10:39pm MT
Before The Selma March Massacre There Was B. Bumble & The Stingers And... Tchaikovosky
With apologies to Ken-- and in recognition of all the work he's done to
make sure everyone at *DWT* knows everything there is to know about *The
Nutcracker*-- I wanted to mention something not many people do remember
about the score to that 1892 ballet. First though, by way of a little
refresher, this is a performance by the Cologne New Philharmonic Orchestra
under the direction of Volker Hartung, filmed in Hamburg, February 1, 2009.
Officially Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite op.71a, it is better known in
America as the *March of the Toy Soldiers*. And there was a 1962 version,
... more »
For Ukraine This Has Been The Worst Year Since World War II
Euronews: *Ukraine turns its back on its ‘worst year since World War II’*
*My Comment:* It has been a year and a half since I last visited Ukraine
.... it feels like a decade. And I must confess .... when I was last there
.... the last thing that was on my mind was the possibility of unrest,
civil disorder, revolution, civil war, and economic collapse. Yup .... my
mind and focus was on places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc ....
but never on my backyard. I guess this is why the video below hits home ....
It Looks Like NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Is Going To Stay In Russia
Intriguing image from Citizenfour of Ed Snowden and his girlfriend making
food together in Moscow, via @NewYorker pic.twitter.com/vVu3lHvpDw
— Tom Parfitt (@parfitt_tom) October 11, 2014
RT: *Meet Edward Snowden’s new friend: Rick the dog*
*WNU Editor:* I openly speculated last year that Edward Snowden must be an
idiot to give up his Hawaiian home, well paying job, and a girlfriend who
was devoted to him .... for principle and getting stuck for the rest of his
life in Moscow. Hmmmm .... if the above picture is any indication .... I
was clearly wrong about the girlfriend. As to him... more »
Russian Foreign Minister: New U.S. Sanctions Will End Russian Cooperation On Iran And Syria

US Secretary of State John Kerry meets Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov. (Reuters)
IBTimes: *Russia warns West's increasing sanctions could end cooperation on
Syria, Iran*
*WNU Editor:* U.S. - Russian relations are in tatters .... and as a result
Russia has little if any interest to now help the U.S. on any issue. The
same can be said about the U.S. .... they also have zero interest in
helping Russia on any issue. As to the threat from Russian Foreign Minister
Lavrov that Russia will end cooperation with the U.S. on Iran and Syria
.... from where I am standing .... they hav... more »
Musical Interlude: Ocarina, "Song Of Ocarina"
Ocarina, "Song Of Ocarina"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EneCMurZRpY
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's going on in the center of this spiral galaxy? Named the Sombrero
Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane
and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters. Reasons for the
Sombrero's hat-like appearance include an unusually large and extended
central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk
that we see nearly edge-on.
*Click image for larger size.*
Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow of the extended central bulge.
Close inspection of the bulge in the above photograph shows many points of
light that are actua... more »
"It Come, Then, To This..."
"It comes, then, to this: that to be "viable", livable, or merely
practical, life must be lived as a game - and the "must" here expresses a
condition, not a commandment. It must be lived in the spirit of play rather
than work, and the conflicts which it involves must be carried on in the
realization that no species, or party to a game, can survive without its
natural antagonists, its beloved enemies, its indispensable opponents. For
to "love your enemies" is to love them *as *enemies; it is not necessarily
a clever device for winning them over to your side. The lion lies down with
... more »
Was The Peshawar School Attack A False Flag Black Op By The ISI, Blackwater, And The CIA?
For documentation, background info, and details of the Peshawar school
attack check out Aangirfan's post from December 18 called, *"Security
Services Did Peshawar School Massacre." *
There are many interesting things in that post that the media hasn't
reported on, like the fact that there was a first aid drill going on prior
to the attack. Also, the army and police arrived late to the scene of the
crime despite the building being a highly valued military school where
Pakistani officers send their children. Those two details immediately raise
suspicion about this attack.
The first... more »
Did The U.S. Offer A Prisoner Swap With Iran?

The armed forces identification card of Iranian-American Amir Mirza Hekmati
is seen in this undated still image taken from video in an undisclosed
location made available to Reuters TV on January 9, 2012. Credit:
Reuters/via Reuters TV
*Reuters*: U.S. calls for release of Americans in Iran, denies swap deal
*WNU Editor:* The U.S. is denying these reports .... but this White House
has a history of making deals with groups that they vowed they would not
make deals with .... especially when it came to hostages/prisoners.
*More News On Reports Of A U.S. Offer To Swap Prisoners With Ira... more »
The Magister's Apprentice : Clara Oswin/Oswald and the Secret War Inside Freemasonry

*Magician, Magickian, Mage, Magus or Magister...?*
*"You know what's even rarer in this world? Second chances - I don't even
know who to thank..."*
*The Reverand Mr Magister.*
*Magister, High Priest of Azæl the Fallen Angel,*
*Practioner of the Black Arts and Occult Science of the Dæmons of Dæmos*
*The Twelth Doctor - Who Dresses like a Magician.*
*Honking, Great, Unfinished Pyramid, situated right in the middle of
Central London...*
*...and situated in direct opposition to the 3 W Offices...*
*Aka, The Master's TARDIS, aka Cyber-Control.*
"On his return, Wren sub... more »
Venezuela Is On The Brink Of Default
Time: *Low Oil Prices Pushing Venezuela Towards Default*
*WNU Editor*: The lineups (see the above video) remind me of the old
Soviet Union .... all this wealth .... but everyone (with the exception of
those at the top in government) are poor.
*More News On Venezuela's Economic Crisis *
Venezuela Confirms Recession, Highest Inflation in Americas -- VOA
Venezuela's president blames opposition for deep recession -- AP
Maduro blames plunging oil prices on U.S. 'war' vs Russia, Venezuela --
Venezuela accuses US of starting oil war to 'destroy' Russia and Venezuela --
Al Jazeera... more »
E. J. Dionne Jr. urges that "all sides stop fighting and pool their energies to easing the marriage and family crisis that is engulfing working-class Americans"

*Says E.J.: "Kenworthy’s argument is that we can 'successfully embrace both
flexibility and security, both competition and social justice.' His wish
list is a straightforward set of progressive initiatives."*
*"We now seem to be living in the Age of High C, a period when every fight
is Armageddon, every foe is a monster, and every issue is either the key to
national survival or the doorway to ruin. . . ."When I look around, I see a
lot of liberals who live quite traditional family lives and even go
regularly to churches, synagogues and mosques. I see a lot of conservatives
who a... more »
7 Under-Reported Conflicts In 2014

A gun fight between loyalists of former president Francois Bozize and
ex-rebels who ousted him killed nearly 55 people in Central African
Republic. (Photo : Twitter)
*Washington Post:* *7 awful conflicts that were under-reported in 2014*
*WNU Editor:* Libya, Yemen, Assam, The Sudans, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Somalia/Kenya .... 7 conflicts that are always covered by this blog. I
would also add .... Central African Republic, Mali, Colombia, and Congo.
Chet Raymo, “Holy Ignorance”
*“Holy Ignorance” *
by Chet Raymo
“At a press conference in 2002, US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
famously explained foreign policy: “There are known knowns; there are
things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to
say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also
unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know." The same can be
said of science.
The textbooks are full of known knowns. We are quite confident affirming
the circulation of the blood, the distance to the Sun, the common descent
of animals and plants. I sit h... more »
Dec. 30+: Lord love a duck....
...the Irving press is still plunging.
On p. A1, the big story is a human interest, shed a happy tear story about
a South Korean family here in Moncton that is going to be allowed to stay
But that's not the real story at all. The real story is that they were
admitted to Canada in 2003, worked hard to set up a successful business,
then were told by Canada Immigration in 2011 to go back to South Korea. But
public pressure forced Canada Immigration to back off. This is not really a
story about a happy ending for the family. It's a story about the bizarre
behaviour of Immigration... more »
Libya Updates ( December 30 , 2014 ) -- Oil tanks still burn at Al Sidra as the conflicts rage on ..... EU threatens both sides with sanctions - as if ? News of the day from the war torn and troubled nation ....

