12:25 am MDT
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!19 hours ago
Will Autism Acceptance Include Funding?
By Anne Dachel In the U.K. stories now repeatedly tell us that April is “Autism Acceptance Month.” I’m sure that will be happening in the U.S. as well. It makes sense since there is no talk about actually addressing why... Related Stories - March Madness Before April - April Looms and Autism Does Too - The Quiet UK War read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil: Federal Government launches the first farm with 5G technologyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On March 30th, a ceremony launched the first 5G farm in Brazil. "5G in Agro," the name given to the event, took place at the Ipê farm in Baixa Grande do Ribeiro, south of Piauí State, and included the delivery of 310 free internet connection points and 310 computers to […] The post Brazil: Federal Government launches the first farm with 5G technology appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Links 3/31/2022naked capitalism19 hours ago
Putin-Scholz Phone Call on “Gas for Roubles” Mechanism Conforms to Our Assessment; Disputes Over Russia Force Reduction Around Kiev; West Pressure on China, India ContinuesWhat Russia is up to and what if anything the West can do continues to dominate the media. Too bad we know so little about what is afoot read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
‘Their Inflation Strategy Is Working’: Corporate Profits Soared to Record High in 2021"CEOs can't stop bragging on corporate earnings calls about jacking up prices on consumers to keep their profits soaring," said one expert. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
The IMF Connection with the Ukraine CrisisYou can't quite say the IMF is the root of all evil. But it sure made a lot of bad situations worse. read more
The Duran19 hours ago
Scholz calls Putin to discuss gas for rubles. Hungary claims Ukraine meddling in elections. Update 1
Scholz calls Putin to discuss gas for rubles. Hungary claims Ukraine meddling in elections. Update 1 News Topic 462 GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just Broke the Back of the West #GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just Broke the Back of the West – Gold Goats ‘n Guns I don’t think everyone has yet caught the significance of Russia announcing they […] read more
MJBizDaily19 hours ago
New Mexico cannabis firms prep for Texan shopping spree as adult-use sales launchCannabis businesses in eastern and southern New Mexico are counting on a stampede of Texans to supersize their sales when the state's adult-use marijuana market launches Friday, but that opportunity might not last forever. New Mexico cannabis firms prep for Texan shopping spree as adult-use sales launch is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Marcos Montes to take over as Brazil’s agriculture minister; why Tereza Cristina is leavingRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian government announced Wednesday that Marcos Montes will take over as agriculture minister as incumbent Tereza Cristina Dias steps down to run for the Senate. Marcos Montes is a physician, former congressman, and mayor of Uberaba (a Brazilian municipality in the state of Minas Gerais). Marcos was the deputy […] The post Marcos Montes to take over as Brazil’s agriculture minister; why Tereza Cristina is leaving appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Bus crashes into cliff in Paraná state, southern Brazil, killing at least 10 peopleRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At least ten people died, and 21 others were injured in a road accident on Wednesday evening (30) in Sapopema, Paraná. The victims were on a bus that had fallen off a cliff in the region. According to the State Highway Police (PRE), the accident occurred at kilometer 268 of […] The post Bus crashes into cliff in Paraná state, southern Brazil, killing at least 10 people appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
Black Agenda Report 30 March 2022Wednesday, 30 March 2022 — — Black Agenda Report Biden Means What He Says Margaret Kimberley Joe Biden may appear to be a confused old man when he blurts out whatever comes to mind. But his outbursts shouldn’t be ignored. They always reveal his plans. Ukraine: The Afghanistan Model for the Consolidation of the Global White Supremacist … Continue reading Black Agenda Report 30 March 2022 read more
Komando.com21 hours ago
True or false: That email you got from the Social Security Administration is a phishing scam
Did you get an email from the Social Security Administration? Find out now if it's a phishing scam. read more
Komando.com22 hours ago
Did you get a spam text from your OWN number? You’re not alone
Here's why you might receive a spam text from your own phone number. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s oil production up 3.5% in FebruaryRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil produced an average of 2.917 million barrels of oil per day (MMboe/d) in February, up 3.5% from the same month in 2021, the government said Wednesday. Although the year-on-year result was positive, the balance closed in negative territory with a 3.8% decline compared to January, according to data from […] The post Brazil’s oil production up 3.5% in February appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil offers to replace Russian energy and Ukrainian grainRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes stressed that Brazil could be "the solution" to European needs for energy and agricultural products, thanks to its "security of supply" and regulations, at a time when "everyone is recalculating geopolitical risks" after the war in Ukraine. In an interview with EFE on Wednesday, Guedes […] The post Brazil offers to replace Russian energy and Ukrainian grain appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Presidential elections Brazil: Electoral Court triples the number of auditable ballot boxesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) will triple the number of ballot boxes audited in October's general elections when voters choose the majority positions of president and governor as well as senators, federal and state deputies. The measure was approved yesterday (29th) by the TSE General Assembly. "The goal is to […] The post Presidential elections Brazil: Electoral Court triples the number of auditable ballot boxes appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
GREENIE WATCH20 hours ago
Untitled* How Solar Power Hurts People And The Planet* False beliefs about renewable energy are harming the environment. I say this as someone who championed renewable energy for over two decades—first as executive director of a green building non-profit, then as CEO of a consulting firm specializing in clean energy, and most recently as founder of a cleantech startup. I thought my efforts were helping to protect the environment. But I was wrong. Like many people, I believed the worst harm to the environment came from ‘fossil fuels’—and greedy companies exploiting the land, polluting the a... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil posts record solar energy generation in FebruaryRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil ended the month of February with the highest amount of solar energy generation in history. More than 1,200 MWh (megawatt-hours) were generated, twice as much as in the same period last year. The data comes from the Chamber for the Commercialization of Electric Energy (CCEE) and was compiled at […] The post Brazil posts record solar energy generation in February appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Real Climate Science21 hours ago
Hanoi Jane – 1973On March 31, 1973 Jane Fonda said US prisoners of war were not tortured in Vietnam and called them “liars and hypocrites.” 01 Apr 1973, Page 1 – The Gastonia Gazette at Newspapers.com read more
Real Climate Science21 hours ago
March 31, 1962 Florida TornadoOn March 31, 1962 Milton, Florida was largely destroyed by a tornado. 01 Apr 1962, Page 1 – The Greenville News at Newspapers.com read more
Virtual Mirage21 hours ago
This and ThatThe Intelligence Cabal (Link) The Hunter Biden laptop episode is just the latest dagger in the side of the Intelligence Community, but it needs to be put into a larger context regarding the IC leadership’s shift in focus. The partisan behavior of so much of the past and current leadership of the Intelligence Community is so […] The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Small Dead Animals21 hours ago
It’s Thursday On Turtle IslandToday in Islam. Don’t buy a Mohammad mug. It upsets the Muslims. Barrister wins appeal after being fined for insulting Muslims or something. Geeze, and don’t have dreams about Mohammed. In case you missed it yesterday. Pervert Disneyland. What a surprise. Indians want more money. Couple of Thursday videos. Planning a trip to L.A.? And… Continue reading → read more
21st Century Wire21 hours ago
McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government and the Rise of the Corporate State
*Freddie Ponton* | A silent coup d’état has taken place in the heart of Europe, and the implications are global in nature. read more
Untitled* Studies Fail to Support Claims of New California Ethnic Studies Requirement* Last fall, when California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure that could require every California public high school student to take an “ethnic studies” course to graduate, he alluded to two studies commonly cited by advocates to justify the measure, claiming the research shows that ethnic studies courses “boost student achievement over the long run—especially among students of color.” The studies—one from 2017 by Thomas Dee of Stanford University and Emily Penner of University of California, ... read more
Michael West Media22 hours ago
Zelensky reminds us of the power of words[image: Lobbyland] Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the House of Representatives by videolink. Parliament was on its best behaviour as Ukrainian President... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
A New Financial Order Will Be Negotiated in the World And the West Won’t Have the Main Say in It Anymore, Ex-Russian President Dmitry MedvedevA New Financial Order Will Be Negotiated in the World And the West Won’t Have the Main Say in It Anymore, Ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev by https://www.rt.com/ The US and EU have “tarnished their reputation” by freezing Russia’s central bank reserves, ex-President Dmitry Medvedev has said – A new financial order will be negotiated in … read more
Terra Forming Terra23 hours ago
5 Ancient Stoic Tactics for Modern Life
This is excellent. It nededs to be taught to all of us at a young age. This item takes the mystery out of it all. It we just learn to ask us what is best as a matter of habit, then it will work well. Do read this through as it will set you up with it all. We have accepted following our emotions far too often and that needs to be ended. *5 Ancient Stoic Tactics for Modern Life* *Jeremy Anderberg • April 9, 2018 • Last updated: September 26, 2021https://... read more
Terra Forming Terra23 hours ago
Pandemic Lessons Learned: CDC Versus Natural Immunity
Wgat5 this really tells us is that uust letting the socalled infection to run its course is the best option. In this event, death was not the major risk at all and it was all well ameliorated by well known meds. The emergency measures laid down truly apply to a 90% killer such as the plague or Small Pox. Understand that both kill to this day if allowed out. Yet viral infections are best handled internally with the body been treated with anti scurvy meds or plenty of vitimin C. You want every cell in your body to be C saturated as it then destroys any passing virus. *Pandem... read more
Terra Forming Terra23 hours ago
Killing Wolves to Own the Libs?
