Blacklisted News
- Bayer Pesticides Blamed For Honeybee Deaths
It’s a question that has baffled the worlds of agriculture and science – what is it that has caused the mysterious deaths of honey bees all over the world in the last five years? A new film may have the answer.
- Newly Discovered: Community Organizers Appear to â ...
If you thought the video of school children praising Obama was creepy, wait until you see this.
- N.Y. Health Care Workers Revolt Over H1N1 Vaccine
Saying They Should Be Given A Choice, Employees Rally In Albany, Around State, Chant "No Forced Shots!"
- Government Pushing Americans to Eat More Fruits an ...
Once upon a time, mother told you to eat your vegetables. Now the government is telling you the same thing -- and backing up its words with money to boost fruit and vegetable consumption.
- Local Hospital: No Flu Vaccine, No Pay Raise
The Intelligence Daily
- Robocops Come to Pittsburgh
- Video: Provocateur Cops Disguised As Anarchists A ...
- Police State Raids Against Immigrants
- Intelligence Veterans Write to President on Tortur ...
- Federal Reserve Buys More Than 100% of Mortgages I ...
My AntiWar
- Wednesday: 7 Iraqis Killed, 10 Wounded
- Pakistan’s Military Threatening Another Baja ...
- Judge: CIA Can Keep ‘Torture’ Info Sec ...
- UN Ousts US Diplomat Who Wanted Inquiry Into Afgha ...
- Djibouti Govt Calls on Security Council to Act to ...
- EPA Moves To Regulate Smoke Stack Greenhouse Gase ...
The Environmental Protection Agency took steps Wednesday to control the emissions blamed for global warming from power plants, factories and refineries for the first time.
- Brainwashed Community Organizers (Cult Members) A ...
These people must really love being slaves.
- Riyadh 'offers airspace' for Israel attack on Ira ...
Israeli fighter jets have been allowed to use Saudi airspace to launch go-it-alone air strikes on Iranian nuclear installations, says a recent report.
- Gore Vidal: We'll Have A Dictatorship In The U.S. ...
We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything together.
- Margarine Consumption Linked To Lower IQs In Chil ...
Innovation Canada
- Cultural evolution
When Jane Goodall reported her observations of tools use by chimps to famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, he responded by saying, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as humans.” Leakey would have likely had a similar reaction to the current work of University of Calgary ...
- Faces of aggression
Even if you can’t distinguish NHL enforcers Todd Bertuzzi and Chris Neil from a referee, you’d probably know at first sight not to mess with them. And not just because of their physical size. The men employed to intimidate the opposition tend to have wide faces, and that, Brock University’s Ch ...
- i2eye with Bruce McNaughton
One of the world’s foremost neuroscientists, Bruce McNaughton is renowned for his groundbreaking research into how the human brain stores, processes and transmits information. One year ago, the Ottawa-born McNaughton was lured back to Canada after spending more than a quarter century in the United ...
- Little boxes
With more than half the Canadian population now living in the suburbs, Jill Grant says it’s an obvious time to study this increasingly popular living option, one that remains a bane to urban planners and downtown boosters. Are people drawn to the concept of perfectly matching houses throughout a n ...
- FISHing for answers
University of Alberta (U of A) researchers have developed a cancer-testing technology with a snappy name but a serious purpose. The “FISH on a chip” is a complex test that detects abnormalities in chromosomes which characterize particular types of cancer. To create it, researchers miniaturize a ...
Signs of the times
- Honduras Supreme Electoral Tribunal Comes Out Agai ...
The layers keep peeling away from "president" Roberto Micheletti's coup d'etat, which began with a consensus of most of upper class Honduras and its political institutions but in recent days has seen Congressional and business leaders begin looking for the EXIT sign. It was Micheletti's authoritari ...
- Obama Fires Diplomat for Urging Fraud Probe in Afg ...
The Obama Adminstration has fired a top US diplomat at the UN for the heinous crime of insisting that the manifest and widespread fraud in the recent Afghan elections be vigorously investigated. Peter Galbraith -- the deputy UN special envoy for electoral matters -- was technically fired by the Uni ...
- India: 34 drown as boat capsizes in Kerala
Agonized shrieks and wails filled the night in Kerala's Periyar tiger reserve in Thekkady where at least 34 vacationers drowned when a boat capsized on Tuesday evening. The toll is expected to rise as search operations slowed due to adverse weather and fading light. The tragedy occured at 5.15pm at ...
- More than 300 killed in path of deadly storm Ketsa ...
Ketsana, downgraded from a typhoon to a tropical depression, set its sights on a fourth nation Wednesday -- barreling toward Laos after leaving a trail of destruction and death across southeast Asia. By Wednesday morning, the death toll from the storm's rage had topped 325: at least 246 in the Phil ...
- Guns Allowed in Arizona Bars Starting Wednesday
Bartender Randy Shields was serving British brews and Arizona ambers as usual at Shady's bar in east Phoenix when he saw a customer walk in with a hunting knife strapped to his hip. A disturbing image flashed through his mind - "that knife sliding between my ribs." The customer willingly turned o ...
Threat Level
- Cyberbullying Bill Gets Chilly Reception
Proposed legislation demanding up to two years in prison for electronic speech meant to “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person” was met with little enthusiasm by a House subcommittee on Wednesday. Rep. Linda Sanchez, a Republican of California, lobbied f ...
- New Malware Re-Writes Online Bank Statements to Co ...
New malware being used by cybercrooks does more than let hackers loot a bank account; it hides evidence of a victim’s dwindling balance by rewriting online bank statements on the fly, according to a new report. The sophisticated hack uses a Trojan horse program installed on the victim’s machine ...
- Judge in Pirate Bay Appeal Removed for Bias
The Pirate Bay saga turned another corner down its twisted and convoluted path Tuesday. An appellate judge set to hear the appeal of the site’s co-founders’ criminal copyright convictions was removed for bias. The Swedish judge in question, Fredrik Niemela, owns an unstated number of stock optio ...
- Secret Service Probing Obama Facebook Threat
A poll was created Monday on Facebook asking whether the creator of the “Should Obama be Killed Poll’ be arrested. The latest poll comes hours after the Secret Service asked Facebook to remove a “third-party” poll asking whether the president should be assassinated. The answers included “y ...
- Prosecutors Set Stage to Appeal Lori Drew Ruling
Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice of appeal in response to the ruling in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, where a judge threw out the government’s case against Drew for allegedly using a fake MySpace account to drive a teenage girl to suicide. Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Kr ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers
Back in April, the Daily Show's Jon Stewart offered some sound advice for frothing at the mouth Tea Baggers, "I think you might be confusing tyranny with losing." Now five months after their Tax Day outburst, thousands of vein-popping Obama...
- KrongardGate II
Among the most comically disturbing moments in the ongoing national embarrassment surrounding the mercenary firm Blackwater was the November 2007 revelation that the brother of the State Department Inspector General overseeing the company was on its board. Now, Howard "Cookie"...
- Still Another 10 Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extrem ...
During the 2008 presidential campaign, I documented 10, then 10 more and yet another 10 moments in the extremism of Mike Huckabee. Now, fresh off his victory in the straw poll at the so-called Values Voters Summit, the one-time Baptist...
- Michael Steele's Problems with Dr. King Continue
Speaking at Philander Smith College in Little Rock Monday, RNC Chairman Michael Steele declared, "Dr. King would be disappointed in the political leadership of this country for failing to address the least of us." But while Steele denied "we're all...
- Will GOP Call for Prosecution of McChrystal Report ...
One day after the Washington Post's Bob Woodward published the confidential McChrystal report on Afghanistan, the Politico asked, "Who leaked and why?" But while the article speculates on the identity and motivation of the leaker, one issue - the punishment...
Blackspot News Feed
- President Obama: Give Peace a Meeting by Cindy She ...
by Cindy SheehanFeatured WriterDandelion SaladCindy Sheehans Soapbox BlogCindy Sheehans SoapboxSept. 30 2009President Obama,I know that you are only fulfilling your campaign promises to increase the violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan and I notice that not a significant amount of troops have been w ...
- Night Music: In At The Death
End of September.
- A Truly Shocking Guantnamo Story: Judge Confirms T ...
submitted on Buzzflash:by Andy WorthingtonFeatured WriterDandelion Sept. 2009In four years of researching and writing about Guantnamo, I have become used to uncovering shocking information, but for sheer cynicism, I am struggling to think of anything that compares to ...
- Tough Progressive House Member Alan Grayson Gives ...
"I don’t think the Democrats need to be on defense," Rep. Grayson said. "I think we should be on the offense and not the defense, and that’s where I plan to stay."
- Wrestling With Politics by Guadamour
by GuadamourFeatured WriterDandelion SaladGuadamours blog post Sept. 27, 2009Sept. 30, 2009Jesse Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota is a phenomenon unique to America politics, someone outside of the political arena who uses his renown to secure a political position of power.In Dont Start The ...
Consortium News
- Intelligence Vets Back Torture Probe
A dozen U.S. intelligence veterans urge President Obama to reject a call from seven ex-CIA directors to stop a torture probe. September 28, 2009
- Don North's 'Yesterday's Enemies' DVDs
Veteran war correspondent Don North returned to a bloody battlefield in El Salvador to assess the human cost of war.
- The Mystique of 'Free Market' Obama
As the Left debates the "real" Barack Obama, media critic Jeff Cohen is troubled by the President's "free market" paeans. September 26, 2009
- An Insider's View of ACORN
Writer-activist David Swanson explains why the Right despises ACORN --for its aggressive defense of poor communities. September 26, 2009
- The Republican War on ACORN
The stampede trampling the poor people's group ACORN ignores the long GOP campaign of dirty tricks, says Jason Leopold. September 25, 2009
- Vijay Prashad : McChyrstal's Afghan Desolation
- Gareth Porter : U.S. Story on Iran Nuke Facility D ...
- Andy Thayer : The Fiasco Behind Chicago's Olympics ...
- Paul Craig Roberts : Another War in the Works
- Dean Baker : Medicare Buy-In: What's Wrong With Gi ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Israel frees 20 women prisoners (Agence France Pr ...
Israel is to free 20 Palestinian women prisoners in exchange for a video of the soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured in Gaza in June 2006, the prime minister's office said on Wednesday. "The Israeli securi ...
- Riots may point to third Palestinian uprising (Me ...
Palestinian politicians and Israeli political analysts are warning of a third Palestinian Intifadah following serious rioting in East Jerusalem last Sunday. Clashes broke out between Palestinians protesters ...
- Obama should back Goldstone report (George Bishar ...
President Obama has placed restoration of the stature of the United States among his primary foreign policy goals. He has already achieved substantial progress in Europe, where polls indicate that he is wide ...
- UN debates Gaza report (Al Jazeera)
- UN investigator defends Gaza report (Al Jazeera)
A United Nations investigator has defended a report published earlier this month that accuses Israel and Palestinian fighters of war crimes following the Israeli offensive in Gaza earlier this year. Addressi ...
- Dog Death Caps Summer of Blue-Green Algae in MN
Blue-green algae blooms on Minnesota lakes are linked to a dog death and illnesses, and apparently caused by runoff pollution. The death of a dog after it frolicked in a Minnesota lake plagued with blue-green algae was a sad coda for a late summer in the state. Although no necropsy was done, a spo ...
- Yellowstone Grizzlies Back on Endangered Species L ...
In 2007 federal protections were dropped for the protection of Yellowstone grizzlies. Ever since then, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition have been fighting to give protection back to the bears. They argued that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) failed to address the loss of essential food s ...
- Double Whammy of Pollution for Mississippi River i ...
A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employee samples river water for endocrine disrupting pollutants. Study results publicized this week suggest Twin Cities water resources and the Mississippi River downstream from the Cities are suffering from pollution by road salt and endocrine disrupting chemical ...
- 14 Deer Die in One Night at Zoo under Mysterious C ...
According to reports , 13 cheetal and one swamp deer died Friday evening under “mysterious circumstances” at the Kanpur Zoo. Viscera samples and stomach content have been sent to the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI). Results are expected sometime within the next two weeks. The ...
- The Greening of Paint
Oregon this summer became the first state to enact in law a product stewardship law for the collection of leftover consumer paint. The pilot program, which expires in 2014, involves a consumer fee that a nonprofit organization established by paint producers uses to pay for the collection and pro ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Raise a Glass! The Water's Great, Clean and Pure!
Recently, a colleague here at the City sent me a link to an article in the Palm Beach Post online ed
- Use Of Water From Hamakuapoko Wells During Drought ...
The Maui County Water Resources Committee will meet on Monday to deliberate a proposed bill allowing
- Hygienic effects and gas production of plastic bio ...
Vo Thi Yen-Phi, Joachim Clemens, Andrea Rechenburg, Björn Vinneras, Christina Lenßen and Thomas Kist
- Landscaping for Water Quality
Good morning! Today I am giving a presentation titled “Designing and Maintaining Your Landscap
- Safe Drinking Water Act : Selected Regulatory and ...
Congressional Research Service [Abstract] Russian oil and natur
Public Citizen in Texas
- Boxer and Kerry take two steps forward and two ste ...
This just in from EPA: LOS ANGELES – U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will announce today in a keynote address at the California Governor’s Global Climate Summit that the Agency has taken a significant step to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Clean Air Act. The Administrato ...
- Four more contentions added to STP nuke expansion ...
Great news about the legal fight against STP. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel admitted four more of the contentions (all water related) brought by SEED Coalition, bringing the grand total to 5 contentions admitted for a hearing with 7 still pending. This is more than anywhere else in the ...
- Reminder Post: Nuclear reactors too expensive
In case you didn’t catch our editorial in the San Antonio Express News this summer, it’s worth repeating. NUCLEAR REACTORS ARE TOO EXPENSIVE By Matthew Johnson – Express-News Guest Voices CPS Energy announced its cost estimate for two more nuclear reactors at the South Texas Project near Bay ...
- Good Day, (for Texas) Sunshine [Flickr]
Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: This morning marks a good day for Texas sunshine! Public Citizen Texas gives you the early morning scoop -- late last night the Texas Senate passed through HB 1423, a net metering bill to provide owners of solar installations with fair buy-back rates for the ex ...
- Dallas Journalist Shares “6 things economists wi ...
Dallas Morning News journalist Elizabeth Souder shares the Six things economists wish journalists knew about greenhouse gas reduction on the DMN’ Energy and Environment Blog. They sound a lot like the 6 things EVERYONE should know about greenhouse gas reduction, so I thought I’d share them.à ...
Press TV
- China celebrates 60-year Communist rule
National stability and ethnic unity are central to ensuring China's development, says the Chinese premier ahead of celebrations marking 60 years of Communist rule.
- Another major quake shakes Indonesia
Another earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale has jolted western Indonesia as rescue teams are still working to reach the victims of an earlier powerful earthquake that struck the area.
- Congress OKs $1.5 bn aid package for Pakistan
The US Congress has cleared a legislation to triple aid to Pakistan allegedly in a bid to counter "anti-Americanism' in the Asian country.
- Israel receives N-capable German subs
Israel has received two German-made submarines which are capable of launching missiles equipped with nuclear warheads.
