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Are Lockdowns Working?
*Daily Mail*: *REVEALED: 66% of New York state coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME and NOT essential workers - which begs question: Does lockdown even work?* * A study of hospitals last week found that of 1,000 patients, 66 percent were people staying at home * 73% of the new hospitalizations were people aged 51 and over and 96% had underlying health conditions * Most were in Manhattan - 21% - but 18% of the new hospitalizations were in Long Island * In New York City, 90% of those who answered said they had not been taking public transport * Cuomo said it show... more »
RT correspondent receives threats from US mercenary group in Venezuela
The RT broadcaster reported that its correspondent in Venezuela, Erika Ortega Sanoja, had received threats after posting tweets about US mercenaries and an invasion of the Latin American nation. On Sunday, Venezuelan Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said an invasion of Colombian militants had been diverted on the sea as they tried to approach the northern […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian Army sends large number of reinforcements to Daraa as major operation looms
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) – For the second time this week, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has sent a large number of reinforcements to the Daraa Governorate, a source from the military told Al-Masdar News. According to the source, the Syrian Arab Army has sent hundreds of soldiers to the Daraa Governorate amid preparation for […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
"Have the Feds Put Half of America’s Small Firms Out of Business?"
*"Have the Feds Put Half of America’s Small Firms Out of Business?"* Week 8 of the Quarantine By Bill Bonner SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – "The authorities may or may not have “flattened the curve” of the C-virus. But they’ve surely squashed the U.S. economy. Today, we scrape it up off the pavement to see how flat it is. Yahoo! Finance reported this morning that… "Another 3 million Americans are expected to have filed for unemployment benefits during the week ending May 2, following 3.839 million initial jobless claims in the prior week. So far over the past six weeks, more than 30 millio... more »
Russia set to launch its first satellite for monitoring Arctic
The Watchers » Latest articles - 11 hours ago
Russia's first satellite for monitoring the Arctic climate called Arktika-M is set to be launched by the end of 2020, as announced by the General Director of the Lavochkin aerospace company, Vladimir Kolmykov. The launch was initially scheduled in 2019 but was...... Read more »
President Trump Says The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Hit The U.S. Harder Than The Japanese Bombing Of Pearl Harbour Or The 9/11 Attacks In 2001
*Business Insider:* *Trump says coronavirus has been 'worse than Pearl Harbor,' describing it as an 'attack' China should've stopped 'at the source'* * President Donald Trump on Wednesday said coronavirus has been worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11. * "This is really the worst attack we've ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center. There's never been an attack like this," Trump said. * Trump blamed China, where COVID-19 originated. "It should've never happened. It could've been stopped at the source. It could've been stopped in China," h... more »
Anonymous Totalitarian Tyrants Demand Universal Mandatory Vaccination...if they're thwarted they'll Blackmail and Crash the Internet
*Humanity Will Need to Prove "Immunity" to * *Participate in Society Again. The Passport most* *likely will be a "Digital Vaccine"* *David Icke* used to call it the "*totalitarian tiptoe"* but even he would probably agree that the anonymous tyrants who rule this planet are no longer tiptoeing. They've outfitted their underlings with Jackboots and have ordered them to stomp and tramp through society, crushing all the laws, traditions and cultural mores that made life worth living. Now probably a majority of people in the West are fighting suicidal ideation...and that's the way they... more »
The HOQ Debate
First, a thank you to Steve S., in Texas, who suggested that we delve a bit deeper into Hydroxychloroquine (HOQ) and chloroquine. Second, as readers here know, I am not a doctor and I don’t play one on television. All I do is offer opinions based on the best facts available to me and you […] The post The HOQ Debate appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Surviving this Pandemic is Hard, For America’s Most Vulnerable, its Nearly Impossible
This coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the exclusion of whole subsets of the most vulnerable in our society, exemplifying the toxic mix of racism, sexism, imperialism, and capitalism that the US blends so well. The post Surviving this Pandemic is Hard, For America’s Most Vulnerable, its Nearly Impossible appeared first on MintPress News.
Impact of Biden’s Bans on Fracking and Oil Production on Federal Lands and Offshore
At his debate with Bernie Sanders on March 15, 2020, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said he would prevent oil… The post Impact of Biden’s Bans on Fracking and Oil Production on Federal Lands and Offshore appeared first on IER.
Global Land & Ocean Air Cooling in April
With apologies to Paul Revere, this post is on the lookout for cooler weather with an eye on both the Land and the Sea. UAH has updated their tlt (temperatures in lower troposphere) dataset for April 2020. Previously I have done posts on their reading of ocean air temps as a prelude to updated records from […]
Joe Biden wants you to pay for plastic surgery
If a man thinks he's Napoleon we all agree that he has a mental illness and needs our love support and care. We also agree that enabling his delusion isn't helpful to him. But if a man thinks he's a woman Joe Biden tells us we should pretend he is a woman. Science is clear. A person's sex is determined by the person's DNA, that's true even in very rare mutations, and that a person can't change their sex without changing their DNA. To dispute that is on par with arguing that the sun orbits the earth. Therefore Joe's belief that hard working Americans should pay for plastic surgery... more »
This Day In Iraqi History - May 7
1935 Sheikh Ahmad Asadullah follower of leading cleric Shiite cleric Ghita called for his followers in Rumaitha to revolt against govt 3 other tribes revolted in Diwaniya 1941 British troops took Ashar, Basra (Musings On Iraq review of *Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq 1941, The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad*) (Musings On Iraq review of *Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The National Movement in Iraq 1939-1941*) (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second Wor... more »
COVID-19 and the Left: an Ignored Civil Rights Crisis; a Missed Opportunity
Reading op-eds these days about the grim progress of COVID-19 through the United States, I sometimes have the eerie feeling that I’ve traveled backward in time and landed in some sort of Cold War-like, hyper-conformist dystopia — but with one disquieting difference.
It Takes a Revolution to Make a Solution: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2020)
7 May 2020 — Tricontinental Kalia Venereo (Dominio Cuba), Nunca Más, 2020. Dear Friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. I admit upfront that this is a hard newsletter to read. It is about debt. There is a bloodless quality to the way that we talk about the debt of the poorer … Continue reading It Takes a Revolution to Make a Solution: The Nineteenth Newsletter (2020)
Joe Biden: Radical; he wants to deny students due process
What's Joe objecting to? He's objecting to the right of a student who is accused of sexual assault have the right to submit evidence in their defense, cross-examine those who testify against them, and challenge evidence at a live hearing. Essentially what the new rules put in place by Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos do is prevent colleges from assuming that a man is guilty if a woman says so. Prior to these rules there were cases where men were thrown out of college and their reputations trashed and they were given no chance to defend themselves. Joe says if he's Preside... more »
Some Researchers Hypothesize That A New Highly Contagious Strain Of The Coronavirus Is Spreading (Update)
*Washington Post:* *Researchers hypothesize that a highly contagious strain of the coronavirus is spreading, but other experts remain skeptical* A research paper from scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, not yet peer-reviewed, reports that one strain of the novel coronavirus has emerged in Europe and become dominant around the planet, leading the researchers to believe the virus has mutated to become more contagious. The bold hypothesis, however, was immediately met with skepticism by many infectious-disease experts, and there is no scientific consensus that any of th... more »
MJBizDaily webinar examines South American cannabis markets
The business opportunities in South America for cannabis companies are diverse, given that each country’s market is in a different state of development. To better under the market dynamics, Marijuana Business Daily’s international analyst, Alfredo Pascual, will lead an online conversation on May 12 examining business opportunities in the region’s most prominent markets: Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay. Pascual […] MJBizDaily webinar examines South American cannabis markets is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Does Nicotine Protect Us Against Coronavirus?