*Caleb Weiss* @Weissenberg7 3h
3 hours ago
Ansar al Sharia #*Libya* operating a checkpoint in #*Benghazi*
Retweeted 38 times
*Zaid Benjamin* @zaidbenjamin Dec 29
#IS claims responsibility for the beheading of activist Abdelsalam
Al-Bargathi who was abducted in #*Benghazi* #*Libya*
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*LibyaAlHurra* @LibyaAlHurraTV · 6h6 hours ago
Tobruk Medical Center:18 wounded including 3 children,1 Bangladeshi
national,1 head injury,1 in ICU. The others have various injuries.#Libya
LibyaAlHurra retweeted
*Good M... more »
The Poet: Rolf Jacobsen, "When They Sleep"
"When They Sleep"
"All people are children when they sleep.
There's no war in them then.
They open their hands and breathe
in that quiet rhythm heaven has given them.
They pucker their lips like small children
and open their hands halfway,
soldiers and statesmen, servants and masters.
The stars stand guard
and a haze veils the sky,
a few hours when no one will do anybody harm.
If only we could speak to one another then
when our hearts are half-open flowers.
Words like golden bees
would drift in.
God, teach me the language of sleep."
- Rolf Jacobsen,
"The Roads Have Come to an End Now"
"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid"
"Life is A Journey- Don't Be Afraid"
Author Unknown
"Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys,
celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our
destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in
fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges. Some of
these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith.
Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the
paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we
must overcome these obstacles. S... more »
"No Bragging Point..."
“It shouldn’t be a bragging point that “Oh, I don’t get involved in
politics,” as if that makes you somehow cleaner. No, that makes you
derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would
have a much harder time of it if so many people didn’t insist on their
right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.”
– Bill Maher
Kahlil Gibran, “Children of Gods, Scions of Apes”
*“Children of Gods, Scions of Apes”*
by Kahlil Gibran
"All that you see was and is for your sake. The numerous books, uncanny
markings, and beautiful thoughts are the ghosts of souls who preceded you.
The speech they weave is a link between you and your human siblings. The
consequences that cause sorrow and rapture are the seeds that the past has
sown in the field of the soul, and by which the future shall profit.
My Soul gave me good counsel, teaching me to love what the people abhor and
to show good will toward the one they hate. It showed me that Love is a
property not of the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Horton, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”
Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ma5tF6TJpA
“I can't run no more
with that lawless crowd,
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
a thundercloud,
and they're going to hear from me...”
Good luck, and God help us all, in 2015...
"The American People Are Utterly Clueless About What Is Going To Happen As We Enter 2015"
*"The American People Are Utterly Clueless About*
* What Is Going To Happen As We Enter 2015"*
by Michael Snyder
"The American people are feeling really good right about now. For example, Gallup’s
economic confidence index has hit the highest level that we have seen since
the last recession. In addition, nearly half of all Americans believe that
2015 will be a better year than 2014 was, and only about 10 percent believe
that it will be a worse year. And a lot of people are generally feeling
quite good about the people that have been leading our nation. According to
Gallup, once agai... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 30, 2014
*Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 30, 2014*
As AirAsia debris found, Indonesia learns from Malaysia mistakes -- Jeffrey
Hutton, CSM
Who Will Get AsiaAir 8501’s Black Boxes? -- Clive Irving, Daily Beast
Iran Is Getting Away With Murder -- Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic
An opening in Afghanistan: Kabul’s deal with Pakistan -- Amir Taheri, New
York Post
FBI Fixated on North Korea for Sony Hack Despite New Evidence -- Shane
Harris, Daily Beast
China’s economic vulnerabilities -- Peter Drysdale, East Asia Forum
Ebola Leaves West African Economies Ailing Heading Into... more »
World News Briefs -- December 30, 2014 (Evening Edition)
UN Security Council* rejects Palestinian resolution*. UN rejects
Palestinian resolution* to end Israel's occupation*.
U.S.-led coalition air strikes *hit Islamic State in Syria, Iraq*.
Islamic State group *claims suicide attack in Iraq*. ISIS claims car bomb *targeting
Syria gas plant.*
Residents of eastern Syria create* popular resistance group to battle IS*.
US does not back *UN Palestinian statehood resolution*.
Iran says nuclear talks set for Jan 15, *vows to stand firm*.
U.S. names more *Iran targets for sanctions*. US Treasury *enforces Iranian
... more »
Taliban Claim Victory Over NATO, But They Were Never The Target

If it helps their morale to claim victory over NATO, then have at it. Shoot
your crappy guns in the air, repeat your AllahuAkbars and celebrate like
But the Taliban was never the real target of NATO operations in
Afghanistan, and neither was the invented al-Qaeda, so for the Taliban to
claim victory is pathetic. Waiting out a foreign army on your own soil is
nothing to brag about. That's what you're supposed to do, as Chris Rock
would say.
If the Taliban defeats the corrupt and deceitful army of Pakistan on
Pakistani soil, only then will they have the right to brag.
The U... more »
They Say The Wars Are Ending, But It Appears That They Will Still Go On
A U.S. soldier kneels at the memorial for Army Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Morris
and Spc. Wyatt Martin on Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, Dec. 23, 2014. The
soldier is assigned to the 3rd Cavalry Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Maj.
Vance Trenke
*US off war footing at year's end, but wars go on*
*WNU Editor:* I definitely do not see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Do Cosmic Rays Evolve Consciousness And Transform DNA?
*Elina St-Onge* - The effects of cosmic rays on our own genetics has led to
mutations within the body, within the mind, the brain, that has altered our
perception of reality…
The post Do Cosmic Rays Evolve Consciousness And Transform DNA? appeared
first on Waking Times.
Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Abu Al-Gheit: John McCain Is a Crazy Man
*Crazy Jihadis and crazy Senators like John McCain have teamed up in Syria
to make a crazy war.*
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The
round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You
can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only
thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push
the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we
see genius. Because the people who are crazy enou... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 8

*• Things to come: Forward into the past! (11 Presidential Dream Tickets)•
Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 9: Former republican VP nominee Paul
"Crazy Eyes" Ryan• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 10: Bryan Fischer of
the American Family Association*
*You Can't Make This Stuff Up Dept.:* *On FOX "News" for March 3,
"America's Mayor" makes known his preference for Vladimir Putin over
President Obama: "Putin makes a decision, and he executes it, quickly.
. . . That's what you call a leader." (See Presidential Dream Ticket #2.)*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by... more »
Russian Opposition Activist Aleksey Navalny Arrested At Moscow Rally
*Opposition activist Navalny detained at Moscow rally, defying house arrest*
*WNU Editor:* He just could not lie down and stay quiet. Kudos for what he
is trying to do .... unfortunately .... he is probably going to be back in
jail. A few thousand also showed up to voice support for him with a few
hundred being arrested. And while I do not expect Aleksey Navalny to be a
threat to President Putin .... making him a martyr by putting him in jail
will bring headaches to Putin in the future.
*Russian Opposition Activist Aleksey Navalny Arrested At Moscow Rally*
Putin critic Nava... more »
Newscasters Feed You with More Scripted Corporate News

*Video -* Another peak at scripted corporate news that feed the brains of
whoever's watching mainstream media.
The post Newscasters Feed You with More Scripted Corporate News appeared
first on Waking Times.
Top 10 Results of the NYPD's Work Slowdown

A study by the *New York Post* reveals that since this time last year,
arrests have been down for the New York City Police Department.
Specifically, "arrests are down 66% overall, drug arrests are down by 84%,
and summons and tickets for minor offenses are down by a mind-blowing 94%
since last year." Despite the slow down beginning last year before Mayor
Bill deBlasio was elected, His Honor has been blamed for the Police
Benevolent Association and police unions calling for what amounts to an
undeclared strike. But along with the lower arrest rates, what other
results have come... more »
Editor's Note
For the past six - seven years I have been using a certain format to post
stories on this blog. Picture or video, followed by a copy of a portion of
a news story, it's link, and then other links that add content to the
story. Unfortunately .... Google has now told me that because of copyright
laws changing in Europe .... this is no longer permitted (they call it ....
So there will now be a new format effective immediately .... and I can only
hope that the Google Overlords will be satisfied with this change. If not
.... well then .... I will then think ... more »
"The Rule..."
"Insanity in individuals is something rare-
but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Am I Wrong to Doubt the Government's Economic Figures?"
*"Am I Wrong to Doubt the Government's Economic Figures?"*
by Bill Bonner
"Has anyone seen my charger?" was probably the most common question heard
in the Bonner household this Christmas. Everyone has an electronic
communication device of some sort. Every device has a charger. And at any
given moment its owner can't find it. iPhones and chargers all look alike.
If you are in a house full of young people, and you are slightly retarded,
the one in your pocket probably belongs to someone else.
That leaves the poor owner disconnected from what he believes is the real
world – the world ... more »
Schedule note: Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 8 -- coming up at 6pm ET/3pm PT

