10 pm MDT
The National Interest16 hours ago
America Needs to Rethink How It Is Handling China’s Rise*Brian Clark* *China, World* Instead of a strategy of confrontation, America’s new approach should be centered around accommodation and restraint. China’s rise into a major world power has been nothing short of extraordinary. Since adopting liberal economic reforms in the early seventies, China’s economy has grown approximately ten percent per year, its life expectancy has gone up by 50 percent, and nearly all wargames now predict that Beijing would win if conflict broke out in Asia. China’s rise was expected. America not only supported it but was also a key participant. America... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Study: 5G will increase internet concentration among Brazil’s wealthyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This is shown in a study conducted by Teleco, a consulting company specialized in telecommunications, for the Antene-se movement, which calls for more investments in the installation of antennas, particularly in areas with low purchasing power. The study, conducted in Brazil's main capital cities, found that the lower the monthly […] The post Study: 5G will increase internet concentration among Brazil’s wealthy appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
How Britain's Surprise Air Raid Inspired Pearl Harbor*Michael Peck* *World War II, Europe* In 1940, the idea of a using aircraft carriers to strike a fleet in harbor was still a new concept *Key Point: *Compared to the six aircraft carriers and 400 aircraft with which Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the forces that Britain could muster for Operation Judgement seemed but a child's version of a carrier task force. The Royal Navy committed just the carrier* Illustrious*, two heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and five destroyers. It was the hour before midnight when the battleships slept. Snug in their harbor, cocooned behind layers of ... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
The Government Doesn't 'Raid' Social Security. But It's Complicated.*Trevor Filseth* *economy, Americas* The current system is reliant on the U.S. government keeping its word and repaying the bonds it issues. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In theory, the U.S. government maintains the option to default. This would be an extremely poor decision, however, because other investors would see it and be far less willing to loan their own money to the government in the future. One of the most common accusations surrounding the government’s Social Security benefits programs is that the fund for Social Security is “raided” and used to pay for other go... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Not Just Deterrence: America's Ohio-Class Submarines Pack a Punch With Conventional Missiles*Sebastien Roblin* *Submarines, * They can do a lot more than just launch nukes. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Quite simply, the stealthy SSGNs can get closer to enemy coastlines without being detected, enabling them to hit targets further inland and to deliver a massive missile strike, while exposing themselves far less than a surface ship or aerial strike package. The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine (SSBN) was built to destroy cities and military installations in the event of a nuclear war—or more precisely, to deter adversaries from ever starting one. However, fo... read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Why are other vaccine requirements OK then?In an article in The Daily Beast by Justin Baragona called “Chris Wallace Grills GOP Guv: Why Do You Oppose Vaccine Mandates for COVID but Not Chickenpox?” a very basic question was asked and went unanswered. Here are a couple … Continue reading → read more
Collecting My Thoughts16 hours ago
Censorship by Big TechI have moved this comment of mine from Facebook: "Democrats and their media buddies continue to blame Republicans for hesitancy to get the jab. Yet they were the ones sowing seeds of doubt about it when Trump was president--not because of science, but because of hate and they wanted to defeat him in the election. Also there are two groups that are always featured in low vaccination rates--1) blacks, and 2) health care workers. Democrats love to depict Republicans as knuckle dragging idiots who don't understand science. So what does that say about how Democrats think about blacks a... read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!17 hours ago
Governor Cuomo's Cruel Legacy
As the first wave of the 1990s autism epidemic ages into adulthood, we can expect chaos more than care. We've weathered decades of a complete misunderstanding of autism. Autism Speaks took over Cure Autism Now and the focus and dollars... read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
How to Escape from a Sick Society
*Academy of Ideas* | Should conscientious objectors continue to participate in a corruption society? read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Latin America relies on courts to clear path to abortionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - September 7, 2021 will be remembered in Mexico as the day abortion was decriminalized, that is, the day the nation's Supreme Court ruled that no woman would ever again set foot in jail for terminating her pregnancy, and those who detained will be freed. Soon they will be back on […] The post Latin America relies on courts to clear path to abortion appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
Summary: Three Studies Which Show COVID Vaccines ‘Don’t Work’
*21WIRE* | You only have to look at their own official data to see the scale of the deception. read more
Econlib17 hours ago
Rent-Seeking in Slightly Different WordsWe—we, economists and supporters of individual liberty—owe it to Mr. Trump to have reminded us how a powerful state and crony capitalism are dangerous. In fact, state power and cronyism are the two faces of the same Janus. A powerful state has a lot to give and much power to take, so that “capitalists” come […] The post Rent-Seeking in Slightly Different Words appeared first on Econlib. read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Marijuana MSOs post strong quarterly results, but investors tepidAll 10 of the largest publicly held marijuana multistate operators posted double-digit revenue growth in the quarter ended June 30, but stock prices remained weak as investors grow impatient with the slow pace of federal marijuana legalization efforts. Four of the largest five publicly held MSOs actually made a profit in the quarter, with Florida-based […] Marijuana MSOs post strong quarterly results, but investors tepid is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 9/13/2021naked capitalism17 hours ago
