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New Mandala19 minutes ago
Techno-politics of data justice: perspectives from Indonesia and the PhilippinesEngageMedia's latest report tries to understand how people in different contexts imagine and experience the growing digital landscape through the lens of data justice. The post Techno-politics of data justice: perspectives from Indonesia and the Philippines appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Cairns News55 minutes ago
Australian banks prepare for bail-in of depositor’s fundsfrom Kev Moore Australia’s Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) are quietly taking action to prepare for a potential bail-in of retail bank deposits if a domestic or global financial crisis were to occur. …………..As noted in my recent article, Deposit Insurance Is No Protection Against Bail-in[2], both Labor and Coalition Governments in the post-Global Financial Crisis […] read more
Cairns News2 hours ago
Bank bail-ins begin in EUby Kev Moore While the mainstream media focus on ISIS extremists, a threat that has gone virtually unreported is that your life savings could be wiped out in a massive derivatives collapse. Bank bail-ins have begun in Europe, and the infrastructure is in place in the US. Poverty also kills. At the end of November, […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
MELTDOWN: The Big Stock Market Crash Will Not Occur Until This Happens First! MannarinoSocio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Transhumanist (vWax-cine) Bioweapon, Nanotech Processor, Antenna, Router, Bluetooth MAC Address …Intra-body nano-network – Brief summary by Mik Andersen.pdf read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
The Alarming Global Depopulation AgendaThe Alarming Global Depopulation Agenda by Mercola, via https://www.theburningplatform.com/ Story at-a-glance “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Doctor: Graphene Oxide In Patients’ Blood, M.D. Sounds Alarm On Jaxb: Victims Suffer Massive ClottingSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Brave Doctor Risks Being Sacked to Speak Out On the Horrors He is WitnessingSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Cyprus: Doctor Alarmed at Recent Number of Sudden DeathsDoctor Alarmed at Recent Number of Sudden Deaths by https://lgcnews.com/ , 23 July 2022 In the last four months, there have been 38 sudden deaths in North Cyprus which should be investigated, a doctor has said, Kibris Postasi reported. – Dr. Nurçin İncirli, who is a physician at the Cengiz Topel Hospital posted the following … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
So Many People Are Now “Dying Suddenly” That “Our Free Press” Can Barely Hide It Any More
So Many People Are Now “Dying Suddenly” That “Our Free Press” Can Barely Hide It Any More by Mark Crispin Miller, https://www.theburningplatform.com/ The toll of “vaccination” will soon be too obvious for ANY propaganda to obscure it—as we’re now seeing in the USA and Canada, Ireland, Cyprus, Sri Lanka and Australia – In advance of … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Toronto Emergency Physician Shares Aa Update On The Medical Scene In Ontario — Surge in Unnatural (vWaxced Induced) DeathsSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Here We Go Again: WHO Declares Monkeypox Global Health Emergency, Admits Vaccines Part of Large-Scale Experiment FULL SHOW 7-24-22Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Food Prices Have Never Been Higher; Are We Heading for Starvation? – Joel SalatinSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Beijing Cracks: Mortgage Boycott Prompts China To Launch Multi-Billion Property Rescue FundBeijing Cracks: Mortgage Boycott Prompts China To Launch Multi-Billion Property Rescue Fund by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ With Chinese property sentiment sinking from bad to worse amid the growing mortgage boycott – which for now remains contained affecting about 1%-2% of China’s $5.8 trillion in mortgages. but spreading rapidly – and Goldman observing over the weekend that … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
China: Bank Cards Blocked And Online Transfers Limited, Banking Restrictions Are On the RiseSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Unfinished Buildings’ — Homebuyers in China: ‘I’d Rather Be a Scumbag Than Repay My Mortgage’Michael West1 hour ago
The Dutton-proof fence has got a hole in it (got a hole in it)[image: Lobbyland] As they have done before, the Greens are letting perfection be the enemy of the good on climate policy. read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana1 hour ago