Wolves are still difficult to manage and are way too good at what they do. At least we do not ride around on a horse through a snow covered lanscape along with starving wolves. I have seen idiots claim that somehow these creatures are mostly safe. My own posts report on two separate women waylaid while out running in the winter. Oh really. The fact is that a wolf can take down any guard dog or guard donkey as well. That means in wolf country you will need to ultimately use well armed human guards to protect cattle herds. We so need technology to help us. The best solution ma... read more
Terra Forming Terra23 hours ago
The British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realize
This is more revisionist history. It is firstly that an imperial entreprise demands the suppression of alternative political regimes until the empire leaves. So of course this can get nasty and it did. Yet any effort to study the collection of empires that have existed finds voluntary acceptance by the subject population or low level confrontation not helping anyone. Yet it is easy to see the British empire as the best of a bad lot. The empire and all contemporaneous empires inherited populations that were mostly illiterate and economically subsistence. The British activel... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
SWIFT And The US Dollar Risks Pushing Trade to China & Gold – Gregor GregersenSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Did Russia Intentionally Trigger A Monetary System Reset?
Did Russia Intentionally Trigger A Monetary System Reset? by Dave Kranzler, https://www.sprottmoney.com/ We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods III – a new world (monetary) order centred around commodity-based currencies in the East that will likely weaken the Eurodollar system and also contribute to inflationary forces in the West.” – Zoltan Pozsar, Bretton Woods III – … read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
The Greens say ‘cut defence spending’ as it ‘distracts from the climate crisis’If the Australians vote Labor to spite certain Liberal parliamentarians who’ve drifted to the woke left, they’ll regret it. read more
Untitled*Studies Fail to Support Claims of New California Ethnic Studies Requirement* Last fall, when California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure that could require every California public high school student to take an “ethnic studies” course to graduate, he alluded to two studies commonly cited by advocates to justify the measure, claiming the research shows that ethnic studies courses “boost student achievement over the long run—especially among students of color.” The studies—one from 2017 by Thomas Dee of Stanford University and Emily Penner of University of California, Irv... read more
Global Issues News Headlines22 hours ago
War in Ukraine Morally Unacceptable, Politically Indefensible & Militarily NonsensicalGENEVA, Mar 31 (IPS) - Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights In an address to the 49th session of the Human Rights Council For more than one month now, the entire population of Ukraine has been enduring a living nightmare. The lives of millions of people are in upheaval as they are forced to flee their homes or hide in basements and bomb shelters as their cities are pummeled and destroyed. Read the full story, “War in Ukraine Morally Unacceptable, Politically Indefensible & Militarily Nonsensical”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines22 hours ago
World can end ‘downward humanitarian spiral’ of AfghanistanAs the world focuses its attention on the war in Ukraine, the UN reminded the international community on Thursday to remember Afghanistan as it kicked off a pledging conference to save the lives and livelihoods of those in the landlocked country. Read the full story, “World can end ‘downward humanitarian spiral’ of Afghanistan”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines22 hours ago
UN Dubai Forum closes with calls for focus on women entrepreneurs, innovation and sustainable development for allThe World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum (WEIF 2022) closed in Dubai on Wednesday with participants adopting the ‘UAE Declaration’, which calls for greater collaboration, integration and connectivity across the Arab world and a strong focus on women entrepreneurs to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Read the full story, “UN Dubai Forum closes with calls for focus on women entrepreneurs, innovation and sustainable development for all”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines22 hours ago
Work ‘in concert’ to help bring Yemen closer to a peaceful futureThe peace process in Yemen has been “stalled for too long,” the top UN envoy for the country told a summit meeting on Wednesday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, aiming to build on the Saudi-led coalition’s unilateral declaration of a ceasefire, ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. Read the full story, “Work ‘in concert’ to help bring Yemen closer to a peaceful future”, on globalissues.org → read more
Event Horizon Chronicle23 hours ago
We Are Just Two Weeks Away NowWe are a little less than two weeks away from dramatic events, easily as impactful as the events of the last week of February, when the Russian military entered the Ukraine in force. The dates of 11-12 April 2022 are important astrologically and numerologically, and augur great, world-system-shaking/shaping events to come. Precisely what will occur remains to be seen, but at least part of the foundation and context for what is shortly to transpire has already been set: a) Russia has in recent days pegged the value of its national currency at one gram of gold to 5,000 rubles, as well... read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch23 hours ago
How to forage, store and cook acornsFurther to a previous article on acorns, a superfood. Here is some info on how to use them. No doubt you will find further recipes by searching the net yourself. EWR Insteading 21.5K subscribers Acorns are a super sustainable source of sustenance that you can forage from the forest to your front yard! In this … Continue reading How to forage, store and cook acorns → read more
The Duran23 hours ago
Doha Bank of Qatar funded ISIS and Syrian terrorist groupDoha Bank of Qatar funded ISIS and Syrian terrorist group Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Doha Bank of Qatar was accused in the UK High Court on March 2 of funneling money to an ISIS judge who had ordered executions, including that of James Foley, an American journalist beheaded by ISIS in 2014. Steven […] read more
The Duran23 hours ago
The Fed NEEDS A Recession. Here’s Exactly Why
source read more
The Duran23 hours ago
NATO is not able to defend the Baltic StatesDue to the crisis in Ukraine, the perception of the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence mission in the Baltic States has changed. The shortcomings are felt especially acutely, the morale of the military of the group is poor, and they feel their unpreparedness for a real war. “When the signal came over the radio that the […] read more
Mining Awareness +23 hours ago
Teenage Refugee From Chernihiv Ukraine: I Saw My Mother Burn AliveFrom: https://www.rferl.org “Teenage Refugee From Chernihiv: I Saw My Mother Burn His mother died when their car hit a mine … Continue reading → read more
New Mandala23 hours ago
Indonesia’s new capital authoritarianismThough the Capital Authority acts as a "fast track" for the goal, they have to bear in mind the cost of constitutional democracy at the local level in the future The post Indonesia’s new capital authoritarianism appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Mining Awareness +23 hours ago
Russian Forces Bombarded Outskirts Of Kyiv; Chernihiv After Pretending During Negotiations That They They Would Reduce Military OpsNo surprises here, unless you are idiotic enough to believe Russia. “UPDATE ON UKRAINE 30 March 2022 RUSSIAN ATTACKS AND … Continue reading → read more
The Watchers » Latest articles1 day ago
Strong M7.0 earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New CaledoniaA very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit southeast of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia at 05:44 UTC on March 31, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth. The quake...... Read more » read more
OrientalReview.org1 day ago
The Hiding Of Whom The Rulers Of America AreFor some reason, I am the only person who publicly asserts that America’s roughly a thousand billionaires virtually own the U.S. Government, and that they donate so much money to the candidates who win the primary elections, in both political Parties, for the U.S. House and Senate, and for governorships, […] read more
IER1 day ago
Carbon Tax Recap, March 2022I’ve lived in California since 2019 and have noticed that many people in the Golden State are inured to the… The post Carbon Tax Recap, March 2022 appeared first on IER. read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
Belarusian Priest Arrested, Detained, and Fined For ‘Ukraine, Forgive Us’ Sticker On His CarFrom: https://www.rferl.org/a/belarus-priest-fined-ukraine-sticker/31776172.html “Belarusian Priest Fined For ‘Ukraine, Forgive Us’ Sticker On His Car March 29, 2022, By Current Time A … Continue reading → read more
Latest News - ADVANCE1 day ago
Labor’s ‘Manchurian Candidate’ wants Australia to cooperate with China on defenceAccording to ScoMo, Australia has a ‘Manchurian Candidate’, and his name is Richard Marles. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
This Is CNNFailure to launch: It’s not much of a surprise that people aren’t scrambling to pay for CNN+ given they aren’t even that enthused to watch CNN on TV for free. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
World Government Summit Introduces the New Financial World Order – The Intent of the Digital ID That Follows the Vaccination PassportThe World Government Summit 2022 took place on March 29 and 30 in Dubai, hosting more than 4,000 individuals from 190 countries including senior government officials, heads of international organizations, and global “experts.” The invited participants presented ideas and worldviews from within their various fields of specialty. One presentation that needs to be highlighted was […] The post World Government Summit Introduces the New Financial World Order – The Intent of the Digital ID That Follows the Vaccination Passport appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 30 March 2022By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
March 31st – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 436In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post March 31st – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 436 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
The Gas Is Always Greener on the Other Side + 1 More + VideosTony Perkins ~ Two Articles: The Gas Is Always Greener on the Other Side + Video Turning Regret into Empowerment: The Detrans Stories + Video ~ It’s the whole picture of radical Green policy and regulation — not just a number of drilling leases — that matters. ~ “I know a lot of people are […] read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Thursday March 31st – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Thursday March 31st – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge . read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA checking on ‘adverse events’ while other outbreak investigations continue
The FDA is investigating “adverse event reports” involving at least 31 people, according to an announcement from the agency. Little information is available on the situation, with the Food and Drug Administration not releasing any facts except that the investigation involves 31 people and an unnamed product. The agency has not reported what pathogen or... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
French officials confirm some E. coli cases linked to Nestlé pizzaFrench authorities have confirmed a link between dozens of E. coli infections in children and frozen pizzas sold by Nestlé. Two children have died. Officials did not say exactly how many people were sick but revealed that epidemiological, microbiological and traceability work had found a connection with Buitoni brand Fraîch’Up pizza and Shiga toxin-producing E.... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
DOJ Endorses Antitrust Legislation That Targets Big TechBy Autumn Johnson ~ Big Tech faced yet another blow from the Department of Justice. Originally reported by The Wall Street Journal, the DOJ sent letters to members of the congressional judiciary committees and asked them to support an antitrust bill that prevented Big Tech companies from showing favoritism to their own products. “If enacted, […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Plant-based meat, dairy and eggs: A game changer or a flash in the pan?
