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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

11 August - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

10 pm MDT

Deadly “Green” energy hypocrites

Craig Rucker at CFACT - 11 hours ago
At the same time the Greens want government to force us to use inefficient, intermittent wind and solar, and short-range electric vehicles, Green gadflies insist that we source none of the materials here. They block every mine and well, forcing producers to comply with Green mandates by sourcing the materials and products they demand overseas. The post Deadly “Green” energy hypocrites appeared first on CFACT.

It's hard to have sufficient contempt...

bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020...for the way elite humans behave:* Ever so slowly, we've come to see that the experts may truly have a small point. We refer to the major top anthropologists with whom we've been consulting over the past several years. When we saw this report in this morning's Washington Post, we knew what those experts would say: SCHERER AND JOHNSON (8/11/20): *Supporters favoring a Black woman as the running mate of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden made a final public push Monday,* as he continued to consult with advisers in private with less than a week to go ... more »

Why Employers Should Reduce Hours Rather Than Cut Staff

David Spencer at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*David Spencer* *Economics, * Reducing working hours will not only help us recover from the coronavirus-induced economic crisis; it is an important step towards a world where we all work less and are less dependent on paid work. Unemployment is rising sharply in the UK. Large sections of the workforce also face redundancy as the furlough scheme is phased out. It is clear that, without a radical shift in policy, many millions of workers will confront real hardship. We know from research that unemployment has “scarring effects” on workers. Beyond the direct distresses of being out... more »

The Great Google Glitch of 2020 Is Now Fixed

Stephen Silver at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * Google on Monday afternoon suffered some sort of massive glitch, causing many to believe a massive algorithm change had occurred. However, as of now, the issue seems to be corrected. Google on Monday afternoon suffered some sort of massive glitch, Search Engine Journal reported. It was believed, as is usually the case when there’s been a big and sudden change to Google results, that an algorithm update had arrived, but that does not appear to have been what happened Monday. The problem has since been fixed, but it appeared to have affected search... more »

Will Joe Biden Announce His Vice Presidential Pick Today?

Rachel Bucchino at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, * [image: Reuters] But stalling announcements isn’t unusual for Biden, so it’s rumored the timeline could be prolonged even more. Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign team plans to announce his choice for vice president in the middle of the week since he’s finally finished all interviews with the candidates, The New York Times reported. His four-member running mate selection committee has dispersed, pushing Biden to complete the last step of the process—to make the decision. Biden’s campaign has drawn up unveiling plans for some of the ... more »

Coronavirus: Scientists Disagree on Face Masks, Immunity and Cases

Manal Mohammed at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Manal Mohammed* *Science, * The coronavirus is novel – and we don’t yet have all the facts about it. As a result, we may have to change our approach as new scientific data comes in. Although political leaders have closed borders in response to COVID-19, scientists are collaborating like never before. But the coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) is novel – and we don’t yet have all the facts about it. As a result, we may have to change our approach as new scientific data comes in. That doesn’t mean the science isn’t trustworthy – we will get the full picture over time. And there is already ... more »

The AH-64 Apache's Road To Helicopter Stardom Wasn't Easy

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Americas* Despite its successes, the AH-64A remained a product of analog-era technology. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Apache’s origins date back to the United States withdrawal from the Vietnam War, as the Army turned its attention back to the huge mechanized armies of the Warsaw Pact. Helicopter gunships had proven highly useful in Vietnam for delivering precise strikes and loitering air support—but relatively lightly-armed Viet Cong had shot down hundreds of them. Early in the morning of January 17, 1991, eight sleek helicopters bristli... more »

Iran's Mighty Missile Force Must Not Be Taken For Granted

Zachary Keck at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Zachary Keck* *Security, Middle East* The missile program actually began under the Shah, but today it is the Middle East's largest. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Ballistic missiles are also the most blunt prong of Iran’s deterrent strategy, which also includes the use of proxies and asymmetric naval warfare. Still, it is certainly something that U.S. Central Command has to plan for, especially as Iran and the United States come closer to fighting directly in the Syrian Civil War. The missile program actually began under the Shah, but it was accelerated during the Iran-Ira... more »

Great Wall In Reverse: To Take Down China, Look To The Pacific's Many Islands

James Holmes at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, * A few defense perimeters really are impenetrable. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* Message to Beijing: you can try to deny U.S. and allied forces access to the Western Pacific or the freedom to move around within the theater, but you will see your access and freedom of movement curtailed if you do. It’s always gratifying to see your ideas take wing. Back in 2012, on a lark, Toshi Yoshihara and I broached a strategic concept we took to calling “island-chain defense,” or sometimes a “Great Wall in reverse.” Long story short, the conceit behind island... more »

Russia's Stealth Fighters Are Impressive, But America's Remain On Top

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, * Say what you will about the F-35, but Lockheed Martin has actually built and delivered one hundred and seventy one aircraft thus far. The Russian Air Force, meanwhile, has yet to receive its first PAK FA. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The biggest question associated with the PAK FA remains this; can Russia’s aviation industry produce a sufficient number of fighters of sufficient reliability to have a significant strategic impact? The answer remains very much in doubt, but depends to great extent on whether the Russian economy recovers, and the ... more »

Why an Iran-U.S. Detente Could Still Occur Under Joe Biden

Hamidreza Azizi, Maysam Behravesh at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Hamidreza Azizi, Maysam Behravesh* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] The Biden foreign policy team hopes to use nuclear de-escalation with Tehran as a stepping stone to fostering a “modus vivendi” between Iran and its regional rivals, a more realistic approach that might go down well with Ayatollah Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards. Over two years after the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal—known officially as the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA)—in May 2018, now the fate of the accord and more broadly the future of Tehran-Washington ties are commonly be... more »

America's F-35s Are Keeping North Korea Awake At Night

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * The ROKAF, South Korea’s Air Force received their first F-35A fighter jets in April 2019. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The combination of the KF-16C and AMRAAM vastly outclasses the majority of fighters the KPAF can field. The bulk of the KPAF fighter fleet is built out of MiG-21 variants and the J-7 fighter, which can only mount short-range infrared air-to-air missiles. KF-16Cs could just fire AMRAAMs, turn around and bug out before the KPAF MiGs lock on, though individual conditions could dictate engagement at shorter ranges. The ROKAF, South... more »

Iran's "New" Stealth Fighter Is Too Good To Be True (And Probably Is)

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Technology, Middle East* It doesn't really exist. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Iran may eventually design an actual flying jet plane resembling the mockups it passed off as the real thing—but even, such a plane would likely merely be a testbed and showpiece. By now, one can consult the experience of the United States, China and Russia to show what a real stealth fighter program would entail. By comparison, Iran’s effort does no seem credible. There can be such a thing as posturing too hard. Iran’s aviation industry has accomplishments to boast about de... more »