- UN chief fires deputy head of Afghan mission
The UN Secretary General has sacked a deputy special envoy to Afghanistan who has been embroiled in a dispute with his boss over the country's "fraud-tainted" election.
Axis of Logic
- The Northern Imposed Imbalance
- Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)
- Exclusive. Pakistan On The Edge of The Precipice
- What We Can’t Conquer, We Buy
- President Chávez Press Conference at the UN yeste ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl Newswrap
Harry Reid must have received those calcium supplements we sent him because he is threatening to show signs of a spine. He cancelled the Columbus Day break and is keeping the Senate in session. Schadenfreude alert! Sarah Palin-around-with-secessionist/terrorists is not the hot commodity on the lectu ...
- Don't Panic Over Iran "Nukes"
Mideast expert Juan Cole explains to how tell if Iran is hiding nukes: If Iran really does permit full, ongoing IAEA inspections of the facility, then it cannot be used for weapons production. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted Sunday that Iran cannot use the Natanz plant for bomb-making be ...
- How Dare the President bid for the Olympics!
There has been much ado, of late, concerning President Obama trying to procure Chicago as the 2016 Olympic site for the United States of America. Chicago, they say, is just part of the dirty Obama/Chicago Machine. Let's see what that dirty, liberal, Marxist, communist, Fascist, hippy President had ...
- You're Too Good for WaPo, Gene
Much as I hate even acknowleding the existence of the repug-fellating, Froomkin-firing, waste-of-dead-trees-AND-electrons Washington Post, this is too good to ignore. Eugene Robinson, one of the few real writers left at WaPo (no, Ezra Klein, you are NOT a real writer), has written a truly wonderful ...
- Where hypocrisy and shamelessness know no bounds
Oh boo-muthafuckin'-hoo you GOP crybaby pantspissers. You started this playground shit and now you go running to the teacher when someone pushes back a little bit? Bullshit - I'll see your ass at the flagpole after school, motherfucker, and you better bring a friend to carry your ass home. Let me ...
Care 2
- Do You Know What’s REALLY in Your Dog’s Food? VI ...
Most people don’t really think too much about their dog or pet’s food. Sure, a lot of people like to try to make sure you’re feeding what you think is good food, high quality food but do you really think about or know what’s in the food your dog eats? Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note- ...
- Rescue the Rain Forests ! TAKE ACTION !
The wold's Rain Forests are being burned and bulldozed at a frightening rate! An expanse the size of 54 city blocks will be burned as you read this. 4,700 acres are burned every hour, affecting everything; Global Warming, agriculture and drinking water. Submitted by Cher C. to Environment | Note ...
- ACTION ALERT: Outlaw Canine Devocalization!
Would you ever silence a family member? Some people silence their dogs through devocalization, a painful surgery that cuts the vocal cords through the animal's oral cavity or an incision in the neck. Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- ENVIRONMENTAL SATIRE---Melting Ice Caps Expose Hun ...
Claiming it to be one of the most dramatic and visible signs of climate change to date, researchers said Monday that receding polar ice caps have revealed nearly 200 clandestine lairs once buried deep beneath hundreds of feet of Arctic ice. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environment | Note-it! ...
- 11 Ways to Stop Worrying and Love the Green Life
Climate change, species extinction, global warming, GMO, HMO, Guantanamo, swine flu, bird flu, affluenza, loss of civil liberties, Lou Dobbs...the nightmares never seem to end. What's a dedicated but overwhelmed activist to do? "Every day, people who push Submitted by Daphna Yanez to Green Lifestyle ...
- How to Design for a Post-Consumption Economy
It's clear our consumption-centered lifestyle has challenged our planet's ability to support us. Our economy doesn't need to be focused solely on spurring consumption. Here's a guide on how to design for a post-consumption economy.
- Smart Grid: Where Do We Grow From Here?
While much progress has been made toward developing a smarter grid in the U.S., further strides must still be taken. Leaders from business, utilities and government recapped work so far and mapped out next steps at the GridWeek Conference.
- Responsible E-Waste Recycling Practices
This report outlines the U.S. EPA's list of best practices for companies that dispose of unwanted electronics; these guidelines can also be used as a procurement tool for companies seeking environmentally friendly electronics recyclers.
- Six Keys to Running an Efficient Green Business
A new study from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change identifies the practices that separate the most efficient companies from the rest of the pack, and finds that firms are embracing energy efficiency as a core corporate strategy.
- The Four Facets of Next-Gen Environmental Design
Finding a path to sustainable growth will require global collaboration and eco-innovation on an unprecedented scale. To accomplish this, we need to take a fresh look at a business practice called Design for Environment.
Reuters Global
- China’s 60th anniversary : Live
The People's Republic of China will mark the 60th anniversary of its founding on Thursday with a military parade showcasing its growing political and economic clout
- A green Nobel Peace Prize next week? Or one too ma ...
Will the guardians of the Nobel Prize make another green award in 2009 to help talks on a new climate treaty? Or is it too soon?
- Do Guinea’s dark days reveal junta’s c ...
The killing of at least 157 demonstrators in Guinea has buried the hope that surrounded the arrival of the military junta in power late last year. The question is whether Guinea can ever break its cycle of strongman rule.
- Could the “Baron from Bavaria’s” ...
German Economy Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg won a record number of votes in Sunday's election while his conservative Christian Social Union suffered its worst showing in 60 years in its Bavarian homeland, aggravating rivalries within the party. Could the 37-year-old's meteoric rise be an unex ...
- Germany’s Greens celebrate victory in defeat
Sunday's federal election threw Germany's Greens into a state of disarray -- should they celebrate their best result ever or mourn the fact they failed to prevent a centre-right coalition and languished in fifth place?
Ezra Klein
- Tab Dump
1) Job one for Obama is, well, jobs. 2) This profile was exceedingly effective in turning me against Jerry Brown. 3) E.J. Dionne is also baffled by the Polanski-love. 4) Some interesting thoughts on class and obesity.
- Good News Out of the Finance Committee
Democrats turned back Orrin Hatch's amendment forcing women to purchase separate insurance to receive abortion coverage. All the women, including the Republican women, voted against it. Olympia Snowe was particularly galled by the provision. It implies that the "woman is assuming she will have abort ...
- Socialized Medicine for Me, but Not for Thee
This isn't a regular stop on the tour, but beneath the Congress lies an impressive Navy medical clinic called the Office of the Attending Physician that ostensibly exists to deal with emergencies and public health threats and terrorist attacks. In reality, it also provides primary care to an awful l ...
- Polanski
Author Robert Harris was given some space on the New York Times op-ed page to write this : So when, just before lunch on Sunday, the news broke that Mr. Polanski had been arrested overnight at the Zurich airport on an outstanding warrant relating to a conviction for sex with a minor back in the 1 ...
- Is Our Food System Too Big to Fail?
This column also appears in today's Food section . About a year ago, Lehman Brothers collapsed, throwing the financial world and the global economy into chaos. What made Lehman's downfall so damaging, and created so much terror around the near-implosions of many other Wall Street behemoths, was t ...
Booman Tribune
- Grayson Making Headlines
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) is a freshman from Orlando. He's probably most well known in the blogosphere for hiring Matt Stoller to serve on his staff. His district is highly competitive but I believe he joined the Progressive Caucus and he's made it a habit to use his seat on the Financial Services ...
- The Pot is Boiling
It's not easy to kill a President. The Secret Service protects them pretty well. Yet, that doesn't seem to be stopping the "Who will rid us of this meddlesome negro?" crowd this past week. They have been doing their best to incite violence against the man who won the Presidency with more popular ...
- Open Thread
I don't like to think about how much Newt Gingrich loves porn. It's like having an eyelash on my cerebral cortex that I can't rinse off.
- A Run from the Right
The UK under Labour avoided few of the indignities that America suffered under Bush and Cheney, so it doesn't surprise me at all to see they have slipped into third-place in the polls. The Tories will be the main beneficiaries but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to punish Labour for poor finan ...
- It Must Be Irony Day
I guess today is Irony Day. I'd like to praise the Mustache of Understanding for using his column today to rail against the eliminationist rhetoric of the far right. But there's a problem: Sometimes I wonder whether George H.W. Bush, president “41,” will be remembered as our last “legitimate ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 1 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1931 – Birth of...
- Wednesday Open Thread
- No surprise: Georgia Triggered War With Russia
Report: Georgia Triggered War With Russia A 9-month international investigation into the 2008 war in...
- News From The Front... Or The Back
Jean Quatremer, in his Backstage Brussels blog (h/t nanne), has some apparently definitive news: Coulisses...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 30 ...
A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1937 – Birth of...
- My heart no longer beats
Physicians have successfully implanted an artificial heart that does not beat: Salina Mohamed So’ot has no pulse. But she is very much alive. The 30-year-old administrative assistant is the first recipient here to get a new artificial heart that pumps blood continuously, the reason why there are n ...
- The Gaming Fields: crops, copyright and DIY geneti ...
Sven Johnson reports back from the Future Imperfect once again. This time the IP boot is on the other foot, as a keen gamer casts a copyrighted GM crop in an extremely unfavourable light… *** I suppose I don’t need to ask how many of you have succumbed to the latest “farm game” revival craz ...
- Geordi’s video-to-brain visor being built at MIT
OK, so it’s going to be some time yet before Geordi LaForge video visors are high-street gadgets, but the underlying technologies are coming to fruition faster than I’d have ever expected. Via we discover that a team at MIT have sussed a method for grafting a digital device to the op ...
- Europe: less people, mo’ problems?
Leading on neatly from Tom’s post about sustainable population growth is another New Scientist piece, which posits that Europe’s predicted decline in population will actually bring a whole raft of economic and infrastructural problems with it: … look a little deeper, and the picture becomes mo ...
- Aubrey de Grey on the Singularity
Gerontologist Aubrey de Grey gives his thoughts on the technological singularity (subtypes: intelligence explosion and accelerating change) in this interview in h+ Magazine: I can’t see how the “event horizon” definition of the Singularity can occur other than by the creation of fully autonomo ...
Therapy News
- Testing the Importance of Immediacy in Emotional T ...
A News Headline Many would describe the modern media as at least somewhat sensationalist, with scores of threats being reported on a relatively constant basis. The way in which such reports can be dangerous, suggests a new study conducted at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The ...
- Manage Your Stress for Inner Beauty
By Debbie Devine, Licensed Professional Counselor Click here to contact Debbie and/or see her Profile ”Soften your eyes. Relax your face,” I instruct my clients when we are working on deep relaxation in session. And the change is immediate and visible as the lines of tension fall ...
- Study Examines Link Between Bullying, Adult Mental ...
A News Summary Though a great deal of effort has been poured into the prevention and addressing of bullying in childhood, an unfortunate number of children experience bullying while growing up. Sometimes resulting in emotional difficulties or an embarrassing experience, and sometimes ...
- Study Recommends Distinct Classifications for Chil ...
A News Headline With the expected release of the DSM-V slated for 2012, there has been some deliberation within the mental health communities over whether to jointly classify childhood depression and anxiety issues. The extant version of the DSM classifies these concerns in a distinc ...
- Generation RX: The Dangers of Teens and Prescripti ...
By Sherry Gaba, LCSW and Life Coach Click here to contact Sherry and/or see her Profile Viewers cannot turn on the television today without a story depicting pop icon Michael Jackson and his un-timely death. It has brought to the forefront of everyone’s mind a reminder of the dang ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Mining Protester Faces Jury Trial In West Virginia ...
An environmental activist who chained himself to a giant dump truck during a mountaintop removal mining protest has been convicted of trespassing and conspiracy.
- Mountaintop removal fight expands to courts (The C ...
By Vicki Smith MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) -- The fight over mountaintop removal mining in Southern West Virginias coalfields has expanded to a second front -- the courtroom. Virginia-based Massey Energy has filed three lawsuits so fa...
- EPA to delay 79 coal mining permits in 4 states (A ...
President Barack Obama's administration put the brakes on 79 applications for surface coal mining permits in four states Wednesday, saying they would violate the Clean Water Act.
- Fight over mountaintop removal expands from mines ...
MORGANTOWN, W.VA. — The fight over mountaintop removal mining in southern West Virginia's coalfields has expanded to a second front — the courtroom.
- Environmental Protection Agency Reasserts Concerns ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today reasserted its concerns about the potential environmental harm that would be caused by the issuance of dozens of new mountaintop removal coal mining permits in Appalachia.
- Sex, scorn and videotape (Ben Smith/The Politico)
Ben Smith / The Politico : Sex, scorn and videotape — When John Edwards returned to North Carolina in the course of his long quest for the presidency, Andrew Young always met him at the airport in Edwards's big black Chevy Tahoe. Young drove, and Edwards rode shotgun, silently raising his ...
- 'Blithering Idiot's' Book Already No. 1 at Barnes ...
JammieWearingFool : 'Blithering Idiot's' Book Already No. 1 at Barnes and Noble and No. 2 at Amazon (Update: Now No. 1 at Amazon) — The left may have a collective aneurysm by the time Going Rogue is released, and that's still not until November 17. — I figure by the end of the day it' ...
- Gore Vidal: 'We'll have a dictatorship soon in the ...
Tim Teeman / Times of London : Gore Vidal: 'We'll have a dictatorship soon in the US' — The grand old man of letters Gore Vidal claims America is ‘rotting away’ — and don't expect Barack Obama to save it — A conversation with Gore Vidal unfolds at his pace. He answers question ...
- Bette Midler Warns Glenn Beck Could Set Off a Rwan ...
Jeff Poor / : Bette Midler Warns Glenn Beck Could Set Off a Rwanda-Like Civil War in U.S. — Update at bottom (2:03 p.m.): Beck fires back — It's just what the primetime cable news lineup needed - another hour-long program tilted toward left-of-center politics with chara ...
- Where Did 'We' Go? - I hate to write about this .. ...
Thomas L. Friedman / New York Times : Where Did ‘We’ Go? — I hate to write about this, but I have actually been to this play before and it is really disturbing. — I was in Israel interviewing Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin just before he was assassinated in 1995. We had a beer in h ...
Energy & Environment News
- Climate Bill Splits Exelon and U.S. Chamber
Exelon, the largest U.S. operator of nuclear plants, became the third major utility to cancel its membership in the Chamber of Commerce because of differences over climate policies.
- As Oil Enriches Australia, Spill Is Seen as a Warn ...
A damaged well off the northwest Australian coast has been spewing thousands of barrels of crude oil into the Timor Sea, threatening marine life.
- E.P.A. Proposes Rule on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The controversial plan would regulate emissions from thousands of power plants and large industrial facilities.
- Alternative Energy Projects Stumble on a Need for ...
Many plans to meet the nation’s demand for power with renewable energy could consume billions of gallons of water every year.
- Nanomaterials Under Study by the E.P.A.
