11 pm MDT
There’s Nothing Conservative About Net Zero!By Paul Homewood Sam Ashworth-Hayes loses his head over a couple of days of hot weather! The combination of ’40°C temperatures’ and ‘England’ feels about as natural a pairing as ‘English football’ and ‘winning’; God simply did not intend the two to go together as they did this week. And although […] read more
GREENIE WATCH19 hours ago
Untitled* The real-world consequences of green extremism* Glorious pictures from the edge of the universe have arrived on Earth just when events here force us to consider the possibility that governments are run by aliens. They are so out of touch with common sense that they must come from other planets. The James Webb Space Telescope, a wonder of human ingenuity, resourcefulness, imagination, and creative curiosity, is revealing the birth of galaxies to a world in which, by contrast, overreaching oligarchs and bossy bureaucrats constrict the actions of ordinary people trying to make the... read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit19 hours ago
New Things are Revealed 5 by unbiased Article About Accounting Consultant Next That No one Is Talking AboutE-mail advertising entails sending marketing messages directly to the possible clients. Emails are despatched to a focused list of recipients for selling or promoting, products/companies made by a enterprise. It’s considered as one of many quickest, best and most cheap advertising strategies. Unfortunately, like another advertising strategy, e mail marketing too has it’s personal advantages and drawbacks. Following are among the execs and cons for small businesses. 7. Deal with your clients with paramount concern. Listen to them actively and empathize with them. Your clients will ... read more
Retraction Watch19 hours ago
Exclusive: OSU investigation finds dishonesty and “permissive culture of data manipulation” in cancer research labA university investigation found an emeritus professor had committed research misconduct after reviewing dozens of allegations, culminating in a recommendation to retract 10 papers and revoke his emeritus status. The Ohio State University investigated 20 manuscripts by the cancer research group of Samson Jacob after the university received allegations in 2017 of image manipulation stretching … Continue reading Exclusive: OSU investigation finds dishonesty and “permissive culture of data manipulation” in cancer research lab read more
Halifax Examiner19 hours ago
Will the mass casualty commission report even matter?So… is it already too late for the Mass Casualty Commission’s final report to matter? Was its credibility irreparably shredded even before it began, thanks to the circumstances of its unwanted-by-governments birth? By its ever-escalating costs? By the encyclopedic weight of its mandate? By its slowness in beginning its public hearings? By its overly trauma-informed […] read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
Men of Great AppetitesPutin’s Niece Making her way through the sanctions as best she can. Is Ukraine really winning the war against Russia? One way we can gauge that is to determine which side is unhappy with their commanders. If your army is performing well you tend to keep the commanders who are obviously doing a […] The post Men of Great Appetites appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man20 hours ago
Memes that made me laugh 118
Gathered from around the Internet over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
Michael West20 hours ago
There’s a new sheriff in town (and 43 into 47 will go)[image: Lobbyland] Albo is pledging a more consultative approach, and in that conciliatory frame of mind, on Monday he damned the former Coalition government's wedge politics. read more
CENSORED NEWS8 hours ago
Mount Graham Sacred Run 2022 Photos by Lian BigHorseMount Graham Sacred Run 2022 Photos by Lian BigHorse"For the last 31 years our Spirit of the Mountain runners have come together in prayer to journey to the top of our sacred Mountain Graham!" -- Lian BigHorsePhotos copyright Lian BigHorse read more
FES 2022–More Wishful Thinking
By Paul Homewood Every year the National Grid publish their Future Energy Scenarios , FES, to convince everybody, not least themselves, that the UK can get to Net Zero in 2050 without any problems: https://www.nationalgrideso.com/future-energy/future-energy-scenarios#fullsuite However this year’s edition is still as full of wishful thinking as ever. Forget about 2050, even […] read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
An Integrated Regional Response for the Sahel CrisisDAKAR, Senegal, Jul 25 (IPS) - The current Ukraine-Russia conflict is dominating the global media to the point of overshadowing longer protracted crisis that no longer make headlines, but are still rife. Such is the case with the on-going Sahel crisis, one of the world's most neglected ones, where acute poverty, the dramatic effects of climate change and rising armed conflicts have become the norm for more than a decade. A situation further exacerbated by the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full story, “An Integrated Regional Response for the Sahel Crisis”, on globalissues.or... read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