Black Agenda Radio for Week of August 10, 2020

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 11 hours ago
10 August 2020 — Black Agenda Report Black Agenda Radio for Week of August 10, 2020 with Margaret Kimberley and Glen Ford “Black August” Honors Captives of Armed Struggle / Black Brazilians Hit Hard by Covid-19 / Insurance Industry Vital to US Slavery / Midwives Could Help Stem Maternal and Infant Death Toll “Black August” Honors … Continue reading Black Agenda Radio for Week of August 10, 2020

Diabetes-COVID-19 paper retracted for lack of ethical approval

Adam Marcus at Retraction Watch - 11 hours ago
An allegation of plagiarism in a paper about Covid-19 in people with diabetes led to a retraction, but not for lifted text. Earlier this year, the journal Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, a Mary Ann Liebert title, published “No deleterious effect of lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic on glycaemic control, measured by glucose monitoring, in adults … Continue reading Diabetes-COVID-19 paper retracted for lack of ethical approval

Regular Contributor RAH Checks In with an Update on PCR Tests - AND the Entities behind it All

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago
*Regular Contributor RAH* Below is a contribution I recently received from Regular Contributor *RAH. * I will not add any editorial comments but let his views speak for themselves. gc *=========================* *RAH says*: "Further to the *Cribriform Plate and nasal rape with long 6inch swabs.* *THE STORY: The COVID PCR *tests are administered with a 6 inch (15cm) long cotton swab through the nose, which goes to the very back of your throat. Why? *§ THE IMPLICATIONS: *The swab touches the sensitive cribriform plate with direct access to your brain. Is there an ulterior design... more »

Jimmy Lei and others detained under new Security Law in Hong Kong

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
Hong Kong residents once feared the gradual absorption of their city and its democratic ways into the communist ways of China. It is apparent now that those fears weren’t unfounded but have developed overnight not over any long term absorption. Within in hours after exercising their might, the Chinese established an agency to govern that is heavy handed and dictatorial as exact puppets of the government of mainland China as any normal province. We are seeing in real time not the gradual example of what to expect from a “benevolent” takeover by China but the militarized harsh reality... more »

Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump

Hardnox at 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
This is an excellent video. I recommend you view it. —oo— Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic. To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to plan ‘The Great Reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit in January. Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United... more »

A CRIME IN PROGRESS: The Fed. Is Now Buying “Blue Chip” Debt!

Ragnar at 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
Youtube: Gregory Mannarino about 15 minutes It has been reported here in several posts that the FED has violated it’s charter. Here is an “insider” telling you what they are doing….. ~Ragnar (RFXtFR)

Unrest In Belarus Continues For A Second Day. Opposition Leader Flees To Lithuania

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Belarus opposition leader says 'not one life is worth what is happening now' as she flees to Lithuania 'for the sake of her children' amid deadly clashes after election defeat to 'Europe's last dictator'* * Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters in Minsk on Monday night * Protesters accused president Alexander Lukashenko of stealing the election * Opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has fled the country for Lithuania The main opposition leader in Belarus has fled to Lithuania 'for the sake of her children' amid deadly clashes after losing a ... more »

Dr. Dwayne Smith: From First Gen Student to CEO of Housatonic Community College

Sarah Wood at Diverse - 11 hours ago
In July, Dr. Dwayne Smith began his new role as CEO of Housatonic Community College.

The Growing Global Movement to End Outdoor Advertising

LONDON, Aug 11 (IPS) - "With advertisements removed in Grenoble you can see the city's beauty and the mountains beyond. Adverts create obstacles. Without them you can breathe," explains Khaled Gaiji, national mobilisation coordinator of the French anti-advertising organisation *Résistance à l'Agression Publicitaire* (Resistance to Advertising Aggression, or RAP). "Advertising is like an iceberg: the largest impact is below the surface. Adverts colonise our imagination." Read the full story, “The Growing Global Movement to End Outdoor Advertising”, on globalissues.org →

Guyana is new American bet against Venezuela

InfoBrics at The Duran - 11 hours ago
Guyanese oil reserves could replace Venezuelan production in the global market

Turkey marks 100 years since Treaty of Sèvres to renew hostilities with Greece

InfoBrics at The Duran - 11 hours ago
Erdoğan’s invocation of neo-Ottomanism is to distract Turk’s from the dire economic situation

The Leaked BLM School Materials Are Insane

The Duran at The Duran - 11 hours ago
A series of #BlackLivesMatter school materials were leaked to the internet recently, so I decided to take a look. As expected, it contains a programme to indoctrinate kids of all ages into the #woke #cult with openly postmodern agitprop.

Second Twos-day Blog

Larry-Lambert at Virtual Mirage - 11 hours ago
EXITS There has been quite a bit of discussion here on this blot about people who live urban areas in some states and settle in rural areas. Part of that may have to do with the fact that I’ve discussed my experiences in relocation. Most things in life are somewhat cyclical. Inner cities crumble, […] The post Second Twos-day Blog appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

The Elite Response to Catastrophe: Beat, Prey, Shove

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 11 hours ago
With piles of furniture on curb-sides becoming a common sight all over the country as evictions ramp up because tens of millions of people have no jobs and no money to pay the rent, former First Lady Michelle Obama went on Instagram over the weekend to show her empathy with the exploding American underclass. She posted a picture of herself lounging barefoot on an overstuffed sofa she'd transported all the way up to the rooftop terrace of her Washington, DC mansion. It was a way not only of demonstrating solidarity with all those losing the very roofs over their own heads, but of rea... more »

Candidate Alert: Progressive Primary Winner Heidi Campbell In Tennessee

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Blue America endorsed one candidate last week in the primaries for the Tennessee state Senate, Heidi Campbell... and she won. Now she's gearing up to face Republican incumbent Steve Dickerson, the last Republican still representing a Nashville district in the state legislature. The largely suburban district wraps around Nashville like a donut with a small bite taken out of it in the southeast and includes small towns like Berry Hill, Forest Hills, Belle Meade, Goodlettsville, Ridgetop, Lakewood and Oak Hill, Campbell having been mayor of for the last 6 years. Before being elected ... more »

Greta Thunberg’s Message Of Doom Is Religion, Not Reality

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? In January, the great and not so good of the corporate elite gathered at Davos for another telling off from Greta Thunberg. “One year ago I came to Davos and told you that our house is on fire,” the climate…

Greenland’s Summer Melt Season Set To Be Shortest For Years

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? http://polarportal.dk/en/greenland/surface-conditions/ ? After one of the latest starts to the summer melt in Greenland, it appears that the melt has pretty much finished a couple of weeks early as well. In all likelihood, it will end up being the shortest…

Past evidence supports complete loss of Arctic sea ice by 2035, say researchers

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Still waiting Climate modellers have a fairly dismal record in trying to predict sea ice patterns in the Arctic, always erring on the side of too much warming. Will this research do anything to improve matters? They seem to be using Earth’s past climate as a guide, while asserting…

US, Israeli Media Scramble to Blame Hezbollah for Deadly Beirut Explosion

Raul Diego at MintPress News - 12 hours ago
Pundits in the US and Israel are sounding the trumpets of war and trying to blame Hezbollah for the massive explosion in the port of Beirut. But a closer look at the stories being promulgated turn up the same old propaganda by the usual suspects The post US, Israeli Media Scramble to Blame Hezbollah for Deadly Beirut Explosion appeared first on MintPress News.

