10 pm MDT
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Things to Think AboutThey are worth believing in because they make the world a better place! Robert Duvall in “Second Hand Lions” – “Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, courage, and virtues mean everything. […] The post Things to Think About appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Cairns News19 hours ago
Proof of 5G connection to ‘Covid’Letter to the Editor In 1999 we had 3G cell phones and shortly after we had SARS-COV-1 In 2009 we had 4G cell phones and shortly after we had MERS. in 2019 we had 5G cell phones and 5GHz WiFi, then we had SARS-COV-2 Remember in 1919 after World War I, we had world wide […] read more
Global Issues News Headlines19 hours ago
The Urgency to Ban All WarsBRUSSELS, Jun 30 (IPS) - On Sunday 19 June, we gathered in Sezano, municipality of Verona (VR), at the Monastery of the Common Good to affirm the need and urgency to ban war, all wars, and build peace without yes or no buts. Read the full story, “The Urgency to Ban All Wars”, on globalissues.org → read more
CFACT19 hours ago
Biden’s inflationary climate policiesThe climate industrial complex is crippling America. The post Biden’s inflationary climate policies appeared first on CFACT. read more
Small Dead Animals19 hours ago
It’s Thursday On Turtle IslandWoke Britain: Michael Coren’s good buddy supports Extinction Rebellion. Apparently you can assign sex at birth. China virus news: Another pandemic. Biden’s America: Your morning satire. New Jan. 6 narrative collapses. Looks like Justin’s new military. Stop talking progressive. The fake J6 claim. Your morning meme. Pride Month: Twitter censors Jordan Peterson. Trudeau’s Canada: Dear… Continue reading → read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 219 hours ago
Canadian Prepper, "S$%T Is About To Get Real!!!"Canadian Prepper, 6/29/22: *"S$%T Is About To Get Real!!!"* "People are about to realize that the crisis we are in has no historical comparison." *Comments here:* - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
Latest News - ADVANCE19 hours ago
Albo vows to ease ‘world energy shortage’ while Aussies can’t afford to heat their homes*While pensioners can’t heat their homes and put food on the table as power prices skyrocket this winter, Albanese is in Europe trying to solve their own self-inflicted problems.* read more
21st Century Wire19 hours ago
John Kerry and the Great Climate Racket
*21WIRE* | It's all about portraying a crisis of catastrophic proportions, and demanding an 'urgent global response.' read more
21st Century Wire20 hours ago
Biden White House is Quietly Modeling For ‘$200 Oil Shock’
*21WIRE + Zero Hedge* | While Democrats carry on with the Jan 6th dog and pony show, the entire economy is imploding around them. read more
21st Century Wire20 hours ago
INTERVIEW: Greg Sharkey on the Lack of Rebels in the Music Industry
*TNT Radio* | Yesterday's heroes have become today's corporate and government marketeers. read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Man is man and woman is womanLetter to the Editor Some appear to have difficulty in defining a woman, why— It is very simple. A WOMAN: a member of the Homo sapiens species having two XX chromosomes, which allows development of a body capable of reproduction of the species. A MAN: a member of the Homo sapiens species having one X […] read more
Real Climate Science21 hours ago
June 29, 2022 – Greenland Surface Continues To Gain IceSurface Conditions: Polar Portal Temperatures at the North Pole have been below the 1958-2002 average every day for the past two months. Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut Earth is 0.1C above the 1979-2000 average. Climate Reanalyzer read more
Real Climate Science21 hours ago
May 19, 1780 – New England’s Black FridayOn May 19, 1780 the sky was black as night in New England due to massive wildfires in Canada. Forest Fires – Google Books The New England Dark Day, May 19, 1780 – New England Historical Society CSIRO PUBLISHING | … Continue reading → read more
The Duran21 hours ago
How Will The Democrats Get Rid Of Biden?
