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English: County municipal building across Ashley Pond. (Note added May 2009: The County Municipal Building pictured here was demolished in 2008, and the Los Alamos County Judicial/Police-Jail Complex is being constructed on the site, with completion scheduled for May 2010.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Photograph of the Athabasca Tar Sands in Alberta, c. 1900-1930 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Calf igloos at Oneida Baptist Institute (OBI); Oneida, Clay County, Kentucky, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Hey Buddy (Waking Up Yet?) If You Like Being Used/Manipulated By Those You Thought You Paid To Protect You . . . (Watch Out for John Negroponte's Next Sighting!)
Welcome to terrifying Pottersville. Yes. There are no good jobs or usable
benefits for even the available bad ones. And if you didn't have enough to
do to try to keep mind and body operating in tandem as you go about your
daily grind trying to rub two cents together to get a spark . . . . . . .
yes, guys. There are too many comments highlighted below. But each of them
is important to the
Post By-election thoughts
With 94% of the votes counted as I type this it's guaranteed that our
riding will be sending another Conservative to Ottawa. I can't say I'm too
surprised as Fort McMurray-Athabasca has elected either Conservative or
Reform MPs since its creation. However, as I watched the results come in
tonight it was clear early on that the Liberals weren't about to fade
quietly into the night. I suspected they would pick up some votes but was
surprised by just how many. The Liberals had put a great deal of time and
energy into the campaign here though and were able to tap into what seems
to... more »
Politics And Race In Those 10 Worst Counties To Live In In America

This morning, Taegan Goddard took a look at the much-talked-about *NY Times*
piece from a few days ago, Where Are The Hardest Places To Live In The U.S.?
Clay County, Kentucky was *the* hardest and the *Times* compared Clay to
Los Alamos County by showing specific contrasts: "Only 7.4 percent of Clay
County residents have at least a bachelor’s degree, while 63.2 percent do
in Los Alamos. The median household income in Los Alamos County is
$106,426, almost five times what the median Clay County household earns. In
Clay County, 12.7 percent of residents are unemployed, and 11.7 perc... more »
My Vegan Life - Picnics, Grilling, and the 4th of July

[image: My Vegan Life - Celebrating the 4th of July]
In the US, we're celebrating our country's independence this weekend. Many
people enjoy picnics, backyard grilling, and a lot of good food on the 4th
of July.
I remember my first picnic as a vegan. We weren't thinking creatively and
lunch consisted of raw carrots, celery, and tomatoes.
Raw veggies are great but, lunch, that day, was far from exciting.
[image: My Vegan Life - Celebrating the 4th of July]
These days we've gotten much better at planning delicious meals for our
outdoor enjoyment.
We prepare traditional picnic foods... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, "A Tour of the Universe"
Vangelis, "A Tour of the Universe"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDXp1tpPD38
"Too Often..."
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a
listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of
which have the potential to turn a life around."
- Leo Buscaglia
“You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do
For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind.”
- Dale Carnegie
Thorne Dreyer : PODCAST | Suzanna Danuta Walters discusses the ‘Sabotaging of Gay Equality’
The author of the provocative cultural critique, ‘The Tolerance Trap,’
joins us in a lively and revealing discussion on Rag Radio. Interview by
Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | June 30, 2014 Our Rag Radio podcast features
Suzanna Danuta … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*PODCAST* | Suzanna Danuta Walters discusses the ‘Sabotaging of Gay
There can, of course, be no moral equivalence in the tit-for-tat killings
of Israeli and Palestinian children such as has occurred in the West Bank
these last few weeks. But, on the other hand, neither can there be any
tolerance of the killings of Palestinian children while the Western world’s
press calls for outrage when the children of Israeli settlers are killed.
It’s not so much a matter of moral equivalence as moral inequivalence. Israel
and the neocons demand the world be outraged by the deaths of three Israeli
children yet condemn those 1523 Palestinians children that have be... more »
From the same group of thugs who brought you the Temporary Foreign Workers fiasco ....
Trojan Horse! (Or horses, if you like). Ever heard of the International
Mobility Program? How about Inter-Company Transfers, whereby foreign
companies are permitted to bring their own foreign workers in to do work
on Canadian soil?
Off to Creekside where Alison had done an amazing amount of heavy
lifting. It may be the most important post you've read this year.
Media Has No Idea What Special Education Is (Guest Post)
Guest Post by Jessica S. Martinez, in response to a recent editorial in the
Albuquerque Journal. Once again, the Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board
has placed its ignorance on display for all to see. Here is yet another
example of those who know nothing about education sticking their noses
where they do not belong. Allow me to […]
Falling over themselves to play soccer
When teams win so often by acting, you wonder whether it’s a World Cup of
sport, or a Wold Cup of comedy.
“To be fair, it is actually possible to get hurt playing soccer.”
But not often.
Read: ‘The World Cup Flopping Rankings.’
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Bulgaria Blues ( June 30 , 2014 ) -- With Bulgaria's banking system already under the threat of bank runs - note they now take their begging bowl to the EU for a bailout of their banking system ! And as they are now formally under the thumb of the EU , how can they not do its biding - whether that means blocking South Stream or whatever else the EU demands ?
Black Listed News......
June 30, 2014
Share It | Print This
Escape Big Pharma!
Kick the subs. Inexpensive Organic Herbal Pain Relief.
The European Commission said on Monday it had approved a Bulgarian request
to extend a credit line of 3.3 billion levs ($2.30 billion) in support of
banks that have come under speculative attack. “The Commission concluded
that the state aid implied by the provision of the credit line is
proportionate and commensurate with the need to ensure sufficient liquidity
... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Close to the Great Bear (Ursa Major) and surrounded by the stars of the
Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici), this celestial wonder was discovered in 1781
by the metric French astronomer Pierre Mechain. Later, it was added to the
catalog of his friend and colleague Charles Messier as M106. Modern deep
telescopic views reveal it to be an island universe: a spiral galaxy around
30 thousand light-years across located only about 21 million light-years
beyond the stars of the Milky Way.
* Click image for larger size.*
Along with prominent dust lanes and a bright central core, this colorful
com... more »
Paulo Coelho, “A Saint In The Wrong Place”
*“A Saint In The Wrong Place”*
by Paulo Coelho
“‘Why is it that some people can resolve the most complicated problems
really easily, whilst others agonize over every tiny crisis and end up
drowning in a glass of water?’ I asked. Ramesh replied by telling the
following story: ‘Once upon a time, there was a man who had been the soul
of kindness all his life. When he died, everyone assumed that he would go
straight to Heaven, for the only possible place for a good man like him was
Paradise. The man wasn’t particularly bothered about going to Heaven, but
that was where he went.
Now in... more »
"What Frustrates Us..."
"Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out
how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a
little bit different for our having passed through it. What frustrates us
and robs our lives of joy is this absence of meaning... Does our being
alive matter?"
- Harold S. Kushner,
"When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough"
Mark Twain, “On The Damned Human Race”
*“On The Damned Human Race”*
by Mark Twain
“I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the lower animals
(so-called), and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man.
I find the result humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my
allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower
Animals; since it now seems plain to me that the theory ought to be vacated
in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the
Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.
In proceeding toward this unpleasant conclusion I have not guessed or ... more »
Mick Jagger: “But they’re still a bunch of wrinkly old men trying to relive their youth and make a load of money”
Yeah. Bastards.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Bodies of three missing Jewish teens 'found near West Bank city' | Mail Online
The Daily Mail seem to think all Israelis are 'settlers. No better than
BBC, Guardian or The Independent.
Today it was Justice Sammy "The Hammer" Alito's big chance to bludgeon a hapless Constitution

