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Small Dead Animals21 hours ago
We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant FansCTV; A new study has found that if the world were to meet the targets set out in the Paris Agreement, there would be eight million more jobs globally by 2050. But in this scenario, researchers say some fossil fuel-dependant economies such as Canada would actually see fewer energy jobs. Because most of those eight… Continue reading → read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
The Day the Good Internet Died
sooner or later your feed will be populated by AI or more plausibly by magic. that will be good. I populate my universe by letting the other side throw it down for me and letting me recall a page from the millions i have read . Can AI do it better? understand that we can never hope to match the information density of the other side ever. Even with a processor network scaled to the size of our solar system. Understamd that SPACE TIME logic is GOD. It amazes me that i can make that statement and no one expresses curiosity. *The Day the Good Internet Died* *For a small s... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids
The best stats tell us that children are essentially not at risk. It is obscene that the CDC is promoting the vaccines to children. Here we have a conforming new study. So we ignore this again. The truth is inconvenient. * Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy KidsRather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues to use 'flimsy evidence' to push the COVID vaccine upon children.https://thefederalist.com/2021/07/21/johns-hopkins-study-found-zero-covid-deaths-among-healthy-kids/By Audrey UnverferthJULY 21, 2021... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
The 3 Treasures of Taoism That Lead to a Happy Life
The unsolved problem stalking the globe is the lack of simple material security. This could have been solved a long time ago but we are stalled in terms of distribution. ending material insecurity opens us to what is then a potentially dominent MEME. That is universal happiness. We all learn to live responsibly and gently groom the land. We share each other as lovers and join to open the path. The Path is there and will come upon us all. *The 3 Treasures of Taoism That Lead to a Happy Life* *July 23rd, 2021* *By Paul Lenda* *Staff Writer for Wake Up World* *https://wak... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
How Long Do Vaccinated Useless Eaters Have to Live?
This is the full horror of it all. It is possible for a human being to think like this. It is not even an irrational anti semetism of the NAZIs. Today they are dosing the developed world in particular as what appears to be an act of WAR. in the past it was trusting Blacks. They merely lablel the majority of the human race as useless eaters. That is the new label and trust us, you are dead. worse, the children will also die. All are innocent. . *How Long Do Vaccinated Have to Live?* *Thursday, July 22, 2021 18:57* *Dr. Mylo Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the worl... read more
Climatism21 hours ago
Climate Change : An Excuse For Political IncompetenceOriginally posted on PA Pundits - International: By Dr. John Happs ~ People have always been drawn to the coast and rivers because of their scenic locations. In earlier times there were clear advantages from riverside and coastal living since they provided easier trade and communication with other parts of the country and overseas. Around… read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Ten of Brazil’s 13 industry sectors have resumed pre-pandemic levelsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Among 13 of the most important sectors of Brazilian industry, 10 have either recovered or surpassed pre-pandemic activity levels in this first half of the year. These sectors are expected to continue growing, mainly driven by the advance of vaccination which may increase consumption. But there are a number of […] The post Ten of Brazil’s 13 industry sectors have resumed pre-pandemic levels appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Russian agency begins works for nuclear reactor in Bolivia: “Unique in the world”RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The project was put on hold in 2019 and it is "unique and unparalleled in the world," to be erected in the city of El Alto, located 4,000 meters above sea level. According to Rosatom, the reactor site is the highest in the world in terms of nuclear installations. The […] The post Russian agency begins works for nuclear reactor in Bolivia: “Unique in the world” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Dances With Bears21 hours ago
MONEY FEVER, LOSS OF TASTE, MORE SMELL — WHO EARNED SUPER PROFITS IN RUSSIA FROM THE CORONA VIRUS?By Mikhail Kuvyrko, Moscow — translated from Russian* @bears_with Entire sectors of the Russian economy have managed to earn huge amounts of money recently –and all thanks to the crisis caused by the coronavirus. Who has benefited the most from what is happening, will this cash flow continue in the future and what will the […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Dr Fauci maintains innocence, but the noose is tightening [Video]
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a Washington, D.C. insider for many years. Wikipedia has a glowing entry about him, amazingly devoid of the controversy the man is currently in as his known support for gain-of-function research on viruses has come back to bite him hard with COVID-19’s rampage around the world. This of course is […] read more
PA Pundits – International21 hours ago
Climate Change: An Excuse For Political IncompetenceBy Dr. John Happs ~ People have always been drawn to the coast and rivers because of their scenic locations. In earlier times there were clear advantages from riverside and coastal living since they provided easier trade and communication with other parts of the country and overseas. Around the world, building on the fertile soils […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
As Stimulus Runs Out, Economy Falling! Governments Moving Closer Toward Bankruptcy!