On Lalchand’s Book: Self-Abnegation in PoliticsRai Bahadur Lalchand’s book *Self-Abnegation In Politics* was published in the communally charged political environment of the 1930s, when India was hurtling towards independence, and the Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had become vociferous in its demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims. Lal Chand laments in his book that instead of uniting and strengthening the Hindus, the Congress was weakening them and making them defenseless. The first six presidents of the Congress were not Hindus: the 1885 president was a Christian, Mr. W C Bonnerjee; the 1886 president wa... read more
Real Climate Science1 hour ago
The Green New Deal In Britain“MILLIONS of households could be asked to turn down their thermostats and switch off their lights to avoid blackouts later this year.” Households could be told to cut back on energy to avoid blackouts this winter | The Sun read more
Event Horizon Chronicle2 hours ago
The USSA Navy Undersea Base Illustrations of Walter Koerschner
For my readers who are receiving this blog post via email or a feed, please be advised that his blog post contains many illustrations below that may be stripped out by your email program or the automatic feed. You *must* click through to my blog to see the illustrations: *https://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/2022/07/the-ussa-navy-undersea-base.html* All of the illustrations are from the USSA Navy's "*Rock Site*" Undersea Base R&D Program at China Lake Naval Weapons Station in California, circa 1966. These are the original illustrations done by Walter Koerschner, the military i... read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
Senator Liawatha Rants Big Mad with Forked TongueSenator Elizabeth “Fauxcahontus” Warren writes an op ed today [SEE HERE] that is fraught with a level of ideological pretending almost off the charts. Essentially Liawatha is big mad because Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is raising interest rates into a contracting economy. The duplicitous senator accurately notes what the fed chairman is doing is […] The post Senator Liawatha Rants Big Mad with Forked Tongue appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Caitlin Johnstone2 hours ago
Warmongering Republicans Have Throbbing Hard-Ons For Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ Octogenarian House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to spend her final years on this mortal coil trying to start World War Three, pushing the Biden administration to designate Russia an official “state sponsor of terrorism” and planning […] read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
The Professional Republican Club Blames Inflation and More Discerning MAGA Supporters for Failure to Support Selected Club CandidatesThe professionally republican party members, led by Ronna McDaniel Inc, are not happy with the grassroots MAGA voters who are not filling their party campaign coffers at the anticipated rate. If the donors of the grassroot MAGA base continue to withhold financial contributions, mostly due to a lack of club alignment with the priorities of […] The post The Professional Republican Club Blames Inflation and More Discerning MAGA Supporters for Failure to Support Selected Club Candidates appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Guyana to use newfound oil wealth to diversify investments into other sectorsThe world's fastest-growing economy, Guyana, is mulling its newfound oil and gas wealth to fund investments in other sectors that will reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons, its President Mohamed Irfan Ali said during a trip to the USA. The Guyanese government is planning such a move to use the revenues from the site to finance […] read more
Small Dead Animals3 hours ago
The life long learnerI am a life long learner. Learning is fun! You can see the learning going on in the library, and then, after a few days, you will notice the ever changing graffiti on the walls of the library. Most life long learners are on a learning adventure to learn how to destroy their enemies. You… Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Brazilian president reiterates rejection of sanctions against Russia to ensure fertilizer importsBrazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reiterated Monday his opposition to economic sanctions against Russia in order to retain the supply of Russian fertilizer imports to Brazilian agribusiness. "We are not going to adhere to sanctions (against Russia). We maintain a balanced position because without Brazil's balance on this issue today, we would not have fertilizers for […] read more
No More Mister Nice Blog3 hours ago
WHEN YOU'RE THIS DEEP IN THE RIGHT-WING BUBBLE, BIDEN LOOKS LIKE THE PRESIDENT OF SRI LANKAIf you consume enough Republican propaganda -- as millions of Americans do -- eventually stories that have nothing to do with American politics seem infused with domestic political relevance. You'll see a headline about something "woke" in Canada or Denmark or New Zealand and think: *This is why I'll never, ever vote for a Democrat.* Fox News and other parts of the GOP propaganda machine present international stories that echo its narratives of Democratic evil as if they're stories *about* evil Democrats. People who consume a great deal of this content start to believe that these st... read more