California cannabis sales reach record $348 million in July

John Schroyer at Marijuana Business Daily - 12 hours ago
California set a marijuana sales record of $348 million in July, the biggest month since the 2018 rollout of the state’s legal market. That sales figure comes from Headset, a marijuana data tracking firm based in Seattle. Before July, the biggest cannabis sales month in California came in March, when many retailers witnessed panic-buying by […] California cannabis sales reach record $348 million in July is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Coronavirus update: 🌎 Global coronavirus cases hit 20 million 🇳🇿 New Zealand records first cases in 102 days 🇷🇺 Russia registers world's first vaccine, Putin says https://t.co/AIkIfb2qKQ pic.twitter.com/V16w8lLIFl — Reuters (@Reuters) August 11, 2020 Virus update: • Global coronavirus cases top 20 million as Russia registers vaccine. • NY’s virus death toll in nursing homes could be an undercount. • Pandemic disrupts supply of antiretroviral drugs in South Africa, world. Follow all @AP coverage: https://t.co/TlXj3M8abA — The Associated Press (@AP) August 11, 2020 Russia bec... more »

It Looks Like Trump Is Going to Put My Business in a Vise

admin at Coyote Blog - 12 hours ago
Years ago I was arguing with my mother-in-law about Executive power and the Presidency. She, like many Obama supporters, was arguing that gridlock in Congress over legislation she considered critical was sufficient justification for President Obama to wield new executive powers and go around Congress. I told her this was a terrible precedent, and asked […]

The Strategic Vision Behind the TikTok, WeChat Bans

mgluck at Lawfare - 12 hours ago
Huawei represented at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2015. (Source: Kārlis Dambrāns, https://flic.kr/p/qx46pM; CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/) One could be forgiven for looking at the frenzy of administration actions to ban TikTok and WeChat and wondering whether they’re connected to any broader plan. But a statement last week by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo situates the latest moves as part of a comprehensive strategy to purge anything Chinese from the U.S. telecommunications and internet ecosystem and to degrade the attractiveness of Chinese... more »

WATCH: Council Member Wants People Who Refuse to Wear a Mask to be Charged with MURDER

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: mask]“If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder” if they were not wearing a mask.

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Opposition supporters stay in front of law enforcement officers blocking a street after poll closed at presidential election in Minsk, Belarus, August 9, 2020. Dmitry Brushko/Tut.By via REUTERS *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Belarus police crack down on mass protests against strongman president after election* (Reuters).

Sleepwalking into World War III, Russiagate & the Cambridge 4, Fascist Thugs in Portland

Alicia at LaRouchePAC Feed - 13 hours ago
Sleepwalking into World War III, Russiagate & the Cambridge 4, Fascist Thugs in Portland Video of Sleepwalking into World War III, Russiagate & the Cambridge 4, Fascist Thugs in Portland As John Bolton continues to push the fabricated Russian meddling story against Donald Trump, his one-time war hawk accomplice Pompeo continues to move the U.S. closer to a war with China, and Antifa and related thugs attempt to murder policemen in Portland. Why? Because the system they serve is collapsing. Our republic will not survive unless the citizens rally with a sense of urgency behind ... more »

Upcoming Robin Williams Documentary Will Explore Final Days Before His Death

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 13 hours ago
Upcoming Robin Williams Documentary Will Explore Final Days Before His Death https://trinikid.com/upcoming-robin-williams-documentary-will-explore-final-days-before-his-death


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 13 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Three Amazon tribesmen in Peru killed during protest against oil firm How Satellites Tracked The Fateful Journey Of The Ship That Led To Mauritius’ Worst Oil Spill Disaster More than 97,000 children tested positive for Covid-19 in the last two weeks of July, report says Homes explode in Baltimore, killing 1 and injuring 3 others Botswana diamond exports fall by two thirds on COVID-19 Chicago police return fire as looters hit Mag Mile, smashing windows and confronting officers Mary Ferrell We Need to Change Our COVID-19 Strategy Belarus erupts in protest after opposi... more »

“You are responsible for your own safety”

Philip Moscovitch at Halifax Examiner - 13 hours ago
News 1. Go with the flow: new attempt at tidal power to launch next year Jennifer Henderson reports on a new effort to generate electricity using Bay of Fundy tides: A renewed effort is underway to harness Bay of Fundy tidal power using a floating platform technology with six mounted turbines to capture wave energy. […]

A new attempt at tidal power will be launched next year

Jennifer Henderson at Halifax Examiner - 13 hours ago
A renewed effort is underway to harness Bay of Fundy tidal power using a floating platform technology with six mounted turbines to capture wave energy. The Pempa’q In-stream Tidal Energy Project will build upon the knowledge gained during a two-year field test at Grand Passage near Digby where the PLAT-I produced 280 kW of electricity. […]

Republican defeat is the only path to responsible conservatism

Andrew Koppelman at Balkinization - 13 hours ago
Kris Kobach’s defeat in last week’s Kansas Republican Senate primary – Democrats were rooting for him because he was likely to lose the general election - is bad news for the country. It reduces the likelihood that Democrats will capture the Senate. If they do not, the federal government will remain paralyzed in the face of the worldwide Covid-19 emergency. Small government has been the mantra of the Republican Party for a long time. It was oncean intelligent critique of the excesses of certain specific programs, but it has become a mindless prescription for destroying the cou... more »

What's the consumer economy doing in your neck of the woods?

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 13 hours ago
I've been watching local shops for some time, and I'm seeing trends that don't bode well for the future. I'd like to describe them, then ask you, dear readers, to let us know in Comments whether you're seeing similar or different things in your area. Let's help each other stay informed. The quantity and variety of consumer goods available has diminished fairly drastically over the past couple of months. Yesterday, for example, I went shopping for a few necessities, including canned tomatoes. To my astonishment, a local supermarket (Aldi) and a big-box store (Sams Club) had *no ... more »

Escaping Paternalism Book Club: Part 5

Bryan Caplan at Econlib - 13 hours ago
Summary When you begin the final chapter of Escaping Paternalism, Rizzo and Whitman (RW) seem ready to rest their case. They neatly recap their nested argumentative strategy: We began this book with an extended critique of the neoclassical model of rationality, which behavioral economists have rejected as a positive model of human behavior but nevertheless […] The post Escaping Paternalism Book Club: Part 5 appeared first on Econlib.