A recent paper that examined smoking rates among COVID-19 patients in a French hospital hypothesised smoking might make people less susceptible to COVID-19 infection.
Did Costco Post This Sarcastic Reply to a Customer on Facebook?
Costco's requiring customers to wear face masks in its stores during the coronavirus pandemic has raised hackles — and questions about one brazen Facebook comment.
Ahmaud Arbery’s Family Demands Arrests 2 Months After Son Shot Dead
Video of the Feb. 23 shooting of Ahmaud Arbery outside Brunswick, Ga. surfaced online and led to a swelling outcry.
Banksy makes superheroes of NHS staff with new artwork
Just In - 11 hours ago
It seems famed street artist Banksy is particularly inspired by the challenge the coronavirus pandemic has presented humanity as he gifts a new artwork honouring the live-saving efforts of medical professionals to a British hospital.
Suspect claims Oslo attack was 'emergency justice'
Just In - 11 hours ago
A Norwegian man suspected of killing his ethnic Chinese stepsister before storming an Oslo mosque and opening fire says on the first day of his trial that it was an act of "emergency justice" and that he regrets not having caused more damage.
States and territories urged to beef up threat to shame institutions which hold out from abuse scheme
The Federal Government will name and shame organisations which do not sign up to the National Redress Scheme for victims of child abuse, but a parliamentary committee wants it to go much further.
Postwar forced resettlement of Germans echoes through the decades
Anil Menon, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, University of Michigan at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
After World War II ended in Europe, millions of ethnic Germans faced an uncertain future. The political repercussions of their expulsion continue even today.
For Biden, naming Cabinet before election would be a big risk
Kyle C. Kopko, Associate Professor of Political Science, Elizabethtown College at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
Vice presidential picks don't have much direct effect on campaigns, but can give voters insight on a candidate's judgment and leadership ability. Early Cabinet selections are likely to be similar.
Tips for managing social isolation during coronavirus, from women on the autism spectrum
Sarah Ransdell, Professor, Nova Southeastern University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
Many people with autism spectrum disorder have dealt with social isolation their entire lives. Their coping strategies could help the rest of the world right now, as a professor with ASD explains.
How disorderly democracies can outperform efficient autocracies in tackling coronavirus
Charles Hankla, Associate Professor of Political Science, Georgia State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
While some authoritarian governments have won early praise, research shows that democratic countries with a balance of power between central and regional bodies are best able to succeed.
Rwanda's coffee harvest will go forward despite pandemic – at a safe distance
David L. Ortega, Associate Professor of Food and Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
Coronavirus-related restrictions are likely to slow but not stop the coffee business in Rwanda, which produces specialty beans sold worldwide.
Australia medical cannabis approvals steady as COVID-19 grips country
Approvals of medical cannabis prescriptions in Australia held steady as the country hunkered down for its battle with the COVID-19 pandemic, new data shows. The Therapeutic Goods Administration approved more than 7,300 Special Access Scheme Category B (SAS B) cumulative applications in March and April. That compares with approximately 6,700 total approvals for January and […] Australia medical cannabis approvals steady as COVID-19 grips country is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
"Surviving 2020 #3: Plans A, B and C"
*"Surviving 2020 #3: Plans A, B and C"* by Charles Hugh Smith "Readers ask for specific recommendations for successfully navigating the post-credit/speculative-bubble era and I try to do so while explaining the impossibility of the task. As the bogus prosperity economy built on exponential growth of debt implodes, we all seek ways to protect ourselves, our families and our worldly assets. There are any number of websites, subscription services and books which offer two basic "practical recommendations:" *1.* Buy gold (and/or silver) and don't worry about timing the market as every... more »
JW – Gov’t Wastes Millions on “Culturally Linguistically Diverse Outreach”
What many don’t realize is that in order to push through quickly some stimulus for the COVID-19 pandemic, McConnell had to fall back on a bill (H.R.748 – CARES Act) that had already been written in 2018, re-introduced in January 24, 2019, and passed in the House on July 17, 2019 by 419 to 6. The result of the jimmying of that bill was what became the CARES Act passed on March 25, 2020 by the Senate and signed into law two days later on March 27, 2020. So no one should be surprised to learn (as if we didn’t … Continue reading →
Pandemic and hunger threaten Africa
Social isolation measures affect food production on the world's poorest continent More The post Pandemic and hunger threaten Africa appeared first on The Duran.
Greece’s Renewed Relations with Syria Further Isolates Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
Is EU Signaling It Wants to Restore Relations with Syria? More The post Greece’s Renewed Relations with Syria Further Isolates Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean appeared first on The Duran.
From Juanita Broaddrick to Tara Reade: In Forty Years Has Nothing Changed at All?
*Juanita Broaddrick, right, with residents of her Arkansas retirement home and Bill Clinton in April 1978, the same month she alleges that Clinton assaulted her (source)* *by Thomas Neuburger* Hid among the grease and grime of the Tara Reade rape discussion — "Should we believe her? To what extent? Would Biden really *do* such a thing? But what if a public discussion leads to Trump's reelection?" — lies the shadow of another rape accusation. Undiscussed, rarely brought up, as carefully hid or moreso by the Democratic Party–supporting media as the Tara Reade story was, stands the ... more »
Trump HHS Sec Azar’s Former Company (Eli Lilly) Partners With Chinese Junshi To Co-Develop Coronavirus Treatment; Eli Lilly Is Based In VP Pence’s Home State
HHS Secretary Alex Azar was Chair of Trump’s Coronavirus task force until end February, during the most important period to … Continue reading →
COVID-19 & Human Health Risks Linked to Wildlife Trade Practices
Global Issues News Headlines - 12 hours ago
CAMBRIDGE, UK, May 07 (IPS) - At the time of writing, the COVID-19 pandemic is raging worldwide, causing human mortality and socio-economic disruption on a massive scale and it appears highly likely that profound impacts will continue for many years to come. Read the full story, “COVID-19 & Human Health Risks Linked to Wildlife Trade Practices”, on globalissues.org →
Time for the World Bank and IMF to Be the Solution, Not the Problem
Global Issues News Headlines - 12 hours ago
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti and BOSTON, May 07 (IPS) - Franciscka Lucien is Executive Director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti. Joel Curtain is the Director of Advocacy at Partners in Health.The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have a historic opportunity to help stabilize a world reeling from COVID-19. Doing so will require the institutions to change course and aggressively support poor countries' ability to invest broadly in the government services their populations need. Read the full story, “Time for the World Bank and IMF to Be the Solution, No... more »
World’s Poor Hit by Double Jeopardy: a Deadly Virus & a Devastating Debt Burden
Global Issues News Headlines - 12 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, May 07 (IPS) - The world's poorer nations, reeling under an unrelenting attack on their fragile economies by the COVID-19 pandemic, have suffered an equally deadly body blow: being buried under heavy debt burdens. Read the full story, “World’s Poor Hit by Double Jeopardy: a Deadly Virus & a Devastating Debt Burden”, on globalissues.org →
WATCH: Cop Leaves Man Grotesquely Disfigured After Traffic Stop for Not Having His Lights On
[image: stop]"This is what happens when you elude police, dude," said the officer who left a man with multiple broken bones and grossly disfigured over traffic stop.
