Day parade is approaching, and the Chinese air force is using three types of animal helpers to boost security ahead of the big day, according to an official news website run by the Chinese army. The unusual trio: falcons, macaques and hunting dogs. The “three treasures,” which have also been enlisted to protect some military sites on a daily basis, will join the prote... more »
Japan Defense Ministry Plans A Huge Budget Increase To Counter China
File photo of Japan's PM Abe reviewing members of JSDF during the JSDF Air Review to celebrate 60 years since the service's founding at Hyakuri air base in Omitama. Reuters *The Guardian:* *Japan plans largest ever defence budget to counter China's reach* Defence ministry requests £27bn amid concern over Beijing’s construction of artificial bases in the South China Sea and claims to Senkaku islands. Japan’s defence ministry has requested its biggest ever budget to bolster its ability to protect outlying islands in response to China’s growing military reach in the region. The mini... more »
Fighting In Ukraine Has Dropped 'Significantly' In The Past Few Days
Ukraine's voluntary militia, the Azov Battalion, holds artillery training in east Ukraine's village of Urzuf, west of the port city of Mariupol on the Azov Sea, March 19. As the Ukraine war continues to escalate and as casualties mount, the Azov Battalion remains sidelined from the conflict, the author writes, highlighting the uneasy relationship between the government in Kiev and many volunteer units. MARKO DJURICA/REUTERS *Bloomberg:* *Ukraine Sees ‘Significant’ Drop in Fighting During Past Few Days* Ukraine said fighting in its eastern regions eased “significantly” in the past ... more »
Editor's Note
Military and Intelligence News Briefs and World News Briefs will be posted later today.
Updated: Author resigns from West Point following paper legitimizing attacks on scholars who question terror tactics
[Note: This post has been updated with new information about the author’s resignation.] Following criticisms of a 2015 paper which proposed attacks on scholars who question the government’s handling of the war on terror, the author has resigned from his post at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. The nearly 200-page paper, “Trahison […] The post Updated: Author resigns from West Point following paper legitimizing attacks on scholars who question terror tactics appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Pretend Play Post Office
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #onestopshopforbaby #CollectiveBias We love pretend play in our house. Play kitchens, vegetable stand, doll hospital, my girls love to dress up and make believe. Diaper boxes are the best boxes, they are sturdy and can take quite a beating, so every time I end up with a new diaper box, we try and make something for the kids to play with. This time we made a post office! When it comes to crafting with a diaper box, any size will work, but I LOVE using the really big Huggies ones ... more »
The Next Front in the War on Religious Freedom
[image: In the Crosshairs of the Assault on Religious Liberty] Not long ago, Colorado became a leader in the fight against religious freedom, when its Civil Rights Commission, self-appointed ministers of justice and theology, decided that a shopkeeper who refuses to participate in a gay wedding ceremony must be smeared... more »
ISIS, Climate Change & Mass Migration of Peoples
*Mass migration to Europe from Africa and the Middle East (click to enlarge; source)* *by Gaius Publius* I've said a number of times that climate chaos won't involve just drought, famine and a destroyed environment — all *physical* stresses and dangers to human life. Climate chaos will start with some of those physical stresses, but be coupled with human anticipation, which will result in *social and political* chaos first, and if we're really unfortunate, eventually with collapse. The two sets of problems — physical stress on the one hand, social and political stress on the oth... more »
Global warming
*"President Barack Obama is making Alaska the last leg of a 14,000-mile trip focusing on climate change in advance of a critical international meeting. Scientists say this year the average glacier will lose 30 inches of thickness.*" NBC. What more proof we need?
Lessons in Disaster for the Next Katrina
[image: Hurricane Katrina-400] It's been a decade since Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. What were the lessons? Here are a few: 1. The press did a lousy job. Forget Brian Williams' “huge lies.” Though the press patted itself on the back afterwards, in fact, as American... more »
The World’s Most Astonished Atheist
[image: Joy Davidman-400] The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed Joy Davidman's worldview, too. When the United States bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 years ago this month, Joy Davidman--best known today as the wife of C. S. Lewis--was in a vulnerable way. Nearly... more »
5 Money Lessons Students Should (But Usually Don’t) Learn in School
[image: school classroom - 400] As millions of American children head back to school over the next few weeks, they're preparing for lessons in reading, writing, and math. But there's one crucial subject that too many of today's high schools students are missing out on: Financial... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #79 Who was Dante Alighieri? Who was St Germaine?
Dante Alighieri *DANTE:* On Aug 5, 2015, at 4:07 PM, American Kabuki wrote: *QUESTION from the ITALIANS…* WHO OR WHAT WAS THE HISTORICAL ENERGY OF Dante Alighieri, author of *The Divine Comedy*, and purported creator of the Italian language (an outgrowth of a Tuscan dialect of Latin with musical tonal aspects added by Dante). Dante is an important character in history given his influence in Italy, and the way his “novel” became part of Christian lore about heaven and hell. Christian fundamentalists in America are particularly influenced by this man’s writings. Was this man one ... more »
Ten Years of Katrina
If you thought that American leaders were traveling to New Orleans these past few days to solemnly remember the victims and to acknowledge and apologize for America's shameful, ongoing response to the still-ongoing disaster of Hurricane Katrina, think again. From Barack Obama to George W. Bush to Bill Clinton and all the politicians in between, they came and they saw, not to mourn, but to gloat over the neoliberal rebirth of a city. The only thing worse than their initial response is their current response. They are actually still congratulating themselves on a heckuva job well done... more »
Technology: The Great Job-Creating Machine
[image: graph - 400] As the Guardian recently reported, technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed, and the new jobs it has created have been of higher quality. Technology eliminated many difficult, tedious, and dangerous jobs, but this has been more than... more »
Obama: It Hurts to be Called Anti-Semitic
[image: Obama - 400] Q: So does it hurt you personally when people say that you're anti-Semitic? THE PRESIDENT: Oh, of course. And there's not a smidgen of evidence for it, other than the fact that there have been times where I've disagreed with... more »
[image: images-1]Here's some news I am not sure everyone has. Did you all know that we have more than just the usual culprits in the privatization of Public Schools? It goes beyond charters and hedge fund owners. It even goes beyond Bill Gates. There is huge business in developing new software tools that are designed to "tailor learning to each child. To achieve that sort of customization, the software may collect and analyze a vast array of details about the habits and activities of individual students." Of course there is the usual issue about what happens to that data. [image: ima... more »
How War Room Became a Biblical Box Office Smash
[image: War_Room_Sony] Outside of evangelical circles, the names Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick are likely to be met with blank stares. But thanks to low-budget hits like Fireproof and Courageous, the brothers have transformed themselves into Steven Spielbergs of Christian cinema. Their... more »
Columba Bush, the Key to Understanding Jeb Bush’s Identity
[image: Columba Bush and her son Jeb Bush Jr. listen as her husband speaks during a fundraising event at the Jorge Mas Canosa Youth Center on March 18, 2015, in Sweetwater, Florida.] The central task of Jeb Bush's campaign, aside from trumping Donald Trump, is proving to the American public that he's not just a last name, a son, a scion. Thus far, his main weapon in this essential project is his... more »
The life of an urban nomad
This new "homeless" life that my partner Paul and I now live is marked by many moves during our times back in Canada, when we shuffle like urban nomads from one housesit to another. Since returning to Vancouver Island five months ago, we have relocated 10 times. It stressed me out when we first started doing it last spring after returning from two years in Honduras. But do anything for long enough and a routine seemingly always starts to emerge. We've now grown quite adept at constant relocation. We've been doing Cuso International volunteer work in Central America ... more »
Stephen Harper
What do you think of this picture? Long nose makes sense but I don't know what to make of this one.