Joe Biden is a liability to the Democrats, even though they now have Draconian powers and are using them to the full. There is no way he can contest the 2024 election, and indeed if Donald Trump had done a tenth of the things Biden has done he would be in gaol. While like all […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Saudi Crown Prince’s Middle East tour highlightsSteven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi welcomed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) on June 20 on his first stop of his Middle East tour that comes ahead of a visit from US President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia next month. During the two-day visit to Egypt, companies from […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Baltic States cannot afford to deploy foreign troopsLithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis says NATO should make a decision on assigning its presence on the eastern borders of the Alliance. “We need to scale up the multi-domain Allied presence, in particular land troops, which should be boosted to the size of a brigade. We must also ensure we have interoperable combat-ready forces in […] read more
Dances With Bears20 hours ago
FIGHTING WORDS – WHAT THE POLES SAY WHEN THEY DARE DO NOTHINGBy John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The Poles have always had a serious problem with their neighbours. They have the Germans on their western flank, the Russians on their eastern flank, and inside their borders there used to be the Jews, but now there are the Ukrainians. In September 1939 there were about 3.3 million Polish […] read more
The Buffalo Chronicle21 hours ago
Hochul’s plan for the arts community includes a tax credit for new performance venuesGovernor Kathy Hochul is contemplating a ‘Performance Venue Tax Credit‘ that would fund a portion of the construction costs associated with ticketed performance venues like theaters, concert halls, comedy clubs, orchestras, operas, ballets, or another form of art (presumably regardless The post Hochul’s plan for the arts community includes a tax credit for new performance venues first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
How good was German artillery in World War II?What this elucidates is the sheer inadequacy of the German artillary train and this continued throughout the whole war. Understand that artillary was responsible for over seventy percent of casulties.. Retaining any aspect of the horse system was a grave error as well. Just fixing that after France in 41 while holding the allies at bay was completely within German capability then. Yet it is obvious Hitler never thought that way and it was easier to go with tradition even when no one spent a dime on cavalry. We can presume that the French and English were doing the same thing in... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
A God beyond logic
No one really gets it yet. GOD is Logic. The problem is that we have messed up our understanding of Logic itself by ignoring the natural sixth logic operator. We constructed it all using the five operators we all know and left out the sixth operator. That operator accomadates TIME and the idea of truth and falsehood across the pages of TIME. GOD is literally the consciousness of the Universe (our galaxy) our planet (Gaia) The Sun (Sol) or anywhere else for that matter and it reacts across TIME. It is not neutral. *A God beyond logic* *The history of natural theology s... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
How to breathe
When i was fourteen or so, one of the first books I ever bought was a simple paperback on Yoga. It introduced me to using my diphrame for breathing. Once I started, it became automatic and I do suggest that everyone contemplates the material here to practise it. Then let your body take over. There is a lot more here and advanced work likely takes a coach. Chase it. It all helps our health.. *How to breathe* *Whether your aim is improved health, mental calm or achieving transcendence, breathing techniques can help you get there* *by Martin Petrus* *Cold water swimmer in... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Teslas Are Safer and Here is Proof
This should be obvious of course, but it also takes time for the numbers to emerge. Understand about 5,000,000 Teslas are about to hit thge market over a twelve month span and then continue at that rate forever.. The fact is that car accidents will now essentially decline over a decade to almost Zero. Tesla batteries are now good enough to take over urban transit under an uber style protocol. With automatic driving, gasoline based cars and trucks can handle long haul travel. Driving has always been risky and has been handled with a high level of driver skills. Most of us have... read more
OrientalReview.org21 hours ago
Convenient Omissions: The Ukraine-EU Candidacy ShowInstances of sympathy are rarely excuses to throw out the rule book. In the case of the European Union, throwing out the rule book about admission has tended to be a feature of enlargement. Credentials of candidate states have been, when needed, boosted or cooked for the occasion. Others, whatever […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Pension Funds Will NOT Be Able To Pay You | It *JUST* Got Worse
source read more
Is the BBC biased?22 hours ago
Sack and smearThe BBC sacked Mark Killick, a senior journalist and reporter on *Panorama*, for raising concerns about Martin Bashir's interview with Princess Diana, and then smeared him. Now, 25 or so years later, they are paying compensation to him, doubtless out of the licence fee. What Mr Killick says bears quoting in full: The BBC's attempt to try and destroy my reputation rather than investigate my concerns shows just how desperate the BBC was to hide what had happened. It was an extraordinary attempt to cover up wrongdoing and the climate of fear it created may well have stopped other BBC ... read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Dark Clouds On The Horizon For Electric VehiclesBy Ronald Stein ~ There are a couple of dark clouds hanging over the optimistic growth of electric vehicles (EV’s) that may decimate the supply chain of lithium to make the EV batteries, and how to safely transport EV’s across wide oceans. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is expected to classify lithium carbonate, chloride, and […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Biden’s Solar Power Scam: How Phony Emergency Declaration Will Help ChinaBy Roger Severino and James Carafano ~ When it comes to energy policy, President Joe Biden has become a master of doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons. His policies on solar panel production and imports are prime examples. Everyone agrees that we ought to be good stewards of the planet. That’s why it’s critical […] read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Temporarily UnexpectedVia Ace of Spades; Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned Wednesday that there is “no guarantee” the central bank will be able to bring inflation to heel without sacrifices in the job market, while reiterating policymakers’ aim to achieve a soft landing in their effort to rein in surging prices. Speaking at the European Central… Continue reading → read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
