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Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Corey Goode: Prime Directives, Cosmic Law, and our Part in Planetary LiberationThis is an alternate read whose sourcing is impossible. It draws upon ample alternative narritives equally unsourced. Have fun. There is now a huge narritive describing underground caverns housing millions. from this it appears most individuals spend most of their time in hibernation. Few are seen been productive. Again, nothing truly rules out possibility. I am more finding the build as under developed at best. Assuming these reports are all generated by remote viewing, then there may be some reality involved as well. We are far from having confirmations. I still have o... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Deagel's 2025 Forecast For Massive Depopulation Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes
At this point it is claimed that half of the global population has been vaccinated. I am not so sure that this is true but will be claimed anyway by the proponents. As a direct consequence the overall death rate is increasing and this is mostly from circulatory problems arriving far earlier than reasonable. We have identified more than one agency in the Vaccine cocktail. The effect is progressive after an initial surge of damage which does kill a few. It is then followed by a slow rise in death rates that is expected to last for several years. Again we are now slowly getting... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
An Industry Insider Just Revealed The Truth About What Is Really Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets
right now we are facing a contrived shortage put on likely by the CCP NAZI combine. Last week i saw only seven ships in our harbor for the first time in years. So unlikely unless deliberately done. Some one is spending a lot of money to create this faux shortage. This is a strategic maneuver of really stupid people. It is also late in the game and is readily redressed when the shoe drops. We do face short term inconvenience. again this is a show in which the enemy is made to play out all their tools in order to be fully discovered. Our supply alternatives are way deeper ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student gets Pfizer mRNA injection behind his family’s back, dead seven hours later
Seven hours. that is what it took for a jab to outright kill a young healthy student. Most likely this was a poorly mixed blend or something like this that improperly dosed him. Whatever happened he got a dose of bloot clotting that simply killed him a few short hours after he had the jab. This is a really scary story because there is no conceivable alternative explanation. It was almost immediate. This single event is sufficient to ever allow a single other dose to be applied. So why are we doing this? *Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student gets Pfizer mRNA injec... read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil solar energy generation breaks 3 records in single day – ONSRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The first record was set in the National Interconnected System (SIN), with an instantaneous generation peak of 3,626 megawatts (MW), at 10:52 AM. This amount of energy represents 4.7% of Brazil's demand, surpassing the mark registered on September 19, when 3,574 MW were generated at 11:16 AM. Also in the […] The post Brazil solar energy generation breaks 3 records in single day – ONS appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Bill regulating cryptocurrencies in Brazil includes registration of brokerage firmsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As shown in the opinion published on Wednesday, September 29, on the Chamber of Deputies' website, among these is the change that withdraws an issue that was in doubt among deputies: mileage plans. The rapporteur considered that mileage plans are covered by the current law and do not need new […] The post Bill regulating cryptocurrencies in Brazil includes registration of brokerage firms appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
El Salvador announces plan to mine bitcoin using geothermal energy produced by volcanoesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele shared a video showing the apparent progress of the country's bitcoin mining plant using geothermal power, which produces clean energy from heat generated by volcanoes. Bukele did not explain details about the process, writing only "first steps" along with the video, as well as citing […] The post El Salvador announces plan to mine bitcoin using geothermal energy produced by volcanoes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
TikTok to launch marketplace in Brazil connecting companies and content creatorsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In its announcement, made during its first global event, TikTok World, the company said that brands have become "a fun part" of the platform experience, adding that users "like to engage with the brands they love." The launch of the Creator Marketplace joins a number of new services for businesses […] The post TikTok to launch marketplace in Brazil connecting companies and content creators appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil meat production and exports to increase in 2021 and 2022 – ABPARIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Pork production will post the highest increases, ABPA said, pointing to growth of up to 6% in production in 2021 compared to 2020, up to 4.7 million tons, and another increase of up to 4% in 2022. Pork exports will increase by 12% in 2021, up to 1.15 million tons. […] The post Brazil meat production and exports to increase in 2021 and 2022 – ABPA appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles20 hours ago
New eruption at Kilauea volcano, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, HawaiiA new eruption began at Kilauea volcano's Halema‘uma‘u crater at approximately 01:20 UTC on September 30, 2021 (15:20 HST, September 29). As a result, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) raised the Volcano Alert Level for ground-based hazards...... Read more » read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
Chinese Fighter Aircraft are Making Waves on the Export Market*Sebastien Roblin* *L-15, China* Countries in South America, Africa, and elsewhere are considering China's L-15 fighter that first entered service as a trainer. *Here's What You Need to Know:* Built by Hongdu in Nanchang, China, the L-15 Falcon resembles an adorably abbreviated Super Hornet or F-16. The L-15 prototypes first flew in March 2006 and entered service in limited numbers in 2013 as a subsonic Advanced Jet Trainer designated the JL-10. Flying a high-performance jet fighter is a physically and mentally demanding skill that requires a lot of practice—but each hour flying ... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
The U.S. Navy's Super F-14 Tomcat Wasn't Meant to be*Peter Suciu* *F-14 Tomcat, United States* The Super Tomcat was proposed as a lower-cost alternative to the Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter, but could have led to a host of even more advanced Tomcats. *Here's What you Need to Remember: *Described as an "Evolutionary" upgrade of the F-14, the ST21 (Super Tomcat for the 21st Century) would have added more fuel capacity and even an active electronically scanning array (AESA) radar that had been developed for the canceled A-12 attack aircraft. When *Top Gun* came out in 1986, the aviation-themed film proved to be such as success in c... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
