English: Reporters Without Borders 2008 Press Freedom Index world map. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Cue the Spooky Music2:41am MDST
Sweden On High Alert For Possible ISIS Attack
Security services in Sweden have been put on high alert in connection with a potential terrorist attack threat from ISIS. Intelligence officials say that several ISIS militants arrived in Sweden recently in order to carry out attacks on civilian targets in Stockholm. “Right now we’re gathering information and intelligence and coordinating with our national and international partners,” security police (Säpo) press spokesman Simon Bynert told the TT news agency. Oikotimes.com reports: He added that Säpo is also cooperating with the national police service. “That means we’re sharing th... more »
Mysterious Virus Hits Ukraine, 20 Soldiers Dead And 200 Hospitalised
A mysterious deadly virus has hit Ukraine, killing 20 soldiers and hospitalising 200 people, in what is thought to be an ‘accidental leak’ from a U.S. laboratory in the country. The virus, nicknamed ‘California flu’, is immune to all medicines and originates from a U.S. lab near the city of Kharkov. Newstarget.com reports: “More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalised in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines,”Donbass News International reported. The report stated further: Donetsk People’s Republi... more »
Watchdog Says Freedom Of Press Is Dead As Western Propaganda Rules
A new report reveals that journalistic integrity has deteriorated at such a rapid pace in the West in the last year that most of what is printed in any newspaper is propaganda. According to a report by advocacy group Reporters Without Borders, world press freedom has declined rapidly in 2015. 180 countries were ranked on indicators such as independence, self-censorship, the rules of law, transparency and abuses – and nearly all failed. The World Press Freedom Index saw a sharp decline across nearly all countries, according to secretary general Christophe Deloire. Capitalfm.co.ke repo... more »
This Is What Might Start World War 3
Forget about ISIS – the real threat of World War 3 won’t begin on the battleground using conventional military equipment, but rather it will start in cyberspace, according to former member of the United States House of Representatives, Allen West. Townhall.com reports: Tuesday the 26th of April is recognized as World Intellectual Property (IP) Day. According to the Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, here are the major impacts of IP for America: – Incentivizes innovation and creativity, – Creates 40 million jobs, drives 2/3 of our GDP, and ¾ ... more »
Clinton Shuts Down Pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook Groups Using Child Porn
Hillary Clinton has spent over $1 million dollars in trying to close down various pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook groups, employing an army of professional trolls to post explicit sexual content (including child porn) and promote hate speech on the groups pages. The organised effort to flag these groups to Facebook for closure resulted in at least eight Bernie Sanders pages being closed down within 15 minutes of each other. Progressivearmy.com reports: All fingers point to Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC “Correct The Record,” headed by long Clinton ally, David Brock. Last Thursday the grou... more »
UK Police Unlawfully Used Stun Guns On 407 Children Last Year
Hundreds of British children were tased by police using stun guns between January 2014 and November 2015 according to a new report by police watchdog StopWatch. The group found that 407 were stunned by police who used 50,000 volts to temporarily incapacitate them, with 57 incidents involving minors under the age of 14 years old. RT.com reports: The international law in relation to their use, which the UK has been signed up to since 1990, has been violated as a result of the practice, according to the watchdog organization. Chastising your kids is child abuse. But the police can beat... more »
UK Police Questioned Over Claims Freemasons Orchestrated Hillsborough
Police in the UK are to face an investigation over whether the Freemasons influenced a massive cover-up at the time of the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 in which 96 people were crushed to death at a football match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium. Families of victims say that officers who belonged to the secret society were promoted into positions of power and influence, despite being unqualified for the jobs, including match commander David Duckenfield. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Duckenfield told the fresh inquests he had been a Freemason since 1975 and... more »
9/11 and Saudi Arabia
This Independent piece http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/finding-discussion-and-narrative-regarding-certain-sensitive-narrative-matters-saudi-arabia-911-11-a6999091.html is rather interesting... 'Twenty-eight secret pages of a report locked away in a room in the Capitol in Washington lie in the centre of a crisis between America and Saudi Arabia which threatens to have severe and widespread repercussions. The US Congress is considering legislation which would enable the families of victims of the September 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, presented by the West a... more »
White House To Sign Largest Military Deal In History With Israel
The U.S. is planning on giving Israel the largest military assistance package in its history, according to a White House spokesperson. An official from the Obama administration told Reuters, “We are prepared to sign an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with Israel that would constitute the largest single pledge of military assistance to any country in US history“. Ynetnews.com reports: The statement came hours after 83 US senators sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to reach a military assistance deal with Israel. “In light of Israel’s dramatically rising defense challenge... more »
Drug Price Control 43, Mar Roxas and the Cheaper medicines law of 2008
During the 3rd and final Presidential debate last Sunday, Sec. Mar Roxas said, *"Alam mo, Karen, sa kasaysayan ko, binangga ko mga malalaking interes. Pharmaceutical industry, cheaper medicine law, banking industry..."* Then a friend reposted a comment from someone attacking the Secretary saying, "You (Mar) lied by proclaiming you are instrumental in cutting the prices of medicines. On July 2009, there was a Senate press release.... *"...Authors of the Cheaper Medicines Act in the House or Representatives urged Roxas to support the move to reinstate provisions on automatic price r... more »
Sphere Alliance Message #156Thor Announces Energy Changes Riggolt does a "Touch N' Go"
April 26, 2016, Terran: *Can we chat in a bit? I stopped at WHATABURGER after a trip to Lowes for PVC fittings. But heading home.* Denice: *Yes would like a chat. Was trying to fall asleep and Mallien is here and is crooning old songs from another realm. Very deep and soothing singing. I am actually hearing the voice and music... not just thoughts. * 😄 Terran: *Mallieun is singing to you? Lol* Denice: *I don't know if it is his voice or a song he is playing. It was neat.* Denice: *I decided to control my dreams tonight. so I invited Mallieun into them.* Denice: *Don't know... more »
Tiny Moon Discovered Orbiting Dwarf Planet at Edge of Solar System
[image: An undated photo provided by NASA and made by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows a small, dark moon orbiting Makemake, the second brightest icy dwarf planet, after Pluto, in the Kuiper Belt. This is the first discovery of a companion object to Makemake. The moon, provisionally designated S/2015 (136472) 1 and nicknamed MK 2, is more than 1,300 times fainter than Makemake. (NASA via AP)] CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- Chalk up a moon for the icy dwarf planet Makemake. The Hubble Space Telescope has detected a tiny, dark moon circling the dwarf planet on the frozen fringes of ou... more »
Why Kids Who Play Outside Are Smarter, More Creative and Better Adapted To The Challenges of Real Life by L.J. Devon
Why kids who play outside are smarter, more creative and better adapted to the challenges of real life by L.J. Devon Natural News, 26 April 2016 (NaturalNews) Somewhere deep inside every one of us, *beating as natural as a heart's pulse*, is innocence and goodness. Somewhere deep inside, our inner child desires a sense of freedom, to take up the calling of who we are, to build something of our own, to explore the unknown, to be unique. Somehow along the way we've been instructed to follow along, to get in line, to learn a certain way. As our childhood innocence and desire ... more »
Czech nuclear watchdog: a trip to Chernobyl is safe for you
*A more exciting tourist destination than most others* Yesterday, on the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, the chairwoman of the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety Dr Dana Drábová gave an interview for the left-wing daily Právo and the news server Novinky.cz. *A trip to the forbidden zone in Chernobyl? Why not, it won't hurt, claims nuclear physicist Drábová* The areas contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant have turned into founts of wisdom, claims Dana Drábová in the Tuesday's interview for the Právo daily. She is the chairwoman of the State Bu... more »
Daniel Hannan's speech in the Spectator Brexit debate
Listen to Daniel Hannan's speech in Spectator Brexit debate by The Spectator #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/spectator1828/daniel-hannans-speech-in-spectator-brexit-debate Daniel Hannan, the best Prime Minister this country never had... Yet?
Malia Bouatti on Channel 4 News
https://youtu.be/6eyI4Eo05zc Malia Bouatti on Channel 4 News neatly evading answering whether she has a problem with Israel's existence and oddly being able to condemn Israeli actions but not that of the Palestinians. Look carefully, is that a smile playing across her lips as she squeezes another point past the Channel 4 interviewer?
Sphere Alliance Message #155 Riggolt's Yellow Submarine "Sweetie" is Seen!
By American Kabuki Sunday April 24th, 2016 *This took place **on Sunday night** from the view of the 2nd Story deck of the house which has a good view of the night sky. This is truly a milestone event, we were not able to see Riggolt's ship when I was in the Italian Alps, the realms were not yet aligned. This means there's been a huge shift of energies bringing the inner-grated Spheres and the Earth Sphere into alignment. There was no date time stamps on this as it was done over cellphone SMS messages not Skype.* Denice: *How are u?* Terran: *Bright ship going over!* Denice: ... more »
Tweet For Today
C-130H practices air drops/landing on a dirt airstrips as part of a joint exercise between #USAF & Army at Fort Drum pic.twitter.com/NqWqGnEzdb — Warfare Worldwide (@WarfareWW) April 26, 2016
The A-10 and the F-35 Will Finally Face Off
The F-35, left, and the A-10 will be compared in close-air support head-to-head, military officials say. (Photos by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force) *Fiscal Times:* *Top Gun? The A-10 and the F-35 Will Finally Face Off* Think of it as the high-stakes, high-flying dogfight that everyone from military pilots to members of Congress has been waiting for. The venerable A-10 Thunderbolt II jet will take on the high-tech F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in “comparison testing” later this year to determine which platform can best support U.S. ground forces, a top U.S. Defense Department told th... more »
Picture Of The Day
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station. View from Pripyat.
US election 2016 and the BBC's use of language is revealing again
The start of this BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-36147183 uses similar language to a report from last week. 'Donald Trump has won presidential primaries in all five US states that voted on Tuesday, while Hillary Clinton triumphed in four out of five.' Donald Trump wins all five primaries but Hillary Clinton triumphs... It's about mood setting and narrative establishing. It's about pushing the Hillary Clinton campaign. It's about BBC bias.
Powers of Court in Small Claims Court
Hervieux v. Huronia Optical, 2016 ONCA 294: [4] R. 12.02 provides as follows: 12.02 (1) The court may, on motion, strike out or amend all or part of any document that, (a) discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence; (b) may delay or make it difficult to have a fair trial; or (c) is inflammatory, a waste of time, a nuisance or an abuse of the court's process. (2) In connection with an order striking out or amending a document under subrule (1), the court may do one or more of the following: 1. In the case of a claim, order that the action be stayed or dismis... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows”
Leonard Cohen, “Everybody Knows” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lin-a2lTelg
Islamic State Having Trouble Recruiting Foreign Fighters
A flag belonging to the Islamic State fighters is seen on a motorbike after forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad recaptured the historic city of Palmyra, in Homs Governorate in this handout picture provided by SANA on March 27, 2016. REUTERS/SANA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS *Reuters*:* Fewer foreign fighters joining Islamic State: Pentagon* The number of foreign fighters joining the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria has decreased sharply in the past year to about 200 a month, a U.S. military official said on Tuesday. That is a drastic decline from about a year ago... more »
“A tax on the value of a site is really a tax on productive potential”
John Key’s proposed land tax would take money out of the hands of would-be home builders at precisely the time when more homes need to be built. The godfather of land taxes was a fellow called Henry George, who it’s fair to say was *single-minded* on the topic. (Ahem.) In his bio of Henry George in *The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, *economist Charles Hooper makes this very criticism of the idea: *George was right that other taxes may have stronger disincentives, but economists now recognise that the single land tax is not innocent, either. Site values are created, not i... more »
In The Wake Of Trump... How Bad Will The Destruction Be?
Bruce Bartlett was a Kemp guy who went on to work for Reagan and Bush I in policy positions that pushed the GOP's economics. During the Bush II term he strayed firther and further from Republican Party party line and helped write Bush II out of the conservative movement. Last year he started warming to the idea of a Trump run for the presidency as a way to cure what ails the GOP. "I love Donald Trump," he wrote at the time, "because he exposes everything about the Republican Party that I have frankly come to hate. It is just filled with people who are crazy, and stupid, and have a... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, “Anthem”
Leonard Cohen, “Anthem” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1HcpOtAYhc
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra, the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are loaded with luminous young star clusters and dark dust lanes. Still, for earthbound astronomers NGC 3621 is not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy. Some of its brighter stars have been used as standard candles to establish important estimates of extragalactic distances and the scale of the Universe. *Click image for larger size.* This beautiful image of NGC 3621 traces the... more »
"True Friends..."
"Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs. False friends only appear at difficult times, with their sad, supportive faces, when, in fact, our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives." - Paulo Coelho
Chet Raymo, "What Does It All Mean?"
*"What Does It All Mean?"* by Chet Raymo "A good friend tells me via e-mail that she is reading Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina." I read the book for a second time two years ago, in the new translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. It's one of those novels I had to read twice - once in middle age (I would not have had the patience in youth) and once in settled maturity. In middle age, it was all about Anna, and passion, and doubt. In old age - for me at least - it's about Levin, settled, happily married, enjoying as much intellectual peace as might be possible in this bi... more »
Paulo Coelho, "Killing Our Dreams"
"Killing Our Dreams" by Paulo Coelho "The first symptom of the process of our killing our dreams is the lack of time. The busiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The truth is, they are afraid to fight the Good Fight. The second symptom of the death of our dreams lies in our certainties. Because we don’t want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as wi... more »
"That Dreadful Universal Thing..."