– COMMENTARY – You’ve probably heard a lot about the new plant-based foods — meatless beef and poultry and dairy-free milk, for example, but most people don’t know much, if anything, about them. In fact, the first time you heard about them, you might have said “Forget about that. If I want food, I want... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
At UN Commission On Status of Women, Far Left Ties Gender Ideology, Abortion To Climate ChangeBy Grace Melton ~ The United Nations’ annual Commission on the Status of Women concluded last week in New York. Delegates and activists from around the world met to discuss climate change, the environment, and reducing the risk of disaster with “gender equality at the [center] of solutions.” In other words, it was business as […] read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Federal judge strikes down Louisiana labeling law for plant-based meatThe “Truth in Labeling of Food Products Act” passed by the Louisiana Legislature in 2019 violates the commercial free speech rights of Turtle Island Foods, which produces and packages plant-based meat products marketed and sold in the state and nationwide. Turtle Island Foods was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Hood River, OR. The... Continue Reading read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Hacking the Human Design — “FreeWill is Over” : Dr. Zelenko Exposes Transhumanist Cult High Priest in Powerful Interview read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Issues Emergency Warning: The Dollar has Reached the End of the Line read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
WEF Globalists Call For NWO And Total Money Tracking read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Censored: Doctors and Researchers Testify To Massive Fraud of The COVID-19 ResponseSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pxfizer’s vWac-xines = “Mark of the Beast Technology” – Naxno-Tech Self Assembling Chip Builds Itself, Inside You! They Are Deceiving Mankind !! Waxcxed Emitting BluxTxxth CodesSee also: – * Grapxhene Oxide Nano-Router Circuitry in Coxvid Vwaxcines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Inj-ections * Vwax-cines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Ino-culated Into the Human Body * Are You or Someone Around You Chipped? How to Find Out… * Scanning … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Coxvid vWax-xines Appear to Install a “MAxC Addxress” Inside the vWax-xedSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming!Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming! by Martin Armstrong , Armstrong Economics, via https://lewrockwell.com/ Our models have confirmed that Biden’s sanctions against all Russians have undeniably destroyed the global economy unfortunately precisely on time from its birth in 1950. Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
On The Opening Day Of The 2022 World Government Summit In Dubai, The First Item On The Agenda Was About Preparing To Receive The New World Order
On The Opening Day Of The 2022 World Government Summit In Dubai, The First Item On The Agenda Was About Preparing To Receive The New World Order by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ The World Government Summit Organization is a global, neutral, non-profit organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments. The Summit, in its various activities, … read more
War News Updates1 day ago
UN Says More Than 4 Million Have Fled Ukraine
*Daily Mail: **More than FOUR MILLION Ukrainians have now fled the country to escape the war – 90% of them women and children* * UNHCR said today that 4,019,287 Ukrainians have now fled the 'senseless war' * More than 2.3 million of those displaced people have headed wast into Poland * Women and children account for 90 percent of those who have fled * Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 that are eligible for military call-up cannot leave * Some 6.48 million people are estimated to be internally displaced within Ukraine More than four million Ukrainians have now fled the country, ... read more
balance101 day ago
these gods were dishonorably motivated
However some of the ‘gods’ have wrested the secrets of creation to alter the inner nature of man (both his soul and his genes) to conform to an inverted pattern. Through his inharmonious habits of thought and feeling man became vulnerable to this treacherous violation of the nucleus of self. Therefore because these gods were dishonorably motivated in their genetic enslavement of lesser endowed evolutions to a mechanistic control, when I was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth I spoke unto these manipulators of life, saying, “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
U.S. Navy Osprey Aircraft Crashes Into A Bay In Virginia
Two people have been rescued after a V-22 Navy Osprey Tilt Rotor crashed off the Maryland /Virginia coast on Wednesday night (File photo) *Daily Mail:* *One soldier is killed and two others are rescued after Navy Osprey aircraft crashes into a bay in Virginia* * Two soldiers have been rescued after a Navy plane crashed off the Virginia coast on Wednesday night * One soldier was said to have been killed following the Navy V-22 Osprey crash * The plane crashed north of the Chincoteague Causeway just off of Wildcat Point near the Maryland state line shortly after 7:30pm on Wedn... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
March 31, 2021: Reader TipsHere’s an interesting documentary about America’s Black Upper Class. Good on every one of them for working hard and earning all that they have. Their existence sure doesn’t fit The Narrative™, though, does it? A former drama teacher playing the role of a Prime Minister Joe Rogan won’t walk on eggshells Pushing back against Disney’s… Continue reading → read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Jail Time In Germany For Using The Letter ZIn Germany you can be jailed for wearing the letter Z. During the 1930s Germany imprisoned people who wore stars. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Did North Korea Faked The Launch Of Its 'Monster Missile'?
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (center) walks around what the country says is a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile *Daily Mail: **North Korea FAKED launch of its 'monster missile' - backed with ridiculed slow-mo footage of Kim Jong Un - after humiliating earlier test saw Hwasong-17 explode near Pyongyang* * The 'monster missile' which Kim posed with is actually an old weapon from 2017 * South Korea and the Pentagon spotted 'discrepancies in North Korea's account' * Faked Top Gun-lite clip was attempt to cover up failed launch over Pyongyang * Costly debacle, w... read more
Michael West Media1 day ago
Blinded by dodgy stats: Frydenberg’s sermon relies on rusty tablets[image: Scott Morrison watches as Josh Frydenberg hands down the 2022-23 Budget.] Australia's recovery is leading the world? Biggest economic shock since the Depression? There used to be a rule against misleading Parliament. No longer, it seems, writes Alan Austin. read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Russian President Underestimated Ukrainian Defence and Global Response to War.So says the Chief of Britains GCHQ in public in Australia today. “The head of Britain’s spy agency says Vladimir Putin has “massively misjudged” the difficulty of invading Ukraine, and Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own military equipment as morale … Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Must Watch, Three Minutes of Truth Bombs Delivered in the Australian SenatePeople criticize CTH saying ‘stop revealing the evidence of problems and start talking about the solutions‘. What critics do not realize is we are not trying to win a battle, we are trying to win a war. Every person who accepts the reality of the problem, becomes the solution. CTH will not stop revealing, digging, […] The post Must Watch, Three Minutes of Truth Bombs Delivered in the Australian Senate appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Itihasa & The Darshana1 day ago
The Empires and the Passion for ProselytizationAn empire is a proselytizing entity. Its primary aim is not to wage wars. It is not to exercise dictatorial control over other nations. It is to proselytize other nations—get them to adopt the empire’s language, religion, cultural values, and economic systems. The British Empire was a successful empire, since it managed to get a large number of countries to adopt its language, its religion, and some aspects of its culture and economy. The American Empire, which has been built on the foundation of the British Empire, is an utter disaster because in most places where the Americans ha... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Opinion: Gold peg of the Russian ruble and the consequences for dollar dominanceRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – (Opinion) Gold has played a crucial role in monetary history for centuries. This is still the case today, even though there is no longer a formal gold link to government means of payment. Concepts such as money and gold are inextricably linked, although this hardly mattered to the average citizen. […] The post Opinion: Gold peg of the Russian ruble and the consequences for dollar dominance appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
As Pliny put it: “Graves offensae, levis gratia.” So let me begin, with song! Because, why not. Ain’t no real big secret all the same.…Ain’t no real big secret all the same…. Somewhere, somehow somebody, must have kicked you around … Continue reading → read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Laid up for a few days – TTGColonel Lang is laid up for a few days in hospital. He’ll be back soon. Getting old is not for the faint of heart. That’s doubly true of old soldiers. We put our bodies though the wringer when we’re young … Continue reading → read more
Truth Comes to Light1 day ago
Food Forests: Goodbye Food Shortage — Hello Food Independence
Food Forests: Goodbye Food Shortage — Hello Food Independence by Jean Nolan, Inspired Channel March 30, 2022 Jim Gale is the founder & CEO of Food Forest Abundance, a company & movement that is revolutionizing gardening & food independence by bringing a simple but effective solution for our most complex problems. Connect with The post Food Forests: Goodbye Food Shortage — Hello Food Independence appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
If Europe abandons Russian oil, crude prices could soar to $200 per barrel, or higher, analysts warnhttps://www.rt.com/business/552890-russia-gas-taps-europe/ Russia has given “hostile” countries a March 31 deadline to begin payments for natural gas imports in rubles. The new currency-switch rule will affect countries that imposed economic sanctions on the nation and froze its foreign currency reserves. This particularly concerns some EU countries that rely heavily on Russian energy supplies. What will happen after March […] read more
Truth Comes to Light1 day ago
Climate Engineering as an Assault Against Food Production & a Core Causal Factor In Crop Collapse
Climate Engineering as an Assault Against Food Production & a Core Causal Factor In Crop Collapse Climate Engineering Real Cause of Coming Food Shortage – Dane Wigington by Greg Hunter, USAWatchdog March 29, 2022 Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington contends the coming food shortage that President Biden recently mentioned is not because of The post Climate Engineering as an Assault Against Food Production & a Core Causal Factor In Crop Collapse appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Truth Comes to Light1 day ago
The People’s Convoy Heads Back to California to Protest 10 California COVID-19 Bills
The People’s Convoy Heads Back to California to Protest 10 California COVID-19 Bills by Wendy Straunch Mahoney, UncoverDC March 30, 2022 The People’s Convoy will head back to California on Mar. 31 to protest “10 objectionable COVID-19 bills” being debated in the CA state legislature. They are leaving just a few days short of The post The People’s Convoy Heads Back to California to Protest 10 California COVID-19 Bills appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