Grenade Thrown At Police During Riot Outside Ukraine parliament
*Daily Mail:** Policeman dies and ninety are injured after grenade explodes outside Ukraine parliament leaving 'pools of blood' as riot police clash with protesters* * Grenade was reportedly launched from a crowd of demonstrators in Kiev * Dozens of police officers and members of the national guard left injured * Tear gas used in clash over plans to give special status to separatist areas * More than 30 have since been arrested amid reports of 'several explosions' A policeman has died and 90 people have been injured after a grenade was thrown from a crowd of protesters in Kiev thi... more »
The World's Central Banks Are Losing Their Power To Save The Markets From A Crash
*Photo:* Arrangement of various world currencies including Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc are pictured in Warsaw January 26, 2011. REUTERS/KACPER PEMPEL *The Guardian: **Central banks can’t save the markets from a crash. They shouldn’t even try* *Alarming data from China was met with a soothing hint about monetary policy. But treasuries cannot keep pumping cheap credit into a series of asset bubbles.* Like children clinging to their parents, stock market traders turned to their central banks last week as they sought protection from the fri... more »
Defense Sec. Carter Warns Special Forces 'No More Leaks'
*Kevin Baron, Defense One:* *As New Book Arrives, Pentagon Warns Special Operators Against Leaks* Defense secretary, SOCOM remind troops to keep secrets as new details of bin Laden raid and other missions emerge. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – Defense Secretary Ash Carter warned the U.S. military’s special operators that classified leaks were not theirs to share, four days ahead of the public release of a new book that reveals secret information about recent missions in the war on terrorism. Carter’s remarks are the latest in a string of warnings from top national security leaders cautio... more »
Deaf Ears, Foot Dragging and Moving to the Next Level
*Zen Gardner* - Let’s wake up. It’s time for Plan B. The post Deaf Ears, Foot Dragging and Moving to the Next Level appeared first on Waking Times.
The Great European Disaster Movie III
*News-watch*'s David Keighley has posted an article today which casts a good deal of extra light on the subject of the previous post [*Update*: Er, actually he posted it in March when the programme originally sent out. So much for my ability to read a date!]. He says that when the BBC said that no EU money was used "in the making of the programme being aired on the BBC" they were technically correct but were choosing their words *very *carefully - or, as David puts it, using "weasel words": The reality is that post-production, the film-makers Bill Emmott and Annalisa Piras – bot... more »
Atlanta Braves Fan Dies after Falling from Upper Deck
[image: Turner Field in Atlanta, Georgia] ATLANTA (AP) -- The U.S. flag flew at half-staff at Turner Field on Sunday, one day after a fan died following his fall from the upper deck into the lower-level stands during a game between the Atlanta Braves and New York... more »
Outrage in Egypt after Purported Facebook Mention in Prayer
[image: 1facebook] CAIRO (AP) -- Egyptians in a Nile Delta province were outraged on Sunday after a cleric allegedly changed a line in the traditional Islamic call to prayer to mention Facebook. Instead of saying “prayer is better than sleep” twice during... more »
Suspect in Ambush of Houston-Area Deputy Due in Court
[image: This undated photo provided by the Harris County Sheriff's Office on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015 shows Shannon J. Miles. Prosecutors in Texas are charging the 30-year-old man with capital murder in the killing of Darren Goforth, a sheriff's deputy who was gunned down from behind while filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station. (Harris County Sheriff's Office via AP)] HOUSTON (AP) -- A man charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a uniformed suburban Houston sheriff’s deputy had a lengthy criminal record going back a decade, but never spent more than ... more »
Black Lives Matter Chant Called ‘Disgusting’ by Police Leader
[image: black lives matter - 400] Traffic disruptions and loud messages aren't the only things memorable about Saturday's Black Lives Matter march to the gates of the Minnesota State Fair. One of the chants heard from protesters is being called "disgusting" by rank and file St....more »
Do you indulge in mainstream media?...
*why?* You know you're only being shown exactly what they want you to see and hear. Two articles which point this out are sitting almost side by side in my Feedly. From DC Clothesline: *The Illusion of Choice: 90% of American Media Controlled by 6 Corporations* It is worth repeating again and again that the bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations. This, of course, means that unless you’re already consciously avoiding these mainline media sources, then most of the news and entertainment that makes it onto your screen and into your mind come... more »
Church and State 3, Iglesia ni Cristo is NOT above the law
But the leaders and members of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) think they are above the law, that the law against road occupation, especially Edsa, may apply to other groups but not to them. Rule of law vs. welfarism. Many INC members who went to Edsa were recipients of various welfare programs and now lambast the government. One more proof that when government is lousy in enforcing the rule of law, it can be lousy and wasteful in its populism and welfarism. I was one of their millions of Edsa traffic victims. Last night, Sunday, my bus from Pangasinan arrived at Cubao terminal around 1... more »
Islamic State Continues With Car Bomb Campaign In Iraq
During the fourth week of August 2015 the security situation in Iraq was unchanged from the week before. The number of attacks and casualties were just about the same. The Islamic State (IS) continued with its latest car bomb campaign launching almost one hundred during the week. The government continued to push into Ramadi and fight for control of Baiji in Salahaddin, while the Kurds began a new campaign, which recaptured several towns in southern Kirkuk. From August 22-28, 2015 there were 136 reported attacks. That was the exact same number as the week before. So far this month... more »
Do Taxpayers Pay Planned Parenthood to Stymie Adoptions?
[image: adoption - 400] Videos from the Center for Medical Progress are exposing Planned Parenthood's multiple financial interests in a woman's abortion decision, including the sale of her unborn child's body parts. Congress and the states are responding by considering redirecting the roughly half... more »
BACK TO SCHOOL PREVIEW: Reporting on Big Easy schools can be hard!
*MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015Part 1—Two important issues:* The analysts presented their claim. We checked their claim, and found it was right! Next Monday, September 7, has been declared Labor Day in this country! That means it’s time for our annual review of the mainstream press corps’ back-to-school reporting. As we’ve noted through the years, the press corps typically does a terrible job covering public school issues. Their technical competence tends to be nil. Beyond that, they tend to be slaves to elite narratives in which American schools are in headlong decline, thanks to our ra... more »
This Is The Final Post For Inspirational August 2015
A Warm Farewell *I wish to thank all who visited here this August as well as all the contributors of inspiration. I hope that you were inspired in a way in which you have found your own inner inspiration.* *In my view to inspire is to invite others to visit the best part of themselves. Their human(e)ity, the higher angels of their being, their Soul or as I refer to It as Self.* *If God is willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be back again next year for a 6th Annual Inspirational August.* *I wish you all the best in your lives and if you just arrived to this post today, then ple... more »
Investigation of prominent geneticist Latchman finds “procedural matters,” no misconduct
An investigation by the University College London has cleared prominent geneticist David Latchman of misconduct, but concluded he has “procedural matters in his lab that required attention.” Latchman has two retracted papers; on PubPeer, there are questions about nearly four dozen more. The results of the investigation were first reported by the Times Higher Education. We also received […] The post Investigation of prominent geneticist Latchman finds “procedural matters,” no misconduct appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline
*Gary Kohls* - Who exactly will be receiving these new vaccines? The post Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline appeared first on Waking Times.
Sounding the Trumpet at the Watchmen on the Wall Summit
[image: Watchmen on the Wall in Prayer - 900] AL PERROTTA -- For most of two days, last week’s Watchmen on the Wall Summit in Plano, Texas proceeded with admirable precision. The hundreds of gathered pastors and faith leaders called to Prestonwood Baptist Church by Family Research Council President Tony... more »
Is Catholicism Compatible with the American Experiment?
[image: Adam Smith and St. Giles Cathedral_compressed] In a much-cited 2014 article in the American Conservative, the political philosopher Patrick Deneen argued that the real debate unfolding among American Catholics was not one of "conservative" versus "liberal" Catholics. That discussion, Deneen suggested, is passe. This is partly... more »
The Unreal, Unhealthy World Kids Can See Online
[image: children screen time__1441025487_70.119.142.63] At The Conversation, teen literacy expert Margaret Kristin Merga warns: Heavy screen use has been associated with a range of health issues, such as obesity, spinal issues, ocular health problems and sleep disruption. Mental health may be affected, and increasing... more »
Wal-Mart Cuts Workers’ Hours After Pay Raise Boosts Costs
[image: Wal-Mart_Bloomberg_small] Wal-Mart Stores Inc., in the midst of spending $1 billion to raise employees' wages and give them extra training, has been cutting the number of hours some of them work in a bid to keep costs in check. Regional executives... more »
Is Australia Losing Its Religion?
[image: 1440728369914__1441026452_70.119.142.63] Next year’s census has a very subtle edit that may completely change the way Australia sees itself and have drastic consequences for the way government money is spent on welfare and education. For the first time since the “no religion”... more »
Glenn Beck’s ‘All Lives Matter’ March Draws 20,000
[image: 00.0003__1441024631_70.119.142.63] Saturday, in Minneapolis, Reuters reported: Several hundred protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement marched to the Minnesota State Fair on Saturday to bring attention to race issues ranging from policing to underrepresentation of minorities at one of the nation's... more »
harper's stench Will Linger
For me, the most important issue in this election is (as it was last time) respect for our Parliamentary traditions.Because not only is harper unwilling to modify his policies so that they'll coincide with reality, .. he has destroyed the very ability of the legislature to observe him and communicate with the public about what they've found. More, he'll shred our constitutional rights to oppose him; and he'll do it again and again, regardless of how many times the Supreme Court tries to shut him down.efeat, his stench will linger. I think I should tell you all that I'm typing this ... more »
U.S. Developing Sanctions against China over Cyberthefts
[image: President Barack Obama China President Xi Jinping __1441029105_70.119.142.63] The Obama administration is developing a package of unprecedented economic sanctions against Chinese companies and individuals who have benefited from their government's cybertheft of valuable U.S. trade secrets. The U.S. government has not yet decided whether to issue these sanctions,... more »
George Will is Wrong to Endorse Assisted Suicide
[image: patient hospital bed dying__1441023120_70.119.142.63-1] What a disappointing and shallow column from George Will endorsing assisted suicide, based primarily on a bald assertion that autonomous decision making is "death with dignity." (If committing assisted suicide is "death with dignity," then are those who die naturally... more »
Gap’s Latest Fashion Show Featured Models With Down Syndrome for the First Time
[image: Princess_Kayla_down_syndrome_Gap] On August 22, Gap held a fashion show to promote Ellen Degeneres's new clothing line for kids, Gap Kids x ED.The show was significant for another reason: for the first time ever, one of Gap's campaigns featured models who have Down syndrome and other differences not... more »
Thai Police Award Themselves $84K for Arrest of Bomb Suspect
[image: Thailand Explosion] BANGKOK (AP) -- With much fanfare, Thai police had offered an $84,000 reward for tips leading to arrests in the Bangkok bombing. On Monday, they handed out the cash -- to themselves. They arrested a suspect Saturday, though the man... more »
Election, Polls, Links
*We'll be back...* And so, after all the noise and complaints, KMT heavyweight Lien Chan went off to China for the 70th anniversary of WWII festivities there. Taipei Times reported: Regarding President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) warning that Lien’s participation in Beijing’s military parade would not be “appropriate,” Chang said they could arrive at the same end by different means and that historical interpretations should be open to exchanges of opinions and reconciliation. Despite Chang’s sugarcoating of Lien’s widely criticized China visit, a group of young Taiwan Solidarity Union (T... more »
Will Ohio Democrats Allow Chuck Schumer (D-Wall Street) To Pick Their Senate Nominee For Them?
Portman, Sittenfeld, Strickland Chuck Schumer and the reviled Beltway Democratic Establishment have mandated that conservative and failed fossil Ted Strickland-- DINO darling of the NRA-- must be the Democratic candidate against GOP incumbent Rob Portman in next year's Senate race. Schumer believes that the way to beat a Republican is by running a candidate who espouses Republican values and ideas, even though this strategy has been discredited time and time again. Republican-lite candidates sometimes win, but then disappoint the Democratic base and fail to be reelected. This is es... more »
The Virginia Shooting Is Fake! Bombshell Report Shows "Boyfriend" Chris Hurst Is A Fraud!
I am still receiving a fabulous wealth of information from readers who have sent me comments from the two previous articles that I have posted exposing the recent Virginia "shooting" as a massive hoax... To them, I want to personally say Thank You, and to let them all know that their own efforts in exposing that massive hoax is greatly appreciated.... But now I want to present a fabulous video that was sent to me by an observant reader that definitely shows that the Virginia shooting was indeed a massive fraud... This video comes courtesy of Youtube user: "Peekay22" who has done pre... more »
*Blob at University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead* The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead. The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender. According to a gay rights official at the university, the new... more »
Singing From The Same Songbook
Last week, Tony Turner -- who wrote the protest song *Harperman* -- was suspended from his job. Turner is a federalist scientist, whose job is to track migratory bird species. He knows what's been happening at Environment Canada. Michael Harris writes: I have it on good authority that Turner, an expert in the highly controversial field of bird migrations, was also recently caught smiling at his desk. There are even nasty rumours circulating that he laughed at the Great Navigator during a clandestine lunch with other seditious critics of the government. And they call this a breac... more »
Morale Problems In The Green Berets?