*You Can't Make This Stuff Up Dept.:* *On FOX "News" (March 3), "America's
Mayor" rates Vladimir Putin over President Obama: "Putin makes a decision,
and he executes it, quickly. . . . That's what you call a leader."*
Sorry, minor technical difficulties here, but we'll be back with Part 8 of
Noah's "2014 in Review" at 6pm ET/3pm PT. -- *Ken*
(War On the Working Class?) Bilderbergians Love Austerity (For YOU) What It Means To Your Future (New Enemies Needed To Ward Off Boredom) Corruption in DOJ Prosecutions? (Say It Ain't So, Beau!)
Such conditions require a country to “fix the problem” that created its
fiscal crisis. But the main problem facing countries, according to bankers,
economists, technocrats and politicians, is that they spend far too much
money on social services that benefit their populations. Therefore, in
order for a country to be able to borrow, it must implement “correct”
policies designed to balance
"Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! (With Apologies To Jim Nabors)"
*"Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! *
*(With Apologies To Jim Nabors)"*
by Joseph W. Martin, Jr.
"The conservative voters who cast their ballots for Republicans on the
basis of their opposition to Presidential amnesty, Obamacare, out of
control spending and the like are at this point disappointed, dare I say
angry at the mainline Republicans aligning with Democrats to pass yet
another massive spending bill. If this were just a short term continuing
resolution too keep government functioning until the new congress is seated
the reaction might not have been so visceral, but this was a 7 m... more »
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Real XMas tree retailers be made responsible for used tree pickup and
disposal. Pass costs on to consumers, not municipalities."
Why is waste collection a municipal responsibility? Why do our property
taxes have to subsidize taking away our neighbour's garbage?
This question starts running through my head every time the waste
disposal issue hits the political and social radar.
Kodi, Kodi Kodi. Its Tora Tora Tora for cable companies. It works on any
platform including a $35 raspberry that turns any TV with an HDMI or USB
port into a dream portal of free streaming entertainment.
I am still learning about it. I was up and running in about 15 mins
watching an earlier video.
It is very difficult to use it without watching stuff that may or many not
be legal. I have not been able to stream NHL games so far.
I live in Canada where downloading is not a criminal offence, but leaves
you open to a maximum $5000 civil judgement penalty. In theory that would
me... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Serious Radiation Leak Reported At Ukraine's Main Nuclear Plant
*Radioactive Leak At Major Ukrainian Nuclear Plant – Report -- RT*
A radioactive leak has been detected at Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power
Plant, the largest in Europe, a media report says, citing the country’s
emergency services. The report claims that levels of radiation are 16.8
times the legally permitted norm.
LifeNews published a leaked report by the State Emergency Service of
Ukraine, which denies an earlier assessment by the plant’s authorities that
the radiation at the facility is equal to the natural background following
an incident on Sunday.
*Read more* .....
*Up... more »
Islamic State Posts 'Interview' With Captured Jordanian Fighter Pilot. Utilizes Social Media To Decide His Execution

*Photo: *The image of al-Kasasba IS posted online. TheJournal.ie
*Islamic State Releases Q&A 'Interview' With Captured Jordanian Fighter
Pilot -- Liz Fields, VICE News*
The Islamic State released what is allegedly a short question and
answer-style interview with the Jordanian pilot captured by the militants
last week after his plane was downed over the militant stronghold of Raqqa,
in northern Syria.
The purported interview was published in Dabiq, the English-language
version of the militants' online magazine. It quotes 1st. Lt. Muath
al-Kasaesbeh as stating that his coalition F-1... more »
Chile: No Connection Between UFOs and Chupacabras (2002)

*Chile: No Connection Between UFOs and Chupacabras(2002)*
*By Liliana Núñez Orellana*
For any reader interested in finding a connection between the slayings of
animals attributed to creatures known as “Chupacabras” and the UFO
phenomenon, the simplest procedure would consist in scanning the press for
both types of stories. If we compare them in volume, we shall see a
significant imbalance that would suggest, initially, a lack of connection
between both phenomena. Nonetheless, an analysis of the scant journalistic
manifestation serves to dispel this preconception even further. Let... more »
MJ-12 and 1985
While I know that many people are tired of the arguments about the
authenticity of MJ-12, and while I really don’t want to open up another
assault on my integrity based on my objections to MJ-12 documents, I have
discovered something about them that hasn’t been reported. It suggests,
once again, who might have had a hand in creating the documents, and it
reinforces the idea that these documents were created in the mid-1980s for
personal gain and not in 1952 for the President-elect.
I was searching for another file, when I noticed one that was out of place.
I opened it out of curios... more »
al-Shabab Intelligence Chief Killed In U.S. Drone Strike (Updated)
*US Strike In Somalia 'Killed al-Shabab Intelligence Chief' -- BBC*
A leader of the al-Shabab Islamist group was killed by a US air strike on
Monday, Somali officials say.
The intelligence chief, named as Abdishakur, was part of a unit responsible
for suicide attacks, security officials said.
US defence chiefs did not confirm whether the al-Shabab leader had died.
Washington has supported an African Union (AU) force which has driven the
fundamentalist group from strongholds across the country since 2011.
On Monday the US said it had targeted a "senior leader" of al-Shabab in the
... more »
Distruptive Technology

