10:30 pm MDT
Michael West7 hours ago
Ranting blokes after dark – the not so Great DebateMorrison and Albanese spent much of the leaders' debate shouting at each other. read more
Econlib7 hours ago
Reminiscences of Hayek
I never have trouble remembering Friedrich Hayek’s birthday (May 8) because it’s the same day as my late sister’s birthday and the same day as VE Day. Here’s a link to some reminiscences of the first time I met Hayek. A highlight from that link: In June 1975, when I attended the second Austrian conference […] The post Reminiscences of Hayek appeared first on Econlib. read more
Health Impact News7 hours ago
The Healing Oils for Heart Health: Do NOT Trust Your Government for Nutritional Advice
As more and more people in the United States are waking up to the fact that our federal health agencies, such as the FDA and CDC, are corrupt and serve the interests of Wall Street Billionaires and not the public, it is more important than ever to understand the corruption that also exists within the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and their years of bad nutritional advice that has demonized traditional, healthy fats and oils that have nourished populations for thousands of years, in favor of the newer "polyunsaturated" oils which are toxic, and dangerous to your health. The... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 26 hours ago
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Coming Home"
*"Coming Home"* "When we are driving in the dark, on the long road to Provincetown, when we are weary, when the buildings and the scrub pines lose their familiar look, I imagine us rising from the speeding car. I imagine us seeing everything from another place- the top of one of the pale dunes, or the deep and nameless fields of the sea. And what we see is a world that cannot cherish us, but which we cherish. And what we see is our life moving like that along the dark edges of everything, headlights sweeping the blackness, believing in a thousand fragile and unprovable things. Looking out... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 26 hours ago
"If You Look..."
"We have got some very big problems confronting us and let us not make any mistake about it, human history in the future is fraught with tragedy. It's only through people making a stand against that tragedy and being doggedly optimistic that we are going to win through. If you look at the plight of the human race it could well tip you into despair, so you have to be very strong." - Robert James Brown read more
All Posts - LaRouchePAC7 hours ago
James Fenimore Cooper: Antagonist of Oligarchy and Champion of RepublicsWrong or false beliefs, adopted as popular opinion by a nation’s population, often destroy that nation and culture, Lyndon LaRouche warned. It is not the evil leaders, but false ways of thinking about what it means to be human, that sets a population on the path to its own destruction. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 27 hours ago
"That '70s Show (Rerun)"
*"That '70s Show (Rerun)"* Soaring inflation, plummeting markets, oil shortages and tone-deaf politicos...all over again! by Joel Bowman *Buenos Aires, Argentina -* "Oh Lordy! What a week! Captain Powell’s big crash landing... hemorrhaging stock markets... plummeting worker productivity... falling real wages... soaring inflation... and the highest court in the land, leaking like a barbed-wire canoe...Never mind all that, dear reader... Remember, that time when a distant war, between two foreign adversaries, led to a major oil embargo... when the US economy was “shocked” by a serie... read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville7 hours ago
Pottersville Digest
------------------------------ Chuck Toddler, who once blocked me on Twitter, just got demoted to the kiddie table. Couldn't've happened to a nicer right wing douchebag. ------------------------------ Classic right wing projection. Whatever they accuse you of, they themselves are guilty of. ------------------------------ A gay hook up network disguised as a religious cult. Typical right wing douchebaggery. ------------------------------ There ought to be parental advisories every time these hateful, right wing bigots go on TV. ------------------------------ ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 27 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, PM 5/8/22: "Markets, A Look Ahead"
*Your guide...* Gregory Mannarino, PM 5/8/22: *"Markets, A Look Ahead"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
Small Dead Animals8 hours ago
Calibrating the housing marketI doubt that a mortgage holder facing foreclosure is going to get much comfort out of viewing his situation as a “recalibration”. Because it takes time for rising interest rates to have an impact, in the interim we will continue to see the mainstream financial media parrot the notion of a “soft landing”. None of… Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge8 hours ago