These Five Cold War Stealth Fighters were Stunning Failures*Robert Farley* *Stealth Fighters, World* It is some solace that even the worst of these aircraft were able to make useful contributions, even as technology changed around them. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In USAF service the Starfighter had a higher incidence of accidents than any other Century series fighter, but the problem was much worse for Canada and Germany. The accidents had a plethora of causes, but in general single-engined fighters with small wing area will suffer a disproportionate number of incidents. The air forces of the United States have had pretty good l... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
Nothing Can Keep up With The SR-71 Blackbird*Ethen Kim Lieser* *SR-71, * The SR-71 has made history many times over, including the famous photos of it shooting fireballs. Here is how it did so thanks to unique circumstances and its special fuel. *Key point: *The SR-71 was fast and, during one air show, it actually spat out an astounding thirteen fireballs behind it as it flew along. It is an iconic photo that has stood the test of time—an SR-71 Blackbird Mach 3 spy plane with a spectacular ball of flames trailing while putting on an amazing performance at the 1986 Air Fete Air Show. If you want to know more about what r... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
United States Submarines Face a Growing Array of Threats*Kris Osborn* *Submarines, * New threats continue to emerge. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Perhaps an undersea drone could identify an enemy subsea target, pass the data back to an undersea-warfare commander who in turn instantly sends coordinates to a helicopter armed with Very Light Weight Torpedoes. Sub-hunting spy planes armed with torpedoes, maritime drones armed with missiles, high-resolution, surface scanning cameras, and fast-moving surface ships dragging sonar sensors while conducting surface reconnaissance are all fast-growing threats to U.S. Navy submarines. ... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
The Air Force Desperately Needs the B-21 Stealth Bomber*Kris Osborn* *B-21 Bomber, * The Air Force needs a completely new bomber. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The need for the new bomber is quite pressing in many respects, the principal reasons being the advanced technological capacity of enemy air defenses and the age of the current bomber fleet. A new generation of stealth technology, unprecedented sensing and computing, long-range precision cruise missiles, air-dropped bombs and an ability to strike undetected against the most advanced air defenses in the world: These are all potential attributes of the now-on-the-way Air... read more
The National Interest21 hours ago
Operation Overload: D-Day Could Have Happened Far Earlier*Warfare History Network* *D-Day, Europe* The Allies unleashed on land, air, and sea the largest invasion force in world history in an enormous effort to liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny. *Key Point: *Today, it is difficult to imagine how a 1943 invasion could have been mounted with any real hope for success. Although plans for an emergency Allied invasion were in place as early as 1942, the requisite skill, power, and political support did not exist for an endeavor of this magnitude until June 1944. A month after D-Day, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of e... read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Murderous Fantasies: The US Intelligence Effort Against AssangeIf there was any reason to halt a farcical train of legal proceedings, then the case against Julian Assange would have to be the standard bearing example. Since last year, the efforts by the US government to pursue his extradition to the vicious purgatory of American justice has seen more […] read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil Chamber passes bill establishing guidelines for artificial intelligence useRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Using this kind of technology to violate the protection of free competition or to engage in abusive market practices will be forbidden. The text will now be debated by the Senate. Deputy Eduardo Bismarck's bill determines that the government will issue regulations on the matter with guidelines to monitor the […] The post Brazil Chamber passes bill establishing guidelines for artificial intelligence use appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil cattle herd reaches highest level since 2016 – IBGERIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The high price of fat cattle, calf and growth in meat exports helped to increase livestock in Brazil, which traditionally has the largest commercial cattle herd in the world. "We had experienced a period of slaughter of females which led to a reduction in the number of animals and calves, […] The post Brazil cattle herd reaches highest level since 2016 – IBGE appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Court suspends vaccination certificate and mentions health dictatorshipRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "The decree remains in force regarding the other measures that do not affect freedom of movement, and any citizen is allowed to move freely through the locations mentioned in the decree irrespective of a vaccination card," the Judge said in his ruling. Proving vaccination against Covid-19 in order to access […] The post Brazil Rio de Janeiro Court suspends vaccination certificate and mentions health dictatorship appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Real Climate Science23 hours ago
BBC : “Why are so many vaccinated people in hospital?”Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated – BBC News read more
Small Dead Animals23 hours ago
Sow The WindAnd it’s not even winter. read more
Climate Collections23 hours ago
Wind And Solar Folly In DetailOriginally posted on PA Pundits - International: By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ The Lower 48 states of the US cover four time zones. The sun sets in California about 3 hours after the sun sets in New York. One must wonder if the folks running the government in Washington DC are aware of this. President… read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 29 September 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
‘No-Win’ Kamala Still Has Fans In The PressBy Tim Graham ~ They say when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When it comes to Vice President Kamala Harris, she can count on energetic admirers in the press who take on the task of making lemonade out of her lemons. Take Washington Post White House reporter Cleve Wootson Jr., who accentuated the […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Wind And Solar Folly In DetailBy Dr. Jay Lehr ~ The Lower 48 states of the US cover four time zones. The sun sets in California about 3 hours after the sun sets in New York. One must wonder if the folks running the government in Washington DC are aware of this. President Joe Biden’s plan for a climate-friendly electric […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
September 30, 2021: Reader TipsThis evening we watch Jim Rockford school an early Wokeist. Your more level-headed tips are appreciated. read more
Econlib1 day ago
Money neutrality, super-neutrality, and non-neutralityOne way to learn macroeconomics is to figure out when money is neutral, super-neutral, and non-neutral, and when it is not. Money is said to be neutral when a once-and-for-all change in the money supply or money demand has no real effects. Money is super-neutral when a change in the growth rate of the money […] The post Money neutrality, super-neutrality, and non-neutrality appeared first on Econlib. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Feast of Trumpets 2021: September 7-9th or October 7-9th?