Small Dead Animals3 hours ago
War On AgricultureThere isn’t really a war on agriculture. It’s just a hostile takeover. Don't think of it as farm closures. Think of it as an opportunity for millions of acres of devalued family farms to be acquired up by group investors, pension funds and foreign interests. Then, regulations will be amended to allow the land to… Continue reading → read more
balance103 hours ago
Truth Comes to Light4 hours ago
The Psychology of Children
The Psychology of Children by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News July 25, 2022 The transgender movement wants you to believe that young children know exactly what they want and, therefore, they should be allowed to have it. Even without the obvious guidance, nudging, and grooming from teachers, parents, and friends, some of these The post The Psychology of Children appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
WHO’s Tedros Overrules Own Committee To Declare Monkeypox “Global Emergency”NOW – WHO's Tedros: "I have decided that the global #monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern." pic.twitter.com/QPjiFSsBog — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) July 23, 2022 WHO’s Tedros Overrules Own Committee To Declare Monkeypox “Global Emergency” by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ One day after the global case count top 16,000 and the US records its … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
MBS Calls Putin. Kremlin Checkmates EU And US on Grain Exports, Energy And SanctionsSocio-Economics History Blog4 hours ago
Putin And China Just Did the Unthinkable And the West is in Big Trouble | Redacted w Clayton MorrisKomando.com5 hours ago
Shady contractors are stealing thousands – red flags to watch out forA new contractor scam is tricking people into destroying their sidewalks and driveways. To add insult to injury, they're losing thousands. read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
Moonbat"An indulgence we cannot afford."@GeorgeMonbiot tells @MiriamOCal that we must end our dependence on farming if we are to overcome the realities of climate change.#rtept pic.twitter.com/JFMeRqUSdj — RTÉ Prime Time (@RTE_PrimeTime) July 19, 2022 read more
AltHealthWorks.com5 hours ago
Ten Popular American Foods That Are Banned in Other CountriesThe United States boasts many of the most popular food companies in the world, but that doesn’t mean they are necessary good for human health in any way, shape or form. Many U.S. products are chock full of ingredients that have been deemed harmful in independent studies including artificial colors, genetically engineered foods and foods made with GMO ingredients, foods made with BHT, a controversial flavor enhancer, and many more. It’s not often that foods are banned here in the U.S., but overseas, many countries simply don’t tolerate certain additives in their food supply. Their fo... read more
Gangsters Out Blog29 minutes ago
Highly suspicious fatal shooting in Langley
Update: The suscpect has been identified as Jordan Daniel Goggin. The motive is still unknown. CTV is reporting that "A suspect believed to be responsible for shooting multiple people in Langley, B.C., was killed by police Monday morning. Police said four victims were found in multiple locations across Langley early in the morning. The first shooting happened at about midnight, followed by one at 3 AM, another around 5 AM and a fourth at about 5:45 AM" "Two men were found dead – one near Creekstone Place and another at the Langley city bus loop near Logan and Glover roads. A woma... read more
Rounding the Earth Newsletter3 hours ago
A Personal Umbrel Lightning Node SetupThe Bitcoin Wars Part XV read more
Gangsters Out Blog4 hours ago
Leslyn Lewis on the World Economic Forum
While we wait for the official narrative on today's shooting to unfold, I'd like to cite a recent post by Leslyn Lewis on the World Economic Forum. She states that "I have been asked about the World Economic Forum (“the WEF”) at every single campaign event." "People are concerned that they are seeing so much of what was dismissed as a conspiracy theory actually manifest over the past two years. Take for example The Great Reset, which was never a conspiracy - it was an actual book written by the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, about how to usher in a green economy."... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Canadian Prepper, "A Message I Just Got About WW3... And it's Not Good"Canadian Prepper, 7/25/22: *"A Message I Just Got About WW3... And it's Not Good"* A message I got from Romania about WW3: - https://youtu.be/kJzCICEkelk *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Libya: Human rights abuses, political stalemates, electoral delays mar progressThe overall situation in Libya remains “highly volatile”, Martha Pobee, UN Assistant Secretary-General for political affairs and peace operations, told the Security Council on Monday. Read the full story, “Libya: Human rights abuses, political stalemates, electoral delays mar progress”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Landmark guidelines aim to protect children uprooted by climate changeNew UN-backed guidelines issued on Monday aim to protect, include and empower children forced to flee their homes due to the climate crisis, marking the first-ever global effort to address this increasingly major concern. Read the full story, “Landmark guidelines aim to protect children uprooted by climate change”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Syria: Australian teen’s death in prison was ‘utterly preventable’, rights experts sayAustralian authorities must speed up the repatriation of their nationals held in detention centres in Syria following the recent confirmation of the death of a Sydney teenager at a facility in the northeast, UN human rights experts said on Monday. Read the full story, “Syria: Australian teen’s death in prison was ‘utterly preventable’, rights experts say”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
New ECOSOC President aims to ease crises which have ‘engulfed our societies’Bulgaria’s UN Ambassador banged the gavel as President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the first time on Monday with a vow to build on the “solid foundation” left by the outgoing head and his bureau to transform the world into “a better place for the people of today and tomorrow”. Read the full story, “New ECOSOC President aims to ease crises which have ‘engulfed our societies’”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
UN delivers aid directly to Haitians caught up in gang violenceUnited Nations humanitarian agencies have started delivering aid directly to people in Haiti following a recent spike in violence between rival gangs which has fueled a worsening crisis across the capital, Port-au-Prince. Read the full story, “UN delivers aid directly to Haitians caught up in gang violence”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Monkeypox: How it spreads, who’s at risk - here’s what you need to knowMonkeypox is not a new disease, and in some African countries it is endemic. However, the international outbreak which began in May 2022, has prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global health emergency. Here are some of the important things to know about monkeypox. Read the full story, “Monkeypox: How it spreads, who’s at risk - here’s what you need to know”, on globalissues.org → read more
balance104 hours ago
counteract ruts of human vanitycounteract ruts of human vanity https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/3573126-desert-like-behaviors-coming-to-worlds-wet-regions/ ....................... ................ counteract ruts of human vanity We offer aid to you through the fullness of your Presence which is the answer therefore that will stress in the way of a child that all of you must again and again go over the same records if necessary millions of times until you have established in your consciousness some quality to counteract ruts of human vanity that have indeed become almost graves of the human sou... read more
Cairns News5 hours ago
Tasmanian nurses threaten strike action over staff shortages due to Covid vaxx injuries and deathsMore than 11,400 active cases Nurses at Tasmania’s biggest public hospital are threatening to go on strike next week as the state’s health service faces increasing pressure from a surge in COVID cases (caused by mRNA jabs.) Key points: The nurses union is threatening strike action at the Royal Hobart Hospital next week On Monday, […] read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Is the Quartz Crystal ‘Neither a Solid Nor a Liquid’?It's probably a red flag if a meme starts with the phrase "forget everything you know." read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
‘Nobody Wants to Work Anymore’ Meme Cites Real Newspaper ArticlesWe looked for the origins of clippings from 14 articles that were published between 1894 and 2022, most of which we found in newspaper archives. read more
Real Climate Science6 hours ago
New Zealand COVID-19 Death Rate 1500% Of The Global AverageTwo years after announcing they had eliminated COVID-19, the COVID-19 death rate in New Zealand is fifteen times the global average. COVID-19 Data Explorer – Our World in Data read more
Real Climate Science6 hours ago