Registan *Washington Times*: *Green Berets have growing doubts of duties with skittish political leadership* They were the first troops to hit the ground in Afghanistan while al Qaeda’s dirty work still smoldered back in the United States. On foot, helicopter and horseback, ArmySpecial Forces showed that if the U.S. was to win a long counterinsurgency war against Islamic extremists, the special skills of Green Berets would be fundamental. Nearly 14 years later, these soldiers, some of the military’s smartest and best trained, are still creating lots of headlines, but not necessari... more »
Why The Current Wars In The Middle East Are Going To Escalate
*Stratfor/Real Clear World*: *Why Middle Eastern Conflicts Will Escalate* Tehran's competitors in the region will not sit idly by without attempting to curb the expansion of Iranian influence. This will not manifest in all-out warfare between the Middle East's most significant powers; Iran is not the only country well versed in the use of proxies. But the conflicts that are already raging in the region will continue unabated and likely only worsen. These clashes will occur on multiple fault lines: Sunni versus Shiite, for example, plus ethnic conflicts among Turks, Iranians, Arabs, ... more »
Is Now The Time To Bring Back The Battleship?
YouTube *Robert Farley, National Interest*:* Is It Time to Bring Back the Battleships?* *What if America had a true successor to the classic battleship, designed to both deal out and absorb punishment?* Is it time to bring back the battleship? For decades, naval architects have concentrated on building ships that, by the standards of the World Wars, are remarkably brittle. These ships can deal punishment at much greater ranges than their early 20th century counterparts, but they can’t take a hit. Is it time to reconsider this strategy, and once again build protected ships? This ... more »
Hugo Chavez's 35 Year Old Daughter Is Venezuela's Richest Woman
Last year, reporter María Elvira Salazar displayed what appeared to be a receipt showing millions in a bank account belonging to Gabriela Chavez withdrawn in the United States *Daily Mail*: *Being the ex-President's daughter pays off: Hugo Chavez's ambassador daughter is Venezuela's richest woman* * Diario las Americas claims that Maria Gabriela Chavez, 35, has $4.2billion in assets held in American and Andorran banks * Hugo Chavez famously declared 'being rich is bad' and during his lifetime railed against the wealthy for being lazy and gluttonous * Efforts to determine Chavez's w... more »
*Electric fishing boat is a bit of a joke* *Unless it spends time at sea not under power (dangerous) it has to be back in port only 10 hours after it left. Pesky if it runs into a storm* The world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel will be powered by a Corvus lithium polymer Energy Storage System (ESS) integrated with a Siemens propulsion system Corvus Energy announced a Corvus ESS with a Siemens BlueDrive PlusC marine propulsion system will power the Selfa Elmax 1099 electric fishing boat designed and built by Selfa Arctic AS. The 11 meter electric vessel will have a... more »
Love Is The Healer - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins
*Love is the healer, love is that which gives one the courage to reach so deep down into one's own darkness and plock from oneself that which makes one ill. Yes, ill it is as in illness of the mind and the body.* *For illness takes a hold upon the minds of those weakened by grief, by anger, by so many years of disappointment.* *Love is that which can and will free one from one's self-imposed prison of darkness. Love is both the key and the force that motivates one to open the door of one's prison cell and be released into the Light of healing.* *Yes, healing is a Light.** A bl... more »
BBC Bitesize on 'UK migration'
*BBC Bitesize*, "the BBC's free online study support resource for school-age students in the United Kingdom", has a section on UK migration. This is what the BBC is presently teaching on the subject:
4 Ways the Senate Could End Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood
[image: Mitch McConnell__1441020907_70.119.142.63] As the war on Planned Parenthood heats up, so does the Republican divide on how to best go about taking away the organization's federal funding. Leadership in both chambers of Congress signaled they're only willing to go so far in... more »
World to Fed: We’re Ready for U.S. Rate Hike, So Don’t Delay
[image: interestrates_356_2051_356__1441021296_70.119.142.63] Central bankers from around the world are telling their American counterparts that they are ready for a U.S. interest rate hike and would prefer that the Federal Reserve make the move without further ado. In private and in public at... more »
What the New York Times Didn’t Tell You About the Planned Parenthood Video Analysis
[image: New York Times building night__1441019967_70.119.142.63] The company commissioned by Planned Parenthood to analyze a series of undercover videos played a key role in 2012 to undermine Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Planned Parenthood hired Washington, D.C.-based Fusion GPS to examine videos released by the Center for Medical Progress over... more »
Alcohol Sales Rise after Weed Legalization, Contrary to Industry Expectations
[image: marijuana versus alcohol sales__1441022391_70.119.142.63] Alcohol businesses are seeing 'phenomenal growth' alongside marijuana industry in Colorado, dispelling concerns that consumers prefer pot over booze. Underlying the debate over marijuana legalization has been an equally fierce battle between marijuana and another so-called vice industry: alcohol. As... more »
NASA Starts Year-Long Isolation to Simulate Life on Mars
[image: NASA dome] A team of Nasa recruits has begun living in a dome near a barren volcano in Hawaii to simulate what life would be like on Mars. The isolation experience, which will last a year starting on Friday, will be the... more »
The Simpsons PREDICTED a Donald Trump presidency... and it didn't end well: Time travel episode from 2000 featured 'broke' nation reliant on aid from CHINA
[image: MailOnline US - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories] - *Episode called Bart to the Future includes vision of the U.S. in 2030* - *Lisa Simpsons has just been elected president - to succeed Trump* - *Nation's financial ruin due to Trump policies is revealed* - *In contrast to his 2016 rhetoric, U.S. is shown taking handouts from China* - *Lisa has to institute massive tax hikes in order to dig America out of its hole* - *Simpsons has 'predicted' world events before, including Ebola, the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle and the Arab ... more »
Richard Muller's incredibly dumb comments about quantum gravity
I am often getting e-mail from Quora.com, a server where people ask and answer questions. I am largely avoiding that server because while some texts over there may be insightful or interesting, there are tons of widely spread delusions written by the ordinary people for other ordinary people. They often drive me up the wall, I think that I've been exposed to that stuff many times, and I just don't want to add any exposure. But today, I clicked at the Theoretical Physics category over there and was quickly led to a question about the unification of general relativity and quantum mech... more »
Europe this Morning Report ( August 31, 2015 ) ....... Ukraine Protests in Kiev today - Decentralization bill to devolve greater powers to Regions seems to be spark. We may be getting closer to seeing Maidan revisited in Ukraine ....... Refugee situation updates - Not just Greece and Austria in focus today..... General wrap-up of what's hot for Europe today ( Greece Snap Election , Markets , IMF bows down on debt sustainability regarding Greece , Odds & ends )
Evening wrap...... Ukraine.... fred walton retweeted *Kyiv Post* @KyivPost 5h5 hours ago UPDATES: Riot policeman killed during clashes outside parliament (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) http://www.kyivpost.com/content/kyiv-p ost-plus/updates-riot-policeman-killed-during-clashes-outside-parliament-exclusive-video-396905.html … [image: Embedded image permalink] Europe..... *António Mega Peixoto* @AMegaPeixoto 1h 1 hour ago António Mega Peixoto retweeted Ben Taub Even though this crisis brought up the worst from some, it also showed they are a minority among the good in Europe! An... more »