Bad Blood

Sarah Skwire at Econlib - 13 hours ago
Innovation requires big dreams. Changing the world isn’t for the faint of heart, the unadventurous, or those who aren’t willing to take chances. But those big dreams have to be backed up by hard work, integrity, and endless research and analysis. John Carreyrou’s book, Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup looks […] The post Bad Blood appeared first on Econlib.

Forest of Dean Council To Save The World!!

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 13 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Cyan https://www.fdean.gov.uk/media/le3ivv5b/climate-emergency-rapid-action-plan.pdf Reader Cyan has sent details of his local council’s Climate Action Plan: Note the last sentence demanding taxpayers’ money to fund their daft plans. Surely if it is a real emergency, the Forest of Dean’s own citizens would be delighted to cough up! And heaven […]

Trump EPA Poised to Weaken Obama Methane Rule, Despite Possibility of Later CRA Overturn

Jerri-Lynn Scofield at naked capitalism - 13 hours ago
Trump EPA to weaken Obama methane rule, acceding to fossial fuel pressure, despite the Congressional Review Act, which may kick in aft Nov.

The Pandemic Has Left Millions of Disabled Americans Unemployed

Gerard Robinson at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Gerard Robinson* *Society, Americas* In April, a report from the Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire concluded nearly one million working-age people with disabilities had lost their jobs. On July 27, 2020, I moderated a panel titled “Education and Skills for a Better Future” to mark the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a comprehensive civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities. This panel was part of a week-long “#ADA30 Summit 2020,” sponsored by RespectAbility, a nonprofit organizatio... more »

Littoral Combat Ship (LCS): The Do-It-All U.S. Navy Warship?

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1A5663D5F0&share=true] The U.S. Navy is adding more Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) to the fleet to further strengthen its submarine-hunting capabilities. The LCS are also being equipped with upgraded weapons for countermine, surface warfare and surveillance missions needed for major, great power warfare. The U.S. Navy is adding more Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) to the fleet to further strengthen its submarine-hunting capabilities. The LCS are also being equipped with upgraded... more »

Keisha Lance Bottoms: Could This Be Joe Biden's Vice Presidential Pick?

Rachel Bucchino at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] The first-term mayor endorsed Biden over a year ago and stuck with him even when polling support tanked and his presidency was doubtful. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms—an avid supporter of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden since the beginning of his campaign—has made her way to the top of Biden’s running mate shortlist, even though she isn’t well-known in the national spotlight. The first-term mayor endorsed Biden over a year ago and stuck with him even when polling support tanked and his presidency was doubtful.... more »

Is the U.S. Army Developing an M1 Abrams Tank Replacement?

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] Even with the progress that is being made, the Army won’t make a decision on any replacement for the Abrams until at least 2023 There is no denying that in human years the M1 Abrams main battle tank (MBT) is certainly “middle-aged,” but thanks to a steady stream of updates the M1 Abrams has remained among the best tanks in the world. Since its introduction forty years ago the M1 Abrams, which was named for the late Army Chief of Staff, General Creighton W. Abrams, has proven itself on the battlefield more than any other MBT. Ho... more »

Type 15 Tank: How China Would Wage War All Over Asia

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2ZWH9Z1Y53&share=true] One of China’s newest tanks is optimized for fighting at high altitudes—and austere beachheads. Although the United States Marine Corps is officially retiring all their tank battalions in an effort to focus on a future conflict in the Pacific, China is moving in a different direction—more tanks that are lighter, nimbler, with a smaller footprint than their predecessors. The Type 99 is arguably China’s premier main battle tank. It has a 125-mill... more »

Donald Trump's Economic Nationalism on Medical Supplies Is a Big Mistake

Scott Lincicome at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Scott Lincicome* *Security, Americas* The effects of a washing machine tariff caution against following a similar economic nationalist path for essential drugs and other medical goods. Speaking today at a Whirlpool factory in Clyde, Ohio, President Trump will credit his January 2018 decision to impose 50% “safeguard” tariffs (at Whirlpool’s request) on imported washing machines with creating 200 Ohioan jobs and spurring new domestic investment in appliance manufacturing across the country — a testament to the President’s economic nationalist policy and vision. Continuing that vi... more »

"If Man Were Relieved..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
"If Man were relieved of all superstition, and all prejudice, and had replaced these with a keen sensitivity to his real environment, and moreover had achieved a level of communication so simplified that one syllable could express his every thought, then he would have achieved the level of intelligence already achieved by his dog." ~ Robert Brault

PROPAGANDA, INCOMPETENCE, ERROR: Fashions in which we can re-elect Trump!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020Propaganda comes for the Post:* At this very late stage in the nation's dissection, can you believe the various things you read in the Washington Post? We're sorry to say that you're asking a very good question! Consider something we read in this morning's Post. The item comes from a front-page report about the scene in Portland. The city's mayor has seen enough, or so three scribes report: GUARINO, SHEPHERD AND WITTE (8/11/20): The welcome absence of federal police has refocused a core group of protesters on long-standing tensions with local police that ... more »

Opponents Of The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Binoy KAMPMARK at OrientalReview.org - 13 hours ago
It would seem a logical step, at least from an existential perspective: to ban something so utterly horrendous to life; to forbid its use in any circumstances, whatever rationale employed to justify its use. But the nuclear weapon has its admirers. There are those who continue to worship its sovereign […]

The Mess Biden Will Inherit

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 13 hours ago
Donald Trump encouraged incoming members of his administration to consider his tenure as a TV show -- a show which has turned out to be about fantasy. Take, for instance, his latest executive orders. Eugene Robinson writes: The smoke-and-mirrors executive actions Trump signed this weekend are but the latest example. They don’t actually do anything concrete to help the millions of Americans thrown out of work by the pandemic, with the one exception of extending the moratorium on repayment of student loans, which is a good thing. Beyond that, Trump didn’t really forestall an expec... more »

Watch: SHAYA! Amapiano Documentary (FULL)

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 13 hours ago
SHAYA! is Documentary about Amapiano music, lifestyle and culture in South Africa. The inside story about the culture and how certain things became the way they are. This 26 minute documentary features: Kabza De Small, MFR Souls,Tall Arse Tee, DJ Jaivane, JazziDisciples, Papers 707, Dimpie Dimpopo, Mbali Sibeko, Dinho Cafe, Kwiish SA, Pencil, Stokie and more... more »

Investigating Democrats’ Insurance Claims

Michael Tennant at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: investigating-democrats-insurance-claims] Democrats claim Trump caused Americans to lose healthcare during COVID layoffs. While he discouraged ObamaCare sign-ups, he also made inexpensive insurance more available.