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The Duran21 hours ago
“More Than One Way To Burn A Book”
If you don’t recognise that phrase, it was coined by the American novelist Ray Bradbury, whose most famous work Fahrenheit 451 takes its title from the temperature at which paper catches fire. Nowadays of course, book burning is done metaphorically more than literally, hence the title of this Zoom meeting which was chaired by journalist […] read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit21 hours ago
A Startling Fact about Accounting Consultant Next UncoveredConnie did plenty of analysis and all the issues many consultants advised her to do: analysis her market, target her market, and match her message to her market. Nevertheless, all of her work was externally primarily based. So I requested her one day, “Connie, what sort of client do you wish to entice?” She began naming the titles of the folks she wished to work with. I asked her to tell me about her favourite shoppers. I requested her to share the attributes or those likeability elements of all of those shoppers she liked to work with. So, if you’re … read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Senator John Kennedy puts it straight – Biden wants open borders [Video]
Sometimes the news really is simple. This is one such case. Actions speak with great power. Imposter Joe Biden’s actions proclaim to the world that the United States, in his view, has no right to its sovereign borders. Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana is perhaps one of the most clever men in that legislative body. He has […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Who Is Hatun Tash?The UK now has a large Islamic population, including many white converts, and since the 9/11 atrocities it has seen its own Islamist terror attacks, the worst by far being 7/7. Most such outrages have been perpetrated by individuals or very small groups who have been radicalised, or have radicalised themselves on-line. One such attack, […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Catherine Austin Fitts: Stop The Great Reset… Use Cash!
https://tube2.solari.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/WE-will-have-total-contro-global-currency-bank-of-international-settlements.mp4 They can’t control you if you use cash. Get out of the banks and use a local credit union. Resist the great reset. By the Solari Team As the saying goes, “money makes the world go around,” but today’s battle of digital currencies, inflation, and paper currency has humanity at a tipping point between […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Jaw Dropping: The vaccine does not stop the spread of covid. It does not help attain herd immunity.
The Hill Loves Fauci And He Loves Lobbying Them The Hill Loves Fauci And He Loves Lobbying Them Dr Robert Malone, the creator of the mRNA vaccine technology, tells Bannon’s War Room that the vaccine will not help the population reach herd immunity. read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Stock Market This Week – The Money GPS Live
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The Duran21 hours ago
The Corbet Report Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts
Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/cashfriday/ While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. … Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4 SHOW NOTES Solari.com […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Is Brexit The Beginning Of NIexit, How The Northern Ireland Might Exit UK?
Today we believe that countries sovereignty is the sacred obligation to everyone, and it’s just hard to imagine a country significantly expanding its territories. However, there are territories like Crimea, the situation there is complicated though. And the territorial wars are still accurate to this day. Another subject of argument is the island split between […] read more
As the CV jab rolls out to teens in NZ’s Whanganui, the UK recommends AGAINST Covid jabs for kids (Voices for Freedom)
From Voices for Freedom who are doing an amazing job in so many ways. I recommend you sign up with them and get involved in your own area. EWR “This week has been a doozy when it comes to announcements regarding children and the experimental jab. While much of the world seems to be acting … Continue reading As the CV jab rolls out to teens in NZ’s Whanganui, the UK recommends AGAINST Covid jabs for kids (Voices for Freedom) → read more
Are you worried about the CV VX coming to your child’s school? Here is a document to download & send
From the Health Forum NZ @ Facebook If you are worried about the CV VX coming to your child’s school then you really must download, save and send this to the school…It is a brilliantly written and important document for NZ parents: Image by Vidhyarthi Darpan from Pixabay read more
Other Headlines
The Covid Blog Jordan Hayes: 33-year-old New York man calls the non-vaccinated “idiots” and “morons,” dead 14 weeks after COVID-19 “vaccine” Siyabonga Africa: 35-year-old South African digital media strategist dead three days after first experimental Pfizer mRNA injection Great Reset rhetoric; American Academy of Pediatrics funded by Pfizer Simon Walker: 42-year-old British soccer coach develops … Continue reading Other Headlines → read more
‘COVID’ DEATHS – those fudged stats so many of us knew about
The hype and the deaths that MSM (aka lamestream) declined to investigate or comment on … bit late now really isn’t it? The re classifying of cause of death no matter what it was, to CV. I am curious nevertheless as this is mainstream announcing the admission. It’s been gotten away with and still folk … Continue reading ‘COVID’ DEATHS – those fudged stats so many of us knew about → read more