Obama Administration Renames Mount McKinley as Denali on Eve of Trip
[image: Mount_McKinley,_with_US_Flag_at_Eielson_Visitor_Center__1441017643_70.119.142.63] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration will change the name of North America’s tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama’s... more »
200 Residents of Iraqi Town Held by ISIS
[image: Islamic state fighters - 900] BAGHDAD (AP) -- The mayor of a remote, Islamic State-held town in western Iraq said on Monday that some 200 residents have been detained by the group at an unknown location following clashes there. Trouble in Rutbah, in Anbar province...more »
Thai Police Seek 2 New Suspects in Bangkok Bombing Probe
[image: Thailand Bangkok Bombing search warrant__1441019053_70.119.142.63] BANGKOK (AP) -- Thai police issued arrest warrants Monday for two more suspects, a Thai woman and a foreign man of unknown nationality, and released their images in the widening investigation into Bangkok’s deadly bombing two weeks ago that yielded... more »
The Real Throwaway Culture
[image: pope] Pope Francis is famous for his strident denunciations of a throwaway culture that ruthlessly discards human beings not considered useful in an economy that "kills." His criticism is true in so far as our pragmatic age exalts what David Brooks calls... more »
PubPeer founders reveal themselves, create foundation
The creators of PubPeer dropped their own anonymity today, as part of an announcement about a new chapter in the life of the post-publication peer review site. By now, Retraction Watch readers will be familiar with PubPeer.com. Founded in 2012, the commenting site has allowed for robust discussions of scientific papers — which in turn have led to […] The post PubPeer founders reveal themselves, create foundation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
*Louisiana Is Falling off the Map ~Jesse Hardeman, TakePart.com*
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #78 The meaning of the words Amit Lake'er
*From a dream of Denice's dated December 3, 2014....* I dreamed that you, KP, the Pope, and others that I couldn't see were playing a game show on a stage. You were the emcee as well. The first game, the players had to train a song bird to hold a card on the string with their answers to the question. The birds flew and the cards made the shape of the heart. One answer was wrong, that bird flew away. It was the Pope's. He walked up to the center of the stage where there was a large glass jar. he placed a large block of cash in it and then a second. he tried to fit the silv... more »
How Local Organizing Is Accomplished Well for the Good (Go Germany!) (Governments Need To Be Swept Clean? No Progress on Poverty Possible Without Political Integrity) Philanthropyism Exposed As Self-Serving and Poverty Deepening
While attacks against refugee homes dominate the headlines, a new movement to aid asylum seekers is taking root in Germany. From medical care to security services, locals are organizing what the state won't. . . . The day has only just begun, but the phone in Anja Damerius' office at the University of Siegen is already ringing off the hook. An elderly woman wants to read books to refugee
Lanyu: Days of Steel, Days of Sun
[image: LanyuDanno_2015_127] Another August, another trip to Lanyu (Orchid Island) off Taitung, Taiwan. This time I brought my daughter, Sheridan, who took everything in with wide-eyed appreciation and good humor. A rewarding trip for both of us. Click on READ MORE if you can stand another dose of Lanyu pics (slogan: "A goat with every picture"). [image: LanyuDanno_2015_5] Our trip started out at Houbihu Marina in Kenting. From there it is less than 2.5 hours to Lanyu, while it is 3 hours by ferry from Taitung. Moreover, you can get a taxi to/from the marina directly at/to the HSR fo... more »
PLA's nuclear subs still unable to strike US homeland: Kanwa
[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China's 12 nuclear-powered submarines are still unable to launch a direct attack against the US homeland, reports the Kanwa Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine based in Canada. An estimated three of the PLA Navy's Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines and two Type 093 Shang-class attack submarines are currently stationed at Sanya, the base of the PLA's South Sea Fleet in the southern island province of Hainan. The base is the most proximate location for deployment to the South China Sea, where Beijing disputes vast swaths... more »
US's F-22 Raptor jet fighter comes to Poland
[image: F-22 Raptor]Four of the Lockheed Martin-made planes will be on show. The F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine, all weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor and was responsible for the majority of the airframe, weapon systems, and final assembly of the F-22, while program partner Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems. The event comes in the wake of Warsaw's requests for more US and NATO engagement in Poland and the Baltic states in vie... more »
Special Report ON Asia ( August 31 , 2015 ) - China updates ( Ignore what China says regarding whether it will or will not be buying stocks - just watch the market and decide , Another day of curious policy moves / zig zags in stock markets indices / arrests - why aren't the animals spirits responding ? ) ..........Thailand in the news - updates on Bangkok blast ........India in the news , an item or three of interest ........Japan output falls for July ....... Malaysia protests continue - will they succeed in overturning Najib though ...... Impact of commodities crush on Emerging Nations !
Evening wrap...... *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLunCNA 1m 1 minute ago China Caixin final August manufacturing PMI 47.3 (flash 47.1, 6.5-yr low). New orders, exports, employment, input prices all contracting. *Haidi Lun 伦海迪* @HaidiLunCNA 9m 9 minutes ago Haidi Lun 伦海迪 retweeted Mike Forsythe 傅才德 These China markets, they make fools of us all... Haidi Lun 伦海迪 added, *Mike Forsythe 傅才德* @PekingMike They sure didn't look like they were abandoning it yesterday afternoon at around 3pm in Shanghai! https://twitter.com/HaidiLunCNA/st atus/638178453691351040 … *zerohedge... more »
Musical Interlude: Chuck Wild, Liquid Mind, “My Silent Knowing”
Chuck Wild, Liquid Mind, “My Silent Knowing” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f__Ml77XTQ
The Great European Disaster Movie Part II
It looks as if the BBC has got some serious questions to answer today. You will doubtless recall BBC Four's controversial pro-EU 'The Great European Disaster Movie': The incendiary claim that the BBC had received EU money to finance this pro-EU 'mockumentary' was strongly denied by the BBC at the time: A BBC spokesman responded to the accusations over EU funding and bias saying: "No EU money was used in the making of the programme being aired on the BBC. Impartiality is of paramount importance for the BBC. This fictional programme reflects the author's vision. BBC editorial gu... more »
Mirage 2000 fighter jet to be upgraded with multi-function displays
[image: Mirage 2000]The upgraded Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft will be installed with India-made multi-function displays under an Indo-French partnership, as part of a programme to enhance the operational life of multi-role fighters by around 20 years. Samtel Thales Avionics Ltd (STAL), a joint venture between Samtel Avionics and French firm Thales, has successfully dispatched the first batch of multi-function displays for Mirage 2000 upgrade programme of the Indian Air Force from the newly-commissioned production facility in Greater Noida. "Samtel Thales Avionics thus becomes the on... more »
Crews Deliver Retired Fighter Jet to Haney Technical Center
It may be nerve-racking thinking of delivering a retired fighter jet across the streets of Panama City, but for Air Force mechanic Jason Lingenfelter, his wife Christy said her husband felt right at home. "He started out with the F-15s when he came into the military, and he's since transitioned into the 22s," Lingenfelter said. "So this is like coming back to home. He's back with his original air frame and he's very excited about it." Lingenfelter joined dozens of others Sunday morning to help bring the Eagle F-15 fighter jet from Tyndall Air Force Base to Haney Technical Center. ... more »
China Prepares to Build Jet Faster Than Legendary US Spy Plane?