FDA doesn’t name food behind outbreak, but Daily Harvest company president doesThe FDA is investigating an outbreak of “adverse events” related to a frozen food that has been recalled, but the investigation notice does not identify a specific product. As of June 29 there have been107 people who reported what the Food and Drug Administration is referring to as adverse events. Traceback, testing and on-site inspections... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
FDA continues investigations into several foodborne illness outbreaks
The Food and Drug Administration is continuing to investigate several food-related outbreaks of infections, with patient numbers slowly increasing. Sources of pathogens behind the outbreak infections have not been identified in five of nine outbreaks under investigation. One outbreak of infections from E. coli O157:H7 has been declared over with 10 patients identified. The investigation... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
UK reviews COVID and Brexit impact on food standardsA reduction in food business inspections and the delay in full import controls are two major issues identified by a recent report on food standards. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) report covers 2019 to 2021, a period when the United Kingdom was affected by leaving the European Union and the COVID-19... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Our Preferred PronounsA Dry Bones Cartoon ~ For Western Civilization the Preferred Pronouns Are: Thee and Thou! Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones . http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/ read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Petition asks FSIS to ease up on what can be labeled as beef stroganoffKevin’s Natural Foods, based in Stockton, CA, is looking for flexibility with the beef stroganoff standard. It has filed a petition with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), requesting an amendment for similar products that do not meet the existing beef stroganoff standard in the FSIS Food Standards and Labeling Policy Book. “Specifically, the... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
June 30, 2022: Reader TipsTonight we present a short video that likely isn’t on the Loch Ness Tourism Board’s Top 10 list. Your recent news tip sightings are mightily appreciated. Bonus: In case you missed it, the Daily Wire had an awesome special this past evening. Towards the end, Jordan Peterson appeared. The audience gave him a huge standing… Continue reading → read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Caribbean working on climate-related food risksThe Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is conducting a climate risks and food safety baseline assessment. The exercise will determine the resilience of food and water safety and health and agriculture-related sectors in response to the effects of climate change in the region. Objectives include identifying strengths, gaps, and opportunities in the surveillance and outbreak... Continue Reading read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
The Creed Of Slaves“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” ― William Pitt the Younger ————————————————————————————————— “there’s no choice, we have to bring down nitrogen emissions,” – Dutch Prime … Continue reading → read more
Is the BBC biased?23 hours ago
BongbongFerdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr has been sworn in as the president of the Philippines, taking over from Rodrigo Duterte. The three links in the BBC's main report about this suggest that the BBC isn't overly impressed: read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
This Interactive Map Details All Of China’s Military Bases And Installations Throughout The Indo-Pacific RegionFYI & FYA of everyone... pic.twitter.com/VreGPFODZV — UN (@UshaNirmala) June 26, 2022 *Taipei Times:* *University student prefers music study despite mapping China’s military bases* A university student has gained the spotlight for an interactive map he designed detailing all of China’s military bases and installations throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Soochow University music student Joseph Wen (溫約瑟), who calls himself an amateur military enthusiast, said he created the map to “help people better understand the cross-strait situation.” Wen originally posted the map online o... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
(Click on Image to Enlarge) Leaders at the NATO Summit. Madrid, June 29, 2022 read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
One More Reason Why High Gas Prices And Shortages Will Continue
*Hot Air:* *Oil industry agrees. Refineries likely not coming back online under current conditions* President Joe Biden and his allies have continued to badger the American oil and gas industry to produce more gasoline in an effort to bring down prices ahead of the midterm elections. At the same time, they have been hurling accusations of “corporate greed” at major industry players and attempting to claim that the high prices are all the fault of the producers. As we’ve discussed here repeatedly, however, those allegations and characterizations of the industry are demonstrably fa... read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Jun 30th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 527In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post Jun 30th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 527 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Thursday June 30th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday June 30th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
US Vice President Harris Says President Biden 'Intends' To Run For Re-Relection In 2024
A remark by Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday created new uncertainty over President Biden's reelection plans. (Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times) *L.A. Times:* Vice President Harris says Biden 'intends' to run for reelection in 2024 Vice President Kamala Harris created new uncertainty Wednesday about President Biden's intentions to run for reelection in 2024, pulling back from a definitive statement she had made earlier in the week. “The president intends to run and if he does, I will be his ticket mate. We will run together,” Harris told a Times reporter Wednesday a... read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana1 day ago