Researchers plan to look at what effect tiny substances found in products like sunscreen and industrial adhesives have on the environment.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Thursday, October 1, 2009 02:20:31 UTC Thursday, October 1, 2009 09:20:31 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.6, southern Sumatra, Indonesia
Thursday, October 1, 2009 01:52:29 UTC Thursday, October 1, 2009 08:52:29 AM at epicenter Depth : 15.00 km (9.32 mi)
- M 5.2, Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia
Thursday, October 1, 2009 01:31:05 UTC Thursday, October 1, 2009 09:31:05 AM at epicenter Depth : 64.50 km (40.08 mi)
- M 5.0, Samoa Islands region
Thursday, October 1, 2009 00:30:22 UTC Wednesday, September 30, 2009 01:30:22 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, near the east coast of the Kamchatka Penins ...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 21:34:31 UTC Thursday, October 1, 2009 10:34:31 AM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
China Dialogue
- River of discord
Hydropower projects in China have created tensions along the Mekong. Rivers know no borders, writes Michael Richardson, but dams do. Back in 1986, when China began building the first of a series of dams on the Mekong River, hardly anyone in the downstream countries of south-east Asia paid attention. ...
- Water tensions in central Asia
A regional crisis created mainly by disastrous Soviet policies will only be exacerbated by the challenges of climate change, a Kyrgyz water expert tells Isabel Hilton. At first glance, China's neighbour Kyrgyzstan, with more than 40,000 rivers and streams, appears to enjoy abundant water supplies. B ...
- Fighting pollution on the Pearl River
A unique agreement in south China could have provided a model for cooperation between provinces, writes Reut Barak. But institutional issues have impeded joint action. China’s rapid economic growth has brought not only a rise in living standards, but also serious environmental pollution, which has ...
- Can the bailout produce a green recovery?
As the G20 leaders meet and discuss the likely shape of the economic recovery, John Elkington examines how we might plan for and achieve a green rebound. The western alphabet has been much discussed in recent months in relation to the shape of the eventual economic recovery. Some see a “U” shape ...
- Hu speaks — what next?
How did the experts respond to Hu Jintao’s speech on climate change? Julian L Wong sees China sending a strong message. Isabel Hilton writes that obstacles remain on the road to Copenhagen. “China is sending a strong message” – Julian L Wong President Hu Jintao of China announced that Ch ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Tough Progressive House Member Alan Grayson Gives ...
"I don’t think the Democrats need to be on defense," Rep. Grayson said. "I think we should be on the offense and not the defense, and that’s where I plan to stay."
- National Review Writer Takes Stand Against Female ...
Just so we're clear, a leading conservative writer at one of the premier conservative political outlets, argued publicly against a woman's right to vote.
- Anti-Immigrant Hardliners Offer Bad Amendments to ...
As you’d expect, anti-immigrant organizations are calling on their members to light up the phones.
- Glenn Beck, a Toucan and a Chimpanzee [VIDEO]
And awesome '80s hair.
- Outreach Fail: RNC Spanish-Language Hispanic Herit ...
Threat Level
- Cyberbullying Bill Gets Chilly Reception
Proposed legislation demanding up to two years in prison for electronic speech meant to “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person” was met with little enthusiasm by a House subcommittee on Wednesday. Rep. Linda Sanchez, a Republican of California, lobbied f ...
- New Malware Re-Writes Online Bank Statements to Co ...
New malware being used by cybercrooks does more than let hackers loot a bank account; it hides evidence of a victim’s dwindling balance by rewriting online bank statements on the fly, according to a new report. The sophisticated hack uses a Trojan horse program installed on the victim’s machine ...
- Judge in Pirate Bay Appeal Removed for Bias
The Pirate Bay saga turned another corner down its twisted and convoluted path Tuesday. An appellate judge set to hear the appeal of the site’s co-founders’ criminal copyright convictions was removed for bias. The Swedish judge in question, Fredrik Niemela, owns an unstated number of stock optio ...
- Secret Service Probing Obama Facebook Threat
A poll was created Monday on Facebook asking whether the creator of the “Should Obama be Killed Poll’ be arrested. The latest poll comes hours after the Secret Service asked Facebook to remove a “third-party” poll asking whether the president should be assassinated. The answers included “y ...
- Prosecutors Set Stage to Appeal Lori Drew Ruling
Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice of appeal in response to the ruling in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, where a judge threw out the government’s case against Drew for allegedly using a fake MySpace account to drive a teenage girl to suicide. Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Kr ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Israel rethinks anti-Iran warnings
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Suddenly, the Iranian "existential threat" seems to have receded from Israel's horizon.
- Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Many people who have died of H1N1 swine flu in the United States have also had bacterial infections, health officials reported on Wednesday.
- Supreme court to decide how far gun rights extend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court revived the legal battle over gun rights in America, saying it would decide whether the constitutional right of individuals to own firearms trumped state and local laws.
- ANALYSIS-Israel rethinks anti-Iran warnings
* Israelis rein in threats to attack Iran * Signs of differing styles among policymakers By Dan Williams TEL AVIV, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Suddenly, the Iranian "existential threat" seems to have receded from Israel's horizon. It began with a bombshell Sept 18 newspaper interview in which Defence Minis ...
- EXCLUSIVE: China air, naval boost risks raising te ...
BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to cut back its army and boost the navy and air force, sources with ties to the People's Liberation Army said, extending its military reach and risking greater regional tensions.
- Turbulent Times: Ready or Not
We leave this afternoon for Australia – the house sitter has moved in (well more of a dog sitter actually as Bonnie told us she does not like being alone) and are furiously working to get our contributions for the MSA Seed Sampler done – as well as working on powerpoint presentations for all ou ...
- What Does it Take To Change a Bad Habit
“Keep it simple, make it meaningful, stick to it” Â That is some of the best advice that I have ever received on how to establish a new habit. Â It came to mind as I read this article from Zen Habits Our daily lives are often a series of habits played out through the day, a trammeled [...]
- Where is Christmas?
I am sitting at our dining room table looking out on a beautiful September morning. Â It is hard to believe that in a couple of days I will be in Australia – once more heading into spring rather than into autumn. Â I will miss the glory of the fall leaves around the lake but I [...]
- Wild Camano Forest Tour
Tom & I have just returned from Camano Island where we participated in a botanical tour on the land where we hope to create a monastic eco village. Â The tour was conducted by Bob Dietal rector at St Aidan’s Episcopal church in Stanwood. Â Bob used to be a botanist and was amazingly knowledgea ...
- Social Media and the Church
Bosco Peters made me aware of these videos recently which are very sobering news for all of us who aspire to communicate our message to others and really does make me wonder how effective our social media communications are. Is it just a way to connect to people or can we really develop meaningful ...
Equality Trust
- Goodbye social democracy, hello economic democracy
Bill Kerry writes for Labour List about the limits of social democracy and the need for economic democracy.
- Shattering the myth of equality
An article by Boris Frankel in Melbourne's newspaper 'The Age'.
- Polly Toynbee: This bold equality push is just wha ...
Polly Toynbee writing about the new Equality Bill today's Guardian. "Harriet Harman's bill is a frank recognition of the role of class in Britain. A decade earlier, it might have had a real impact..."
- Seumas Milne: This naked display of class egotism ...
"It's more than a week since Alistair Darling's budget, but the howls of protest haven't stopped for a day ever since. That's not been the public sector employees facing a harsh squeeze on jobs and pay who've been squealing, or the million workers expected to join the dole queues in the next year, ...
- Bob Holman on social breakdown
Bob Holman writes in the Glasgow Herald about the evidence in The Spirit Level.
- Pakistani spies “visibly angry” at US charges ...
Recently, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s secretive intelligence service, gave Washington Post’s associate editor, David Ignatius, a rare look inside its Islamabad headquarters. However, the first known visit to the ISI by a Western journalist in recent years failed to impress the ...
- US State Dept. third highest official was espionag ...
Marc Grossman, Under Secretary of State during the Bush Administration, was suspect in a lengthy counterespionage probe by the FBI, according to a former senior Bureau agent.
- News you may have missed #0122
Canada authorities push for Internet spy bill. Peru's former leader guilty of spying, bribery. CIA honors two spies.
- News you may have missed #0121
US intelligence veterans group backs CIA torture probe. Somali group executes two for spying for CIA. DHS intelligence official speaks on cross-department collaboration.
- New documents point to innocence of convicted Swed ...
A man who was jailed in Sweden in 1983 for spying on behalf of the Eastern Bloc may be innocent, according to an investigation by Sweden’s TV4 channel.
- PsyBlog Now on Twitter
PsyBlog is now on Twitter, right here. So many people have kindly been sharing articles from PsyBlog with others on Twitter that the tweet count for recent articles is now fairly hefty. Thanks very much to all the Twitterers who've been spreading the word! PsyBlog's Twitter feed is another way to ...
- How Long to Form a Habit?
Research reveals a curved relationship between practice and automaticity. Say you want to create a new habit, whether it's taking more exercise, eating more healthily or writing a blog post every day, how often does it need to be performed before it no longer requires Herculean self-control? Clear ...
- Why You Can’t Help Believing Everything You Read
You shouldn't believe everything you read, yet according to a classic psychology study at first we can't help it. What is the mind's default position: are we naturally critical or naturally gullible? As a species do we have a tendency to behave like Agent Mulder from the X-Files who always wanted t ...
- Sit Up Straight! Be Confident!
· New study finds slouchers make less confident self-evaluations. At school all the cool kids were slouchers. No one wanted to be seen sitting up straight, paying attention or, heaven forbid making an effort to learn. It was only the geeks in the front row, hoovering up all that useless knowledg ...
- How Groups Form, Conform, Then Warp Our Decision-M ...
· Discover the essentials of group psychology. When we're in a group other people have an incredibly powerful effect on us. Groups can kill our creativity, inspire us to work harder, allow us to slack off, skew our decision-making and make us clam up. The keys to understanding human behaviour—ou ...
After Downing
- Poll Shows Public Wants Medicare for All
Poll Shows Public Wants Medicare for All By Glen Ford | Black Agenda Report President Obama attempts to depict proponents of Medicare for all as lefty health care “extremists.” But that’s precisely the kind of “robust” public plan favored by two-thirds of Americans, according to a recent ...
- Rep Kucinich: "Healthcare is a Civil and Human Rig ...
On Wednesday afternoon, September 30, 2009, the "Mad as Hell Doctors" rallied in front of the White House, in Lafayette Park. The group supports a Single Payer Healthcare System. Two of their slogans are: "Everybody In! Nobody Out!" and "Single Payer or Bust!" The doctors have been on a nationwi ...
- Hey: Watch the Young Turks Tonight and Every Night ...
- US Legal System Takes on International Criminals, ...
U.S. Supreme Court to Review Human Rights Case Against Former Somali DEFENSE MINISTER Somali Defense Minister Seeks to Evade Accountability for Atrocities; Survivors Continue to Seek Their Day in Court Washington, D.C., September 30, 2009: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the first huma ...
- A Democrat Refuses to Be Bluffed or Bullied: Alan ...
Quick call Harry Reid and make sure he doesn't watch this, since it might cause his head to explode: read more
Grist - News
- Nationwide “eat-ins” show way to a rev ...
Across the nation on Labor Day, more than 20,000 people turned up at picnics to rally support for healthy school lunches.
- UPDATED: The cruelty of industrial egg-riculture&# ...
Kurt Michael Friese cooks in Iowa, the state that produces more eggs than any other in the nation. So believe him when he says to avoid flavorless, ecologically troubling industrially produced eggs—and listen to his ideas for cooking with pastured eggs from small farmers.
- The Cruelty of Industrial Egg-riculture - plus a t ...
Kurt Michael Friese cooks in Iowa, the state that produces more eggs than any other in the nation. So believe him when he says to avoid flavorless, ecologically troubling industrially produced eggs—and listen to his ideas for cooking with pastured eggs from small farmers.
- Say no to industrial eggs—and yes to delicio ...
Kurt Michael Friese cooks in Iowa, the state that produces more eggs tan any other in the nation. So believe him when he says to avoid flavorless, ecologically troubling industrially produced eggs—and listen to his ideas for cooking with pastured eggs from small farmers.
- Say no to industrial eggs—and yes to delicio ...
Popular Bookmarks on
- 6 Websites to Track A Website’s Traffic
- Startup Legal Docs From | Fort Worth ...
- 82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products | A ...
- The Only HTML Guide That You'll Ever Need : The Wo ...
- User Heat : どこが読まれているか見えã‚ ...
Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- TechStars Investor Day Hits a Home Run
With bleary eyes and bellies full of coffee, a roomful of investors, journalists and young entrepreneurs gathered this morning for the Bay Area TechStars Investor day. The Boulder and Boston-based startup incubator pulled out all the stops as 13 companies took to the stage to plead their case for ...
- Google Wave: Do You Think It Will Succeed?
We’re just a few hours away from the launch of Google Wave. Later tonight , a flood of invites for Google Wave will permeate the web, and around 100,000 early adopters will become part of Google’s real-time communication tool. Heck, Wave is so hot right now that people are trying to buy them ...
- Tweetie pricing fuss highlights App Store flaw – ...
Tweetie pricing fuss highlights App Store flaw : “But three dollars, right? I mean, with that much money I could buy a third of a movie ticket! I could take the subway one and a half times! I could pay the convenience charge on the parking ticket I got last night (thanks, City of Somerville). A ...
- Grayson remains defiant on 'die quickly' remarks
Rep. Alan Grayson finally apologized — but not to Republicans. WASHINGTON (CNN) – Under fire for his claim that the GOP health care plan calls for sick people to "die quickly," Rep. Alan Grayson finally apologized — but not to Republicans. "Last night, I gave a speech, and I'm no ...
- Plaxico Takes All Expenses Paid Trip to Rome...
Filed under: Talk Sports , Exclusives , Plaxico Burress ... New York, where he'll now be staying in a luxurious prison known as the Oneida Correctional Facility. The New York State Department of Correctional Services tells us Plaxico was moved from Ulster Correctional Facility in Napanoch, NY ...
Time - Top Stories
- China at 60: The Road to Prosperity
As it marks its 60th birthday, the People's Republic of China has much to celebrate. But the emerging global power's journey has barely begun
- Talking With Iran: Chances for a Breakthrough Are ...
Rather than a last-chance opportunity for Tehran to respond to Western ultimatums, Thursday's Geneva meeting will likely launch a process involving some give and take
- Weighing the Risks of Mass Vaccinations
The recent death of a 14-year-old British girl who received a cervicalcancer vaccine has renewed concern over the risks associated withinoculations. But is fear of the injections warranted, or is it justparanoia?
- Survey: Investors Gaining Confidence In Markets
Investor confidence is back to levels that prevailed before LehmanBrothers collapsed. But there is significant skepticism about the economicrecovery
- The "Call 'Em Out" White House Targets Fox News
During his September address to Congress, Barack Obama put his less-than-responsible critics on notice.
Washington Independent
- Grayson Apologizes
Dave has been following the saga of Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), who incited a GOP uproar this week after charging that the Republicans’ health reform strategy is to let the sick “die quickly.” The comment caused GOP leaders to threaten an anti-Grayson resolution, to be introduced if Grayson fa ...
- Bank of America’s Ken Lewis to Retire
He was practically a fixture on Capitol Hill during the Wall Street bailout debate and subsequent oversight discussions. But Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, is set to retire at the end of the year. Lewis and BoA have been in hot water over their government-backed deal to acquire the failing Merri ...