Feast of Trumpets: September 7th or October 7th? by https://parableofthevineyard.com/ Many who are being called out of the world, and into the true worship of Yahuah, have a sincere desire to keep his feast days with all their heart. Naturally, we also desire to celebrate them on the correct days — it’s an appointment after … read more
UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
Woman puts her hand inside Beluga Whale's mouth in crazy viral video. Internet reactsUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
News you can use: Why do beached whales explode after they die?UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
Other than that, nothing happens: Drone shows Florida surfer gliding over shark; 'overwhelming response'UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
How illegal fishing off Cameroon’s coast worsens maritime securityUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
Uh oh: Less than 50 sockeye salmon return to Idaho's Red Fish lake after 900-mile journey from oceanWar News Updates22 hours ago
Top U.S. General Admits That The U.S. Lost The 20-Year War In AfghanistanGeneral Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, conceded in a stark admission that the US 'lost' the war in Afghanistan *France 24: **US 'lost' the 20-year war in Afghanistan: top US general* The top US general conceded in a stark admission on Wednesday that the United States "lost" the 20-year war in Afghanistan. "It is clear, it is obvious to all of us, that the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban in power in Kabul," General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee. "The... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Scientists Are Tracking a Meteor Shower That Occurs Just Once Every 4000 Years!TheSimplySpace The universe holds the most breathtaking spectacles. Whether it’s light displays, solar and lunar eclipses, or glimmering meteor showers, the natural phenomena that regularly occur in space leave us in awe time and again. While some events can be observed quite frequently in the night sky, other galactic events occur at intervals of several … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Jeff Snider: The Global Currency System that Really MattersPalisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes an extremely thought provoking guest Jeff Snider to the show. Jeff flips the lid on the global shadow money system and shows us all the mechanisms and leavers that lie in the shadows. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisadesradio.ca – Inflation is … read more
Musings from the Chiefio22 hours ago
At Last, Australian Truckies News!Some news from Australia about the Truckies Strike, found in a video of humor, sarcasm, and political bite. Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pastor Coverstone Warning Dreams of Last Year: Baltic Index is Almost Dead 09/29/2021The Prophecy Club Pastor Dana Coverstone had a dream where he saw Ships in Ports, and that they were sitting idle. That’s how we know all these warnings is about to begin. If the Baltic Dry Index is dead, that means nothing in trade is moving around the world. Headlines today show that the Baltic … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pelosi & Yellen: Debt? What Debt? Who Says Our Government is Massively Under Water?Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
The Opportunity Right Now in Gold and Silver – Monthly Wrap Up – 9.28.21Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Robert Kiyosaki: ‘The Biggest Crash in World History’ Hits This OctoberKitco NEWS The whole market, including Bitcoin, gold, stocks, is about to face a serious crash in October, said Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. Speaking to Michelle Makori, editor-in-chief of Kitco News, Kiyosaki explained the factors in the economy that have been leading up to this upcoming crash, and highlighted the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
FedRes Overnight Reverse Repo (29 Sep 2021): $1,415.840 B , +$50B New Daily Record !!https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTSYD https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/ read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
“It’s A F**king Kid”: Johnson & Johnson Official Says Children Shouldn’t Get Vax Due To ‘Unknown Repercussions’“It’s A F**king Kid”: Johnson & Johnson Official Says Children Shouldn’t Get Vax Due To ‘Unknown Repercussions’ by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Project Veritas is out with the third installment of their series on vaccine insiders – this time covertly recording two Johnson & Johnson officials saying that children don’t shouldn’t take the Covid-19 jab. – “Kids shouldn’t … read more
UnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
France warns UK of ‘retaliation’ as Jersey braces for blockade in fishing rowUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
Rumor Mongering: Claim about seawater is salty not 'because of sperm from blue whales' subjected to fact checkUnderwaterTimes.com - Front Page22 hours ago
IN DEEPWar News Updates22 hours ago
All Foreign Spectators Are Banned From The 2022 Beijing Olympics*France 24*:* International spectators to be barred from Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics* Tickets for the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics will be sold to spectators from mainland China only, while unvaccinated athletes must spend 21 days in quarantine ahead of the Games, the International Olympic Committee said on Wednesday. Organisers of the Beijing Games have informed the IOC’s Executive Board 2022 of the principles to deliver “safe and successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games as scheduled,” the committee said. The Beijing Games start on Feb. 4 and the Chinese capital will b... read more
CENSORED NEWS22 hours ago
Services for Paiute Shoshone Myron DeweyObituary Myron Charles DeweyMyron Charles Dewey, 49, of Schurz, Nevada died unexpectedly on Sunday, September 26, 2021, from injuries sustained in a car crash. His loss was completely unexpected and the family is shocked and deeply saddened.Myron is a citizen of the Walker River Paiute Tribe. His numunanea (Indian Name) is Ahu-auh-bud-shoe-knaw-me "Strong Thinker".Myron was born on July 16, 1972, read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 222 hours ago
“Tiny Chicken Wings; Banks To Expose Your Financial Privacy; Dollar Stores Boom”Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/29/21: “*Tiny Chicken Wings;* * Banks To Expose Your Financial Privacy; Dollar Stores Boom”* read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
U.S. CENTCOM General Blames President Trump For Setting Into Motion The Collapse Of The Afghan Army And Government*The Guardian/AP:* *Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal* *The Doha agreement, signed in February 2020, set a date for the US to fully withdraw troops by May 2021* The collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces can be traced to a 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration that promised a complete US troop withdrawal, senior Pentagon officials have told Congress. Gen Frank McKenzie, the head of central command, told the House armed services committee that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 ... read more