The Real World Reasserts Itself

Patrick J. Buchanan at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: the-real-world-reasserts-itself] Today, people watch their leaders in city after city fail to keep the peace and restore order as protesters riot at will, and they make plans to move out. In the suburbs and country, they quietly observe the inability of cops to quell the violence, and they buy guns.

"How It Really Is"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago

Democrats are saying Trump won't accept the election results because they're planning to steal it

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
All across America Democrat politicians are doing two things; they're warning that Trump won't accept the election results if he loses and they're engineering a massive voter fraud scheme. Democrats, most recently in Nevada, are sending ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. That sounds innocuous to people don't know, because the #FakeNews media never mentions it, that there are millions of dead people and people who have moved on those rolls. I just recently got an offer from the State of California to vote for my daughter in perpetuity. What I got was an invitation for my daugh... more »

Postal union has endorsed Joe Biden and in 2016 workers broke the law to help the Clinton campaign

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
Democrats tell us that sending out millions of ballots to people that don't exist won't result in voter fraud. That's because Democrats know it will result in voter fraud that will help them. Having grown up in Chicago I know how Democrats work vis a vis voting fraud. But oddly the #FakeNews media acts as though the Democrat machines in various cities just don't exist. We know that Democrats work hard to make sure that illegal aliens can vote. For example in California Democrats have made sure of two things; illegal aliens can get drivers licenses and that everyone apply for a driv... more »

Public school teacher admits to hiding the indoctrination of kids from their parents.

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
This teacher's concern as schools go virtual is that parents may overhear discussions and then dialogue with their own kids about sexuality/gender, equity/inclusion, perhaps even share their own worldview with their progeny. (Thread) 1/* pic.twitter.com/mCRyNobBJr — Tracy Shannon-MassResistanceTexas Mad Momma Bear (@ShannonTracy123) August 10, 2020 This man is apparently a public school teacher. He's saying that many teachers have told their students not to tell their parents about what the teacher is saying. That's downright scary. It's what a sexual predator would tell ki... more »

US farmers push for free milk market access to Kenya in trade talks

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 US dairy farmers want unfettered access of their milk products to the Kenyan market in the proposed free trade agreement between Nairobi and Washington, which could have far-reaching implications on Kenya's milk farmers.

Love of Stilton drives wedge between UK and Japan in post-Brexit trade talks

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Consensus crumbles after UK's international trade secretary reportedly sought to make the cheese a part of negotiations.

Algeria wants to ‘reassess' EU trade deal

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Algeria's president has requested the country's trade minister reassess a deal with the EU, ahead of a free trade agreement due to come into effect on 1 September.

Crise : l'Algérie veut réévaluer l'accord de libre-échange avec l'UE

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Lourdement impactée économiquement par le Covid-19 et la crise pétrolière, l'Algérie demande à revoir l'accord avec l'UE concernant la création d'une zone de libre-échange prévue le 1er septembre.

Brexit trade deal rush risk lowering UK standards - warning sent to Boris Johnson

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 The UK'S trade negotiators are rushing into post-Brexit trade deals that could decimate superior British standards in a bid to be more competitive the Institute for Government warned.

Israel, Colombia launch free trade deal

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Israel and Colombia officially launched a free trade agreement through a joint announcement during a video conference attended by leaders of the two countries.

Israël et la Colombie adoptent un accord de libre-échange

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Israël et la Colombie ont officiellement lancé un accord de libre-échange par le biais d'une annonce conjointe à l'occasion d'une visioconférence réunissant les dirigeants des deux pays.

Des Montréalais, Juifs et Palestiniens, contre l'accord commercial Canada-Israël

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
11-Aug-2020 Des manifestants demandaient au premier ministre canadien et à son gouvernement d'annuler l'Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël comme moyen de dissuasion contre l'annexion de terres à l'intérieur de la Cisjordanie occupée.

Opposition Candidate Leaves Belarus, Urges End to Protests

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, a 37-year-old former English teacher without any prior political experience, had managed to unite fractured opposition groups and draw tens of thousands to her campaign rallies.

Alliance between China and Iran raises higher level of concern

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 14 hours ago
Alliance growing in Middle East between China, Russia, and Iran is very troubling Established in 1983, CENTCOM has been militarily involved in the Middle East for more than three and a half decades. As America’s chief instrument of military power and vehicle of security cooperation in the region, the organization definitely has a full plate. Today, it is in the process of adjusting to a new U.S. National Defense Strategy (NDS) that identifies the great power competition as a top U.S. foreign policy priority while ensuring the security of regional allies and partners. Iran’s Military... more »

Who Is Bill Gates?

Ragnar at 'Nox & Friends - 14 hours ago
From the State of the Nation: via Corbett Report Excerpts: The #ExposeBillGates movement is deadly serious, and it aims to alert the public to the real dangers of the world that are coming into view: a world of lockdowns and quarantines, masks and vaccines, checkpoints and immunity passports, cashless payments and biometric IDs. So the first question you might be asking is: why Bill Gates? Why are all these people on the internet trying to warn about Bill Gates in the midst of this global pandemic? Isn’t Gates a philanthropist who’s trying to help the world out by donating his … Con... more »

Glyphosate Levels in Children and Adults Drop Dramatically After One Week of Eating Organic

Sustainable Pulse at Sustainable Pulse - 14 hours ago
A peer-reviewed study published today in the journal Environmental Research found that levels of the pesticide glyphosate in participants’ bodies dropped an average of 70% after six days on an organic diet. The study is one of the first to examine how an organic diet affects exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer’s weedkiller Roundup, the most widely used weedkiller worldwide. It […] The post Glyphosate Levels in Children and Adults Drop Dramatically After One Week of Eating Organic appeared on Sustainable Pulse.