The Duran1 day ago
Wiki Lies has rewritten history: They have erased the inventor of the mRNA vaccine
Dr. Robert Malone is no longer recognized by Wikipedia as being the creator of the technology used in some COVID-19 vaccines. Wikipedia co-founder says site’s leftism has rendered it ‘propaganda’. In an interview with Freddie Sayers on LockdownTV, Larry Sanger commented on Wikipedia’s left-wing bias on every topic from COVID-19, politics, and journalism to Eastern […] read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
"Always the Best": USS Jimmy Carter Carries On the President's Naval Passion*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* The boat displaces 12,140 tons under full load and is 453 feet in length with a beam that measures 40 feet. *Key Point: *According to U.S. Navy tradition, most American Presidents are honored by having an aircraft carrier named after them. Such is the case with the USS* Abraham Lincoln, *USS* Ronald Reagan, *USS* Gerald Ford *and USS* George H.W. Bush*. However, one American President was honored not with having his name on a U.S. Navy carrier – the largest warships in the world today – but rather on a nuclear submarine. *The *USS* Jimmy Carter... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
The Type 093 Submarine Is China's Terrifying New Innovation*Peter Suciu* *Submarines, Asia* The Shang II-class submarine has helped to make China into a major naval power. *Here's What You Need to Know*: However, the more significant threat from Beijing may not be the carriers or other surface vessels, or even its aircraft carrier “killer” missiles—but rather its Type 093A attack submarine. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is now the largest naval force in the world, and a lot of attention has been paid to its two aircraft carriers, while a third flattop is reportedly on the way. This is in addition to its naval expansion, whic... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
The 10 Best Guns for Home Self Defense*Gun News Daily* *Firearms, United States* Our main factors were the overall quality, reliability, accuracy, capacity, and ease of use for each gun. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* If you’re having a tough time deciding between the handguns on this list, we recommend visiting your local gun range and renting a few of them. If you’re looking for an *effective home-defense weapon*, handguns are one of the most popular choices. *Why do so many people go with the handgun, especially when there are far more powerful guns available?* Their compact size makes it easy to store a ha... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Some Americans to Receive Less Child Tax Credit Than Expected*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Child Tax Credit, * There are, however, some reasonable explanations as to why these situations occurred. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Finally, regarding babies born this year, know that they will indeed make parents eligible for the credits if an extra step is taken. On the aforementioned Update Portal, parents are able to report these newborns at any time throughout the year, which should initiate the payments that they are entitled to. On July 15, roughly thirty-five million American families began receiving their monthly share of the expanded child... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
TOW Anti-Tank Missile: The Army's Immortal Hammer*Peter Suciu* *Security, * Despite the fact that the weapon has been in service for fifty years, which is ancient by some military hardware standards, the TOW has gone through steady improvements. *Key Point: *The BGM-71 TOW ("Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) anti-tank missile will remain in the U.S. Army's anti-tank arsenal through the mid-2030s. That is impressive given that the weapon system was first developed in the 1960s and has been in service since 1970. The first generation of the TOW was used to bust North Vietnamese tanks in 1972—the first time ever that... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Prices are Rising: Are Voters Right to be Worried (and Biden)?*Rachel Bucchino* *economy, * Inflation has grown to be a major area of concern among voters, as a Fox News poll also indicated that eighty-two percent of participants said they were worried about inflation. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Labor Department also recently released that its consumer-price index jumped 5.4 percent last month compared to one year earlier. When omitting volatile food and energy categories, prices increased 4.5 percent from a year earlier, the most in nearly three decades The vast majority of voters say they are concerned about the rising cost ... read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Argentine economy grows close to 10% annually in first half of the yearRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina's economy rebounded by 9.7% in the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2020, according to Orlando Ferreres consulting firm's General Activity Index (IGA). The data shows that activity rebounded in June after the decline registered in May as a result of stricter health restrictions. […] The post Argentine economy grows close to 10% annually in first half of the year appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
We have the technology: AI spots shipwrecks from the ocean surface – and even from the airUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