Truth Comes to Light1 day ago
Roy Cohn, Mighty Wurlitzers, Laptops, Biolabs, and the Ukraine
Roy Cohn, Mighty Wurlitzers, Laptops, Biolabs, and the Ukraine by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star March 29, 2022 The following two articles about the connection between the current misery in the Ukraine, Hunter Biden and the biolabs, were sent by S.D. and V.T., and they raise a question. We’ll get back to that The post Roy Cohn, Mighty Wurlitzers, Laptops, Biolabs, and the Ukraine appeared first on Truth Comes to Light. read more
The Buffalo Chronicle1 day ago
Jury finds Frank Bredt guilty of murdering girlfriend by setting her on fireThis week 33-year-old Frank J. Bredt, Jr. of Buffalo guilty of two counts of Murder in the Second Degree (Class “A” felonies). The jury rendered their decision late this morning after 4 ½ hours of deliberation following a 6-day trial. The post Jury finds Frank Bredt guilty of murdering girlfriend by setting her on fire first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
All Posts - LaRouchePAC1 day ago
Biden's 'New World Order' Looks More Like Orwell's 1984Before and after Joe Biden's comments about a "New World Order" last week, spokesmen for the world's imperial elites were decrying the "end of globalization," and positing the shape of such a new order. Indeed, with Russia's action in Ukraine and the refusal of superpowers like China and India to join in the Western sanctions regime, the previous decades' version of globalization is dead. With permanent war and massive psy-war and social engineering, they hope to keep the U.S. under control in a hideous 21st century version of George Orwell's 1984. read more
Diogenes' Middle Finger1 day ago
Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread
Your Beloved Editrix Turns Thing Over to You The Readers Y'all Talk Among Yourselves and As Always, Keep All Weapons In Plain Sight. ____________________________________ This Week Your Open Thread is Sponsored By: *The United States Consumer Protection Agency * (Jules Winnfield was unavailable for comment) read more
Michael West Media1 day ago
Public school funding cut by half billion, private increased[image: Brisbane Grammar School] Public school funding to be cut by $559 million over the next three years. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
McCarthy Tells Madison Cawthorn He Needs to Turn His Life Around Or There Will be Consequences For His Cocaine and Orgy AllegationsGateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had a stern talk with freshman Madison Cawthorn over his cocaine and orgy allegations. “I... The post McCarthy Tells Madison Cawthorn He Needs to Turn His Life Around Or There Will be Consequences For His Cocaine and Orgy Allegations appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
5th Annual IDC American “Smart Cities” Awards Includes 17 Winners in 14 CategoriesActivist Post – by BN Frank American opposition to “Smart Cities” and all the costs, risks and privacy violations associated with them has ongoing for years (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Nevertheless, proponents... The post 5th Annual IDC American “Smart Cities” Awards Includes 17 Winners in 14 Categories appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
“Does video show Russian prisoners being shot?”The BBC puts in some good work here (with acknowledged assists from Twitter users.) read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"We Are About To See Catastrophic Times; Mortgage Refis Plunge; Addiction"Jeremiah Babe, PM 3/30/22: *"We Are About To See Catastrophic Times; * *Mortgage Refis Plunge; Addiction"* read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Climate Prophets Discuss Extreme HeatThe climate prophets at Time Magazine know what the future will be and say extreme heat in Phoenix is “unprecedented weather.” Climate Change Will Impact Air Travel in Surprising Ways | Time read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Biden Says U.S. Govt Has No Money to Fight Pandemic, Moments Later Biden Says U.S. Govt Sending $500 Million to UkraineDuring a speech to highlight the administration’s ongoing effort to battle COVID-19, today Joe Biden said: WHITE HOUSE – […] “Congress hasn’t provided enough money to keep purchasing these monoclonal bo- — antibodies. We’ve had to cancel planned orders and cut the supply we’re sending to the states. Without more funding, we’ll start to run […] The post Biden Says U.S. Govt Has No Money to Fight Pandemic, Moments Later Biden Says U.S. Govt Sending $500 Million to Ukraine appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
March 31, 1933 Tornado OutbreakOn March 31, 1933 a deadly tornado outbreak devastated Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and Alabama. 01 Apr 1933, Page 1 – The Daily Times-News at Newspapers.com read more
Israel Palestine News1 day ago
From The Nation: In Every Corner of Palestine, There Is a Story of DispossessionMarch 30th is Land Day, an annual commemoration of those killed protesting Israeli theft of Palestinian lands 46 years ago. But even now, there is a Nakba everywhere you look. read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Pfizer CEO Bourla Calls People Spreading “Vaccine Misinformation” Criminals – Did His Wife Die after a Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine?
Andrew Chang interviewed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about developing the COVID-19 vaccine, and why he calls people who spread vaccine misinformation ‘criminals.’ Bourla states: "They literally cost lives. They know that what they are saying is a lie. But they do it despite that." Bourla mentions how people online claimed that his wife died due to taking a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that he forced her to take. He said that was "all lies, of course." Did she die after getting a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine? Is he saying that she did die but that her cause of death is not due to the vaccine?... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
New Rules(click) read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Pfizer CEO Bourla Calls People Spreading “Vaccine Misinformation” Criminals – Did His Wife Die after a Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine?
Andrew Chang interviewed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about developing the COVID-19 vaccine, and why he calls people who spread vaccine misinformation ‘criminals.’ Bourla states: "They literally cost lives. They know that what they are saying is a lie. But they do it despite that." Bourla mentions how people online claimed that his wife died due to taking a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that he forced her to take. He said that was "all lies, of course." Did she die after getting a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine? Is he saying that she did die but that her cause of death is not due to the vaccine?... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not IllegalJustice Department preparing Ray Epps ‘disclosure’ read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Disney Employees in Florida Arrested for Human Trafficking as Videos Appear Online Showing Top Disney Executives’ Desire to Sexualize Children with Transgender Teaching
For all of you parents and grandparents out there who still believe that the Walt Disney Company produces "family friendly" entertainment safe for young children, you need to pay attention to what is going on in Florida right now. First, four Disney employees in Florida were recently arrested for human trafficking, with one of them being a 27-year-old lifeguard who reportedly sent sexual images of himself and graphic sexual messages to an undercover detective who was posing online as a 14-year-old girl. Then, the Walt Disney Company publicly criticized a new law that was recently... read more
The Buffalo Chronicle1 day ago
Cheektowaga woman arraigned on felony for selling fake vaccine leaflet to undercover trooperThis week 24-year-old Kaiyah S. Heinrich of the Town of Cheektowaga appeared this morning before Cheektowaga Town Court Justice David M. Stevens for a felony hearing. Ms. Heinrich was arraigned in Clarence Town Court on March 11, 2022 charged with one The post Cheektowaga woman arraigned on felony for selling fake vaccine leaflet to undercover trooper first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
If you see these emojis, your kids are doing drugs
Are you worried about your kids taking drugs? If you see these emojis in their texts, they most likely are. read more
The Buffalo Chronicle1 day ago
Defendant sentenced for damaging vehicle with machete during west side assaultThis week, 26-year-old Gay Gai of Buffalo has been sentenced by Erie County Court Judge Suzanne Maxwell Barnes to 364 days in jail. On September 28, 2020, at approximately 4:30 p.m., the defendant attacked the adult male victim on the 200 The post Defendant sentenced for damaging vehicle with machete during west side assault first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
The Buffalo Chronicle1 day ago
Teens indicted on felony charges in Metro Rail attack, as death remains under investigationTwo 16-year-old males from Buffalo were arraigned this week before Erie County Court Judge Kenneth Case, a designated Youth Part judge, for their alleged involvement in an assault that occurred earlier this year. The victim has since died, and his The post Teens indicted on felony charges in Metro Rail attack, as death remains under investigation first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
The Buffalo Chronicle1 day ago
Flynn responds to Governor’s ten-point public safety planThe District Attorneys Association of the State of New York (DAASNY) released a statement this week that is generally supportive of Governor Kathy Hochul’s 10-point Public Safety Plan. The Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn wants several changes to the The post Flynn responds to Governor’s ten-point public safety plan first appeared on The Buffalo Chronicle. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
US Govt Plots Next Variant?: Government Buys Millions of Bioweapon Boosters, Fauci Calls For Lockdowns??Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
END TIMES And Tribulation: Melissa Red Pill Interviewed by Mike AdamsSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
America Betrayed: Globalist-Controlled Destruction of Dollar IMMINENT – MUST WATCH FULL SHOW 3/29/22Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
UAE, United States And Israel Launch Religious Coexistence And Tolerance Chrislam Group Ahead Of The Opening Of The Abrahamic Family House
UAE, United States And Israel Launch Religious Coexistence And Tolerance Chrislam Group Ahead Of The Opening Of The Abrahamic Family House by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ “The ‘Abraham Accords’ have shattered long-standing perceptions and now it is our duty to build and expand the circle of peace in the region and the world,” added the intelligence minister. … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Russian Gas: What Happens If Germany Runs Out of It? | DW NewsThe REAL target is the sheeple. Ie. mass culling of the sheeple has begun. Global Depopulation Agenda activated. – DW News The German government has announced it is activating an early warning plan in preparation for possible shortages in gas deliveries from Russia. Economy Minister Robert Habeck said a crisis team was being established to … read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Bill Gates’ giant experiment expands – billions of genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in FloridaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Currently, it is about the alleged prevention of yellow fever in Florida. Soon it could also be about “vaccinating” people with genetically modified insects – even against their will. No one has calculated the risk of such a major intervention in nature – it could cause entire ecosystems to collapse. […] The post Bill Gates’ giant experiment expands – billions of genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in Florida appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