NBC Presents the 2022 Political Abortion Question that CNN Already AnsweredThe recently demoted Chuck Todd, who’s daytime show is now only on stream, ponders the great curiosity for his sheltered audience about whether abortion will swing the 2022 election in favor of the communist, left-wing, collective agenda. Chuck Todd doesn’t have any actual data to frame his fairy tales, but fortunately CNN did a poll […] The post NBC Presents the 2022 Political Abortion Question that CNN Already Answered appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance109 hours ago
let me offer a tip or twoFor those of you who greatly pursue the quest of the holy grail and value and would help protect its light and grace and peace, may you find the keys from Master Rakoczy including Pearl 8:22 and Pearls 8:24 (one may find these via searchpearls.summitlighthouse.org) which are only a few of his stupendous revelations in his set of Pearls, a set unrivaled except by Sanat Kumara in his 1979 series. The sets of Pearls like Quietly Comes the Buddha 1975 or Kuthumi’s 1976 set exposing the false teachings/teachers which latter set mainly was cruelly deleted online by RTR at Corwin Springs (... read more
AltHealthWorks.com10 hours ago
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against ALDI’s Grocery Store Alleges “Unsustainable, Environmentally Destructive” PracticesThe ALDI’s grocery store chain has become a darling of the organic and non-GMO food movement in recent years, in large part because of its pledge to add more organic products to its store shelves. One of the top 10 largest grocery chains in the United States, ALDI’s is famous for its coin-operated shopping carts and relatively small, intimate shopping centers in comparison with mainstream supermarkets. Many customers visit ALDI’s for its allegedly wild caught and sustainable meats and seafood, but these items may not be as “sustainable” and environmentally-friendly as first believed... read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
The Brand New, It’s Not a “Long Gun Registry” Long Gun RegistryComing way sooner than you think. Runkle Of The Bailey- They Said They Wouldn’t Bring Back The Long Gun Registry: They Lied. It’s Coming May 18, 2022 read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Poor People’s Campaign And The Moral Dilemma Of LiberalismRev. William Barber, an indisputable champion of the poor and a consistent voice demanding an end to poverty, may have made a serious moral and ethical error that effectively placed him outside of the “Kingian” framework that informed Dr. King’s work especially during the last year of his life. In an attempt to make a point about the flawed priorities of the duopoly, Dr. Barber wrote in an email to the “movement family” on Saturday, April 30, 2022 that, “despite the political gridlock on Capitol Hill, Republicans and Democrats have acted swiftly to approve historic military aid to... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
How An Israel Lobby Group Infiltrated US EducationRichmond, Virginia - In 2018, the Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR) successfully stopped the state from adopting textbook edits made by the Institute for Curriculum Services (ICS), a pro-Israel “educational” institution. The ICS promotes itself as improving the accuracy of K-12 instruction on Judaism and Jewish history in the United States. Yet, backed by the Israel lobby, its strategy appears more in line with advocating a Zionist narrative than enhancing education. Today, ICS boasts that it has helped better public education in all 50 states and impacted 11 million stu... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
No Such Thing As Dissent In The Age Of Big TechInitially, not only had PayPal banned Consortium News from receiving new donations, but it had informed Lauria that PayPal may keep the nearly $10,000 in the news site’s account as “damages.” After this interview was recorded, PayPal relented on keeping those funds, while, as of this writing, it is still banning new donations. To Lauria and Scheer, these chilling decisions on behalf of inordinately powerful tech companies are ushering a dangerous era of censorship that is even more alarming than the McCarthy period. Listen to the full discussion between Lauria and Scheer to unders... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Venezuela And Iran Deepen Cooperation To Overcome US SanctionsVenezuelan President Nicolás Maduro held a meeting with Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji in Caracas to strengthen energy cooperation as the two oil producing countries ramp up efforts to offset US sanctions. On Monday, Maduro hosted Owji and other Iranian officials in Miraflores Palace where they held a “productive meeting" to “deepen the ties of brotherhood and cooperation [between the nations] in energy matters." In a Twitter post, the Venezuelan mandatary expressed his gratitude for Iran’s ongoing support in the Caribbean country’s struggle to recover the economy under US sancti... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Stop Using Cash Bail To Separate Mothers From Their ChildrenRoughly 4,300 women across California will spend this Mother’s Day in pretrial custody. An estimated 80% are mothers, and most are their children’s primary caretakers. Pretrial incarceration — leading to coerced guilty pleas, unemployment and housing loss — devastates these women and their children, who are left behind. This mass family-separation is the work of judges who break the law and elected bodies that fund incarceration over community-centered care. Last year, the California Supreme Court held that it is unconstitutional to jail presumptively innocent people solely becaus... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Core Of Copaganda Is The Symbiotic Relationship Between Press And PoliceWhen the news got out that someone had shot people in New York City’s subway system, many of us knew just what would come next, and we were not surprised. Immediate, urgent calls for more police and more policing, for tougher treatment of homeless and/or mentally ill people. Forget tolerance or empathy or social services, because look where that gets us. It’s an argument that we’ve heard for decades, but it’s not an abstract debate. Just because patterns and practices are old doesn’t mean their harms are not fresh. So, yes, it matters very much whether the news convinces people th... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Border-Industrial Complex In The Biden EraFirst, it was the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) vehicles speeding along on the road in front of our campsite. Then it was the Border Patrol’s all-terrain vehicles moving swiftly on a ridge above us. I was about 10 miles north of the border with Mexico, near Peña Blanca Lake in southern Arizona, camping with my six-year-old son and some other families. Like fire trucks racing to a blaze, the Border Patrol mobilization around me was growing so large I could only imagine an emergency situation developing. I started climbing to get a better look and soon found myself alone on a ... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
No To A New Monroe Doctrine In The PacificThe Anglo ruling classes have gone into a state of frenzy over a recently-signed security agreement between the People’s Republic of China and the Solomon Islands. Various people who had barely heard of the Solomon Islands just a few weeks ago are now expressing grave concern that this small sovereign nation could be used as a pawn by an aggressive and expansionist China in its bid for world domination. The deal itself appears to be entirely ordinary, allowing for China to “make ship visits to, carry out logistical replenishment in, and have stopover and transition in the Solomon ... read more
AltHealthWorks.com12 hours ago
This Little Known Oil Derived From Coconuts is a Superfood for Brain Function, Lower Blood Sugar, Increased Energy and MoreCoconuts are one of the most renowned superfoods in the world, providing health benefits whether dried, juiced, pureed, drank from, or cooked. Lately, nutrition scientists have been working overtime to maximize the health benefits of coconuts, creating more concentrated versions of the benefits they bring to the table. Among them are a type of oil that has gained popularity within the ketogenic diet and “paleo” health circuits, but is still relatively unknown among the mainstream. It may sound like something that is difficult to get into and not worth your time, but the benefits of ... read more
Covert Geopolitics9 hours ago
Genuine People Power Will Occur Today in The PhilippinesTHE real, authentic expression of the people’s will occurs today. Unlike the bogus ones in 1986 and 2001 which were a Machiavellian mix of mobs and the threat of the use of force, this people power today will be expressed through secret ballots cast by at least 60 percent of voting citizens, who after more … Continue reading Genuine People Power Will Occur Today in The Philippines → read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ9 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - May 8 Def Sec Rumsfeld gave CPA head Bremer draft of DeBaathification order Pentagon would later deny it wrote order
(Dept of Defense) 1927 Iraqi cabinet resolution said Assyrians would be settled in the country (Musings On Iraq review *The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *State and Society in Iraq*) 1941 British Arab Legion left Palestine to take back Fort Rutba, Anbar from Iraqi police One regiment refused to cross Transjordan border into Iraq (Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Boich World War II In Iraq and Syria) 1941 British Royal Air Force reported Iraqi air force combat ineffective Lost 25 planes Another 20-30 heavily damaged 1941 Vichy F... read more
Accidental Deliberations9 hours ago