What a Submarine Looks Like After Smashing Into an Underwater MountainUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Nervous: Lifeguard may have been bitten by a shark at New York's Jones BeachThe Rio Times21 hours ago
Brazil’s TradersClub raises US$117 million in IPO and plans acquisitionsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - TC (TRAD3) social platform for investors, formerly known as TradersClub, listed its initial public offering (IPO) on Monday, July 26, at R$9.50 (US$1.84) per share, two sources close to the deal said. Indicative price ranged from R$9.00 to R$11.25. The listing marks the culmination of the platform's meteoric rise from […] The post Brazil’s TradersClub raises US$117 million in IPO and plans acquisitions appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
OrientalReview.org22 hours ago
Afghanistan, Failure And Second ThoughtsIt is a country other powers simply cannot leave alone. Even after abandoning its Kabul post in ignominy, tail tucked between their legs, Australia is now wondering if it should return – in some form. The Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs has been sending out a few signals, none […] read more
Event Horizon Chronicle22 hours ago
The Parallel Satanic World All Around UsI sincerely feel for the pop singer, Britney Spears, and her very public -- and nonpublic -- lifelong ordeal, which apparently has its roots in childhood as a performer for Disney. I've never followed her show business career. I couldn't tell you one of her songs. Notwithstanding all that, I couldn't help but notice her recent, high profile legal battle to remove herself from an oppressive conservatorship that has been imposed on her for many years. The conservatorship frankly reduces her to the status of a prisoner, a puppet, controlled by others against her will. I was struck by w... read more
Modern Tokyo Times22 hours ago
Tunisia plunged into a new political crisisTunisia plunged into a new political crisis Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times President Kais Saied of Tunisia fired Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi claiming national interest. Saied then did the same to the Defense Minister as a sign of consolidating his actions. Therefore, Tunisia is being plunged once more into a new […] The post Tunisia plunged into a new political crisis first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Steven Van Metre (Monetary System Deep Dive, Bonds, Deflation, Fed’s BS, QE)Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Democrats ‘Will Be Forced’ to Remove Joe Biden from Office Due to His ‘Mental Decline’
Sky News Australia Former White House physician and current Republican member of Congress Ronny Jackson has told Fox News he believes Joe Biden will have to resign before his term is up due to an “alarming” decline in the president’s cognitive abilities. Dr Jackson was the White House physician for former Presidents Donald Trump and … read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Monday 26 July 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
PolitiFact Tags It FALSE That Biden And Harris ‘Distrusted COVID-19 Vaccines’ In 2020By Tim Graham ~ PolitiFact’s aggressive defense of Biden and Harris popped up again on Friday. They tagged it as “False” for a Tik-Tok video that “Says Joe Biden and Kamala Harris distrusted COVID-19 vaccines.” The quotes in the video are all accurate, but they caused Facebook to flag the video as “Missing Context.” As […] read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
The Greens Threaten Us With Floods But Fail To Protect Against ThemBy David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ The devastating European floods reveal an incredible hypocrisy in the green agenda. They want to spend untold sums, supposedly to prevent natural floods by cutting emissions. But they spend nothing to prepare for these same floods, which they predict will get worse! This glaring point is made quite clearly by […] read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
What To Expect From House’s Partisan Probe Of Capitol RiotBy Fred Lucas ~ Amid partisan acrimony, the first hearing of the Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol will convene Tuesday. The panel investigating the Capitol riot has seven Democrats and two Republicans—all appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. The original plan was that Pelosi would name eight […] read more
UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Why is water sprayed on Olympic pools? Explaining safety measure for diving eventsUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Stunned animal-watchers spot a pair of rare white orcas off the coast of JapanUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
How synchronized swimmers keep their performance-perfect makeup intactUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Eating fresh fish and seafood during red tide: Is it safe?UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
When the Titanic collapses, the expedition will monitor the deteriorationUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
'Devastating grief': Georgia Aquarium mourns death of beluga whale calfUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
5 stranded dolphins rescued in Massachusetts, released off ProvincetownUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
One day after her birthday, San Antonio SeaWorld Beluga whale 'Luna' gives birthUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Blue ticked off: the controversy over the MSC fish 'ecolabel'UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Think locally: Artificial reefs installed under the dock of Florida waterfront restaurant in battle against red tideGangsters Out Blog22 hours ago