“The more one analyzes people, the more all reasons for analysis disappear. Sooner or later one comes to that dreadful universal thing called human nature.” - Oscar Wilde
April 25: Today's feature - The Pope
I never thought it would come to this. Though born into the United Church of Canada, I was raised by a Scottish mother who, in her turn had been raised a fearsomely Presbyterian of that glum and severe Presbyterianism of the highlands. He was also a lay preacher who could make a saint feel guilty. I no longer have any conventional, religious beliefs. I do, however, have a belief in many principles expressed in the scriptures. Thus my long disagreement with so many of our clergy who speak within safe limits. The preach about being saved and going to heaven. And that's safe. Some ... more »
Is this maybe where #optout is going?
I look at stories like this, and I wonder if this is the natural evolution of the test opt-out movement? I take it that anti-test activist groups tout themselves as very pro-public schools, painting them as venerable democratic institutions that endeavor to promote wholesome, American values and with the potential to restore justice. But can […]
Pentagon Now Using The Israeli 'Roof Knock' Tactic To Warn Civilians When Bombing ISIS Targets
Smoke rises during an air strike in Ramadi city, December 26, 2015. Picture taken December 26, 2015. REUTERS/STRINGER *CNN:* *Pentagon adopts Israeli tactic in bombing ISIS* Washington (CNN)The U.S. has adopted a unique Israeli battlefield tactic in its fight against ISIS: exploding a missile above a building to warn civilians inside that it's about to be bombed. Israeli forces have widely used the so-called knock-on-the-roof operations in Gaza attacks in recent years to try to get civilians out before they are hit. The first public revelation of the U.S. using a "knock operation"... more »
Can't Vote for Hillary
So instead of succumbing to the pressure from the media talking heads, the young woman stands her ground and says she will vote for Jill Stein from the Green Party. I'm with her.
Tell Them.....
Tell Russia and China to get rid of their nukes Tell them Tell North Korea too and tell Iran they can't have nukes either Tell the American people that the Pentagon is the 'force for good' tell them again and again and again Tell them that 'freedom' is coming (freedom to liberate oil, natural gas, minerals, water, good soil for GMO production) tell them freedom has a price Tell them to stay quiet if they value their lives keep your nose buried in the dollar keep your mouth shut and you will live Otherwise tell them they'll pay a heavy price for resisting the pirate freedom ship
Archaeologists Believe They’ve Found a 16th Century Conquistador’s Cross — And Not Just Any Conquistador
[image: Discovery of the Mississippi by William H. Powell (1823–1879) is a Romantic depiction of de Soto seeing the Mississippi River for the first time. It hangs in the United States Capitol rotunda.] Pieces of a wooden post presumed to be a 16th Century Christian cross from a Spanish conquistador's expedition have been discovered at Parkin Archaeological State Park in northeastern Arkansas, The Archaeological Conservancy announced last week. Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernando... more »
Exit Polling: Trump, Clinton Draw Support of Usual Voters and Others Across All Demographic Groups
[image: People cast their votes at a polling station inside the Enoch Pratt Free Library's central library branch in Baltimore, Tuesday, April 26, 2016. Maryland voters have many choices and deeper impact than in recent elections as they make their choices about who should run for president and pick candidates for an open U.S. Senate seat. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)] Updated with Clinton’s victory in Connecticut and new survey data. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump attracted a broad coalition of Republican voters as he won presidential primary elections in Connecticut, Maryland and P... more »
Top U.S. Intelligence Official: Islamic State Has Sleeper Cells Throughout Europe
*CNN*:* Top U.S. intelligence official: ISIS has cells in UK, Germany, and Italy* Washington (CNN)America's top intelligence official, James Clapper, said Monday that ISIS has clandestine cells in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, comments that come as President Barack Obama concludes an overseas visit where he asked Europe to contribute more to the fight against ISIS. When asked by a reporter if ISIS had British, German and Italian underground cells like the ones that carried out the deadly March terrorist attacks in Brussels, Clapper, the director of national intelligence, ... more »
Are Europeans Getting Ready To Overthrow The Status Quo?
The U.S. isn't the only country in the world where voters are frustrated by a rigged system enforcing the political and economic status quo. While timid and unimaginative Democrats seem to be backing away from Bernie's political revolution and embracing the craven and corrupt centrist their party establishment insists on and while Republicans grapple with the nightmare of Trump's incoherent, ego-driven negativity, voters in other countries are also sniffing around the edges in search of fixing something they know doesn't work for them. Sunday's presidential election in Austria eli... more »
Afghanistan Peace Talks Have Collapsed Even Before Starting
*Al Jazeera*: *Taliban: we don’t care if Kabul attends peace talks* The group says it has already launched spring attacks against Afghan forces and it is gaining ground in the offensive. A senior member of Afghan Taliban has said that the group is not interested if Afghan government officials are attending the Pakistan talks on stuttering peace process with Kabul. "We don't care if Kabul participates in the meeting, as we already launched our spring offensive and are getting successes against them," Reuters news agency quoted a Taliban official as saying The comments on Tuesday f... more »
Trump Wins All Five Primaries, Gets Much Closer to Locking Up Nomination
[image: Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump attends the TIME 100 Gala, celebrating the 100 most influential people in the world, at Frederick P. Rose Hall, Jazz at Lincoln Center on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)] PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Donald Trump swept all five Republican primaries Tuesday, a commanding showing across the Northeast that kept the Republican front-runner on his narrow path to the GOP nomination. His rout was a blow to rivals who are running... more »
Coal Company Sues EPA to Stop a Regulation That Will Close More Coal Plants
[image: Coal_mine_Wyoming - 900] The Environmental Protection agency may be headed into federal court to once again defend its controversial mercury rule from a legal challenge -- being brought, this time, by the coal company Murray Energy. Murray Energy sued EPA over its mercury... more »
How copyright helped make Shakespeare popular
[image: 800px-Title_page_William_Shakespeare's_First_Folio_1623] Title page of First Folio, 1623. Copper engraving by Martin Droeshout. A little-known fact: Nearly half-a-century after his death, Shakespeare was hardly a thing at all. His plays were hardly given; his popularity, if any, on a par with playwrights now barely known, and deservedly so. What changed things, you’ll be surprised to hear, was the very thing needed to underpin investment in his works. In a word: *copyright.* Shakespeare scholar Jonathan Bate explains: *The crucial historical moment for the development o... more »
White Collar Crime Epidemic And Our Lovely Political Elites
Saturday we asked if equal justice is ever possible with the kind of gigantic and growing economic inequality that disgraces America today. We were especially looking at the way our Wall Street fat-cats go unpunished no matter the scope of their criminal behavior, primarily because they pay off the corrupt conservatives from both rotten-out Beltway party establishments. A friend sent me a post from the University of Chicago buisness school's blog, *Pro-Market* from last month that looked at the same question. And, like us, they went to Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Jesse Eisin... more »
The Bladder
*"The bust, too--there in the Stratford Church. * *The precious bust, the priceless bust, the calm bust, the serene bust, the emotionless bust, with the dandy moustache, and the putty face, unseamed of care--that face which has looked passionlessly down upon the awed pilgrim for a hundred and fifty years and will still look down upon the awed pilgrim three hundred more, with the deep, deep, deep, subtle, subtle, subtle, expression of a bladder."* *- Mark Twain*
Head Of Germany's BND (Foreign Intelligence Agemcy) Has Been Fired
President of the German Federal Intelligence Agency (BND) Gerhard Schindler arrives for a security cabinet meeting at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/HANNIBAL HANSCHKE *DW:* *Media report foreign intelligence agency BND's chief Schindler to be 'replaced'* Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency chief is to be replaced prematurely, according to German media. The 63-year-old Gerhard Schindler has faced parliamentary grillings over his handling of the NSA affair. Germany's ARD public television network and the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) newspaper said T... more »
Mediterranean diet score in stable heart disease, and, more thoughts on Ramsden et al.
This news article that made the rounds yesterday demonstrates how confirmation bias keeps the diet-heart hypothesis afloat. *Healthy eating key to heart disease* After 3.7 years' follow-up, a heart attack, stroke or death - termed a major adverse cardiac event - had occurred in 10.1 per cent of the participants. Such events occurred in 7.3 per cent of the people in the highest Mediterranean-diet bracket, 10.5 per cent in the next bracket down and 10.8 per cent in those who ate smaller quantities of the healthier foods. "After adjusting for other factors that might affect the resul... more »
Pro-ISIS Group Hacks Michigan Church’s Website, Threatens to Enslave Its Women
[image: hacked site - 900] A teenager searching online for a church's phone number discovered its website appeared to have been defaced by pro-ISIS hackers, when an Islamic State recruitment video took over her screen. The words "You have been hacked by the United Cyber Caliphate"... more »
Academics Suggest This Orwellian Tactic to Turn Conservatives Into Global Warming Alarmists
[image: No Planet B Global Warming Activists - 900] A new study by Oregon State University (OSU) psychologists have come up with a new tactic for turning skeptical conservatives into full-blown global warming alarmists: frame the debate in terms of patriotism. OSU academics found conservatives were more amenable to... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 26, 2016
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg*: *Ignoring the Lessons of Chernobyl* The presidents of Ukraine and Belarus, the two countries most affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, used the meltdown's 30-year anniversary on Tuesday to make political statements. It looks like neither of them -- nor Russian President Vladimir Putin -- has drawn the right conclusions from the tragedy, which probably hastened the Soviet Union's demise. Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blew up on April 26, 1986, as its operators were testing a new generator. The explosion itself only killed one per... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( April 26 , 2016 ) Overview For Tuesday ( 1. Markets In Focus - Bond Market Related News Of Note , Apple Will Be A Point Of focus Wednesday - Misses Earnings, Revenues And Poor Guidance - Trifecta , Global Equities - % Below / ATH / Year , Global Currencies vs USD Update. 2 Greece Updates - Creditor Talks Hit A Predictable Snag. 3. Spain Fails To Form New Gov't , Will Head To Polls June 26th . 4. Odds & Ends - EXXON loses AAA Rating , Dutch - Turkey Relations Getting Chillier , Sultan In His Majesty - Lording Over Europe , Iraq Quirky Item , ECHR Battle Spits No 10 and Home Secretary & More Items To Ponder . )
US Elections Updates ........ *Benchmark Politics* @benchmarkpol 14m 14 minutes ago We are ready for a final margin call in CT. Clinton 51%- Sanders 48%. Call made with 63% Precincts reporting. *Middle East Eye* @MiddleEastEye 2m 2 minutes ago Trump sweeps northeast presidential primaries, Clinton takes 3 states http://ow.ly/4n8r9Z *Nathaniel Rakich* @baseballot 24m 24 minutes ago *Trump* polling average vs actual results tonight PA: 47% -> 58% RI: 56% -> 64% CT: 53% -> 59% MD: 50% -> 54% This after NY went 53% -> 60%. *FiveThirtyEightVerified ac... more »
Time to re-assess on anniversary of nuclear disasters: “Our very future depends upon it”
This week marks the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, and this year the 5th of the Fukushima disaster – “the two greatest nuclear accidents the world has ever seen.” And it turns out what you don’t know about both can kill you. Easy ones first, so let’s start with Fukushima, where “following a major earthquake, a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident on 11 March 2011. All three cores largely melted in the first three days. So let’s start by having you guess how many people died of radiati... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"Nothing Is Random..."
"Nothing is random, nor will anything ever be, whether a long string of perfectly blue days that begin and end in golden dimness, the most seemingly chaotic political acts, the rise of a great city, the crystalline structure of a gem that has never seen the light, the distributions of fortune, what time the milkman gets up, the position of the electron, or the occurrence of one astonishing frigid winter after another. Even electrons, supposedly the paragons of unpredictability, are tame and obsequious little creatures that rush around at the speed of light, going precisely where th... more »
"Tell Yourself..."
“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.” – Louise Erdrich
Israeli hold on Golan ‘null and void,’ UN Security Council says
Two articles reporting this news- Both from Israeli media. *Link* and* Link* I detest the UN. Personally speaking. If the Security Council actually made statements as claimed harkening all the way back to 1981, why has Israel occupied Golan for so long? Isn't it really because the US allows and succors the Israelis? Or perhaps it is that the US is servile to Israel? Whichever the case, I still detest the UN. Here is the news as reported: The UN Security Council on Tuesday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion that the annexed Golan Heights would “forever” remain un... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Peace of Wild Things"
*The Peace of Wild Things"* "When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free..." - Wendell Berry
"The Fate Of All..."
"All human lives are so profoundly and intricately entwined, those dead, those living, those generations yet to come, that the fate of all is the fate of each, and the hope of humanity rests in every heart and in every pair of hands. Therefore, after every failure, we are obliged to strive again for success, and when faced with the end of one thing, we must build something new and better in the ashes, just as from pain and grief, we must weave hope, for each of us is a thread critical to the strength to the very survival of the human tapestry. Every hour in every life contains such ... more »
Was Prince Murdered By The Illuminati Record Industry?