[image: SR-71 Blackbird]According to various reports, China is planning to develop a turbofan ramjet engine. Such an engine theoretically could be the basis for a jet faster than the legendary US SR-71 spy plane, the fastest aircraft, discharged in the late 1990s. On August 25, a report in the Chinese newspaper China Aviation News described a planned project to build China's first domestically-made turbofan-ramjet combined cycle engine, designed for an unnamed aircraft. “The description of this engine suggests something resembling the Pratt & Whitney J58 variable cycle engine used b... more »
China test-flies new generation drone
China has taken a newly-developed drone on a test flight in northwest province Gansu. The new generation "Rainbow 5" drone is twice as large as previous models, with a 20-meter wingspan. It was developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology for reconnaissance and military strikes. The drone can conduct air patrol for over 30 hours, and has 900 kilograms of load capacity. Apart from military uses, it can also be used for maritime patrol and search and rescue at sea. Read more
What will Royal Navy warships look like in 2050?
[image: 3D holographic command table]Futuristic images of what Royal Navy vessels could look like in 2050 have been developed by young British scientists and engineers. They hope it will offer a glimpse of how advanced vessels could be. A group of British scientists and engineers are working for major players in the industry and the Ministry of Defence on a project called Starpoint. Its aim is to ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of military maritime technology. Read more
Faslane base gets £500m contracts 'to secure 6,700 jobs'
[image: Vanguard class SSBN]Chancellor George Osborne has announced more than £500m of contracts for the Royal Navy's submarine base at Faslane. The government said the work, which is due to begin in 2017, would secure 6,700 jobs and create thousands more. Mr Osborne said: "Across Scotland, around 12,600 people work in defence and my defence spending commitments will secure these jobs." Read more
Military Photo of the Day: August 31, 2015
[image: Marines in Mountains-900] U.S. Marines run and hike along the hills of California’s Camp Pendleton on Aug. 20, 2015. May God bless all of our nation’s brave men and women in uniform and their families!
Japanese Government Takes Orders from Washington Despite Public Outrage
More than 100,000 people gathered outside Japan’s parliament building on Sunday to protest Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s controversial bill, which authorizes Japanese armed forces to join foreign military operations. Some also called for the PM’s resignation. The US has long been pressuring Japan to get rid of its peaceful Article 9 of the Constitution that forbids offensive military forces. The US wants Japan to become a more active 'partner' in endless NATO wars and to help go after China. Thus Abe's government takes orders from Washington rather than listening to the will of t... more »
Kerry on Iran's Right to Enrich: Return of the Flip-Flopper
Remember the ugly 2004 presidential campaign when the Bush camp accused challenger John Kerry of being a flip-flopper on a great many consequential political issues? Well, in his tireless efforts to advocate in favor of the Iran deal - perhaps the signature political and diplomatic achievement of Kerry long career - the flip-flopper charge can once again be levied, this time regarding Kerry's
U.S. To Impose Sanctions On China For Cyberthefts
*Photo: *A map of China is seen through a magnifying glass on a computer screen showing binary digits in Singapore in this January 2, 2014 photo illustration. REUTERS/EDGAR SU *Washington Post*: *U.S. developing sanctions against China over cyberthefts* The Obama administration is developing a package of unprecedented economic sanctions against Chinese companies and individuals who have benefited from their government’s cybertheft of valuable U.S. trade secrets. The U.S. government has not yet decided whether to issue these sanctions, but a final call is expected soon — perhaps ev... more »
Don’t Be Nice to Other Christians
[image: Elephant in the room_compressed] Don't be nice to other Christians -- specifically those in other churches than yours. God doesn't want you to be nice to them. He doesn't want them being nice to you. Bad things happen when everyone is nice to everyone... more »
This Week's Massive Chinese Military Parade Is Raising Concerns Across Asia
*Bloomberg:* *Xi's Military Parade Fans Unease in Region Already Wary of China* * President to reaffirm peace pledge while marking WWII victory * Procession of 12,000 troops demonstrates Xi's supreme power As Xi Jinping presides over thousands of goose-stepping troops marching down Beijing’s Changan Avenue -- or “Eternal Peace Street” -- on Thursday, the Chinese president will also proclaim his commitment to the world’s peaceful development. It’s a message China’s neighbors may find hard to swallow as it flexes its military muscle from the East China Sea to the Indian Ocean. The p...more »
Is The U.S. Interested In The Arctic?
Encyclopedia Britannica Inc./Wired *New York Times:* *U.S. Is Playing Catch-Up with Russia in Scramble for the Arctic* ABOARD COAST GUARD CUTTER ALEX HALEY, in the Chukchi Sea — With warming seas creating new opportunities at the top of the world, nations are scrambling over the Arctic — its territorial waters, transit routes and especially its natural resources — in a rivalry some already call a new Cold War. When President Obama travels to Alaska on Monday, becoming the first president to venture above the Arctic Circle while in office, he hopes to focus attention on the effect... more »
Will China Try To Hide Its Submarines In The South China Sea?