We're on the Cusp of the most Catastrophic Food Crisis in 50 years: Where is the Global Response?BERLIN / TERNI, Italy, Jul 25 (IPS) - A growing mountain of data and analysis points to an unprecedented global crisis in the making, due to the convergence of “Four Cs” (Conflict, Covid, Climate and Costs). Read the full story, “We're on the Cusp of the most Catastrophic Food Crisis in 50 years: Where is the Global Response?”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
First Person: I go to sleep and wake up to the sound of gunfireA young man whose community has been at the epicentre of the violence that has been raging between rival gangs in the troubled neighbourhood of Cité Soleil in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, says that he goes to sleep and wakes in the morning to the sound of gunfire. Edwin*, is a youth leader in his community, part of a group which is supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. Read the full story, “First Person: I go to sleep and wake up to the sound of gunfire”, on globalissues.org → read more
CFACT20 hours ago
Fun facts from the rule of threesThis technological rule of threes is seen over and over in history. The post Fun facts from the rule of threes appeared first on CFACT. read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
Monday On Trudeau’s Turtle IslandWoke Britain: Transgender bullies. Peter Hitchens on fake equality. Modern policing in Britain. Crazy People News: Don’t gender categorise skeletons. Biden’s America: I’m sure its nothing to worry about. China’s DNA bio-weapons? Garland’s kid glove treatment of Hunter Biden. Hollywood believes everyone is gay. Trudeau’s Canada: Justin continues his photo ops in Alberta today. Dear… Continue reading → read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Suspected Attacker who Tried to Stab Rep. Lee Zeldin Was Arrested on Federal Assault ChargeThe suspect was arrested and held for only six hours before being released due to New York's soft-on-crime laws. However, federal officers later arrested him because it is illegal to intentionally assault a federal lawmaker or member of the Executive Branch read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals
These so called clots are something strange. This tells us what we know so far. Whatever, they should nmot exist and all vaccines should be pulled as a matter of course. Yet here we are. If we are optimistic, this is a nasty experiment lacking real direction because it is way too early .One more unwelcome mystery. *EXCLUSIVE: Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals from your blood – preliminary ICP-MS analysis results released* *Friday, July 22, 2022 by: Mike Adams* *Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, biocircuits, biostructures, blood, Blood clots, ... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrough
We are apparently talking about deliverables here. The Tech went quiet several years vago and so this is no surprise. The problem was long past proof of concept and was about contol and output. This now sounds good enough. Understand we are getting a simple heat engine that runs forever with no fuel at all except for external electrical power. The live steam can be used to operate turbine generators at the point of use. Our civilization needs ready electrical power and heat. It does not want to send any of it very far. This does it. *Cold fusion (LENR) commercial breakthrou... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
USask archeological research digs into evolution of dog diets in new study
It is quite easy to see just how easily wolves domesticated into dogs. It really was way too easy.. The only thing given up is the high risk sport of killing large moose or elk which often get you killed. all this in exchange for allowing a human to be your alpha boss and no end of scraps. They then ran a halo around the den area in which small games provides food. I have seewn a ground hog a day brought in. This is very helpful to any farm. *USask archeological research digs into evolution of dog diets in new studySASKATOON – Most people know their dogs as the f... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Migratory Monarch Butterflies Are Listed as an Endangered Species
I do think that this will help stem the biological pressure obviously applied. The problem is a continental one and everyone is affected the saame. Thus it is easier to get all to sign on. The real problem is the exccessive distribution of insecticides when theiur .food source is milkweeds which sits always on the marge of our crops. That means if you hammer the crop, you cannot help but also hammer the betterflys. We at least need to be aware. Eventually we will transition to superior husbandry and all this will end. *Migratory Monarch Butterflies Are Listed as an... read more
Dances With Bears22 hours ago