The Winner in Afghanistan: ChinaWho does not command the World Island cannot command the World. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles17 hours ago
Strong earthquake swarm under Cumbre Vieja volcano, Canary IslandsA strong earthquake swarm started under Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands at 03:18 UTC on September 11, 2021. From the beginning of the seismic series until 08:00 UTC on September 13, a total of 1 570 earthquakes have been detected, of which 354 were...... Read more » read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Wait and See: The Labor Market Implications of Economic UncertaintyAn increase in perceived uncertainty does indeed increase the value of waiting, thus reducing job creation. read more
OYE Alternative News18 hours ago
UK Government Preparing For The Largest Flu Vaccine Campaign Ever This WinterThe post UK Government Preparing For The Largest Flu Vaccine Campaign Ever This Winter appeared first on OYE Alternative News. read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
The Department of Defense Is Working On Guided Bullet For Snipers*Kyle Mizokami* *Snipers, United States* EXACTO technology promises to revolutionize sniping. *Here's What You Need to Know*: In 2014, DARPA announced it was working toward EXACTO system in a deployable weapon that weighs no more than forty-six pounds with a fourteen-hour power supply. The guided round should have the same ballistic performance as the M33 .50 caliber bullet beyond ranges of three hundred meters. The hardest part of creating a deployable weapon system may be the cost: DARPA wanted a weapon inexpensive enough to actually deploy with the troops. One of the most cha... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
A Major Problem: Why Mothers Get Less Social Security Benefits*Trevor Filseth* *Social Security, Americas* In principle, the Social Security Administration does not discriminate on the basis of sex. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *As for the motherhood penalty, it is a difficult problem to solve without overhauling the Social Security system. However, there are certain measures the agency could take—such as expanding the Spouse Benefit, an extra payment to spouses that helps to raise their own payment level to their (usually higher) spouse’s. Social Security is intended to cover roughly forty percent of a person’s pre-retirement incom... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Hitler's 1944 Ardennes Offensive Had No Chance at Victory*Michael Peck* *World War II, Europe* The German plan to smash through the Allied lines and seize Antwerp could not have changed the course of the war. *Here's What You Need to Remember: E*ven with thirty panzer and infantry divisions backed by six hundred tanks, the Germans were not going to disembowel the Allied armies as they had done to the French in 1940, and the Soviets in the summer of 1941. In September 1944, when Adolf Hitler first told his stunned generals of a plan for a massive counteroffensive in the West; he was thinking big. Like a losing gambler betting the last ... read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Trump praises Brazil’s Bolsonaro: “He works hard to help the people”RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Former U.S. President Donald Trump said he "loves Brazil's President," Jair Bolsonaro in a video posted on Sunday, September 12, by his former adviser Jason Miller on Gettr social network. Trump said he "loves the president of Brazil" at an event on Saturday night, September 11, when commenting on the […] The post Trump praises Brazil’s Bolsonaro: “He works hard to help the people” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
The Drake Well: Not to be forgottenThe start of an energy revolution. The post The Drake Well: Not to be forgotten appeared first on CFACT. read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
A Milestone Anniversary Reiterates The Culture of Peace is a Movement, not a RevolutionNEW YORK, Sep 13 (IPS) - Today, on 13 September 2021, the UN Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly in 1999 will be turning 22. You would recall that the 20th anniversary of The Culture of Peace of its adoption by the world’s highest multilateral body in 2019 was observed by the United Nations in an appropriate and befitting manner, as called for by the Assembly. It was an occasion for reiteration and recommitment by us all to create the culture of peace in our world, beginning with each one of us. Read the full story, “A Milestone Anniversary Reiterat... read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
The Islamic Emirate, led by an Insurgent Group, Aims at Capturing a Coveted Seat at the UNUNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 (IPS) - When the high-level segment of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly opens September 21, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is unlikely to occupy a much-coveted seat in the world body. Read the full story, “The Islamic Emirate, led by an Insurgent Group, Aims at Capturing a Coveted Seat at the UN”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brazil’s Electoral Court Chief promises transparency committee, live broadcast of electronic ballot box testsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Justice Luis Roberto Barroso reiterated the reliability of electronic ballot boxes and said the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) will broadcast live the device's checking tests to increase interaction with civil society and put an end to the distrust "artificially created in a minority of the population." The current TSE Chief […] The post Brazil’s Electoral Court Chief promises transparency committee, live broadcast of electronic ballot box tests appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles18 hours ago
Strong explosions at Popocatepetl volcano, MexicoIn 24 hours to 16:00 UTC on September 11, monitoring systems of the Popocatepetl volcano registered 128 exhalations accompanied by water vapor, volcanic gases and low ash content.1 Additionally, 753 minutes of low-amplitude tremor were recorded as well as an...... Read more » read more