*McClatchy News:* *China may be trying to hide its submarines in the South China Sea* For months, China’s visible construction of artificial islands and military facilities in the South China Sea has alarmed U.S. officials and many of China’s neighbors. For months, China’s visible construction of artificial islands and military facilities in the South China Sea has alarmed U.S. officials and many of China’s neighbors. What is happening under the water is also worrisome, say several defense and security analysts. China has a growing fleet of nuclear submarines armed with ballisti... more »
Hungary Blocks Refuge For Syrians Seeking Asylum In Europe
Trump's wall will be much fancier Hungary's right-wing Fidesz Party won enough parliamentary seats in 2010 (263, more than two-thirds) to be able to ride roughshod over the country's post-Communist democracy. They were even able to change the constitution, although they have since lost two by-eletions and no longer have that power. The really far right party-- a neo-Nazi outfit called Jobbik-- came in third and won 47 seats. Right after the election Oszkár Molnár, Fidesz member of parliament, told the media that "I love Hungary, I love Hungarians, and I prefer Hungarian interests t... more »
History and the Economist *sigh* Banyan can't get anything right
[image: LanyuDanno_2015_359] *Another trip to Lanyu last week, which is why I've not been blogging....* Banyan at The Economist wrote on former President Lee Teng-hui's epic trolling of the KMT the last couple of weeks... let's take a look.... A 92-YEAR-OLD politician may be inured to insults, however outrageous his alleged transgression.* Even so Lee Teng-hui, Taiwan’s president from 1988 to 2000, may have been taken aback by the hostility to comments he made to a Japanese magazine this month.* [A total misreading -- Lee was trolling and well aware of how the KMT would react: in a w... more »
“Marriage Overruled”: The Book We Didn’t Want to Need
[image: fork in eye_compressed_cropped] Imagine it was your task to write a book entitled, Why Sticking a Fork in Your Eye is a Very Bad Idea. You aren't an ophthalmologist, or a silversmith. You have passed through kitchens all your life without ever being... more »
Who Should The U.S. Support .... Turkey Or The Kurds?
A Kurdish resident holds a signs during a demonstration in support of the Peshmerga troops in front of the U.S. consulate in Erbil, north of Baghdad, August 11, 2014. (Reuters) Nahal Toosi, Politico: ISIL fight forces U.S. to choose between allies Syrian Kurds are serving as 'boots on the ground' against the Islamic State, but Turkey opposes their involvement. As the United States and Turkey launch airstrikes to oust the Islamic State from a stretch of northern Syria, they appear at odds over the role of a critical fighting force on the ground: the Syrian Kurds. Turkey insists tha... more »
And a weather eye
We are somewhat underwhelmed by the predicted and overdue "storm" so far. There have been only traces of rain. What we *are* getting is plenty of wind, as we can see from various upturned leaves and trees leaning eastward. Still hoping. It now smells like full-blown Fall. Today, I chopped the last of the cornstalks, and selected an ear to keep for seed, but it is backup. We'll be looking for another variety of sweet corn. Canning some pickled beets and apples and some tomato sauce while dehydrating kale, beet greens, squash blossoms, dandelion and false dandelion greens, and bak... more »
The Pentagon Has A Long History Of Organizing Manhunts To Snare Top Enemy Leaders And Terrorists
*Sean Naylor, Defense One/The Atlantic*: *Inside the Pentagon’s Manhunting Machine* A brief history of Joint Special Operations Command, from Panama to the war on terror At the cutting edge of the U.S. military’s campaigns against al-Qaeda and its offshoots over the past 14 years has been an organization still unused to the spotlight. Born from the wreckage of the United States’s failed attempt to rescue its hostages in Iran in 1980, Joint Special Operations Command was created to provide a standing headquarters that could run similar operations in the future. But although JSOC (p... more »
Massive Natural Gas Field Discovered Off The Coast Of Egypt
Eni said the well could be one of the largest in the world *BBC:* *Italy's Eni discovers huge gas field off Egyptian coast* Italian energy group Eni says it has found one of the world's largest natural gas fields off Egypt's coast. The company said the area was 1,450m (4,757 feet) beneath the surface and covered 100 sq km (39 sq miles). It could hold as much as 30 trillion cubic feet of gas, or 5.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent, Eni said. The company says that the Zohr field "could become one of the world's largest natural-gas finds" and help meet Egypt's gas needs for decades... more »
French Intelligence Warns Of Civil Unrest And Terror Attacks
French security security services have warned that France be targeted with a 9/11-style attack or a strike on a passenger jet with a surface-to-air missile (like the one above) after a series of terror attacks in the country *The Telegraph:* *French intelligence fears Islamist 'missile strike on airliner' or 9/11-style attack* Army prepares for civil unrest as Islamist threat grows amid fears of September 11-style attack or missile strike on passenger airliner. French security forces are bracing for the eventuality of civil unrest and fear there could be a missile strike on a passe... more »
August 30:betcha never heard of Garda World
http://www.garda-world.com/ It's the world's biggest, privately owned "security" service. It does the usual security service stuff like providing guards for malls. It also provides more advanced security for ventures like invading countries, killing people on whichever side isn't the one that's paying it - in short, it trains and supplies mercenaries. Haven't heard of it? Gee, it's a big, Canadian company with its head offices in Montreal. It creates jobs. It creates so many I'm surprised Moncton City Council hasn't offered it money to come here. Harper generously sent them to Li... more »
Collective Insanity
Source"The death of trees and shrubs is so blatantly egregious that I simply do not understand what sort of collective insanity allows the residents of this state to go about their daily routines without pausing to reflect on the implications of the ecosystem collapsing in front of their very eyes." ~ yours truly in California, July 2010, in *The Widening Gyre.* Below is the transcript for this week's eleventh Dispatch From the Endocene, airing on Extinction Radio. Photos are from the links at the end, to posts from 2010, 2011 and 2013 taken on the West Coast. Whether from cities ... more »
John Frazier's Photos Black Hills Unity Concert
Keith Secola, Pura Fe, Jennifer Elizabeth Kreisberg and Cody Thomas Blackbird. Photo copyright John Frazier Pura Fe and photographer John Frazier Dawn Littlethunder and Shawn Lynn Littlethunder/copyright John Frazier Thank you John Frazier for allowing Censored News to share your great photos of the Black Hills Unity Concert. Photos copyright John Frazier
Learning from Europe: Intro
It almost sounds like a fairy tale now, doesn’t it: *There was a time, not long ago, when some [political and economic] commentators believed Europe was a model for the rest of the world.* Ha! Oliver Hartwich begins a series explaining why that much beloved fairy tale is having an unhappy ending. “Europe’s decay,” he says in this introductory piece, “is mostly due to the way Europe has been conducting itself.” *Europe … is not at the crossroads but is facing a dead-end. Or a cliff. A very steep cliff.* Since so much of the world has been eager to copy “that way,” it might be wor... more »
Farewell Oliver Sacks
Oliver Sacks, author of *The Man How Mistook His Wife For a Hat *and *Awakenings* and very much else has died. [image: Oliver Sacks] J.K Rowling posted this morning: *The great, humane and inspirational Oliver Sacks has died. He wrote this recently. That's a life well-lived.* [image: Embedded image permalink] [Pic by Guardian] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Oliver Sacks (1933-2015)
*"Oliver Sacks, the world-renowned neurologist and author who chronicled maladies and ennobled the afflicted in books that were regarded as masterpieces of medical literature, died Aug. 30 at his home in Manhattan. He was 82."* *-- the lead of Emily Langer's Washington Post obituary* *"You are an abomination. I wish you had never been born."* *-- an observation made to Olliver Sacks, quoted by Emily Langer* *by Ken* The death of Oliver Sacks can't have surprised anyone, least of all Oliver Sacks himself, since he had gone as public as a person can (writing in the *New York Times*)... more »
The Siege of Philadelphia Public Schools
by Ken Derstine @ Defend Public Education! August 30, 2015 *“Whenever I see the school and the ruins, I wanna break into tears,” wrote Jacob Rodriguez, 17, who attended Fairhill from kindergarten through eighth grade.* *Kiara Villegas, 15, wrote on the wall: “They closed our school, for what reason though?”* Pencil statements of students from the closed Fairhill School in North Philadelphia in an art exhibit about the closing of 31 public schools in 2012. ***** “Fernando Gallard, a spokesman for the school district, said, “We completely understand the feelings of the students a... more »
"You Have A Right To Be Here..."