Stargate SG - 1 - Vaccine causes sterilityI was watching an old episode from an old TV series called Stargate SG - !. Episode 10 in Season five contained an interesting account about how one alien species wiped out another by offering a vaccine to a pandemic. Their vaccine caused sterility and the civilization came to an abrupt end. Obviously, this is all fiction yet biological warfare isn't. After all, the reason why the NIH were banned from conducting gain of function research at the Wuhan lab is because it could be used as a biological weapon. Their science is anything but. Normal vaccines have a long history of help... read more
New Mandala22 hours ago
Reflections on the 2021 Myanmar Update in troubled times...with COVID-19, and a coup, predicting the course of Myanmar’s future may best be put in the hands of the astrologers. The post Reflections on the 2021 Myanmar Update in troubled times appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
The IRS Is Sending More Plus-Up Stimulus Payments*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Checks, * The IRS announced on Wednesday that 2.2 million additional payments had been sent out by July. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The IRS continues to have a sizable backlog of tax returns to process – many of which contained errors, meaning that the agency needs to carefully evaluate them. The tax collection agency has also been tasked with distributing the six Child Tax Credit advance payments, of up to $3,600 per child, to 36 million American families. The third round of stimulus payments, approved by Congress and signed into law by Pre... read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Is a $2,500 Stimulus Check Heading Your Way? Not a Chance*Ethen Kim Lieser* *economy, Americas* Despite the fact that three sizeable checks have been distributed to many Americans, there are still calls to quickly pass legislation that would green-light a fourth round of stimulus funding. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Thanks to Biden’s stimulus legislation, parents are now able to collect as much as $3,600 per year for a child under the age of six and up to $3,000 for children between ages six and seventeen. This means that a $250 or a $300 payment for each child will be deposited into the bank accounts of eligible parents on a ... read more
Charles Frith23 hours ago
Charlemagne: Emperor of the Western WorldNow that Southampton Library is open again, I ducked in a month or so ago, and picked up the first biography that took my fancy. I've been into Charlemagne since I did Open Yale's Professor Freedman... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
July 27th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 189In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post July 27th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 189 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Parnell attorneys preparing their written arguments for vacating sentencesStewart Parnell, 67, and Michael Parnell, 62, have returned to their low and medium secure lockups after appearing for their motion hearings last month at the C.B. King Courthouse in Albany, GA. Transcripts of those proceedings also became available to the parties, kicking off the written arguments for U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Q. Langstaff. Ultimately,... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
WHO wants data on heavy metals in foodThe World Health Organization (WHO) has called for data on two heavy metals in a range of food types. The first covers methylmercury and total mercury in orange roughy, pink cusk-eel and all toothfish and the second is on lead in cereal-based foods and ready-to-eat meals for infants and young children; dried spices and culinary... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Salmonella dominates outbreaks in AustraliaMore than 450 foodborne outbreaks were reported over a three-year period in Australia, according to a new study. The 452 confirmed and suspected foodborne outbreaks affected 7,361 people, caused 705 hospitalizations and 18 deaths from 2013 to 2015. Salmonella was the main agent identified and restaurants were the most frequently-reported food preparation setting. There were... Continue Reading read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
July 27, 2021: Reader TipsThis evening we celebrate Marc Cohn’s classic, Walking in Memphis. Here’s the original version and here’s a longer live version where he explains more about the song. You know those things we call tips? We’d love some! read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Tuesday July 27th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Tuesday July 27th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Why Bernie Sanders Wants to Expand Social Security*Stephen Silver* *Social Security, * Two Senators have introduced a bill that will extend benefits from that program to some Americans in their 20s, provided they meet certain conditions. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Some younger Americans, recent surveys have shown, are worried that Social Security won’t be there for them decades from now when it’s time for them to retire. But Social Security isn’t just for retirees. And now, two Senators have introduced a bill that will extend benefits from that program to some Americans in their 20s, provided they meet certain conditio... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Still Waiting on That $1,400 Stimulus Payment? The IRS Can Help*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Payment, * There are options available for those individuals who have been waiting patiently for their stimulus checks. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Do keep in mind that that the IRS is juggling several responsibilities concurrently, which include the sending out of child tax credits, “plus-up” payments, unemployment benefit refunds, and the traditional refunds from federal tax returns. Throughout the past several months, the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department have tirelessly worked around the clock to issue nearly one hundre... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Why Can't the U.S. Navy's Littoral Combat Ships Get Their Act Together?*David Axe* *Littoral Combat Ship, * Expensive and just plain useless? *Here's What You Need to Know*: It took the Navy nearly two decades to realize the LCS program had failed. The sailing branch in 2014 cut LCS acquisition from 55 ships to 32. Congress eventually added three vessels, boosting the class to 35 ships. After spending $30 billion over a period of around two decades, the U.S. Navy has managed to acquire just 35 of the 3,000-ton-displacement vessels. Sixteen were in service as of late 2018. Of those 16, four are test ships. Six are training ships. In 2019 just six LC... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Over 3 Million Americans are Begging for More Stimulus Payments*Ethen Kim Lieser* *US Economy, Americas* “I’m calling on Congress to support families with a $2,000 payment for adults and a $1,000 payment for kids immediately, and continuing regular checks for the duration of the crisis,” Bonin states in the petition. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Keep in mind that over the past year, Congress has approved the delivery of three direct stimulus payments to most Americans—a $1,200 check in April 2020, $600 in December, and the current $1,400 payments under Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. It appears that President Joe Biden a... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
The Alinsky Play is Clear – California State Joins New York City and Veterans Administration in Mandating Vaccination Shots for Employees, Simultaneous to CDC Changing COVID TestIt’s all a strategic Alinsky move once you connect the dots. Earlier today New York City Mayor De Blasio announced mandated vaccinations for all 340,000 city employees. Hours later Joe Biden announced mandatory vaccinations for all 115,000 front-line employees of The Veterans Affairs department. Immediately thereafter, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced all state employees and […] The post The Alinsky Play is Clear – California State Joins New York City and Veterans Administration in Mandating Vaccination Shots for Employees, Simultaneous to CDC Changing COVID Test appeare... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil eliminates taxes on domestic arms exportsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The government of Jair Bolsonaro eliminated on Monday the 150% tax that Brazilian exporters who sell firearms to Central and South American countries had to pay. The high tax was imposed in 2001 after investigations indicated that thousands of weapons exported from Brazil to neighboring countries, especially Paraguay, were later […] The post Brazil eliminates taxes on domestic arms exports appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Real Climate Science1 day ago
The Climate Shell GameThe Biden administration is paying farmers not to grow food, in order to “cut greenhouse has emissions by half” in the next eight years. The Biden administration will pay farmers more money not to farm Experts say global warming will … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Tokyo: Brazil’s Fernando Scheffer wins bronze medal in 200m freestyleRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A lot of emotion in the four finals in swimming on Monday night (26). And there was a Brazilian medal in the 200m freestyle. In a thrilling race, Brazilian Fernando Scheffer took bronze behind two British swimmers. In the men's 200m freestyle, Britain's Tom Dean in the first place, Duncan […] The post Tokyo: Brazil’s Fernando Scheffer wins bronze medal in 200m freestyle appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
balance101 day ago
to be on a path of one’s choosing
1) Out of the East comes the Principle of Father. Out of the West comes the Personality of Mother. The intertwining creates culture, government and civilization of the lightbearers…. We sit at the Darjeeling Council table. We sit in the chambers where God-government is planned and its application to these nations and to this system of worlds. Negotiation is the negotiation of light and law and its application to an evolving humanity. *This* is the only place for discussion. -Gautama Buddha: 7-4-1976 at Washington D.C., *Pearls of Wisdom* 44:35 ………... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil reports 18,999 new cases, 578 Covid deaths (July 26)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil recorded 18,999 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, along with 578 deaths from COVID-19, the Health Ministry said on Monday. Brazil has registered more than 19.7 million cases since the pandemic began, while the official death toll has risen to 550,502, according to ministry […] The post Brazil reports 18,999 new cases, 578 Covid deaths (July 26) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