News – TOTT News23 hours ago
Industry workers poised to strike in nationwide show of unity against jab mandatesWorkers from multiple sectors plan to strike as part of #ReclaimTheLine protests tomorrow. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
September 30th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 254In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post September 30th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 254 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
September 30th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post September 30th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
With care, sustainable farming and food safety can be a good match
Food Safety Education Month Mention sustainable agriculture and you’ll likely get a hearty thumbs-up. Ask why this is so, and you’ll hear how sustainable farmers take good care of the soil, their animals, the environment, their employees — and that this way of farming benefits consumers’ health and safety. You’ll also be told that farmers... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
House report on baby food shows FDA, companies must take action nowOpinion Consumer Reports today (Sept. 29) urged baby food manufacturers and the Food and Drug Administration to take quick and decisive action to address the “disturbing” findings in a new report issued by the U.S. House Oversight Committee. Oversight’s Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy released a new staff report that shows “high levels of toxic heavy... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
FDA reports Salmonella outbreak growing; virtually no details revealed
An investigation report into a Salmonella Thompson outbreak shows additional patients and ongoing efforts by the Food and Drug Administration to find the source, though virtually no details have been released. The Salmonella Thompson outbreak now has 83 people confirmed with infections, up from 78 people a week ago. The FDA is continuing traceback efforts,... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
UK moves to allow gene-edited cropsThe United Kingdom government is to change the rules relating to gene editing to allow use of the technology. The plans were published as part of the government’s response to the gene editing consultation by Environment Secretary George Eustice. The first step is to cut red tape and make research and development easier now that... Continue Reading read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Rebel News in Victoria Hold Police Accountable, and The Police Do Not Like ItThe Police in/around Melbourne Australia (State of Victoria) are becoming very uncomfortable that people are recording their beatings and brutality and posting them on social media. In an effort to stop media reporting on the continued police actions, law enforcement is now attempting to block media from being present. Kudos to Avi Yemini and Rebel […] The post Rebel News in Victoria Hold Police Accountable, and The Police Do Not Like It appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Spanish officials report new mollusk seizuresSpanish authorities have confiscated 16 tons of mollusks because of suspected illegal shellfish harvesting. La Guardia Civil reported most of the mollusks came from Portugal. Four people have been arrested while another five suspects as well as five companies have been placed under investigation for crimes against public health and falsifying documents. Officials from the... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Project looks at impact of food-grade waxes on fresh produce food safety
Food-grade waxes are applied to many produce items before storage and distribution to control postharvest decay and extend shelf life. But relatively little is known about how different waxes and the waxing step impact microbial food safety. In her project funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS), “Waxing of whole produce and its involvement... Continue Reading read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Thank God The B-1B Bomber Never Accomplished Its Mission*Robert Farley* *B-1B Lancer, World* The B-1B was intended to deliver nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *It's very telling the the B-1B, originally retired by President Carter, is still in service (albeit on its way out). Earlier this year, the U.S. Air Force announced plans to retire the B-1B Lancer (also known as the “Bone”) in favor of the new B-21 Raider stealth bomber. The B-1B will remain in service for some time, but unlike its older cousin the B-52, its days are apparently numbered. The B-1B has served in a variety of capacities sin... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The Missile Defense Agency is Prioritizing the Hypersonic Missile Threat*Kris Osborn* *Missile Defense Agency, * It's focused on countering hypersonic missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While Atkinson did not elaborate in great detail on other specific areas of research and development, however, there are a number of key cutting edge areas of current developmental emphasis such as an emerging hypersonic defense weapon called the Glide Phase Interceptor. While many observers, lawmakers and Pentagon weapons developers may express some measure of disappointment that the Missile Defense Agency’s 2022 budget request is slightly lower than las... read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Japan PM Ends COVID-19 Emergency Restrictions
From Yahoo News: Japan to lift all coronavirus emergency steps nationwide Excerpts in italics with my bolds, Japan’s government announced Tuesday that the coronavirus state of emergency will end this week to help rejuvenate the economy as infections slow. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said the emergency will end Thursday and virus restrictions will be eased […] read more
Diogenes' Middle Finger23 hours ago
Great Moments in History #49