*Justice Sammy the Hammer was wielding his Sledgehammer of Doom at the
Supreme Court today.*
*by Ken*
Clearly the Cro-Magnon wing of the Roberts Court has developed a vestigial
sense of shame. The two bombshell decisions saved for the final day of the
Supreme Court term today (which Howie wrote about in his 2pm PT post)
weren't bombshells in the sense of *surprise*. They were just more of the
all-but-impossible-to-avoid IEDs that have become the manner of "justice"
meted out these days by the High Court, now that the full
counter-constitutional system is in place, with the Cro-Mag... more »
David P. Hamilton : The Democrats’ delusions and a strategy for change
A central goal of the left in the U.S. should be to create an independent
electoral base, a voice from which the left can speak directly to the
mainstream. By David P. Hamilton | The Rag Blog | June 30, … finish reading David
P. Hamilton :
The Democrats’ delusions and a strategy for change
The Daily "Near You?"
Port-of-spain, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and TobagoThanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “On The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams”
*“On The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams”*
by Chet Raymo
"I seem to remember that it was Lawrence Durrell, somewhere in the
Alexandrian Quartet, who said: "Science is the poetry of the intellect, and
poetry is the science of the heart.” Or something to that effect. That line
has stuck in my head for thirty or forty years, without ever quite knowing
what to make of it. Maybe it's time to wonder if it's saying anything
Certainly, science is the work of the intellect. One can feel a heartfelt
passion while doing science, and one can experience a throb or two when
observing sci... more »
The Poet: Aldous Huxley, "Lightly"
"It’s dark because you are trying too hard.
Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.
Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.
Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.
I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig.
Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me.
When it comes to dying even. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic.
No rhetoric, no tremolos,
no self conscious persona putting on its celebrated imitation of Christ or
Little Nell.
And of course, no theology, no metaphysics.
Just the fact o... more »
"The Risk..."
"Biology says that we are who we are from birth. That our DNA is set in
stone. Unchangeable. Our DNA doesn't account for all of us though, we're
human. Life changes us. We develop new traits. Become less territorial. We
start competing. We learn from our mistakes. We face our greatest fears.
For better or worse, we find ways to become more than our biology. The risk
of course is that we can change too much to the point where we don't
recognize ourselves. Finding our way back can be difficult. There's no
compass, no map. We just have to close our eyes, take a step, and hope to
God w... more »
“11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces”
*“11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces”*
By Alex Kane
“The “war on terror” has come home- and it’s wreaking havoc on innocent
American lives. The culprit is the militarization of the police. The
weapons used in the “war on terror” that destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq
have made their way to local law enforcement. While police forces across
the country began a process of militarization complete with SWAT teams and
flash-bang grenades when President Reagan intensified the “war on drugs,”
the post-9/11 “war on terror” has added fuel to the fire. Through laws and
... more »
The Myths of School Vouchers, Then and Now
*Guest post by Casey Given*
Although the first voucher program in the United States was introduced in
1869, it wasn’t until a century later that school choice started gaining
mainstream traction, thanks to the efforts of Nobel Prize-winning economist
Milton Friedman. In 1980, millions of Americans tuned in to watch Friedman
make the case for choice while engaging in lively debate with opponents on
his PBS television series *Free to Choose*. [These are the three clips
showing the debate; head here for the first clip of Friedman’s argument.]
A lot has changed in the 34 years since ... more »
Mike's Story Part 65 - Furnace
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* January 5, 2008 *
* "Holy shit!" *
* "What?"*
* "It's gone! My email about B-. I looked in sent mail. Do you have it?"*
* "Yes." I found my cc'ed copy of the email and forwarded it to Mike. *
* "This is them. They're letting me know I have to back off." *
* He sat back, pondering. "I'm taking this very seriously." *
* "Why would they care more about that than about your helping Steve
[Alten] or [the guy working on a movie about the end of industrial
civilization]?" *
* "They're afraid of my brain." *
* The next day, I found the missing email in T... more »
Want to know what is really going on in the world that the "mainstream media" will never tell you? Ask Paul Craig Roberts! How? Well, Greg Hunter is by far PCR's the best interviewer, and here is a relatively recently interview that will have you glued to your chair for the duration...

*YouTube: *http://youtu.be/AhxZxL56B00
Paul Craig Roberts: US is Completely Busted, Non-Delivery of Gold - Crash
the System, War in Ukraine
Greg Hunter
*Published on Mar 11, 2014*
http://usawatchdog.com/united-states-... - Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
says, "The physical stock of gold in the West to meet delivery demand is
diminishing rapidly. So, one day the Chinese will buy 100 tons of gold, and
we won't be able to make delivery. That would crash the system. It would
just pop. So, there are things that could crash it suddenly. Regardless... more »
The Flavor of the Summer is Fear