Loved by millions and more ‘royal’ than Elizabeth II, Prince was a one-off: a genius songwriter, performer and musician. But this pint-sized gift to the world of music was also a sworn enemy of the record industry. He dedicated his life to thwarting their plans and at the age of 57 it looked as though he had finally defeated them. Whisper it … Did they kill him? In the middle of his career Prince had a very public falling out with his record company Warner Brothers and the music industry as a whole. He famously wrote SLAVE on his face at the Grammys in 1996 in protest and changed... more »
Clinton Task Force Shuts Down Pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook Groups
Some of the largest pro-Bernie Sanders Facebook groups were suspended on Monday evening after their pages were targeted by Hillary Clinton trolls. Six of the pro-Bernie groups briefly and mysteriously disappeared from Facebook. SHAME on @HillaryClinton & @HFA! We’ll NEVER SUPPORT HER! We are #BernieOrBust!#BernieBlackout #BernieFacebookPurge pic.twitter.com/kLDRF5jUwb — World For Bernie (@WorldForBernie) April 26, 2016 Gawker reports: “A number of groups were inaccessible for a brief period after one of our automated policies was applied incorrectly,” a Facebook spokesperson said in... more »
Study: Every American Would Be $13,000 Richer if Regulations Were Frozen in 1980
[image: Gavel, Judge, Courthouse, Regulations] Every American would be $13,000 richer if federal regulations were frozen in 1980, according to a new study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. The piles of red tape since 1980 have been so costly to the U.S. economy that... more »
Campaign Latest: Clinton Has 88% of the Delegates She Needs for the Democratic Nomination
[image: AM General President and Chief Executive Officer Andy Hove, center left, and Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., right, listen to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speak at a campaign stop, Tuesday, April 26, 2016, in Mishawaka, Ind. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on campaign 2016 as voters head to the polls in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland (all times Eastern): 9:30 p.m. Celebrating several key wins Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton is looking to the Democratic... more »
World News Briefs -- April 26, 2016 (Evening Edition)
*Washington Post*: *South Sudan peace hopes rise as rebel leader returns to join government* JUBA, South Sudan — Rebel leader Riek Machar returned to this struggling five-year-old nation Tuesday under a peace deal and was promptly sworn in as first vice president, boosting hopes for an end to one of Africa’s deadliest civil conflicts. A U.N. plane carried Machar from Ethiopia to this South Sudanese capital as part of a power-sharing plan aimed at quelling a war that has raged between Machar’s followers, mostly ethnic Nuer rebels, and ethnic Dinkas loyal to President Salva Kiir. T... more »
Theresa May's Leadership Bid
As the EU referendum battle gets nasty and Tory tears lumps out of Tory, spare a thought for the chancellor and the London mayor. At times these last six months, both men have had reason to believe their careers are sloping upwards. Number 10 has conceivably been in reach, but their grip on political gravity has loosened and its possible their rise will be accompanied by a death plunge. And now, threatening to hasten their fall has appeared Theresa May, the one oft-overlooked as Osborne and Johnson tussle for the prize. Her intervention yesterday in the EU debate was pretty disgust... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Low Intensity Warfare'
LOW INTENSITY WARFARE Posted on April 26, 2016 Please post & distribute. MNN. 26, 2016. Today the men went to the HDI office at Six Nations, took bar lawyer Aaron Detler to the edge of the community. He was turned over to the OPP and told to never return. His activities are known as “low intensity warfare”. Never mind Syracuse. We have to head over to Six Nations. Counter
Pentagon: Russia Will 'Probably' Be Told On Where US Special Ops Forces Will Be Deployed In Syria
US Special Operations Forces (file photo) *Military.com:* *DoD: Russians Likely to Be Told Where US Special Ops Will Be in Syria* To avoid an airstrike, the Russians could be told where the additional 250 U.S. Special Operations troops President Obama has ordered into Syria will be based, Pentagon officials said Monday. Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said the location in rebel-held northeastern Syria was not being disclosed publicly in a precautionary move, but he noted that Moscow was given the coordinates last year when the initial group of 50 U.S. advisers and trainers wen... more »
Mankind To Be Sacrificed For Neocon ‘War-Hawk In Waiting’ Clinton
Former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury during the Reagan administration, Dr Paul Craig Roberts says that the election of a neocon like Hillary as president would mean the end of mankind and the beginning of the end, not just for America, but for the world. From Sputnik: How the American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes for Peace When Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired them, and had some of them prosecuted, his administration was free of their evil influence, and President Reagan negotiated the end of the Cold War with Soviet President Gorba... more »
US Forces Fighting ISIS Adopt Israel’s ‘Knock on the Roof’ Strategy
[image: FA-18_launch_during_Inherent_Resolve - 900] U.S. forces have borrowed a strategy from Israel known as the "knock on the roof" in an apparent effort to minimize civilian casualties in the fight against the Islamic State. As ISIS continues to suffer losses in Syria and Iraq, its... more »
Interesting Cold War Links and Annoying Comparisons Between Chernobyl and Fukushima
COLD WAR TENSIONS AND MILITARIZATION Japan jet scrambles against China planes double in Jan-March. Reuters. April 23, 2016, http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201604230033.html Japan's fighter jet scrambles against Chinese planes more than doubled in the first three months of the year, underscoring a "tougher security environment", the Defense Ministry said on Friday. Japanese combat planes scrambled 198 times to prevent possible incursions by Chinese planes, up from 93 times from January to March last year. In the year that ended on March 31, such scrambles rose 23 percent fr...more »
Devolution watch: Maddow's problem with the truth!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2016The bullroar never stops:* Just for today, we can't face returning to Rachel Maddow's April 15 jihad against Candidate Kasich. The jihad started with a false claim about a major bill signing—a bill signing which involved Governor Kasich and some "grown-ass white men." Soon, the jihad moved to a string of allegedly horrible statements by Kasich, statements involving women. Yesterday, we showed you the first of these horrible statements. It was part of a trivial event from 2011—a five-year-old event which was mildly embarrassing, but also just massively point... more »
Exploiters of Gold King Mine Spill: McCain and University of Arizona
Photo: Nihigaal bee Iina walkers to sacred mountains lend a hand to Navajo farmers in Shiprock, N.M. following the devastating toxic Gold King mine spill. While McCain showboats with the Gold King Mine spill, and the University of Arizona profiteers from misery, Arizona and national media go brain dead, awarded Hypocrite Media Award By Brenda Norrell Censored News Arizona Senator John
DIY Magnetic Organizer
How cute is this magnetic organizer?! This is so easy to make, you can make a few so you can keep track of all of the papers that get misplaced around the house! [image: post signature]
U.S. State Department: President Obama Never Committed To Having 'No U.S. Boots On The Ground In Syria'
*RT:* *No boots on ground in Syria, but US troops wearing boots & on ground are there ‒ State Dept* Despite repeated promises to the contrary, US troops are in Syria, and the Pentagon has sent 250 more. But the State Department says those American soldiers wearing boots in Syria aren’t actually “boots on the ground.” President Barack Obama confirmed plans to dramatically increase the American troop presence in Syria by deploying an additional 250 personnel, bringing the total to 300. He said the troops would help drive out Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). In 2013, Obama pr... more »
The Working-Class Meltdown
[image: depression - 900] During an era of headline-grabbing advances in medicine, the United States is experiencing a health cataclysm. The latest straw in the wind is last week’s report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that life expectancy for white... more »
Police Launch Murder Probe Into Prince’s Death
A murder investigation has reportedly been launched into Prince’s death after prescription drugs were found at Paisley Park where he died. Police are said to be looking for doctors or handlers who treated the star as friends fear he may have been over prescribed drugs. According to the Daily Star Police in Minneapolis have refused to rule out homicide Metro.co.uk reports: A team has been put in place to investigate and piece together the last two years of Prince’s life to establish what happened. A police source told The Daily Star: ‘A crack team have been assigned with learning minu... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Indaco”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Indaco” - https://www.youtube.com/
“Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move, And There’s A Website To Prove It”
*“Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move,* * And There’s A Website To Prove It”* by Amando Flavio Via "It has emerged that Google has been tracking Smartphone users everywhere they go, indicating it with a red dot on a map to mark and make their location much clearer for identification. If you do not believe this, you remember what appeared in the scene of the "Minority Report," where Tom Cruise is on the run from the law, but is unable to avoid detection because everywhere he goes, there are constant retina scans feeding his location back to a central database? That is exact... more »
Navajoland 'Save the Confluence' History Repeats Itself
. Thank you to Christine Prat for this French translation from 'Save the Save Confluence,' where the waters come together on the west side of the Navajo Nation, and now the corrupt Navajo and Arizona politicians come together with their corporate handlers to desecrate sacred land. http://www.chrisp.lautre.net/wpblog/?p=3404 Visit the website: Save the Confluence (English) http://
Here Are The 10 Times Obama Vowed Not To Send Troops To Syria Until Now (Video)
*WNU Editor:* I was about to prepare a post on all the times that President Obama was vowing not to send troops to Syria. No need .... NBC has beaten me to the punch.
Growing Criticism On President Obama's Decision To Deploy 250 Special Forces To Syria
*Politico*: *Criticism mounts as another 250 U.S. troops head to Syria* NOW FOR THE HARD PART — WHAT DOES 250 TROOPS GET YOU? The president announced another 250 U.S. troops were headed to Syria, but that didn’t stop skepticism from all sides about how much difference they will make in the Islamic State war. Reuters has more here: “President Barack Obama announced on Monday the biggest expansion of U.S. ground troops in Syria since its civil war began, but the move was unlikely to mollify Arab allies angry over Washington's cautious approach to the conflict. “The deployment of up ... more »
U.S. Commander Of Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Praises China's Navy
*Photo: *Rear Admiral Marcus Hitchcock. Photographer: Rosalind Mathieson/Bloomberg *Bloomberg:* *Chinese Navy in South China Sea Draws U.S. Admiral's Praise* * `Completely professional' interactions, says Admiral Hitchcock * U.S. aircraft carrier is currently sailing in South China Sea Standing on a nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carrier the length of more than three football fields as it plows through one of the world’s most contested seas, Rear Admiral Marcus Hitchcock has only high praise for the navy of his biggest military rival: China. Around 125 nautical miles from the Malays... more »
North Korea Denying Reports That It Made A Proposal To End Its Nuclear Tests
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station No. 3 in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on April 23, 2016. KCNA/via REUTERS *UPI:* *North Korea denies it proposed end to nuclear tests* Reports that stated Pyongyang would be willing to stop tests if the United States suspended drills aren’t true, a North Korean official said. BEIJING, April 26 (UPI) -- A North Korean spokesman said Pyongyang wouldn't stop testing nuclear weapons, even if the United States and South Korea ended joint military e... more »
North Korea Preparing For A Nuclear And Missile Test
*USA Today*: *Reports: North Korea readies missile, nuke tests* North Korea is preparing another test launch of a mid-range missile and also is fully prepared to conduct a fifth nuclear test, South Korean officials said Tuesday. The reports come three days after the North claimed it successfully fired a ballistic missile from a submarine for the first time. The latest news adds to a string of troubling reports of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests that have raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula and led to a tightening of international sanctions. Pyongyang has blamed So... more »
Russia Withdraws Plans To Deliver S-300 Missile System To Syria
Alexander Fomin, the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation told reporters on Tuesday that the S-300 missile defence system promised to Syria will now not be delivered. The Syrian government requested the S-300’s back in 2014 when it felt under threat from a U.S. military strike. Tass reports: “There are no such plans as of today,” he said, answering a question whether the possibility of supplying these weapons systems to Syria was negotiated. In 2014, the Syrian government turned to Moscow with a request to supply the S-300 air defense missile system... more »
Study: European Plan to Reduce CO2 Emissions Actually Increased Them
[image: Saab BioPower, BioFuels, Eco Car] Europe's plans to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by switching from conventional oil to biofuels actually ended up increasing emissions, according to a study published Monday by the environmental group Transport & Environment (T&E). The study found, on average, biofuel from vegetable... more »
High Court Sides With Police Officer in Free Speech Case
[image: Equal Justice Under Law, U.S. Supreme Court Building] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a New Jersey police officer who was demoted after his boss mistakenly believed he was involved in a political campaign can still bring a lawsuit alleging a violation of free speech... more »
Does posting on PubPeer count as prior publication? Journal says yes, rejects letter rebutting campus sexual assault data
Journals typically shy away from publishing data and text readers have seen before — but amidst the newly established norms of open science and data sharing, what counts as a prior publication? We’re asking ourselves that question after learning that JAMA Pediatrics has rejected a letter rebutting a recent study in the journal about sexual assault on college campuses after deciding that […] The post Does posting on PubPeer count as prior publication? Journal says yes, rejects letter rebutting campus sexual assault data appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Economy: “Derivatives: $1.7 QUADRILLION?!”
*“Derivatives: $1.7 QUADRILLION?!”* "The Fed Sends a Frightening Letter to JPMorgan and Corporate Media Yawns" by Joseph P. Farrell "The crux of the problem, I suggest, is outlined by the following paragraphs: All the "big banks" are overexposed to each other as a result of trading "bad derivatives" paper: "A rational observer of Wall Street’s serial hubris might have expected some key segments of this letter to make it into the business press. A mere eight years ago the United States experienced a complete meltdown of its financial system, leading to the worst economic collapse si... more »
"Finding the Place You Belong: Where the Soul Is"
*"Finding the Place You Belong: Where the Soul Is"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "There will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. There will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. Your subconscious mind may be ready to move forward long before you recognize that you are destined to embrace a new way of life. Your soul intuitively understands that changing habitats can be a vital part of the growth process and that there may be one part of you that is eager to move to another ho... more »
A Pastor Whose Pregnant Wife was Murdered Wants to Share Jesus With Her Killers
[image: Blackburns3 - 900] Davey Blackburn, pastor of Resonate Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, lost his pregnant wife to a vicious murder, and now says that he wants to see the three men responsible come to know the Lord. In fact, says Pastor Blackburn in... more »
The Syrian War Against The US/NATO/Israel Criminal Cabal: US Sending MORE "Special Forces" Illegally Into Syria!