Climate Crusaders Yet Carbon Creators
[image: climate-crusaders-yet-carbon-creators] Americans are constantly told that they have to change their lifestyles to mitigate climate change, but the leaders of the climate-change movement don’t plan to change theirs.
COVID-19 bringing devastating groupthink consequences
[image: undefined] The most damaging and lasting effects of COVID-19 on America won’t be so much ones of physical or medical as they will be mental. How so? Where Americans once thought for themselves, the government has taken control. Where Americans once decided on their own, bureaucrats have seized the reins. What’s worse is the government has successfully turned those who want to think for themselves into Public Enemy Number One. Don’t want shut down your business, live off the taxpayer-funded stimulus dime, stay in your home, safely out of social distancing violators’ way? Y... more »
America Is a Technocracy, Not a Democracy
[image: undefined] Perhaps never before in American history have the unelected technocrats played such an enormous role in shaping public policy in America. In recent weeks, members of Congress have been missing in action. Late last month, the House of Representatives passed the biggest spending bill in history while most members were absent. Member votes were not recorded and the legislation was passed with a voice vote, which required only a tiny handful of members. Weeks later, the Senate refuses to even meet, and may finally get around to debating some legislative matters in Ma... more »
Vote on disputed CETA trade agreement sparks controversy
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
07-May-2020 The impending vote has sparked anger from environmental organisations. Stop TTIP/CETA and Votum Klima for instance called the vote a political scandal.
Le Luxembourg donne son feu vert au CETA
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
07-May-2020 L'accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l'UE a été adopté grâce aux voix de la majorité gouvernementale malgré une manifestation de citoyens aux abords des bâtiments de la Chambre.
Africa must not let disputes with foreign investors undermine its Covid-19 response
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
07-May-2020 There is an imminent threat of claims arising from emergency measures, so countries should review how investor-state disputes are handled.
Bruxelles espère conclure rapidement un accord avec Pékin sur les investissements
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
07-May-2020 L'Union européenne espère parvenir au plus tard en septembre à un accord avec la Chine sur la protection des investissements étrangers, selon l'ambassadeur de l'UE à Pékin.
The EU must review the premises of its free-trade agreement with Mercosur
bilaterals.org - 12 hours ago
07-May-2020 Environmental safeguards within the agreement, which were already insufficient even before COVID-19, have now made the document outdated.
Dead Hand: Russia's Scary Plan to Counter Attack After a U.S. Nuclear First Strike
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2005%3Anewsml_RP6DRNARVNAA&share=true] A very mad version of MAD. The 1970s were some of the lowest years of Cold War for the United States. In that decade, the Vietnam War divided the American public who, dazed and confused from the long, grinding war cried for peace at any price. The Soviet Union was leading the nuclear arms race and appeared strong. But then the Reagan Administration entered office with a bold, if risky plan for winning the Cold War. In Regan’s America, the Un... more »
One Unusual Fighter: Meet the Royal Air Force's Boulton Paul Defiant
*Caleb Larson* *History, Europe* [image: By San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives - https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/15650318708/, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=41502532] How well did it fare? This two-man interceptor plane was designed to shoot the Luftwaffe out of the sky—with a turret in the fuselage. *RAF* This unusual fighter was designed as an interceptor aircraft for the Royal Air Force and drew upon lessons learned in the inter-war years. Aircraft designers were transitioning from single-engine biplane designs, to more aerod... more »
German High Court Ruling Hits Bank Bailouts—End the British Empire’s Entire City of London System
[image: Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), Karlsruhe, Germany (Photo: User:RoBi / German Wikipedia)] When Germany’s highest court ruled this week that the European Central Bank’s constant bailouts of the biggest banks in Europe were illegal, for transferring wealth from the people to those banks, it made just a step, but an important step, toward ending a British Empire policy which has ruined industrial economies for 50 years. This points to what EIR and LaRouchePAC have been organizing for—to end the City of London banks’ imperial financial control over the g... more »
ACCUSATION MEETS INCOMPETENCE: Professor Hirshman says she believes!
*THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020But could Reade "have problems?"* In her column in Sunday's New York Times, Maureen Dowd was trying to figure whether it actually happened. Just for the record, there's no way that Dowd can possibly know that it actually happened. Also, there's no way Dowd can possibly know that it *didn't* happen. On balance, it maybe doesn't seem likely to Dowd that it actually happened. But then, she added a pair of wrinkles to her discussion: DOWD (5/3/20): *I’ve covered Biden my entire political career,* and he is known for being sometimes warmly, sometimes inappropriat... more »
Water restrictions announced in Auckland amid worsening drought in North Island, New Zealand
The Watchers » Latest articles - 12 hours ago
The severe drought in North Island, New Zealand-- the worst in 50 years in some areas-- has prompted the Auckland Council's Emergency Committee to introduce mandatory water restrictions, which will be effective across the region beginning May 16, 2020. This...... Read more »
The wider, longer-term effects of the coronavirus pandemic
Aesop has an excellent article at his blog considering the wider ramifications of the current pandemic for our economy and our society. Here's an excerpt. *The Oil Industry* People ignore the fact that Russia and OPEC were getting into a throat-slitting contest before the pandemic became news outside China, but that shindig, coupled with .Gov ringing the alarm over Kung Flu, gave Wall Street the go-ahead to take the most massive fiscal **** on itself in recorded history. Last week, the price of oil was down to "If you'll take this crap off my hands, I'll pay YOU $19/bbl to unloa... more »
Neiman Marcus Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
The 112-year-old chain is the first department store to be toppled by the coronavirus pandemic.
Suspicions Raised Over COVID-19 Tests After a Fruit Reportedly Tests Positive for Virus
[image: tests]To check the reliability of COVID-19 tests, samples from a goat, a sheep, and a pawpaw fruit were submitted as human, and came back positive.
Veteran Cop Arrested for Trafficking Massive Amount of Weed and Cocaine
[image: cop]A veteran cop of 17 years was arrested this week after police raided a warehouse finding hundreds of marijuana plants, packaged marijuana, cocaine, cash and guns.
Survival Is Love - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*What we were taught are* *Self-destructive behaviours* *Survival is Love* *© 2020 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: This poem was inspired and written while watching a documentary film, entitled, Reconnect. I wrote and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 7th of May, 2020.* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*
Victoria – Coldest in 60 years forecast
Of course the media calls it a ‘cold snap.’ A complex multi-centred low pressure system has converged on Australia, causing both record-breaking rain and in Victoria and the coldest in 60 years. April 30 was set to be the coldest day, with parts of northern South Australia, northwest NSW and southwest Queensland forecast to record ... Read more Victoria – Coldest in 60 years forecast The post Victoria – Coldest in 60 years forecast appeared first on Ice Age Now.