Same Climate Ignorance For 140 Years“Because the majority, perhaps, who belong to this generation have not investigated the subject anterior to their own lives, the belief is prevalent that great storms and cyclones are a new phenomena of nature” 18 Jun 1882, Page 2 – … Continue reading → read more
Real Climate Science6 hours ago
July 31, 1715 HurricaneOn July 31, 1715 a hurricane hit Florida, killing nearly 1,000 people and sinking ten Spanish treasure ships. Hurricane sinks Spanish treasure ships – HISTORY read more
PrairiePundit7 hours ago
An FBI screw-up in the Hunter Biden investigationWashington Examiner: The FBI’s investigation into Hunter Biden wrongly labeled verified evidence as “disinformation,” agency whistleblowers claimed. Agents investigating President Joe Biden's son "opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease," according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Grassley revealed the claim after his office received "a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers" about the investigati... read more
PrairiePundit7 hours ago
What is behind military recruiting problem?Victor Davis Hanson: The U.S. Army has met only 40 percent of its 2022 recruiting goals. In fact, all branches of the military are facing historic resistance to their current recruiting efforts. If some solution is not found quickly, the armed forces will radically shrink or be forced to lower standards—or both. Such a crisis occurs importunely as an aggressive Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea believe the Biden Administration and the Pentagon have lost traditional U.S. deterrence. That pessimistic view abroad unfortunately is now shared by many Americans at home. In 2021... read more
PrairiePundit7 hours ago
Covid vaccines oversold?Matt Margolis: Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx says she knew that the COVID-19 vaccines would not protect against infection. “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization,” she told Fox News. “It will. But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated. So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccin... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Why Is Zelensky Purging His Security Services
Uncredited photo of Zelenskyy via Enews Olga Lautman, SpyTalk: *Behind Zelenskyy's Security Shakeup* *A deep and continuing rot of treason imperils Ukraine's battle against the Russians* When Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale assault on Ukraine in February, he really did believe that his operation to seize Kyiv would last less than a week. That’s largely because Putin has spent decades cultivating Ukrainian officials, oligarchs and political parties to impede Kyiv’s move toward democracy and independence from Russia. But they failed him. Even before the invasion, Presid... read more
Diogenes' Middle Finger3 hours ago
Joe is OK, He Says. Nation on Course.
The Brookings Institution, a think tank in Washington founded in 1916, published a piece this past week that *ripped the media* over the way it reports on Joe Biden. “The press image of Biden, president of the United States of America, has been whittled down to that of a doddering old man, wobbly on his feet and barely able to articulate a single thought without slurring. Is that a fair and balanced image of Biden?” - Marvin Kalb, Former CBS/NBC News Correspondent No, Biden portrays Biden as a doddering old man. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
"Get Ready For Sweeping Supply Chain Shortages As Major Threats Emerge At Ports"*Full screen recommended.* *"Get Ready For Sweeping Supply Chain Shortages* * As Major Threats Emerge At Ports"* by Epic Economist "America’s supply chain is facing a series of threats. On both coasts, ports are rapidly getting overloaded, and ongoing rail and trucker strikes are likely to exacerbate disruptions and bring back empty shelves at grocery stores. U.S. consumers are already coping with the highest prices in four decades, but industry executives are saying that the nightmarish product shortages and price increases that have been causing lots of stress for millions of Amer... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
AP Source: Top Aide to Pence Testifies Before 1/6 Grand JuryMarc Short, a close aide to Pence, was at the Capitol on the day of the siege and was with the vice president as he fled his post presiding over the Senate and hid from rioters who had stormed the building and called for his hanging. read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Snopes Tips: How to Spot Social Media BotsBots are used for a variety of reasons online, from boosting follower counts to interfering in political elections. read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 25.07.2022*WNU Editor:* Another must watch video on what is happening on the ground in the Russia - Ukraine war. read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Compare Artificial Intelligence To Nuclear Weapons"We are not ready for the negotiations that we need." - @ericschmidt #AspenSecurity pic.twitter.com/As749t6ZyU — Aspen Security Forum (@AspenSecurity) July 22, 2022 *VICE:* *Eric Schmidt Thinks AI Is as Powerful as Nukes* *An AI deterrence regime would necessitate an AI Hiroshima. * Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt compared AI to nuclear weapons and called for a deterrence regime similar to the mutually-assured destruction that keeps the world’s most powerful countries from destroying each other. Schmidt talked about the dangers of AI at the Aspen Security Forum at a panel on nati... read more