One of the most astounding mysteries of the world is this ancient tile pattern in Greece, dated to about 1,500 B.C. It was little more than a curiosity until 2008 when its resemblance to a QR Code was recognized. First photographed in 1871 by the British Antiquities Society, they were known as the “Chinese Box Tiles” owing to the closest thing anyone had seen to the strange pattern. Little was known about the titles except that they were installed along with other beachfront roads on the isle of Igrigoria in ancient times. In was in 2008 that QR codes became popular enough that a ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Why Tanks are No Longer King of the Battlefield (Even for Russia)*Peter Suciu* *Russian Tanks, Russia* Tanks combine the mobility of infantry with the firepower of artillery, but their importance to armies may be waning. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Russia currently maintains the largest force of armored vehicles in the world, with more than 22,000 in its arsenal—more than twice as many employed by the United States military. Some 12,000 of those vehicles are main battle tanks. A question that was routinely asked throughout the Cold War was whether nuclear weapons could reduce the need for other forms of military hardware? In other wor... read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Herd immunity/herding constituents: parpol and COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia #2These events are heavily political in the distinctively clientelistic sense that dominates in Indonesia. The post Herd immunity/herding constituents: parpol and COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia #2 appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Costa Rica participates in world’s most important cruise fair in Miami, FloridaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - From September 27 to 30, Costa Rica participates in the Seatrade Cruise Global 2021 in Miami, Florida, the most important event and the leading exhibition of the cruise industry in the world. Seatrade brings together all players in the business, including cruise lines, suppliers, travel agencies, destinations, and partners from […] The post Costa Rica participates in world’s most important cruise fair in Miami, Florida appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Panama warns that more than 65,000 migrants may be on their way to the U.S.RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Panama’s Foreign Minister, Erika Mouynes, warned on Tuesday about a possible increase in irregular migration to the United States. She estimated that more than 65,000 people might be heading after having crossed her country. In an interview with Efe at the end of a visit that began on Monday and […] The post Panama warns that more than 65,000 migrants may be on their way to the U.S. appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Monetary reconversion in Venezuela: one bolivar of tomorrow, 100 billion of yesterdayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Take the annual budget of an oil-producing country and keep it in local currency untouched. Wait 14 years, and that money, then equivalent to 50 billion dollars, will be worth 25 cents on the dollar. Unlikely? It happened in Venezuela. This Friday, October 1, a monetary reconversion takes effect in […] The post Monetary reconversion in Venezuela: one bolivar of tomorrow, 100 billion of yesterday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Afghanistan's Central Bank Had Most Of Its Cash Reserves Drained Before The Country Fell To The TalibanMen are pictured as Afghanistan's Taliban-controlled central bank seizes a large amount of money in cash and gold from former top government officials, including former vice president Amrullah Saleh, in Afghanistan, in this handout obtained by Reuters on September 15, 2021. Da Afghanistan Bank/Handout via REUTERS *Reuters:** Exclusive-Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell - document* FRANKFURT/MUMBAI (Reuters) - The Afghan central bank ran down most of its U.S. dollar cash reserves in the weeks before the Taliban took control of the country, according ... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Panama: free vaccination for tourists would generate revenues of more than US$120 millionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As anticipated by many last weeks, Copa Airlines joined the Panamanian Government's vaccination program for tourists called Vacutur Panama. The program will start on October 1 and will offer the two-dose Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine against covid-19. The Vacutur Panama initiative aims to reactivate the flow of tourism and other projects they […] The post Panama: free vaccination for tourists would generate revenues of more than US$120 million appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Technical careers, effective for economic recovery in Latin America, says World BankRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Short-cycle higher education programs, such as technical careers, can be very effective in boosting employment and economic recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean, hard hit by the covid-19 pandemic, the World Bank said Wednesday. Technical courses, generally of two or three years' duration and oriented to the labor market, […] The post Technical careers, effective for economic recovery in Latin America, says World Bank appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Michael West Media1 day ago
$66 Billion Reasons: did Scott Morrison get the French submarines right?[image: French submarine, AUKUS] When Tony Abbott famously reintroduced knights and dames, few could have fathomed how far this government - with its retro policy bent and its tugging of the imperial forelock - could have turned back time. We now know. Michael West investigates AUKUS and whether Scott Morrison made the right call on French submarines. read more
American Empire Exposed1 day ago
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Taking a Toll on Our Mental Health, Causing Brain Damage and Neurological Disease
The appalling Covid-19 vaccine agenda that humanity is now facing is not the only time that vaccines have been linked to mental disorders. According to the February 2017* Yale Daily News*, the journal *Frontiers in Psychiatry* had just reported that a joint Yale University-Penn State study found that: *Patients diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa were more likely to have received vaccinations three months prior to their diagnoses. * That same month a *Nexus Magazine* article also weighed in on the eye-opening Yale... read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
Pompeo Effectively Admits To Assange AllegationsListen to a reading of this article: ❖ In the process of issuing another not-really-a-denial about a Yahoo News report that the CIA plotted to kidnap, extradite and assassinate WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2017, former CIA director Mike Pompeo said that the 30 former […] read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Hey, Australians, Here’s Some Ingenuity For YouFor You Americans, how to make black powder, non black powder propellants, both slow and fast burning, and primers is described in detail in the... The post Hey, Australians, Here’s Some Ingenuity For You appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Covert Geopolitics1 day ago