A female with questions – the president’s greatest fear

Keith at musingsofanoldfart - 14 hours ago
Ever since the presidential candidate Donald Trump refused to attend a debate because Fox’s Megyn Kelly asked him tough questions at a previous one, he has shown he is not comfortable with anyone who knows facts asking him questions, but … Continue reading →

Greek Armed Forces on high alert for potential confrontation with Turkey

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 14 hours ago
[image: Greek Armed Forces on high alert for potential confrontation with Turkey] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Greek media reported on Tuesday, that the Greek Armed Forces are on high alert, at a time when the eastern Mediterranean region is witnessing tension between the two countries due to oil and gas exploration.” The Greek newspaper Ekathimirini reported that “Greece’s armed forces were placed in a state of absolute readiness, with units of the Hellenic Navy and Air Force deployed in the wider sea area where the Turkish research was expected.” This moves comes at a time ... more »

Iran announces arrest of 5 spies working for foreign intelligence agencies

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 14 hours ago
[image: Iran announces arrest of 5 spies working for foreign intelligence agencies] BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:15 P.M.) – On Tuesday, the Iranian authorities announced the arrest of five spies who worked for Western intelligence within the ministries of foreign affairs and industry, defense companies and the Atomic Energy Organization. According to the official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), the spokesman for the Iranian judiciary, Ghalam Hossein Ismaili, said in his weekly press conference, that the five “were spying in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Industry and public compani... more »

Israeli tanks cross border fence to enter Lebanese territory

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 14 hours ago
[image: Israeli tanks cross border fence to enter Lebanese territory] BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:15 P.M.) – On Tuesday, three Israeli army tanks violated the technical fence in the southern town of Mays al-Jabal within the Blue Line, on the southern Lebanese border. According to the Lebanese An-Nahar website, “two Israeli army tanks broke through the technical fence on the border between the town of Mays al-Jabal and the occupied Palestinian territories, and settled in the disputed area in Kroum al-Sharqi, west of the town.” The Lebanese website added that “a third tank came and settled on ... more »

Iran’s IRGC reveals ‘main reason’ Qassem Soleimani was assassinated

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 14 hours ago
[image: Iran’s IRGC reveals ‘main reason’ Qassem Soleimani was assassinated] BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – The head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Yadallah Jawani, revealed the “main reason” for the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, General Qassem Soleimani, by the U.S., claiming that “it was a strategic goal through which they sought to stop the resistance in the region and change the course of developments that were in the interest of the resistance.” Jawani said, in an interview with the Fars News Agency, that “when the r... more »

Russian MiG-31 jet intercepted US Global Hawk drone

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 14 hours ago
[image: Russian MiG-31 jet intercepted US Global Hawk drone] Earlier this month, the Russian military confirmed it had to scramble jets to intercept numerous American aircraft flying over the Black Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, as well as a Norwegian Falcon 20 jet over the Barents Sea. Russian fighter jets intercepted an American UAV over the Sea of Chukotsk, the National Defence Management Centre stated on Tuesday. “On 11 August Russian air control systems over the neutral waters of the Sea of Chukotsk detected an air target approaching the Russian border. Continue reading Russian Mi... more »

New words for 2020

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 14 hours ago
What new words or phrases have you learned during the pandemic and the riots? Here's mine: diaper wrap (mask) slave muzzles (mask) Barista Bolsheviks (I assume this is white rioters, but not sure) Luxury Communism (I think this refers to the rich and privileged ANTIFA crowds subsidized by Soros) Cancel culture (throw out all history of people or events and replace with communist themes)

War Games: Could NATO Stop Russia in Norway?

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *military, Europe* [image: Reuters] Russia has customarily complained about the exercise, claiming Norway’s hosting of foreign troops violates ‘traditions of good-neighborliness.’ *Here's What You Need To Remember: *NATO’s publicity portrays the war game foremost as a test of logistical capabilities, cold weather adaptability and multinational coordination rather than new tactics. On October 25, 2018, over fifty thousand military personnel braved chilly Scandinavian weather to begin Operation Trident Juncture—a massive exercise simulating a defense of Norway a... more »

‘They’re the Victims!’ Bystanders Beg Cops Not to Kill Teens They Mistook for Criminals

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: teens]Multiple 911 calls came in about a group of teens being attacked, but when cops showed up, they held the teens at gunpoint, and treated them like the criminals.

Global Coronavirus Cases Top 20 Million as Russia Approves Vaccine

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
It took six months to get to 10 million cases after the virus first appeared. It took just over six weeks for that number to double.

Lawyers and Historians Argue About the Constitution

JB at Balkinization - 14 hours ago
I have posted a draft of my latest article, Lawyers and Historians Argue About the Constitution, on SSRN. Here is the abstract: Lawyers and historians often quarrel about how to use history in constitutional interpretation. Although originalists are often involved in these disputes today, the disagreements predate the rise of conservative originalism. Lawyers attempt to escape the criticism of historians through two standard stories that explain the differences between what lawyers and historians do. According to the first story, lawyers employ specialized skills of legal exegesis ... more »

Stealth F-35s Bound for the UK are Over Budget and Behind Schedule

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Europe* [image: Reuters] Despite the delays of the facilities, the Air Force has announced that it will still move forward with housing the F-35A Joint Strike Fighters at RAF Lakenheath. The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter can’t be seen in the skies of the UK—but it isn’t because of the fifth-generation fighter aircraft’s stealth technology but rather because the U.S. Air Force’s plan to begin permanently basing a number of jets at Royal Air Force (RAF) Lakenheath is largely over budget and behind schedule. Construction of the new hangers and facilities neces... more »

How Better Ventilation Can Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus Indoors

Shelly Miller at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Shelly Miller* *Coronavirus, World* Masks do a decent job at keeping the virus from spreading into the environment, but if an infected person is inside a building, inevitably some virus will escape into the air. The vast majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs indoors, most of it from the inhalation of airborne particles that contain the coronavirus. The best way to prevent the virus from spreading in a home or business would be to simply keep infected people away. But this is hard to do when an estimated 40% of cases are asymptomatic and asymptomatic people can still spread... more »

Pictures: TCL Debuts New 2020 Quantum (QLED) Dot TVs for 5 and 6-Series

Stephen Silver at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * TV manufacturer TCL on Tuesday unveiled two new series of TVs, and announced that for the first time, the company’s Quantum Dot (QLED) color technology would be available on both the 5-Series and 6-Series models. All will continue to feature Roku TV on all of the models. TV manufacturer TCL on Tuesday unveiled two new series of TVs, and announced that for the first time, the company’s Quantum Dot (QLED) color technology would be available on both the 5-Series and 6-Series models. All will continue to feature Roku TV on all of the models. The compa... more »

The Islands in China’s Crosshairs—and the Marines Ready to Defend Them

Caleb Larson at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1463CC0030&share=true] Recent Chinese military drills prompted Taipei to send out the best of the best—in case of war. In May, media reports stated that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Marines were staging an exercise on Hainan Island that was designed to simulate the takeover of the Dongsha Islands. The large exercise reportedly involved a number of PLA Marines and support equipment including helicopters, landing equipment and other ships. Alternatively called the P... more »

Could Armed Poll Watchers Threaten the 2020 Election?