Be very, very afraid America, the greatest threat to western civilization
has now manifested itself with the mysterious Islamist group ISIS
officially declaring the establishment of that dreaded caliphate that the
neocons have been wailing about for years and have now hit the jackpot with
the ultimate bogeyman to wage their Middle Eastern wars. It was inevitable
that Americans would be bludgeoned again with that fear club, a powerful
weapon of great influence that worked to perfection under Bush and Cheney
and now that the Republicans or Hillary Clinton because what is really the
... more »
Southern hemisphere’s tallest building
I”m not sure the design is all it could be, but it’s still exciting to hear
that Melbourne will soon host the southern hemisphere’s tallest building.
[image: image]
But the original 388m project designed by Eureka architects Fender
Katsalidis, which was to have included a hotel, was scaled back by planners
“due to CBD flight controls.” Because a lot of planes fly over the city at
an altitude of 388m.
[image: image]
Story here.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Helpful Government Personnel

Helpful government personnel. I think there are many of them in the
Philippines, thanks to them. I met this man about three weeks ago. He has
already retired from government, receiving his monthly pension but not
having much to do at home, he frequently returns to his previous office and
helps people, the public, in anyway he can. For free.
His name is "Croox", jolly and cheerful guy. He retired from the Department
of Foreign Affairs (DFA), he has helped me secure certain government
documents including a notarized copy by the Saudi Embassy, for a Special
Power of Atty (SPA) of my y... more »
“Abuse of Power by Gigantic Corporation Comes as Total Surprise”
* “Abuse of Power by Gigantic Corporation Comes as Total Surprise”*
by Andy Borowitz
MENLO PARK (The Borowitz Report)— “Millions of Americans awoke on Monday to
the shocking news that a gigantic corporation with unprecedented power over
their lives had allegedly abused that power for commercial gain. Across the
United States, stunned consumers were shaking their heads in disbelief
after learning that a gargantuan company whose explicit goal is to make as
many billions of dollars as possible through any means available would put
its own interests ahead of those of its customers.
“It... more »
"Turn Off Your Mind, Relax and Float Downstream..."

*"I was reading that stupid book of Leary's and all that shit..."*
*- Lennon, 1970*
“To be is to do”—Socrates.
“To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre.
“Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra.
“To do is to be.” — Socrates
“To be or not to be.” — Shakespeare
“To be is to do.” — Sartre
“Dooby dooby doo.” — Sinatra
“Yabba dabba doo” — Fred Flinstone
“Dabba dabba doo” — Kate Bush
“Do be a do be.” — Miss Louise, Romper Room
“Scooby-doobee-doo” — Scooby Doo
“Hey-boo-boo” — Yogi Bear
*"Ay-oh!" - Freddie Mercury*
1 - Realize that "speaking in tongues" was promised by Jesus and was to
accompany belief: ... more »
The Great Warming
Recent decades have been a golden age for archaeologists. New technology
has provided tools for better understanding the past. Researchers can now
identify the climate trends of past centuries by analyzing the layers in
tropical coral, tree rings, glacial ice packs, and lakeshore and seabed
Climate has played a primary role in influencing the course of human
history. It could enable the rise of mighty empires, and later reduce them
to dusty ruins. Big changes can happen suddenly, without warning, and have
devastating effects. Mighty scientists may huff and puff and s... more »
In praise of good drinking
[image: clip_image001]
Very much going against today’s trend, Matt Heath comes not to bury good
drinking, but to praise it. He has no time for campaigners who think a
sniff of booze turns Kiwis into alcoholics and criminals.
Like most Kiwis I enjoy a drink. In fact, I love a drink. I'm having a beer
as I write this. But I am not an alcoholic and I don't have a drinking
problem. My drinking is more like a hobby. Sadly, like all pastimes, work
and family commitments keep me away from it.
With two kids and three jobs I just don't have the time anymore. But
that is the natural Ki... more »
"Whitehouse" "Al Qaeda" "bomb" 'Syria' Yemen' "airliner"
*This news has all the buzzwords*
*What is a 'buzzword'?*
**Advertising and or propaganda (same/same) *- *buzzword: word or phrase
that takes on added significance or new meaning through repetition or
special usage*
**Rhetoric and Figures of Speech* -* buzzword: slogan or catchword
conjuring popular idea or image.*
The White house is used purely for an appeal to authority.
All the rest are words used to conjure ideas and these words have certainly
taken on new meaning through repetition and special usage. Special usage
going right back to propaganda.
-Yup, this is how y... more »
11th Doctor Crocheted Tweed Scarf, Bowtie, and Fez

Hi all! Lorene from just Lu back again with another fun Doctor Who tutorial
for you!
Bowties are cool, and what’s cuter than a baby 11th doctor! The bowtie is
removable, so you can easily adjust the scarf to wear yourself, too, for a
little bit of understated Whovian cosplay style... if there is such a thing.
How to Make a Mini 11th Doctor Cosplay Scarf and Bowtie
- yarn in 4 colors: red, brown, tan, cream
- crochet hooks: a smaller size like G, and then a jumbo size that will
hold 4 strands of yarn
- two large buttons, clear or red/brown to match the yarn
... more »
Intervention and the Prospects for Power-Sharing in Iraq
This is a guest post by Philip Martin, PhD student in the Department of
Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In a recent
op-ed in the New York Times, columnist David Brooks advises a U.S. approach
to Iraq which uses military force to arm-twist Iraqi elites into forming an
inclusive new government, since “if
Continue reading
How Susan Collins (R-ME) And Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Wrote Those 2 Supreme Court Decisions Today

This morning's two Supreme Court decisions-- one that allows employers
claiming to have religious objections to discriminate against women's
health needs and one that says public service unions can't compel members
to pay dues-- were both decided late in the afternoon on January 30, 2006
when 19 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans against
the Democratic filibuster against New Jersey corporate whore Sam Alito.
Almost all of them-- from Lieberman to Blanche Lincoln to Max Baucus and
Ben Nelson-- are gone from the Senate now, but these 7 Alito-enablers are
still ... more »
Teenage lack of angst revisited

Everything's depressing me at the moment - the latest grim news from
Israel, the proclamation of a new Caliphate, the shocking verdict on Rolf
(OMG, Rolf!!!), accidentally hearing Ed Balls on *The World at One, *and
coming across Eddie Mair's baby jingle thing for the umpteenth time on *PM* -
so that's the reason why I'm cheering myself up this evening by listening
to Morrissey and The Smiths.
(I could have chosen Leonard Cohen but, no, Morrissey will do.)
I've actually been listening to 'The Smiths' Greatest Hits' for the last
three days (he confesses, in time-honoured blogger s... more »