On India’s Disastrous Foreign Policy in the 1950sIn the 1950s, India’s foreign policy towards China was incredibly utopian—utopian because the Indian government was being led by fools who were convinced that communist regimes are kind and nonviolent, and that they would never invade other nations. What else can one conclude after reading the praise that the Indians who held powerful positions in the government of that period were bestowing on China’s Chairman Mao Zedong. K. M. Panikkar, India’s ambassador to China from 1948 to 1952, wrote a book called *In Two Chinas: Memoirs Of A Diplomat* (published in 1954). In 1952, he met Ma... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Mystery Crash On The Moon Baffles NASA Scientists
A mysterious rocket crashed into the moon on March 4, leaving behind a 'double crater,' NASA reported. NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University *Chron.com:* *'Mystery rocket' that crashed into the Moon baffles NASA scientists* *So far, no space exploring nations have claimed responsibility for the rocket.* NASA has discovered the crash site of a "mystery rocket body" that collided with the Moon's surface earlier this year. The impact left behind a widespread "double crater," meaning it wasn't the average rocket. However, since its crash landing, none of Earth's space-exploring... read more
Avedon's Sideshow1 day ago
The clerk has woken up from sleep, his eyes are droopy
This cottage in Knaresborough was photographed by Cliff Ounsley. Covid finally got us, as careful as we've been. He only goes out — masked and gloved — to shop, and I don't go out at all. Now, I mostly sleep. But I'm in no condition to write up how the Supreme Court is overturning The United States of America, so I'll just post what I had before I caught the plague and go back to sleep. * * * * * This is from mail so no link, but Robert Cruickshank on the French election: From what I can see here in the upper left of North America, I think on the one hand it's very good that th... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Tucker Carlson Walks Through a List of Political Dissidents the Biden Administration Has Targeted in the Last 18 MonthsIn his opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlined a political list of DOJ and FBI targets over the past 18 months. Some of these examples are probably forgotten; however, when you see the examples highlighted with a timeline it really does showcase how our system of government has been weaponized by a […] The post Tucker Carlson Walks Through a List of Political Dissidents the Biden Administration Has Targeted in the Last 18 Months appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Manhattan Contrarian1 day ago
And The Winner Is, Germany!* Just over six months ago, in December 2021, I asked the question that was on the tip of the tongue of everybody who follows the subject of the ongoing massive “green” transition to fossil-fuel-free energy. Actually, that’s a lie. The question I asked was not on the tip of the tongue of everybody who follows the subject, or even of most of the people who follow the subject, for reasons that to me are completely inexplicable. * The question was : “Which Country Or U.S. State Will Be The First To Hit The Green Energy Wall?” * The candidates that I nominated in that post as potentiall... read more
The Duran1 day ago
A “fearless” Gypsy in Ukraine learned to fear the nazis there.
Eric Zuesse “Sin miedo” means “without fear” in Spanish. A Twitter member @Youblacksoul had his account “suspended,” and in order to be able to continue it he therefore re-established it as https://twitter.com/intent/follow?original_referer=https://threadreaderapp.com/&ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^buttonembed|twterm^follow|twgr^Youblacksoul®ion=follow_link&screen_name=Youblacksoul but that too became “suspended” and Twitter’s explanation was “Twitter suspends accounts that violate the Twitter Rules.” While the account had existed, during […] read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Farm Bureau Estimates July 4th Food Basket Costs 17 Percent More in 2022The U.S. Farm Bureau posts their calculated cost of the July 4th holiday food basket each year. This year the Farm Bureau is estimating a cost of $69.68 for ten people, that is an increase of 17% from 2021. [DATA HERE] . I’m not sure we could feed ten people for less than $70, but […] The post Farm Bureau Estimates July 4th Food Basket Costs 17 Percent More in 2022 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Sparky cars without sparkAs is typical of all central planning schemes, a particular narrative is always pursued at the expense of a whole host of relevant details. Enough relevant details, in fact, to derail the whole scheme. We’ll need one public charging “port” for every 20 EVs on the road in the current initial phase of adoption, according… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Your Notebook of EvilI am a Human Resources professional. It says so on my card. My other card today, my get paid lunch card, it says Stationery Engineer. There is some guile involved here, what I have to do for my free lunch. There is no such thing as a Stationery Engineer. The word sounds the same, and… Continue reading → read more
Modern Tokyo Times1 day ago
Art of Japan and Natori Shunsen: Family tragedy and KabukiArt of Japan and Natori Shunsen: Family tragedy and Kabuki Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Japanese artist Natori Shunsen’s (1886-1960) final moments on this earth – and his wife… The post Art of Japan and Natori Shunsen: Family tragedy and Kabuki first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
This malware steals your passwords and is on sale for anyone who wants to use it
Criminals can purchase Racoon Stealer malware on the Dark Web for as little as $50. They can use it to steal data from your browser and crypto wallet. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Civics Fail, AOC Says it is Responsibility of Executive Branch and Legislative Branch “to put the supreme court in check”In exactly 22 seconds during a late-night television appearance, Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showcased her lack of understanding how the United States government works. Ms. AOC literally gets the construct of our government reversed. According to AOC it is “the responsibility of the president and congress to put the Supreme Court in check.” Exactly the […] The post Civics Fail, AOC Says it is Responsibility of Executive Branch and Legislative Branch “to put the supreme court in check” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Did Rockefeller Foundation Predict the Future?