I have been watching over the last few days the real news coming out of Syria... It seems that the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, are finally making headway in their recapturing of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo... The criminal US/NATO/Israel cabal "terrorist" forces that have held onto the southern part of that city are finally being removed, and it now appears only a matter of time before Aleppo itself is fully freed of "terrorist" and "rebel" forces.... With the fall of Aleppo, the war in Syria can enter the next stage where the good guys start movi... more »
The Big Short’s Michael Burry Predicts Financial Meltdown and World War 3
Michael Burry, the man who famously predicted the subprime mortgage crisis, says he has ‘done the math’ and a global financial meltdown that will lead to World War 3 is on the horizon and we are marching towards it at an ever increasing pace. As NYMag.com reports, Burry answered questions by email, his preferred method of communication as viewers of the film will attest. The real-life head of Scion Asset Management spoke about the state of the financial system and his ominous predictions for the future. ‘I didn’t go out looking for this,’ he said. ‘I just did the math. Every bit of m... more »
Neoliberalism – The 'Zombie Doctrine' at the Root of All Our Problems
Oh well Here we go again. Our economic system has evolved in spite of centuries of wrong headed thinking. Our thinking is perhaps wrong headed but it is hardly successful enough. What has been successful is the elimination of perverse trade barriers around the world however perversely it happens to be applied. That has sustained the greatest expansion the world has ever seen and the only reason that it has not been far greater is because most have been slow learners. In a way the USA provided the opportunity and then China led and India followed after been shown just how stu... more »
What Would Society Look Like with Universal Basic Income?
I do agree with the concept of basic income with one codicil. It needs to be in exchange for five days of four hour shifts of basic work. This may be food preparation, sorting, and general woodland grooming. Then i would calculate the payment level based on a common statistic linked to present rents and sustainance costs. Otherwise the system will get gamed by capital and a rise in costs must drive other wages as well to prevent advantage. In antique terms the individual pays a weekly labor tax of twenty hours in exchange for bed and board and a portfolio of other ... more »
Spare the Rod
This item is positively weird and discusses the combining of the erotic impulse with the spiritual impulse. How curious. My initial difficulty with all this is that our erotic impulse is central to our animal self and is managed by our cognitive self with assistance from our consciousness. The central theme i accept is management. That does not necessarily mean actively exploiting it to optimize the physical result in this case sexual pleasure. This naturally leads to addictive feedback cycles that the self rationalize onto paths that become dangerous. The same rational hold... more »
Who Owns the Earth?
The protocols of land ownership have evolved and continues to evolve. It needs to be rethough and also expanded as necessary to advance societies needs. It has and continues to be the principal source of established and repeatable wealth creation. Intellectual knowledge follows the same path as mineral rights and many other ways of creating income from our common inheritance. Since such protocols happen to be the only way to get things done, it is perhaps time to stop fussing and discover new smart ways to replicate the methods across a wide spectrum of needs. All this is bor... more »
Primary Asshole
Now, unless you're on Twitter and are as politically engaged as I am there, you won't recognize the fat twat leering behind the not-so-fat twat in the foreground. That's (former) Facebook troll Casey Champagne, one of the paid Hillary attack dogs who masterminded an effort to suspend several Bernie Sanders Facebook pages last night, including the three largest composed of some 120,000 members. If you want a condensed overview of what happened last night during Clinton's Night of the Long Knives, go to Freakout Nation. If you'd rather not, then keep reading. What Champ... more »
While America Is Bankrupt And Americans Are Now Living In Poverty, The American Government Is Proposing A Massive Increase In Its Illegal Money Shipment To The Criminal State Of Israel
The United States of America is now in a state of deep decline and economic collapse... There can be no doubt in anyone's minds about that being an absolute fact... The facts are that the living standard for the average American today is on par with some 2nd and even 3rd world nations, and that many Americans are now living on the streets of American cities in poverty with no hope of a job or even a future... The so called "American dream" is as far as I am concerned now dead.... But sadly, in spite of America being a nation that is now bankrupt and a shadow of its former glory, we ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Deep Impact'
Post navigation ← Previous DEEP IMPACT Posted on April 26, 2016 Please post & distribute. MNN. 26 April 2016. In the movie “Deep Impact” an asteroid hit the ocean. The two mile high waves traveled 600 miles an hour and covered the Eastern Seaboard of great turtle island, except for the high hilly country. Syracuse is just up ahead! rotino’shonni have always been in the Northeast. “
Secret Klamath Dam Discussions Part 2: Endangered Suckers Dead on Lost River
Photo Oregon Wild Secret Klamath Dam Discussions: Part 2 Endangered Suckers Dead on Lost River By Kayla Godowa-Tufti Censored News Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon April 26, 2016 Dozens of endangered Lost River and short nose suckers trapped and dying in pools below Anderson Rose Dam were found by volunteers of a conservation organization Sunday, April 24th. The US
Federally Funded AmeriCorps Workers Helped Girls Get Abortions, Violating Federal Law
[image: Stop Abortion, Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion, Planned Parenthood] A forthcoming federal investigation has found that six AmeriCorps volunteers went with pregnant girls to abortion clinics in parts of New York City. Such work as "abortion doulas" is a direct violation of federal funding rules. The Hill reported the... more »
The real story: The scheme to destroy public education
Forget the gossip. The real story is the destruction of public education – comments on a letter to the Chicago Tribune Letter writer Suzanne M. Gray focused on the name-calling but missed the point ("Where's the respect?"April 23): the scheme to destroy public education. Teacher Katie Osgood, quoted at the end of "CTU's Lewis calls Gov. Rauner 'the new ISIS recruit'" (April 21), revealed the cause of the financial crisis in Chicago Public Schools: "We're broke because they're allowing us to be broke … And they want us to be broke, so they can do these things to our system and cla... more »
No Longer Feeling the Bern
Unless we all join together in a new anti-war movement and demand an end to global American aggression, there can be no political revolution and no real improvement in our lives here at home. In a televised town hall appearance last night on MSNBC, self-described Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders doubled down on both his support for President Obama's drone assassination program and for the U.S.'s continued military escalations in the Middle East. Sanders called the presidential "kill list" perfectly legal, constitutional and necessary. He gave his stamp of approval to Obama's pi... more »
VIDEO: Tribute Song for Runners 'Run for Your Life'
'Run for Your Life' No Dakota Access Pipeline Runners Made it to Fort Thompson April 26, 2016 Photo by Demaris Mexican Click arrow below to wach and listen to Lakota Honor Song for Runners More photos of runners from Standing Rock and Eagle Butte at: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2016/04/run-for-your-life-against-dakota-access.html
VIDEO 'Run For Your Life' NO! Dakota Access Pipeline!
. Photo Joye Braun Runner April 25, 2016 April 26, 2016 Posted by Panda Kim More photos of runners from Standing Rock and Eagle Butte: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2016/04/run-for-your-life-against-dakota-access.html
Clinton Hammers Trump’s Lavish Lifestyle. In the Meantime...
*Is that Trump flying home, or Clinton heading off to give a speech? Hard to tell from this angle (source).* *by Gaius Publius* A tale of two links. In the first, Clinton pivots to the general election and plays the populist vs. Donald Trump and his "lavish lifestyle," according to CNN (my emphasis): *Clinton knocks Trump's lavish lifestyle* Hillary Clinton cast Donald Trump as out of touch with the United States while campaigning Monday in Delaware, arguing that the Republican front-runner flies into states, gives speeches and then returns to the *lap of luxury* without listenin... more »
Iran Summons Swiss Envoy Over $2 Billion US Supreme Court Ruling
Iran has summoned the Swiss Ambassador to Tehran to protest the controversial supreme court ruling that $2 billion of frozen Iranian assets be used to compensate American victims of “terror”. Last week the supreme Court ruled that Iran must pay the sum to survivors and relatives of those killed in attacks blamed on the Islamic republic. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif threatened to take legal action in the International Court of Justice against the United States if the amount in frozen funds is “diverted”. The Swiss government, acting through its embassy in Tehran, repr...more »
Mohawk Nation News 'We Will Stay'
WE WILL STAY Posted on April 25, 2016 Please post & distribute. Apr. 25, 2016. The great peace is based on the original instructions to survive and coexist with each other and all nature. Where’s 100 Clinton? We’ll need some water, grass, parking out front! In the midst of our territory an historic trial is starting on September 20, 2016, in Syracuse. NY. NYS Troopers attacked us in
Silence of the journalists watch: We finally watched Gone Girl!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2016The deference of the lambs:* Over the weekend, we noticed that the 2014 film, Gone Girl, was available as part of On Demand's ballyhooed annual Watchathon. We decided to watch it. We were surprised by what we saw. First, we were surprised by the way the film derived its juice from the Insanely Jealous Crazy Woman stereotype—the same portrait exploited by Fatal Attraction and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle before it. Did insanely jealous, crazy Glenn Close boil a bunny to help sell a film? In Gone Girl, insanely jealous, crazy Rosamund Pike goes her several... more »
28 Pages of BS
*Alex Jones shouts over yet another guest on his show* All the media hype about the "28 pages" of redacted material in the 9/11 report is just diversionary. The perps are hoping to avoid justice by blaming the Arabs. Anyone who has done a modicum of research into the 9/11 atrocity know that the arab hijackers were (if they existed at all) merely patsies and that the Mossad with the support of their saboteur moles in the White House, Pentagon, CIA and FBI planned, managed and co-ordinated the attacks. Alex Jones had a guest on his show recently, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who wanted to... more »
Ramey Memo Update
It has been just one year since we attempted to get better scans of the Ramey Memo and determine what it said. I had thought, as had Martin, that while the team was in Fort Worth, they would have the answer. I expected them to be able to resolve this with our modern equipment, the best men available to create the scans and the wonderful cooperation of those at the University of Texas at Arlington. That wasn’t what happened. So, to keep Rich Reynolds happy (and he could have sent an email), to prove that we are hiding nothing, and to note that I had planned to publish something now ... more »
Research in Prague quantifies dishonesty of literature on climate sensitivity
*The power of meta-analyses in measuring the density of scammers in the climate alarmist industry* Although one or two climate blogs have already noticed the clever paper in August 2015 when it was published, most of us were unaware of it. That included myself – even though the paper was published by authors at my Alma Mater, Charles University in Prague (founded 1348). They're from the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV UK) – a much more quantitative department than the name indicates. A classmate of mine (whom I spent 6 years with behind the same school desk) completed FSV UK and the... more »
Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization
[image: Western Civilization Roman Empire Ruins Statue - 900] This month, Stanford University students voted on a campus resolution that would have their college require a course on Western civilization, as it did until the 1980s. Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. A columnist at the Stanford... more »
President Obama Warns North Korea That The U.S. Can Destroy Them, But Will Instead Focus On Deploying A Missile Shield
*CBS*: *Obama on why the U.S. won't "destroy North Korea"* President Obama is back at the White House after a week in the Middle East and Europe. During his trip, "CBS This Morning" co-host Charlie Rose spoke with the president in Germany for a wide-ranging interview. Mr. Obama had just announced 250 additional American troops will go to Syria to help in the fight against ISIS. But the president also faces other big challenges in Asia, including North Korea's claims of successful ballistic missile tests and China's military installations on man-made islands in disputed waters of t... more »
Seymour Hersh: Saudi Arabia Helped To Hide Osama Bin Laden From U.S.
Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says that the Saudi government bribed Pakistan, a U.S. ally in the war on terror, with hundreds of millions in oil money to hide the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden from U.S. interrogation. The man allegedly responsible for 9/11 was never heard. From AlterNet: Exclusive Interview: Seymour Hersh Dishes on Saudi Oil Money Bribes and the Killing of Osama Bin Laden A wide-ranging interview tied to his new book, “The Killing of Osama Bin Laden.” Seymour Hersh is an American investigative journalist who is the recipient of many ... more »
Big Ben To Stay Silent For Three Years
Big Ben will stop chiming for three years starting early next year. The famous bell and its clock tower in the Palace of Westminster need an overhaul and a facelift. The iconic clock of Parliament will stop making a bong sound every 15 minutes from 2017 as engineers start a £29m restoration programme on House of Commons’ Queen Elizabeth Tower. Wired reports: The 160-year-old tower, which is a Unesco World Heritage site, will undergo £29 million of work to increase energy efficiency and redecorate the interior of the building. The work will affect both the clock’s mechanism and the t... more »
It's Not True.....Let's Rewrite History
There's confusion in Washington over Obama's order to send an extra 250 troops to Syria. The magician had repeatedly pledged to avoid putting boots on the ground - although according to the State Department, that's not the case. It's clear that the empire of chaos is losing in its attempt to bring regime change to Syria - thus they need a new strategy and that always means more US 'boots on the ground'. But they can't admit that so they have to play word games which Washington is very good at doing.
Collective Action Needed to Stop Industrial Destruction of Planet
Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday; or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons; or that dancing around a fire would have helped put in place the Voting Rights Act of 1957 or the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Then why now, with all the world at stake, do so many people retreat into these entirely personal “solutions”? Why are these solutions not sufficient? But most importantly, what can be done instead to actually stop th... more »
Can Bruce Springsteen Refuse to Play a Gay Wedding?