The UN has reported that more than 100,000 refugees are fleeing eastern
Ukraine (mostly into Russia) as the regime in Kiev continues to shell
civilian targets. In the video below the US denies the refugee number.
Here are some words from the refugees:
The situation in the cauldrons of Kramtorsk and Slavyansk is deteriorating
by the hour. The reports of chlorine gas being used starting yesterday are
confirmed. The nazis will do the same with gas they did with bombardments.
First one single mortar shell, then 5, then 50 as the world ignored the
shooting at civilian targets... more »

The UN has reported that more than 100,000 refugees are fleeing eastern
Ukraine (mostly into Russia) as the regime in Kiev continues to shell
civilian targets. In the video below the US denies the refugee number.
Here are some words from the refugees:
The situation in the cauldrons of Kramtorsk and Slavyansk is deteriorating
by the hour. The reports of chlorine gas being used starting yesterday are
confirmed. The nazis will do the same with gas they did with bombardments.
First one single mortar shell, then 5, then 50 as the world ignored the
shooting at civilian targets... more »
ISIS proclaimed Islamic order on territories they captured both in Iraq and
Syria. The area they now hold contains economically vital oil sites. Where
does ISIS get the funding it needs to snatch power in the region? Even
Washington has played its role in the rise of ISIS - as RT's Marina
Portnaya explains.
Overview: “Anthropology lessons” continue this week!
*MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014*
*An old practice reappears:* At the start of last week, we thought we’d
have a bit of fun, treating the press corps as the source of some
“anthropology lessons.”
Alas! During the week, a familiar old practice reappeared in earnest,
largely at the Washington Post. As the week proceeded, this basically wiped
the grins off our faces. But it didn’t vitiate the need for those scholarly
Never before has the Washington “press corps” created a prevailing
“narrative” so early in a White House campaign! But it’s fairly clear that
this happened last week, an... more »
Release of guarantor by material alteration of underlying loan
Turfpro Investments Inc. v. Heinrichs, 2014 ONCA 502:
[13] A guarantor will be released from liability where the creditor
and the principal debtor agree to a material alteration of the loan
agreement without the consent of the guarantor: *Manulife Bank of Canada v.
Conlin**,* [1996] 3 S.C.R. 415, at para. 2. In that decision, Cory J.
adopted the oft-quoted description of the rule by Cotton L.J. from *Holme
v. Brunskill* (1878), 3 Q.B.D. 495 (C.A.), at pp. 505-6:
The true rule in my opinion is, that if there is any agreement between
the principals with reference to the co... more »

*Twisted Up in Money*
We've become twisted
we are out of our minds
money is the book
we worship
Natives called it
'green frog skin'
paper covers heart
heart goes cold
and greedy
we are twisted
we lost our way
our reason for living
our human purpose
the vision has been
there is a twisted
war on now
the good,
the people
who want to share
and be kind
are the enemy
of greed
What Makes People Vote? What Makes Them Stay Away From The Polls?

Friday we were looking at the grave danger the corrupt, conservative
Democrats have put the party and the country in by recruiting grotesque
candidates in their own image. The vast majority of congressional Democrats
voted *for* Tom Massie's amendment to curb NSA domestic spying but corrupt,
conservative Democratic leaders-- primarily Steny Hoyer (K Street-MD),
Steve Israel (Blue Dog-NY) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (New Dem-FL)--
crossed the aisle to vote with the worst of the Republican authoritarians.
The same day, most Democrats voted for Barbara Lee's amendment to prevent
fu... more »
*91L Growing More Organized; Will Bring Heavy Rains to Florida and the
Bahamas ~Dr. Jeff Masters, Weather Underground*
*Mayors of Atlanta and New Orleans: Uber Will Beat the Taxi Industry ~Coner
Friedersdorf, The Atlantic*
*Coastal Restoration Drives An Industry Boom ~Jesse Hardman, WWNO*
Supremes Being Supreme: Feudalism Edition

So the neoliberals and the theocrats had a torrid affair and just gave
birth to a great, big, fascist monstrosity.
The black-robed Inquisition known as the Supreme Court has blessed the
anti-union union and officiated at the baptism.
There shalt not be any Obamacare-subsidized birth control for you, ladies,
and guaranteed living wage, benefits and union rights just got a swift kick
in the ass for good measure. And Goddess help you if you happen to work as
a home health aide in a Christian family-owned agency in the Land of
Lincoln, the Great Emancipator. You will not only have to c... more »
Not another Promise
There’s quite a bit of hype about the upcoming eight-parter called The
Honourable Woman to be aired starting Thursday on BBC2. It’s a
drama/thriller set against the background of the Israel Palestine conflict.
I can hear “Oh noes” erupting all around. Is it going to be another version
of Peter Kosminsky’s ‘The Promise’, which purported to educate us about the
history of the region as well as the modern day situation? Predictably
Peter Kosminsky’s history was *his *story, as opposed to the actual story.
His subsequent appearances on virulently anti-Israel discussion panels
underli... more »
About yesterday's "gay pride" events...

*in which scantily clad men and women transformed themselves into slaves
for the entertainment of the masses.*
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins through which almost all other sins
proceed, is indeed an apt description of what transpired yesterday.
Simulated sex acts, the "leather" contingent with their bare butts hanging
out, black leather masks and flicking whips, men dressed as women, and
bull dykes pretending to be men, are at the center of all this "pride."
Because the center of being homosexual is really all about the manner in
which these people mutually masturbate. The... more »
Myths of Muslim Britain

The other day, Craig examined a book written by a radio producer called
Innes Bowen who turned up on radio 4's “Sunday”. *Medina in Birmingham,
Najaf in Brent. *Here’s what she said re the Cardiff-born jihadi.
The thing that the people who go have in common really, it's a shared set
of ideals. They're young. They're idealistic. And if you look at that video
yesterday you can see in this case certainly not stupid, very intelligent
young man, and on that video he's appealing to other Muslims to a sense of
duty. He's making them try to feel that they have a sense of duty to go to
Ira... more »
Tracking Al Qaeda in Iraq's Zarqawi Interview With Ex-CIA Analyst Nada Bakos

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was most famous for leading Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). In
fact, his first organization was called Tawhid wal Jihad, which he formed
in the 1990s before he had joined al Qaeda. In 2002, Zarqawi travelled to
Iraq to prepare for the U.S. invasion. It wasn’t until January 2004 that he
asked for assistance from Al Qaeda central, and then in October 2004 he
finally pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Zarqawi proved to be a much
more bloodthirsty terrorist than even bin Laden was used to as AQI became
committed to attacking Iraqis, and especially Shiites to start a ci... more »
ISA – Midwest: Please consider submitting to this conference!
Please consider putting in a round-table, paper, or panel submission for
the 2014 International Studies Association -Midwest Conference, to be held
November 7th through the 9th at the Hilton-Ballpark in St. Louis. The
deadline for proposals is July 1st. In my opinion, ISA-Midwest is the most
productive and friendliest conference I attend all year. Unlike other
conferences, ISA-Midwest
Continue reading
A bang or a whimper