Sunday Afternoon LinksThis and that for your Sunday reading. - Yan Wang et al. examine the feasibility of a zero COVID policy, and find that the even the development of the Omicron variants hasn't ruled out containment through appropriate interventions. Kirsten Wiens et al. study the spread of COVID-19 in U.S. schools, finding that while public health protections were effective, their elimination resulted in substantial avoidable spread. And Jen Christensen writes about the children suffering from long COVID - and the many different ways it can manifest itself. - Meanwhile, Bruce Arthur warns that Pie... read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Michigan Attorney General “Politicians Do Not Belong in Doctors’ Offices” – Unless, of Course, Politicians are Forcing Experimental VaccinesMichigan was one of the most aggressive states to limit freedom and bodily autonomy during their COVID-19 mitigation effort. The state governor and state attorney general decreed unilaterally the rules for Michigan citizens without representative voice, to include vaccine mandates. Today, during responses to the possibility that national abortion laws will revert back to the […] The post Sunday Talks, Michigan Attorney General “Politicians Do Not Belong in Doctors’ Offices” – Unless, of Course, Politicians are Forcing Experimental Vaccines appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Econlib9 hours ago
Young Man: the Janitors!In response to my post titled “Who’s Responsible for Student Loans?” April 28, 2022, frequent commenter Vivian Darkbloom wrote: At the risk of keeping this too simple, I’d say it’s the person(s) signing or co-signing the loan agreement. I LedOL when I saw this. It reminded me of something I read when I was 18 […] The post Young Man: the Janitors! appeared first on Econlib. read more
Bacon's Rebellion9 hours ago
Planning for Telecommuting’s Effects on Virginia
By James C. Sherlock I think that we don’t yet realize the full impacts of the revolution being wrought by the telecommuting that accelerated during COVID. I am sure I don’t. But Virginians and our state and local governments, must … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
CIA Director Claims The Ukraine War Is Influencing Beijing's 'Costs And Consequences' Of Invading Taiwan*VOA:* *Chinese Calculations on Taiwan Affected by Ukraine Conflict, CIA Director Says * U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns said on Saturday that China is closely monitoring Russia's conflict in Ukraine and that it is affecting Chinese leaders' calculations over Taiwan, the self-ruled island claimed by Beijing. Burns, speaking at a Financial Times event in Washington, said the Chinese government had been struck by Ukraine's fierce resistance to Russia's invasion and by the economic costs Russia is bearing. "I think the Chinese leadership is looking very... read more
Turcopolier10 hours ago
Do it!“The five-vote majority needed in the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey remains intact months after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft majority opinion was written, according to a report. The leaked draft majority opinion penned by Alito is … Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge10 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Eric Holder Says AG Garland Should use J6 Investigation to Indict Donald TrumpIn this interview former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a man of highly corrupt character, is asked about current Attorney General Merrick Garland and the January 6, 2021, DC insurrection witch trials [06:49 prompted]. Holder gives the game away behind the J6 effort, a collaboration between a corrupt congress and a corrupt justice dept, when […] The post Sunday Talks, Eric Holder Says AG Garland Should use J6 Investigation to Indict Donald Trump appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
Top Tractor-Maker Warns Ransomware Attack Has “Adversely Affected” ProductionZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden One of the world’s top manufacturers and distributors of agricultural equipment announced Thursday that a ransomware attack impacted operations.... The post Top Tractor-Maker Warns Ransomware Attack Has “Adversely Affected” Production appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
DHS Coordinated with Chinese Drone Company to Create the First Totally Surveilled City in AmericaFree Thought Project – by Matt Agorist Chula Vista, CA — Inside San Diego’s metropolitan area, the second largest city, home to some 275,000 residents,... The post DHS Coordinated with Chinese Drone Company to Create the First Totally Surveilled City in America appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