There has to be more behind the oil price collapse than meets the eye.
Something is coming, some truth will explain the fall. You do not give up
trillions of wealth like the Saudis are without a good reason. What is the
reason? I believe the invisible hand has been wearing Goldman Sachs for
close to eternity. So show me the money!!!
The Global Drug War: Ten Critical Developments in 2014
*Nick Alexandrov * - As criticism of the world's war on drugs grew louder,
legalization and prevention made some strides—even as violence, poverty and
other social ills afflicted countries from Mexico to Greece to Ukraine to
The post The Global Drug War: Ten Critical Developments in 2014 appeared
first on Waking Times.
Attempted Coup Put Down In The African Country Of Gambia
*Gambian Soldiers Attempt Coup While President Is Abroad -- The
*Three suspects killed by forces loyal to Yahya Jammeh following attack on
presidential palace in Banjul*
A group of disaffected soldiers launched a foiled coup bid in the Gambia on
Tuesday while the president was abroad, military and diplomatic sources
Forces loyal to President Yahya Jammeh, who has ruled the west African
country for 20 years, killed three suspects including the alleged
ringleader – an army deserter, a military officer said.
The officer, speaking from Bissau, said the deserter –... more »
Czech army physician returns NATO medals
*Translation by L.M., original here; RT story*
This is an example of gestures that are either weakly or strongly endorsed
by roughly 50% of Czechs. I partly agree with the spirit of the letter –
long-time TRF readers probably know where I would disagree, too.
Dr Marek Obrtel: open letter to the defense minister
Dear Mr Minister,
due to the reasons I elaborate upon on the attached 3-page letter which is
an attachment to this document, I urge you deprive me of the badges of
honor from the military operations of the Army of the Czech Republic
performed under the NATO umbrella.
I th... more »
AirAsia Flight 8501 News Updates -- December 30, 2014
*AirAsia Crash Victims Found: Six Bodies From Doomed Jet Are Recovered From
The Java Sea -- Daily Mail*
* Bodies of crash victims spotted floating in sea off coast of Borneo Island
* At least six bodies recovered from the water by Indonesian naval vessel
* Officials have now confirmed wreckage is from AirAsia flight 8501
* Navy spokesman earlier claimed 40 bodies were retrieved from Java Sea
* But this figure has now been corrected to six by search and rescue teams
Rescue workers searching for the doomed AirAsia flight 8501 have recovered
six bodies from the Java Sea, Indonesian se... more »
World News Briefs -- December 30, 2014
*At Least 40 Bodies Recovered in Search for Missing AirAsia Jet -- Voice of
Indonesian officials have recovered at least 40 bodies from the sea near
the wreckage of an AirAsia passenger jet that crashed during a storm Sunday.
Local television Tuesday showed rescue helicopters pulling bodies from the
Java Sea, about 160 kilometers off the coast of Borneo Island.
Families of some of the 162 people on board AirAsia Flight 8501 burst into
tears and hugged one another after seeing the images of the floating
bodies, which were not wearing life jackets, and wreckage.
*Read more... more »
FOR THE NEW YEAR: What do you want from your liberal news orgs?
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014Part 2—In place of “chronic outrage:”* What are
you hoping for in the new year? Yesterday, we noticed that Jonathan
Capehart was making a thoroughly modest request:
“All I want for the new year is the banishment of ‘post-racial’ anything
from all social and political discourse.”
So requested Capehart.
In truth, almost no one ever says that we live in a “post-racial” world.
For that reason, we thought Capehart’s dream for the new year was small.
Go ahead! Dream a larger dream! How would *you* like to see our society
Yesterday, the question ca... more »
Historical low point of jurisprudence
When a Supreme Court Justice of the beacon of liberty sites a fictional TV
Show (24) as a proof that torture should be legal. How does it feel, how
does it feel, to be on your own, with no direction home, like a rolling
*U.S. schools Don't Teach Kids to Read*
A high school English teacher at Rosemount High School in Minnesota, which
was called a "top-ranked school" by the Minnesota Department of Education,
given the Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award by the U.S. Department of
Education and named a top school in the nation for 2014 by Newsweek
Magazine, just wrote a shocking letter alerting parents and the public that
her high school juniors can't read. Her letter, published by the Minnesota
Star Tribune on Dec. 4, was eloquent, so I quote it verbatim.
"We are in the midst of one of the greate... more »
See Through Black Eyes-- Guest Post By Leonce Gaiter
We know that when Darren Wilson and many of his defenders see a black man,
they see someone who “looks like a demon,” and someone who has the
extra/sub-human ability to “bulk up to run through” bullets.
We know this image of black men from an entire history of racist
stereotypes. The image that Darren Wilson successfully invoked before the
Missouri grand jury was the same image of monstrous black bucks lusting for
white blood that propelled D.W. Griffith’s 1915 racist masterwork, *Birth
of a Nation*.
Throughout American history, most images of blacks have been created and
presen... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 30, 2014

*Photo:* Major General Michael Nagata conceded twice this year to a
Pentagon-assembled panel of experts that the Defense Department doesn't
understand ISIS and its recruiting appeal
*'We Do Not Understand The Movement': Top Special Forces General Confessed
The US Is Clueless About ISIS As FBI Agent Warns About Terror Army's Youth
Recruiting -- Daily Mail*
* Maj. Gen. Michael Nagata conceded in a pair of conference calls that the
Pentagon is nowhere near defeating the Muslim terror army
* 'I do not understand the intangible power of ISIL,' he said in October
* 'What makes I.S. so mag... more »
Russian Opposition Leader Aleksey Navalny Found Guilty Of Fraud, But Will Not Go To Jail
DETAILS: Aleksey Navalny given suspended sentenced, his brother Oleg 3.5yrs
in prison colony http://t.co/3hKkjdNLW8 pic.twitter.com/bmSnc21qca
— RT (@RT_com) December 30, 2014
*Top Opposition Figure Navalny guilty Of Embezzlement, Gets 3.5yrs
Suspended -- RT*
Russian opposition activist Aleksey Navalny has received a suspended 3.5
year sentence in an embezzlement case, a Moscow district court announced in
an early verdict.
Navalny was accused of embezzling over $500,000 from cosmetics company Yves
Roche. Those charges can merit a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
Aleksey N... more »
10 Habits of Highly Resilient People
*Brad Waters* - Resilient people do not let adversity define them. They
find resilience by moving towards a goal beyond themselves, transcending
pain and grief by perceiving bad times as a temporary state of affairs...
The post 10 Habits of Highly Resilient People appeared first on Waking Times
My Strangest Abduction Case with Brad Steiger
Curiously, I no longer find this report bizarre at all. It conforms
wonderfully with my rapidly expanding understanding of our natural physics
with only a small but probable additon to my knowledge base. Yet as little
as several months ago I set aside all abjuction cases as unexplanable at
the least. I had already reached the point that hallucination was failing
The key here is understanding the paramountcy of the spirit body itself and
that with assistance, this spirit body is extremely capable. It thus
appears from this report and a goodly number of conformin... more »
Stanford Researchers May have Found the Cure to Alzheimer’s Disease?

[image: A staff member at the Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin leads
seniors in a class called Ageless Grace. (CBC Photo)]
This is good news i can take as we have been so far without a hint. It also
looks to be the royal road to simple therapies and test protocols that
determine if someone is at risk.
We all suffer physical degeneration yet Alzheimer's appeared to have its
own independent sub class besides simple age. Thus causation appeared a
likely prospect. Now we may be looking in the right place. It also
reminds us that first expectations are dangerous in biology... more »
Alexei Navalny- He's back! Was he ever truly gone?- Destabilizing Russia
Alexei Navalny he's back in the news! Did you all forget his past
We will trip down memory lane in short order. First this, Navalny is a man
of many labels. At least in western mainstream media. But the best use of
brands & labels is to both identify and sell a product! *Navalny is a
product.* Being sold to the western mainstream audiences- Europe, Canada,
US etc.
In Russia, it's a different reality. Navalny is not really the ‘top
opposition leader'. I am doubtful he is even a contender. Nor is he an
"anti-corruption" blogger, that's just his role. In the war mongerin... more »
A Video To Warm Everyone's Hearts: How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?
Yes, this is the "holiday season" and during this time of gathering with
family and friends, we must all remember those less fortunate who
definitely suffer and have so little..... It is especially hard to see,
living here in central Canada, how many people are homeless and living in
the streets considering that Canada itself is supposed to be a very "rich"
I was sent the following video just a few days ago, and I knew that after
watching it, it should be seen by all of my readers... It is entitled: "How
Does A Homeless Man Spend $100" and it definitely touched my he... more »
Interstellar essentially Magnificent

If you have not seen the movie at least twice do not even look at the
picture!!! This blog is not a just a spoiler its a freezer full of dead
meat that has not had powered for a month.
I choose this picture because it captures the idea that we are explorers
mostly lost and most of the time up the creek. Yet we always seem to find a
This movie is meant to be a Gulliver's Travels Travelogue. Gulliver's
Travels was one of the most influential books ever written. It was a real
case of the pen being mightier than the sword.
Published seven years after Daniel Defoe's wildly succes... more »
2015 Politics Predictions
Seems like an opportune time to channel my inner Nostradamus. "Serious"
political commentators as a rule fight shy of making hard and fast
predictions because one's liable to get shown up, especially as the 2015
election will be a close-run affair with all kinds of political insurgents
set to skew the result this way that way. But I'm not serious or, at least,
I don't have a paid berth in a national daily to worry about. That makes me
free to report on the images coalescing in my scrying pool. This is what
peered back among the bubbles and steam.
*2015's going to be a very dirty el... more »
You are not the centre of the universe
You are not the centre of the universe.
One of those mindbending videos about space...
Obama's secret letter to Iran revealed!