Press Conference at DOJ Demanding Answers on Treatment of January 6th Prisoners (US Members of Congress Gohmert, Gosar, Gaetz, Greene, Good, Tues., July 27, 2021)
On Rumble: https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html Leftists whistle through most of the press conference because they don’t want you to listen. Don’t let … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
It’s So Relaxing…coming home from a holiday. read more
Joe Martin's Ghost1 day ago
Back Into Other ThingsMy latest model. This is a Tamiya 1/48 scale F4U1D Corsair. I did some research to make sure I had both the ship designation markings and fuselage numbers were correct for the plane my uncle flew on July 26th 1945. On this date he left his squadron on a raid on Kure harbor in Japan where he dropped a 1000 pound bomb down the stack of the hybrid Battleship,/Aircraft Carrier Ise exploding her read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Publisher’s Platform: Tiger Brands back in hot seat; recalls millions of cans of vegetablesAccording to South African press reports, Tiger Brands, South Africa’s biggest food manufacturer, announced yesterday that it is immediately recalling about 20 million Koo and Hugo’s canned vegetable products that were produced from May 1, 2019, to May 5, 2021, over safety concerns due to potentially defective cans. The issue with the cans, which is... Continue Reading read more
Musings from the Chiefio1 day ago
Trump Rally & Speech at Phoenix Az 24 July 2021Trump Rally & Speech in Phoenix Az 24 July 2021. Rips some folks over the audit, among other things. Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Bizarre Biden: ‘I Don’t Care If You Think I’m Satan Reincarnated’ – “The Idea That The Dems Or The Biden Is Hiding People And Sucking The Blood Of Children…”
Bizzarro Biden telling the truth?? read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Worldwide Uprising Against Lockdown Forces Globalists To New Extremes — Sunday Night Live – FULL SHOW 07/25/21 read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Medical Martial Law Expanding as CDC Admits PCR Tests Invalid read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Democrats Need Four Illusions to SleepJohn Ellis writes at his blog Four Illusions. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and images. Illusion #1: Biden is not too old. People who have been around American politics for a long time know Joe Biden well. The eldest among them have known Joe Biden for nearly five decades. What they will tell you […] read more
CENSORED NEWS13 hours ago
Police Mob Swarms Lone Water Protector at a Convenience Store, Brutalize Others Coming to his AidVideo by Camp Migizi today at Thief River Falls, Minn. Screen captures by Censored News.By Brenda NorrellCensored NewsVideo: https://www.facebook.com/MigiziWillFly/THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minnesota -- A mob of Pennington County cops swarmed a lone Water Protector at a convenience store today in Thief River Falls. He had just been released from jail for protecting the water.When other Water Protectors read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Tank Titan: Russia's Armored Cavalry Keeps Getting Stronger*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* Most recent attention has been focused on the T-72 tank line in Russian service. *Key Point: *The end of the Soviet Union appeared to signal the demise of the philosophy of multiple tank lines. During the Cold War, the number of different tank types the Soviet Union maintained often puzzled Western analysts. Eight distinct families of tanks were operated, supported, and modernized simultaneously (the PT-76, T-10, T-54, T-55, T-62, T-64, T-72 and T-80). The end of the Soviet Union appeared to signal the demise of the philosophy of multiple tank li... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
“Alarming Signs Point to Trouble; Unemployed Make $35 Per Hour; Housing Boom Cools Down, Crisis Next”Jeremiah Babe, PM 7/26/21: *“Alarming Signs Point to Trouble; Unemployed Make $35 * *Per Hour; **Housing Boom Cools Down, Crisis Next”* read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"The Bank Was Saved, and the People Were Ruined."*"The Bank Was Saved, and the People Were Ruined."* by Jeff Thomas "The above quote is from William Gouge, commenting on the Panic of 1819. The panic had been caused when the First Bank of the United States had first expanded the money supply dramatically by offering loans, then contracted the money supply by tightening its requirements for new loans, causing a crash. This is a useful quote, as, in its simplicity, it states the very nature of crashes brought on by irresponsible banking practices. In every case in which this occurs, it is possible through the complicity of the gover... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
CDC Admits PCR Tests Failed, Abandons Using Them in Future – FULL SHOW 7/26/21 read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Personal Or Public Welfare? | Covid Policies Spark Fight for Freedom [DEBATE]RT Thousands have rallied worldwide against Covid restrictions. But while people chant slogans for greater freedom, countries grapple with high infection rates, as the Delta strain advances. RT discussed the balance between freedoms and risks to society with medical experts. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Merrill Gold Trader: “I F-ck the Mkt a Lot”; Took Pride in How Easy It Was to Rig Gold/Silver PriceArcadia Economics Merrill gold trader: “I f-ck the mkt a lot”; took pride in how easy it was to rig gold/#silverprice While some investors are confused by the low #silver price, when you look a bit deeper beneath the surface, the discrepancies can be quickly resolved. One example being how a former Merrill Lynch #gold … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