KC Tenants Announces Launch Of Citywide Tenant’s UnionKansas City, Kansas - Pat Lucas received the notification last August: She would have to vacate the Armour Flats building in the 3400 block of Holmes Street in Kansas City — her home for more than 17 years — by November. The management company was going to renovate the property, causing her rent to shoot up, from a little over $500 a month to more than $1,000. She was priced out and had to move. Lucas shared her story Saturday as KC Tenants, a local organization advocating for housing rights, held a rally to announce it was creating a citywide tenant’s union. The organization wil... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
‘Spirit Of The Waters’ Totem Pole Journey BeginsLummi Tribal citizens and Native communities across the Pacific Northwest gathered with faith leaders, activists and neighbors for the Spirit of the Waters Totem Pole Journey launch Tuesday, May 3, at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship. The 2,300-mile journey highlights the vital role of the Snake River, salmon and orca to the lifeways and identities of tribal communities in the region. The updated pole, created by House of Tears Carvers, will travel for 17 days through tribal and metropolitan communities in Washington, Oregon and Idaho to advocate for the removal of dams on the Lowe... read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Opinion: Number of Brazilian families in extreme poverty to increase by 11.8% in 2022RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – (Opinion) The number of Brazilian families in extreme poverty registered in the country’s CadÚnico (Unified Registry) will increase by 11.8% by 2022. The federal government created the Unified Registry in collaboration with municipalities. The data shows who the low-income families in Brazil are and how they live. Citizens who register […] The post Opinion: Number of Brazilian families in extreme poverty to increase by 11.8% in 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers By Spying On CIA And NSAThe Intercept – by Sam Biddle, Jack Poulson IN THE MONTHS leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a... The post American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers By Spying On CIA And NSA appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Science Matters11 hours ago
May 8 Arctic Ice A-OK
My previous Arctic ice report was limited by technical difficulties, now resolved as shown by the animation above. So this update comes a week into May, with the animation covering the last three weeks from mid April. The dramatic melting in the Pacific basins of Bering and Okhotsk (left) sets them apart from the rest […] read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Putin Wants His XboxPutin gets his Xbox. Wall Street Journal- Russia Allows Imports of Apple Watches, Bentleys and Xboxes Via Third Countries Russia declared on Friday that these goods were exempt from trademark laws. That means sellers won’t be punished for bringing in products, mostly likely through third countries. The list includes pricey cars such as Bentley, Ferrari,… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Inflation>AbortionMark Wauck- Don Surber’s Smart Post On Abortion Politics Civil rights is a feel-good moral issue. Abortion? For normal people—people who aren’t like the SCOTUS clerk who surreptitiously leaked the Alito draft—abortion is not a feel-good issue, and never will be. For most “pro-choicers” abortion is at best a necessary evil. Isgur will demonstrate the… Continue reading → read more
Truth Comes to Light12 hours ago
The Antibody Equation (1929): “Antibodies Were (and Still Are) Nothing More Than Unseen Theoretical Constructs”
The Antibody Equation (1929): “Antibodies Were (and Still Are) Nothing More Than Unseen Theoretical Constructs” by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy May 7, 2022 It is very apparent to anyone looking into the origins of antibodies that the idea of what these entities are in terms of how they look and how they function came well before any The post The Antibody Equation (1929): “Antibodies Were (and Still Are) Nothing More Than Unseen Theoretical Constructs” appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Lawfare14 hours ago
New Ideas for Over-the-Horizon Counterterrorism in AfghanistanAn MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted vehicle lands at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, on Feb. 7, 2022. Photo credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jessica Sanchez-Chen. Editor’s Note: *Managing the terrorism threat in the Taliban’s Afghanistan is both difficult and necessary. The U.S. withdrawal and the Taliban’s return to power, however, have made it far harder for the United States to monitor and strike the Islamic State-Khorasan, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups active in the country. CNA’s Jonathan Schroden proposes and evaluates several “over-the-horizon” option... read more
Gangsters Out Blog2 hours ago
Colombia extradites Dairo Usuga and lies about him