US President Barack Obama has been sending secret letters to Iran's Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei. But the full text of these letters
has never before been revealed.
But now, in his latest stunning revelation, Edward Snowden has hacked into
White House computers and acquired a copy of Obama's most recent letter to
Tehran. In exchange for a fistful of US toilet paper dollars, which nobody
in Moscow seems to realize are not worth the paper they're printed on,
Snowden agreed to provide TruthJihad.com with exclusive access to the
letter. In the interest of world peace... more »
NNadir offers brilliant BraveNewClimate post on Climate change, energy poverty and ethics

NNadir is thew best of the pro-nuclear blogger. He and I have some areas of
disagreement, but there are far more things we agree on. I would like some
day to hear him read this essay, and interrupt him topfrom time to time to
comment on I tcoment on things I disagree with, and praise the many
passages I agree with and find admirable.
Current World Energy Demand, Ethical World Energy Demand, Depleted Uranium
and the Centuries to Come
Guest Post by NNadir (who blogs occassionally at Daily Kos, profile here).
This is a long but really interesting post. If you'd rather a PDF version, ... more »
Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq

Asaib Ahl al-Haq (AAH) has gone through a dramatic transformation since its
founding in 2006. Originally, its leader Qais Khazali started the group
because he differed with Moqtada al-Sadr about how to fight the Americans.
AAH then became one of many militias supported by the Iranians. That
alliance led Khazali to send his men to Syria to defend the Assad
government in 2012. At the same time, Khazali moved towards politics and an
alliance with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. That proved eventful, because
when the insurgency re-emerged in 2013, the premier called on AAH to help
de... more »
The Global Warming Fraud: 2014 - Year Of Futility In The Fight Against Climate Change
**NTS Note: I have come down with a touch of a head cold... I am stubborn
though, and will continue to put up articles here while laid up...*
It seems that the scam artists behind the Global Warming fraud are still
persistent in their lies... I have been reading some of the Jew spew MSM
reports over the last while that claim (falsely) that the year 2014 has
been the "warmest year on record (!)" and I do not know whether to laugh or
to cry... So many people are still being suckered in by these false reports
and many are going to be too stupid and gullible to do anything when in
this ... more »
Mysterious Link Between the Great Pyramids and Orion’s Belt

*Video -* Many believe that there is a deeper astrological significance of
the Great Pyramids at Giza.
The post Mysterious Link Between the Great Pyramids and Orion’s Belt
appeared first on Waking Times.
Russia And Ukraine Are Facing The Same Challenges
*Analysts: Ukraine's Challenges Are Also Russia's -- Daniel Schearf, Voice
of America*
KYIV - Ukraine's pro-European revolution succeeded this year in replacing
its Russia-backed president with leaders favoring European integration. But
the Kremlin's annexation of Crimea, and support for pro-Russia rebels in
east Ukraine, has many worried the country will remain unstable or
conditions will deteriorate into all-out war. Political analysts say the
Kremlin's actions are a threat to both countries.
Ukraine's leaders marked the one-year anniversary of Ukraine's Euromaidan
revolution n... more »
Who Took Ukraine's Gold?

*Ukraine Central Bank Conned Into Swapping Its Gold For Lead Bricks -- Zero
Just when one thought the story of Ukraine and its (now non-existant) gold
could not get any more surreal, it did.
As a reminder, it was about a month ago when we learned courtesy of an
interview on Ukraine TV with the country's central bank head Valeriya
Gontareva, that Ukraine's gold was virtually all gone, when she made the
stunning admission that "in the vaults of the central bank there is almost
no gold left. There is a small amount of gold bullion left, but it's just
1% of reserves."
That in ... more »
Ukraine's Intelligence Agencies Have Been Completely Compromised By Russian Agents

Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn Nalyvaichenko gives a
press conference in Kiev on March 11, 2014. SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP/Getty Images
*Ukraine's Top Intelligence Agency Deeply Infiltrated By Russian Spies --
KIEV, Ukraine – On a morning earlier this year, Ukraine’s top intelligence
officials woke up to discover that the country's spy agency had been
ransacked and torched by intruders who seemed to know what they were
looking for.
The previous night, it turned out, the country’s pro-Russian president,
Viktor Yanukovych, had ordered his operatives to steal a ... more »
On The Frontlines With The Ukraine Army (Photo Gallery)

The troops hide heavy equipment and hardware from view to prevent targeting
by separatist artillery. Photos by Louis Dowse.
*In Photos: On A Wintry Frontline With The Army In Ukraine's Fractured East
-- Louis Dowse, Vice News*
A sprawling, heavily fortified line runs along the banks of the Seversky
Donets River, splitting a territory that has changed hands between
Ukrainian forces and the separatists of the Luhansk People's Republic
multiple times throughout the last six months of fighting. This frontline
in east Ukraine, nine miles (16km) from Luhansk city, has become a land
entr... more »
TAX is Never a Level Playing Field in a Global Economy

All businesses large and small cry for a level playing field, a fair
taxation system under which apples can compete with apples and where all
contribute the community in which they earn their living. Unfortunately
Utopia doesn’t exist and as trading communities spread, global trade
increases and an individual consumer can buy direct from anywhere in the
world with any business anywhere in the world the issue of tax just gets
more complex.
The new digital and technology traders from outside the EU discovered what
could be best described as sink holes in corporation taxation and VAT ... more »

*Looking back*
*CO2 data shows nobody's dead from a little carbon dioxide *
*A lady with a CO2 meter has some interesting information*
What I’m about to say isn’t a spoof. It’s the result of research and
discussions with scientists working in the field. For all of you who need
the data, I’ll give them in summary, but you go look up the mountain of
references, do some research for yourself, even get a meter if you like.
You’ll believe the numbers below better if you discover them on your own.
And you won’t need to believe me when I say “I told you so.”
The following summariz... more »
NATO combat ends in Afganistian
The Pogues captured the war before it ever started. History repeats itself
but hubris never learns. Afganistian 2001 -2014 was a horrible loss for the
West. As the song documents the hurt will remain for generations.
The problem of Empire is one of control. Emperors demand it. Citizens
detest it more when imposed from aboard than when grown at home.
I would love to see real nation building. Did you know that Sub Saharan
Africa receives a quarter of a billion dollars ... more »
Education Faculty at University of Memphis Demand Answers from Rudd
It was earlier in this fall semester that education faculty at the
University of Memphis awoke to find that the new university president and
corporate foundation lackey, David Rudd, had a plan for a new teacher
non-preparation program that would be run by Relay School of Education, a
New York based scam to "prepare" young, unsuspecting college students for
teaching a couple of years inside the segregated charter hell schools that
are planned to replace education in urban America.
Relay's program is internship-based, with a liberal sprinkling of Doug
Lemov's version of Teaching for... more »
Study Finds that Mandated Chickenpox Vaccines Increase Outbreaks
*Sayer Ji* - If the chickenpox vaccine is effective, why is a population
whose vaccination rates have been steadily increasing year after year
seeing increasing rates of breakthrough infection?
The post Study Finds that Mandated Chickenpox Vaccines Increase Outbreaks
appeared first on Waking Times.
Ukrainian President Poroshenko: No Military Solution To Ukraine Conflict. Will Meet Russian, French, German Leaders

© Sputnik/ Alexei Nikolsky
*Ukraine's President To Meet Russian, French, German Leaders, Rules Out
Offensive -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Ukraine's President said on Monday he would meet the leaders of
Russia, France and Germany on Jan. 15 in an attempt to restore peace to
Kiev's eastern territories and acknowledged Kiev lacked the resources to
regain control by military means.
He said he had spoken with U.S. President Barack Obama about the
possibility of him joining talks on the territories where pro-Russian
separatists launched a rebellion in April.
"The most important thing is to ... more »
How accurate is Homelands Shot?

