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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

3 February - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

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10 pm MST

Curvature of space-time measured using 'atomic fountain'
This is a neat experiment and may well allow a real refinement on how we actually measure curvature. So far we have almost had nothing to work weith and aproaching atomic scales would be great. We really needed this. It will be interesting if we can pick up real variation at this scale. *Curvature of space-time measured using 'atomic fountain'* *By Rahul Rao published 20 days ago* *https://www.space.com/space-time-curvature-measured-atomic-fountain?ref=refind* *Researchers have measured gravity using the effects of time dilation.* *Albert Einstein's theory of general relativit... read more
THE DIE-OFF IS HERE: Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate
The next set of numbers will come out soon enough. Worse, the insurance companies cannot sustain this and will reject all claimants who are Vacinated. why has the shoe not publically dropped? You have seen the direct evidence and know the real score. The publicity machine is largely done and maximum vaccination achieved. It is utterly outrageous htat any children got vaccinatedc. *THE DIE-OFF IS HERE: Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate* *Tuesday, February 01, 2022 by: Mike Adams* *Tags: badhealth, biological weapons, biowar, depop... read more
Did comet's fiery destruction lead to downfall of ancient Hopewell?
This note came from an informant and yes it is a surprise. suddenly we have plausible cultural speculation in a report. The hard evidence noted all actually points to the Pleistocene Nonconformity around 13,000 BP. The Hopewell is a recent culture that overlapped the European Bronze Age 2000 - 3000BP. The point though is that cultural information was passed down to us over 10,000 years and surprisingly conforms to written reports in the Kolbrin Bible by way of Gastonbury. The noted elemental carbon was part of the comet breakup and not from imaginary global forest fires. Me... read more
Koenigsegg aims to reinvent electric drive with new Raxial Flux motors
Understand that almost all of our electric technology represents now one hundred year old designs. Literally a first cut in order to produce outcomes. Obviously all this can be hugely improved upon. Except improvement typically took decades, now perhaps years. The speed of advance in digital tech has hidden this expectation and also provided many patches. Now it is time to refocus on electric soliutions. *Koenigsegg aims to reinvent electric drive with new Raxial Flux motors* *By C.C. Weiss* *February 01, 2022* *https://newatlas.com/automotive/koenigsegg-quark-electric-mot... read more
Dances With Bears21 hours ago
By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Hatred of the Russian race and Russophobia are more than a thousand years old in Europe – long enough for everyone nowadays to realise there’s no cure for them. At least not by rational persuasion, not by words. Remission by force of arms is another matter altogether. A Swiss history of […] read more
Farming Insider Warns Coming Food Shortages Will Be FAR WORSE Than We Are Being Told
ED Noor: In the early 1960's I remember standing in the foyer of our home taking in an editorial cartoon that I have never forgotten to this day. This is when I was also studying and writing about dystopian novels in Grade 12, specifically Brave New World and 1984, so I was already beginning to think as I do even today a lifetime later. But I never forgot that cartoon. It was black and white and simplistic, thousands of starving skeletons. Not scary or ominous looking, just sad and looming. And here we are today. Sometimes I wonder if that is partly why I have a weight problem! '... read more
Energy 159, US coal, gas, oil production vs solar
I like this article by David Middleton: *U.S. to shutter 14.9 GW of coal-fired & add 46.1 GW of utility scale solar PV in 2022* David Middleton. January 12, 2022. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/01/12/us-to-shutter-14-9-gw-of-coal-fired-and-add-46-1-gw-of-utility-scale-solar-pv-in-2022/ *Nuclear power plants generally have a 95% theoretical capacity factor and nearly 100% utilization rates. Therefore, their realized capacity factors are usually >90%. * *The theoretical capacity factor of coal-fired power plants is about 85%. The realized capacity factor is variable and tied to the... read more
BWorld 525, Major power companies, the Indonesia coal export ban, and the PCCI election
* My column in BusinessWorld, Jan. 24, 2022. ------------ Most power generation companies (gencos) — those that own big power plants and ensure we have 24/7 electricity except when there are major technical problems or natural calamities — also suffered major declines in revenues and net income in 2020’s lockdown and pandemic. *TOP ENERGY COMPANIES* I checked the *BusinessWorld Top 1,000 Corporations* report, and saw that the biggest energy companies in the Philippines are Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) with P266 billion gross revenue in 2020 (ranked #1 in the Top 1,000), followed... read more
Seniors Call for Stimulus Checks as Their Bills Surge
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Checks, * Senior citizens are bearing the brunt of red-hot inflation. It appears that red-hot inflation will continue to take direct aim at Americans’ pocketbooks well into 2022. One of the more concerning fallouts from the current inflationary environment is energy prices, which have skyrocketed year-over-year, according to the December consumer price index from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Broken down, fuel oil is about 40 percent more expensive than last year, electricity prices grew by 6.3 percent, and natural gas has climbed by nearly ... read more
The Rio Times23 hours ago
Brazil Central Bank raises SELIC benchmark interest rate to double digits