vWac-xine, 5xG & Nanox-Technology In The Coxvid Jaxbs, Humans Emitting BluxTxxth Code — HOPE & TIVON
SGT Report Hope and Tivon from Fix the World Project Morocco are back and in part two of our comprehensive conversation they drop some shocking bombshells. – LEARN MORE / SHOW NOTES: https://www.ftwproject.com/orgonite-blog/5g-and-nanotech-in-the-covid-jabs/ref/6 – NEW ZEALAND SCIENTISTS DEMAND HALT TO PFIZER VAX AFTER FINDING NANOTECH https://thephaser.com/2022/02/undeclared-nanotech-in-pfizer-injections-02/ – 5G AND NANOTECH IN THE COVID JABS by … read more
Cairns News1 day ago
State health officials talk of Covid dangers recorded by hidden camerasfrom Kev Moore “This is evil at the highest level” “I think they want people to die” This could be the turning point we’ve all been waiting for. State health officials, filmed with hidden cameras, talk about the dangers of COVID vaccines and the cover-up. https://t.me/lslsbahsbdlxpjsn/10438 read more
No More Mister Nice Blog1 day ago
WOW! BIPARTISANSHIP!Susan Collins says she plans to vote yes on Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination to the Supreme Court, which surprises me -- I assumed there'd be no Republican votes for Jackson. I think that was a reasonable prediction given the nastiness of the party's attacks on Jackson in the Judiciary Committee hearings -- we were told Republicans would go easy on her because seating her on the Court wouldn't change its ideological makeup, but that turned out not to be the case. I also thought Mitch McConnell would want a unanimous GOP rejection of Jackson because Amy Coney Barrett got no Democrati... read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
The US Empire’s Ultimate Target Is Not Russia But China
Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The Pentagon has produced its latest National Defense Strategy (NDS), a report made every four years to provide the public and the government with a broad overview of the US war machine’s planning, posturing, developments and areas […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Pxfizer’s Nano-technology vWax-cine Beast — Whistle Blower Melissa McateeSee also: – * Grapxhene Oxide Nano-Router Circuitry in Coxvid Vwaxcines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Inj-ections * Vwax-cines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Ino-culated Into the Human Body * Are You or Someone Around You Chipped? How to Find Out… * Scanning … read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"Chinese Lockdowns Aggravate Shipping Crisis As Freight Rate Spikes Trigger Panic On Supply Chains"*Full screen recommended.* *"Chinese Lockdowns Aggravate Shipping Crisis * *As Freight Rate Spikes Trigger Panic On Supply Chains"* by Epic Economist "The supply chain chaos continues to grow and spread at an alarming pace. Right now, ports and warehouses in China are extremely log-jammed as a consequence of strict testing protocols imposed on one of the nation’s biggest cities after an outbreak was detected a couple of weeks ago. At least 180 container vessels are still stuck at sea outside Shanghai-Ningbo, the city’s main port. Meanwhile, in Shenzhen, a major manufacturing center ... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
CSIRO Melbourne linked to Ukrainian bio-labs being destroyed by PutinVideo direct link: https://rumble.com/vxafmd-ukrainian-pathogens-moved-to-csiro-near-melbourne-australia.html?mref=qnz9d&mc=6f8oi read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Perfect Collapse Storm Commences (Wild Foraging May Be the Future)Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Matthew Piepenburg: Debt and War – The Signs of a Dying EmpirePalisades Gold Radio To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisadesradio.ca Tom welcomes back Michael Piepenburg Commercial Director of Matterhorn Asset Management to the show. Sadly the decline of empires is often associated with war and debts. We’re seeing a lot of polarized thinking in the West and not … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Decades of Change Within A Few Weeks | Craig HemkeLiberty and Finance Decades of change is happening in the span of a few weeks, says metals analyst Craig Hemke. We’re seeing a mass exodus of countries from the dollar-system. Russia’s currency is essentially being backed by natural resources as Russia demands payments in Rubles, he says. “It is definitely a threat to Dollar hegemony.” … read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Disney Employees in Florida Arrested for Human Trafficking as Videos Appear Online Showing Top Disney Executives’ Desire to Sexualize Children with Transgender Teaching
For all of you parents and grandparents out there who still believe that the Walt Disney Company produces "family friendly" entertainment safe for young children, you need to pay attention to what is going on in Florida right now. First, four Disney employees in Florida were recently arrested for human trafficking, with one of them being a 27-year-old lifeguard who reportedly sent sexual images of himself and graphic sexual messages to an undercover detective who was posing online as a 14-year-old girl. Then, the Walt Disney Company publicly criticized a new law that was recently... read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Full video of Malcolm Roberts laying down the COVID gauntlet in parliament March 30th 2022Video download link: https://rumble.com/vz3h91-were-coming-for-you-malcolm-roberts-throws-down-against-government-covid-cr.html?mref=qnz9d&mc=6f8oi read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 day ago
Dr Byram Bridle: Do masks work?This is an excellent video where renowned virologist Dr. Byram Bridle conducts a simple but effective experiment illustrating why masks do not work for Covid 19. When Covid first hit, Dr Simone Gold explained that masks were useless for Covid because the airborne virus was smaller than the holes in the mask. Think about it. If you can breath, air gets through. She said it was like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence. In this video, Dr Bridle reiterates that and uses two simple illustrations to explain it. When you go outside in the cold and can see your breath, tha... read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 day ago
Marc Dalton runs for Conservative LeadershipRebel News is reporting that "Dalton, who is Métis and French Canadian, says it’s important that we see Canada as united, and raises concerns about the Liberals current approach, which he says is 'not unity, it’s uniformity, and uniformity means conformity." read more
Collecting My Thoughts1 day ago
The architecture and ambiance of UkraineIt seems American architects are boycotting doing work in Russia. That's probably a good idea, but does Russia really need them? I've seen a few videos of cities in Ukraine, both before and after the war, and it looks to me like it was a very beautiful country before the invasion, with lovely thoroughfares, graceful trees and parks, and grand public spaces. One tourist site states (and it's their job to be over the top): "Ukraine is possibly one of the most overlooked countries in Europe. Although it might stay under the radar when it comes to Eastern European travel, this just mak... read more
Not PC1 day ago
*Bruce Lee* Credit: PA * “You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”* ~ attrib. Bruce Lee [Hat tip Michael Hurd] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
Celente and the Judge, "Bush And His Tortures. Get Out Of Guantanamo"*Full screen recommended.* *Celente and the Judge, * *"Bush And His Tortures. Get Out Of Guantanamo"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - https://trendsresearch.com read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Dream Ten"*Liquid Mind, "Dream Ten"* *○* "Is the beauty of the Whole really enhanced by our agony? And is the Whole really beautiful? And what is beauty? Throughout all his existence man has been striving to hear the music of the spheres, and has seemed to himself once and again to catch some phrase of it, or even a hint of the whole form of it. Yet he can never be sure that he has truly heard it, nor even that there is any such perfect music at all to be heard. Inevitably so, for if it exists, it is not for him in his littleness. But one thing is certain. Man himself, at the very least, is m... read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
A third of the world remains totally unvaccinated against COVID: TedrosA third of the world’s population has yet to receive a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine, including a shocking 83 per cent of all Africans, said the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday. Read the full story, “A third of the world remains totally unvaccinated against COVID: Tedros”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Ukraine: UNESCO’s response to children’s education needsSince the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, more than 4 million people have fled the country - two million of them, are children. As the UN agency mandated to coordinate and lead on global education, UNESCO is carefully mapping exactly how host countries are supporting and providing education, to help keep young Ukrainian refugees on track - their lives totally upended in a matter of weeks. Read the full story, “Ukraine: UNESCO’s response to children’s education needs”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Peacebuilding, 'a bargain' and 'proven investment', UN chief tells Member StatesThe UN chief has called for $100 million each year in assessed contributions from Member States, to fund the world body’s peacebuilding activities, describing such an investment as “a bargain” compared with the punitive costs of war. Read the full story, “Peacebuilding, 'a bargain' and 'proven investment', UN chief tells Member States”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Ukraine war: Russia used cluster weapons at least 24 times, says UN’s BacheletCredible reports indicate that Russian armed forces have used cluster munitions in populated areas of Ukraine, at least two dozen times since they invaded on 24 February, UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “Ukraine war: Russia used cluster weapons at least 24 times, says UN’s Bachelet”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Russia Agrees to Accept Euros for Energy Payment, Which Will Be Transacted into Rubles by GazprombankRussian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will hold further discussions on the purchase of Russian energy products in rubles according to TASS (Russian News) and western media. However, in the interim Russia will continue accepting payment in euros which will be exchanged for rubles by Gazprom bank. (left) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz […] The post Russia Agrees to Accept Euros for Energy Payment, Which Will Be Transacted into Rubles by Gazprombank appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Peculiar spiral galaxy Arp 78 is found within the boundaries of the head strong constellation Aries. Some 100 million light-years beyond the stars and nebulae of our Milky Way galaxy, the island universe is over 100,000 light-years across. Also known as NGC 772, it sports a prominent, outer spiral arm in this detailed cosmic portrait from the large Gemini North telescope near the summit of Maunakea, Hawaii, planet Earth. Tracking along sweeping dust lanes and lined with young blue star clusters, Arp 78's spiral arm is likely pumped-up by galactic-scale gravitational tidal interacti... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"Here And There..."