Did Rockefeller Foundation Predict the Future? by Mercola, via https://www.theburningplatform.com/ Story at-a-glance We’re told looming food shortages are primarily the result of climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Yet in July 2020, The Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it, and was calling for a revamp of the food system as a whole to address it … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Digital Identity Or Digital Prison (Society) ? Trojan Horses / Totalitarian Panopticon / Smart CitySocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CxV-1×9 Vwax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Dr. David Martin has a deep medical science and investment resume. Dr Martin also runs a company (M·CAM International) that finances cutting edge innovation worldwide. He is also one of the key people seeking justice in lawsuits suing … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Debate Ensues After Mysterious Lights Appear Over San DiegoDebate Ensues After Mysterious Lights Appear Over San Diego by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Residents across San Diego on Monday night reported mysterious lights in the night sky. The unidentifiable lights were spotted south of downtown San Diego. A flood of Twitter users posted pictures and videos of “weird lights” above San Diego. The bizarre footage … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
The Ship Is Sinking Now: Experts Warn Food Shortages And Price Hikes Getting Worse And There Is No End In Sight – We Are Over The Edge And In a Free Fall To Worst Calamity In U.S. History
The Ship Is Sinking Now: Experts Warn Food Shortages And Price Hikes Getting Worse And There Is No End In Sight – We Are Over The Edge And In a Free Fall To Worst Calamity In U.S. History by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine We’ll begin here with a direct quote: “Suddenly, we’re not only short … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
CrossTalk | Russia & the Global SouthRT The West’s sanctions against Russia are distorting and damaging the global economy. Consumers all over the world are experiencing higher prices and shortages. At the same time, most of the Global South has little interest in the West’s campaign against Russia and in the long run may benefit from a world economy in transition. … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Supply Chain Collapse | Diesel Engine Oil OUTAGE Alert | Supply Chain Wiped Out Until 2023 read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Yuval Noah Harari | “Your Immune Systems Will Be Connected to Net.” read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
How Establishment Lies Are Creating A World Of Cult Members read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide by Greg Reese, https://www.infowars.com/ While America is falling, BRICS and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum announce plans to lead the world into Globalism. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
China Mocks G7: BRICS Population 3.2 Billion — G7 Population 777 MillionSo next time when they talk about "international society", you know what they mean… pic.twitter.com/3sV23dxLCp — Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) June 28, 2022 China Mocks G7 by https://www.rt.com/ With the eyes of the West on the G7, Beijing has reminded the West that it’s outnumbered by its competitors – Amid high-profile meetings of the G7 … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
WW3 Propaganda: NATO Aims to Label China a ‘Systemic Challenge’[image: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+6%3A1-2&version=NKJV] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
US Announces HUGE Military Build-Up in Europe Including F-35 Squadrons And Troops on Putin’s Border as WW3 Tensions RiseIn war propaganda you always portray yourselves as righteous victims reacting defensively to the aggressive actions of the hateful enemy. The opposite is true in this case: the West is pushing for WW3. – US Announces HUGE Military Build-Up in Europe Including F-35 Squadrons And Troops on Putin’s Border as WW3 Tensions Rise by Felix Allen, … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Norway Cuts-Off Food to Russian Miners on Island!Norway Cuts-Off Food to Russian Miners on Island! by HAL TURNER, https://halturnerradioshow.com/ Under the guise of Economic Sanctions, Norway is refusing to allow shipments of supplies – including food — to Russian Miners on the Island of Spitsbergen in the far north Atlantic Ocean. For those unaware, Spitsbergen, which is legally part of Norway pursuant … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
War Propaganda: British Army Chief Warns UK And Allies Facing ‘1937 Moment’ — WW3[image: https://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm] From: Vintage ‘Trees’ music video. All humanity forming a pyramid worshipping, welcoming the Satanic capstone! The Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6 ! The completion of the New World Order project, in a world wrecked by global wars, collapse and chaos! Who owns the dollar? Look at the Satanic capstone on your dollar bill. The Luciferian New World Order will be complete with the arrival of the Satanic capstone, the Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace …! read more
balance101 day ago
by their fruits
pearls, sheep, erupt, suBy Their Fruitsbvert, numerologically: insane, Putin, Duffy=26. headache35 + deranges 37 =72=self=justification. by their42 + fruits30=72. //////////////////////////////// astral 17 + plane21=38; mouthpieces53; 38+53=91. carnal mind44 calcination47 =91. intellectual44 + carte20 blanche27=47. 44+47=91=spiritual44 director47. Neroli Duffy 63+ Peter28=91. ……………………… read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Ukraine shopping centre hit by missile been closed for months actually military storage siteby Kev Moore The Ukraine “shopping centre” was a warehouse. Fake: Shopping Center “Amstor” Was a Target of the Armed Forces of RussiaThe Russian Federation Ministry of Defense 28.06.2022 10:52 Russian military shelled the shopping center “Amstor” in Kremenchug. It was announced by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.https://waronfakes.com/mo-rf/fake-shopping-center-amstor-was-a-target-of-the-armed-forces-of-russia/ What is really going on: The shopping […] read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Putin to usher in a change of the guard for Elites of the NWOPutin Declares Victory Over New World Order: ‘Change Of Elites’ Coming Because Humanity Has ‘Woken Up’ + Facts And Opinions Suppressed By The Corrupt Mainstream Media & New Zealand: A Surveillance SocietyJune 27 2022 | From: NewsPunch / PrincipiaScientific / NZCPR / A / Various Global elites who have been running the world in recent […] read more