[image: Bruce Springsteen Pointing - 900] I agree with Bruce Springsteen who cancelled his concert in my adopted home state of North Carolina because he objected to HB2 (the bathroom law). I also agree with Paypal, which cancelled plans to expand in Charlotte because they think... more »
Authors correct highly cited biology paper due to “genuine mistake”
Authors of a highly cited biology paper in the Journal of Cell Science (JCS) have corrected the data underlying one of the figures. The 2003 paper, “The transcription factor Slug represses E-cadherin expression and induces epithelial to mesenchymal transitions: a comparison with Snail and E47 repressors,” has been cited 566 times, according to Thomson Reuters Web […] The post Authors correct highly cited biology paper due to “genuine mistake” appeared first on Retraction Watch.
France Wins Contract To Build Australia’s New Submarine Fleet
*BBC:* *France wins A$50bn Australia submarine contract* France has won a A$50bn (€34bn; £27bn) contract to build 12 submarines for the Australian Navy, beating bids from Japan and Germany. The deal, announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, is Australia's largest-ever defence contract. The Shortfin Barracuda submarines will be built in Adelaide using Australian steel, creating 2,800 jobs, he said. Japan, which had been a frontrunner in the contest, said the decision was "deeply regrettable". Defence Minister Gen Nakatani said Japan would "ask Australia to explain why they d... more »
Iraq’s Ramadi Blows Up On Returnees And Anbar Leaders
Ramadi was finally cleared at the start of February 2016. Afterward local officials warned that it would take anywhere from two to six months for the city to be cleared of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) left behind by the defeated Islamic State. The problem was politicians and religious leaders were already encouraging people to go back to the city, which ended with dozens being killed and wounded by the bombs. The military stepped in and halted returns, while the local leaders began blaming each other for who was responsible for the casualties. Rising fatalities in Ramadi l... more »
*National journalism organization dedicates support for The Lens’ lawsuit against city ~Marta Jewson, The Lens* *New Orleans threw a parade for Prince and it was incredible ~Isha Aran, Fusion* [image: http://neworleanscitypark.com/the-heart-of-city-park-photo-contest-2016] *The Heart of City Park Photo Contest 2016* The Heart of City Park Photo Contest 2016
US To Deploy High-Mobility Rocket System In Turkey Near Syrian Border
The US plans to deploy its High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) on Turkey’s border with Syria next month, according to the Turkish Foreign Minister. Mevlut Cavusoglu told local media that the US rocket launcher system is to combat ISIS terrorists. The deployment in May is part of an agreement with Washington to seal off the bordering Manbji region in Aleppo Province, northern Syria. RT reports: “We have come to an agreement with the US regarding closing down the Manbij area,” the Turkish foreign minister told the Haberturk newspaper while visiting Saudi Arabia. “As part of... more »
*From* *Jenna Orkin* Latest Shock From Europe's Refugee Crisis: Austria Right-Wing Party Sweeps First Round Of Presidential Election The Chicago Pension Scandal: $100,000+ Teacher Pensions Costing Taxpayers $1 Billion Australian river near fracking site bursts into flames *Saudi Arabia to Overhaul Military in Plan for Life After Oil * From those crazy conspiracy theorists at Bloomberg News. Former FDA Commissioner Charged in RICO Lawsuit An Australian politician set a river on fire to show the effects of fracking on the environment Hackers showed us how to break into t... more »
*"We're not going to talk about Judy, * *No, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all.."* Cayce Carmel Readings *Cayce Readings On Mt. Carmel* *Mt. Carmel Temple* *(From the Sleeping Prophet "readings" given between 1939 until 1945.)* "Thus in Carmel - where there were the priests of this (Essene) faith - there were the (temple) maidens chosen who were dedicated to this purpose, this office, this service . . . That was the beginning, that was the foundation of what ye term The Church."* (Cayce 5749-6)* Q. "How did Mary and Joseph first come in contact with the Essenes and what ... more »
Christian Baker Forced to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes or Make No Wedding Cakes at All
[image: gay_wedding_cake_large] The Colorado Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of a Christian baker who refused to make wedding cakes for same-sex marriage ceremonies. The court's decision Monday means the previous appellate court ruling against the Christian bakers will stand. Charlie Craig and David Mullins came to... more »
After Delays South Sudan Rebel Leader Riek Machar Returns To Juba
*New York Times*: *Riek Machar, South Sudan Opposition Leader, Returns as Part of Peace Deal* JUBA, South Sudan — More than two years after South Sudan’s civil war began, its opposition leader landed in the capital, Juba, on Tuesday for a ceremony to restore him as vice president, a vital step in a peace deal plagued by delay and mistrust. South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, was born in 2011 to great international fanfare. But shortly after independence, it spiraled into a civil war that killed thousands and displaced more than two million people. Nearly two years of peace... more »
Rudy Giuliani on the Cruz/Kasich Coalition...
*and I agree with him.* If nothing else, Trump has opened up the eyes of many people, me included, about the sleazy stuff that goes on in elections. I get it. I'm aware of the "smoke filled back room." However, this election has risen to new heights in sleaze and people are not liking it. I'm very disappointed in some of the tactics Cruz has used, and is there anyone out there who doesn't know why delusional Kasich is still campaigning? *More: * DC Clothesline: *Unhappy America: Will The United States Collapse Due To An Internal Societal Meltdown?* Nox and Friends: *Cruz... more »
World News Briefs -- April 26, 2016
*BBC:* *Chernobyl disaster: Ukraine marks 30th anniversary* Commemorations are under way in Ukraine to mark the 30th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Sirens were sounded at the same moment as the first explosion at the reactor, in the early hours of 26 April 1986. The meltdown at the Soviet plant was the worst nuclear disaster in history. An uncontrolled reaction blew the roof off, spewing out a cloud of radioactive material which drifted into other parts of the USSR, including Russia and Belarus, and northern Europe. *Read more* .... *MIDDLE EAST* Russia signs... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- April 26, 2016
*CNN*: *U.S. sends F-22 warplanes to Romania* Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport, Romania (CNN)Two of the world's most advanced warplanes have touched down in Romania for the first time, near the shores of the Black Sea and just a short hop from Ukraine, the Crimean Peninsula and Russia. The United States sent the F-22 Raptors to southeastern Europe two weeks after Russian fighter jets buzzed an American warship in the Baltic Sea. Officially it was for a NATO training exercise, part of the Rapid Response program showcasing how effectively and quickly U.S. fighter jets, crews and support ... more »
EINSTEIN'S OWN WORDS: Fortune-tellers arrested in Gotham!
*TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2016Part 1—We think of that Nova broadcast:* In this morning's New York Times, Michael Wilson pens an intriguing report about the arrest of two "self-proclaimed fortunetellers." On Sunday, the second self-proclaimed fortuneteller was led away from a Times Square shop in handcuffs. Apparently, it's now against the law in New York to engage in conduct like this: WILSON (4/26/16): *Ms. Delmaro, 27, was arrested in May and charged with taking money, sometimes in increments as high as $100,000, from a marketing executive from England* temporarily working in New York... more »
NSIDC Caught Cooking The Books
By Paul Homewood https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/nsidc-caught-cheating-yet-again/ Tony Heller has a couple of posts up at Real Science, which seem to expose some extremely dodgy behaviour on the part of NSIDC. Regardless of Arctic sea ice extent trends in recent years, they have been consistently showing a recovery in multi-year ice since 2008. For instance, […]
10 Must-Have Apps for Your Android or iOS Phone
I am an app addict. My hobby is researching new apps, downloading them, and trying them out. Sure, I end up deleting most of these apps within a few days, but I love tinkering around because you never know when you're going to come across an app that will truly change your life. I know that sounds dramatic, but I really do have a handful of apps that make my life better. So I thought I'd share my Top 10 Must-Have Apps with you. My requirements for this list were: - I had to use the app multiple times a week. - All apps had to be free to download - All apps had to work on ... more »
We’re Living In The Most Peaceful Era In Human History Says Obama
Addressing world leaders at a trade fair in Hannover, Germany on Monday, president Barack Obama seemed to be far removed from reality. During his speech the US president said we’re fortunate to be living in the “most peaceful” era in human history. Along with reassurances of the current peaceful era, Obama added that he plans to call on European leaders to step up their efforts to fight ISIS revealing that the US would be sending an additional 250 Special Forces troops to Syria to help fight the terrorist group. CNS news reports: “I want to begin with an observation that, given the ... more »
The standard in transparency? Editor praises author honesty that led to retraction in anesthesia journal
Sometimes, a junior member of the team sees things an editor-in-chief misses. Regular readers know that we’re always delighted when we get a chance to commend researchers and journals for doing the right thing. Here’s an example that sets the standard. Anesthesia & Analgesia (A&A) is retracting a 2015 paper which purportedly found important differences in patient outcomes […] The post The standard in transparency? Editor praises author honesty that led to retraction in anesthesia journal appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Ancient Wisdom About Standing Up to Tyranny
[image: Antigone] My son is studying Sophocles' Antigone at school. This revived potent memories of my own year 12 study of the first of the Theban trilogy, Oedipus Rex. Who can forget the man inexorably doomed to murder his father and marry... more »
When anti-CO2, junk food pseudosciences team up
Among other things, a Czech-Swedish man showed me an article in the April 9th issue of Nude Socialist Reaping what we sow (pages 18-19) written by Irakli Loladze (Google Scholar), a professor of junk food science at a college I've never heard of. He told us that he wanted to get lots of money and Barack Obama (whose relationship to science is accurately described by his being a painful footnote in the curved constitutional space) finally gave Loladze some big bucks for the excellent "research" that Loladze already wanted to do in 2002. What is the result of the research? It's a s... more »
Swedish Greens Jolted By Claims of Islamist Infiltration
[image: In this April 18, 2016 file photo, Sweden's Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan appears before the media to confirm his resignation in Stockholm, Sweden.] STOCKHOLM (AP) -- One refused to shake hands with a female journalist. Another compared Israel to Nazi Germany. A third was seen doing hand signs associated with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood in the background of a live TV broadcast. The behavior... more »
Idaho Values Worth $50K...
Yay, Bonners Ferry. I *posted the video last week* of the brave volunteer firefighters of Bonners Ferry rocking out to Talyor Swift's "Shake It Off" and now I've discovered that Bonners Ferry has been awarded $50K of new equipment. Way to go, guys! I love living in Idaho! From: KXLY *Bonner's Ferry Volunteer FD wins $50K in new gear for Taylor Swift inspired video * BONNERS FERRY, Idaho - The Bonners Ferry Volunteer Fire Department shook their way to $50k of new gear. The Department took first place in The VIKING Shake Off Challenge to win 10 new complete sets of Turnou... more »
Kerry, Heinz Family Have Millions Invested in Offshore Tax Havens
[image: John Kerry] Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz have invested millions of U.S. dollars through family trusts in at least 11 offshore tax havens, according to The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group. The revelation comes on the... more »
Sheriff’s Department Seized $53K From Christian Band Raised for Orphanage, School
[image: Eh Wah Church - 900] A Texas man and his Burmese Christian band, who had $53,000 seized by law enforcement in Muskogee, Okla., in February will get their money back, the prosecutor said. Muskogee County District Attorney Orvil Loge confirmed Monday afternoon that civil and criminal charges filed... more »
Democrats Throw Open the Gates to the Felon Vote
[image: Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe] Thanks to Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Va.) 200,000 convicted felons in the state of Virginia may now register to vote. Writes The Washington Post, “The change applies to all felons who have completed their sentences and been released from supervised probation... more »
Destiny Schafer - art prodigy - one to watch
Destiny Schafer has been painting since 2011, she's from Canada, she's a high school dropout, she uses craft acrylic and no-name brushes to produce her multi-style paintings; *she's 21 years old*. The most impressive feature of Schafer's work is her underpainting where she lays down the base tones of her art onto which she lays the rich mid-tones and the reflective details. This stuff is superb even if it was using the best hog-hair brushes and the most expensive oils and I'm not even sure Destiny knows how really good her work is; meanwhile... Photo-realistic eyes, surreal fo... more »
Heathrow Airport Force Mother To Give Up Gallons Of Breast Milk
An American mother was forced to dump almost four gallons of breast milk at Heathrow Airport’s security. On a facebook post, mother of two Jessica Coakley Martinez explained in detail how she was made to give up the breast milk she had pumped and frozen to supply her eight-month-old son with. The amount accounted for two week’s worth of food for the child while they were travelling. USA Today reports: “This wasn’t some rare bottle of wine or luxury perfume I was trying to negotiate as a carry on,” Martinez writes in a 1,588-word Facebook post to Heathrow security. “This was deeply pe... more »
Will Pennsylvanians Let NY Greaseball Chuck Schumer Pick Their Senator Today?