"But what a universe, anyhow! No use blaming human-beings for what they were. Everything was made so that it had to torture something else. Sirius himself was no exception, of course. Made that way! Nothing was responsible for being by nature predatory on other things, dog on rabbit and Argentine beef, man on nearly everything, bugs and microbes on man, and of course man himself on man. (Nothing but man was really cruel, vindictive, except perhaps the loathly cat). Everything desperately struggling to keep its nose above water for a few breaths before its strength inevitably failed ... read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
QUIZ: Supreme Court LandmarksTest your knowledge of major SCOTUS decisions of the past. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"Only Americans Could Ruin America"
*"Only Americans Could Ruin America"* by Brian Maher “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards and the United States of America.” "Thus concluded 19th-century Germany’s Otto von Bismarck - the Iron Chancellor. The years have heavily affirmed the Teutonic autocrat. All available evidence indicates it is true. And of these God-blessed categories, we conclude God has most blessed the United States of America. She has absorbed more divine favor than the most foolish fool or the drunkest drunkard. Let us first consider God’s providence for fools and drunkards. Their very exis... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Commodity prices at a glance – March 30RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With the new geopolitical situation in the world, the unprecedented sanctions frenzy, and the possibility of more global events, The Rio Times will list daily prices of major commodities for comparison and review.   . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our […] The post Commodity prices at a glance – March 30 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
ClimateRealism1 day ago
Chile’s Economic Destruction is a Preview of what’s in Store for Biden’s America
By Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris For some years now, we have followed the work of Douglas Pollock, a civil industrial engineer from the University of Chile, who shows what happened in his country when it followed the sort of climate and energy policies now being promoted by President Joe Biden. Pollock has written widely in […] The post Chile’s Economic Destruction is a Preview of what’s in Store for Biden’s America appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
Marijuana legalization bill advances to US House for debate, voteThe comprehensive marijuana legalization bill known as the MORE Act is expected to be debated by the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday morning, with a vote likely later in the day or on Friday. Marijuana legalization bill advances to US House for debate, vote is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Did Chris Rock Make a ‘Heartbreaking’ Post?An intriguing article tease went around online after comedian Chris Rock was slapped by actor Will Smith during the 94th Academy Awards ceremony. read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Field Trip For Zeke?It warmed up to -12C in part of East Antarctica for a few days earlier in the month. Zeke Hausfather says this is hot, caused by climate change and a one-in-150,000 year event. Living on Earth: Record Heat Wave in … Continue reading → read more
Pension Pulse17 hours ago
Public Pensions Take on Private Equity's Opaque Fees?
Sabrina Willmer of Bloomberg reports on private equity’s opaque costs and how they mystify the pensions that pay them: The stewards of billions of dollars in retiree savings are struggling to account for fees charged by one of the wealthiest industries on Wall Street. Investors who put money into a private equity fund expect to pay a management fee as well as a share of their profits to the firm running the fund. But on top of those costs are agreements to cover expenses ranging from dealmaker travel to dinners to news subscriptions. And it’s proving difficult to determine how tho... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Foreign Fighters Are Leaving Ukraine
Hieu Le, who served with the US military in Afghanistan, said his combat experience did not prepare him for the horrors of the front line in Ukraine. Photo: Hieu Le *VICE:* *‘I Don’t Want to Be Cannon Fodder’: Foreign Fighters Are Leaving Ukraine* A would-be fighter tells VICE World News that concerns over a lack of firepower, war tourists, and potentially being executed by the Russians have put him off joining Ukraine's foreign legion. When Phil, a 35-year-old former officer in the British Army, heard Ukraine’s call for foreign fighters to help defend the country from the R... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
What if Putin Didn’t Miscalculate?
© Alexei Nikolsky/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS *New York Times*:* What if Putin Didn’t Miscalculate?* The conventional wisdom is that Vladimir Putin catastrophically miscalculated. He thought Russian-speaking Ukrainians would welcome his troops. They didn’t. He thought he’d swiftly depose Volodymyr Zelensky’s government. He hasn’t. He thought he’d divide NATO. He’s united it. He thought he had sanction-proofed his economy. He’s wrecked it. He thought the Chinese would help him out. They’re hedging their bets. He thought his modernized military would ... read more
PrairiePundit1 day ago
Is Russia pulling back to regroup?ISW: ... The Kremlin's claimed withdrawal of forces around Kyiv, which it seeks to portray as a “huge step” towards peace, is a cover for an ongoing redeployment of Russian forces after their failure to take Kyiv. Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel-General Alexander Fomin claimed on March 29 that Russia will “drastically reduce military activity in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions” and provide details on Russia’s claimed withdrawal later this week.[1] Chief Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky falsely framed this claimed withdrawal as a “huge step” toward peace that require... read more
Organizing Notes1 day ago
The other side of warIn Mariupol - it is said that 80% of the city have been cleared of the Azov death squads. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
White House Says Russia's Military Is Misleading Putin About The True State Of The Ukraine Battlefield
Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. *New York Times: **U.S. intelligence suggests that Putin’s advisers misinformed him on Ukraine.* WASHINGTON — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has been misinformed by his advisers about the Russian military’s struggles in Ukraine, according to declassified U.S. intelligence. The intelligence, according to multiple U.S. officials, shows what appears to be growing tension between Mr. Putin and the Ministry of Defense, including with the Russian defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, who was once among t... read more
Retraction Watch1 day ago
Five studies linked to Cassava Sciences retractedA researcher at the center of questions about a biotech’s controversial experimental treatment for Alzheimer’s disease has lost five papers in PLOS One. The journal says it is retracting the articles, by Hoau-Yan Wang and colleagues, over concerns about the integrity of the data and the images in the papers. Wang does not agree with … Continue reading Five studies linked to Cassava Sciences retracted read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
Gregory Mannarino, "The UN Warns Of "CATASTROPHIC" Global Food Shortages; Corporate Profits Hit Record High"Gregory Mannarino, PM 3/30/22: *"The UN Warns Of "CATASTROPHIC" Global Food Shortages; * *Corporate Profits Hit Record High"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Pre-cut fruit recalled after FDA test shows Salmonella contaminationFreshcut fruit from Liberty Fruit Company Inc. is being recalled after government testing found a sample positive for Salmonella. The Kansas City, KS, company distributed the products to retailers and foodservice operations in four states, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska, according to the company’s recall notice posted by the Food and Drug Administration. The products... Continue Reading read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
US regulators hit 7 CBD companies with warning letters over COVID-19 claimsU.S. health and trade authorities issued a record seven warning letters in one day to companies making CBD, the biggest federal action against the industry in over a year. US regulators hit 7 CBD companies with warning letters over COVID-19 claims is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
NBC Concerned the Midterm Election Is in Shellacking TerritoryUnrelated to the NBC polling, CTH has been monitoring a pattern, a statistical pattern, as it pertains to public sentiment on key issues throughout our nation. There is a consistent ratio of 3:1 evident in almost all current political policy reviews. Meaning, take any singular issue, inflation, gas prices, covid mandates, Ukraine v Russia, specific […] The post NBC Concerned the Midterm Election Is in Shellacking Territory appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Senator Malcolm Roberts dropped bombshells in Senate after COVID Under Question inquiry. March 30, 2022.