From the Trenches World Report6 hours ago
Dallas police engage female shooter who opened fire by airport ticketing counterFox News A Dallas police officer engaged with and disabled a female shooter who allegedly opened fire near a ticket counter, sending shots into the ceiling... The post Dallas police engage female shooter who opened fire by airport ticketing counter appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report6 hours ago
COVID vaccine mandates from Biden admin may cripple National GuardFox News For decades, the National Guard has served as the backbone of saving Americans across the country in times of crisis. Whether it’s helping coordinate hurricane... The post COVID vaccine mandates from Biden admin may cripple National Guard appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
US Considers Deploying Carriers To Support Pelosi’s Taiwan TripThe US military is considering “moving aircraft carriers or sending fighter planes for close air support” as part of a potential trip by US house speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, the Washington Post reported Saturday. The discussions about US military actions in support of Pelosi’s trip were first reported in an op-ed by Josh Rogin, who wrote, The U.S. military is devising options for protecting Pelosi’s delegation, who—as is normal procedure for congressional delegations to Taiwan—would be flying on a military plane. The measures under consideration include moving aircraft carrier... read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
Venezuelan Lawyer Laila Tajeldine: Alex Saab, A Political Prisoner Of US EmpireMore than two years have already passed since, on June 12, 2020, Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was illegally kidnapped during a technical stopover in Cape Verde and taken to prison, without an arrest warrant. He would remain there until October 16, 2021, when he would be deported to the United States, despite the fact that the appeal against his extradition had not yet been concluded, and despite repeated protests from various international organizations against the arbitrary detention and torture that he has suffered. Blackmailed by the US government, the government of Cape Verde... read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
Venezuelan CooperativesDario Azzellini tells Theresa Alt about Venezuelan cooperatives. The Chavez government supported the formation of cooperatives. Many formed; few really succeeded in operating cooperatively. Liberation theology also had been encouraging cooperatives. Other cooperatives arose when entrepreneurs and landowners left Venezuela and the workers took over. Later initiating cooperatives was given to the local-government communes. Local communes have played a more constructive role than central government. Recorded June 8, 2022. The post Venezuelan Cooperatives appeared first on PopularResi... read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
BT Workers Are Striking Against Corporate Greed40,000 CWU members employed by both BT and Openreach will take strike action on Friday 29 July and Monday 1 August. These workers have not taken national strike action since 1987. Out members are fighting for a real pay rise, and we ask that you support on picket lines across the UK. CWU members in the telecoms industry are key workers who have delivered vital services for the country throughout the pandemic. When broadband services and support became more important than ever, it was engineers in Openreach and call center workers in BT who kept us connected to our loved ones, our... read more
President Joe Biden’s surrender on climate policy amid the intensifying crisis has prompted his own agency experts to sound a rare public alarm about their boss’s retreat, according to a letter being circulated throughout the administration and Capitol Hill. The letter to Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) — provided to The Lever by a House Democratic staffer — is initialed by 165 staffers at federal health and environmental agencies and at 75 congressional offices. They are demanding the president use more aggressive tactics to pass his long-promised climate ... read more
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