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The 8th consecutive increase in the SELIC, in line with forecasts, comes as Latin America’s biggest economy struggles through a recession and persistently high inflation, according to the bank’s monetary policy committee (COPOM). COPOM, which made the decision unanimously, hinted it would soon slow the tightening cycle, saying it “currently […] The post Brazil Central Bank raises SELIC benchmark interest rate to double digits appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Cairns News23 hours ago
Convoy to Canberra truck rally at the doors of Parliament
Ready for Parliamentary sittings of both Houses on February 8, 9, 10 HOLD THE LINE! read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 2 February 2022
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
February 3rd – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 380
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post February 3rd – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 380 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Thursday February 3rd – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday February 3rd – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
WOW! Evening Nets Ignore U.S. National Debt Topping $30,000,000,000,000 For First Time
By Joseph Vazquez ~ The ABC, CBS and NBC evening networks committed one of the most egregious acts of news censorship by ignoring the U.S. debt topping $30 trillion for the first time ever. The U.S. Treasury Department released data on Tuesday showing that the U.S. total public debt outstanding was $30.01 trillion as of Jan. […] read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Nubank sees Brazil crisis as chance to grow
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The fintech debuted on the New York Stock Exchange less than 2 months ago as Latin America's most valuable financial institution, at US$52 billion. Although its shares have slumped since then, Velez said the company - whose 48 million clients make it one of the world's largest digital banks and […] The post Nubank sees Brazil crisis as chance to grow appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Los Angeles Moves To Phase Out New Oil And Gas Drilling
By Ronald Stein ~ Civilization has benefited from more than 6,000 products made from the oil derivatives manufactured out of raw crude oil at refineries. None of these products were available to society before 1900. With no known replacement for crude oil in the foreseeable future, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously January 26th […] read more
President Donald Trump Extensive Interview on Current Events
President Donald Trump sits down for an extensive interview with Rob Schmitt from Newsmax. The conversation covers a variety of current topics from foreign policy, Ukraine, Russia to the state of the U.S. economy, oil prices and the border crisis. Posted in Donald Trump, Economy, Election 2022, media bias, President Trump, Press Secretary - Trump The post President Donald Trump Extensive Interview on Current Events appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Ukraine Seeks to Deepen Partnership with Poland, United Kingdom
*Mark Episkopos* *Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Ukraine* Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba described a new arrangement with Poland and Great Britain as part of his country's "strategy of small alliances." Britain, Poland, and Ukraine are reportedly in talks over what some observers are describing as a new alliance. "I hope that in the near future we will be able to officially launch a new regional format of cooperation Ukraine-Poland-UK, in the context of ongoing Russian aggression, we should sign a trilateral document on cooperation to strengthen regional security," Ukraine's p... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Tweets Of The Day
Covid-19 has infected more than 385M people and killed over 5.7M worldwide. Here are some of the latest coronavirus-related developments: 👉🏽 https://t.co/CLb1ZcIKUI pic.twitter.com/5Q5q4rNpoy — TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) February 3, 2022 Canada's conservatives oust party leader Erin O'Toole https://t.co/GdfNrpXLXr — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) February 2, 2022 More @cbcnews GoFundMe puts anti-vaccine mandate protest fundraiser on pause. Questions are being asked about where the money came from and how it will be used. https://t.co/qos3yeENVx — CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) Feb... read more
OrientalReview.org23 hours ago
Why Russia-China Partnership Is Effective
The cascading tensions between Russia and the United States brought into play the Russian-Chinese “comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation”. The topic has been the stuff of animated discussion among strategic thinkers lately. But opinions varied. The rubrics attached to the partnership by western analysts speak for themselves — “unholy alliance”; […] read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris host Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, a Democrat, and the committee's ranking Republican, Charles Grassley to discuss the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court vacancy from the Oval Office at the White House. REUTERS/Leah Millis *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Top Photos of the Day *(Reuters). read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Justin’s Puppet Masters and the Protest Against Them
This is a video from a few days ago in which Gad Saad interviews one of the protest organizers, BJ Dichter. It’s absolutely fascinating to watch, not just to better understand how the protest came together and what their strategies are, but also to understand why so much of what Justin Trudeau says and does… Continue reading → read more
Willie Nelson’s Farm Aid endorses reinstatement of mandatory COOL for beef
If you’ve attended a concert or contributed money to Farm Aid, chances are you’ve received a pitch in the past week to reinstate Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for beef. Farm Aid, led by the legendary Willie Nelson, supports the American Beef Labeling Act (S.2716) to reinstate beef’s Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (M-COOL). Farm Aid... Continue Reading read more