- Reid Talks Public Option
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters today that he supports the public option, which twice failed in the Senate Finance Committee yesterday, but hasn’t determined if the health reform bill he brings to the floor will include it. Reid said the bill to hit the floor will be fash ...
- Tom Price: We’ll Scrap Grayson Resolution If ...
Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) is holding off on his resolution slamming Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) for his “die quickly” remarks, explaining that Republicans “would give Congressman Grayson an opportunity to do the right thing and recognize the comments that he made were disrespectful to the House an ...
- Gingrich Honors the Adult Entertainment Industry ( ...
Someone please tell Newt Gingrich that all porn is homosexual porn. Earlier this month, a studio executive at a California-based pornography company won an Entrepreneur of the Year award from a conservative 527 group, American Solutions for Winning the Future, founded by the former House speaker. It ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out Pigs
Pigs were the champion garbage consumers in Cairo. Goats just don't seem up to the task. CAIRO — It is unlikely anyone has ever come to this city and commented on how clean the streets are. But this litter-strewn metropolis is now wrestling Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Society & Culture ...
- Beware the dog, and cat, contracting horrific rabi ...
If you've never seen old film clips of animals with rabies, you're really missing something. All that slobbering, slathering aggression and piteous disorientation is truly disturbing stuff. It's not that I want to subject you to a serious Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Animals | Note-it! ...
- Death on the wing
DURING the Middle Ages, flea-infested rats spread bubonic plague across Europe. Seven centuries later, it's fruit bats that are being blamed for a 21st-century scourge. Queensland opposition health spokesman Mark McArdle reckons they are "flying petrie Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Health & ...
- Vultures are making a comeback Spain finds out th ...
PAMPLONA, Spain — Vultures circling overhead have traditionally been a harbinger of death. But in Spain, their renewed presence after a long lull is being regarded by many as a good omen — the sign of a healthy eco-system. "They're essential," said Lui Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Offbeat ...
- Milk Drinking Started Around 7,500 Years Ago In Ce ...
The ability to digest the milk sugar lactose first evolved in dairy farming communities in central Europe, not in more northern groups as was previously thought, finds a new study led by UCL (University College London) scientists published in the journal Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Offbeat ...
- American Police Force Gets Control Of Jail In Hard ...
Mysterious Private Security Firm Gets Control Of Empty Jail In Small Montana Town TPM Muckraker- Justin Elliott | September 30, 2009, 3:16PM A shadowy private security company that has no known clients but claims to have helped foreign governments combat terrorism and will protect anything from cr ...
- Evening Jukebox- Calling All Angels
Lenny Kravitz – Calling All Angels
- Key facts to keep in mind while opposing war again ...
Global Research, September 29, 2009 After Downing Street Representatives of Iran and six of the world’s most powerful countries are scheduled to meet this week in Geneva, one of a series of events that increasingly looks like a rerun of the build-up to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. A ...
- Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in ...
The grand old man of letters Gore Vidal claims America is ‘rotting away’ — and don’t expect Barack Obama to save it Tim Teeman London Times Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Last year he famously switched allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama during the Democratic nomination process ...
- 8.0 Earthquake Devastated Samoa Islands- 9/29/09 ( ...
Earthquakes Rock Samoa, Indonesia (UPDATES) KENI LESA and FILI SAGAPOLUTELE | 09/30/09 12:55 PM | APIA, Samoa — Disaster officials rushed food, medicine and a temporary morgue to the Samoas on Wednesday after a powerful earthquake unleashed a tsunami that flattened villages and swept ...
- The Mortgage Machine Backfires
By Gretchen Morgenson With the mortgage bust approaching Year Three, it is increasingly up to the nation’s courts to examine the dubious practices that guided the mania. A ruling that the Kansas Supreme Court issued last month has done precisely that, and it has significant implications for both ...
- Vaccine = Swine Flu X 2
By Patrick White A “perplexingâ€� Canadian study linking H1N1 to seasonal flu shots is throwing national influenza plans into disarray and testing public faith in the government agencies responsible for protecting the nation’s health. Distributed for peer review last week, the study confo ...
- Asset Class of the Decade: Gold
by Adam Brochert In the end as an investor, it’s all about the scoreboard. For those who aren’t traders, allocation to the correct asset classes is critical to long-term returns. Following are the returns for the S&P 500, the U.S. Dollar (using the Dollar Index as a proxy), Commodities (using t ...
- Symptoms
When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing — when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors — when you see that men get richer by graft [...]
- Sibel Edmonds Interview
EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody use the word “al-Qaeda.” It was always “mujahideen,” always “bin Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but “bin Ladens” plural. Ther ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week Away
We encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia Guidestones
On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The Creation
THE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...
In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George Green
Dear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions ...
Editorial: Indo-Pak dialogue: some basic questions Daily Times Neither of these conditions obtains in the case of India and Pakistan . * We all know that the Taliban and Al Qaeda get their “terror money” from diverse ... and more »
- A US Counteroffensive In Pakistan - International ...
A US Counteroffensive In Pakistan International Analyst Network ... news service accusing Pakistan of refusing to join the US in eliminating one of the Afghan local parties – the Afghan Taliban – whom her own government ...
- Somalia’s Al Shabaab Releases Extensive Training ...
The Mujahideen Youth Movement, also known as al-Shabaab, released yesterday an extensive 48-and-a-half minute training video titled, “At Your Service, Osama.” It shows extensive footage from the Commander Abu Suleim Training Camp somewhere in Somalia — likely southern Somalia where the al Sh ...
- Story of Musharrafs blue eyed boy who turned most ...
Story of Musharrafs blue eyed boy who turned most dangerous Qaeda ... Little About (blog) ... Kashmiri and he reorganized his group and joined hands with the Taliban . He also persuaded several officials of the Pakistan Army to join his brigade. ...
- Mingora Shrugs Over Rumors of Fazlullah Capture
MINGORA, Pakistan – The Swat Valley’s beleaguered capital was taking a wait-and-see attitude to the rumors that Maulana Fazlullah, head of the Swat Taliban which had terrorized the picturesque valley for five years, had been captured or killed by security forces this weekend. The rumors first be ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Burning Questions for the Authors of 'Marijuana Is ...
The authors of a new book on misconceptions about marijuana respond to the torrent of comments on an excerpt published on AlterNet.
- The Epidemic of Pot Arrests in New York City
Marijuana possession is legally decriminalized in NY State. Nonetheless, NY City makes more pot arrests than any city in the world. How do they do it?
- The Shocking Benefits of Legalizing Pot
Here are some pluses to legalization that you probably haven't heard about.
- Does the Marijuana Pill Work?
The government says a pill called Marinol offers the same benefits as medical marijuana. Is it true?
- Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People t ...
A new book explains how we're steering people away from cannabis and toward the use of a very harmful and deadly substance: alcohol.
Twilight Earth
- The BeauSoleil Solar Home: Self Sufficient Solar D ...
“Designed to be completely self-sufficient, the BeauSoleil Home will generate more energy than it consumes, collect its own water using a cistern, and capture natural breezes and sunshine to reduce the amount of energy it consumes. Operable shutters serve dual functions by providing shade and hurr ...
- White House: The Primary Cause of Climate Change i ...
The White House Blog recently posted this article, saying that the leading cause of Climate Change is the emission of Carbon Dioxide. Related posts: White House Follow-up on Global Climate Change Impacts 2009 Global Climate Change Impact Report Released Carbon Dioxide Rise Exceeds Fears
- Fuel Efficiency for Cars and Light Trucks to be Ra ...
The Obama administration has proposed new rules that would increase the average fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks by 40%. Related posts: Obama Raises Fuel Efficiency and Reverses Bush’s Climate Change Policies Obama’s Fuel Economy Standards Worse Than Bush’s: WTF? Electric Cars Run ...
- Amazing Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D (Video)
Amazing Hubble video that was rendered using the measured redshift of all 10,000 galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image. Related posts: New High Res Photos From the Refurbished Hubble Telescope Monsanto Seed Company Sues Farmer After its Seeds Blow Into His Field, Genetically Altering His C ...
- Goodbye Green Trend – Hello Sustainable Common S ...
If I hear one more time how “trendyâ€� being “greenâ€� has become, I might explode. Wake up and smell the shade-grown-fairly-traded-coffee people. Related posts: What’s Greener than Green? Brown. Green Wont Be The Norm, Until We Stop Calling Things Green Photo Sunday – What do ...
- West Coast Green Kicks off Tomorrow!
Heads up San Francisco Inhabitants! West Coast Green kicks off tomorrow, and Inhabitat will be live on the scene at Fort Mason to bring you all of the fresh green designs on display! Taking place from October 1-3 at San Francisco’s Fort Mason Center, this year’s program promises another star-stu ...
- INTERVIEW: Ray Anderson on Climbing the Mountain o ...
Ray Anderson is more than just the founder and chairman of the world’s largest manufacturer of modular carpeting. He’s also the grandfather of corporate sustainability. In 1995, Anderson embarked on a mission to remove Interface Inc.’s impact on the Earth completely. Below, we talk to the carp ...
- Birdhouse Lamp by Inke Heiland made from Salvaged ...
Designed to cast a sweet glow and add a touch of outdoor ambience, we think Inke Heiland’s Birdhouse Lamp is a joyful embellishment that would add natural flair to any room of the house. Handmade from 100% salvaged French Oak, the Birdhouse Lamp comes with an energy saving CFL light bulb and a pai ...
- Helix Wind Turbines Power Cell Phone Towers in US, ...
It’s easy enough to monitor home power consumption, but few people think about the energy impact of talking on cell phones for hours on end. After all, cell towers have to be powered by something, and in many cases that something is coal or other expensive on-the-grid sources. Enter Helix Wind Cor ...
- 2014 Winter Olympic Stadium By Populous Will Have ...
Populous, a new venture recently spun-off from leading sustainable architecture firm HOK has unveiled its design for the stadium that will be the epicenter of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Although the plans are still hazy, the project will feature several sustainable factors including ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Secret of the Dancing Boxes Revealed
Shen Wei was the principal choreographer of the stunning opening ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. I learned some of his backstage secrets.
- Pogue Addresses Common Complaints About Tech
My e-mail box overflows each day with reader comments and questions, and most express some form of discontent: complaints about how they've been treated, critiques on columns, gripes about a product, and so on.
- Taxi Tidbits and Techno-Tales
David Pogue hosted a panel on the future of taxi technology at annual conference of the International Association of Transport Regulators. Here's what he learned.
- Apple's New Nano: Now The World's Smallest Camcord ...
Among the iPod Nano's new features: a microphone, a speaker, an FM radio, a voice recorder, a pedometer that counts how many steps you walk or run, and a camcorder.
- Your Favorite Uninvented Gadget
Have a gadget that no one's ever made? Share your genius here!
Open Your Eyes News
- US backed Georgia blamed for starting war with Rus ...
Reuters - An independent report blamed Georgia Wednesday for starting last year’s five-day war with Russia, but said Moscow’s military response went beyond reasonable limits and violated international law. Skip related content The report commissioned by the European Union said both sides had bro ...
- Authorities seize 1.2 tonnes of poached ivory boun ...
Daily Telegraph - Kenya’s wildlife authorities seized raw ivory poached from at least 30 elephants as it was about to be loaded onto aircraft bound for Thailand, officials said on Wednesday Read Article
- Prince Philip Implies World Needs 95% Population R ...
AFP - Prince Philip has taken a pot shot at supermarkets and second-home owners who he says are threatening the traditional village, in remarks published Wednesday. Wading into the highly contentious issue of climate change, he stressed the impact of population increase on the production of greenhou ...
- Canada anger at ‘flu body bags’
BBC NEWS - Canada’s health minister has ordered an investigation after body bags were sent to aboriginal reserves as part of supplies to deal with swine flu. The body bags were delivered this week to First Nation communities in Manitoba province which were hard hit by a swine flu outbreak a few m ...
- US military could strike Iran, but at what cost?
WA Today - The United States has refused to rule out military action against Iran if diplomacy fails but analysts and officials say bombing nuclear sites would carry high risks while setting back Tehran’s program by only a few years. Military options often floated in Washington range from naval bl ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Excerpt from Malcolm Caldwell on wealth and people ...
Excerpt from Malcolm Caldwell on wealth and people’s war ( Malcolm Caldwell is most known for his mysterious death in 1978 while in the care of the Pol Pot regime. He was one of the few Westerners granted access to Democratic Kampuchea. Caldwell was even grante ...
- Real versus Fake Universal Health Care for Women
 Real versus Fake Universal Health Care for Women  (  The debate over “universal healthcare� dominates the political landscape in the US. Obama’s administration and the Democratic Party have committed themselves to healthcare reform. This ...
- RAIM: Harvest Season Means Forced Labor for Uzbek ...
Harvest Season Means Forced Labor for Uzbek Children ( Every September, hundreds of thousands of Uzbek children begin two months of forced labor in the country’s cotton fields. Receiving almost nothing in wages and acting in accordance with state mandate, schools are cl ...
- Prachanda’s “21st century socialism” on reli ...
Prachanda’s “21st century socialism” on religion ( In a recent interview Prachanda, leader of a Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), is reported to have made comments about his and his party’s view of religion. Prachanda recently remarked, “I ...
- Dear Maoist-Third Worldist.. On MIM Thought versus ...
On MIM Thought and Maoism-Third Worldism ( “Dear Maoist-Third Worldist, Why is Maoism-Third Worldism a new stage of Marxism? Why not MIM Thought?” * MSH answers: What does it mean to say Maoism-Third Worldism is a new stage of revolutionary science? Tra ...
- The Saudi Royals Are Traitors To Islam
By Karl Schwarz 9-30-9 The Saudis are okay with Israel attacking Iran and even using their airspace to do so. How accommodating! Sort of reminds me of the Saudis agreeing to let the US and UK launch a war at Iraq based on Bush 41 lies, just like Bush 43 did when he got [...] Read More at htt ...
- Video: Phase 3 – The Intro Scene
Another groundbreaking and riveting series from the creators of The Arrivals and The Divine Book. Phase 3 aims to set a new standard in online films. This production will (inshallah) wake up the world, and unite the people from every country, religion, culture or creed against injustice. A film by t ...
- UN says Indian caste system is a human rights abus ...
United Nations is to declare discrimination based on the Indian caste system is a human rights abuse. By Dean Nelson in New Delhi The UN’s Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva, is expected to ratify draft principles which recognises the scale of persecution suffered by 65 million ‘unt ...
- Alert: If Not Stopped, US Plans Will Lead To A Pak ...
US Plans Will Lead To A Pakistani Civil War A pro-US fifth column inside Pakistan is now talking about southern Punjab as the hub of Al-Qaeda just as it earlier pointed to Balochistan in the same manner. For those who had failed to connect the dots to the US grand design of targeting Pakistan a ye ...
- PM Netanyahu’s UN Speech – The Pathology Of Ev ...
By Gilad Atzmon 9-29-9 Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech at the UN is a major insight into the Israeli’s mentality, psyche and logic. In his speech Netanyahu, a prolific and charismatic speaker, gives air to his genocidal inclinations, he brings to light the Israeli supremacy but he also allows us ...