Let's spare a few words for 'Silent Cal' Coolidge on July 4, his 150th birthday

US President Calvin Coolidge hasn’t gone down in history for his triumphs or failures as president during the 1920s – but his dry sense of humor carries on. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"15 Examples That Show How Completely And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become"*Full screen recommended.* *"15 Examples That Show How Completely * *And Utterly Insane Our Society Has Become"* by Epic Economist "Lately, watching the news is almost the same as watching a horror show. You never know what you are going to see each day, but it is almost certain that it's going to be something crazy. The things we're about to share with you in today's video may be weird, some can make you laugh, and others are simply infuriating - but they all point to the same conclusion: from the very top to the very bottom, America is going insane. We've truly become a brainless ... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
He Admires Their Basic DictatorshipNational Post; Comments from a federal cabinet minister suggest a controversial government travel app is set to become permanent. And changes quietly rolled out on Tuesday to both the ArriveCAN smartphone and its website suggest the app is being rolled into ongoing efforts to modernize Canada’s ports of entry. Speaking in Windsor on Tuesday, Public… Continue reading → read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Instagram Post About Ectopic Pregnancy in ‘Trigger Law’ State Bespeaks Post-Roe FearsA physician we consulted raised concerns that abortion bans could delay crucial medical care for some. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"This Is The Worst Economy Ever, I Dare The FED To Reverse Course"Jeremiah Babe, 6/29/22: *"This Is The Worst Economy Ever,* * I Dare The FED To Reverse Course"* Comments here: - https://www.youtube.com/ read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Israeli PM Bennett Says He Will Not Seek Re-Election
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett delivers a statement to the media, telling reporters he will not be running in Israel’s next election, at the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, in Jerusalem. © Reuters/RONEN ZVULUN *Reuters:* *With Israel's Knesset set to dissolve, PM Bennett says he will not seek re-election* JERUSALEM (Reuters) -Israel on Wednesday moved closer toward its fifth election in less than four years, plunging it deeper into political uncertainty as it grapples with rising living costs amid renewed international efforts to revive a nuclear deal with Iran. Prim... read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Pro-Vaccine Masses Who Survived COVID Injections Targeted for Monkeypox Vaccines as Depopulation Plans Advance
The vaccine industry is committing suicide. It was announced this week that the CDC has ordered 1.6 million doses of Bavarian Nordic's smallpox and monkeypox vaccines to be injected into people during the second half of 2022, starting with 56,000 doses immediately, another 240,000 doses in the coming weeks, then another 750,000 doses over the rest of the summer with another 500,000 doses in the fall. With the carnage that has just occurred for the past 18 months where 7,478,300 people were killed and 583,023,500 people were injured by experimental COVID shots in the U.S. and Euro... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
CIA And Western Special Ops Commandos Are In UkraineThe CIA and special operations forces from NATO members Britain, France, Canada, and Lithuania are physically in Ukraine, helping direct the proxy war on Russia, according to a report in The New York Times. These Western forces are on the ground training and advising Ukrainian fighters, overseeing weapons shipments, and managing intelligence. At least 20 countries are part of a US Army-led coalition, guiding Ukraine in its fight against Russian troops. Some Ukrainian combatants are even using US flag patches on their equipment. This is all according to a June 25 report in The New ... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Key Takeaways From BRICS SummitLast week the 14th BRICS Summit took place virtually, chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The BRICS bloc (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) represents a key political, economic, and scientific force in the international arena. These nations represent half of the world’s population and their collective GDP is greater that $20 trillion. In today’s context, the significance of the BRICS summit is increased to the extent that the bloc represents an alternative to the unipolar world of the decaying West. What follows are some of the key points from the Summit’s in Bei... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Biden Says US Will Beef Up Military Presence In EuropePresident Biden kicked off his three-day visit to a NATO summit in Madrid by announcing that the US plans to increase its military presence in Europe. Speaking with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Biden said the US will increase the number of US Navy Destroyers stationed at a naval base in Rota, Spain, from four to six. The president said that this was the first of multiple announcements the US and NATO will make at the summit on increasing their forces in Europe, steps being taken in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “And as I said before the war started: If Putin a... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Why Escalation Is The Best Response In Moments Of CrisesBetween the lack of action around police brutality, the threats to Roe v. Wade, increasing mass shootings, and the ever looming threat of climate catastrophe, desperation and despair have become the emotions of the day. Polling shows most Americans still care about these issues, but they’ve long lost faith in mainstream institutions and their capacity for change. It can be difficult to know how to respond in moments of crisis like these. Besides panicking, one traditional approach is what is called the “ladder of engagement,” which relies on a series of actions that increase in in... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Sustainable Practices, Less Chemical Fertilizer Lead To Higher Crop YieldsIn farming, high crop yields are often associated with the use of human-made fertilizers. But what if these abundant results could instead be achieved by using farming practices that were more environmentally friendly? An extensive new study of 30 farms in Africa and Europe has shown that the combination of small amounts of fertilizer with natural farming methods like mixing compost or manure with the soil, cultivating a wider variety of crops and cultivating plants like clover or beans that amplify soil’s fertility can result in high crop yields while maintaining the harmony of a... read more