Mark Krasovic at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Mark Krasovic* *Politics, Americas* New Jersey offers a cautionary tale ahead of the November presidential election. In the history of voter suppression in the United States – including attempts to stop Black and Latino people from voting – Republican tactics in the 1981 New Jersey gubernatorial race are worth highlighting. That November, voters in several cities saw posters at polling places printed in bright red letters. “WARNING,” they read. “This area is being patrolled by the National Ballot Security Task Force.” And voters soon encountered the patrols themselves. About 20... more »

Will The U.S. Army Need to Pick Up the Armor Slack for the Marine Corps?

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] In total, about thirteen hundred Marines will be impacted by the tank deactivations. In recent weeks some U.S. Marine Corps tank companies have cased their colors, and at the end of July Charlie Company, 2nd Tank Battalion was the latest armor unit to shut down following a ceremony at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The company’s M1A1 Abram tanks were hauled away the next day—marking the beginning of the end of an era going back nearly eighty years. Tanks have been a part of the Corps since the U.S. Marine Corps 1st Tank Batta... more »

Want to Understand the Backlash Against Women in Politics? Watch More Television.

Karrin Vasby Anderson at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Karrin Vasby Anderson* *Politics, Americas* Criticisms of women vice presidential prospects echo cultural scripts that insist women who want to be president shouldn’t be trusted. Joe Biden’s promise to name a woman running mate has prompted familiar debates about gender and power. Are these potential vice presidents supposed to be presidential lackeys or understudies to the leader of the free world? Should they actively seek the position, or be reluctant nominees bound by duty? After Sen. Kamala Harris’ name emerged as a short-list favorite, CNBC reported that some Biden allies... more »

Why Donald Trump’s Washing Machine Tariffs Are a Huge Mistake

Tori K. Smith at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Tori K. Smith* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] Beneficiaries of these policies say the government is “leveling the playing field,” but the truth is that unfairness in the market just shifts to someone else. President Donald Trump on Thursday visited a Whirlpool factory in Clyde, Ohio, to tout the benefits of his trade agenda for American manufacturers. Whirlpool claimed to have been injured by foreign competition in 2017 and got the administration to impose tariffs ranging from 20% to 50% on washing machines—and parts—imported by its competitors the following year. Now, W... more »

Russian Fighter Jets Scrambled In Two Different Incidents With U.S. Aircraft

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] A Cold War-era fighter jet was reported to have peacefully intercepted and escorted the American aircraft and no violations of the state border were allowed. Russian pilots reportedly logged quite a few hours already this month to intercept and track U.S. aircraft near Russian airspace. Last week three Su-35S fighters were scrambled to shadow a U.S. B-1B Lancer bomber over the Sea of Okhotsk west of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula in the far western Pacific Ocean. State media reported that Russian airspace control systems detected... more »

These Are The Best 5 Sniper Rifles Known To Man

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, * The primary innovations in the field of long-range shooting have come in bullet and optic technology rather than in the rifles themselves. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The modern sniper rifle rose to prominence in the 1980s as a critical tool for counterterrorist teams and continued to prove itself on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Advancements in optics, bullet, and manufacturing technology have allowed sniper rifles to reach out to further than ever before, so fielding a modern sniper rifle is important for many militaries. Here are... more »

A New Initiative Supports Rural Community Colleges

Sara Weissman at Diverse - 14 hours ago
Education Design Lab, a nonprofit for innovation in higher education, will focus on supporting rural community colleges in its new initiative, called “Building Rural Innovation, Designing Educational Strategies” or “BRIDGES.”

Mad Scientists Propose Forcing COVID-19 Vaccine, Punishing “Refusers”

C. Mitchell Shaw at rss - 14 hours ago
[image: mad-scientists-propose-forcing-covid-19-vaccine-punishing-refusers] The newest push for forced COVID-19 vaccination comes in the form of anop-ed by Dr. Michael Lederman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, and Dr. Stuart Youngner saying that forcing people to get vaccines is “not un-American, it’s patriotic.”

Ongoing Political Crisis in Peru: Congress Refuses to Ratify New Cabinet

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The political crisis in Peru is entering a new round: on Thursday, August 6th, President Martín Vizcarra swore in a new cabinet, the sixth in his two-year mandate. Earlier on Monday, the newly appointed cabinet under Prime Minister Pedro Cateriano unexpectedly lost a vote of confidence before Congress. With the […] The post Ongoing Political Crisis in Peru: Congress Refuses to Ratify New Cabinet appeared first on The Rio Times.

Analysis: An Evangelical Vice-President For Bolsonaro?

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Jair Bolsonaro has conceded to allies that he may have an evangelical as his vice-president on the 2022 ballot. He holds in the religious some some of the most significant endorsers of his government, and who were instrumental in his election campaign. Some leaders even ceded their temples for […] The post Analysis: An Evangelical Vice-President For Bolsonaro? appeared first on The Rio Times.

Post-Pandemic: Debt of World’s Poorest Will Explode in Five Years

Richard Mann at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - While the poor run into debt, the wealthy save more. The trend that governments and Central Banks have been pursuing since the start of the coronavirus crisis may have been undermined for the time being, but the chances are high for a worsening scenario after the end of emergency aid […] The post Post-Pandemic: Debt of World’s Poorest Will Explode in Five Years appeared first on The Rio Times.

Millenium Institute: Brazil Spends 3.5 Times More on Civil Servants Than on Health

Oliver Mason at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Monday, August 10th, the Millenium Institute released a study according to which Brazil spent 13.7 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019, about R$930 billion (US$186 billion), on federal, state, and municipal civil servants. According to the study, the country's spending on civil servants is twice that […] The post Millenium Institute: Brazil Spends 3.5 Times More on Civil Servants Than on Health appeared first on The Rio Times.

Psychologist Offers Five Tips for Happiness in Post-Pandemic World

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - It is already known that isolation and social distancing have affected the mental health of the vast majority of people in one way or another. A psychologist on the Doctorino platform, Vera de Melo, recalls the value of adopting certain behaviors, thoughts, and ways of life that help to overcome […] The post Psychologist Offers Five Tips for Happiness in Post-Pandemic World appeared first on The Rio Times.

Financial Market Projects 5.62 Percent Economic Downturn for Brazil This Year

Richard Mann at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The financial market outlook for the Brazilian economy's decline this year was adjusted from 5.66 to 5.62 percent. The estimate for the GDP - the sum of all goods and services produced in the country - is contained in the Focus bulletin, published every week by the Central Bank (BC), […] The post Financial Market Projects 5.62 Percent Economic Downturn for Brazil This Year appeared first on The Rio Times.