- Tech Companies Top Newsweek Green List
Tech companies dominated the top of Newsweek's "Green Rankings," with Hewlett Packard taking the number one spot. The list ranked the 500 largest corporations in America based on their environmental impact, green policies and their social responisibility reputation. Tech companies made up four ou ...
- Airlines Pledging to Cut Emissions by 50%
At the UN climate talks today in New York, an agreement between airlines, airports and aircraft companies to slash emissions by 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2050 will be presented. If the UN accepts the proposal, it will be added to the Copenhagen agenda. This would be significant because not ...
- Going to San Jose? Bring Your Own Shopping Bag
Reusable shopping bags have become ubiquitous. They're available at almost every retail store you walk into, but the majority of Americans still aren't using them. That may change soon as more and more cities are taking away the choice and making them a necessity. On Tuesday, the City of San Jo ...
- Juice Up Your Roadster for Free!
For the next few months, Tesla Roadster owners can charge their battery for free along California's Highway 101. Five charging stations between San Francisco and Los Angeles have been installed by SolarCity . Though they are currently only compatible with Roadsters, universal plugs are on their ...
- Take a Climate Change Tour on Google Earth
Ahead of the Climate Change Convention in Copenhagen (a.k.a. COP15), Google Earth is launching a series of layers that allow users to look at possible future climate scenarios depending on our actions now. One new layer is a guided tour of potential climate change effects narrated by none o ...
IPS - Inter Press Services
- LATIN AMERICA: Black Population – Still Lar ...
MONTEVIDEO, Sep 30 (IPS) - Making the contributions by black people to the cultural heritage of Latin America visible is one big step towards pulling people of African descent out of the poverty and marginalisation in which so many still live, said participants at a regional seminar in the Urug ...
- RIGHTS: Women's Groups Take on Laws Based on Sex
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 30 (IPS) - When a landmark U.N. conference on women adopted a "platform for action" in Beijing in 1995, member states were urged to commit themselves to revoke all existing laws in their statute books that discriminate on the basis of sex.
- ENVIRONMENT-US: Advocates Fight Mountaintop Remov ...
ATLANTA, Georgia, Sep 30 (IPS) - Environmental groups across the southeast United States, from Georgia to the Appalachia region, are stepping up their opposition to a controversial but widespread practice by coal companies of removing the tops of mountains with explosives.
- ENVIRONMENT: Synergies in Fight Against Desertifi ...
BUENOS AIRES, Sep 30 (IPS) - Climate change aggravates soil degradation, but sustainable use of land resources can, in turn, mitigate global warming, according to participants at the United Nations conference on desertification in the Argentine capital.
- RIGHTS-BRAZIL: The Long Shadow of the Dictatorshi ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, Sep 30 (IPS) - Those who died and "disappeared" during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship in Brazil represent a mere "one percent of the agenda" of the Special Secretariat for Human Rights (SEDH), but captivate "99 percent of the attention of the press," complained Human Rights ...
Scoop - NZ
- Massive quake generates tsunami off Samoa
A powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific off the Samoa islands region generated a tsunami and waves of more than five feet (1.57 metres) had already been observed, U.S. government agencies said on Tuesday.An official of the U.S. National Park Service said there had been deaths in American ...
- CFR: Afghan war "no longer a necessity"
Richard Haass, the president of the influential Council on Foreign Relations, talks to SPIEGEL about new approaches to the Afghanistan war, the country's decreasing significance in the war on terror and why Pakistan is more important to American interests.SPIEGEL: A memo written by the US commander ...
- Humanity's failure to protect its own future
From any standpoint , on one of our most basic responsibilies - the need to protect future generations - we have failed . » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Money Data Signals Impending Deflation
Private credit is contracting on both sides of the Atlantic. The M3 money data is flashing early warning signals of a deflation crisis next year in nearly half the world economy. Emergency schemes that have propped up spending are being withdrawn, gently or otherwise. Unemployment benefits have mask ...
- Volcker urges registration of hedge funds & privat ...
The House Financial Services Committee met Thursday to hear expert testimony on systemic risk in the financial system and the potential role of resolution authority in unwinding troubled firms.A key witness at the meeting, former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Paul ...
Independent ( London )
- The day the earth shook : Thousands buried by powe ...
Two massive seismic jolts – similarly deadly, but as yet unrelated – brought chaos and destruction to a vast swath of the Pacific Rim yesterday, killing several hundred people and leaving thousands more feared trapped under piles of rubble on a day when nature showed her deadly hand.
- Ex-premier testifies in Sarkozy smear trial
The former French prime minister Dominique de Villepin yesterday dismissed claims that he sought to smear the future president, Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2004.
- Ireland's Yes camp buoyant ahead of Europe vote
Ireland looks set to endorse the Lisbon Treaty on the future of Europe tomorrow, an outcome which will come as a huge relief to the establishments in Dublin and Brussels.
- International court to act over Kenyan election vi ...
The International Criminal Court prosecutor intends to pursue charges against "those most responsible" for Kenya's 2008 post-election violence, his office said yesterday.
- Israel to free women for video proving Shalit is a ...
Israel is to release 20 female Palestinian prisoners in return for new video footage proving definitively that Gilad Shalit, the army corporal who was abducted more than three years ago by Gaza militants, is alive.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Warns Aga ...
Summary: Scott Ritter Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins us to discuss what he calls “politically motivated hype” over Iran’s nuclear program. The Obama administration has warned of sanctions unless Iran allows inspections of a newly disclosed nuclear site. Iran insists the sit ...
- Missile tests nothing to do with new nuke plant, ...
Summary: Jafari Tehran - Iran's missile tests this week had nothing to do with revelations that Tehran is constructing a second uranium-enrichment plant, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards said Tuesday. source: Monsters and Critics read more
- US Story on Iran Nuke Facility Doesn’t Add Up
Summary: Porter The story line that dominated media coverage of the second Iranian uranium enrichment facility last week was the official assertion that U.S. intelligence had caught Iran trying to conceal a "secret" nuclear facility. source: Anti War.Com read more
- Key facts to keep in mind while opposing war agai ...
Summary: Phil Wilayto Representatives of Iran and six of the world's most powerful countries are scheduled to meet this week in Geneva, one of a series of events that increasingly looks like a rerun of the build-up to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. source: CASMII read more
- Obama, the Missile Shield and Iran
Summary: Prof. Brenner The White House’s decision to abandon the project for a missile shield based in Eastern Europe raises an intricate set of questions. A full issue of the NATIONAL JOURNAL would be needed to do justice to them. So, I propose simply to lay down a few analytical markers as ...
The Daily Galaxy
- The Insanely Awesome Hunt for Dark Matter...
“Even if we don’t know what dark matter is, we know how it must act,” said Eduardo Abancens, a physicist at Spain’s University of Zaragoza and designer of a prototype dark matter detector Dark matter is the modern fairy dust...
- Is There a "Moore's Law" for Cities? World's Leadi ...
Several thousand years ago the evolution of social organizations in the form of cities brought a new dynamic to the planet that seems to be uniquely human: People actually do walk on average faster in larger cities whereas heart rates...
- Has Evolution Etched Fear Into Our Behavior?
Ev olution has hidden post-hypnotic suggestions in your behavior. You may think you're the absolute master of your emotions, but that whole "consciousness" thing is just a thin scraping of self-awareness over a huge network of evolved drives and compulsions....
- Ancient Genetic Defenses Against AIDS Virus Reacti ...
The battle against AIDS is one of the holy grails of biomedical research, second only to curing cancer and undoing aging itself. Now some scientists have reactivated ancient genetic defenses against retroviruses (combining the plots of at least three science...
- Image of the Day: "The Secret Galaxy" of Centaurus ...
Deep inside Centaurus A, the closest active galaxy to Earth, about 1,000 light-years across,is the twisted cosmic dust cloud shaped like a parallelogram -likely the result of a smaller spiral galaxy falling into the giant Centaurus A. The Spitzer Space...
Natural News
- Jury says chemotherapy drug death was "manslaughte ...
(NaturalNews) A British woman, Anna McKenna, was being treated with chemotherapy in 2006. Due to a mistake by her pharmacist, she was given quadruple the dose of chemotherapy chemicals -- an error that continued for four treatment sessions and ultimately killed her (as chemotherapy is known to do). ...
- Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough: The Mediterranean Di ...
(NaturalNews) Natural health advocates have been shown to be right yet again. In one of the longest randomized trials of its kind, European scientists compared the typical low-fat diet for type 2 diabetes management prescribed by mainstream doctors to a Mediterranean-style (MED) diet rich in "good" ...
- Warning: Epilepsy Drug Harms Babies' IQ
(NaturalNews) Pregnant women who take a widely prescribed epilepsy drug give birth to children with lower average IQs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Emory University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine .Researchers conducted IQ tests on 258 ch ...
- Read this, Senators: Taiwan's universal health car ...
(NaturalNews) When people ask why I oppose Obama's health care reform proposals, I point out what a consumer (and employer) rip-off the current system of pharmaceutical medicine really is. Americans are victims in a monopoly medical scam that's enforced by the FDA and FTC with lots of propaganda sup ...
- Home Births Proven as Safe as Hospital Births
(NaturalNews) Women who give birth at home do not have any higher rate of complications or death than women who give birth in a hospital, according to a study conducted by researchers from the TNO Institute for Applied Scientific Research in the Netherlands, and published in the journal BJOG ."We fo ...
- Remembering Robert . . . .
The Braidwood Inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski resumes tomorrow. Today's "24 Hours-Vancouver " had an interview with Robert's mother, Zofia Cisowski. Excerpts are below: Who was Robert Dziekanski? Polish immigrant killed at YVR remembered as a 'fantastic person' By MATT KIELTYKA | Sep ...
- bishop Kiddie Porn . . . .
Another of pope bennie's jerks makes the news. CBC reports today: Former N.S. bishop charged with possession of child porn Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - CBC A former Roman Catholic bishop from Nova Scotia is facing child pornography charges. Raymond Lahey, the former bishop of the dioce se of A ...
- Smart Guy . . . .
The Rev. was right . Here's the evidence. Douche bag - 1, Health Care debate - 0 . . . .
- The SPP is dead; long live the SPP
Just three months shy of 2010 - the date by which the Canadian Council of Chief Executives originally projected the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership would be completed - yet some people have been mourning or celebrating for years already. The SPP is dead - a short history : Oct. 10 ...
- The HST will create thousands of elephants in BC
That's right. Elephants . Or, if you've been listening to Gordon Campbell's homeboy, Colin Hansen, it will be jobs . Same thing. You see, Hansen is ready at a moment's notice to don his body armour and jump out in front of a microphone to tell you that introducing a 12 percent HST in British Colu ...
Media Matters for America
- Hannity and Fox News defended Hastert during Fole ...
Sean Hannity advanced Fox News' witch hunt against Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools director Kevin Jennings by calling for his firing after claiming, despite evidence to the contrary, that Jennings failed to report "statutory rape" in 1988. But following the revelation that then-House Speak ...
- Despite evidence to contrary, Fox News machine cl ...
Despite evidence to the contrary, Fox News -- led by Sean Hannity -- and other right-wing media have claimed that Department of Education official Kevin Jennings "cover[ed] up statutory rape" and violated Massachusetts law by not reporting to authorities a 1988 conversation in which a high scho ...
- Beck repeatedly gets basic facts wrong despite bo ...
Fox News' Glenn Beck has bragged that "[m]y credibility means everything to me," and that he has "some of the biggest minds in America" on his research team "working harder than ... any staff ever on television" to get the truth out, but Beck frequently gets his facts wrong. For instance, in r ...
- More "indoctrination": Conservative media attack ...
Glenn Beck and other conservative media figures are now attacking President Obama's proposal to extend the length of school days and the school year, adding to conservative media's recent penchant for fearmongering about children in order to smear progressives. Beck and Rush Limbaugh claimed go ...
- Beck guru Skousen's "story of slavery" suggests s ...
Fox News' Glenn Beck has heavily promoted the writings of far-right activist W. Cleon Skousen, even making Skousen's book, The 5000 Year Leap , a central part of his 9-12 Project. Skousen is the author of several controversial works, including The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning o ...
- Is Gold a Reasonable Investment?
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Flying Pigs Saga Continued: WHO admits no deadly m ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Cindy Sheehan, Rima Laibow, Gabriel Kolko, Mahdi D ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- H1N1 Vaccine and the Global Arms Trade
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council wit ...
For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Corruption in Kabul
A month ago, I referred to the "spooky parallels" between the Karzai government and the terminally corrupt Diem regime we found ourselves backing in Vietnam 50 years ago. Well today Peter Galbraith, the most experienced U.S. diplomat in Afghanistan was... Sponsored Topics: Afghanistan - Kabul - ...
- On Afghanistan, Obama Should Take Page Out of Eise ...
Politico's Mike Allen has the attendance roster for President Obama's big Afghan pow-wow today: At 3 p.m., the President will participate in a THREE-HOUR meeting with his national security team on Afghanistan in the Situation Room. . .Expected manifest for... Sponsored Topics: Afghanistan - Bara ...
- The new rapid SEC
Mary Schapiro has not got great press amongst financial bloggers – however this time she beat me to the punch. Emergent Health Corp was a heavily promoted pink-sheets biotech which (fraudulently) claimed to have a pill (yes a simple oral... Sponsored Topics: Mary Schapiro - U.S. Securities and ...
- The "Kurdish" option for Afghanistan
Instead of relying on the corrupted, illegitimate, and fraying central government in Afghanistan, we should work with the ethnic forces in the various parts of Afghanistan. Although we cannot come close to achieving what we did in working with the... Sponsored Topics: Iraq - Kurdish people - US ...
- Obama at the UN: "No More Excuses - Now Who's In?"
Current US foreign policy is driven by what I'd call the "ante up doctrine." The United States is ready to put its chips into the middle of the table and expects the rest of the world community to do the... Sponsored Topics: United States - Foreign policy of the United States - United Nations - ...
- US Nukes Agency Pushes New Bomb Production
The department of Energy is pushing to modernize nuclear weapons. (Photo: Pierre J. / flickr ) read more
- Judge's Order to Release Kuwaiti Detainee Puts Oba ...
Washington - A year ago, an Air Force prosecutor swore out charges of conspiracy and providing material support to a terrorist organization against Fouad al Rabia, a 50-year-old Kuwaiti aviation engineer who was seized by U.S. forces in Afghanistan nearly eight years ago. Now a U.S. ...
- Senators Unveil New Climate Change Bill
Washington - On a stage in front of the Capitol with a giant American flag behind them, a group of senators Wednesday unveiled a new climate bill that they say will increase jobs and reduce the billions spent on foreign oil. The bill's framework is similar to one that squeaked throug ...
- Top US Envoy Removed From Afghanistan UN Job
Kabul - America's top diplomat at the U.N. mission in Afghanistan has been removed from his post following a row with his European boss over the country's presidential election, a U.N. official told Reuters on Wednesday. Peter Galbraith, deputy to U.N. special envoy Kai Eide, had taken ...
- Michael Moore Tells Democrats: "Find Your Spine" o ...
Washington - Sans video camera, filmmaker Michael Moore on Tuesday turned his megaphone on the current health care system and those Blue Dog Democrats he claims are "dogging" the health care debate. Moore, an advocate of a single-payer, government-run health care system, called the ...