It's election year in Colombia and the false flag attacks have resumed as well as assassination attempts against the president's opponent. So here comes the latest CIA fraud from their drug trafficking state. The New York Post is reporitng that "Accused Colombian drug lord Dairo Antonio Úsuga David, dubbed 'the most dangerous drug trafficker in the world,' was extradited to the US to face federal charges for allegedly running a ruthless and violent international cocaine peddling operation, prosecutors said Thursday. Úsuga David, 50, also known as Otoniel, the suspected leader of Co... read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
CIA Director Says Putin Is Set To 'Double Down' In The Ukraine WarRussia's Putin believes that he cannot afford to lose in Ukraine and is “doubling down” on the war, but does not show signs of planning to use tactical nuclear weapons, says CIA director William Burns. Read more: https://t.co/ugVs7aGcpk pic.twitter.com/VpOBMcuOBo — Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) May 8, 2022 *CBS News: **Putin set to "double down" in second, risky phase of war: CIA director* The second phase of Russia's war in Ukraine — now concentrated in the Donbas in the east and south — is "at least as risky" and perhaps "even riskier" than the first, eight-week part of the c... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
A Socialist Perspective On The Abortion Rights StruggleOn the night of May 3, a US Supreme Court draft decision regarding the landmark Roe v. Wade decision was leaked to the press. As per the draft, penned by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court is set to overturn the historic decision, eliminating the right to abortion for millions of women. In response, thousands have taken to the streets of US cities, demanding that the right to abortion be protected. Activists and the millions of women in the streets hope that this outpour can sway the final Supreme Court decision. Karina Garcia is an organizer with the Party for S... read more
CENSORED NEWS11 hours ago
Mohawk Mothers Turn to Courts in Search for Unmarked Graves at CIA Torture Research Hospital in MontrealKahentinetha and Karennatha are part of the group of Mohawks behind the request for an immediate halt to the redevelopment of the former Royal Victoria Hospital. PHOTO DENIS GERMAIN, SPECIAL COLLABORATIONA group of Mohawks who seek justice suspect the presence of unmarked graves at the site Former Royal Victoria Hospital'No work until careful excavation'By Lea CarrierEnglish translation from the read more
Is the BBC biased?11 hours ago
Insulting listeners intelligence
And now for something completely different. It’s not about Israel. (well, only a tiny bit) Insulting voters’ intelligence? I thought: am I the only one who was taken aback by the bullying here? (scroll to about 2:21.41) It’s Nick Robinson taking advantage of his position in the concluding moments of this tetchy interview with George Eustice. G.E. “In the interest of balance you need to recognise that the leader of the opposition… N.R. (interrupting) “I don’t think we need any lectures from you about balance Mr Eustice, we interviewed Mr Starmer all about it yesterday”.. I... read more
The Last Refuge11 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Lockheed Martin CEO Says Business Booming Under Biden Administration, Expecting Increased Conflict in Europe, North Korea, Iran and TiawanThis is one of those interviews that will likely not gain much attention; however, if you listen carefully to how Lockheed Martin CEO James Taiclet describes the need for expanded operations throughout their facilities you get a good perspective on the scale of anticipated foreign intervention by the crew behind Joe Biden. Joe Biden recently […] The post Sunday Talks, Lockheed Martin CEO Says Business Booming Under Biden Administration, Expecting Increased Conflict in Europe, North Korea, Iran and Tiawan appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Organizing Notes11 hours ago
Always good reportsMore coming up soon from, and on Azovstal, Mariupol! Stay with me for that, and if you have any questions, would like to support my work - all completely independent, email me at gwplondon@gmail.com - thanks! Graham Phillips read more
All That Is Solid ...11 hours ago
Eurovision 2022 Preview
It's long been the official position of this blog that the *Eurovision Song Contest* is experiencing its golden age. Year after year, belter after belter, I am hard pressed to remember a duff installment this last decade. Because there hasn't been one. And the good news is the *Eurovision* joy continues because we've been treated to another great year. So good in fact that *even the UK* have entered a decent tune. Which is where we shall begin. It's almost impossible to believe. After decades of pleading with the BBC to a) get someone contemporary and b) press some song writing t... read more
No More Mister Nice Blog12 hours ago