Few people remember Joe Biden's Senate record. But I'm one who does. "Corporate whore" comes rapidly to mind. Biden was a right-of-center establishment Democratic who represented Wall Street interests while painting himself as a man of the people who road Amtrack. Outside of Delaware-- where he was a sentaor from 1973 'til 2008-- no one ever bought the hype back then, though *Politico*, which wasn't around then, does today. Biden's presidential bids never got off the ground. Biden's innate conservatism led him to the Republican Party, although his dislike of Nixon inspired him to ... more »
U.S. Navy Installs Its First Drone Command Center Aboard An Aircraft Carrier
SAN DIEGO (June 12, 2015) Three Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), and USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) are pierside at Naval Air Station North Island. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Daniel M. Young/Released) *The Diplomat*: *US Navy Installs First Drone Command Aboard Aircraft Carrier* *The U.S. Navy hails the installation as a “historical milestone.”* This month, the United States Navy made another stride in its quest toward unmamed carrier aviation by installing the first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) co... more »
Naz Shah, who's she?
Whilst Naz Shah's anti-Israel comments are all over the Internet, the BBC seem to be totally ignoring the story. I can find absolutely nothing about Naz Shah on the BBC website, other than pieces from a while ago that boost her... So the BBC are happy to highlight alleged smears against Naz Shah whilst ignoring her support for comments that argued the “*solution*” to the Israel-Palestine conflict is to *“relocate Israel into the United States”*, claiming the *“transportation costs”* of deporting Israelis would be *“less than 3 years of defense spending”. *Do I smell hypocrisy a... more »
*Death to "Safe Spaces"* The 1994 film "PCU" is a tale of a senior in high school who visits Port Chester University (otherwise known as Politically Correct University) over a weekend. In error, the admissions department sets the student up to stay with Droz, a 7th year senior. Living with Droz in a place called "the Pit," it makes for an interesting weekend. Droz and his friends begin the weekend by disrupting a protest. They throw meat on a group of vegans and make enemies with a variety of other groups on campus including a bunch of stoners, radical feminists (the "Womynists"... more »
BP Energy Outlook 2016
By Paul Homewood http://www.slideshare.net/BP_plc/bp-energy-outlook-2016 BP published their latest Energy Outlook in February, and it does not appear to have been much reported. Worth then taking a look at a few of the highlights: It needs stressing that the assumptions are based on Paris Treaty commitments being followed through, […]
Bernie Sanders Looks to Press On to the Convention
[image: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., waves as he leaves a campaign rally at Fitzgerald Fieldhouse on the University of Pittsburgh campus, Monday, April 25, 2016, in Pittsburgh.] HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Bernie Sanders’ campaign chief is vowing his candidate will stay in the Democratic race until the summer convention, even as Hillary Clinton looks to lock down her commanding position for the party’s nomination with a strong... more »
Charleston Church Shooting Suspect’s Friend to Plead
[image: In this June 18, 2015, file frame from video, Joey Meek, friend of Dylann Roof who is accused of killing nine black church members during Bible study on June 17 in Charleston, S.C., speaks to The Associated Press. Meek is set to plead guilty to two federal charges, according to an agreement signed by federal prosecutors and filed online Monday, April 25, 2016. Meek has agreed to plead guilty to lying to authorities and failure to report a crime, according to the agreement, and a hearing is set for 1 p.m. Friday in Charleston.] COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- A friend of the white man ... more »
Ukraine Marks 30 Years Since 1986 Chernobyl Disaster
[image: This 1986 file photo depicts an aerial view of the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine showing damage from an explosion and fire in reactor four on April 26, 1986 that sent large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere. Telling the story of Chernobyl in numbers 30 years later involves dauntingly large figures and others that are even more vexing because they're still unknown.] KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -- With flowers, candles and tears, Ukraine on Tuesday marked the 30th anniversary of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, the world’s worst nuclear dis... more »
*Biodegradable bags aren’t better than regular plastic bags, Australian report finds* CONSUMERS like to believe we’re doing the right thing for the environment. Purchasing plastic bags or coffee cups marked “biodegradable”, “compostable” or even plain old “environmentally friendly”, helps us sleep better at night. But a new Senate inquiry into the threat of marine plastic pollution in Australia has found that “biodegradable” plastic bags are just as bad as regular plastic bags. “While consumers might feel they are ‘doing the right thing’ by choosing biodegradable or degradable ... more »
Hillsborough Inquest Rules 96 Fans Were Unlawfully Killed
The Inquest jury have concluded that the ninety-six Liverpool football fans who died as a result of a crush in the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, were unlawfully killed. Those who died at the FA Cup Semi-Final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest were the victims of gross negligence at the hands of match commander David Duckenfield After their 27-year long fight for truth and justice, these were the scenes outside court in Warrington today when families and campaigners heard the Hillsborough inquest verdicts. You’ll Never Walk Along was sung outside court, before chants of “Ju... more »
Bombardier Gets What It Wants
I used to teach in the Eastern Townships, not too far from where the Bombardiers got their start making snowmobiles. I should be clear at the outset: I acknowledge that snowmobiles are essential in the Far North. But, as recreational vehicles, I find them loud and simply annoying. Nonetheless, the Bombardier and Beaudoin families have used snowmobiles to leverage their way into the transportation business. And, Alan Freeman writes, they are masters at getting governments to come to their terms. Consider how the families got into the aircraft business. They bought government owned ... more »
Who Diagnosed Rock Hudson?
*Voice of the CIA.* *"The pivotal person in the history of the AIDS epidemic.* *The single most influential patient ever. * *It's the pivotal event in the country's consciousness of the HIV epidemic." * *Dr. Michael Gottleib* *Rock Hudson in the Negev Desert of Israel, early 1984* *Where he appears absolutely fine, to me.* *Rock Hudson in Israel, 1984* *In the desert, near Dimona.* *Q : Who Diagnosed Rock Hudson?* *A: Dr. Michael Gottleib* * 2/27/1989. * *"Following Hudson's death, Marc Christian, Hudson's former lover, sued his estate on grounds of "intentiona... more »
Mitsubishi Motors Admits False Mileage Tests Done Since 1991
[image: Mitsubishi Motors - 900] TOKYO (AP) -- Mitsubishi Motors Corp., the Japanese automaker that acknowledged last week that it had intentionally lied about fuel economy data for some of its models, said an internal investigation found such tampering dated back to 1991. President Tetsuro... more »
Philippine Troops Hunt Down Islamic Extremists Who Beheaded Canadian
[image: Philippine National Police Director General Ricardo Marquez talks to the media Tuesday, April 26, 2016 in southern Philippines at Camp Crame after reading a joint statement from the military and police on the beheading of Canadian hostage John Ridsdel by Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf . Ridsdel along with fellow Canadian Robert Hall, Norwegian Kjartan Sekkingstad and Filipino Marites Flor were kidnapped last September from a marina on southern Samal Island with the militants threatening to behead one of the hostages if the large ransom was not paid Monday.] MANILA, Philipp... more »
Oklahoma Law Criminalizing Abortionists Goes to Governor’s Desk
[image: 1abortion] An Oklahoma measure that would criminalize all abortions except those to save the life of the mother has been sent to the desk of Governor Mary Fallin. The bill’s sponsors say it protects the right to life, while pro-abortion groups... more »
Junior Doctor Resigns Live On TV To Focus On Legal Campaign
A junior doctor announced his intention to quit the NHS over unfair working conditions and pay on live TV ahead of an all-out strike. Dr Ben White stands with a multitude of disenfranchised doctors who started their working careers with the intention of helping the needy until they found out the National Health Service had turned into a for-profit organisation. Junior Doctors think that the whole NHS is jeopardized by the new working contracts offered by the government, turning them and other NHS staff into cheap, quick turnover, high productivity disposable assets, that are more su... more »
England hath long beene mad
“*Interre their Bodies, as become their Births,* Proclaime a pardon to the Soldiers fled, That in submission will returne to vs, *And then as we haue tane the Sacrament,* *We will vnite the White Rose, and the Red.* Smile Heauen vpon this faire Coniunction, That long haue frown'd vpon their Enmity: *What Traitor heares me, and sayes not Amen?* *England hath long beene mad*, and scarr'd her selfe; The Brother blindely shed the Brothers blood; The Father, rashly slaughtered his owne Sonne; The Sonne compell'd, beene Butcher to the Sire; All this diuided Yorke and Lancaster, Diuided, i... more »
5 Presidential Candidates Vie for Validation in 5 States Today
[image: Presidential Countdown 2016, Election, Campaign, Presidential Candidates] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Five candidates, five states, five very different paths forward. The four men and one woman who would be president all head into Tuesday’s primaries seeking different kinds of validation. Donald Trump wants a knockout. Hillary Clinton is... more »
Japan: World 'Greatly Worried' Over China's Military Build-up
A Chinese Coast Guard vessel is pictured on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, part of the Spratly Islands, in the South China Sea March 29, 2014. Photo: Reuters *DW:* *Japan: World 'greatly worried' over China's maritime expansion* *Japan says its concerns over China's military buildup in the South and East China Seas are shared by many other countries. The issue is expected to be discussed at upcoming talks between the two countries.* Speaking ahead of a visit to Beijing, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday said China's activities had "not only people in Japan, but ... more »
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, "Primavera"
Ludovico Einaudi, "Primavera" - https://www.youtube.com/
"A Look to the Heavens"
"It's easy to get lost following the intricate strands of the Spaghetti Nebula. A supernova remnant cataloged as Simeis 147 and Sh2-240, the glowing gas filaments cover nearly 3 degrees- 6 full moons- on the sky. That's about 150 light-years at the stellar debris cloud's estimated distance of 3,000 light-years. This sharp composite includes image data taken through a narrow-band filter to highlight emission from hydrogen atoms tracing the shocked, glowing gas. *Click image for larger size.* The supernova remnant has an estimated age of about 40,000 years, meaning light from the mass... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Sense Of Place”
*“A Sense Of Place”* by Chet Raymo “It would be hard to find two writers more different than Eudora Welty and Edward Abbey. Welty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author of stories and novels who lived all her life in Jackson, Mississippi, in the house in which she was born, the beloved spinster aunt of American letters. Abbey was a hard-drinking, butt-kicking nature writer and conservationist best known for his books on the American Southwest. Both writers are favorites of mine. Both were great champions of place. I always wondered what it would have been like if they got together. As... more »
This: We need more pro-Taiwan writers
I was going to write a blogpost on this, but friend Michael C got there already. The awesome J Michael Cole tweeted that he is looking for work since Thinking Taiwan is shuttering its doors on May 20. Taiwan Communique has ceased. I know privately we are going to lose another important pro-Taiwan site this summer. We can never have enough pro-Taiwan voices out there, shaping the discourse and offering alternatives. As for Thinking Taiwan, I'd be happy to run the place (or a similar site) for nothing if someone can find stable money to pay the writers. Its eclectic, well-written pos... more »
A Stray Cat and a Scarlet Letter: Love for the Seemingly Unlovable
[image: Stray Cat Laying on Car Wheel - 900] When I lived in Nashville in the late nineties, I was a frequent visitor at the Humane Society. I would stop by a couple times a week and donate supplies, take a look at all the pets, take some of... more »
Japan Had A Record 571 Fighter Jet Scrambles Against China In 2015
An F-15 fighter jet in Japan’s Self-Defense Force during a flight exercise. Credit Ko Sasaki for The New York Times *Japan Times:* *Japan scrambled fighters against China a record 571 times in fiscal 2015* Japan scrambled Air Self-Defense Force fighter jets against Chinese aircraft approaching its airspace a record-high 571 times in fiscal 2015, the Defense Ministry said. The number is up from 464 times registered the previous year and the highest since the ministry’s Joint Staff Office began releasing data by country and region in fiscal 2001. The office on Friday said Chinese m... more »
U.S. Challenged 13 Countries On Navigation Rights In 2015
USS Lassen (DDG 82), (R) transits in formation with ROKS Sokcho (PCC 778) during exercise Foal Eagle 2015, in waters east of the Korean Peninsula, in this March 12, 2015, handout photo provided by the U.S. Navy. REUTERS/U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Martin Wright/Handout via Reuters *Reuters*:* U.S. challenged China, 12 others on navigation rights last year* The U.S. military conducted "freedom of navigation" operations against 13 countries last year, including several in dispute of China's claims in the South and East China seas, according to an annual Pentagon... more »
Commentary Galore
*Nets at Shiti Fishing Port* Elizabeth Economy writes on Taiwan and China for the CFR.... Beijing began the year by reversing its eight-year tacit understanding to not establish diplomatic relations with countries that recognize Taiwan (thereby giving the island nation a semblance of sovereign international status) and resuming ties with Gambia. *Next, it successfully pressured Kenya to deport as many as forty-five Taiwanese (the number is in dispute) to the mainland as part of a larger set of arrests of suspects in a telecom fraud ring.* Economy has this history all wrong. The Ch... more »
Two Years Into New Regime, Grim Realities Persist in Ukraine
From *Real Clear World*: Ukraine has faced many challenges in the two years since violent protests drove the country’s president from office. The Russian occupation of the Crimean Peninsula in particular sparked a military conflict between pro-Russian secessionists and Ukraine’s government. Correspondent Kira Kay and Producer Jason Maloney from the Bureau for International Reporting take us inside Ukraine to asses the country’s struggle for political change and stability. *WNU Editor*: I always find it interesting how the Western media rushes to talk these Ukrainian Democrats ....... more »
Neo’s Passport In The Matrix Expired On September 11, 2001
Many eerie references in film, TV and music were made to 9/11 before the attacks actually occurred. Among them is a passport for the character Neo in the film The Matrix, released in 1999. In the film, Neo’s passport is clearly shown to have an expiration date of ’11 SEP 01′ – a weird coincidence some two years before the 9/11 attacks. Jonesreport.com reports: Further, the 10-year passport shows an issue date of ’12 SEP 91′– only one day after George H.W. Bush’s haunting September 11, 1991 speech before Congress where he called for, in no uncertain terms, a New World Order (and bef...more »
Military Photo of the Day
[image: C-17s-900] Two U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III’s prepare to drop soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C., on April 15, 2016. Thank you to Senior Airman Taylor Queen for capturing this image!