YouTube Bans ALL Anti-vax VideosYouTube will ban all “harmful vaccine content” from its platform, including claims that vaccines are ineffective at reducing disease transmission. The ban comes after a year of escalating censorship by the Google-owned company. “We’ve steadily seen false claims about the coronavirus vaccines spill over into misinformation about vaccines in general, and we’re now at a … Continue reading YouTube Bans ALL Anti-vax Videos → read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Resurfaced 2007 Video Proves Biden’s Border Crisis Is by DesignBonginoReport Published September 28, 2021 In 2007 Biden said “no great country can say it is secure without being able to control its borders” and... The post Resurfaced 2007 Video Proves Biden’s Border Crisis Is by Design appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
23 Species From 19 States Lost to ExtinctionCenter for Biological Diversity WASHINGTON— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed today to remove 22 animals and a plant from the endangered species list... The post 23 Species From 19 States Lost to Extinction appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
NBA Will Withhold Pay For Unvaccinated PlayersZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden The NBA is upping its pressure on the ‘vaccine hesitant’ and resistors in the league, unveiling a new policy... The post NBA Will Withhold Pay For Unvaccinated Players appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Econlib1 day ago
Paul Samyn’s Failure to Distinguish
On September 21, 2021, Winnipeg Free Press editor Paul Samyn wrote, in an email I received: Carville made those comments in a piece for The Hill in 2014, but that same vexing question resonates today as we look at some of the success Bernier’s anti-vaxx stance as leader of the People’s Party of Canada had at the […] The post Paul Samyn’s Failure to Distinguish appeared first on Econlib. read more
balance101 day ago
Ratcliffe on Milley's calls to PRC military chief and Milley's testimony“All military intelligence that Milley gets comes through the Director of National Intelligence.” -DNI under Trump John Ratcliffe said Milley’s testimony on his 2 calls to PRC military chairman was “disingenuous and disappointing”. (Obviously Milley cut out intentionally Trump, Ratcliffe and Pompeo among others. That’s some kind of high treason. And Pelosi was in with Milley. -r) https://video.foxnews.com/v/6274798453001#sp=show-clips ……………............................................................................... 9-29-21 Sars2 India 22/267= 8.6% increase/day ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Russia Loves Its Su-57 Stealth Fighter, But It Doesn't Have Many*Robert Farley* *Russia Su-57, Eurasia* With respect to other buyers, the Russians may eventually find export customers, but few seem interested at this point. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Can Russia’s aviation industry produce a sufficient number of fighters of sufficient reliability to have a significant strategic impact? The answer remains very much in doubt, but depends to great extent on whether the Russian economy recovers, and the Russian Air Force submits sufficient domestic orders to make producing the fighter a worthwhile risk. The PAK FA (now known as the Su-57... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The U.S. Navy's New F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Are Ready to Launch*Mark Episkopos* *F/A-18 Super Hornet, * The continued delivery of Block III Super Hornet to the U.S. Navy comes amid Boeing’s ongoing efforts to expand the fighter’s presence in foreign markets. Switzerland chose the F-35 over the Super Hornet in July as part of a $6.5 billion procurement search, but Super Hornet remains an import contender for Canada, Finland, and Germany. Boeing has delivered the first two operational F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter jets to the U.S. Navy. Described by Boeing as “the most networked and survivable F/A-18,” the Block III revision of the Super Hor... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Russia Has its Sights Set on a New Stealth Bomber*Caleb Larson* *Russian Air Force, * If Russian military history can teach us anything, the Tu-22M, -95, and -160 will probably be maintained and upgraded for many years to come. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *This would be the first truly Russian bomber—not simply a legacy Soviet design, or improvements upon them. Most military equipment in Russian arsenals today is legacy Soviet hardware. Russian bombers are no exception. Although some airframes in Russian inventories are quite old, they remain potent thanks to airframe, electronics and radar upgrades, along with improvem... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
HOLD THE LINE: It’s All About to Flip Against The Demonic Globalists And Destroyers of HumanitySocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Videos: Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told MORE Shots Needed To Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’
Videos: Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told MORE Shots Needed To Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’ by Steve Watson, https://www.infowars.com/ * It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ – Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
British Government Trying to Bypass Parliament to Implement Vaccine Passports
British Government Trying to Bypass Parliament to Implement Vaccine Passports by Paul Joseph Watson, https://summit.news/ Sordid scheme is back again under the guise of a ‘public consultation’. – The British government has been accused of trying to bypass Parliament in an effort to implement vaccine passports via the backdoor, with the scheme under review AGAIN … read more
Virtual Mirage1 day ago
Tank Challenge (Extra)Can you Identify this tank? There are three variants of the same vehicle. Because it’s a tough one, I’m showing all three. Martin, don’t let me down. Yes, they are production vehicles of this nation and have seen combat. Bonus points and bragging rights if you can also identify the captioned tank […] The post Tank Challenge (Extra) appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
An Insane Plan to Fund the Government is BackHeresy Financial Every few years, the idea to have the Treasury mint a platinum coin worth $1 trillion to fund government expenses comes up again. Now, with political gridlock, government shutdown, and a potential debt default on the near horizon, many are pushing the trillion-dollar coin as a viable solution for the financial mess the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
More Gold, More Value | Alastair StillLiberty and Finance Gold Mining Inc. is advancing their known gold resources and thereby unlocking more value for investors. Alastair Still, CEO of Gold Mining Inc., says this is just the beginning. Gold Mining Inc. is a supporting sponsor of Liberty And Finance. Latest news release Sep 23, 2021: GoldMining Advances Preliminary Economic Assessments And … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Woman Saved By Ivermectin Exposes Drug SuppressionBANNED.VIDEO Kimberly Fletcher of https://momsforamerica.us joins The Alex Jones Show to break down her harrowing story of fighting through medical industry suppression of life saving drugs during a supposed pandemic to successfully treat herself with Ivermectin. Pre-order your copy of COVIDLAND Episode One: The Lockdown for $19.95 and get a free copy of the seminal … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