By Allison Ryan – Excerpts from the Senator’s speech: The Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency, Ahpra, has been bullying medical practitioners into not reporting or even for talking about the harm they’re seeing. The TGA erased 98 per cent of the 800 vaccine deaths that physicians reported. The TGA did so without autopsy or suitable […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Stories You Won’t Find At The CBCStrange, I checked the national media and there was no mention of this. Trudeau is greeted by protesters. read more
Jennifer Marohasy1 day ago
All 224 Homogenised Temperature Series – Including the Bombing of DarwinI can hardly be accused of cherry picking if I present all the temperature series – all four iterations of the homogenised ACORN-SAT temperature series charted with the raw historical series from the Australia Data Archive for Meteorology (ADAM). ADAM is a little-known data set that contains the unhomogenised values: the temperature values as they [...] The post All 224 Homogenised Temperature Series – Including the Bombing of Darwin appeared first on Jennifer Marohasy. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
I Want A New CountryWe need to know how to escape this slow motion train wreck: What you need to know about Canada’s plan to cut emissions by 45% in the next 8 years read more
The New Dark Age1 day ago
Ukraine News Links 29-30 March 2022Wednesday, 30 March 2022 • 21:00 — The New Dark Age EU “reinforcements” arriving in the Ukraine http://thesaker.is/eu-reinforcements-arriving-in-the-ukraine/ How Close Was Ukraine to Getting Its Own Nukes? https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/03/30/how-close-was-ukraine-to-getting-its-own-nukes/ Ukraine Inflamed By Russian Concessions https://southfront.org/ukraine-inflamed-by-russian-concessions/ Depicting Putin as ‘Madman’ Eliminates Need for Diplomacy https://fair.org/home/depicting-putin-as-madman-eliminates-need-for-diplomacy/ Dozens Of Terrorists Left Syria’s Greater I... read more
The Duck of Minerva1 day ago
Do Realists and Leftists Want the Same Thing? The left is a big, intellectually eclectic political coalition. It includes democratic socialists, social democrats, anti-imperialists, progressives of varying hues, left-liberals, pacifists, Fabians, left-populists, feminists, and many others. Realism is similarly broad. It consists of classical realists, neorealists, neo-classical realists, defensive realists, offensive realists, restrainers, offshore balancers, primacists, and many others. In both cases the […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Revenge Against GodJames Lindsay- Peterson is right. Read Marx on Prometheus. read more
All Posts - LaRouchePAC1 day ago
LaRouchePAC’s Fight to Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore a National Bank Advances to Texas Republican ConventionA team of organizers and activists, led by LaRouchePAC’s Kesha Rogers and Peter Bowen, succeeded in securing support for the campaign to replace the Federal Reserve with a Third National Bank, at last weekend’s Texas Republican Senate Caucuses. The following resolution was adopted unanimously from the floor and now advances to the Texas Republican State Convention: read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
Forgotten Leaders - How HBCUs and PBIs Can Amplify Black Women's Roles in Social Justice MovementsThe creation of social justice advocacy centers, putting more women in positions of leadership, and connecting the dots from the... read more
PrairiePundit1 day ago
Judge rejects Jan. 6 prosecutor's double standard sentencingPJ Media: A federal judge blasted U.S. prosecutors seeking excessive sentences for some nonviolent participants in the Capitol riot, pointing to the treatment of BLM rioters as an example of a clear double standard. “I know that the government believes that the January 6th cases are *sui generis* [one of a kind] and therefore can’t be compared to other cases. But I don’t agree,” said U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden. “It does feel like the government has had two standards here, and I can’t abide by that,” he added, noting that before January 6, he couldn’t remember an inst... read more
Organizing Notes1 day ago
'British Bullshit Corporation' Whitewashes Ukrainian Nazis
*The Orwellian reality of the Beeb should make it the world’s “most busted” propaganda outlet* By Finian Cunningham There is no Nazi presence in Ukraine, the Azov Battalion are merely excellent fighters, and Russian claims of denazifying the regime are cynical falsifications to justify aggression, according to the BBC. In a sneaking way, one has to admire the aplomb of the British Broadcasting Corporation which promotes itself as one of the world’s “most trusted” news brands. While it smears and sneers at Russian news media as “state-owned” and “Kremlin propaganda machines”, ... read more
PrairiePundit1 day ago
Democrats rural voter problem*National Journal:* *Rural voters playing outsized role in battleground House races* *Over half of this year’s toss-up races are in districts with a sizable rural constituency. That reality makes holding the House—or even staying within striking distance—more challenging for Democrats.* The Democrats' energy policies have been a disaster for rural voters regardless of ethnicity. The gas to get to the grocery store becomes a hardship. For rural voters who are farmers, it is even worse because fuelling their tractors and other implements also costs more. As a rural voter, I can... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Listener question: Which dashcam should I buy?
A dashcam can come in handy whether you drive for a living or not. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Russian President Putin And German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Agree To Pay For Russian Gas In Rubles But Via Through The Gazprom Bank
*RT: **Russia's Putin and Germany's Scholz talk gas for rubles* Vladimir Putin assured his German counterpart that gas contracts wouldn’t be affected by the switch to Russian currency Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke by phone on Wednesday to discuss Moscow's demand that Berlin pay for Russian gas with rubles, rather than in euros or dollars. According to the German version of events, Putin agreed that payments would continue for the moment in either of the two Western currencies, with the Kremlin stating that these payments would then be c... read more
All That Is Solid ...1 day ago
What I've Been Reading Recently
Amazingly, another six months have passed since reflecting on books read at the start of Autumn. Less a comment on the pace of events and one of my still not reading a great deal at all. My bad. But here's the smattering of titles I've finished during this time. *Valley of the Dolls* by Jacqueline Susann *The Cultural Politics of Emotion* by Sara Ahmed *Breakfast with the Borgias* by DBC Pierre *Social Reproduction Theory and the Socialist Horizon* by Aaron Jaffe *Blue Labour: Forging a New Politics* edited by Ian Greary and Adrian Pabst *The New Working Class* by Claire Ainsley *Gener... read more
Not PC1 day ago
"100% of excessive inflation is due to bad monetary policy. "*"100% of excessive inflation is due to bad monetary policy. This shouldn’t even be debatable. I don’t know of any respectable theory (monetarist, Keynesian, Austrian, etc.) where this is not true. "And yet according to a recent 'Vox' article, economists have no idea what is causing the current bout of excessive inflation.... "When inflation is higher than it should be for demand side reasons, it is always 100% due to bad monetary policy. "And now Vox tells us that economists are now talking about 'corporate greed'? Seriously? "And just who are these so-called ... read more
PrairiePundit1 day ago
Did Russian military lie to Putin about Ukraine operation?*NY Times:* Tension Between Russian Leader and Defense Ministry Appears to Be Growing - President Vladimir Putin has been misinformed about his military’s struggles from aides fearful about his reaction, according to U.S. intelligence. - Mixed signals were coming from Russia on the progress in peace talks. Officials reported new attacks in northern Ukraine. Here’s the latest. I am not sure I buy this since Putin has been desperately trying to get replacement troops from alleged reserves to mercenaries. How could he not know that his forces have not achieved their ... read more
AltHealthWorks.com1 day ago
Mitigate the Acidic, Negative Effects of Coffee by Adding This One Ingredient to Your Next Cup
Coffee is one of those products that has a 50/50 split when it comes to health benefits and health risks. While some people do extremely well with it, others feel jittery or experience other side effects that aren’t enough to offset the benefits. What few people realize, however, is that not all coffee is created equal. Caffeine has protective effects against Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and heart disease; it also lowers the risks of oral cancers, and type 2 diabetes. At the same time, caffeine is a drug that can be addictive, and coffee can promote anxiet... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazilian tourists seek domestic travel, isolation, and natureRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - When the epidemiological situation in Brazil and the world started to show signs of improvement, many believed that the reopening of the borders would be marked by a boom in international travel and a strong re-socialization that was repressed for two long years. But the reality is that the habits […] The post Brazilian tourists seek domestic travel, isolation, and nature appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Poverty in Argentina dropped to 37.3% at the end of 2021 but remains above the 2019 levelRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Poverty was significantly reduced in 2021 and dropped to 37.3%, more than expected. However, despite having reacted to the strong monetary issuance, the reopening of bargaining, the freezing of utility tariffs -and other prices, such as part of basic foodstuffs- and the backwardness of the dollar in an electoral semester, […] The post Poverty in Argentina dropped to 37.3% at the end of 2021 but remains above the 2019 level appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
‘Really alarming’: the rise of smart cameras used to catch maskless students in US schoolsThe Guardian When students in suburban Atlanta returned to school for in-person classes amid the pandemic, they were required to mask up, like in many... The post ‘Really alarming’: the rise of smart cameras used to catch maskless students in US schools appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Biden Administration to Lift Title 42 Border Policy Allowing Immediate DeportationYahoo News The Biden administration will end the Title 42 public health order that allows border agents to immediately expel illegal border crossers, according to... The post Biden Administration to Lift Title 42 Border Policy Allowing Immediate Deportation appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Chile and Bolivia: Possible scenarios regarding the conflict over the Silala RiverRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After a long journey initiated in April 2016, with a brief signed by the current Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Ximena Fuentes, Chile's lawsuit against Bolivia for the use of the waters of the Silala River will begin this Friday, April . . . To read the full NEWS and much […] The post Chile and Bolivia: Possible scenarios regarding the conflict over the Silala River appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
The Wanted Singer Tom Parker Dies of Brain Tumor at 33Tom Parker, a member of British-Irish boy band The Wanted, has died after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He was 33. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