The Heathlander
- The ‘Spirit of the IDF’
Good to see the Israeli military is taking the recommendations of the Goldstone report on board: ‘The Israel Defense Forces should adopt a “Code of Ethics for the War on Terror,” because its existing ethical code is insufficient, according to Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, the head of Military Intelli ...
- Docs to watch
First up, American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein: There’s a good review in the Daily Star, which begins: ‘A dissenting voice is a peculiar thing. For those with a stake in a political status quo, the more contentious the issue, the more the dissident must be silenced. How this is do ...
- Goldstone’s report on the Gaza massacre
Reading through the Goldstone report [.pdf], one theme becomes immediately apparent: the deliberateness of the destruction in Gaza. The authors keep returning to this point throughout the text, in a direct rebuke to those liberal apologists for Israel who insist, contrary to all the evidence, that w ...
- The “British method”
Following a political campaign by the BNP, a Muslim man was abducted from his home in Essex and threatened at knifepoint to stop organising weekly prayer sessions at the community centre. Asked to response, local BNP councillor Pat Richardson denied the BNP was behind the attack, explaining: “Fire ...
- ‘Israel’s Terror Inside’
Latest mini-doc from Max Blumenthal, via lenin: As Noam Chomsky has observed, and as this video makes clear, ‘those who call themselves “supporters of Israel” are in reality supporters of its moral degeneration and probable ultimate destruction’. Posted in Israeli / Palestinian, Videos ...
Water - AlterNet
- Mining's Destructive Legacy on Waterways
Scientists are now beginning to see that mining's most lasting damage may be the massive amounts of debris dumped into valley streams.
- The CA Legislature Unveiled 5 New Water Bills -- A ...
I would urge that California's water warriors hold their opinions until they actually read and digest these bills.
- Vitaminwater's Empty Calories Are at the Heart of ...
Vitaminwater tells its customers to "hydrate responsibly." That means not drinking 125-calorie sugar rushes like ... Vitaminwater.
- Why Corporations, Emerging Powers and Petro-States ...
In the past six months, big players in the global economy have grabbed 50 million acres of arable land, from Africa to Southeast Asia.
- Goodbye Pools, Lawns and a Whole Lot More: Why Lif ...
Water in the very near future will be neither cheap nor plentiful, and much of the Southwest is destined for real trouble.
- Sabotage Experts: US Coast Guard Exercise on 9/11, ...
Coast Guard to review exercise after Potomac security scare Security incident on Potomac River prompted by “training exercise,” two police sources say Coast Guard told them. With the nation already on edge and somewhat paranoid on September 11 each year, what is the LAST thing you want to do? ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance August 31, 2009
It’s the week before Labor Day, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is hard at work bringing you the best of the Texas blogosphere. Here are this week’s highlights. The Texas Cloverleaf wonders why only one person showed up to a budget meeting where taxes are being increased in Denton County. No ...
- Who Will Carry The Kennedy Torch? Op Ed
The passing of Ted Kennedy may have dealt a blow to progressive humanitarian warriors. The Senate is missing the most effective voice for the disenfranchised. From his perch atop the mountain of comfort built by his family, Ted Kennedy used his position to battle legislative discrepancies that ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance – August 24, 2009
School is starting, and the Texas Progressive Alliance is prepared as always to ace the test. Here is this week’s roundup of blog highlights. From TXsharon: Woo Hoo! EPA testing has now confirmed wells are contaminated “with various substances connected with gas drillingâ€�–proof that h ...
- Bi-Polar America – Who is Worthy of a Healthy Li ...
The rationing of health care is already a fact of life. The new reform will remove some of that rationing and make health care a right instead of a privilege. Bi-Polar America - I am worthy, You are not. Jesus was a socialist.
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- President Obama: Give Peace a Meeting by Cindy She ...
by Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soa
- Wrestling With Politics by Guadamour
by Guadamour Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Guadamour’s blog post Sept. 27, 2009 Sept. 30, 2009
- British intelligence services accuse Iran of desig ...
Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 30 September 2009 1) Bri
- Is Bagram the new Guantanamo? by Andy Worthington
by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 30 Sept. 2009 Yeste
- Obama: President Bush was right that Iran's ballis ...
Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 18 September 2009 1) Obam
Unexplained Mysteries
- Ghostly voice on home video of baby
A mother who filmed her kids during a day out to a nature reserve in Kent later found a strange disembodied voice on the footage saying the words ...
- Nero's rotating dining room found
The famous rotating dining room of Roman emperor Nero has been found by archaeologists, the circular chamber is believed to have rotated day and n...
- 10-year-old girl sells gran on eBay
A 10-year-old schoolgirl who had grown tired of her grandmother's "moaning" put her up for sale on eBay where she attracted bids exceeding £2000 w...
- Could a gravity trick speed us to Mars ?
NASA engineer Robert Adams has proposed a new trick for flying to Mars based on a technique devised by Hermann Oberth in 1929 in which a two-burn ...
- Ancient shark feeding frenzy revealed
A new fossil analysis of plesiosaur remains found in Japan has revealed that the creature was fed upon by a gang of at least seven prehistoric sha...
- Honduras: 19 Days of Democracy
der-protestas--13979.jpg The standoff in Honduras is reaching a critical point. The coup government, led by Roberto Michelleti Bain, has suspended five constitutional rights for 45 days. According to the Executive Decree, it is prohibited to a ...
- Farmers are central to the success of any African ...
Mamadou Goita, the Executive Director of the Institute for Research and the Promotion of Alternatives in Development (IRPAD) in Mali, was interviewed at the Salzburg Global Seminar by Susanna Thorpe, of WREN Media. IRPAD is a Grassroots International ally that works closely with our partner, the Via ...
- Amigo, Can You Spare a BTU?
Subheadline: Mexican Peasants Pay the Price for U.S. Energy Consumption Outside Author Bio: Daniel Moss is a Grassroots International consultant who spent a year living and working in Oaxaca ...
- Calling President Obama
DSC09338.JPG With the dramatic return of President Manuel Zelaya to Honduras, the hemisphere is hoping for a solution to the political crisis that has lingered for 87 days. Still, President Obama has not taken a strong enough position on thi ...
- Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission ...
Last week, Justice Richard Goldstone of the United Nations Human Rights Council's Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict and his colleagues relesaed their report on Israel's war on Gaza during December 2008-January 2009. Justice Goldstone is a former judge of South Africa's Constitutional Cour ...
- September 30, 2009
Sens. Boxer, Kerry to Unveil Climate Bill Draft Today (Tribune) The Senate's Environment Committee is set to take up an energy and climate-change bill that features a 20% cut in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, a target stricter than the House-passed legislation. EU Targets Carbon Tradi ...
- September 29, 2009
Copenhagen Draft Loaded with Brackets for Negotiation (Financial Times) With the Copenhagen climate talks in December now just 69 days away (and counting), the latest version of the negotiating text being thrashed out by officials in Bangkok this week gives a vivid sense of just how far there is ...
- September 28, 2009
India to Launch Energy-Efficiency Trading (Financial Times) India plans to launch a domestic energy-efficiency trading scheme as part of its efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and combat climate change. It also plans mandatory fuel efficiency standards. Climate Negotiators Meeting ...
- September 26-27, 2009
China Sees Emission Trading Pilot In Next Economic Plan (Reuters) China plans to include a pilot emissions trading system in its five-year plan for economic development, the Environment Ministry said, but declined to comment on whether it would cover carbon dioxide. U.S. Says Climate Bill Mig ...
- September 25, 2009
California Sets Biggest Energy Efficiency Plan (Reuters) California has approved the most aggressive energy efficiency plan in the nation, earmarking $3.1 billion to retrofit homes and other programs that will cut power needs equivalent to three power plants. Planned Emission Cuts Still Mean F ...
- Tomgram: John Feffer, Will NATO's 60th Anniversar ...
If you think the Afghan War is increasingly unpopular in the United States, try Europe. A recent German Marshall Fund poll offered these figures on the question of the "share of population who want to reduce or withdraw troops" from that country: Romania, 71%; Poland, 68%; United Kingdom, 60%; G ...
- Tomgram: Arundhati Roy, Is Democracy Melting?
So you, as a citizen, want to run for a seat in the House of Representatives? Well, you may be too late. Back in 1990, according to , a website of the Center for Responsive Politics, the average cost of a winning campaign for the House was $407,556. Pocket change for your averag ...
- Tomgram: A Military That Wants Its Way
How to Trap a President in a Losing War Petraeus, McChrystal, and the Surgettes By Tom Engelhardt Front and center in the debate over the Afghan War these days are General Stanley "Stan" McChrystal, Afghan war commander, whose "classified, pre-decisional" and devastating report -- almost eight y ...
- Tomgram: Michael Klare, Energy Xtremism
Talk about roller-coaster rides: the price of a barrel of crude oil, which was still under $20 the week after September 11, 2001, made it to $147 in July 2008, just before the global economic meltdown, only to hit a low of $32.40 early this year. And yet, in recent months, hardly noticed, it's c ...
- Tomgram: Ann Jones, Us or Them in Afghanistan?
In Washington, calls are increasing, especially among anxious Democrats , for the president to commit to training ever more Afghan troops and police rather than sending in more American troops . Huge numbers for imagined future Afghan army and police forces are now bandied about in Congress and ...
Smirking Chimp
- Howard Dean vs. Rahm Emanuel
It has always been thus. Now comes round two. In the first round, Rahm Emanuel and Howard Dean butted heads on what strategy was best in regaining House seats in 2006 (also to some degree in 2008). Emanuel was chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Howard Dean was chair of the ...
- Does Obama have a secret deal with insurance compa ...
Progressives throughout the nation should rally in full force in favor of the public option, and progressives in Congress should say they will not support a bill without it. The public option still lives because it would save $50 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, with a presiden ...
- Exorcising America's Diplomatic Demons
— from Truthdig This week the Chinese Communists celebrate their 60th year in power, an event that the make-war-not-peace crowd, now bloviating over Iran and Afghanistan, might benefit from contemplating. They might also recall a time when the mere suggestion of peaceful coexistence with the Red Men ...
- Biden Democrats, Cracking Open the Afghan Escape H ...
Desperate Obama voters embrace whatever points towards change to believe in. So I perked up when learning voices other than war-happy Bush leftovers are getting President Obama's ear on Afghanistan. Could our commander-in-chief take command, reevaluate his rash campaign promise to escalate, even def ...
- Why Would Anyone Call Their Book "Going Rogue"? A ...
Why would Sarah Palin - or anyone, for that matter - write a book about themselves and call it "Going Rogue"? Granted, she's not exactly going to write it, but that begs the question: Why that name? Consider the Free Dictionary's definitions of the word "rogue": An unprincipled, deceitful, and u ...
Ten Percent
- Galbraith Not Going Quietly
The senior UN envoy removed from his post in Afghanistan has told the BBC his dismissal sent “a terrible signal” to the world about the organisation. Peter Galbraith said he believed he had been removed because of a dispute with his superior over how to handle fraud allegations in the country ...
- “Like Vietnam without the napalm”
I’m thinking that if that’s what their mission of ‘improving security and winning the support of villagers’ is likened to, um it might not be destined for great success. Not to mention issues of cultural sensitivity of the occupier. “How Do You Ask a Soldier to be the last person to die ...
- Resorting To Threats Of Violence Is A Fascist Reac ...
Perversely the strange cult (Cheerleaders, Fighting Cocks, whatever) around Tory Islamophobe Dominic Wightman and Charlie Flowers/Ludas Matyi (and by association Patrick ‘once sacked for racism‘ Mercer MP) claim to fight extremism yet they applaud intimidation and threats of violence against ...
- HuffPep
Regular users of the Huffington Post should be aware of this.
- Q2N- What The Establishment Learned From Iraq: The ...
Via Iran Affairs, the Columbia Journalism Review (and look they make a mistake, they type Iraq when they mean Iran, in the current NYT version it is Iran -no google cache- so did CJR mistype of did the NYT?)- On Saturday, The New York Times offered on its front page a long, behind-the-scenes reconst ...
Paul Krugman
- Does unconventional monetary policy solve the zero ...
The zero bound is still binding, which means that right now we're very much still in liquidity trap territory.
- Moral decay? Or deregulation?
Did we lose our economic morality? No, we were the victims of politics.
- The true fiscal cost of stimulus
I'm coming more and more to the conclusion that the public debate over fiscal stimulus, which views it as an agonizing tradeoff between possible benefits now and certain costs later, is wildly off base.
- The 4 percent solution
If we get real health care reform AND we get a sane political scene the long-term fiscal outlook is serious but not scary.
- Crowding in
Under current conditions deficit spending doesn't lead to crowding out -- it leads to crowding in. In fact, you could argue that the worst thing we can do for future generations is NOT to run sufficiently large deficits right now.
No Quarter
- The Unanswered Questions About the Najibullah Zazi ...
I am puzzled by the apparent hype surrounding the arrest and arraignment of the alleged Afghan terrorist, Najibullah Zazi. I would like you to read this story for starters: An Afghan immigrant was on the verge of unleashing a terrorist attack on New York City on the anniversary of the September 11 ...
- Susan Boyle and Adapting to Change
All of nature and humanity is an evolutionary history of creating and adapting to change. Adapting is how we not only survive, but thrive. The American people, in particular, have always excelled at adapting and thriving. At our core, we are practical innovators wrapped in a fearless bravado and b ...
- Praying To Obama
Recently, I posted a story entitled, “Children Singing In Praise Of The One,” with a video of children literally singing Obama’s praises, inserting HIS name where the name of JESUS had been. That was at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ. The school claimed that their s ...
- “I Know It Wasn’t Rape-Rape”
Proclaimed Whoopi Goldberg on “The View” in defense of Director, and convicted child rapist, Roman Polanski: Um, yes, yes it WAS “rape-rape” - he admitted it, Whoopi. It wasn’t just “child abuse,” it was rape - pure and simple. I cannot believe I used to have so much respect for thi ...
- The Obama Soap Opera, A Chick Flick
(Bumped up from Sept. 26. Check out the original comments here.) Written by none other than the noted author, novelist, reporter, Helene Cooper of the number one newspaper in the nation, The New York Times. Drum roll, please. Mr. Obama: “Where’d my First Lady go?” Mrs. Obama: “Right her ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Most Spectacular Migration on Earth: The Red C ...
- Africa’s Atrocities in Pictures [Disturbing Imag ...
- Afghanistan’s Grand Canyon
- The Glass Skywalk 4000ft Above the Grand Canyon
- Italy’s Park of Monsters
Foreign Policy in Focus
- "We Deeply Regret..."
The U.S.-German bombing at Kunduz has shattered the myth that the Afghan campaign was about digging wells, building schools, and bringing peace.
- Casino Capitalism as Usual
G20 leaves needed reforms for global economy off the table.
- The Hayden Letter
Why is the former director so eager to suppress the CIA investigation?
- Afghanistan: NATO's Graveyard?
Is the transatlantic alliance doomed?
- Carbon Disarmament
FPIF's weekly update.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...
Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...
Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...
Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA
Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- Sumatra toll 'more than thousands'
Indonesia braces for worst as thousands remain under rubble and second quake hits.
- Russia and Georgia blamed over war
EU report accuses both sides of violating international law in last year's conflict.
- IAEA: Iran on wrong side of law
Atomic agency says Tehran should have revealed second nuclear plant earlier.
- Scores dead after Pacific tsunami
Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga count the cost after giant waves batter coasts.
- Beijing lockdown ahead of parade
Tight security as China prepares for celebrations marking 60 years of communist rule.
Green Inc. - NYT
- E.P.A. Rule Draws Fire From Large Emitters
The Environmental Protection Agency proposed new rules today that would limit greenhouse gas regulations only to large polluters, exempting smaller organizations -- drawing immediate criticism from refiners.
- Proposal for Removing Klamath River Dams
Secretary of the Interior Kenneth Salazar announced Wednesday that Portland-based PacifiCorp had reached an agreement with governments and local groups in California and Oregon that could bring about the removal of four dams along the Klamath River beginning in 2020.
- Solar Stirs Water Wars in the West
A water war is breaking out in the desert Southwest over the dozens of large-scale solar power plants planned for the region.
- Reactions to the Senate Climate Bill
Environmentalists are praising, and some conservatives descrying, the Senate climate bill that was unveiled today.
- On Our Radar...
China emerges as a major green energy consumer and other energy and environment stories from around the Web.
Dot Earth News
- Congo Forests in Climate Context
Countries in Africa's Congo basin press for more help from Washington for conserving their vast forests.
- Keeping 'Climate' Out of a Climate Bill's Title
A second climate bill without the word "climate" in the title.
- Another Long Goodbye: Chinese Paddlefish
Concerns rise over a giant fish that has vanished from China's Yangtze River.
- Can People Have Outdoor Cats and Birds?
Some options for letting cats breath fresh air while not killing wildlife.
- Can People Have Outdoor Cats and Birds?
Some options for letting cats breath fresh air while not killing wildlife.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Yr humble correspondent reports back on G20 with A ...
Alright so I've been out in Pittsburgh helping cover the G20 conference -- things got pretty hairy out here. We've hunkered down at the Pittsburgh Indymedia Center ( ) and the crew has turned out a ton of videos of police brutality that have gone viral over Internets! I just did a ...
- Supercoca Boliviana Negra cocaine win: Glyphosate/ ...
Boliviana negra - Wikipedia, Also known as supercoca or la millionaria , Boliviana Negra is a relatively new form of coca that is resistant to herbicide Roundup , or the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate . The coca plant is the precursor to the addictive stimulant cocaine , one of the most widely c ...
- Believe it or not, the flu will always be with us
I am sort of amazed by the establishment view that's crystallized around this. Everyone is supposed to cut corners to whip out various runs of vaccines. It's amazing how quickly people forget that influenza has always been with us - a more holistic view is that it basically co-evolves with humans i ...
- Video with Peter Schiff: A black hole called Feder ...
I got a kick out of this video and the funny animations. It's all about the mysterious black hole called the Federal Reserve System. Gotta love it! Just posted yesterday: Additionally, the landscape of ruined houses in the first couple shots caught my notice. I'll explain why later... read more »
- Carbon Market+Sun=FAIL? Sunspot Maunder Minimum vs ...
Another Little Ice Age? Solar activity and climate change - Ars Technica : Some scientists are suggesting that the slow return to a more active phase of the solar cycle may portend a general decline in solar activity. If sunspots shut down, does that mean that we could stop worrying about climate ...
Daily Censored
- Want to Blog About the News?
Hooray! The Daily Censored News website has been around for one year now and we are getting stronger by the day. We now have over 1,000 people each day visiting the site, over 70 sites linked in, and almost 350 organizations following our newsfeed. Although we have grown tremendously over the past y ...
- Dallas terror plot: Troubled Jordanian teen or jih ...
Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories Hosam Smadi liked his American teachers, rarely visited the mosque, and came from prominent families that reject terrorism. Why was he talking about jihad on extremist websites? …
- Honduras hardliner Micheletti softens his stance
Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories Interim Honduran leader Roberto Micheletti dramatically dialed back his tough rhetoric on Monday, one day after issuing a draconian decree to curb civil liberties. …
- Fox&Friends Cheerlead For Persecuted Christian Che ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Jesus Wept!!!! Good Christian Gretchen Carlson introduced today’s edition of the weekly Christian whinefest with a comment about how “God is in the details” (uh, I thought it was the devil – but this is a Christian show) “but he can’t be on th ...
- Cavuto More Interested In Tort Reform Than Improve ...
Read the full story at News Hounds Guest blogged by Brian Neil Cavuto is so intent on limiting monetary awards for malpractice lawyers (isn’t he the guy who thinks it’s important not to limit someone’s earnings ability?) that he suggested trial lawyers be fined $25,000 for every American who r ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Pittsburgh steels for G20 protests
- Iowa congressman: Same-sex marriage 'a purely soci ...
- Woods seeks to salvage season with pot-of-gold pay ...
- IREX latest entrant in US e-reader field
- Dalai Lama prays at site of Martin Luther King's d ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Why a Real Recovery Must be a Global Recovery
Civil society proposals to fix the global financial system would benefit ordinary people in impoverished countries and in the United States.
- Afghanistan: NATO's Graveyard?
Is the transatlantic alliance doomed?
- Let’s Get America’s Health Out of th ...
As a nation, we're in the emergency room in desperate need for someone to stop the bleeding.
- A Health Care Revolution that is Second to None
Instead of closing public hospitals, as is happening across the United States, Cuba and Venezuela are building them.
- Want Climate Security? Raise National Security Spe ...
The Pentagon has begun studying the effects of environment on security. But will we see real change?
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Israel rethinks anti-Iran warnings
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Suddenly, the Iranian "existential threat" seems to have receded from Israel's horizon.
- Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Many people who have died of H1N1 swine flu in the United States have also had bacterial infections, health officials reported on Wednesday.
- Supreme court to decide how far gun rights extend
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court revived the legal battle over gun rights in America, saying it would decide whether the constitutional right of individuals to own firearms trumped state and local laws.
- ANALYSIS-Israel rethinks anti-Iran warnings
* Israelis rein in threats to attack Iran * Signs of differing styles among policymakers By Dan Williams TEL AVIV, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Suddenly, the Iranian "existential threat" seems to have receded from Israel's horizon. It began with a bombshell Sept 18 newspaper interview in which Defence Minis ...
- EXCLUSIVE: China air, naval boost risks raising te ...
BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to cut back its army and boost the navy and air force, sources with ties to the People's Liberation Army said, extending its military reach and risking greater regional tensions.
Pine River World News
- Ramzy Baroud: Iran's Nuclear Theatre
The following column is reprinted with permission from Ramzy Baroud. Iran's Nuclear Theatre © Ramzy Baroud September 29, 2009 World events have taken an interesting turn recently, with the Goldstone report, which wreaked havoc in the beginning of the week being nearly completely overshadowed by I ...
- Paul Craig Roberts: Another War in the Works / Ame ...
The following column is reprinted with permission from Paul Craig Roberts. Another War in the Works / America Is Led And Informed By Liars © Paul Craig Roberts September 29, 2009 Does anyone remember all the lies that they were told by President Bush and the "mainstream media" about the grave thr ...
- Eva Golinger: Urgent! Massive Repression In Hondur ...
[The following article is reprinted with permission from Eva Golinger. She is the author of "The Chávez Code: Cracking U.S. Intervention in Venezuela" (2006 Olive Branch Press) and "Bush vs. Chávez: Washington's War on Venezuela" (2007, Monthly Review Press).] Urgent! Massive Repression In Honduras ...
- Saudis Will Let Israel Bomb Iran Nuclear Site
The following article is from the Daily Express, London. Saudis Will Let Israel Bomb Iran Nuclear Site © Daily Express By Gordon Thomas and Camilla Tominey September 27, 2009 INTELLIGENCE chief Sir John Scarlett has been told that Saudi Arabia is ready to allow Israel to bomb Iran's new nuclear ...
- The U.S. and Iran: A Manufactured Crisis (Part 1)
The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research . The U.S. and Iran: A Manufactured Crisis Part 1 © Jack A. Smith September 27, 2009 No one knows what will emerge ultimately from the talks beginning in Geneva Oct. 1 between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN ...
- Knowledge Transfer Workshop: Preliminary program p ...
Join us for our inaugural two-day network event as we gather Canadian experts to discuss the scientific and technological challenges of delivering safe drinking water in small, rural and First Nations communities.
- Too Many Canadians Without Safe Water: $5.2M to He ...
For six million Canadians, quenching their thirst isn’t a matter of simply turning on the kitchen faucet.
- Dr. David Wilkinson appointed Director of the Clea ...
RES'EAU-WaterNET researcher Dr. David Wilkinson was recently appointed Director of the Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), beginning July 1, 2009.
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre Receives Ontario Mini ...
The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) – a RES’EAU-WaterNET partner – received the 2008 Emerald Award for innovation from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment at an awards ceremony held on March 3, 2009.
- Filling the glass
Innovation Canada : Showcasing Research Excellence in Canada
- IOT: Stop Global Warming 9-16-09
On this month’s Stop Global Warming/Environmental Issue Organizing Team call, the following topics were covered: Update on ACESA climate/energy legislation bill, review of a principles/guidelines document to direct action between calls, quick update on the ...
- IOT: End the Occupation, Redirect Funding Call 9- ...
Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign co-chair Norman Solomon has just returned from Afghanistan. He gives a report on the conditions he found there, suggests the next steps for the peace movement, and answers questions.
- Western & Eastern Regional Call 9-19-09
State coordinators, chapter leaders, and congressional district point people met on a conference call to discuss chapter development and coordination, local and state actions, and strategies for actions on single-payer healthcare and opposing the war ...
- Dallas Does Progressivism
This past Saturday, I joined in a protest at a former president’s house, took part in a four-hour progressive politics forum in an enormous theater packed with an enthusiastic crowd, and spoke at a fundraiser ...
- Grijalva and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, ...
No doubt Congressman Raul Grijalva (AZ-07) is a Progressive champion who is deeply committed to bringing about real reform of our nation’s health care system. But his recent statements made in an article printed ...
Marler Blog
- I get listed in Best of US - hopefully, that is a ...
- Mr. President, Senators, Congress Members watch th ...
It is long past time for meaningful changes in the safety of the food our children eat. Whether the food is raw, local, organic, small farm, big farm, mass-produced or slow, if it contains E. coli O157:H7, or another pathogen, it can kill. It can kill your child, grandchild or the child of a fri ...
- Senators need t-shirts too!
Next week many consumers (several past and present clients) will be walking the hallowed halls of the Senate meeting with Senators and staff. The goal is to make food safety real to those that have the opportunity to in part increase FDA funding, increase inspections of plants that manufacture our ...
- Victims of Oklahoma E. coli Outbreak File Suit Aga ...
Lawsuit Seeks to Cover Millions In Medical Expenses Victims of an August, 2008 outbreak of E. coli O111 have joined together to file suit against the Country Cottage restaurant, where they were sickened. The lawsuit was filed today in the District Court in the State of Oklahoma, in and for the Coun ...
- Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) - Another Foo ...
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a spore-forming, gram-positive anaerobic bacillus that produces two toxins: toxin A and toxin B. These toxins typically cause gastrointestinal disease, often with severe complications. In rare cases, C. difficile-associated disease can be fatal. Although C ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.30.09
Tesla Model S to spawn other derivatives including van, CUV, minivan It'll take a while to get used to the idea of a Tesla minivan, but we're guessing it'll look stunning. Electric car "purch ...
- Toyota Prius gets visual makeover from Tommi Kaira
Filed under: Hybrid , Japan , Toyota Tommi Kaira Toyota Prius - Click above for high-res image gallery Without actually, you know, tuning anything on the powertrain of the 2010 Toyota Prius, Japanese tuning company Tommi Kaira has unveiled its tarted-up version of the third-generation iconic hybr ...
- AutoblogGreen for 09.29.09
Shai Agassi says EVs will be cheaper than ICE cars... sort of Creative math can make electric cars sound like a bargain. Want an electric Trabant? It's already here Top speed increased, emiss ...
- Arcimoto Pulse is the latest tiny three-wheeled el ...
Arcimoto Pulse- Click above for high-res image gallery Hey, look! It's another quirky three-wheeled electric vehicle . This time, we're talking about the recently-revealed Arcimoto Pulse, a tandem two-seat electric car that looks something like a Zap Alias that's been through a compressor, or pe ...
- AFVTech working on CNG-powered, 600 hp 1933 Ford R ...
Filed under: Concept Cars , Coupe , Performance , Ford , Specialty , Alternative Fuel Take something old - in this case, a 1933 Ford Roadster body - and make it into something new - a CNG-powered, 600-horsepower beast, perhaps. That's what's happening over at AFVTech, which is prepping the fender ...
Rafe's Radar
- Google Wave meets conference calls, with Ribbit
Ribbit puts a conference bridge inside a Wave message. (Credit: Screenshot by Rafe Needleman/CNET) It's becoming clear that Google Wave , which is slowly emerging from closed beta , has potential to be much more than a text-messaging platform. As the telecommunications platform company Ribbit shows ...
- Reporters' Roundtable #3: Mint CEO Aaron Patzer
This week, I'm joined by CNET security expert Elinor Mills in a discussion with Mint CEO Aaron Patzer, whose personal finance site is being acquired by Inuit. We grill Patzer on why he sold the company, the future of Quicken, and the security of online financial data. Listen now: Download ...
- The most promising launches at DemoFall 2009
Before the DemoFall start-up conference kicked off, I wrote a " What to watch " story covering what I thought would be the hot products at the show. As usual, I identified a few of the interesting companies, missed some others, and misidentified some that I thought would be hot but weren'...
- Piecing together smart cameras at DemoFall 09
The Viaas camera (Credit: Third Iris) At Demo on Tuesday, Third Iris pitched Viaas , a video-monitoring system for business that's simple to install and use. Plug the cameras into just an Ethernet cable (if it's enabled for Power-over-Ethernet, that is), log into the Viaas Web site, and you ...
- Time for Demo to change--a lot
The 13-year reign of Chris Shipley as the Diva of Demo is coming to an end. The writer, consultant, and longtime content chief of the conference series, started in 1991 by Stewart Alsop, is leaving the show. Demo is now coming under the direction of Matt Marshall, founding editor of the Venture Be ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes. September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ... September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ... September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ... September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe. September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Police Crackdown on G20 Protests: Democracy Now! R ...
World leaders are gathering in Pittsburgh for the G20 summit under the shadow of a police crackdown on protesters in the streets. Heavily-armed riot police are out in force all over the city, using tear gas, stun grenades, smoke canisters, and sound cannons, which direct extremely loud shrill sound ...
- Arun Gupta asks "What Anti-War Movement?"
It has now been eight years since 9/11. The United States is still engaged in Iraq and is escalating its wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan with no end in site. Speaking at the Bluestockings Bookstore on the Lower East Side in New York, Arun Gupta, a founding Editor of The Indypendent , takes a cr ...