No sooner was The Big Questions getting into its stride under the masterful
chairpersonship of Nicky Campbell than the series ended. I’m not even
joking now.
Don’t let’s forget that not so long ago that programme was such a shambles
that watching it turned you into a voyeur, like when you stumble upon
Jeremy Vine and are momentarily transfixed.
However, it’s gone and now there’s Sunday Morning Live.
I don’t know why we lost Samira Ahmed, who was rather good, and got instead
Sian Williams who sports the roundest face ever to be televised.
Like TBQs SML has three topics and a panel,... more »
ISIS oh ISIS your a Mysterious Child

To summarize my past analyze of this group : Bullshit.
There are so many things wrong with this picture its hard to know where to
hang oneself. I just know in my heart the group that manufactured ISIS
where Bob Dylan fans. They are Bob Dlyan fans! I might have to support this
effort. They are Bob Dlyan fans.
They are throwing babies out of incubators, no not yet but soon I expect.
If they really want to make a Islamic superstate why not project their
message to the Islamic states instead of speaking English aimed at the
American people?
So the US will give a half billion dollars w... more »
ANTHROPOLOGISTS WITHIN: Defining the problem!
*MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2014*
*Part 1—Balz on board:* With the death of his mentor, the late David
Broder, Dan Balz is sometimes considered the dean of the Washington press
In yesterday’s Washington Post, Balz affirmed the instant narrative his own
newspaper created last week. In the process, he raised a question which can
only be answered by the anthropologists who emerge, on the rare occasion,
from within his own corrupt guild.
What is that question? We’ll post it below. First, let’s review Balz’s
weekly column, which was quite significant this week.
As always, Balz’s column, T... more »
Hobby Lobby...
*you could knock me over with a feather about now. *
Supreme Court rules *5-4* in favor of *religious liberty*.
SCOTUS Rules 5-4 Against Public Unions in Harris vs. Quinn Decision
Radio Host Banned for Saying Mohammed Married a 6-Year-Old: “You Can’t Call a Deity a Pedophile” | FrontPage Magazine
' "No one mention Mohammed" has become the new, "No one mention the
Read why here...
Hell Is Empty & All the Mercenaries Are Here
It's even worse than we imagined. A private mercenary force ostensibly
working for the US Government issued a direct death threat against a US
Government investigator, and then the US Government essentially turned tail
and ran away in abject fear, leaving the private mercenary force behind in
Iraq to kill at will.
As usual, the wrong people are in jail (namely, Iraq War whistle-blower
Chelsea Manning). And ironically enough, the reporter who broke this
blockbuster Blackwater death threat story is himself now facing jail time
for the crime of committing journalism and refusing to div... more »
Rolf Harris guilty of indecent assaults
The BBC report - http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-28094561- that 'Veteran
entertainer Rolf Harris has been found guilty of indecently assaulting four
The 84-year-old was convicted of 12 attacks between 1968 and 1986.'
Horrible story and to a man that I, figuratively, looked up to as a child.
Oh well as Rolf Harris songs are now no doubt verboten, here's
Splodgenessabounds with their version of Two Little Boys
A film question re Django Unchained
Why are the gang who are taking Django to the mine in Django Unchanged
Just wondering...
ALEC Transparency - Ain't what it used to be

ALEC trans-par-ency
ain't what it used to be,
ain't what it used to be,
ain't what it used to be,
ALEC trans-par-ency
ain't what it used to be,
just a few years ago.
ALEC has learned to mislead the press very well when it comes to the issue
of transparency.
Unfortunately for the reader - the press writes what ALEC says - doesn't
check to see if it is true - so the press feeds the public lies.
*ALEC Distorts Transparency*
because of member concerns about transparency, Meierling said.
“The fundamental issue is people want to know,” Meierling said. “Critics of
the organization and s... more »
Charles Forsberg's views on Generation IV nuclear costs
*I am reposting this 2010 essay, because I believe that it makes important
points about the future of nuclear power that require repetition.. Charles
Forsberg has retired from ORNL, and currently directs nuclear fuel cycle
research at MIT.*
ORNL MSR development work focused almost exclusively on MSBRs, although Ed
Bettis's reactor design shop did design some deep burn MSR converters. The
AEC was interested in breeder reactors, so the ORNL focus was on the
development of a MSBR, rather than on possibly simpler converters. During
the 1960's the cost of Light Water Reactors (LWRs) was... more »
Maine Senate: Mod Fraud Declawed? Bellows Fire And Our Match

A generous Blue America supporter who matched contributions to Maine US
Senate Democratic nominee Shenna Bellows in this year’s first quarter, is
back again to match the first $1,000 contributed to Bellows through the our
ActBlue page between now and Monday night at midnight.
This supporter says "with Bellows’ fire making Collins’ sweat, the least I
can do is offer another match," and goes on to highlight the following
evidence of Collins’ sweat and Bellows’ fire:
Mainstream media-labeled "moderate" Republican Senator Susan Collins of
Maine has "evolved" more in the last 12 weeks ... more »
*Poor, bright British children missing out on top universities: More than
2,000 are overtaken by less able pupils after getting lost in the
'secondary school maze'*
*The authors below seem unaware that IQ peaks earlier among low IQ
individuals -- and those who peak early often look relatively good at
early ages. That alone could explain the results below*
More than 2,000 bright children from poor homes are missing out on places
at top universities because they get lost in a ‘secondary school maze’,
according to new research.
These disadvantaged students are being overtaken by ... more »
“What You Signed Up For”
*“What You Signed Up For”*
by Karl Denninger
“I bet you thought Facebook tweaked your feed to provide you with
"relevant" information you might find useful. What if you found out that
instead they "tweaked" it in an attempt to determine whether they could
manipulate your emotional state?
Scientists at Facebook have published a paper showing that they manipulated
the content seen by more than 600,000 users in an attempt to determine
whether this would affect their emotional state. The paper, “Experimental
evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks,” was
p... more »
Stephen Harper's Legacy