BBC AND THE TIMES OBJECT TO SECRECY OF NOVICHOK PUBLIC INQUIRYBy John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The British government’s scheme of secrecy surrounding the public inquiry into the alleged Novichok attacks against Sergei and Yulia Skripal and Dawn Sturgess in 2018 has been opposed by the BBC and the London Times. “A requirement for confidentiality undertakings”, a BBC lawyer wrote to the inquiry chairman, Lord Anthony Hughes, […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
John Adams: Banks Preparing For Huge Surge In Precious Metals PricesRangitikei Environmental Health Watch23 hours ago
Wealthiest Criminal in the U.S. Continues to be Immune from JusticeThere Are Three Separate Cases in Federal Court Accusing JPMorgan Chase of a Culture of Fraud by Pam and Russ MartensWall Street on Parade JPMorgan Chase is the largest federally-insured bank in the United States. It is also one of the largest trading houses on Wall Street. That’s the Faustian bargain the Clinton administration entered into with … Continue reading Wealthiest Criminal in the U.S. Continues to be Immune from Justice → read more
Latest News - ADVANCE23 hours ago
Dictator Dan Andrews sends Victoria into full blown health crisisThe Andrews government could be one of the greatest political failures in Australian history. read more
Michael West23 hours ago
Triumph of the Teals: a media love-in rolls on[image: Monique Ryan, independent MP for Kooyong] Books are being written about the Teal phenomenon. But at some point the media will have to put away their sense of excitement and examine it without the rose-coloured glasses. read more
Frisson: This playlist is scientifically verified to give you chills.https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/frisson-song-playlist/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1658690603 read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
“Pope lands in Canada, set for apologies to Indigenous groups” – TTGEDMONTON, Alberta — Pope Francis began a historic visit to Canada on Sunday to apologize to Indigenous peoples for abuses by missionaries at residential schools, a key step in the Catholic Church’s efforts to reconcile with Native communities and help … Continue reading → read more
The Duran23 hours ago
💥 Civil Unrest Erupting in Major Cities Around the World | Here’s Why
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The Duran23 hours ago
What Happened To The ACLU?
The American Civil Liberties Union was founded in January 1920. It has always leaned far more to the left than to the right although at one time it would openly defend the rights of the Ku Klux Klan. In 1979, one of its leading members published DEFENDING MY ENEMY: American Nazis In Skokie, Illinois, And […] read more
Need To Know23 hours ago
Dr. Birx Admits She Knew the Dangerous mRNA Vaccines Would Not Work – Half of the People Who Died Were VaccinatedDr. Deborah said that she “knew” that COVID-19 vaccines “were not going to protect against infection” yet she pushed them anyway. She said, "But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated." read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana23 hours ago
On Sanatana DharmaThe Hindus are Sanatana Dharmists not only in religion, but in political ideology also. The Western ideology of communism and the Middle Eastern ideology of Islamic theocracy are incompatible with the ideology of Sanatana Dharma. read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming CrashBlackstone, ready to pounce on crashing prices for distressed properties, is close to finalizing a $30 billion fundraiser to bring its war chest total up to $50 billion that would set a record as the biggest vehicle of its kind. Some of the funds are committed to purchasing real estate in Asia and Europe. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Secretive annual talks influence Australian foreign policyfrom Alison Ryan Most Australians would be instinctively suspicious of a forum that, while the event itself is not secret, attracts scant publicity, and the discussions are secret—participants strictly observe rules that prevent them from disclosing the contents of any comments made at the event, even without identifying the speaker; they are only permitted to […] read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Goes into Liver and Changes into DNA, Swedish Study FindsA new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way. read more
Need To Know1 day ago
Robot Dog with Machine Gun Hints of a Dystopian FutureThe quadruped robot, modeled after a dog with a gun mounted on its back, is of Chinese origin and appears to be the Go1 robot dog from Unitree Robotics. It sells for $2,700, which is a fraction of the cost for the American-made Spot from Boston Dynamics that has a price tag of more than $75k. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