COUNTDOWN TO 2025 AND THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA—PART 6: Powerful Occult Figures, Their Agencies, And Secret Agenda
COUNTDOWN TO 2025 AND THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMERICA—PART 6: Powerful Occult Figures, Their Agencies, And Secret Agenda by SkyWatch Editor, https://www.skywatchtv.com/ Few would argue that powerful figures, agencies, and political movements often use such resources to their advantage when pushing their own agenda. Crowds are, unfortunately, relatively easy to manipulate with access to the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Riots Against Vaccine Tyranny In Europe As CDC Withdraws PCR Test That Cannot Distinguish Between COVID And The Flu
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Riots Against Vaccine Tyranny In Europe As CDC Withdraws PCR Test That Cannot Distinguish Between COVID And The Flu by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are knee-deep in pandemic panic, a panic largely created by our fear monger overlords in order to exert their … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Syrian Air Defense Units Intercept Israeli Missiles Near Damascus, Thwarting THIRD Raid in a Week – Russian Defense MinistrySyrian Air Defense Units Intercept Israeli Missiles Near Damascus, Thwarting THIRD Raid in a Week – Russian Defense Ministry by https://www.rt.com/ , 26 July 2021 The Syrian military intercepted two missiles fired by Israeli fighter jets at the Damascus suburb of Set Zaynab over the weekend, thwarting the third airstrike in just a week, using … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Moscow Acts to Block US Bases in Central Asia; Moves Troops To Afghan BorderAlexander Mercouris Moscow Acts to Block US Bases in Central Asia; Moves Troops To Afghan Border News Topic 232 – Kremlin remains mum on reports Russia ‘offered use’ of Central Asia bases to US https://tass.com/politics/1315357 Russia, Uzbekistan to hold military drills near Afghan border – Ifx https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-… Russia shows tentative willingness to let U.S. use … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Stock Market Topping Out? Gold Rally Ahead | Chris VermeulenLiberty and Finance If the Dollar starts to roll over, precious metals could jump higher, says Chris Vermeulen, founder of The Technical Traders. At that time, the stock market would most likely top out and start to crash. Silver has “a lot of upside potential,” he says. However, he foresees further pressure downward in the … read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
“SUNRISE, SUNSET >> Sometimes the show is behind you” – TTG“Anne Hupka of Stafford County recently captured this photo of anti crepuscular rays from her family’s home on the Potomac Creek. Similar to the shafts of light we see shining from the sun, anticrepuscular rays appear in the sky opposite … Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Deadly Blood Clots Develop In 62% of People Receiving COVID Vaccine read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
With Democrats (And Republican Whore Traitors) Using The Deep State As Their Personal Gestapo, Internment Camps And Guillotines For ‘Dissidents’ Are Closer Than Ever As Globalists Rush In Their ‘New World Order’
With Democrats (And Republican Whore Traitors) Using The Deep State As Their Personal Gestapo, Internment Camps And Guillotines For ‘Dissidents’ Are Closer Than Ever As Globalists Rush In Their ‘New World Order’ by Alan Barton aka Bart’s Bantering for All News Pipeline, https://allnewspipeline.com/index.php?pr=Home “It now has become clear that within the January 6 “Stop the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Putin Warns of ‘Unpreventable’ Strikes by Russian NavyPutin Warns of ‘Unpreventable’ Strikes by Russian Navy by https://www.dw.com/ The Russian president’s warning comes amid tensions between London and Moscow after a British warship entered waters close to Crimea. – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday warned that its navy is ready to carry out an “unpreventable strike” on enemy targets if it was … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Greenwald: FBI Using Same Fear Tactic From First War On Terror, Orchestrating Its Own Terrorism PlotsGreenwald: FBI Using Same Fear Tactic From First War On Terror, Orchestrating Its Own Terrorism Plots by Glenn Greenwald via substack, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Questioning the FBI’s role in 1/6 was maligned by corporate media as deranged. But only ignorance about the FBI or a desire to deceive could produce such a reaction. – The narrative that … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Thousands Around The World Protest Against Covid RestrictionsRT Covid restrictions and mandatory passes spark furious rallies for freedom around the world. end read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
Joelene Versus The LandlordI couldn’t stop thinking about what a scam rent is, where you pay your landlord to look after their investment property, so I made a mixed media piece about it. Join Joelene on her whimsical journey to the mythical land of housing security. ___________________ […] read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Recall alert: These medical devices could expose users to dangerous toxins
If you use one of these medical devices, your life could be in danger. Find out the risks here. read more