Arizona Poll Worker Testifies Presidential Primary Election Was Rigged
An Arizona poll worker has testified in court that the recent presidential primary election was completely rigged – with computer systems giving some Democratic voters the wrong ballots, whilst listing other voters as belonging to the wrong party. Dianna Post told a courtroom that the machine she used during the elections to check voters at a Maricopa County location, failed to give at least 36 voters the proper ballot. Ktar.com reports: “Every single time it happened to me it was a Democratic voter who wasn’t able to access a Democratic ballot,” she said. Another 22 people at her ... more »
The U.S. Soldier's Energy Drink Of Choice
*Van Winkle's*:* How the U.S. Military Got Hooked on an Energy Drink You’ve Never Heard Of* *One can of Rip It shuttles roughly 100mg of caffeine into someone's system. It's cheap, effective and, if you're in the military, as essential as ammunition.* United States Army Ranger Shane Snell held the chunky aluminum can in his hand and took a deep breath. In the course of 30 minutes, he had downed five 8-ounce servings of Rip It, a military-approved energy drink that was infamous for causing a variety of unpleasant side effects when consumed in excess. This would be can number six. ... more »
Tweet For Today (Hint: How Not To Talk To A Marine Drill Instructor)
How NOT to talk to a #Marine drill instructor. Full (hilarious) video here: https://t.co/2jkyKml9Xn pic.twitter.com/j3C0UCEEDB — Gina Harkins (@GinaAHarkins) April 25, 2016
U.S. Navy Parachute Team, The Leap Frogs, Jump Into Neyland Stadium (3 Parachutists, 3 Videos)
*RT*: *Navy Seals pull off heart-stopping parachute jump into packed stadium (VIDEO)* *The US Navy Parachute Team, the Leap Frogs, certainly know how to make an entrance.* The team are known for their synchronized jumps and dramatic displays from the sky, and their jump into Neyland Stadium to kick off the Orange vs White football game last week was no different. One member of the skydiving team recorded the guys as they literally jumped into action in Knoxville, Tennessee, and shared the heart-stopping footage online. *Read more *.... *WNU Editor:* WOW!!!! Impressive
Omnipresent in-fighting weakens right-wingers
*Trump vs Koch, Farage vs Le Pen, Klaus vs Mach, Dawn vs Bloc Against Islam...* In recent 24 hours, I read about an unusual excess of the tensions between various pairs of right-wing politicians (and a businessman). It seems that these conflicts can be found everywhere on the right side of the political spectrum. Some frustration coming from the politicians' perceived failure to become important may be partially blamed for the trend. First, Charles Koch prefers Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. He says some good things about the economic policies of Bill Clinton – I o... more »
U.S. Government Officially Admit That Geoengineering Exists
The U.S. government have formerly acknowledged the existence of geoengineering, saying that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) may begin studying its effects on the climate if a proposed budget bill becomes law. The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee proposed a budget bill which would instruct the Department of Energy to conduct research into the possibility of reflecting sunlight into space in an attempt to fight global warming. The official term of this process is called “albedo modification,” which is a type of geoengineering or weather modification. Activistpost.com reports: ... more »
FEMA Trains Cops For Mass Arrests And Civil War
The Department of Homeland Security and FEMA have conducted a three day training exercise in Texas to help police departments deal with riots and a coming civil war. The drills saw cops from fifteen different police departments learn how to counter “domestic and civil disturbances”, including how to use riot gear on members of the public. Infowars.com reports: “Riots are hard to detain, and as little officers as they have they are probably going to be outnumbered most of the time. It’s vital that they get it correct the first time,” Criminal Justice major Dylan Solis told KCEN-TV. ... more »
Picture Of The Day
Combat Operations: Soldiers bound to cover by section during live-fire training at the Arta training range in Djibouti, May 30, 2015. The soldiers are assigned to Company A, 1st Armored Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, East Africa Response Force. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Gregory Brook
The 'Dark Web' Is Becoming More Popular For Web Users Who Wish To Remain Anonymous
Privacy is growing more popular. (Reuters/Dado Ruvic) *Joon Ian Wong, Quartz*: *A million people now access Facebook on the “dark web” every month* The number of people accessing Facebook via the “dark web” now stands at 1 million per month, the tech giant announced today (April 22). Facebook has maintained an “Onion” site that resides on the Tor network, which forms part of the so-called dark web, for about a year and a half. This is the first time the company has revealed details about its presence in this shadowy corner of the internet. Tor preserves users’ privacy by disguisin... more »
(Koch Prefers Clintons to GOP Presidencies) Why Is the Progressive Left Helping the Elite Elect Hillary? (Internationalization of Neoliberalism Berserkianism)
Hillary’s Defense of Big Money Won’t Cut It Charles Koch Prefers Clinton to a GOP Presidency - Likes Bill TooAs Elizabeth Warren has stated, personnel is policy. President Obama staffed his administration at its highest levels with former bankers and corporate lawyers. The Attorney General and the head of the criminal division came from and returned to a corporate law firm representing
What Pieces Of The GOP Will Be Left Post-Trump For The Kochs To Pick Up?
Trump is fuming-- or something. Kasich and Cruz and ganging up on him and Republican primary voters better not buy into it... or else. Or else what? Or else, he'll disappear and no more free comedy routines from him any more. Yesterday, at a rally in Maryland, he said, "They fight like hell for six months, and they're saying horrible things, the worst things you can imagine. And then one of them loses, one of them wins. And the one who loses says, 'I just want to congratulate my opponent. He is a brilliant man, he'll be a great governor or president or whatever.'" Then the threa... more »
Top U.S. Intelligence Director Blames NSA Leaker Edward Snowden For The Spread Of Encryption
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper (R) testifies at a House (Select) Intelligence Committee hearing, September 10, 2015. REUTERS/Gary Cameron *Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept:* *Spy Chief Complains That Edward Snowden Sped Up Spread of Encryption by 7 Years* THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE on Monday blamed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for advancing the development of user-friendly, widely available strong encryption. “As a result of the Snowden revelations, the onset of commercial encryption has accelerated by seven years,” James Clapper said during a break... more »
‘Dirty Bomb’ First Responders Sponsored By Interpol Are Being Trained In Nevada
*The Blaze*: *Foreign ‘Dirty Bomb’ First Responders Sponsored by Interpol to Begin Training…in Nevada* In just a few months, the first wave of foreign first responders will set foot in Nevada to begin training on how to deal with disasters that can stem from the use of weapons of mass destruction. Project Mercury, which will train first responders from Interpol, the world’s largest international police organization, is expected to cost the U.S. Department of Defense $500,000, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Only a “small contingent of foreign first responder personnel” ... more »
Odessa Massacre Memorial Statement Support Growing
*Neo-Nazis burning the Trades Hall in Odessa, Ukraine on May 2, 2014. The massacre killed well over 50 people.* *Statement of Solidarity’ with 2nd anniversary May 2 memorial in Odessa delivered to Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., followed by press conference* Report by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) WASHINGTON, D.C., April 25 Today Ana Edwards, representing the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), and Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and now prominent peace activist, delivered a Statement of Solidarity with Odessa to the Embassy of Ukraine in Washi... more »
Opposition Grows to Liberal AGs Targeting Global Warming Skeptics
[image: Global Warming, Climate Change, Environmentalists] The opposition to investigations targeting global warming skeptics is growing as newspapers, scientists and red-state attorneys general come out against liberal prosecutors looking to silence those they believe to be misleading the public on climate science. "Climate change campaigners argue... more »
Obama Administration Issues New Mandates for Medicaid Private Insurance Plans
[image: Hole torn in a dollar bill with medicaid text] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration is setting new standards for Medicaid private insurance plans, now the main source of coverage for millions of low-income people. The rules issued Monday address insurers operating as Medicaid middlemen in 39 states. Each... more »
Ohio Prosecutor: Hundreds of Pot Plants Grown Where 8 Were Killed
[image: Ohio State Attorney General Mike DeWine (L) listens as Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader (R) addresses the media, hesitating briefly before saying that his county is small and he knows the family, at a press conference in Piketon, Ohio, on Friday, April 22, 2016. Reader stated that multiple victims were killed in an execution style shooting and that the shooter is still at large.] COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Four days after the calculated killings of eight people in rural Ohio, a prosecutor revealed Monday that marijuana was found at some of the crime scenes, including a grow-hou... more »
"In the Inbox"
"In the Inbox" From: Coordinator of Volunteer Services "We have a young man, thirty-six, on hospice who has a very young child. They want someone to help him do a life review and perhaps put some pictures together for he and his wife so the child will know him. Call me if you are willing to do this." The next time, friend, your life seems too hard, check your Inbox. - Jose Orez
"Be What You Would Seem To Be..."
"Be what you would seem to be- or, if you'd like it put more simply- never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carroll, "Alice In Wonderland"
Climate Models Fail Again, Didn’t Predict CO2 Would Green the Western US
[image: Arid Region, Lone Tree, Nature, Outdoors, Desert Landscape] A new study just gave people another reason to be skeptical of climate models relied upon by scientists to predict the future impacts of global warming. Climate models have long predicted man-made global warming would cause the Western U.S. to... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Journey”
*“The Journey”* “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice- though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles. "Mend my life!" each voice cried. But you didn't stop. You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible. It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voices behind, the stars began... more »
Why Is America Failing At Promoting Democracy In Other Countries?
Street protest calling for Sharia in Maldives. Wikimedia *Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy:* *Why Is America So Bad at Promoting Democracy in Other Countries?* There’s no quick, cheap, or military-based way to bring peace to places like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq. It’s time we changed our approach, and we can start at home. If you’re a dedicated Wilsonian, the past quarter-century must have been pretty discouraging. Convinced liberal democracy was the only viable political formula for a globalizing world, the last three U.S. administrations embraced Wilsonian ideals and made democra... more »
Why Remaking The Chinese Military Is A Dangerous Risk For President Xi
*Jeremy Page: Wall Street Journal:* *President Xi Jinping’s Most Dangerous Venture Yet: Remaking China’s Military* *The Chinese leader’s plan to revamp the armed forces, a milestone in the nation’s emergence from isolationism, faces hurdles at home* BEIJING—China’s stock market was swooning. Investors were panicking. Yet when Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke that first Monday in January, he didn’t address the global angst about the world’s second-largest economy. Clad in an olive-green Mao suit, he was talking instead to Chinese troops about another challenge that consumes his t... more »
Val Demings Isn't Even In Congress Yet And She's Already Violating Campaign Finance Laws
The race for the redistricted FL-10 Orlando-area congressional district is good news for Democrats. The district is now so blue that incumbent Republican Daniel Webster has fled south and east to a rural, open red seat nearby. The GOP is virtually abandoning FL-10. The DCCC saw it as an opportunity to shove another of their worthless and corrupt no-account order-takers and went to war against the two legitimate candidates, state Senator Geraldine Thompson and former Florida Democratic Party chairman Bob Poe, two progressives whose independence and incorruptibility are anathema to ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Lucan, Dublin, Ireland. Thanks for stopping by!