Michael Harris has written a devastating indictment of the Harper regime.
The piece is a little long. After all, the man has done a lot of damage in
eight years. But, by far, most of the damage has been done since the prime
minister was given his majority:
It was revealing. Unlike his minority governments, where a murder of
political crows flapped overhead waiting for the fatal misstep, after 2011
there was no vote Harper could not win, and no cabal in the Opposition
ranks that could topple him... more »
Russia beginning to show its cards on Ukraine ( June 30 , 2014 ) -- Russia Reveals "Plan B": Gazprom Says Gas Transit Via Ukraine May Be Stopped Completely ..... Meanwhile Russia's trade with China set to soar !
Russia Reveals "Plan B": Gazprom Says Gas Transit Via Ukraine May Be
Stopped Completely
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durdenon 06/30/2014 07:53 -0400
- B+
- Bank Run
- Bulgaria
- Eurozone
- fixed
- Hungary
- Natural Gas
- None
- Turkey
- Ukraine
A few days ago, when we wrote our "explainer" on the need for Russia to
have an alternative pathway for its gas, one which bypasses Ukraine
ent... more »
Iraq Updates - June 30 , 2014 -- As the Iraq Government ( helped by Syria / Iran / Russia and the US ) mans the barricades to defend Baghdad / Samarra / Najaf / Karbala and to attempt to retake territory seized by various Sunni fighting Groups , just note the Kurds are moving quickly to establish Kurdistan in Iraq !

Tweets of note - FWIW !
*Mark* @markito0171 · 2h
#Iraq #ISIS/#IS take most parts of Camp Speicher in #Tikirt http://
Retweeted by Alexblx
*dado* @unaa2011 · 2h
There are reports the arrest of Maj. Gen. Ali Furaiji, commander of
operations in Salah al-Din Base Speicher #Iraq #Tikrit
*Al-Monitor* @AlMonitor · 45m
Former #Iraq PM Ayad Allawi says a crescent of Russian influence forming in
Middle East - Week-in-Review http://almon.co/24f9
*Al-Monitor* @AlMonitor · 2h
#Russia is unlikely to do much more than provide arms to Baghdad - @
Th... more »
Sorry that I have been out of touch with regular blog readers. I have
moved to Nantucket for the summer, and the weather here has been too great
to spend much time in front of a keyboard. (The three best reasons to be a
professor: June, July, and August.)
The past few days I have been attending the Nantucket Film Festival. I
have had a chance to see some great movies before they are in general
release. Two are worth mentioning: *Arlo and Julie*, a small quirky
comedy/mystery that is a bit Woody Allen-esque. Also, *Happiness*, a
documentary about a boy and his family in Bhutan. ... more »
Justice is a terrible thing but injustice is worse
Peter Wimsey
America's Nazis in Kiev: "Russians are Subhuman"

*June 30, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Self-appointed prime minister of
Ukraine, Arseny Yatsenyuk of the "Fatherland Party," referred to Russians
as "subhuman," echoing the racist vitriol of Nazism Yatsenyuk and others in
his regime subscribe to. It was a violent, armed coup spearheaded by
Neo-Nazi militants that placed Yatsenyuk into power in the first place,
along with the Neo-Nazi political front Svoboda, and paved way for
fraudulent elections that predictably yielded a pro-US-EU client regime.
Yatsenyuk made his comments amid ongoing fighting in the east of Ukraine,
where Kie... more »
The ISIL caliphate twist
The successes of the ISIL/ISIS, a terrorist organization working to
establish the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, have brought a new
twist (rooted in very old anti-civilizational delusions) to the unstable
politics of the Middle East.
*"Dr Ibrahim", the 40-or-so old "caliph" and the permanently masked
chieftain of the ISIL/ISIS terrorists. Caliphates – territories led by a
Muslim head – were founded after Mohammed's 632 AD death as a religious
(and later political) institution. The previous (or so far latest)
caliphate, the fifth one, was abolished by Turkish leader Atatürk... more »
Small dog climbs stairs oddly
No reason other than it's cute!
*Laughing Stock Met Office…2007 “Peer-Reviewed” Global Temperature Forecast
A Staggering Failure*
Frank Bosse at Die kalte Sonne here puts the spotlight on a global warming
forecast published by some British MetOffice scientists in 2007. It
appeared in Science here.
The peer-reviewed paper was authored by Doug M. Smith and colleagues under
the title: “Improved Surface Temperature Prediction for the Coming Decade
from a Global Climate Model“.
Using sophisticated methods, the target of the paper was to forecast the
temperature development from 2004 to 2014 while taking the internal ... more »
Carnivore Husbandry - The Lion and the Lamb

*Carnivore Husbandry.*
I want to note that an alternative approach to animal husbandry is shaping
up. Let me explain the reasons why. The actual balance of nature is grossly
inefficient in terms of prey carnivore balancing. What happens is that
predators focus on the young members of the prey species and go after
adults rather sparingly. This suppress the population unnaturally.
Simply hunting out the carnivores is not a good solution either since we
then must face the reality that we ourselves need to replace them. It is
about picking your poison.
Yet we are approaching an a... more »
The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme

What no one really grasps in all this is that the global currency and
credit system has literally gone its own way and has removed itself from
the direct control of any human agency whatsoever. Participants pretend
that their actions have influence, but it is really a charade.
This has become Adam Smith's invisible hand with a vengeance. Of course
those at the top of the credit bubble get to play king maker, but they are
also in no meaningful form of control beyond managing their own appetites.
Just how long such a group can sustain this remains to be seen and
unfortunately well... more »
Laser Therapy Can Recover damaged Teeth

