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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

31 July - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 4

 11 pm MDT

Sunday morning music
I'd never heard of "Bardcore" until, quite by chance, I came across the Youtube channel of a lady calling herself Hildegard von Blingin' (an obvious play on the medieval abbess, musician and composer, Hildegard von Bingen). She has this to say: Bardcore for the discerning clergyman, noble, or muck-gathering peasant. I am a Canadian singer/illustrator who started making Bardcore in the Spring of 2020. If you're new to Bardcore, it is a pastiche genre that takes modern songs and makes them "old-timey" through the use of Medieval and Renaissance inspired instrumentation, as well... read more
Virtual Mirage20 hours ago
Bullet Points * Sometimes you just need to sit quietly in your car and let the song finish before you get out and meet the world. (that’s the sermonette) * With the global food shortage and inflation causing pressure on the population, western governments screech about Putin’s Price Hike. In contrast, Western breadbaskets […] The post Sermonette appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
UK: ‘An attack on solidarity’
LABOUR went into meltdown today as union leaders and MPs blasted Sir Keir Starmer for sacking Sam Tarry from his front-bench team. The fallout came as former shadow chancellor John McDonnell backed calls for a general strike. read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
It’s Sunday On Turtle Island
I wonder if Justin will denounce this? White people targeted in South Africa. Woke Britain: Working class white boys. Don’t upset the alphabet people. Sounds like the CBC. The BBC and identity politics. Pride Month in Germany. Biden’s America: Woke Monkeypox. China’s WHO. New media rule. Don’t say Gay. The Woke Billionaire. Its time to… Continue reading → read more
OrientalReview.org20 hours ago
The Pretended ‘Progressivism’ Of Yves Smith’s “Naked Capitalism” Blog
On July 27th, Susan Webber, alias “Yves Smith,” headlined “One China Eyepoking Too Far: Biden Signals US Not Backing Down on Pelosi Taiwan Visit as China Promises Military Response”, and she pretended to argue against Biden’s (and the U.S. Democratic Party’s) neoconservatism (or U.S. imperialism). The 200 reader-comments that she […] read more
Calcium (garden lime) is a very basic mineral that is often overlooked by gardeners. Kiwi gardeners in the past would dig over their vegetable garden at the beginning of winter after the last crops had been harvested. The soil would be turned to the depth of one and a half to two spade depths, bringing … Continue reading GARDENING: THE IMPORTANCE OF CALCIUM IN YOUR SOIL (Wally Richards) → read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
Restomods: 5 classic cars transformed into electric vehicles
These five restomods combine classic cars with modern electric drivetrains. read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Saturday 30 July 2022
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
3 Tips For Manufacturing Companies Next You Need To Use Today
[image: Manufacturing Business Next]The administration of your new carpet cleansing enterprise is the simply as essential as cleaning the carpets. Many new house owners tend to skip over some fundamental small business management tasks. Often it’s as a result of they’re unfamiliar with them or they’re too busy getting their new businesses off the bottom. Taking the time to get your small business correctly setup will save you time later on and give you a better chance for success. Here are 5 ideas to assist get you began. If you are following the above requirements, you qualify fo... read more
CENSORED NEWS16 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'Pope Acknowledges Church Schools Committed Genocide'
Posted on July 31, 2022 Pope Acknowledges Church Schools Committed Genocide'Mohawk Nation Newshttps://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2022/07/31/pope-acknowledges-church-schools-committed-genocide-audio/Audiohttps://www.reuters.com/world/pope-says-genocide-took-place-church-schools-canada-indigenous-children-2022-07-30/ On Saturday July 30, 2020, Pope Francis admitted the atrocities that were read more
Is the BBC biased?20 hours ago
As discussed on the open thread, here's the running orders of the main BBC One news bulletins since Friday... *Friday News at One* 1. 'Wagatha Christie' trial 2. Fatal stabbing of a nine-year-old girl in Lincolnshire *Friday News at Six* 1. 'Wagatha Christie' trial 2. Calls for compensation in blood scandal 3. Fatal stabbing of a nine-year-old girl in Lincolnshire *Friday News at Ten* 1. Commonwealth Games 2. Calls for compensation in blood scandal 3. 'Wagatha Christie' trial 4. Cost of living 5. Ukraine War 6. Fatal stabbing of a nine-year-old girl in Lincolnshire *Saturday 1pm W... read more
CENSORED NEWS21 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'Cree Sings Words of Truth to Pope and World'
Posted on July 30, 2022 MNN. CREE SINGS WORDS OF TRUTH TO POPE & THE WORLDMohawk Nation News https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2022/07/30/cree-sings-words-of-truth-to-pope-and-the-world/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/cree-woman-singing-papal-visit-1.6535055MNN. July 30. 2022. She was supposed to sing ‘O Canada’ to the Pope at Ste. Anne de Beaupre in southern Quebec before he left for read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
Get offa ma TV!