"Economic Market Snapshot 5/7/20"
*5/7/20* ○ *"The more I see of the moneyed classes, * *the more I understand the guillotine."* - George Bernard Shaw ○ *"Congress Sets Up Taxpayers to Eat $454 * *Billion of Wall Street’s Losses. Where Is the Outrage?"* ○ ○ Gregory Mannarino, *AM* *5/7/2020: * *"**UPDATES: Stocks, Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, Crude, MORE! **"* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ *MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates* - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary *CNN Market Data:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ *CNN Fear And Greed Index:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ ○ *A comprehensive,... more »
The Hegemon Won’t Leave
While the global economy plunges into a recession, actively aided by the coronavirus pandemic, the US is already hatching plans not just for its own recovery, but also the removal of geopolitical rivals like Russia and China. The expectation is probably that many countries will have been weakened by the current crisis. Opponents will be unable to adequately resist, and partners and neutral parties will be forced to take the position dictated to them by Washington. Therefore, to catch everyone off guard, appropriate action strategies must be prepared. Revenge is being planned on se... more »
Trump Rehearses The Invasion Of Venezuela
Make no mistake about it: what happened in Macuto is not an isolated incident, but rather the result of a meticulously conceived plan whose final outcome, in the feverish hallucination of those who conceived it, is the kidnapping and assassination of President Nicolas Maduro and the realization of the longed-for and elusive “regime change”. In fact, the day after the first incident in Macuto, a new mercenary collective was intercepted and subdued by the popular militias in Chuao, in the coastal region of the State of Aragua. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the Trum... more »
Indigenous Leadership Points The Way Out Of The COVID Crisis
The United States is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected more than 1.2 million people and claimed over 70,000 lives. President Donald Trump has failed the American public, bungling the response while forsaking and targeting vulnerable communities. Meanwhile, the hopes for a progressive insurgency have faded with Sen. Bernie Sanders’s withdrawal from the race for the Democratic nomination for president. Indigenous people have been here before. White supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy and settler colonialism have systematically erased Indigenous communities, cu... more »
Two Year Study On Universal Basic Income Shows Success
A two-year basic income experiment was carried out in Finland in 2017-2018. The evaluation study is now available. The register data on employment now cover both years of the experiment and a more thorough analysis has been made of the results of the survey. In addition, the interview-based survey of basic income recipients complements the overall picture. In accordance with the preliminary plan for the evaluation, the employment effects of the basic income experiment were measured for the period from November 2017 to October 2018. The employment rate for basic income recipients i... more »
Advocates Push For More Prison Releases Amid Outbreak
Albany - Advocacy groups are urging the state to release more inmates from prisons in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19 in correctional facilities. Supplies of personal hygiene products such as soap, hand sanitizer and face masks are in short supply, advocates said. Prison reform advocates met Tuesday in a Zoom teleconference call to campaign for changes in the correctional system in response to the outbreak. “COVID-19 is ravaging communities across the state, across the country, and across the globe, and causing devastation like many of us have never seen before. This is ... more »
Rethinking Prisons And Public Safety During A Pandemic
Of all the places one would not want to be during a pandemic, prison presumably ranks above nearly every other. The unsanitary conditions of prisons, jails, and other places of forced confinement create what amounts to a petri dish ripe for viral transmission. Correctional facilities are epicenters for COVID-19 because people who are incarcerated endure unavoidable close contact in often overcrowded, poorly ventilated, and unhygienic facilities, coupled with limited access to health care services. These conditions make compliance with essential viral mitigation measures — social d... more »
Wrong On Weed – Blacks And Marijuana Myths
When New Jersey State Senator Ronald Rice roadblocked legislation to legalize adult use of marijuana in the ‘Garden State’ last year he cited a litany of long debunked theories and specious assertions like legalization will inundate minority communities with “marijuana bodegas.” The stance of Rice, an African American, helped stall efforts by New Jersey’s Governor and civil rights organizations to end racial inequities related to marijuana laws, like pot possession arrest rates for blacks being much higher than arrests for whites despite similar usage rates among the races. Endin... more »
Some Communities Are Forced To Fight School Closures And Privatization During The Pandemic
Since mid-March, public school students in Minnesota have had to stay home because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, according to the state’s governor, Tim Walz, schools will remain closed until the end of this school year, with no guarantee that they will reopen in the fall for anything other than online teaching and learning. This hasn’t stopped the Minneapolis Public Schools from attempting to push forward with a dramatic restructuring plan, known as the Comprehensive District Design. Under this plan, nearly all of the city’s 34,000 public school students and teachers would be re... more »
UN Official Warns Of 'Global Coronavirus Boomerang'
*USA Today: **'No one’s safe until everybody’s safe:' UN official warns of global 'boomerang' of coronavirus* As major European countries cheered a drop in coronavirus death rates this week, a top United Nations official warned of a looming crisis in poor countries that could "boomerang" back to rich nations – unless they help contain it. "No one’s safe until everybody’s safe," said Mark Lowcock, the UN under secretary-general for humanitarian affairs. He said many low-income countries could see coronavirus infections peak in the next three to six months, and they will need an i... more »
Unanimous Supreme Court Throws Out ‘Bridgegate’ Convictions
Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni, two aides for former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, had been convicted of fraud and conspiracy for causing traffic issues to punish the mayor of Fort Lee, NJ.
Kraftwerk Co-Founder Florian Schneider-Esleben Dies Aged 73
“EVERY modern musician owes something to this man's vision,” the Cure's Lol Tolhurst tweeted Wednesday.
AP: Trump Admin Shelves CDC Guide to Reopening Country
The guide was supposed to be published on May 1, but agency scientists were told the guidance “would never see the light of day,” according to a CDC official.
33 Million Have Sought US Unemployment Aid Since Virus Hit
The number who have applied for jobless aid during the crisis so far are the equivalent of one in five Americans who had been employed in February 2020.
Not Aliens: Bizarre New Theory of What Caused the Tunguska Event (15 Megatons of TNT)
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Space, * "The energy of the blast is estimated to have been equivalent to the explosive force of as much as 15 megatons of TNT. To put it into perspective, that’s about a thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II." The Tunguska event is often described as the biggest impact event in recorded human history. In the early morning hours of June 30, 1908, something caused a colossal explosion and a shining ball of light in the sky above Siberia, destroying 80 million trees over an area of 800 square miles. The ener... more »
Study: Coronavirus Crisis Could Have Started as Early as October 6, 2019
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Health, * “Phylogenetic estimates support that the COVID-2 pandemic started sometime around Oct. 6, 2019 to Dec. 11, 2019, which corresponds to the time of the host jump into humans,” the research team, co-led by Francois Balloux, wrote in a study published in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolution. A new genetic study out of England suggests that the novel coronavirus spread rapidly around the globe late last year. Scientists at University College London’s Genetics Institute examined samples from more than 7,500 people infected with COVID-19. The study... more »
Arc: Sonos Will Soon Sell a Dolby Atmos Soundbar
*Stephen Silver* *Soundbar, * The Arc will arrive June 10 at a listed price of $799, and is available in matte black and matte white. The existence of the product had been leaked earlier in the week Sonos may be one of the most respected names in wireless home entertainment, but until this week, it had never released a product with Dolby Atmos support. On Wednesday, the company announced the arrival of the Sonos Arc, a "premium smart soundbar" that indeed supports Atmos. The Arc will arrive June 10 at a listed price of $799, and is available in matte black and matte white. The e... more »
The JH-XX Stealth Bomber Is China's Worst Kept Military Secret
*Peter Suciu* *Technology, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2015%3Anewsml_GM1EB120ABV02&share=true] But we actually don’t know much about it. Why build one stealth bomber when two would be better? That is likely the thinking behind China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s current strategy. It has released a bit of information on its Xian H-20 stealth bomber, which seems to be similar to the U.S. Air Force’s B-2 Spirit in form and function—and resembles the iconic “flying wing” that one almost expects with stealth aircraft. This has in... more »
Oklahoma House of Representatives Votes to Nullify Oklahoma Supreme Court
[image: oklahoma-house-of-representatives-votes-to-nullify-oklahoma-supreme-court] In a defiant pushback, the Oklahoma House of Representatives has told the state's Supreme Court that the Legislature makes the laws.