This is very good news. It means that teeth that are simply damaged can be
induced to regrow outright. The protocol is not well defined yet, but the
principle is clear enough. The tooth is cleaned up and stimulated. It is
then likely temporarily protected as well and allowed to grow in with some
additional stimulation likely required.
Thus the next several years will see both this therapy and the actual
implanting of fresh buds to produce new teeth where lost. This means that a
full recovery of a mouth of teeth is becoming practical and way more
important, worth planning for. H... more »
Trouble With the Pineal Gland?
I am not sure if any of this helps, but all inputs like this may. I put
this into my list of associations and hope it pops up if it helps.
The pineal gland has attracted a lot of attention but even that is openly
disputed so that it merely informs as to the the real depth of our
What I do know for sure is that a few individuals become opened and can
with coaching and some discipline find ways to convert experience into
usable words. Lucid dreams may or may not be part of the story and those I
can confirm.
*Trouble With the Pineal Gland?*
*By June 6, 2014*
http://sore... more »
THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY is a history of neoconservatism and its influence
on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East during the first decade of the
twenty-first century.
Written after years of extensive research, THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY
contains over 550 pages, including more than 1200 footnotes and some 120
pages of bibliography. The book has been meticulously researched with every
aspect of the history fully supported with primary evidence, much of it
from the neoconservatives themselves.
The book is a must for all those interested in the history of
neoconservatism, the recent his... more »
A Bogus Caliphate
An excerpt from, *"Isis announces caliphate in 'declaration of war'"* The
Guardian, June 29, 2014:
The announcement of a formal Islamic state by insurgents in Syria and Iraq
is a "declaration of war against the West and al Qaida", an expert has
warned. The Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (Isis) group has sought
to solidify its leadership of worldwide jihad today by declaring that its
leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the new caliph, or head of state.
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, a spokesman for the group, called for those living
in the area under the group's control in both countr... more »
Finally, Independent Kurdistan- Re-Re-Drawing The Map Of The Middle East

You may have read this weekend that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has called for an independent Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Israel
has had "discreet" intelligence relations with the Kurds for 5 decades and
has more recently been selling oil to Israel directly (via a pipeline
through Turkey to a Kurdish tanker in the Mediterannean).
Baghdad has threatened legal action against anyone who buys the Kurdish
cargoes, and the US and several European countries have warned firms not to
accept them.
Israel, however, does not have any contracts with Baghdad, so it would face
li... more »
Did the US leave Iraq too soon? [Source: The Aspen Institute]
Did the US leave Iraq too soon? Source: The Aspen Institute. Date
Published: June 29. Description:
Balancing Instruments of Power in a Multi-Polar World
Featuring Mike Mullen and Jeffrey Goldberg
Maliki is a stubborn sectarian survivor and Karzai is a corrupt gangster
who fears for his life.
Harry Targ : The intellectual impacts of historians Joyce and Gabriel Kolko
The ‘Limits of Power’ demonstrated that the United States was committed to
expanding its capitalist empire across the globe. By Harry Targ | The Rag
Blog | June 29, 2014 I have been teaching courses on United States foreign
policy … finish reading Harry Targ :
The intellectual impacts of historians Joyce and Gabriel Kolko
Free Download: Omar Khayyam, "The Rubaiyat"
"We are no other than a moving row
Of Magic Shadow-shapes that come and go
Round with the Sun-illumin'd Lantern
held In Midnight by the Master of the Show;
But helpless Pieces of the Game He plays
Upon this Chequer-board of Nights and Days;
Hither and thither moves, and checks, and slays,
And one by one back in the Closet lays.
The Ball no question makes of Ayes and Noes,
But Here or There as strikes the Player goes;
And He that toss'd you down into the Field,
He knows about it all- HE knows- HE knows!
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall ... more »
"Let the Chips Fall Where They May..."
“It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything.
The things you own end up owning you. We are defined by the choices we
make. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you
wake up as a different person? I say, never be complete. I say, stop being
perfect. I say, let’s evolve and let the chips fall where they may…"
- "Fight Club"
"The Road..."
"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet."
- J R R Tolkien
"My Purpose..."
“The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
’Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars...”
~ from “Ulysses,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth”
Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Akb1t37T4E&feature=related
What The Hell? Criminal Jews Have Forced The Shutdown Of Internet Traffic Originating From Iran (Prelude To War?)
I have read the reports over the last two days about how a criminal Jewish
scumbag lawyer in the United States has been able to convince a court in
the United States to have ALL internet traffic originating from the
innocent nation of Iran (all sites ending with ".ir") to be shut down...
The excuse from this scumbag in this lawsuit is that Iran is a "terrorist
nation" and is responsible (?) for the Israeli led attacks of 9-11! After
reading the official statement put forward by the scumbags behind this
atrocity, I honestly wanted to puke... I am shocked that they have had the
auda... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Globular clusters once ruled the Milky Way. Back in the old days, back
when our Galaxy first formed, perhaps thousands of globular clusters roamed
our Galaxy. Today, there are less than 200 left. Many globular clusters
were destroyed over the eons by repeated fateful encounters with each other
or the Galactic center. Surviving relics are older than any Earth fossil,
older than any other structures in our Galaxy, and limit the universe
itself in raw age.
*Click image for larger size.*
There are few, if any, young globular clusters in our Milky Way Galaxy
because conditions are not ri... more »
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Ninth Duino Elegy"
*"Ninth Duino Elegy"*
"Praise the world to the angel: leave the unsayable aside.
Your exalted feelings do not move him.
In the universe, where he feels feelings, you are a beginner.
Therefore show him what is ordinary, what has been
shaped from generation to generation, shaped by hand and eye.
Tell him of things. He will stand still in astonishment,
the way you stood by the ropemaker in Rome
or beside the potter on the Nile.
Show him how happy a thing can be, how innocent and ours,
how even a lament takes pure form,
serves as a thing, dies as a thing,
while the violin, blessing it, fades... more »
Psychology/Psychiatry: "Do You Have 'Oppositional Defiant Disorder'?"
*"Do You Have 'Oppositional Defiant Disorder'?"*
by Ethan A. Huff
"Psychiatrists have issued the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and, in it, they hope to add a
whole slew of new psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, many of these
disorders are merely differences in personality and behavior among people.
The new edition may include “disorders” like “oppositional defiant
disorder”, which includes people who have a pattern of “negativistic,
defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures.” Some
of the “symptoms” of ... more »
"Four Noble Buddha Quotes"
"Four Noble Buddha Quotes"
by Perry Garfinkel
"Isn't it - I can't decide whether to say "ironic" or "appropriate" - that
modern technology now brings us wisdom that would otherwise have been
considered oh so 2,500 years ago? I refer here to sharing timeless tips
from one Siddhartha Gautama, the prince who lived 500 years before the
Common Era, a.k.a. the Buddha. But sage as he was, as relevant today as
when he lived, quoting the Buddha is dangerous business. Nothing he said
was written down until some 300 years after his death; it was all passed
down orally. By the time it got to us... more »
Paulo Coelho, “The Well of Madness”
* “The Well of Madness”*
by Paulo Coelho
“A powerful wizard, who wanted to destroy an entire kingdom, placed a magic
potion in the well from which all the inhabitants drank. Whoever drank that
water would go mad. The following morning, the whole population drank from
the well and they all went mad, apart from the king and his family, who had
a well set aside for them alone, which the magician had not managed to
The king was worried and tried to control the population by issuing a
series of edicts governing security and public health. The policemen and
inspectors, however, ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Keauhou, Hawaii, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"God Grant Me The Courage..."
“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right,
even though I think it is hopeless.”
-Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
"There For All Of Us..."
"We are hurt; we are lonely; and we turn to music or words, and as
compensation beyond all price we are given glimpses of the world on the
other side of time and space. We all have glimpses of glory as children,
and as we grow up we forget them, or are taught to think we made them up;
they couldn't possibly have been real, because to most of us who are grown
up, reality is like radium, and can be borne only in very small quantities.
But we are meant to be real, and to see and recognize the real. We are all
more than we know, and that wondrous reality, that wholeness, holiness, is
t... more »
"Fight or Flight: Who Runs Your Life?"
"Fight or Flight: Who Runs Your Life?"
by Tony Schwartz
"Think, for a moment, about the life you're living. You skitter from
activity to activity. The consequence is that you don't do anything
particularly well. You're easily distracted and have difficulty paying
attention. You rarely read anything challenging, if you read much at all,
which is why so much of your knowledge is superficial. The same is true of
your relationships. How does that description strike you? Have I got it
pretty much right? My suspicion is I do, even if you are compelled to deny
Okay, now take a moment ... more »
"It's All Written..."
"Its five in the morning, I can see the first rays of sun trying to
penetrate through this grey sky, trying to change its color to dark blue,
and declare the dawn, but it's strange, dawn and dusk both have the same
color, both have that same murky feel about them, but how different is
their nature. One exemplifies the end, while the other symbolizes a new
beginning... but is that end the end of hopes or end of sorrows... or is
that beginning the beginning of a new life or new difficulties which lie
ahead... we can't ever figure it out... it's all written and that's what
destiny is. ... more »
Musical Interlude: Irish Tavern Music, Gaelic Storm, "The Farmer's Frolic”
Irish Tavern Music, Gaelic Storm, "The Farmer's Frolic”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBATrLRWySg
FREE Download: "Words of Paradise- Selected Poems of Rumi"
"What in your life is calling you,
When all the noise is silenced,
The meetings adjourned...
The lists laid aside,
And the Wild Iris blooms
By itself in the dark forest...
What still pulls on your soul?"
- Rumi (1207 - 1273)
"Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi was a 13th century Afghan poet and philosopher
who heavily influenced both eastern and western poetry. His poetry is
divided into categories: the quatrains and odes of the "Divan," the six
books the "Masnavi," the discourses, the letters and the "Six Sermons."
Rumi's major poetic work is "Matnawiye Ma'nawi," a six-volume poem,
conside... more »
Updates On Iraq [6.29] Netanyahu Is The First Leader To Recognize Kurdish Independence In Iraq; Turkey Is Also On Board