- President Zelaya and the Audacity of Action
Manuel Zelaya, the democratically elected president of Honduras, is back in his country after being deposed in a military coup June 28. Zelaya appeared there unexpectedly Monday morning, announcing his presence in Tegucigalpa, the capital, from within the Brazilian Embassy, where he has taken refug ...
- Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore
On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives considered House Joint Resolution 64, “To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” The wounds of 9/11 were raw, and the lust for vengeance seemed uni ...
- Christian Parenti responds to Kevin Bales
Democracy Now! recently interviewed Kevin Bales, founder of Free the Slaves. Journalist Christian Parenti wrote a response to that interview which we have posted below. Parenti is an investigative journalist who has covered issues of child labor in the chocolate industry in Côte d’Ivoir ...
Farming Pathogens
- Heart of Modeling
Greed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial Revolution
Public talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1
Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
- The NAFTA Flu
Cases of swine flu H1N1 are now reported in Honduras, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Thailand, Israel, etc. Can’t keep up at this point. H1N1 is making its way across the world by hierarchical diffusion. By the world’s transportation network it is bouncing down a hierarchy of citi ...
- ‘Farming Human Pathogens’ Now Availabl ...
‘Farming Human Pathogens’Â is now available for purchase. The book introduces a cutting-edge formalism based on the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory to describe how punctuated shifts in mesoscale ecosystems imposed by human intervention can entrain patterns of gene expressio ...
Digg Green
- 25M More Starving Children Due To Climate Changes ...
Report says food shortages will hit developing world and global warming set to bring back malnutrition. Twenty-five million more children will go hungry by the middle of this century as climate change leads to food shortages and soaring prices for staples such as rice, wheat, maize and soya beans, a ...
- How monarch butterflies find their way to Mexico
A new study shows that the butterflies' antennae are key. Like most animals, monarchs have a so-called circadian clock in their brain that helps them know what time it is. Knowing the time and the position of the sun allows them to orient to the south.
- The dark secrets of the trillion-dollar oil trade
With a combined capacity for 313,000 tonnes of oil, the Delta Ios and the NS Burgas supertankers were launched two months ago to criss-cross the globe in search of trade. Instead the vast vessels were to be found yesterday lying idle off the coast of Singapore after their owners were paid by two of ...
- Nearly 70 percent of Argentine forests lost in a c ...
Forests that spread across 100 million hectares (247 million acres) in 1900 have dwindled to 33.19 million hectares (82 million acres), officials said.
- Scientists hope to power cars with grass clippings ...
Biofuel made from grass clippings and other organic waste.
Invisible Opportunity
- The Department of Terror wants You!
By Les Visible Terrorism isn’t what it used to be. It used to be you got real terrorists. Even if they were freedom fighters or people trying to protect their families, they were serious about it. These days it’s as if the Department of Terror can’t lay their hands on the definite article any ...
- Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Weapons Factory In 3 ...
Much has been made of Iran’s nuclear program, which, if one fights through all the rhetoric, is perfectly consistent with merely a nuclear power plant. However, there is a country in the region that all the powers that be know that has a well developed nuclear arsenal…That country is Isrealâ ...
- Iran and Israel: The Nuclear Question
By Mike Rivero at The corporate media have been given their orders to throw the focus back on to Iran. Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget. 1. Last Spring, Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington’s chief nuclear arms negoti ...
- DNA test shows Hitler skull is that of a woman
Another piece of history bites the dust…What else??? ADOLF Hitler may not have died in a bunker after fresh research suggests the skull thought to be the tyrant’s was from a woman. US archaeologist Nick Bellantoni found fragments from the skull believed to be Hitler’s were too thin to be ...
- Merck employees had “hit list” of doct ...
By Mike Adams Previously secret documents that surfaced at a Vioxx court case in April of this year reveal pharmaceutical giant Merck maintained a “hit list” of doctors to be “neutralized” for speaking out against Vioxx. Although this story was reported on NaturalNews and other sites in Apri ...
Care2 Picks
- Rumours of War -Destroyers of Peace
Topical news stories around Iran's nuclear generation plants and a comment with a different twist : why did Iran sign the NPT ? Doing so meant other nations were required to respect her right to use nuclear tech responsibly ! The downside is different too Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- CIA Experiments on US Soldiers Linked to Torture P ...
illegal human experimentation on US-held "terrorism" prisoners undergoing torture experiments by a CIA researcher on human subjects undergoing SERE training went unreported Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- World's last great forest under threat: new study
The world's last remaining "pristine" forest - the boreal forest across large stretches of Russia, Canada and other northern countries - is under increasing threat, a team of international researchers has found Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Association Criticises GE Trees for Ethanol
US - The Soil & Health Association is calling for a ban on New Zealand exports of genetically engineered (GE) organisms used to create ethanol. The intended growing in the United States of 260,000 GE eucalyptus trees from New Zealand has been described Submitted by cowboss for the Cows to Green Lif ...
- These “Animal Care Standards” are a Cruel Hoax
Imagine you are the owner of a large industrial farm in Michigan, one of approximately 250 that have moved into the state. Let's say you have 5500 dairy cows (or, in industry parlance "animal units") in one facility. Or, 4000 pigs confined in several Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- For Obama, a Variety of Possible Strategies for Af ...
For Obama, a Variety of Possible Strategies for Afghanistan, All ... New York Times They say that though the Taliban are ruthless, they do not pose a danger to America, while Al Qaeda, which is a threat, is located primarily in Pakistan . ... and more »
- 'A thin distance separated Lashkar and the ISI' - ...
Long War Journal 'A thin distance separated Lashkar and the ISI' Long War Journal ... intelligence service's former director, openly support groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Taliban , and al Qaeda, yet they are untouchable in Pakistan . ... and more »
- Envoy says his firing will hurt UN mission in Afgh ...
Envoy says his firing will hurt UN mission in Afghanistan ... his top advisers on Afghanistan as he tries to decide whether to send more American troops to battle the Taliban insurgency against Karzai's government. ... and more »
- Gates Doubts US's Afghan Strategy - Wall Street Jo ...
Gates Doubts US's Afghan Strategy Wall Street Journal (blog) In the report, the commander said that the US and its allies had 12 months to reverse the Taliban insurgency's momentum and warned that the US-led mission ... and more »
- Success in Afghanistan needs China and Russia(II) ...
Success in Afghanistan needs China and Russia(II) BusinessDay The contract also involves the construction of a power plant and a railroad connecting the mines to China through Pakistan . It represents the largest ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Why Are Cops Tasering Grandmothers, Pregnant Women ...
Police officers are brutalizing innocent civilians with accelerating lunacy. How did this happen? How can we make it stop?
- Let The Sun Shine In: Marriage Equality Comes to B ...
The classic protest musical, Hair, is back to tackle what many consider to be the biggest civil rights issue of our era: marriage equality.
- Pelosi Is an Expert at 'Drowning out Opposing View ...
Why Speaker Pelosi's "drowning out opposing views is un-American" remark is steeped in irony.
- Right-Wing Militias Haven't Always Been Racist -- ...
There are growing signs that militias are on the rise again. This time, many of their partisans are angry at Blacks and Latinos.
- In Illinois, Another Workers' Rebellion Flares Up ...
In Illinois, a dozen union members blocked a road outside Wells Fargo’s local headquarters -- the latest in a wave of direct actions by workers.
Sideways News
- Disabled kids need role models in books
Featuring more disabled characters in children's literature could help kids with disabilities to feel more integrated into society, according to author Tim Rushby-Smith .
- Starbucks 'killing sense of communities
Going out for a coffee is no longer the social activity it used to be, according to a leading academic.
- Are you breast aware?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), which means men and women across the UK are being urged to check themselves for the disease.
- Climate blueprint is long and confusing
Delegates from almost 200 countries are meeting in Bangkok this week to discuss the negotiating text on climate change being dubbed "the blueprint to save the world" by some commentators.
- Is mankind the ape in the kitchen?
Fabius Maximus
- Update on our government’s deteriorating sol ...
Summary: Ugly August numbers from the Chief Actuary of the social security system. This is a follow-up to Beginning of the end of the Republic’s solvency. Soon come the first steps to a reformed regime – or a new regime. (14 August 2009). Contents Monthly cash flow of the US Social Securi ...
- Jeremy Hammond explains why “Iran’s New Nu ...
Here we have a masterfull analysis of the mainstream media’s stream of nonsense about Iran’s atomic program. This is an excerpt, but it deserves to be read in full. Excerpt from “Iran’s New Nuclear Site: Much Ado About Nothing“, Jeremy R. Hammond, Foreign Policy Journal, 27 Septembe ...
- Tom explains what it costs to run for public offic ...
Today’s reading recommendatio:Â “Is Democracy Melting“, Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch, 27 September 2009: So you, as a citizen, want to run for a seat in the House of Representatives? Well, you may be too late. Back in 1990, according to, a website of the Center for Responsive ...
- Update: war watch – Iran
Summary: The wardrums continue to beat, building support for a US attack on Iran. This is a status report, with at the end some excellent links to further information. The battle continues hot and heavy, as factions in Washington strive to shape the US citizenry’s view of Iran. Leaks a ...
- Welcome to American, the new Japan, as we enter a ...
Summary: Today we examine an article by Robert Reich about the folly of our government’s response to the worst recession since the 1930’s. He describes several examples showing how our government has pushed America into a system of State capitalism. But as a fan of State capitalism, ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: DU thread:ACM Story Please Support & ...
sibeledmonds: DU thread:ACM Story Please Support & Recommend
- sibeledmonds: Please help us override the MSM & Ex ...
sibeledmonds: Please help us override the MSM & Expose the real face of Washington lobby by disseminating this story
- sibeledmonds: ALERT: Preview of the American Conse ...
sibeledmonds: ALERT: Preview of the American Conservative Magazine Cover Story by BradBlog Just Out:
- sibeledmonds: @TheBradBlog : ACM will release the ...
sibeledmonds: @TheBradBlog : ACM will release the piece tomorrow.
- sibeledmonds: @DaProcess : you can e-mail me direc ...
sibeledmonds: @DaProcess : you can e-mail me directly.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Tamiflu in Rivers Could Breed Drug-Resistant Flu S ...
The premier flu-fighting drug is contaminating rivers downstream of sewage-treatment facilities, researchers in Japan confirm. The source: urinary excretion by people taking oseltamivir phosphate, best known as Tamiflu. Concerns are now building that birds, which are natural influenza carriers, are ...
- Do Polynesian Canoes Evolve Like Finch Beaks?
Despite the popularity of cultural evolution as an idea, with cultures as organisms and memes as genes, the actual science has lagged. But by applying the tools of population genetics to Polynesian boat designs, researchers show that cultural evolution might be studied as rigorously as the beaks of ...
- Data-Mining Medical Records Could Predict Domestic ...
To a busy emergency physician, a split lip or a case of poisoning is just one of those things they deal with. But to a computer mining the patient’s medical history, it could be the last diagnosis needed to decipher a pattern of domestic violence. Now, a group of researchers at Harvard University ...
- High-Res Images of New Territory on Mercury
Flying within 228 kilometers of the surface of Mercury on September 29, the MESSENGER spacecraft snapped portraits of a portion of the planet that had never before been imaged close-up. MESSENGER also examined in greater detail Mercury’s western hemisphere, which had been imaged during a previous ...
- Hubble Catches Galaxies Stripping — Ram Pressure ...
Galaxies speeding through clusters of their neighbors were imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope being stripped of their gas. NGC 4522, the galaxy pictured above, is traveling at 6.2 million miles per hour, astronomers estimate. It’s about 60 million light-years away in the Virgo cluster. Th ...
The Progressive Realist
- Project Sapphire
The Washington Post had a nice article last week about Project Sapphire, the Clinton-era effort to spirit 600kg of enriched uranium out of Kazahkstan. If you haven't read it, take a look; this has to be considered one of the most important foreign policy victories of the post-Cold War era. ...a cor ...
- No Good Options on Iran
When it comes to making sense of the options on Iran, the frustrating thing is that none of them are likely to work. That leads to debates where everyone very smartly rebuts the opposing viewpoint, only to defend an equally unsatisfactory proposition. I accept that actually getting meaningful sancti ...
- Canceling European Ballistic Missile Defense Makes ...
So, the planned ballistic missile defence installations in Europe have been cancelled , and the US is looking instead at deploying ships with an upgraded version of the Aegis air-defence missile system in European waters, backed up with mobile and airborne radars. (There’s a lot of detail here .) ...
- Neocons Attack Negotiations, Dog Bites Man.
In Geneva, the United States and Iran are holding their first talks in 30 years. Not so surprisingly Iran’s nuclear program and its recent missile launch tests are topping the agenda. Nonproliferation is an issue where President Obama retaken American leadership on and he has already made a gr ...
- Obama as Hamlet
Let's face it, the meme that's currently taking shape is that President Barack Obama is weak and vascillating. And that's a particularly lethal meme for a foreign policy oriented around engagement, cooperation, shared responsibility and a careful husbanding of dwindling U.S. power resources. Is it a ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Imagined Threats to the Republic.
Barbara Boxer and John Kerry introduced the Senate's version of climate change legislation today, and the bill moves in much the same direction as the the Waxman-Markey House bill which passed earlier this year. In other environmental news EPA chief Lisa Jackson confirmed that she would use the reg ...
- Just Bob and Frank, Talkin' About Deficits.
Like Tim Fernholz , I'm at the joint conference on "how progressives should think about the deficit," put on by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Center for American Progress. Tim notes that the presence of Franklin Raines , former president of Fannie Mae, and Bob Rubin , formerly o ...
- Time Is on Their Side.
Tim Fernholz assures us that we don't need to break out our flannel -- this isn't 1994: I recently came upon a political artifact from a different time: The 1994 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Issues Book. A Bible-thick collection of rhetoric and talking points, this was the playbook D ...
- Liberals For Gun Rights?
The Supreme Court is set to consider another gun rights case, McDonald v. Chicago , argued by Alan Gura , who won the historic Heller case that outlawed D.C.'s gun ban. Gura is arguing that Second Amendment rights should be "incorporated," meaning it should be viewed as a "fundamental right" like fr ...
- Podesta and Greenstein on Health Care Reform.
Reporters just had a chance to quiz CAP's John Podesta and CBPP's Robert Greenstein at their joint conference on progressives and the debt. Both said some interesting things about health care. Greenstein said that health care reform efforts currently in Congress stand as a test case for whether rea ...
Articles & Editorials
- Infotainment Society: Junk Food News and News Abuse for 2008/2009
- A Black President Doesn’t Mean Racism is gone in America
- Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance
- Democratic Socialism Moves Forward in Venezuela
- Global Starvation Ignored by American Policy Elites
- U.S. Perpetuates Mass Killings In Iraq
- Cuba Supports Press Freedom
- An Election Without Meaning
- Truth Emergency US
- Fighting Terror with Terror
- The Limits of Tyrants
- Impeachment is Not Off the Table
- National Impeachment Movement Ignored by Corporate Media
- Will US Attack Iran?
- No Paper Trail Left Behind: the Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election
- Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America
- Corporate Media Ignores US Hypocrisy on War Crimes
- Corporate Media Distorts Palestinian Death Rates
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