U.S. Intel and National Security Apparatus Make Moves to Protect Joe Biden From Hunter Biden Laptop FalloutTwo extremely devastating accounts from the CIA and U.S. Intelligence Community’s public relations firm, The Washington Post, surface today highlighting and confirming the authenticity of the material contained in the Hunter Biden laptop. The first defensive narrative is titled “Here’s how The Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop” and was published at 11:00am ET today. The […] The post U.S. Intel and National Security Apparatus Make Moves to Protect Joe Biden From Hunter Biden Laptop Fallout appeared first on The Last Refuge . read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Did Senate Hearings for Supreme Court Start With First Jewish Nominee?MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell provided some interesting historical background to Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation hearings in March 2022. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
John Solomon Interviews President Trump on Current EventsJohn Solomon and Amanda Head sit down with President Donald Trump for an exclusive interview covering the biggest issues effecting Americans today. {Direct Rumble Link} WATCH: . Posted in Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Donald Trump, Election 2022, Legislation, media bias, President Trump, Press Secretary - Trump, Uncategorized, USA The post John Solomon Interviews President Trump on Current Events appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
Dr. Gregory J. Vincent Named Next President of Talladega CollegeDr. Gregory J. Vincent, who is currently a professor and the executive director of the Civil Rights and Education Initiative at... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
Report Examines Impact of Emergency Micro-GrantsGrants decreased students’ time to completion but did not necessarily boost overall graduation rates... read more
PrairiePundit1 day ago
Bank records show payments from Chicoms to Hunter BidenEpoch Times: Newly released bank records show that payments were made to President Joe Biden’s son from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company. Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) presented the records on the Senate floor on March 28 and March 29. One showed a wire payment of $100,000 to Owasco, one of Hunter Biden’s firms, from CEFC China Energy, a now-defunct company closely associated with the Chinese regime, Another showed a wire transfer of $5 million to Hudson West, a company Hunter Biden invested in and managed, from Northern International Capital, a... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Putin Demands Mariupol Must Surrender To End The Fighting
*BBC:* *Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling* Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that shelling of the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol will only end when Ukrainian troops surrender. Mr Putin made the comments during an hour long phone call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday night, the Kremlin said in a statement. But French officials said the Russian leader had agreed to consider plans to evacuate civilians from the city. It comes as new satellite photos showed the destruction caused by the shelling. *Read more* .... *Update #... read more
Climate Collections1 day ago
Trudeau’s War on Canadian Energy
Originally posted on Science Matters: David Staples reports on the latest Trudeau attack on Canadian energy in his Edmonton Journal article If Trudeau’s new climate plan is excellent, why does Rachel Notley blast it? Excerpts in italics with my bolds. My own fear is that such policies will hammer Canada’s biggest energy sector and hobble… read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
90 minutes of vaccine adverse reactions – ever wondered what they look and feel like?RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The topic of vaccine injuries has not only presented doctors with an uphill battle in reporting them but has also created a frustrating space for people claiming to be vaccine injured. While some push the phenomenon away as a conspiracy theory, others qualify its relevance as ‘very rare’. Have you […] The post 90 minutes of vaccine adverse reactions – ever wondered what they look and feel like? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Econlib1 day ago
Carl Menger on Value
Value is nothing inherent in goods, no property of them, nor an independent thing existing by itself. It is a judgment economizing men make about the importance of goods at their disposal for the maintenance of their lives and well-being. Hence value does not exist outside the consciousness of men. So wrote Carl Menger, one […] The post Carl Menger on Value appeared first on Econlib. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Pecan chocolate eggs recalled after tree bark found on productElmer Candy Corp. is recalling certain Elmer’s Pecan Eggs candy because of foreign material on the product, specifically pecan tree bark. The recalled products were distributed in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. There is concern that consumers may have the recalled product in their homes. Recalled product: # Product Description Recall... Continue Reading read more
The Aviationist1 day ago
The Oldest F-22 Raptors Might Soon Be Headed For The Boneyard[image: F-22 Boneyard] The U.S. Air Force is planning to retire the 33 oldest, non-combat-capable F-22s to optimize resources The U.S. Air Force is seeking approval from the Congress to retire the oldest Tyndall Air Force Base’s F-22 [...] The post The Oldest F-22 Raptors Might Soon Be Headed For The Boneyard appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
Microsoft To Reverse The ClimateBill Gates has been making tremendous profits from human misery, and now wants to profit by depriving the world of healthy, organic natural food products. Microsoft To Reverse The Climate read more
Virtual Mirage1 day ago
InterludeEU Parliament: “Castro’s Bastard Sucks” (more here) This week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited the EU Parliament to deliver a speech on the threat to democracy the West is currently facing. The idea of such an obvious tyrant delivering a speech about democracy being under threat after ushering in one of the […] The post Interlude appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Latam aircraft forced to make emergency landing in Colombia: Landing gear caught fire on impactRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A Latam aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing at José María Córdova Airport in Rionegro, near Medellín, just minutes after takeoff because a wheel on its front landing gear failed. The Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement that the Airbus A-320 with the registration CC-BAS was en […] The post Latam aircraft forced to make emergency landing in Colombia: Landing gear caught fire on impact appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily1 day ago
Scotts-backed RIV Capital buys New York marijuana operator Etain for $247MA Canadian investment firm bankrolled by a unit of lawn and garden giant Scotts Miracle-Gro agreed to purchase New York-based marijuana company Etain Health for $247 million. Scotts-backed RIV Capital buys New York marijuana operator Etain for $247M is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Russia, Ukraine And The Law Of War: Crime Of AggressionWhen it comes to the legal use of force between states, it is considered unimpeachable fact that in accordance with the intent of the United Nations Charter to ban all conflict, there are only two acceptable exceptions. One is an enforcement action to maintain international peace and security authorized by a Security Council resolution passed under Chapter VII of the Charter, which permits the use of force. The other is the inherent right of individual and collective self-defense, as enshrined in Article 51 of the Charter, which reads as follows: “Nothing in the present Charter sh... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
President AMLO Criticizes US Claim It Hosts Russian SpiesMexico’s left-wing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has criticized the United States for claiming his country hosts more Russian spies than any other. “We need to send them telegrams, informing them that Mexico is not a colony of any foreign country, that Mexico is a free, independent, sovereign country,” declared López Obrador, who is known popularly by the acronym AMLO. “More and more this should be known, because sometimes it appears that it is not understood well enough,” the Mexican president added. The post President AMLO Criticizes US Claim It Hosts Russian Spies appear... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Global Food Shortages: How Does Your Garden (Or Pantry) Grow?The Russian invasion of Ukraine — and the US/EU/NATO sanctions response — doesn’t just up-end the global supply of grain crops (Russia and Ukraine are both top exporters of wheat) and other foods. As Reuters reports, it also affects the global supply of the fertilizers that power farming elsewhere. Russia is the world’s top fertilizer exporter, followed by China, a top “trade war” target of the last few years. What does this mean for Americans? Probably not starvation in the streets, but food prices are going to keep soaring, probably even more so than they have the last couple of... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Tunisian Journalists’ Union Announces General Strike On April 2Journalists in Tunisia will go on a nationwide general strike on April 2 to protest governmental interference in public media and to defend the freedom of speech and freedom of the press in the country. The National Syndicate for Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), Tunisia’s main journalists’ union, announced on Wednesday, March 23, that it has approved a mass strike by journalists. Union official Amira Mohammed cited the “president’s attempts to control public media and the authorities’ insistence on hitting the sector” as the main reason for the strike. The journalists’ union has criti... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
The Urgent Need For Climate ActionAlthough the worst effects of catastrophic climate change lie in the distant future, there are recent warnings that tell us that a climate disaster may be nearer than we thought. The Arctic and Antarctic regions are warming more than twice as fast as the remainder of the world. In the Antarctic region, the vast Thwaites glacier, sometimes called "the Doomsday Glacier", has recently exhibited so many cracks that scientists fear that it may shatter into small pieces like a windscreen. If this happens, the event may trigger the collapse of other nearby glaciers through a mechanism ca... read more
Science 2.0 blogs1 day ago
Bruce Willis Has Aphasia: What Does That Mean?In an Instagram post, the family of Bruce Willis revealed that the actor has been diagnosed with aphasia, and the cognitive decline resulting means he is stepping away from his acting career. Aphasia is devastating for an actor because all three kinds - Broca's aphasia, Wernicke's aphasia, and global aphasia - mean a loss of communications ability. And when an actor has to struggle to communicate at all, they are losing the ability to act. read more read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Bizarrely Foolish April 2022With an assist from master cartoonist Dan Piraro to celebrate April Fools Day. Police Work Truth Elusive Tech Flakes Life Cycle Twisted 2022 read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
For SaleVancouver Sun- Empty five-acre land parcel available on Vancouver’s prestigious Belmont Avenue. Three-lot parcel for sale at $81 million, with yearly property taxes of $280,000, but cannot be stratified. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Incentives Control Our LivesThe lack of employees across America is both obvious and striking. There are lots of jobs to go around but not enough people willing to do them. Tate Reeves, Governor of Mississippi, realized this and did something about it. The positive change has been nothing short of remarkable: The cause of this was simple: Federal… Continue reading → read more