An excerpt from, *"Israeli PM Netanyahu endorses Kurdish independence
citing chaos in Iraq"* RT, June 29, 2014:
*Citing the “collapse” of Iraq amid the ISIS insurgency and sectarian
violence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has endorsed the
de-facto independence of Iraqi Kurds. Netanyahu has also called to support
the “Kurdish aspiration for independence.”*
The hawkish Israeli leader said on Sunday that Kurds are *“fighting people
that has proved its political commitment, political moderation, and
deserves political independence,”* Reuters reported.
Speaking to Tel Avi... more »
TV Watch: "Rizzoli and Isles" (finally) says "Goodbye" to Det. Barry Foster -- and actor Lee Thompson Young

*Lee Thompson Young: Tuesday's episode was called "Goodbye."*
*by Ken*
I'm glad I didn't read joyceeng61's June 17 tv.com "Looking Forward" piece,
"*Rizzoli and Isles* Boss on Writing Out Lee Thompson Young: 'It Was Very
Daunting,' " *before* seeing the show's first two episodes of the new
season these past two Tuesdays. And if you haven't seen them yet, you may
not want to continue reading this until you have. Now that I *have* seen
those episodes, and felt I needed to say something (something *approving*)
about the way the show finally dealt with the suicide last August of cast
... more »
Unacceptable and Disgraceful Censorship of Delegate Internet Access to News and Social Media at the 12th World Congress of Bioethics
I'm writing this waiting in my hotel lobby for getting out to the airport
to fly home from Mexico City after six days conferencing (and a bit of
sightseeing) at the main international event of my central field of
speciality, the biennial World Congress of Bioethics, this time organised
by the Mexican Comisión Nacional de Bioetica, or CONBIOETICA, headed by
congress president Manuel H Ruiz de Chávez. The congress tours around the
world and is the official core event of the International Association of
Bioethics, IAB, thus ultimately representing this global organisation for
bioethi... more »
know your rights, rental edition, part two
Just about one year ago today - July 8, 2013, to be exact - our area was
hit with a massive flood that swamped homes, cars, highways, trains, and .
. . our basement. The basement had been Allan's office. The office in which
he was working to meet a publishing deadline. Stressful? You could say that.
It could have been much worse. We got an insurance settlement, and we moved
- not without some hassles, but we did it, moving in to our current rental
home in September.
Now, one year later, we mentioned to our current landlord that it's time to
renew our lease. He said he'd come over f... more »
things i heard at the library: an occasional series: #14
One of our regular Readers' Den customers approached me with her usual long
list of movies. She researches movies online, prints out lists, and comes
to the desk to see what we have in our collection. Anything we have, we
place on hold for her.
She's a great customer, in terms of library use. She has an intellectual
disability, and sometimes helping her can be a bit of a challenge.
This customer talks very fast, and a little too loudly. While you're
searching for one item, she's rattling off the next few, so after placing
each hold, you must ask her to repeat the next title. Becaus... more »
Texas Winds are Unreliable.
This is crazy.
[image: Graph of Texas (ERCOT) hourly wind generation, as explained in the
article text]
Was The DCCC Pestering You With Spam All Weekend?

As you know, tomorrow (June 30) marks the end of the FEC's arbitrary
reporting quarter. Candidates are hysterical and following DCCC suggestions
to burn their lists with a constant barrage of requests for contributions.
If you're ever signed a DCCC online petition you've probably had dozens of
content-free requests since Friday, including multiple pleas from Debbie
Wasserman Schultz and Steve Israel, neither of whom seems to have thought
it was relevant to tell Democrats that each had just voted with the
Republicans against Tom Massie's amendment to end unconstitutional domestic
... more »