null1 day ago
The Parallel Realities of Life in PfizerworldSo my long-expected excommunication from the free speech platform, Twitter, has finally taken place. I have appealed to them as to which rules I broke on their free speech platform, because they haven’t actually told me yet which rules I broke on their free speech platform. How’s a chap able to amend his ways if he’s not even told which misdemeanors he’s guilty of? As far as I can recall, I only put out three or four Tweets in the last 24 hours, so it was likely one of them. One of them was speculating on the possibility that the leaders […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Where’s The Kaboom?They’re not saying it was aliens… NASA has discovered the crash site of a “mystery rocket body” that collided with the Moon’s surface earlier this year. The impact left behind a widespread “double crater,” meaning it wasn’t the average rocket. However, since its crash landing, none of Earth’s space-exploring nations have claimed responsibility for the… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Fauci’s FolliesAnthony “I am the Science” Fauci seems very confused these days: Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced rebound Covid symptoms after taking a Pfizer's antiviral PaxlovidSource: https://t.co/bJ5jGj3TOJ pic.twitter.com/utGxPRDEkj — Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) June 29, 2022 More here read more
Econlib1 day ago
NIMBY, YIMBY or MIMBY?Last week, I visited Venice, a neighborhood in LA that is full of wealthy tech entrepreneurs and homeless people. While strolling along one of the canals, I noticed a sign, “Stop the Monster”. This led me to google the phrase in order to learn more about the issue. The monster is a proposed 140 housing […] The post NIMBY, YIMBY or MIMBY? appeared first on Econlib. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
2020 Increases in Student Persistence Mask Pandemic InequitiesThree quarters of college students who began their studies during fall 2020, remained enrolled one year later. read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
COVID-19: B.A4 and BA.5 variants spur 20 per cent rise in casesCOVID-19 cases are on the rise in some 110 countries, driven by the BA.4 and BA.5 variants, said the UN health agency chief on Wednesday, amounting to a 20 per cent spike overall, and a rise in the number of deaths across three of the six world regions monitored by the World Health Organization. Read the full story, “COVID-19: B.A4 and BA.5 variants spur 20 per cent rise in cases”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Safer roads, a global development challenge for all: Senior UN officialEvery 24 seconds someone is killed in traffic, making safety on the world’s roads a global development challenge for all societies, especially for the most vulnerable, a senior UN official has said, ahead of the first ever High-level General Assembly Meeting on Improving Road Safety. Read the full story, “Safer roads, a global development challenge for all: Senior UN official”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Myanmar: Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expertMyanmar’s military junta is responsible for shocking violence against children caught up in the bloody aftermath of last February’s coup, a top independent Human Rights Council-appointed investigator said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Myanmar: Shocking toll on children must be spur to action, says UN rights expert”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Syria’s needs are at their highest ever, says top rights probeSyria’s humanitarian needs are at their highest ever and any move to block aid from reaching the war-torn country should be resisted strongly, a top UN Human Rights Council probe said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Syria’s needs are at their highest ever, says top rights probe”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Human rights under threat in DR Congo and beyond, Security Council hearsThe resurgence of the M23 armed group has “broad repercussions” for the security, human rights and humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and for the wider region, the UN Special Representative there told the Security Council on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Human rights under threat in DR Congo and beyond, Security Council hears”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Flight from cities due to COVID-19 short-lived, says flagship UN-Habitat reportA new United Nations report says that rapid urbanization was only temporarily delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the global urban population back on track to grow by another 2.2 billion people by 2050. Read the full story, “Flight from cities due to COVID-19 short-lived, says flagship UN-Habitat report”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Belarus ‘engulfed in fear’, Human Rights Council hearsThe deterioration of human rights in Belarus continues to engulf the country in a climate of fear and arbitrary rule, a UN-appointed independent human rights expert warned on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Belarus ‘engulfed in fear’, Human Rights Council hears”, on globalissues.org → read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville1 day ago
We Are Now Barrow, Alaska