*The Sunday Times* reports that *Eastenders* has dipped below one million viewers for the third time this month - “ratings to make BBC bosses quake” - and quotes former producers, writers and directors describing it as in “terminal decline”; “unsalvageable”; “toast”. The problem with pulling the plug though is that the BBC overspent to the tune of £86.7 million on a new set, which one former executive calls “the broadcaster’s HS2”. What's the issue? Well, here are some suggestions from the* Sunday Times* report: There is a disconnect between the audience and those making EastEnd... read more
Is the BBC biased?23 hours ago
“Will you stop that coughing?”
*The Mail on Sunday* reports that “BBC chiefs” blocked plans to bring back *The Fast Show*'s coughing Bob Fleming “over fears his affliction may offend Covid sufferers”. The character was cut from last year’s Christmas special of* Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing*. “A production source” told the paper: A decision was taken to drop the sketch. It is important to remember Covid was really rampant at the time. A lot of viewers would have found the sight of a man persistently coughing unfunny and upsetting. Consequently, both the production company and BBC decided not to go ahead ... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
“Camp Kościuszko is First Permanent U.S. Installation on NATO’s Eastern Flank” – TTG
This is from a 29 June article in “The First News”, a Polish news site based in Warsaw. US President Joe Biden announced, at the Nato summit in Madrid, that the US would be strengthening its military presence in Europe … Continue reading → read more
July 31 – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 558
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post July 31 – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 558 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Sunday July 31st – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Sunday July 31st – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Existential Threat
President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe famously said of Donald Trump’s entry into politics: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.” What was it that Washington DC and President Obama’s team feared so much about Donald J Trump? The answer to […] The post The Existential Threat appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
July 31, 2022: Reader Tips
Tonight we present a most interesting documentary about a bizarre airplane incident on June 24, 1982. Your high flying or down to earth tips are welcome. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Spot the cash! See how fast you can solve this optical illusion
Think you're a puzzle master? You'll set a new record if you can beat this optical illusion and spot the hidden money in under 32 seconds. read more
Driest Start Since 1976? No, 2010 Was Drier
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? The period between January and June this year was the driest in England since 1976, the Met Office has said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62303330 I have already pointed out that both 1996 and 2010 had drier starts to the year than this year. The… read more
96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted–New Study
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood Heartland’s latest study shows the US temperature record is more corrupted than thought: ? ? ? ? ? Official NOAA temperature stations produce corrupted data due to purposeful placement in man-made hot spots Nationwide study follows up widespread corruption and heat biases… read more
Is Western European drought linked to La Niña?
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Drought in Europe Amid talk of ‘renewed focus on climate change’ (see below), we note similar drought conditions have happened before at times of La Niña. Two articles discussing the French drought refer to 1976, 2011 and 2022 as the three worst in recent history (similar to England). These… read more
Cosmic Rays are Decreasing
Originally posted on Spaceweather.com: July 26, 2022: Cosmic rays in the atmosphere are rapidly subsiding. In the past year alone, radiation levels in the air high above California have plummeted more than 15%, according to regular launches of cosmic ray balloons by Spaceweather.com and Earth to Sky Calculus. The latest measurement on July 23,… read more
Fake Climate Emergency on Horizon
Originally posted on Science Matters: The editors of IBD explain at Issues and Insights Climate Emergency? What a Crock. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. Joe Biden did not declare a climate emergency last week, as many in his party urged him to do. One Democratic senator claimed that the changing climate… read more
UK heatwave: Weather forecasters report unprecedented trolling
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Might be related to them trying a bit too hard to make a meal of it? They could have chosen to stick to the role their job title suggests. – – – Weather forecasters faced unprecedented levels of trolling during this month’s extreme heat in the UK, according to… read more
IEA: Global Coal Demand On Track To Match Record
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? h/t Dennis Ambler From Oilprice.com: ? ? Soaring natural gas prices are giving rise to coal demand around the world, with consumption set to match this year the record-high from 2013, and further jump to a new all-time high next year,… read more
Space Traffic Boosts Noctilucent Clouds