"You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and the stars. You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should." - Max Ehrmann
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Barred spiral galaxy NGC 2903 is only some 20 million light-years distant. Popular among amateur astronomers, it shines in the northern spring constellation Leo, near the top of the lion's head. That part of the constellation is sometimes seen as a reversed question mark or sickle. One of the brighter galaxies visible from the northern hemisphere, NGC 2903 is surprisingly missing from Charles Messier's catalog of lustrous celestial sights. *Click image for larger size.* This colorful image from a small ground-based telescope shows off the galaxy's gorgeous spiral arms traced by youn... more »
Chet Raymo, "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"
*"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"* by Chet Raymo “On a Sunday afternoon years ago we tripped over the hill to the annual races on Beal Ban Strand, an afternoon of thundering excitement up and down the tide-washed sand, sleek and powerful horses ridden by young jockeys in gaily-colored silks. A good time was had by all, but I couldn't help but think of the events that occurred on those cliffs you see in the background of the photograph, just above the head of the jockey in white. In the year 1580, six-hundred Catholics- Spaniards, Italians and Irish, including women and children- were besie... more »
"How We Go THrough Life..."
"It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut, with dull ears, with dormant thoughts. Perhaps it's just as well; and it may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome." - Joseph Conrad, "Lord Jim"
The Daily "Near You?"
Wakefield, Kansas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"The Time Will Pass Anyway..."
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” - Earl Nightingale
"Stop Waiting for Permission: Do What You've Been Resisting"
* "Stop Waiting for Permission: **Do What You've Been Resisting" * by Robert Pagliarini “Whose permission do you need? Really, it's not a trick question. Who needs to give you the nod of approval before you can start a business, start dating after a bitter divorce, or write the book you've been talking about for the past nine years? Whose approval are you desperately seeking? Your spouse, a boss, friend, or expert in your field? Unless you're six years old, you don't need anyone's permission to create a better, fuller, richer life for yourself. Of course, it doesn't always feel that... more »
"Just Once..."
"But because truly being here is so much; because everything here apparently needs us, this fleeting world, which in some strange way keeps calling to us. Us, the most fleeting of all. Once for each thing. Just once; no more. And we too, just once. And never again. But to have been this once, completely, even if only once: to have been at one with the earth, seems beyond undoing." - Rainer Maria Rilke
Paulo Coelho, "The Law of Jante"
"The Law of Jante" by Paulo Coelho "'The Law of Jante?' Of course I had never heard of this, so he explained what it was. I continued on my journey and discovered it is hard to find anyone in any of the Scandinavian countries who does not know this law. Although the law exists since the beginning of civilization, it was only officially declared in 1933 by writer Aksel Sandemose in the novel “A Refugee Goes Beyond Limits.” The sad truth is that the Law of Jante is a rule applied in every country in the world, despite the fact that Brazilians say that “this only happens here,” and t... more »
We could do without a capital gains tax-- and without the morons who support it
Australia has a housing bubble and a capital-gains tax. New Zealand has a housing bubble and no capital-gains tax. No connection there, you would have thought. Numb-nut morons Certified geniuses however suggest that the New Zealand government should embrace a tax on capital gains, in order to avoid the housing bubble we already have. The logic of the argument escapes me, just as the art of logic has clearly escaped long ago from these self-proclaimed genii proclaiming it. Writing in *The Australian* this morning, Henry Ergas observes *there is an iron law of Australian public po... more »
Quote of the Day: On the minimum wage
*“When you are unemployed, your wages are zero, regardless of what the minimum-wage law specifies.”* ~ Thomas Sowell, Fact-Free Liberals: Part II Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Even with a wide-angled lens…
…it looks good. Photographer Andrew Pielage describes it: *The Living Room at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin East in Winsconsin. It's incredible how Mr. Wright can design one room that is both a comfortable place for a party and an intimate room for two. I have experienced both of these in the Living Room over the past week.* Luck chap, Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
British forces hunt for Jihadi John in ‘combat burqas’ - SAS as ISIS, again!
*And now onto today's pièce de résistance!: British Forces "hunt" for Jihadi John in "Combat Burqas" Hopefully you all recall the news from August 1/15 , of British SAS Forces posing as ISIS? **SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover war on jihadis- Humour?!* *Get a load of this latest news!* * Branded the "combat burqa", it is believed the outfits were funded with a 1.1 *billion pounds war chest unveiled last year by David Cameron British special forces are reportedly using stealth clothing dubbed as “combat burqas” in their hunt for feared Islamic State executioner Jihadi John... more »
Among 40 al-Nusra dead- Israeli & Jordanian officers killed in Syria
*Over 40 al-Nusra among Israeli, Jordanian officers killed in Syria* The Syrian air force killed a large number of Takfiri militant commanders, including senior Israeli and Jordanian officers, in airstrikes on terrorists' positions in the Southern province of Daraa, FARS news agency reported Saturday. At least 42 Al-Nusra Front Takfiri terrorist commanders, *including 3 Israeli and Jordanian officers, *were killed in the Syrian warplanes' air raids in Daraa. *Jerusalem Post covered the report*- * 'Three Israeli officers killed in operation in Syria' Iranian media claims * Accord... more »
“Do NOT Install Windows 10: Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny, Turns On Microphone To Record Your Conversations, Collects All Data”
*“Do NOT Install Windows 10: Windows 10 Is Full Blown Electronic Tyranny, * *Turns On Microphone To Record Your Conversations, Collects All Data” * by IWB "Dr. Katherine Albrecht talks about how incredibly dangerous is Windows 10 to your privacy." *NOTE: *I do not permit any religious advocacy of any kind here. The final minutes of this video contain such material, but for the sake of the technical information provided this video stays. Simply skip the last 2 minutes, please. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLiozMpqV80 ◆ *"Windows 10: How To Stop It Spying On You & Logging Your A... more »
Desert Solitaire
Edward Abbey (1927 – 1989) was an eco-wordsmith whose work is often compared to the classics of Aldo Leopold and Henry Thoreau. His book *Desert Solitaire* has been called “the *Walden*of the southwest.” Abbey was born in Pennsylvania, and went to school in New Mexico. In 1956 and 1957 he spent the summers as a ranger at the Arches National Park, near Moab, Utah. It was a mind-altering experience. The young ranger fell in love with the desert, and kept extensive diaries. Like Leopold and Thoreau, he had profound reverence and respect for the natural world. All three watched i... more »