Homeland is one of the most remarkable shows currently in production. It
shows both sides of the security nightmare dramatised for sure, but how
true to life is the depiction? Well it has officially pissed off Pakistan.That's
a significant mark for accuracy.
Season four was the best. However the last episode was out of place. It
should have been Episode one of Season five.
A special shout out to Carrie. Claire Danes gives this whacked out chick
Sky High

Who can afford security, certianly not the poor or middle class. A strong
defence now belongs to the 1%.
2014 Alt-Media News “Truther” Honors Roll
*Jamie Lee* - Old media was declared officially dead in 2014 as many more
truth seekers surged to alternative news media sites, blogs and podcasts,
no longer trusting Big Media and their whorporate presstitutes...
The post 2014 Alt-Media News “Truther” Honors Roll appeared first on Waking
An Inconvenient Truth
I want to return to something I mentioned in my review of Thomas Piketty's *Capitalism
in the 21st Century*. I'd hoped people would have noticed it at the time:
Piketty talks about how the world wars and the Great Depression were the
real causes of greater social equality from 1940 to 1980. He talks about
real-estate destroyed, investments liquidated (or repudiated), empires
lost, whittled away by inflation, but there's not much talk about the
impact of trade unions and full employment policies and public social
spending. (Oh yes, and the "threat" of a socialist alternative in the ... more »
The Conventional Wisdom Is Failing
Our prime minister believes that "no taxes are good taxes." He simply
parrots what has been the conventional wisdom for the last forty-five
years. But, Alex and Jordan Himelfarb write, the conventional wisdom is
According to the government’s own figures, federal revenue as a share of
the overall economy is hitting lows not seen for 70 years. Cash-strapped
governments behave as we all do when money is tight, cutting corners and
focusing on getting through the day rather than investing in the futu... more »
Walking for Our Future
The Navajo Nation sits on one of the richest energy corridors in the United
States, and for close to a century, we have been on the frontline on
resource colonization to provide cheap energy and water to the cities in
the Southwest. Since the 1920's, our land and people have been sacrificed
for energy extraction for oil, gas, uranium, and coal, which is poisoning
our land, water, air, and people. Despite being at the forefront of energy
extraction, our people do not see its benefits; approximately 1/4 of our
people today live without electricity and running water on the Navajo
Nat... more »
Beware: Republicans Reprise That Old Black Magic To Deal With The Budget

The wealthy have never allowed the idea of democracy-- stuff like majority
rule-- stand in the way of their greed and power. There were times when
politicians have been brave enough to stand up to them-- but not since FDR,
at least not on a presidential level. It's part of what Elizabeth Warren
means when she says the system is rigged against us. And it's what Bernie
Sanders' campaign for president is all about. And it's what a true true
believers in Congress-- like Alan Grayson, Mark Pocan, Donna Edwards,
Barabara Lee, Raul Grijalva-- are always talking about. But one of the
prob... more »
How Facebook Is Being Used To Supply The Ukraine Army

Anna Sandalova
*Ukraine's Facebook Warriors -- David Patrikarakos, New York Times*
At an army checkpoint near the occupied city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine,
Lt. Col. Natalia Semeniuk approached a convoy of two minibuses that had
just arrived from Kiev. Slung over her shoulder was an AK-47 assault rifle.
Clumps of long, brown hair poked out from beneath the beanie she wore to
guard against the cold, which had dropped to about minus-20 degrees
Colonel Semeniuk was meeting with Anna Sandalova, a former public relations
executive and a founder of Help the Army of Ukraine... more »
Mexico: Texcoco Crop Circles "More Than Likely Caused by Wind"

INEXPLICATA Contributing Editor *Prof. Ana Luisa Cid* and her collaborator *Víctor
González* have shared a video with us about the "crop circles" that
appeared earlier this week in Texcoco on the outskirts of Mexico City.
"The owner of the property," writes Prof. Cid in an article (
*http://analuisacid.com.mx/?p=1185#more-1185*) "added that similar events
have occurred on other occasions and there is nothing mysterious about
them, since the rain and wind gusts of the previous evening caused the
stalks of barley to fall over, adopting undefined shapes. This was visually
corroborated... more »
Mirvish donates Robin Hood tickets to the Toronto Archery Club

Mirvish Productions has donated two tickets to "*The Heart of Robin Hood*"
to the *Toronto Archery Club* in an effort to help the archery club raise
money for new archery equipment.
The two tickets are 'plum' orchestra tickets together worth $210 and the
Toronto Archery Club is auctioning off the tickets in an effort to raise
money for new equipment. The funds will be used for buying beginner bows,
arrows, and finger gloves that beginners can use at club events.
The Toronto Archery Club is also accepting donations. Contact archery club
president Charles Moffat for details if you wi... more »
Russia - Ukraine Situation ( December 26 , 2014 ) -Critical items of the day touching upon both the political dynamics impacting Ukraine , as well matter impacting economies of both Ukraine and Russia.
Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago

Tweets and Links .....
Ukraine & Russia ....
*RT* @RT_com · 35m35 minutes ago
#Kherson explosion kills one man – reportedly the one carrying explosives
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*RT* @RT_com · 37m37 minutes ago
Southern #Ukraine blasts: One person was killed in an overnight blast in #
Odessa http://on.rt.com/fejs3y
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Kyiv Post* @KyivPost · 2h2 hours ago
Having made a pro-European choice, #Ukraine had hardest year in its
history. Russia's war, GDP contraction and more: htt... more »
The Future Is Local, The Future Is Not Monsanto

Countercurrents, RINF and Global Research 30/12/2014
The US as a nation consumes more than anyone else, virtually at the expense
of everyone else. The petrodollar system has ensured that imports into the
US have been cheap and readily available. Post 1945, Washington has been
able to take full advantage of the labour and the material resources of
poor countries.
Consider that ‘developing’ nations account for more than 80 percent of
world population but consume only about a third of the world’s energy. Also
bear in mind that US citizens constitute 5 percent of the world’s
populatio... more »
AirAsia QZ8501 - a replay of MH370 minus the first time blunders

[image: A member of the Indonesian military looks out a window during a
search-and-rescue operation for the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501 on
A member of the Indonesian military looks out a window during a
search-and-rescue operation for the missing AirAsia flight QZ8501 on
Monday. Photograph: Jeff Aries/Jeff Aries/Zuma Press/Corbis
Key events
- 19m agoIndonesian search chief says debris is likely to be from plane
- 2h agoItems resembling emergency slide, plane door spotted
- 8h agoUnited States navy to join search
- 10h agoInternational search effort set to expan... more »
Sony Hack Updates ( December 30 , 2014 ) - As new evidence points to the hack being an inside job , Government investigators still hold onto view North Korea was involved - even if that just involved hiring mercenaries ( still a big shift from prior view of FBI )

NK angle going away ?
CounterPunch and 3 others follow
*UNiSC* @ClintSharpe 7m
7 minutes ago
FBI agent confirmed: no longer looking at a North Korean angle for the
*Sony* *hack* but...an insider. http://gotnews.com/exclusive-brea
king-fbi-inquiry-moved-los-angeles-involves-hacker-group-lulsec/ … @FearDept
*PJ Malone* @Joyfully2 14m14 minutes ago
Cybersecurity Firm Identifies Six In *Sony* *Hack* — One A Former Company
Insider http://news.yahoo.com/cybersecurity-
… vi... more »
McDonald's Breaks Down The McNugget

[image: Are Chicken McNuggets Real Chicken]
The food industry absorbs a lot of disinformation on many of its products
which i find annoying because there is plenty of red flags out there
without every fool promoting pure nonsense. We really do not need the
help. What we have here is reassurance that chicken Mcnuggets are formed
strictly from white meat and using a coarse chop to maintain texture. It
really is a good product and that really is not the issue.
The issue i have is the poor living conditions experienced by factory
raised birds when it happens to be rather unnecessa... more »
Serpent Mound as Old as Aristotle
[image: Overlay of William Romain’s 1987 survey map of Serpent Mound onto a
recent LiDaR image. (William Romain)]
Another important date has fallen. As my readers perhaps understand,
Many of our so called dates are proving to be terribly wrong. Add in the
burgeoning reality of Atlantean Bronze Age Culture in the Mississippi
Valley from 2500 BC through 1159BC at least with signs of both earlier and
later influences and we have to conclude m0st of our dates are telling us
mostly how late the site was occupied.
This makes a lot of sense. A dense population will recycle everyth... more »
Top Slovak moderator, Czech Globe classmate, and climate hysteria
This blog has been extremely quiet during the (post-)Christmas week. There
have been many things to write about but even at those moments when I
wasn't otherwise engaged, I decided not to be saving the world all the
time. ;-) Whether you are a Christian or not, I hope that you have enjoyed
I won't be writing about tons of personal experiences in the recent days,
about Neil deGrasse Tyson's idiotic tweets about Christmas or his equally
idiotic populist tirades against string theory, papers and news reports
nonsensically claiming to "unify" the uncertainty principle with th... more »
Political Crisis In Greece Raises Economic Fears Throughout Europe
*Greece Faces Early Election After PM Loses Vote On President -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Greece heads to an early general election next month after
parliament rejected Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's nominee for president
on Monday, throwing the country into a new period of political turmoil just
as it emerges from economic crisis.
Greek 10-year bond yields surged to a 15-month high and stocks tumbled
after former European Commissioner Stavros Dimas fell short of the 180
votes needed to become president in the decisive third round of voting,
triggering the dissolution of parliament.... more »
U.S. Army's Surveillance Blimp Now Operational Above Maryland