Let’s not forget the Armenian genocide ‘midst the warm glow #AnzacDay
In recent years it has become routine to praise Turkey’s participation and assistance in Anzac ceremonies at Gallipoli Cove, to write glowing editorials about these erstwhile enemies having formed a “friendship under arms,” and (just occasionally) to wonder at Turkey’s apparently genuine eagerness to help raise the Anzac legend into some prominence. One reason today's Turkey participates so willingly in all the modern myth-making around the invasion of their country is this: because 'tis better for their modern nation to be thought to have been born in bravery midst the furnac... more »
John Key finds another new tax - #LandTax
*"Some experts have declared that it is necessary to tax the people until it hurts. I disagree with these sadists."* ~ Ludwig Von Mises, from his essay ‘*Defense, Controls, and Inflation’* For a Prime Minisister elected on a platform of “no new taxes,” your ever-popular leader has been very good at discovering new ways to steal from you: - GST increase from 12.5% to 15% - GST on items purchased online from overseas - Capital gains tax on houses sold after owning for less than two years - Increased taxes on KiwiSaver - The 2012 ‘Paperboy’ tax ... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( April 25 , 2016 ) Overview For Monday ( 1. Markets In Focus - General Trend In Markets Still Positive Since February Lows , Crude News For The Day , Bonds News - Fed Meeting Upcoming / Emerging Market Bond Performance , Pound On A Tear . 2 UK Items - Brexit , BHS Files For Administration (11,000 Jobs At Risk ) , TTIP Not A Good Deal For UK- Says UK Gov't Report. 3. Refugee Crisis Items To Consider . 4. Odds & Ends. )
Markets....... *Charlie Bilello, CMT* @MktOutperform 2h 2 hours ago We have seen two very different markets in 2016, before and after Feb 11. $SPX NEW POST: https://pensionpartners.com/beta-rotation- and-the-tale-of-two-markets-in-2016/ … *zerohedge* @zerohedge 6m 6 minutes ago ICYMI: China Is Hoarding Crude At The Fastest Pace On Record even as demand is slowing down http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-2 5/one-chart-shows-where-worlds-record-surplus-oil-has-gone … *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 2h 2 hours ago Saudi Arabia won't easily kick its #Oi... more »
Snow Alert As UK Braces For Arctic Blast
The UK is set to shiver this week. While the world celebrates the first month of spring, Britons are set to experience winter all over again. The Met Office is warning of a blast of Artic air hitting parts of the country, with wintry showers in Scotland and the north and up to four inches of snow in some places and temperatures of -5C . The Daily Express reports: Coastal regions and exposed communities are braced for chilling 60mph gales with hail, snow and thunder threatening to pile on the misery. Local authorities have put gritters back out on the roads amid warnings for icy condi... more »
Six Month Old Baby Left Brain Damaged After Receiving 8 Vaccine Doses
A Texas mother is speaking out against the horrific injuries her six month old daughter sustained after being given 8 vaccine doses during a routine visit to the doctors surgery. After receiving vaccines for DTap/Hib/IPV, hepatitis B, pneumococcal Prevnar 13, and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, Cerenity suffered several major health problems which eventually led to her becoming permanently brain damaged. Prior to the vaccines Cerenity was a perfectly healthy happy baby with normal physical and cognitive development. Shortly after receiving the eight vaccinations, her entire personality...more »
*Can New Orleans live with water? City pays to research its capacity for green infrastructure*
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 26, 2016
*CBS News*: *Why is President Obama sending more troops to Syria?* President Obama will send up to 250 additional military personnel inside war-raved Syria to work with opposition forces trying to defeat ISIS. The president delivered the news in Hannover, Germany while visiting a major industrial trade fair. One group of militias fighting ISIS in Syria said they're happy to get more troops, but also need more weapons. The president's decision expands the American military footprint in Syria,m from 50 commandos to 300 -- something the president has been very reluctant to do. But th... more »
Oregon Bakers Appeal Ruling, $135,000 Fine for Declining to Prepare Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Cake
[image: Aaron and Melissa Klein Oregon Bakers_900] (Updated to include quotes from First Liberty Institute Senior Counsel Ken Klukowski.) Aaron and Melissa Klein are fighting back against a ruling that could cost them $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake. On Monday, attorneys with First Liberty filed... more »
A Day After Obama Announces New Troops to Syria, He Warns ‘It’s a Mistake’ to Send Troops to ‘Overthrow the Assad Regime’
[image: WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 03: U.S. President Barack Obama gestures during a news conference, the day after Republicans gained 60 seats in the House of Representatives in midterm elections, in the East Room of the White House November 3, 2010 in Washington, DC. As of Tuesday morning, the Republican party had won 239 seats in the House, giving the GOP control of the chamber for the first time since 2006. The power shift could jeopardize Obama's legislative plans for the next two years.] Within the span of one day, President Barack Obama warned against sending ground troops to Syria... more »
Elephant Dies From Exhaustion After Carrying Tourists For 15 Years
An investigation has been launched into the death of a female elephant called Sambo, who collapsed and died at a roadside in Cambodia while carrying tourists in blistering heat. Sambo was between 40-45 years old and had been carrying tourists in cruel conditions for 15 years of her life. Theladbible.com reports: Photos of the animal originally appeared in a Facebook post belonging to the account of Yem Senok. A loose translation of the post reads “Alas elephant in the Angkor area is used to serve the tourist transport services fell to dead air.” According to reports, the elephant c... more »
Cruz Puts Fiorina on VP Short List While Trump Mocks Kasich Eating Habits
[image: Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the presidential nomination race (all times local): 4:04 p.m. A top Ted Cruz aide says the campaign has identified a “short list” of possible vice presidential candidates. A spokeswoman for Carly Fiorina swiftly confirmed... more »
Congress Complains Navy Trying to Force Gender-Neutral Uniform Changes
[image: Navy - 900] Congress is putting the brakes on Navy Secretary Ray Mabus's attempted switch to gender neutral uniforms in the service, alleging Mabus is trying to circumvent Congress and unilaterally implement the changes. Congress is working to delay the requirement to purchase new... more »
World News Briefs -- April 25, 2016 (Evening Edition)
A Kurdish gunman runs across a street in Tuz Khurmato during clashes between Shi'ite militia and Kurdish gunmen, Iraq. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic *Reuters*:* Kurds and Shi'ites clash in northern Iraq despite ceasefire* Clashes between Kurdish and Shi'ite Turkmen fighters in an Iraqi town late on Monday cut the main road from Baghdad to the north for the second day in a row and threatened to undermine a ceasefire agreement reached by military leaders a day earlier. The violence in Tuz Khurmatu, 175 km (110 miles) north of the capital, is the latest and most severe flare-up of tensions ... more »
State Police Tracking Social Media To Monitor Flint Water Crisis Talk
Police in Michigan have been using online surveillance to monitor social media comments made about the Flint water crisis, according to emails released by Governor Rick Snyder’s office. The emails reveal that there had even been an attempt to press charges against one man over a Facebook post in which he criticized the governments handling of the crisis. RT reports: Although being reported by Michigan Live only now, the revelation initially came from an April 15 document dump by the administration of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. The governor promised to release emails related to t... more »
Think Tanks, Oligarchs and NGO's: Destroying Humanity, Society and More
* Jay Dyer @ Jay's Analysis* with *Patrick Henningson* @ *21st Century Wire* "Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire invited me on the Sunday Wire to discuss the steering and planning committees of the global order, and in particular the Atlanticist establishment. We cover the fake humanitarian agenda, organizational cover, how RAND shaped the new world, as well as the green/climate scam. From there, we cover the 28 pages of the 9/11 report as a red herring distraction and how Trump and the political theatre is shaping up.* A killer interview you must hear!"* *Indeed, a killer i... more »
Russia Says ‘Global Catastrophe On Its Way’, Deploys Thousands Of Troops
Russia has ordered an acceleration of troop movements in the Eastern Military District following reports that a global catastrophe is on its way. Around 25,000 troops have been deployed since the 19 April, 2016, in a “drill framework” designed not to arouse fears in the general population. Troops have been told to be on full alert for a possible mega-earthquake any day now, should the Pactific Plate begin to fracture. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Doctor-Scientist Mehran Keshe this past year, this report continues, had warned about this catastrophe saying that North and South America... more »
Smart Meters Cause Tidal Waves Of Mysterious Illnesses
Growing numbers of people from around the world have begun reporting numerous health problems associated with an increased amount of wireless radiation from devices, including smart meters. According to the EMF Safety Network, the digitized electric meters are causing mysterious health issues amongst huge numbers of people, and have recommended reducing exposure to them as much as possible. The EMF website states, “Utilities claim smart meters are safe, and compare them to cell phones. However, cell phones, cell towers, wi-fi and other wireless devices can also affect your health. ... more »
UN Warns World Must Prepare For Coming Catastrophic Natural Disasters
The world is woefully underprepared for the inevitable natural disasters that are about to strike, according to the UN’s head of disaster planning. Robert Glasser has warned that in the coming years the world should expect to see a dramatic rise in droughts, floods, earthquakes, and other potentially catastrophic natural disasters, and unless the international community ramps up efforts to prepare for these events – humanity may not survive the oncoming onslaught. Theguardian.com reports: Robert Glasser, the special representative of the secretary general for disaster risk reductio... more »
Thousands Of Activists Storm Washington, D.C. Amid Media Blackout
Thousands of activists descended on Washington, D.C. over the weekend in a show of mass civil disobedience against the influence of money in politics. More than 5,000 peaceful activists arrived on the Capitol from across the country, including hundreds of protestors who had marched from Philadelphia. Despite the huge turnout, the corporate controlled mainstream media failed to cover the weekend-long event, despite the loud and clear message from thousands of Americans that they were sick of the corruption rife in politics and in the election process. Whowhatwhy.org reports: In a sh... more »
ISIS Destroys Historical Dominicans Church In Iraq
ISIS have reportedly destroyed the historical Clock Church inside the provincial capital of the Nineveh Province (Mosul) on Monday. The terrorists detonated several explosives to destroy the historical church which was established by the Dominican Order in 1872, according to Iraqi news reports Fars News reports: No photos or video footage has been released to confirm this report, however the church has been the target of terrorist attacks in the past. Earlier reports also said that the ISIL terrorist group has destroyed a 2,000-year-old gate near the Iraqi city of Mosul. The struc... more »
The Obamamessiah turns people off!
Sky News report http://news.sky.com/story/1684878/sky-poll-obamas-eu-warning-counterproductive something that the Obamamessiah worshippers at the BBC just won't be able to understand. 'Barack Obama's intervention to encourage Britons to vote to stay in the EU appears to have been counterproductive, a Sky Data Snap Poll reveals. Prior to his visit to the UK, the US President's support for Britain's EU membership appeared to be a positive for the Remain campaign. More people were attracted to vote Remain as a result of his support than were put off (25% to 17%, with 57% saying he m...more »
What Will Be President Obama's Middle East Legacy?
U.S. President Barack Obama (C) and Saudi King Salman (R) walk together following their meeting at Erga Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia April 20, 2016. REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE *Patrick Smith, The Fiscal Times*: *The Mideast Mess Obama Will Leave Behind* What a dismal week in the Middle East for the Obama administration. In the course of a couple of days, the partial ceasefire in Syria began to fray, the peace talks in Geneva turned stony, and the Saudis pointedly cold-shouldered President Obama when he arrived in Riyadh for talks with King Salman. After what was likely Obama’s las... more »
Should The Media Start Pretending They Think Trump Supporters Are Knowledgeable And Intelligent?
*Journalistic no-no* A friend of mine was incredulous the other day when I pointed out to him that Trump won a majority of New York voters with college degrees. He said in South Carolina Trump lost badly among Republicans with college degrees and New Yorkers voted for him across demographics because of state pride and because of hatred for Ted Cruz. But the fact remains, plenty of Republicans with college educations are voting for Trump in the primary. It shakes the theory that only morons could be possibly be susceptible to his carnival barker messaging and the hateful, bigoted non... more »
Cops Told To Prosecture Users Who Criticise Flint Water Crisis
A new report reveals that the Michigan State Police department have been ordered by the government to monitor the social media accounts of anybody discussing the Flint Water Crisis. According to MLive, comments that expose or criticise the negligent contamination of Flint’s water supply with lead are to be labelled as “subversive” and put onto a watch list so that authorities can pursue possible criminal proceedings against that user. Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: One of over 127,000 emails released by Gov. Rick Snyder’s office shows one man’s allegedly threatening Facebook po... more »
Leading Scientist Says Everything, Including Our World, Is An Illusion
The world that humans see around them is nothing more than a very convincing illusion, according to one of the world’s leading cognitive scientists. Donald Hoffman, a scientist at the University of California, claims that people are being tricked into believing their own reality, and what they see around them is nothing more than a facade that enables humans to get through their daily lives without having to deal with the “hidden matrix” that lurks behind everything. Hoffman says that when you see something that you think is solid, such as a red tomato, you cannot be sure that when... more »
Proof Of Geoengineering Discovered In New York Via New Images
An abnormal wave pattern was detected via microwave imagery taken over the New York area on April 21, 2016, that appears to show Geoengineering (weather manipulation) in action. On the map below, the unusual wave pattern affected the weather in the area, pushing air outwards causing a vortex. The source of this pattern appears to be from a focused directional high powered microwave transmitter, such as HAARP – used to manipulate the weather. Smokeymirror.com reports: Much like something the military funded HAARP project was researching and subsequently using some years ago. HAARP w... more »
What BHS says about British Capitalism
On global capitalism in Lenin's day, the Bolshevik leader had this to say: "Imperialism is an immense accumulation of money capital in a few countries ... hence the extraordinary growth of a class, or rather, of a stratum of rentiers, i.e., people who live by “clipping coupons”, who take no part in any enterprise whatever, whose profession is idleness ..." If only the money men of 21st century Britain remained excrescences on the economy, of directing their stooges to invest capital and growing fat off the labour and talent of others. At the risk of being wistful, this ideal-typical... more »
Hersch: "I Don't Understand What the President is Doing"
President Obama has announced the deployment of 250 more Special Operations troops to Syria in a move that nearly doubles the U.S. presence in the country. This comes just days after the Obama administration announced 217 more troops would be sent to Iraq to help in the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State. As the U.S. expands its presence in Iraq and Syria, Democracy Now speaks with the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who has just published a new book titled "The Killing of Osama bin Laden." In the introduction, Hersh writes: "It’s now evident, fif... more »
Flint watch: A basic question concerning Flint!
*MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2016Such questions rarely get clarified:* In this morning's New York Times, Monica Davey discusses last week's criminal charges concerning events in Flint. To read her report, click here. Charges were filed against three public workers. In this passage, she describes the charges which have been lodged against two "state water regulators:" DAVEY (4/25/16): *Charges against Mr. Prysby, 53, and Mr. Busch, 40, include misconduct in office,* accusing them of knowingly misleading federal and county officials about whether the water was safe, as well as conspiring to ...more »
April 25: A bad day.
A few days ago, the Irving press had a commentary by Gwynne Dyer. It was the most alarming commentary I have ever seen. In it, Dyer says that climate change does not come in a steady growth all over the world. It spreads unevenly. And it may grow in spurts rather than in steady, monthly changes. He adds that we are very close to the point at which it will continue changing whether we stop our carbon emissions or not. He adds that the time we have is short, and it may already be too late to react to it. Now, Gwynne Dyer is a commentator of world repuation. He gathered the informati... more »
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