WHO'LL KEEP ABORTION AVAILABLE IN AMERICA? PROBABLY ORGANIZED CRIME.I keep thinking about what Rebecca Traister wrote after the release of the Supreme Court's draft abortion ruling: Today, unlike in the early 1970s, we have mifepristone and misoprostol, pills that are available by mail and are safe and effective in inducing abortions, which are then indistinguishable from miscarriages. Lots of people in lots of places can end their pregnancies in medically safe ways that do not entail dirty coat hangers. However, now that there are widespread means of delivering abortifacients, anti-abortion crusaders are intent on criminalizing their use. Which me... read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Boris dips into UK emergency fund. Azovstal & snake island. Disappointed Canadian sniper. Update 2
Boris dips into UK emergency fund. Azovstal & snake island. Disappointed Canadian sniper. Update 2 Topic 533 read more
Real Climate Science12 hours ago
Heatwave Of 1936From July 7-14, 1936 Delphi, Indiana was over 106F every day, topping at 112F on July 14. Thousands of people died in the heat. 16 Jul 1936, 1 – Princeton Daily Clarion at Newspapers.com read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Russia Preparing For May 9 Victory Day Celebrations*Moscow Times:* *Z-symbols, Fewer Tanks and No Guests: Russia Prepares to Mark Victory Day as Ukraine War Rages* Russia will mark Monday the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazism amid expectations that ongoing fighting in Ukraine will cast a long shadow over the popular event. In particular, the set piece military parade on Moscow’s Red Square will see significantly fewer soldiers and equipment compared to last year, which experts have linked to significant losses sustained by Russia in its ongoing war in neighboring Ukraine. “This is one of the few times when Russia is conduc... read more
PrairiePundit12 hours ago
Russian troops deliberately scuttle Putin's war effortDaily Beast: Russian fighters have been sharing tips with one another about how to deliberately damage their own equipment and hamper Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war plans in Ukraine, according to recordings of alleged Russian troops’ phone calls that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) intercepted. In one regiment, one Russian soldier allegedly said they’ve been pouring sand into the tanks’ fuel systems to clog them up. “I don't follow stupid orders, I simply refuse,” one fighter can be heard telling a comrade. “The motherf*cker sent me to tanks, motherf*cking piece o... read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Harsh Day for Ukraine in Donbass as Russia Captures Popasnaya, Repels Attack on Snake Island
Harsh Day for Ukraine in Donbass as Russia Captures Popasnaya, Repels Attack on Snake Island News Topic 490 read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Makes A Surprise Visit To Ukraine. Meets President zelensky*Daily Mail:* *Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pays surprise visit to Kyiv on same day as Jill Biden and U2 make unannounced visits to war-torn Ukraine* * Trudeau made an unannounced visit Sunday to Irpin, a Kyiv suburb targeted during Russia’s attempt to take the capital, and met Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn * Markushyn posted pictures of Trudeau walking around with Ukrainian army chiefs and surveying the damage at a bombarded apartment complex * Trudeau's office later confirmed the visit. The Canadian leader flew overnight on Saturday and is expected to spend one day ... read more
PrairiePundit12 hours ago
Russia's Ukraine miscalculationsNY Times: The solicitation to commit treason came to Oleksandr Vilkul on the second day of the war, in a phone call from an old colleague. Vilkul, the scion of a powerful political family in southeastern Ukraine that was long seen as harboring pro-Russian views, took the call as Russian troops were advancing to within a few miles of his hometown, Kryvyi Rih. “He said, ‘Oleksandr Yurivich, you are looking at the map, you see the situation is predetermined,’” Vilkul said, recalling the conversation with a fellow minister in a former, pro-Russian Ukrainian government. “Sign an agre... read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Watch: Mariupol – The Truth about the Azovstal Evacuees !!Sunday, 8 May 2022 — Youtube read more
PrairiePundit12 hours ago
Texas Congressman directs anger at Capitol Police*Just the News:* *Congressman says watchdog found police entered his office for 'criminal' probe, not open door* *"I exposed the Capitol Police leadership team for failing to do their damn job. And if they would have done their job, J6 would have never ever happened" – Nehls* ... Nehls said that on Nov. 22, three department intelligence officers tried to enter his office and that upon discovering that one of his staffers was present, the Capitol Police special agents, who he said were dressed like construction workers, questioned the staffer on the contents of a photograph th... read more
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