Texas AG, Governor Call for Release of Salon Owner Who Defied Executive Order and Reopened Store
[image: texas-ag-governor-call-for-release-of-salon-owner-who-defied-executive-order-and-reopened-store] Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton have rushed to the defense of Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther, who was jailed for reopening her business in defiance of stay-at-home orders.
Small Business Owners Pushing Back Against Shutdown Orders
[image: small-business-owners-pushing-back-against-shutdown-orders] Small business owners, many being pushed to the wall financially, are ignoring demands, orders, edicts, commands or mandates from state officials to stay closed and are reopening anyway.
The tech firms getting their hands on NHS patient data to fight coronavirus
An investigation by the Bureau has found that technology companies are getting access to data that has previously been tightly controlled to help build apps to slow the disease
Bank of England Projects The UK Economy Is Heading For Its Worst Crash In 300 Years
*SKY News: **Coronavirus: Bank of England warns of biggest annual slump in GDP since 1706* The Bank's first work on the possible impact sees little scarring despite the largest annual decline in GDP for 300 years looming. A Bank of England scenario sees UK GDP falling 14% this year, its worst annual slump for more than 300 years, and the jobless rate hitting 8% as the coronavirus crisis ravages the economy. The Bank released its first work on the potential impact of the lockdown measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 as its monetary policy committee left interest rates unchange... more »
The alliance between the hard, secular left and political Islam.”
I've been keeping half an eye on the ups and downs of the Jewish Chronicle. The FT reported the situation while it was still unresolved - I can’t give you the date of publication because won’t let me back into the website now - but here’s the excerpt I managed to grab, explaining the way things stood back then: “The Kessler Foundation, a charitable trust that has owned the Jewish Chronicle since 1984, submitted an offer to the proposed liquidators Begbies Traynor this week, which would have seen them acquire the assets of both publications and run them as a merged publication. But... more »
Microsoft launches a new platform for building autonomous robots
‘Zoom fatigue’ is taxing the brain. Here’s why that happens.
Chandra data tests ‘theory of everything’ in universe.
#Coronavirus researcher Bing Liu killed in murder-suicide near Pittsburgh
Pregnancy outcomes, Newborn complications and Maternal-Fetal Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in women with COVID-19: A systematic review of 441 cases
The Winning Photos From The GDT Nature #Photographer Of The Year 2020 Have Been Announced And They’re Beautiful
Sustainable salt water battery won’t corrode and can power many homes.
#Meteor shower tonight: How to see Halley’s #Comet #meteor shower peaks today.
3 ways to improve your mental game for ultimate career success
#COVID-19 : Why hasn’t God prevented this #pandemic?
Iraq Has A New Prime Minister And Government
*The Guardian/Reuters:* *Iraq appoints new prime minister after months of protests and jockeying* *Intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi is regarded as being acceptable to both US and Iran.* Iraqi lawmakers have approved a new prime minister and government after six months without one as parties squabbled until the last minute over cabinet seats in backroom deals. The new prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Iraq’s intelligence chief and a former journalist, will head the new government. He will begin his term without a full cabinet, however, after several ministerial candidates... more »
Nationalism, Ideology And The Formation Of The Nation-States Among The Yugoslavs
There are many talks about nationalism among the peoples from the former Yugoslavia during the last three decades what is quite understandable taking into consideration the post-Cold War conflicts and atrocities, as a continuation of WWII crimes based on certain political ideologies,[i] committed on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia. Historia est […]
A zoom discussion with Michael Roberts on the prospects for the world economy post-lockdown
This is a very topical discussion and one with which the Bank of England has engaged in. It projects a 14% fall in GDP this year (the most in 300 years) followed by a 15% jump next year. This means a net rise in GDP of 1% over two years. This bounce back could have been justified had the world economy been in good health, instead of suffering a severe underlying condition, chronically low profitability. In the face of a profit crisis, Brexit and a fracturing global economy, that projection of bounce back is the most optimistic since capital first deprived labourers of their instrume... more »
Exclusive: OPCW chief made false claims to denigrate Douma whistleblower, documents reveal
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has made false and misleading statements about two veteran inspectors who challenged a cover-up of their investigation in Syria, leaked documents show. The inspectors probed an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma in April 2018, and later objected when their evidence was suppressed.
Flash floods damage or destroy thousands of homes in northern Afghanistan
The Watchers » Latest articles - 13 hours ago
Heavy rains caused severe flash flooding in the provinces of Baghlan and Samangan, northern Afghanistan, leaving thousands of partially or totally damaged houses and at least 4 injured people, National Disaster Management Authority head Sibghatullah Sayad confirmed...... Read more »
Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 127 – 2020
Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North
“[I]t took a long time for the scientific community to realize that he was simply making things up”
In a world increasingly haunted by fake news, email scams and trolls on the internet deliberately emotionalizing debate and making unfounded attacks, trust is perhaps more endangered than ever. That sounds like the breathless text of a movie trailer, but it’s how the editors of Ethnologia Europaea announce the retractions of seven more papers by … Continue reading “[I]t took a long time for the scientific community to realize that he was simply making things up”
Why do Democrat governors hate Catholic nuns?
A bevy of Democrat governors have taken the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns who spend their lives helping the poor, to court to force them to go against their firmly held religious beliefs. Irrespective of what you think about the Sister's beliefs what those Democrat governors are doing is no different than if they were going to court to force a Muslim butcher to sell pork. The nuns firmly believe, as every Christian did before 1930, that artificial contraception is sinful. All the nuns are asking for is the right to not have to cooperate in providing contracep... more »
The Puzzling Questions of the Coronavirus: A Doctor Addresses 6 Questions That Are Stumping Physicians
A partial list of coronavirus "known unknowns".
Green Globalists Exploit Coronavirus to Advance “Climate” Agenda
[image: green-globalists-exploit-coronavirus-to-advance-climate-agenda] Get ready for the “new normal.” Deep State globalists and environmentalists, along with their legions of followers, are literally celebrating the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to completely remake the world to suit their wishes. From Hollywood celebrities and United Nations bigwigs to government leaders and Big Business, elites around the globe are coming out of the closet and revealing their true agenda. In short, it means less freedom and less prosperity for you — and a lot more power for them. Think ... more »
The NZ ambition to replace internal-combustion engines with electric cars
— by Dr Michael Kelly, University of Cambridge, UK. May, 2020. Next time you stand for 90 seconds filling your … Continue Reading →
All hail the queen bees
News 1. Search continues for missing boy Searchers in Truro are still looking for a three-year-old boy who went missing Wednesday afternoon. Dylan, who is described as having brown hair, rosy cheeks and a green left eye and blue right eye, was visiting his grandmother when he disappeared. CBC reports that Dylan’s grandfather, Norman Brown, […]
Coverings and bonnets and a new desk
If one of my nieces had asked me, "Who has Grandma's prayer covering," I could have honestly told her, "I don't know, ask your mother." No more. I found it along with many pair of scissors, at least 10 old eye wear, a hand held calculator with no batteries, a 2017 pocket calendar, Museum of Art membership card for 2018, phone # for appliance repair, bags and envelopes of cancelled stamps for donation to an organization that uses them, math compass, rulers 12" and 6", User's guide for my CD clock radio 1999, perhaps 20-30 half used small notebooks, old photos that didn't make the c... more »
MSO 24 Will Be Held In London This Summer
As things stand! The first Mind Sports Olympiad was held in London from August 18 to 24, 1997 at the Royal Festival Hall. In 2002, it moved out of the capital for several years before moving back in 2008. In 2014, it found what appears to be its permanent home, JW3 in North London. MSO […] More The post MSO 24 Will Be Held In London This Summer appeared first on The Duran.