We liberals already knew the Fourth Reich was coming. We knew it almost from the moment Trump came down that escalator over seven years ago. Right wingers said we were just hair-on-fire alarmists. Establishment Democrats said the same thing. The media said the same thing. That's why you hardly ever see liberals on news show panels, anymore, because when bad news comes out, it tends to be about Republicans so *of course* they have to put them on because of course the liberals are going to be biased against Republicans and we can't trust a single thing *they* say. This, d... read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Pro-Vaccine Masses Who Survived COVID Injections Targeted for Monkeypox Vaccines as Depopulation Plans Advance
The vaccine industry is committing suicide. It was announced this week that the CDC has ordered 1.6 million doses of Bavarian Nordic's smallpox and monkeypox vaccines to be injected into people during the second half of 2022, starting with 56,000 doses immediately, another 240,000 doses in the coming weeks, then another 750,000 doses over the rest of the summer with another 500,000 doses in the fall. With the carnage that has just occurred for the past 18 months where 7,478,300 people were killed and 583,023,500 people were injured by experimental COVID shots in the U.S. and Euro... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Title IX Weakened By SCOTUS Roe RulingJune 23 marked the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the federal legislation mandating equal opportunities for men’s and women’s participation in education, including sports. The very next day, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down another 50-year-old decision — Roe v. Wade — thus denying women and girls protected by Title IX their bodily autonomy to choose when or whether to bear children. Title IX states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program ... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Canada’s Brutal And Dangerous ‘Pipeline Police’The expansion of oil and gas exports has become a strategic priority for a major section of the capitalist class in Canada and its political enablers. The declining possibilities for export to the US, moreover, have led ‘business and political leaders...to pivot to East Asia, particularly China.’ This has involved the development of the required infrastructure in the western provinces, including the construction of major pipelines. Obviously, this whole initiative can only compound the impacts of climate change and other forms of environmental degradation. It has also put the Cana... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Seventy Five Years Later, Toll Of Taft-Hartley Weighs Heavily On LaborThe Taft-Hartley Act was the centerpiece of big business’s counterattack against a labor and people’s movement that had, over the previous decade, won major improvements for working people on factory floors and in the halls of Congress. From 1936 through World War II, the new industrial unions of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) — UE, the United Auto Workers, the United Steelworkers, and dozens of smaller unions — had successfully organized the mass-production industries that dominated U.S. economy at the time. Like Amazon today, the huge corporations that dominated ... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
A motley collection of Covid carpetbaggers and liarshttps://brandnewtube.com/watch/a-recap-on-some-highlights-in-australia-over-the-last-couple-of-years_nQZYZk4MypQ5cv4.html read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Is Universal Basic Income Part Of A Just Transition?In the remote rural village of Dauphin, in the Canadian province of Manitoba, economists tried out an unusual experiment. In the 1970s, they persuaded the provincial government to give cash payments to poorer families to see if a guaranteed basic income could improve their outcomes. During the years of this “Mincome” experiment, families received a basic income of 16,000 Canadian dollars (or a top up to that amount). With 10,000 inhabitants, Dauphin was just big enough to be a good data set but not too big as to bankrupt the government. The results were startling, including a sign... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
London Tram Drivers In Croydon Strike Against Real Terms Pay CutMembers of the Aslef union, the 150 workers rejected a 3 percent pay offer from operator First Group and voted almost unanimously to strike, on a turnout of 86 percent. With inflation at 11.7 percent RPI, the company’s offer amounts to a deep pay cut. Services were severely disrupted, affecting the Wimbledon tennis tournament, with no trams running between Croydon and Beckenham Junction, Elmers End or New Addington, and only at 20-minute intervals between Croydon and Wimbledon. A second round of strikes is planned for July 13-14. First Group has a contract to run the service on be... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Never was a pandemic
Letter to the Editor So yet again, there is another sensationalist interview making its way through the truth community. Let’s work out the play and get out from under the manipulation, shall we? Did you know you can safely drink venom? Venom is actually not poison. Venom injected into the bloodstream via needle or bite […] read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
A Headline You Will Never See“Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.” – Michael Crichton read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Birth Rates Drop Worldwide Following Mass COVID-19 Vaccination in 2021
More evidence that the COVID-19 mass vaccination programs were specifically designed to reduce the world's population to fit the "Green Agenda" that the earth can no longer support current population levels continues to be reported, as now statistics show declining birthrates worldwide following the COVID-19 vaccine roll outs in 2021. As we have recently reported, the COVID-19 vaccines cause a higher percentage of miscarriages than even the abortion pills. It is truly amazing to see how evil and criminal our health officials in government, such as CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, ... read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Academics Recommend They Be Given $2.5 BillionAcademics recommend that $2.5 billion be confiscated from honest working taxpayers, and be given to them for yet another boondoggle/scam. “But to better understand how such strategies might change the ocean—or whether they would even work—funders will need to pour … Continue reading → read more