United Airlines Set To Terminate 593 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 VaccineFull Court Press for the coming Mark of The Beast. Net is tightening! United Airlines Set To Terminate 593 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine by Mimi Nguyen Ly via The Epoch Times, https://www.zerohedge.com/ United Airlines is set to terminate 593 of its employees who have chosen not to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate, the company confirmed to The … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Scotland to Introduce Vaccine Passports from October 1Scotland to Introduce Vaccine Passports from October 1 by https://www.standard.co.uk/video The Scottish Government’s plans for vaccine passports have been backed by MSPs as the Greens provided the necessary votes. Attendance at large events will require a vaccine passport from October 1, under Scottish Government plans. – A paper released just hours before MSPs are due … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
JPMorgan Chase Boss Jamie Dimon Says The Bank is Preparing for a ‘Potentially Catastrophic’ Federal Default on October 18 if Congress Fails to Raise The Debt Ceiling While Passing Biden’s $3.5T Spending BillJPMorgan Chase Boss Jamie Dimon Says The Bank is Preparing for a ‘Potentially Catastrophic’ Federal Default on October 18 if Congress Fails to Raise The Debt Ceiling While Passing Biden’s $3.5T Spending Bill by REUTERS and KEITH GRIFFITH FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, via https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ * Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said Tuesday the bank is preparing for US credit default … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
THE BUBBLE IS BURSTING! Are You Prepared?… Lynette Zang & Gregory MannarinoMedical Kidnap1 day ago
26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After Death of 20-Year-Old Student
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. Joachim Kuhs, a member of the European Parliament, recently spoke to the EU Commission and stated: "Pull the brake on these vaccines and stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!" Meanwhile, Slovenia has suspended the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine in their country after the death of a 20-year-old who was mandated to get the shot in order to attend classes. The post 26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Inju... read more
Viable Opposition1 day ago
YouTube - Further Controlling the COVID-19 Vaccine Narrative
For those of you that have read George Orwell's 1984, one of my favourite books, Winston Smith, an employee at the ironically named Ministry of Truth, is responsible for destroying history that is inconvenient to the Party. Over the past two years, it has become increasingly obvious that we are living under the same sort of authoritarianism, in this case, led by the world's social media platforms. In its latest move to destroy any narrative that doesn't follow its preferred version of the pandemic and accompanying vaccine rollout, YouTube, a subsidiary of Alphabet, Google's p... read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
Biden’s DHS Sec. Mayorkas Admits Border Crossers Have Illness Rate of 20%; Forced Vaccinations for US Border Patrol, Most Americans & European Tourists But Not for Non-Citizen Foot MigrantsIf people, including Americans, come through the US border properly, then they are supposed to present evidence that they are … Continue reading → read more
Atmospheric Evolution on Hot Super-Earths
[image: Story 485093774] Hot Jupiters (notice I’ve finally stopped putting the term into quotation marks) were the obvious early planets to detect, even if no one had any idea whether such things existed. I suppose you could say Greg Matloff knew, at least to the point that he helped Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes come up with a plot scenario involving a planet that fit the description in their novel *Encounter with Tiber* (Grand Central, 1996), which was getting published just as the hot Jupiter 51 Pegasi b was being discovered. Otto Struve evidently predicted the existence of gas gi... read more
No More Mister Nice Blog1 day ago
THERE REALLY IS NO LIMIT TO THE SCUMMINESS OF RIGHT-WING ANTI-VAXXERSI'm too disheartened to write about what's going on Washington, so I'll write about something nearly as infuriating: the monstrousness of the anti-vaccine right. Here's the headline to Gateway Pundit's lead story right now: *Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot* GP's Cristina Laila writes: Orlando, Florida – A former Notre Dame professor who routinely attacked unvaccinated people as “selfish” passed away after she received her 3rd Covid vaccine. 67-year-old Karen Croake Heisler received her first Pfizer Covid... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Taliban Leadership to Rank and File: Stop Having Fun*Trevor Filseth* *Afghanistan, * There have been reports—and photos and videos on Twitter—of off-duty Taliban soldiers making the most of their time in the city. Taliban fighters have visited Kabul’s zoo, filmed themselves playing at amusement parks and gyms, and relaxed at the opulent mansions of evacuated warlords. Following the Taliban seizure of Kabul on August 15, the group has occupied the city, bringing in thousands of fighters from Afghanistan’s rural areas and stationing them at key positions across the city. Most of them, per reporting from the *Wall Street Journal*, ar... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
China Tested its 'Carrier Killer' Missiles in the Pitch-Black*Kris Osborn* *DF-26 Missile, Asia* The test marks a milestone for China's missile program. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Night maneuvers, the Chinese report said, introduce additional tactical variables such as the need to carefully manage any signal or signature which might compromise a launch position. The Chinese military fired off one of its much-hyped “carrier-killer” missiles at night. This was part of an effort to refine guidance systems and targeting technologies for more challenging combat circumstances such as tracking targets without daylight. China’s People’... read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Hodgdon Closes GOEX Blackpowder PlantAmerican Rifleman Hodgdon Powder Company announced it would cease manufacturing operations at the GOEX blackpowder manufacturing facility in Camp Minden, La., effective immediately. The closure... The post Hodgdon Closes GOEX Blackpowder Plant appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil records 17,756 new cases and 676 Covid deaths (September 29)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Wednesday reported 676 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 596,122, the Health Ministry said. There were also 17,756 new coronavirus cases, with the total number of infections in the country advancing to 21,399,546, the folder added. According […] The post Brazil records 17,756 new cases and 676 Covid deaths (September 29) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