Jesse Ventura joins Green Party: Will he run for prez?
Caleb Maupin is a widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East and in Latin America. He was involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement from its early planning stages, and has been involved many struggles for social justice. He is an outspoken advocate of international friendship and cooperation, as well 21st Century Socialism. Caleb interviews Owen Charles, Green Party member from Connecticut about current events in the party and the chance that former Minnesota Independent Gov. Jesse Ventura might run for ... more »
The Liberal and His Favorite Apocalypse
The modern liberal recognizes himself in his favorite apocalypse. With the advanced society in which he lives, he identifies just the material dimension of his existence; his spiritual dimension, or his soul, he discovers in the idea of an apocalyptic event, one that will swallow his society as a whole, ripping apart the entirety of his material existence and that of everyone else, leaving behind only their souls. Thus an apocalypse is a spiritual need for the liberal; if ideas like Global Warming, Climate Change, Ice Age, Ozone Layer Depletion, Acid Rain, and Virus Pandemic did no... more »
The so-called Lion does not sleep at night
In an article posted yesterday called “Donald Trump just broke the most basic rule of politics” by Chris Cillizza of CNN, it notes the president has increased the visibility of The Lincoln Project. The Lincoln Project is a group of … Continue reading →
Coronavirus update: Japan follows US in authorising remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients
Just In - 14 hours ago
Japan reaches the decision to approve the antiviral medication previously used to treat Ebola patients just three days after the drugmaker filed for approval.
*Not so green energy: Hundreds of non-recyclable fiberglass wind turbine blades are pictured piling up in landfill* Incredible photos have revealed the final resting place of massive wind turbine blades that cannot be recycled, and are instead heaped up in piles in landfills. The municipal landfill in Casper, Wyoming, is the repository of at least 870 discarded blades, and one of the few locations in the country that accepts the massive fiberglass objects. Built to withstand hurricane winds, the turbine blades cannot easily be crushed or recycled. About 8,000 of the blades are dec... more »
A Frank Acknowledgment of Reality?
For the Symposium on Gerald Leonard and Saul Cornell, The Partisan Republic: Democracy, Exclusion, and the Fall of the Founders' Constitution, 1780s-1830s (Cambridge University Press, 2019). Mark R. Killenbeck *The Partisan Republic* is eloquent and deeply reasoned. Gerald Leonard and Saul Cornell argue persuasively that “[t]hose who wrote and adopted the Constitution . . . took a dim view of democracy” and that any account of the Constitution in general and its original goals and understandings in particular must acknowledge that the individuals who wrote and ratified... more »
*Closing schools for covid-19 does lifelong harm and widens inequality* In the streets of Amsterdam children spend the “corona holiday” whizzing around on scooters; their peers in Madrid are mostly stuck at home with video games; those in Dakar look after younger siblings. The one place they are not is at school. Over three-quarters of the world’s roughly 1.5bn schoolchildren are barred from the classroom, according to UNESCO, a UN agency. In most of China and in South Korea they have not darkened school doors since January. In Portugal and California they will not return before Se... more »
The Writing On The Wall
Elizabeth May declared this week that "Oil is dead." She makes a pretty convincing argument: Years before the pandemic hit, major oil giants started leaving the oil sands. Many actually pointed to the fact that bitumen was the most carbon-intensive oil in their asset base. They talked about wanting to avoid being stuck with unburnable carbon; “stranded assets.” Royal Dutch Shell, Total SA, Statoil (now Equinor), Conoco Philips, Imperial Oil, Marathon Oil, Exxon Mobil and, even Koch Industries had pulled out. With the advent of the pandemic, there is no market for Canadian bitume... more »
Precious NRL on shaky legal ground over forced flu vaccination
National Rugby League has prevented Gold Coast forward Bryce Cartwright, from training and playing because he won’t take the dangerous flu vaccine. The standover thugs in the NRL administration say it is OK for some of its players to expose young children to grotesque tattoos, violent, tardy on-field behaviour and obscene after- hours incidents but […]
Bill Gates has killed thousands of Africans with vaccines as a part of WHO world depopulation program
Letter to the editor Gates vaccines maim and kill “………….In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global […]
Best Submarines Ever?
Reuters *Caleb Larson, National Interest*: *This Might Be One of the Best Submarines Ever (Not in the U.S. Navy)* These are some well-made boats. While the United Kingdom’s powerful Vanguard-class grabs a lot of attention, the smaller Astute-class is also nuclear powered—and the UK’s largest nuclear attack submarines. *Astute-class* The Astute-class is the Royal Navy’s most advanced nuclear-powered attack submarine and the successor of the previous Trafalgar-class. The first of the class, the Astute, was launched in 2007. Though the class is approximately 50 percent longer than... more »
Highly-detailed images reveal evidence of ancient rivers on Mars
The Watchers » Latest articles - 14 hours ago
A high-resolution satellite has captured detailed images of a rocky cliff on Mars, revealing the first evidence of ancient rivers that existed for more than 100 000 years on the surface of the planet, 3.7 billion years ago. The international team of scientists used...... Read more »
Navajos receive coronavirus funds after suing U.S., as cases and deaths increase
Navajo President Jonathan Nez honored Navajo Nation nurses with Nurses Appreciation Week, May 6 --10. Photo by Navajo President's Office. The Navajo Nation receives coronavirus funds after filing a federal lawsuit to halt the U.S. from its funding scam to Interior Secretary's former employers By Brenda Norrell Censored News WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. -- There were six more Navajo
Paramilitary invasions in Venezuela: Made in USA
*Invaders captured in Chuao.* by Nic de la Riva reprinted from Liberation News In the early morning of Sunday, May 3, the National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela along with the Special Actions Forces of the Venezuelan National Police repelled an armed invasion by speedboats off the coast of La Guaira, less than an hour from the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, recalling past U.S.-backed paramilitary invasions in Latin American states such as the Bay of Pigs in Cuba and the Contras in Nicaragua. As we go to press, the government has issued a maximum alert, with other terrorists ha... more »
Putin on American Exceptionalism and Russia's Relationship with the United States
While the world has been distracted by the COVID-19 saga, the ongoing geopolitical maneuvering between Russia and the United States continues but in a much less obvious mode. A recent television appearance with Vladimir Putin sheds additional light on the relationship between the United States and Russia. The televisions series 20 Questions with Vladimir Putin which is subtitled in English on the Tass website as well as on the Tass channel on YouTube gives us further insight into President Putin. This interview given in March 2020, looks at Russia's place in the world and its rela... more »
Pentagon Opposes FCC Decision to Let Company Share 5G GPS Spectrum