Climate Chaos Is Here, Say TUC!By Paul Homewood What on earth is this gormless woman going on about? The UK needs to be better prepared for future economic shocks, says the TUC. "Covid is not going to be a one-off," the union federation’s general secretary, Frances O’Grady, will tell its annual congress later on Monday. […] read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Here’s What Happened at Cyber Polygon… You are Not Going to Like itA video from the World Economic Forum explains computing devices can become corrupted quickly. The video compared cyber threats to Covid-19, which was known as an "anticipated risk" and that a cyber risk is a "digital equivalent". If the internet was shut down for one day, it would cost economies $50 billion. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
Memes that made me laugh 75
Harvested over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. More next week. Peter read more
Cairns News20 hours ago
Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINEby Kev Moore Take this poisonous vaccine and die or else catch Covid and die – Proof that the vax is a poison – it is named as such on the WA govt website!https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/public-health-act-2016-wa-instrument-of-authorisation-authorisation-supply-or-administer-poison-sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-australian-defence-force-no2-2021?fbclid=IwAR0JRhbJGZyMMU6bJhVGSPmVe7–xqRPYyzStfGFCzAiHlGTYrDQ7k-lMRU Home1. WA Government2. Publications3. Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison […] read more
Cairns News21 hours ago
NSW Premier warns un-vaccinated on behalf of Deep State, “you have lost your freedoms…”https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/coronavirus/berejiklian-warns-unvaccinated-there-is-no-guarantee-of-freedoms-at-80-per-cent-doubledose/news-story/dfcfc392c5bcbb480f55baa584b0c7a7 by Robert J Lee Gladys Berejiklian has told Covid unvaccinated people in NSW they have lost any freedoms they might have had until they get jabbed twice, then three times. four times and so on…. This rabid Jewess has shown her true colours as agent for the Medical Mafia and Deep State. It would […] read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch19 hours ago
An Articulate Nurse Dealing With COVID Hospitalization Gives Honest Insight About What Really is Happening – Alarming Secondary Confirmation of Details Provided and Cited – The Last Refuge, by sundanceOriginally posted on STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC: If you watch one video this year . . . . From sundance at theconservativetreehouse.com: A discussion between Stew Peters and a hospital nurse who has direct contact with COVID patients and all aspects of COVID treatment is a must watch. {Direct Rumble Link} Really, this gets better as… read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 12-13 September 202113 September 2021 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back The Winner in Afghanistan: China https://countercurrents.org/2021/09/the-winner-in-afghanistan-china/ Qatari Foreign Minister Arrives In Afghanistan’s Kabul After Regional Tour (Video, Photos) https://southfront.org/qatari-foreign-minister-arrives-in-afghanistans-kabul-after-regional-tour-video-photos/ ‘Terrorism defeated?’ Merkel says ‘not all goals’ reached after 9/11 … Continue reading Afghanistan News Links 12-13 September 2021 read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch19 hours ago
France: Tens Of Thousands Take To The Streets To Protest Against Macron’s Vaccine PassportsOriginally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Breitbart The streets of France were filled again on Saturday for the ninth straight week with protesters against President Emmanuel Macron’s vaccine passport scheme. Authorities estimated that around 170,000 protesters took part in towns across France, with roughly 30,000 in Paris. The protests came the day after prosecutors charged… read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch19 hours ago
The Disposable Children of the Pandemic – American ThinkerOriginally posted on Truth2Freedom's Blog: The rhetoric about and treatment of children over the past 18 months has flung open a window into the soul of America’s ruling class.? The rhetoric about and treatment of children over the past 18 months has flung open a window into the soul of America’s ruling class.?… read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch19 hours ago
COVID Data, Facts Not Fear – The Last RefugeOriginally posted on Truth2Freedom's Blog: Twitter user Jason Bailey [LINK HERE] has done a deep dive into the latest CDC data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). ? There is obviously a lot of noise amid the competing COVID narratives, as politicians and media are intent on weaponizing the fear for maximum political value.? Baily provides… read more
The New Dark Age19 hours ago
Biden Doctrine appears in Persian GulfThe incipient signs of a US retrenchment from Saudi Arabia have appeared in a series of moves in the past 2-3 weeks. On a parallel track, the Biden Administration is factoring in that new Iranian government is returning to the negotiating table at Vienna on nuclear issues. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
‘Freedom Angels’ Teach How to Organize against and Defeat Mandatory Vaccines in SchoolsThe Freedom Angels, two mothers who became activists and have had some success in fighting against vaccines and mask mandates, explain strategies for parents to protect their children from illegal vaccine mandates. read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Social Security Checks Are About to Go Up*Trevor Filseth* *economy, Americas* The upcoming increase is largely due to high inflation in the United States during the coronavirus pandemic. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In 2021 the annual cost of living adjustment, or COLA, was set at 1.3 percent. In 2022, however, there have been forecasts that the Social Security Administration will implement a much more significant COLA, exceeding 5 percent. If so, then this would be the largest single increase in a decade. When Social Security payments were created in 1935, a provision was included in their funding that allowed... read more
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