NBA Will Withhold Pay For Unvaccinated PlayersJonathan Isaac shares his full thoughts on vaccinations and addresses the Rolling Stone article. "I'm not anti-vax. I'm not anti-medicine. I'm not anti-science. I didn't come to my current vaccination status by studying black history or watching Donald Trump press conferences." pic.twitter.com/EvT4KwGJwx — Beyond the RK (@beyondtheRK) September 27, 2021 NBA Will Withhold Pay For … read more
Greg Mankiw's Blog1 day ago
On Yours TrulyFrom Miles Kimball, my first dissertation advisee. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 29, 2021*Meghann Myers, Military Times:* *Afghanistan probably never stood a chance, reports show* On July 29, the Pentagon’s independent inspector general for Afghanistan told a group of reporters that with 20 years in and trillions dollars spent, Afghan security forces were not confident enough to do basic route clearance or checkpoint management. Two weeks later, the Taliban had taken nearly all of Afghanistan and was preparing to launch its campaign into Kabul, the capital. Video would show Afghan forces laying down their weapons as the insurgents rolled into city after city, s... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
One of the most popular chat apps will be blocked from iPhone and Androids soon
You might lose access to WhatsApp soon. Here's why some won't be able to access the service and how to stay connected. read more
Land Destroyer1 day ago
US War Plans with China Taking Shape
*September 30, 2021* (Brian Berletic - NEO) - The US and its allies continue beating the drums of war in regards to China, but how serious is this? Will it really lead to war, or is it merely posturing meant to give the US the most favorable position on the other side of a fully ascendant China? A critical inflection point identified by US war planners for years is approaching, where China’s economic and military might will irreversibly surpass the US and the center of global power will likewise irreversibly shift from West to East creating a global balance of power unseen for ce... read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Leprosy has a Cure, so has Prejudice, says Miss Universe for BrazilNAIROBI, KENYA, Sep 29 (IPS) - A new dawn has come, and it was through the work of Yohei Sasakawa, the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and Sasakawa Health Foundation, that those affected by leprosy now had a voice to speak for themselves. Read the full story, “Leprosy has a Cure, so has Prejudice, says Miss Universe for Brazil”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Alleged reprisals and intimidation against 240 who cooperated with UNAllegations of reprisals and intimidation were documented against some 240 civil society members, activists and journalists, across 45 countries in the year up to 31 April, simply because they had been cooperating with the United Nations. Read the full story, “Alleged reprisals and intimidation against 240 who cooperated with UN”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Afghanistan: Rapid decline in public health conditions, WHO warnsHealthcare provision is deteriorating fast in Afghanistan, the UN health agency warned on Wednesday, with cases of measles and diarrhoea shooting up, and polio becoming a “major risk”. Read the full story, “Afghanistan: Rapid decline in public health conditions, WHO warns”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
UN launches initiative to support returnees trapped in Syria campsWhen the extremist militant group ISIL, or Da’esh, collapsed in Iraq and Syria, thousands of foreign nationals were hastily detained in prisons and camps. At least 42,000 foreign women and children, most under the age of 12, currently remain in squalid and overcrowded conditions inside camps in northeast Syria. Read the full story, “UN launches initiative to support returnees trapped in Syria camps”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Transform food systems to avert $400 billion annually in loss and wasteThat half-eaten apple tossed in the trash bin after lunch is contributing to the staggering mountain of food wasted globally, at a time when more than 800 million people still go to bed hungry, UN agencies said on Wednesday, marking the International Day to increase awareness of this issue. Read the full story, “Transform food systems to avert $400 billion annually in loss and waste”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Families of missing migrants, forced to search aloneUrgent support is needed for tens of thousands of missing migrant families who are often forced to rely on smugglers and other informal networks, to trace loved ones, the International Organization for Migration's (IOM) said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Families of missing migrants, forced to search alone”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Top UN envoy 'encouraged’ by recent engagement of Israeli and Palestinian officialsThe UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Wednesday that he was “encouraged” by the recent engagement of senior Israeli and Palestinian officials. Read the full story, “Top UN envoy 'encouraged’ by recent engagement of Israeli and Palestinian officials”, on globalissues.org → read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Union’s Database as Slovenia Suspends J&J Shot After Death of 20-Year-Old Student
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 26,041 fatalities, and 2,448,362 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. Joachim Kuhs, a member of the European Parliament, recently spoke to the EU Commission and stated: "Pull the brake on these vaccines and stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!" Meanwhile, Slovenia has suspended the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine in their country after the death of a 20-year-old who was mandated to get the shot in order to attend classes. The post 26,041 Deaths 2,448,362 Inju... read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Covid Absurdies MadebyjimbobThis post was triggered by an article by Mike Solana at American Thinker Aborting reason. Some excerpts in italics with my bolds before jimbob takes over. This month, as fate would have it, a controversial Texas abortion ban, shouted down from coast to coast with cries of “my body, my choice,” coursed a horrified media […] read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Clear the cord clutter on your kitchen counters with this clever product
This simple product can help organize your messy cords in all kinds of situations. read more