Covid-19 Transmission in Brazil is Not Decreasing, W.H.O. Alerts

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) emergency director, Michael Ryan, alerted on Monday that Brazil is still showing high levels of transmission of Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2). "Brazil is sustaining a very high level of epidemic, the curve is somewhat flattened, but it’s not going down," […] The post Covid-19 Transmission in Brazil is Not Decreasing, W.H.O. Alerts appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil’s Aid to Lebanon Includes 300 Ventilators, 100,000 Masks, Medicine for Three Months

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The humanitarian aid that the Bolsonaro government will ship to Lebanon this week, through the Ministry of Health, will include 300 mechanical lung ventilators, 100,000 surgical masks, and medicines for three months. The information is from CNN Brasil. According to the Health Ministry, the ventilators were acquired by Brazil especially […] The post Brazil’s Aid to Lebanon Includes 300 Ventilators, 100,000 Masks, Medicine for Three Months appeared first on The Rio Times.

After Multiple Ft. Hood Soldiers Murdered, 2 More Soldiers Arrested in Child Trafficking Sting

John Vibes at The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: hood]After multiple soldiers were murdered in recent months on Fort Hood, several soldiers have been arrested as part of a child trafficking sting.

Republicans Can Learn From Democrats’ Foreign Affairs Committee Contest

cestep at Lawfare - 15 hours ago
Rep. Eliot Engel speaks to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the situation in Hong Kong on September 18, 2019. (Source: U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee) After 16-term incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel’s surprise loss to challenger Jamaal Bowman in June’s New York Democratic primary, congressional observers immediately began following the race to replace Engel as the Democrats’ leader on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC). HFAC’s oversight jurisdiction ranges widely, from U.S. policy toward Israel to U.S. relations with China. The contest among Democrats to replace En... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
*Masks, no assembly and no choir: the science behind reopening schools safely* Whatever you do, don't do what we did: that is the message for the world from Israel on reopening schools. It started well. At the end of May, a newly formed government emboldened by low, and falling, coronavirus numbers jumped in headfirst, welcoming back the entire student body. Within days, infections were reported at a high school in Jerusalem. The outbreak spread. Hundreds of teachers, students and family members were infected, and thousands more quarantined in outbreaks across the country. Hun... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
A COVID-19 vaccine that hasn't gone through Phase 3 trials? And is being touted by Vladimir Putin? Um, no thanks. Russia on Tuesday became the first country to clear a coronavirus vaccine and declare it ready for use, despite international skepticism.... Putin emphasized that the vaccine underwent the necessary tests and has proven efficient, offering a lasting immunity from the coronavirus. However, scientists at home and abroad have been sounding the alarm that the rush to start using the vaccine before Phase 3 trials — which normally last for months and involve thousands of peopl... more »

The Two Falls of the Roman Empire

Unknown at The Conservative Socrates - 15 hours ago
The Western Roman Empire fell in 476, but the fall did not lead to the end of Roman influence in Europe; under the barbarian rulers, the Roman culture continued to thrive. The Eastern Roman Empire survived till 1453, but soon after it fell, all trace of its culture was eradicated. The culture of the Western Roman Empire survived the barbarian takeover, because the barbarians were devoted to the Roman way of life; the Eastern Roman Empire, on the other hand, was vanquished not by barbarians but by an organized religion—the religion of Islam. The Ottoman Turks (along with the Persian... more »

Our Best Bet—Legislating a Robust Right to Peaceably Assemble

Guest Blogger at Balkinization - 15 hours ago
Tabatha Abu El-Haj In my last post, I suggested that *McKesson v. Doe* (5th Cir. 2019) provides an opportunity for the Supreme Court to clarify important First Amendment limits on policing angry and disruptive political crowds—even though the question presented concerns only First Amendment limits on civil liability for protest organizers. What I omitted was how easily the Court could postpone, even avoid, resolving these issues by certifying to the Louisiana Supreme Court the threshold question of whether state law imposes a duty on protest organizers to protect others from the cri... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
*Federal Program Leaves Taxpayers on the Hook for Another Green Energy Company Failure* *Solar thermal sounds great but I have yet to hear of one that pays off. The thing they are best at is chewing up subsidies from deluded governmentsThe best known example was the huge Ivanpah project in the Mojave desert. It eats up 3,500 acres in the California desert where rare desert vegetation used to grow. And it kills birds in their thousands.You don't hear much about it now as it never functioned anywhere near its capacity and produced very expensive electricity. And there ha... more »

"Economic Fantasy Update AM 8/11/20"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
*"Economic Fantasy Update AM 8/11/20"* Chronicling the most enormous fraud and theft in human history, down the rabbit hole of psychopathic greed and insanity... Deceptive resemblances to reality by these arch-criminals are total lies. Only the consequences are real, to YOU, never *them.* ○ *"The more I see of the moneyed classes, * *the more I understand the guillotine."* - George Bernard Shaw ○ *8/11/20* *○* Gregory Mannarino, *AM* *8/11/20:* *“**A Hideous Agenda, And You Haven't Seen ANYTHING Yet**”* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ ○ *MarketWatch Market Su**mmary, Live Updates* - https:/... more »

Cold-Records Fall Across Far-Eastern Russia

Cap Allon at Electroverse - 15 hours ago
The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are refreezing, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow. Prepare. GSM. The post Cold-Records Fall Across Far-Eastern Russia appeared first on Electroverse.

Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom from mask mandates

John E. Finn, Professor Emeritus of Government, Wesleyan University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
A Florida minister and a conservative lawmaker filed suit against a county law mandating mask wearing, saying it violates the freedom of religion. A constitutional law professor says they're wrong.

Indigenous Mexicans turn inward to survive COVID-19, barricading villages and growing their own food

Jeffrey H. Cohen, Professor of Anthropology, The Ohio State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
The Zapotec people of southern Mexico have always relied on each other to solve problems when the government can't, or won't, help. That's proving to be a pretty effective pandemic response.

African Americans have long defied white supremacy and celebrated Black culture in public spaces

Shannon M. Smith, Associate Professor of History, College of Saint Benedict & Saint John's University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 15 hours ago
Protests of Confederate flags and monuments have grown since 2015, but resistance is not new. African Americans have been protesting against Confederate monuments since they were erected.

New Report Reveals US Special Forces Active in 22 African Countries

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 15 hours ago
The US has roughly 6,000 military personnel scattered throughout the continent with military attachés outnumbering diplomats in many embassies across Africa.

Lunar Eclipse: A Proxy for Exoplanet Observation

Paul Gilster at Centauri Dreams - 15 hours ago
When it comes to detecting life on planets around other stars, my guess is that what will initially appear to be a life signature will quickly become controversial. We might, for example, find ozone in an exoplanet atmosphere with a space telescope like HabEX (Habitable Exoplanet Observatory). That would lead to hyperbolic news stories, to […]