The 'JLENS' blimp, built by Raytheon, which can spot objects 340 miles away
using highly sensitive radio systems. The US Army has begun testing the
craft over Maryland, sparking privacy fears.
*US Army's Controversial 'All Seeing' Surveillance Blimps Lift Off Above
Maryland - And Can Spot* *Objects As Small As A Person 340 MILES Away --
Daily Mail*
* Blimps can offer '360 degree 24/7 surveillance for 30 days at a time'
* owerful radar allows them to spot objects 340 miles away
* Privacy advocates worry they will be fitted with cameras to track
individual people's movements
The US ... more »
U.S. Launches Airstrikes Against al-Shabaab Extremist Leader In Somalia
US military airstrike conducted in Somalia today against senior al-Shabaab
leader. Still assessing results. No sign of civilian casualties.
— Rear Adm. John Kirby (@PentagonPresSec) December 29, 2014
*US Launches Airstrike On Somali Militant Leader – Pentagon -- RT*
The US military has conducted an airstrike targeting a senior al-Shabaab
leader in Somalia, according to Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby.
"The strike took place in the vicinity of Saakow, Somalia," the Defense
Department has announced.
The military is still assessing the results of the operation, but at this... more »
Many deadline writers, I hear, have days when an "Usher's penis"-like story seems like a godsend -- or at least like a "Hail Mary"-like game-puller-outer

*(1) Question the writer hopes you'll ask: Is this Usher's dick? (2)
Question the writer hopes you won't ask: Ya think I can get away with this?
(For independent study: Compare this photo with the version below.)*
*"My inner monologue was just lamenting the lack of anything particularly
newsworthy today, even a damn celebrity sex tape, when lo and behold,
Usher’s maybe-dick popped up on my laptop screen."*
*-- The Frisky's Amelia McDonell-Parry,in the post* "Discuss: Is This
Usher's Dick?"
*by Ken*
It's never happened to me, of course, but I've heard tell that it does
happen to w... more »
Dec. 30: A reality check
I was in my apartment building's laundry room yesterday. Time passes slowly
down there. So I wandered over to a stack of Maclean's magazines.
MacLean's was never a really good magazine; but it was, once, respectable
in a world of mediocre news magazines. But now, I was astonished by the
obvious propaganda and outright lying.
The cover story on the first one was about how evil Putin is, and how he
invaded Ukraine. Yes, I know the Irving press says the same things. But
there was a time when the Irving press was publicly denounced as dishonest
by real journalists across Canada. Today... more »
Stalemate In Syria's Civil War

TORN BY WAR The view from a mosque in Homs, Syria, that has served as a
rallying point for insurgents. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York
*As Syria’s Revolution Sputters, A Chaotic Stalemate -- Anne Barnard, New
York Times*
ANTAKYA, Turkey — It was a victory that President Bashar al-Assad’s
opponents had dreamed of: Insurgents seized a key army base in northern
Syria after more than a year of trying. But the mood in this Turkish border
town, flooded with Syrians who have fled both government bombings and
extremist insurgents, was more bitter than celebratory.
The ass... more »
Is The U.S. Military Spending Its Money On The Right Stuff?

The U.S. Air Force's "boneyard" of surplus warplanes at Davis-Monthan Air
Force Base, Arizona. US Air Force
*Keeping The Pentagon’s Challenges in Perspective -- Mark Thompson, Time*
Military stakeholders, including the press, are responsible for a pervasive
sense of fear
See the U.S. Military’s Last Days of Combat in AfghanistanU.S. Ends Its War
in Afghanistan'Bottom of the Sea': Hope Fades for Missing AirAsia Plane NBC
NewsSan Francisco Schools Transformed by the Power of Meditation NBC
NewsArctic Blast Bears Down on Plains, Central U.S. NBC News
Too often, that’s because parti... more »
Leslie Jacobs, Field Goals, and the Shotgun Wedding of Charters to Special Needs Students
On December 26, 2014, I posted a rather extensive, 4500-word confrontation
to what is shaping up to be a ten-year-anniversary of the New Orleans
Recovery School District (RSD) as a now-all-charter “success.” In June
2015, there is to be a conference that will be leveraged to promote
all-charter RSD as a national model. At this point, […]
Energy 32: More on Expensive and Unstable Renewables, Germany Experience

Another compilation of news reports and charts here, about the costly and
unreliable electricity from renewables despite all the subsidies.
(1) From Spiegel International, September 4, 2013.
*Altmaier and others are on a mission to help people save money on their
electricity bills, because they're about to receive some bad news. The
government predicts that the renewable energy surcharge added to every
consumer's electricity bill will increase from 5.3 cents today to between
6.2 and 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour -- a 20-percent price hike.*
*German consumers already pay the highest el... more »
Kyle Smith-- New York Post Resident Crackpot

The caricature on the lower left is Grimm, who the *Daily News* just
reported is announcing his resignation from Congress tomorrow or Wednesday
The *NY Post*'s right-wing film critic is an entertaining, witty writer--
but a crackpot lamed and blinkered by his own sick, twisted ideology. He
flies into rages when normal people point out that right-wing politics--
ultimately fascism-- can only be explained as pathology. Using the word
"crazy" to explain "rightists" drives him insane. Last summer, he vomited
it all up for his *Post* readers in a deranged screed attacking historian
Rick P... more »
Musical Interlude: Yanni, "Magical Concluding Musical Performance"
Yanni, "Magical Concluding Musical Performance"
Kahlil Gibran, “Maxims”
by Kahlil Gibran
“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection.
Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt
All that spirits desire, spirits attain.
An eye for an eye, and the whole world would be blind.
If the other person injures you, you may forget the injury;
but if you injure him you will always remember.
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does
not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children. I wash my
ha... more »
"Illusions and Seagulls"
"There is a family of us who have this yearning for a kind of excellence
that we can manifest every day of our lives, a family who wants to believe
we're not pawns, we're not victims on this planet, that knows we have the
power within us here and now to change the world we see around us!"
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect
and joy in
each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same
- Richard Bach, "Illusions: The Adventures of A Reluctant Messiah"
"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then wh... more »
Weed Oil with CBD Cures Epilepsy Seizures

*Video - *This video, taken from Discovery Channel's Weed Wars, shows the
effect that CBDs have shown to have on epilepsy.
The post Weed Oil with CBD Cures Epilepsy Seizures appeared first on Waking
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 7841 is probably known as the Smoke Nebula, found in the modern
constellation of Frustriaus, the frustrated astrophotographer. Only a few
light-nanoseconds from planet Earth, The Smoke Nebula is not an expanding
supernova remnant along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, though it does
look a lot like one. Instead it was created by flash photography of rising
* Click image for larger size.*
The apparently rich starfield is actually composed of water droplets
sprayed from a plant mister by an astrophotographer grown restless during a
recent stretch of cloudy weather in Swe... more »
Greece Special Report - Paul Mason covers Greece as No One Else in the UK Does !