Audit calls for change to food safety system in Poland
The food safety control system in Poland “leaves much to be desired,” according to the country’s Supreme Audit Office (NIK). NIK analyzed nine of its inspections carried out in the past six years and five audits by the European Commission on food safety in Poland. It found overlapping competences between agencies and a lack of... Continue Reading read more
New Mandala1 day ago
The inequities in Indonesia’s vaccine rollout
Health authorities should focus their attention on remedying the notion that vaccine side effects are more dangerous than COVID-19 itself The post The inequities in Indonesia’s vaccine rollout appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Czech control finds non-compliant irradiation of instant soups
Czech authorities have found instant noodle soups from Vietnam that were irradiated without declaring this on the packaging. The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (SZPI) carried out an inspection to see if producers and importers provided consumers with information on food treated with ionizing radiation. Irradiation is a food decontamination technique and a 2011... Continue Reading read more
February 3, 2022: Reader Tips
This evening we enjoy Fortunate Son, performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival aka CCR. And, as an added bonus, please enjoy this video right to the end. It makes absolutely NO sense! Which is what makes it SO funny! As an added bonus, and thanks to SDA commenter ‘Batcracker’, do enjoy these hilarious memes! Your most… Continue reading → read more
Researchers look at sanitizer efficacy in apple packing line dump tanks
A new research project is taking a look at the efficacy of sanitizers used in apple processing dump tanks. During processing, apples are soaked in dump tank and flume water systems. The water is commonly reused over several processing days. According to researchers, there is little data on the potential risks from apple packinghouse dump... Continue Reading read more
Somaliland Offers U.S. Military Access To Port, Airfield In Exchange For Steps Toward Recognizing The Region As A Sovereign Country
*Horseed Media/WSJ*:* Somaliland Offers U.S. Military Access to Port, Airfield as It Pushes for Nationhood* *Region is seeking to break from Somalia and sees Washington as potentially powerful ally.* Somaliland, a peaceful corner of violent Somalia, is offering the U.S. military use of a seaport and airfield overlooking strategic maritime routes in exchange for steps toward recognizing the region as a sovereign country. Hoping to capitalize on growing U.S. concern over Chinese expansionism in Africa, Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi is planning a March visit to Washingto... read more
U.S. Army Has Begun Discharging COVID Vaccine-Refusing Soldiers
1st Lt. Kitty Terry, a nurse from the Hawaii Army National Guard, displays a prepared syringe filled with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Oct. 1, 2021, at the Hawaii Army Readiness Center, Kalaeloa, Hawaii. (1st Lt. Anyah Peatross/Army) *Military Times:* *Army begins discharges for COVID vaccine-refusing soldiers* The Army is “immediately” beginning involuntary discharges for active duty troops who have refused to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, the service announced Wednesday. In a release announcing the move, the service noted that the order also applies to cadets, Guard and Rese... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
They keep rolling in to Canberra truck rally – 10,000 good men and women needed – true and strong
Ready for Parliamentary sittings of both Houses on February 8, 9, 10. Many people in attendance have been sacked from their jobs because they refuse to take an experimental vaccine. HOLD THE LINE! read more
Wakayama requests quasi Covid-19 status: Tokyo new high
Wakayama requests quasi Covid-19 status: Tokyo new high Sawako Utsumi and Sawako Uchida Modern Tokyo Times Since the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis emerged in Japan in early 2020, the prefecture of Wakayama rarely witnessed a major problem. However, the highly infectious nature of the Omicron variant means that Wakayama is requesting to be put under the […] The post Wakayama requests quasi Covid-19 status: Tokyo new high first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
There’s a side to James Cook the elites would prefer to keep quiet
Just as those who assert “king coal is dead” don’t know anything about the global coal industry and the critical role Australia plays in it; those who condemn Captain James Cook as a savage colonial murderer don’t know anything about the man who discovered Australia and his incredible humanitarianism. read more
Vietnam Regurgitated
Vietnam Regurgitated by Michael G. Merhige, The Libertarian Institute February 2, 2022 During my first years as a young CIA officer in Vietnam from 1965-67, I went to school (so to speak) and received the real education of my life. I learned about my government, its politicians, and military leaders. I learned The post Vietnam Regurgitated appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Many more trucks and people on their way to Canberra – remove flags and posters from vehicles
A great message from former Qantas pilot Graham Hood who has been present at the Canberra rally. He warns protestors to keep your vehicles anonymous and you should get through any road blocks along the way. He offers sound advice and warns against bad language and violent behavior. Remember MSM is present and if they […] read more
Kenney’s Keystone Cops Foiled Again
It looks like Jason Kenney and the RCMP are 0-2 as they tried and failed to pull off some kind of sting operation just south of Milk River( just north of the Coutts border crossing). Story is still developing so take everything I put after this with a grain of salt but I’ll see what… Continue reading → read more