Reuters Washington Examiner: *Pentagon argues ‘hundreds of billions of dollars’ and national security at risk if FCC decision not overturned* Top Department of Defense officials appeared in person before the Senate Armed Services Committee Wednesday to call on the FCC to reverse its unanimous decision to allow the communications company Ligado to set up a 5G network that would disrupt GPS use by the military. “We don’t want the warfighter to have to call an 800 number to report interference,” said Gen. Jay Raymond, Commander of U.S. Space Command, describing what the FCC prescribe... more »
Up to 1,200 Russian private military contractors in Libya: report
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:30 P.M.) – On the side of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, between 800 and 1,200 employees of the Russian Wagner group, a private military company (PMC), are participating in the conflict in Libya This data was first confirmed by UN representatives in a report that has not yet been made public, AFP reports. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US and Iran reach rare consensus in Iraq
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:10 P.M.) – The U.S. and Iran have reached a rare consensus in Iraq after the announcement of the new ministers, including the Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi. On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo expressed his approval of the new Iraqi government, vowing to support them as they begin their service to […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russian military to unveil new Poseidon nuclear drone
The second submarine to serve as a basic carrier of Russia’s Poseidon nuclear-capable underwater drones will be floated out approximately in late June, a defense industry source told TASS on Thursday. “The Khabarovsk [Project 09852] will be floated out in late June at the earliest. There is no exact date so far,” the source said. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US strategic bomber flies near Chinese airspace as tensions increase
The U.S. military released a picture of an American military B-1B strategic bomber flying over the East China Sea on May 5 and refueling in the air on May 6. The U.S. Air Force claims that the B-1B bomber took off from Anderson Air Force Base in Guam as part of the bomber task force […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Are Doctors and Nurses “Jobs Americans Won’t Do”? A bipartisan group of Senators would have you believe so
From NumbersUSA: “Are doctors and nurses ‘Jobs Americans Won’t Do’? A bipartisan group of Senators would have you believe so … Continue reading →
Trump Contradicts Nurse about Coronavirus Protective Gear (PPE) on National Nurses Day
“Trump lies to and contradicts a nurse about coronavirus protective gear By XENI JARDIN / 1:42 PM WED MAY 6, … Continue reading →
Half Of European Deaths Were In Nursing Homes
Since the onset of the plandemic, I have been pointing out that the most important action was to isolate and protect people at risk – i.e. the elderly and sick. That was not done, and places like New York and … Continue reading →
Same Incompetent Academics – Different Story
Sixteen years ago this week, Sir David King said everyone would have to move to Antarctic to escape the heat of global warming. Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live – literally Now he says people need … Continue reading →
Eisenhower’s Farewell Speech
In his farewell speech, President Eisenhower warned about the rise of the Military Industrial Complex, and academics seizing control of public policy. I’m surprised his speech hasn’t been censored yet – like the Plandemic video, which explained how corrupt academics … Continue reading →
From Jenna Orkin Trump says alleged Venezuela plot 'nothing to do' with US govtNeo-Nazi Rinaldo Nazzaro running US militant group The Base from Russia Forbes - In A Post-Pandemic World, Renewable Energy Is The Only Way Forward Critics slam Gov. Cuomo’s plan to ‘reimagine’ NY schools with Bill Gates foundationMajority Of New Coronavirus Cases In New York Are From People Staying At Home—Not Traveling Or Working Spike mutation pipeline reveals the emergence of a more transmissible form of SARS-CoV-2 New coronavirus mutation mirrors changes of weakening 2003 SARS virus Pitt researcher who w... more »
American Police Officer Speaks Out Against Authoritarian COVID ‘Rule Enforcement’
*21WIRE* | One brave US officer takes to social media to speak out against the unlawful police actions and warns of a public uprising.
Plandemic Covid-1984: Dr Judy Mikovits, Military Study Linking Influenza Vaccine With Increased Coronavirus Risk
*I'm going to hattip both Abdullah and Rocknest for bringing this video to my attention.* *Thanks! * *Dr Mikovits refers to a military study done that demonstrated the flu vaccine makes the Coronavirus more virulent. This study was addressed April 26/20 here at the blog* - Influenza Vaccination & Respiratory Virus Interference. Specifically Coronavirus: Must read! * "Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. ** Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus a... more »
Don’t Let COVID-19 Eclipse Election Security Concerns
A poll worker wears a mask and an American flag hat at a Milwaukee polling station during Wisconsin's April 2020 elections. (Coburn Dukehart/Wisconsin Watch, https://flic.kr/p/2iNGf73; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has profoundly disrupted many aspects of American life, including a fundamental pillar of government: democratic elections. Many states have postponed their presidential primaries, and election officials across the country are already scrambling to ensure the presidential election in November can be... more »
Wanted - A Few Good Men
*People this is not your government, you have been deceived, its a communist takeover of the entire planet. Only America can stop this, we are the last country to still have our guns. Its not going to do a bit of good to take your weapons to a protest if your not going to use them. I know you don't want to fire on your fellow Americans but believe me the cops will fire on you, they will beat you, arrest you and kill you. * *Now is the time to rise up before its too late. All lawmakers must be arrested and held for court. If found guilty they must be executed. Its not going to take... more »
Report Says China's Military Cyber Groups Are Hijacking Diplomatic Communication Channels To Target Specific Computers In Certain Ministries
*Forbes: **Chinese Military Cyber Spies Just Caught Crossing A ‘Very Dangerous’ New Line* “This is the most extensive operation we have ever reported by a Chinese APT group,” the cyber researchers at Check Point told me, warning just how “targeted and sophisticated” this five-year campaign had been. Multiple overseas governments have been compromised by this threat group’s cyber weapons, and those government systems have been used to attack other countries. The military espionage group’s tactics, described by Check Point as “very dangerous,” involved hijacking diplomatic communica... more »
Somali Language Translation and History: A New Language Worth Translation
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
07-May-2020 Somali language translation is thriving among translation and localization providers as many people are currently using it. Around 36.6 million people are speaking Somali as of 2016. The Somali language is officially used in Somalia and Somaliland. Moreover, it is a national language in Djibouti and a working language in North Eastern Kenya as well as the Ethiopian Somali. The African language has two main dialects, the Somali mainstream use one, while people in the Shabelle or Juba (...)
Punishment without Prisons
One of the many horrible tragedies during the current pandemic has been the widespread outbreak of Covid-19 in prisons. Crowded with inmates and bereft of the medical resources necessary to care for the infected, American prisons have become death traps, and many of those incarcerated are now facing potential death sentences, even if they committed […] The post Punishment without Prisons appeared first on Econlib.