*Paul Mason* @paulmasonnews · Dec 21
Greece for bond geeks - running the numbers on a #SYRIZA government: http://
Paul Mason retweeted
*Channel 4 News* @Channel4News · Dec 21
Greece's next government, whatever its political hue, will face a
devastating debt baggage - @paulmasonnews http://bit.ly/1HjGfGB
Paul Mason retweeted
*Piers Scholfield* @inglesi · 16h16 hours ago
Pro-Syriza Kontra newspaper: Alexis (Tsipras) is coming - end of Samaras.
(And blames the Troika for the shipwreck..)
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Paul Mason*... more »
Chet Raymo, “We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”
*“We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”*
by Chet Raymo
"The leaves are raked and bagged. The grass is mowed for the last time. The
geraniums smile weak goodbyes. Now, as if by some law of compensation, the
curtain opens on the sky. The great starless spaces of autumn fall like a
black velvet drape into the west. The show opens. The sky begins.
As the Sun sinks beneath the horizon, the Pleiades rise in the east,
heralding the arrival of the spectacular winter stars. Aldebaran, the red
eye of the Bull. Sirius, the Dog Star. Rigel and Betelgeuse in Orion.
Castor and Pollux, the T... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"
* "The Summer Day"*
by Mary Oliver
"Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Brawley, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"We Learn Nothing..."
"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."
- George Bernard Shaw
Why The U.S. - NATO Ceremony That Officially Ended The Afghan War Had To Be Held In Secret

*One Sentence That Shows How Badly America Failed In Afghanistan -- Max
Fisher, VOX*
The US-led war in Afghanistan officially ended this week, after 13 long,
hard, and costly years. The war's end is largely a technicality — US and
other troops will remain, and the Afghan army is continuing to fight a
losing war against the Taliban — but this is a still a symbolically rich
moment in the winding down of Western involvement.
Few things sum up the bitterness of America's 13-year-effort in Afghanistan
like the single sentence beneath this Al Jazeera headline, about NATO's
ceremony off... more »
Geopolitics: "Report: U.S. Stockpiling Weapons In Kuwait Preparing For ISIS Battle"
*"Report: U.S. Stockpiling Weapons In Kuwait Preparing For ISIS Battle"*
by Peoplespunditdaily
"The U.S. has been stockpiling mass quantities of weapons and gear in
Kuwait to prepare for a possible coordinated attack against the terrorist
group ISIS, according to U.S. News & World Report. The military gear is
being stored near a busy commercial port, which is now the place where
roughly 3,100 vehicles — mostly ambush-protected vehicles known as MRAPs —
are parked, in addition to electronic equipment and other supplies, the
magazine reported, citing defense officials.
Earlier this m... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 29, 2014

A U.S. soldier from the 3rd Cavalry Regiment waits for a CH-47 Chinook
helicopter after an advising mission at the Afghan National Army
headquarters for the 203rd Corps in the Paktia province of Afghanistan on
Dec. 21, 2014. Lucas Jackson—Reuters
*War In Afghanistan Officially Over. Does That Mean End Of Fighting For US?
-- Anna Mulrine, CSM*
Although combat operations ended Sunday, America will continue advisory and
counterterrorism missions in Afghanistan. The ongoing international
military campaign will have some 13,000 service members, most of them US
Washington — The... more »
World News Briefs -- December 29, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*With No Trace Of Missing AirAsia Jet, Search Area Growing -- CNN*
(CNN) -- Ships, planes and helicopters have scoured waters off Indonesia's
coast in search of AirAsia Flight QZ8501, but so far they haven't spotted
any sign of the missing commercial jet.
Now the search area teams are combing is set to be expanded.
Four additional areas will be searched on Tuesday, in addition to the seven
zones teams patrolled on Monday, officials said.
They've been scanning the water's surface for signs of the plane, which
went missing on Sunday with 162 people aboard. But a top Indonesian
offi... more »
NPR Propagandizes Against Putin for Regime-Change in Russia (Knock US Over With Déjà Vu)
NPR joins the militant elite at PBS? Gotta watch who keeps appointing those
unbiased media leaders. Or not. NPR Propagandizes Against Putin for
Regime-Change in Russia December 27, 2014 Eric Zuesse. On Friday, December
26th, National Public Radio aired two superbly done pieces of anti-Russia
propaganda, which could as well have been written by the U.S. CIA, or by
Voice of America, it
US, Japan, S. Korea Sign North Korean Intel Pact
*US, Japan, S. Korea Sign Pyongyang Intel Pact -- Voice of America*
The United States, South Korea and Japan have agreed to share classified
information concerning nuclear threats from Pyongyang.
According to the Pentagon, under the trilateral pact that went into effect
Monday, the U.S. Defense Department will be the hub for that intelligence.
The pact will effectively link bilateral information-sharing agreements
that already exist between the countries.
A spokesman for South Korea's Defense Ministry said the countries won't
have to divulge all of their related classified informa... more »
New York Times' Copycat Journalism: Tex Hall and Blood Oil
top article above by The New York Times, published today, has a very
similar title,
and similar facts, to the Censored News article in February.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The New York Times has finally covered Chairman Tex Hall and the
corruption in the oil and gas industry on the Mandan, Hidatsa and
Arikara Nation in North Dakota.
The New York Times article today has almost the
The Economy: "A Tale Of How It All Went Down"
*"A Tale Of How It All Went Down"*
by Jeffrey Lewis
“Memory is fiction. So is the future…But there is some truth in fiction.”
"When they woke Thursday morning, the banks had been closed on the east
coast for 2 hours. Electronic payment systems worked select areas only,
government services, food, and energy distribution. In 24 hours those
remaining systems were overwhelmed with volume and confusion. Forty-eight
hours later a Federal state of emergency had been issued. All broadcasts
were official. The media now fully blackened. Hospitals closed. Panic had
taken over. In the lead up:... more »
The Economy: "Ave, Ave, Ave Janet"
*"Ave, Ave, Ave Janet"*
by Bill Bonner
"And so it came to pass that investors saw a bright star in the East...
directly over the Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building, at the
corner of 20th Street and Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C. "What
comes after me goes before me," said Janet Yellen, so confusing investors
that they bid up the Dow over the 18,000 mark, a new milestone and a new
It is the season of miracles. Investors are convinced that Ms. Yellen can
perform a trick worthy of Christ Himself. It was He who multiplied the
loaves and the fishes... ma... more »
Al Jazeera Gives Up On Its Anti-Syria Propaganda Campaign, Assad's Army Is Dwindling Down, And Turkey's Erdogan Opens Door To Muslim Brotherhood Thugs
*Al Jazeera is giving up on terror, Erdogan is doubling down on an error,
and Assad is hanging on by a hair.*
*1. An excerpt from, "Is Al Jazeera changing its tune on Syria?" by Wissam
Kanaan, Al Akhbar, December 27, 2014:*
It is no secret that Al Jazeera is the media arm of Qatari foreign policy,
which has suffered a successive series of setbacks, particularly in Syria.
But some time ago, signs that changes had taken place in the editorial line
of Al Jazeera began to emerge, as evident in the terminology the Qatari
satellite channel started using.
*For example, Al Jazeera no long... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 7

*• And so it begins: The running of the buffoons• Crazyspeak of the Year
nominee No. 7:George Will has no idea what rape is• Crazyspeak of the Year
nominee No. 8: Rick Wiles calls for a coup*
*2016 GOP Buffoon No. 1 steps forward: He-e-ere's Booby!*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. And so it begins: The running of the buffoons*
The media will call it the Extended Republic... more »
April Bender: Higher Self Message - The Dweller within the Master's Temple

*Higher Self Message - The Dweller within the Master's Temple *
Sunday, December 28, 2014
By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)
Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of
Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant,
you are fully engulfed by its magnificent light. You allow yourself time to
simply stand and bathe in its brilliance.
After a few moments of stillness, you begin to acclimate - your
consciousness begins to slowly shift... more »
Anti-U.S. Sentiment Growing In Russia
*Russians Rage Against America -- Mikhail Klikushin, New York Observer*
Enduring Sanctions, Anger Turns to Hate: Racist Names for Obama and Putin
Disses Coca-Cola
If you talk to a Russian about the international political situation,
sooner or later you will be informed that there is a country in North
America that you’ve never heard of. Its name is ‘Pindosia,’ ‘Pindostan’ or,
more officially, ‘United States of Pindostan,’ and you will be told that
one part of it, called Alaska, used to belong to Russia. Part of the
word—‘stan’—stands for underdeveloped state, as in ‘ Pakistan,’
‘... more »
WHO: 8,000 Have Died From Ebola

Health workers carry the body of an Ebola victim for burial at a cemetery
in Freetown December 17, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Baz Ratner
*Ebola Case Numbers Top 20,000, Deaths Approach 8,000: WHO -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The number of people infected by Ebola in the three countries
worst affected by the outbreak has passed 20,000, with more than 7,842
deaths in the epidemic so far, the World Health Organization said on Monday.
Cumulative case numbers in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea stood at
20,081, the WHO said in a statement. More than a third are
laboratory-confirmed cases in Sierr... more »