Originally posted on Spaceweather.com: July 29, 2022: Never before have so many rockets been launched. In 2021, the space agencies of Earth broke the all-time record for global rocket launches with 133, and in 2022 it looks like the record will be broken again with more than 150. China and SpaceX are big contributors… read more
Manchin Poison Pills Buried In Inflation Reduction Act
Washington - A proposed climate and energy package would require massive oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, reinstate an illegal 2021 Gulf lease sale and mandate that millions more acres of public lands be offered for leasing before any new solar or wind energy projects could be built on public lands or waters. The provisions, in sections 50264 and 50265, are buried near the end of the 725-page Inflation Reduction Act. The bill was released Wednesday after Sen. Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced they had agreed to the $370 billion pac... read more
Fatal shooting in Surrey
Update: The Surrey Now Leader is reporting that one of the second victims injured has also died. CTV is reporting that "One man is dead and two others have life-threatening injuries after a shooting in South Surrey Saturday afternoon. Surrey RCMP said in a statement that they were called to the vicinity of 20 Avenue and 146 Street around 2:45 p.m. for a report of a shooting. When they arrived, officers found the three victims suffering from gunshot wounds, police said. One of the men died at the scene, while the other two were taken to hospital for treatment." read more
Gangsters Out Blog13 hours ago
Ukrainian POWs killed in suspicious attack
Update: The Pentagon leaked Zelensky: “Ukrainians hit the prison with Azov fighters” We've talked about false flag attacks, fake news and how utterly useless the mainstream media is along with the insanely biased narrative daytime television carries. Now let's look at a recent missile attack targeting Ukrainian POWs held in captivity by the Russians. The trans national president of Ukraine claims that Russia fired the missiles on their prisoners but that really doesn't make sense. Why would they fire missiles at their prisoners? If they wanted to kill them they could simply e... read more
Sister Nivedita Versus Mother Teresa
Sister Nivedita “Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan. “Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? The pr... read more
Japan in anti-China and anti-Russia rhetoric in America: International law?
Japan in anti-China and anti-Russia rhetoric in America: International law? Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Once more, Japan is spreading anti-China and anti-Russian Federation… The post Japan in anti-China and anti-Russia rhetoric in America: International law? first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Oregon’s state inspection program is 28th in the nation
The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the State of Oregon have reached a cooperative agreement, under which the state inspection program may inspect meat products produced for shipment within the state. Under the cooperative agreement, the state inspection program must develop, administer, and enforce requirements “at least equal to” those imposed under... Continue Reading read more
Stuck In The Past
By Gary Bauer ~ After Republicans have surrendered on 2020, Democrats want to go back and relitigate the 2016 election! The Biden State Department announced Thursday that it is offering a $10 million reward for any information that proves how Russian interests interfered in the 2016 election that resulted in Donald Trump’s election. Now think […] read more
Workshop helps food safety response in Western Balkans
A workshop has supported countries in the Western Balkans to better respond to food safety emergencies. Among challenges highlighted were enhancing cooperation between different food safety agencies, ensuring cross-border information sharing, and enabling joint investigation and response to food safety emergencies. Such events include foodborne outbreaks, food fraud and adulteration, chemical contamination and other non-compliance... Continue Reading read more
NPR Suddenly Worried About Disease-Related Stigma When It Comes To Monkeypox
By Clay Waters ~ Suddenly, the liberal press is worried about disease-related stigma. During the Covid hysteria, the press, including National Public Radio, pushed mask and vaccine mandates and contributed to the liberal dehumanization and banning from public spaces of the unvaccinated via vaccine passports, while pushing for school closures that deprived public-school children of education and […] read more
CFACT1 day ago
Biden promises, policies and political problems
His war on fossil fuels fosters US oil sales to China and US complicity in child and slave labor. The post Biden promises, policies and political problems appeared first on CFACT. read more
Keep in Mind, The Same Media and Financial Voices Denying the Current Recession, are The Same Media and Financial Voices Who Proclaimed Trump’s Tariffs Would Destroy Economy
It was the Fourth Quarter of 2019….. Right before the pandemic would hit a few months later…. Despite two years of doomsayer predictions from Wall Street’s professional punditry, all of them saying Trump’s 2017 steel and aluminum tariffs on China, Canada and the EU would create massive inflation, it just wasn’t happening! Overall year-over-year inflation […] The post Keep in Mind, The Same Media and Financial Voices Denying the Current Recession, are The Same Media and Financial Voices Who Proclaimed Trump’s Tariffs Would Destroy Economy appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Honey, I Finished The Internet
Footprints Of The Ice Age (2009) read more