Give Up British Geopolitics, or Face World War III
Give Up British Geopolitics, or Face World War III Video of Give Up British Geopolitics, or Face World War III Have we really given up the geopolitical thinking that got us into WWI and WWII? True peace isn't just the absence of war, it's progress, progress for the entire species. Who are the players and what are the ideas holding us back? On the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII, a review of the last century answers some of these questions. Every weekday morning Harley will brief you on what you need to know to start your day. If you haven't already, sign up for Harley's weekly... more »
African-American Soldiers Helped Smash the Confederacy At This Bloody Battle
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Storming Fort Wagner. Lithograph, 1890. Kurz & Allison. Public Domain.] In so doing, they proved themselves worthy Union soldiers. The sun had already set, but the western sky was still bright from its fiery departure not long before. To the east, across the broad Atlantic Ocean, sea fog was forming, a cottony mass that would soon obscure the horizon. At the moment, though, the visibility was good enough for Federal warships to subject Fort Wagner to a naval bombardment of increasing intensity. It was the early evening of Jul... more »
Annoying or Real Threat? Here's What We Know About Iran's Navy
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC17712B95D0&share=true] They appear to be a rag-tag joke. Last month the U.S. Navy released videos of Iranian speedboats that had harassed U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf. USNI News reported that 11 of the fast-moving type of watercraft from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) swarmed a group of American vessels, which were in international waters. The nearly dozen Iranian vessels “repeatedly conducted dangerous and harassing approaches of the... more »
Meet the All-Female Shock Troopers Of Russia's 'Battalion Of Death'
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: Mareea Bothckareva, Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and women of the Battalion of Death, 1917. Rheta Louise Childe Dorr. Public Domain.] 'There will be strict discipline and guilt will be severely punished.' By spring 1917, Russia had borne the heaviest burden of World War I. Russian reports counted more than six million men killed, wounded, or interned as prisoners of war. This enormous toll had bled the reserve pool of young Russian peasants nearly dry. The Russian Imperial Treasury was effectively bankrupt. Tsar Nicholas was forced ... more »
Attack of the Gliderman: These Airborne Troops Defeated Nazis With Gliders
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: American glider troops of the 194th Glider Infantry Regiment after landing near Wesel. 24 March 1945. U.S. Army.] The American GIs at Crossroads X held up the 2nd Panzer Division for two days. For the cold and hungry GIs of Company B, 1/401st Glider Infantry Regiment, holding the western approach to Bastogne would push the men to the limits of their endurance. During several frigid days in December 1944, the young glider fighters of the 101st Airborne Division fought over a bleak intersection outside the Belgian town. The inter... more »
Meet the Type 16: Why Japan Is Buying More Of These Deadly Tanks
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1976485FA0&share=true] Tokyo is getting serious. The Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) has announced that it will purchase additional Type 16 Mobile Combat Systems (MCS) for use by its Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF). This 21st-century tank destroyer has been widely deployed across the Japanese islands in place of the more powerful—but far more expensive—Type 90 and Type 11 Main Battle Tanks (MBT). The vehicles are well suited for transportation by aircraft, which ... more »
U.S. and UK Warships Operate in Barents Sea for the First Time Since the Cold War
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2014%3Anewsml_GM1EA4E1I9701&share=true] Round II? Four U.S. Navy warships from the U.S. 6th Fleet (C6F), along with one vessel from the Royal Navy, entered the Barents Sea off Russia’s northwestern Arctic coast on Monday. The ships worked together to conduct maritime security operations, assert freedom of navigation, and demonstrate seamless integration among allies in the challenging environmental conditions above the Arctic Circle. The warships included three U.S. Navy Arleigh ... more »
Why the Royal Navy’s Next Submarine Will Be a Real Killer
*Caleb Larson* *Technology, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_D1BETQWASQAA&share=true] Trouble underneath the waves? Even though some Astute-class hulls are still being laid down, their replacement is being drawn up by the Royal Navy. Here’s why. *More Enemies, More Problems* In a recent press release, the First Sea Lord Admiral Tony Radakin stated that 2019 was a bumper year for the Royal Navy. He explained that 2019 saw “the highest Russian activity in the North Atlantic for over 30 years. Submarines are getting quieter, m... more »
When Patton Invaded Mexico: The Hunt for Pancho Villa
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: General Francisco] The audacious raid by Mexican guerrilla leader Pancho Villa led President Woodrow Wilson to send a punitive expedition into Mexico. Lieutenant John P. Lucas of the 13th U.S. Cavalry was sound asleep in a small adobe shack in Columbus, New Mexico, on the night of March 9, 1916, when he was abruptly awakened by the unmistakable sounds of men and horses passing outside his window. It was 4:30 am in the small desert town three miles from the Mexican border. Mexico was in the throes of a bloody revolution, and ... more »
Looks Don't Kill: Why the Covenanter Was the Worst British Tank of World War II
*Caleb Larson* *History, Europe* [image: By Official photographer - This is photograph KID 772 from the collections of the Imperial War Museums., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=722150] A terrible vehicle. Tanks should be fast, powerful, robust—everything the Covenanter tank was not. *A Rushed Design* In 1938 and 1939, it became increasingly apparent to both the British military and to the world that a major European war was imminent. As a stop-gap measure, the Covenanter tank was built in large numbers, despite the fact the design was not fully ... more »
Rommel Met His Match: Sir Claude Auchinleck
*Warfare History Network* *History, Africa* [image: WESTERN DESERT, EGYPT. 1942-08-05. MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR LESLIE MORSHEAD, GENERAL SIR CLAUDE AUCHINLECK, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL W.H.C. RAMSDEN.] The underrated British General won two major battles against supposedly unbeatable Marshal Erwin Rommel in North Africa. British Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery has gone down in history as the victor of El Alamein and the relentless nemesis of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Nazi Germany’s famed “Desert Fox.” But Monty’s feat was merely a repea... more »
Will the Human Race Go Extinct? Science Tells us Yes.
*Nick Longrich* *History, World* [image: Reuters] The short answer is yes. The fossil record shows everything goes extinct, eventually. Will our species go extinct? The short answer is yes. The fossil record shows everything goes extinct, eventually. Almost all species that ever lived, over 99.9%, are extinct. Some left descendants. Most – plesiosaurs, trilobites, *Brontosaurus* – didn’t. That’s also true of other human species. Neanderthals, Denisovans, *Homo erectus* all vanished, leaving just *Homo sapiens*. Humans are inevitably heading for extinction. The question isn’t *w... more »
Battle of Salvo: What Was Behind the U.S. Navy's Worst Defeat In History?
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* [image: A Japanese troop ship lies sunk by this stern on the beach near a cove. The ship was sunk by American forces during the great naval battle of November 13-14 off Savo Island. 1942. U.S. Marine Corps/Thayer Soule.] The Battle of Savo Island was a bloodbath. Historical controversy has famously surrounded Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner. In his responsibility as Director of Naval Intelligence, he was to inform Admiral Kimmel, Commander of the Pacific Fleet, of Japanese diplomatic threats alluding to military retribution for souring pol... more »
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates 5/7/20"
*"Covid-19 Pandemic **Updates 5/7/20" * *- Frequently **Updated**"* Please visit these sites often for the very latest Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic news and information. ○ *- https://www.zerohedge.com/* ○ - *https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/* ○ *Click image for larger size.* *5/7/20, 4:32:27 PM. **For updates click here:* *- https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html* ○ COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC
"Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S. Became Obsessed with Physical and Emotional Safety"
*"Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S.* * Became Obsessed with Physical and Emotional Safety"* by Sam Jacobs “In America we say if anyone gets hurt, we will ban it for everyone everywhere for all time. And before we know it, everything is banned.” - Professor Jonathan Haidt "It’s a common refrain: We have bubble-wrapped the world. Americans in particular are obsessed with “safety.” The simplest way to get any law passed in America, be it a zoning law or a sweeping reform of the intelligence community, is to invoke a simple sentence: “A kid might get hurt.” Almost no one is oppose... more »
Black Agenda Report 7 May 2020
7 May 2020– Origin: Black Agenda Report Whose Crisis?: When the People Lose, the Corporate Parties and the Rich Win Glen Ford, BAR Executive Editor The Democratic Party is a servant of corporate capital and cannot possibly be converted to a people’s party. The rise and demise of Bernie Sanders proves the point. Freedom Rider: … Continue reading Black Agenda Report 7 May 2020
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