July 25th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 552In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post July 25th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 552 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Monday July 25th, Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Monday July 25th, Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Kruse trial begins Monday with jury selectionAt Broken Arrow, OK, Blue Bell Creamery made unlimited ice cream available for the 20th Annual Taste of Summer Festival. And a 13-year-old North Texas girl gave Blue Bell the inspiration for one of its new summer flavors. Blue Bell has been making news all summer, but hardly any is about the criminal trial of... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
WashPost: Biden Getting COVID An ‘Opportunity To Show ‘Success Of His Leadership’By Tim Graham ~ When President Biden was diagnosed with COVID, suddenly The Washington Post motto shifted from “Democracy Dies In Darkness” to “We’re Walking On Sunshine.” The positive spin was aerobic. Post columnist Leana Wen stood out with a piece on Thursday headlined “Biden’s covid diagnosis is a teaching moment for the country.” She […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Study details rare Salmonella outbreak from frozen crayfish from ChinaResearchers have provided more insight into what is thought to be the first Salmonella outbreak linked to frozen pre-cooked crayfish in dill brine. In late September 2019, the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) identified a cluster of nine patients with Salmonella Newport infections. By the end of October, there were 25 cases with onset... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA warns companies across the U.S. about import violationsAs part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
July 25, 2022: Reader TipsThis evening we present the colorized version of the 1939 Laurel & Hardy film, The Flying Deuces. Your funniest tips of late are much appreciated! Bonus: The livestream from Viva Frei and Robert Barnes this past evening was excellent! read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Prince Harry Spews Climate Hypocrisy In United Nations AddressBy Peter Murphy ~ Prince-in-name-only Harry Windsor spoke at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City Monday as part of the UN’s honoring the late Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s freedom fighter and president. Evidently, it was too much for Harry to stay focused on Mandela’s heroic life story, a man who overcame long-time […] read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Covid vaxx takes toll on Australian airline pilotsAustralia has its worst airline flight performance ever on record. Pilots and staff who succumbed to mandated mRNA shots are now paying the toll. Similar to events with American airline companies we have had more cancelled flights than ever before. And it is getting worse. Mr swarmy, gay Qantas Chief Executive Alan Joyce will now […] read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Top U.S. General Says China Is Becoming More Aggressive And Dangerous*Daily Mail: **Red alert: Military chief Gen. Mark Milley says China has become 'increasingly and noticeably more aggressive' to U.S. and allies during trip to Indo-Pacific* * Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff Mark Milley said that the threat from China in the Indo-Pacific region has increased significantly in the last five years * Milley arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia on Sunday for meetings with defense leaders * 'The Chinese military, in the air and at sea, have become significantly more and noticeably more aggressive in this particular region,' Milley said in Indones... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
FBI Says Huawei Equipment In Midwest Could Disrupt US Nuclear Communications
F.E. Warren Air Force Base, a strategic missile base, is located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, an area near a host of cell towers using Huawei equipment. *CNN:* *CNN Exclusive: FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications* Washington (CNN)On paper, it looked like a fantastic deal. In 2017, the Chinese government was offering to spend $100 million to build an ornate Chinese garden at the National Arboretum in Washington DC. Complete with temples, pavilions and a 70-foot white pagoda, the project thrilled local officials, who... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
China Issues Military Warning Over US House Speaker Pelosi's Planned Taiwan Trip
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds her weekly news conference with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington. © Reuters/ELIZABETH FRANTZ *Bloomberg:* *China Issues Private Warnings to US on Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip: FT* (Bloomberg) -- China issued strong private warnings to the US government about a planned trip to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which included a possible military response, the Financial Times reported. The warnings were much stronger than those made previously when China wasn’t pleased with US policies and actions related to Taipei, the paper said,... read more
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