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The Rio Times21 hours ago
5G Internet to boost Brazil in strategic areas – Communications MinisterRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Heavy industry, commodity production and Brazilian agribusiness will see an increase in productivity with the arrival of 5G technology in Brazil. The assessment was made yesterday, June 29, by Minister of Communications Fabio Faria during the Mobile World Congress 2021 in Barcelona. According to Faria, who presented the "5G Innovation […] The post 5G Internet to boost Brazil in strategic areas – Communications Minister appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit21 hours ago
What Many people are Saying About Business Loan Next Is Dead Wrong And WhyOne other easy solution to scale back your taxes is to spend your money as quickly as you’ve got made it. Do in different phrases if your cash deposits or your money market account is warning you an curiosity make sure that you spend the money in the same year. For instance in case you are earning a 5% interest on your cash deposits worth $100,000 simply go ahead and use the $5000 with within the 12 months. For those who let this quantity go to the IRA distribution you may be axed on the income. You are given a … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog21 hours ago
Bank Of America WARNS Of “Transitory HYPER-INFLATION.” Stock Market Hits NEW Record Highs. MannarinoThe Rio Times21 hours ago
Novel coronavirus infects and replicates in salivary gland cellsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The study's findings, supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), have been published in the Journal of Pathology. Researchers from the University of São Paulo Medical School (FM-USP) have found that SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in salivary gland cells. Through the analysis of samples from 3 types of salivary […] The post Novel coronavirus infects and replicates in salivary gland cells appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s Senate president says extending Covid CPI to be considered after its termRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG) said on Tuesday that he should only consider the request to extend the Covid CPI for another 90 days at the end of the committee's current term. The request was made by the vice president of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (CPI) Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), who […] The post Brazil’s Senate president says extending Covid CPI to be considered after its term appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Russian Military Warns of Response If NATO TrespassesRT America NATO is conducting large-scale exercises in the Black Sea in a close proximity to Crimea. Russia is saying it’s ready to respond militarily if its territorial waters are trespassed. The exercises are taking place amid conflicting reports of an alleged bomb or explosives being dropped in the path of a UK Navy Destroyer, … read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Sars-CoV-2 finds new path to infect human cellsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new variant is capable of invading cells without the ACE2 receptors currently the virus' gateway; the finding is surprising and may change the course of the pandemic, but vaccines and antibodies remain effective. The virus' new ability was accidentally discovered by scientists at the University of Washington, who were […] The post Sars-CoV-2 finds new path to infect human cells appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil government allegedly asked for US$1 per vaccine kickback, seller tells newspaperRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The request would have been made by the Ministry of Health's Logistics Director Roberto Ferreira Dias. The representative of a company that sells vaccines told Folha de S.Paulo newspaper that he had allegedly received a request from the government for a US$1 per dose kickback in exchange for a contract […] The post Brazil government allegedly asked for US$1 per vaccine kickback, seller tells newspaper appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Dr. Ron Paul: Dollar Panic Will Lead to Economic CollapsePalisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes the legendary Dr. Ron Paul to the show. Ron discusses the need to reduce the size and scope of government. People today rely on the government too much, and politicians can’t resist taking advantage of this dependence. It’s like an addiction, and stopping it is a problem. The plunge protection … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
FedRes Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements: New Record US$841.25 Billion for 29 June 2021[image: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/new/] read more
Michael West23 hours ago
Bali is leading the vaccination race, welcoming tourists soon, but not Australians[image: Bali vaccination story] read more
Global Issues News Headlines21 hours ago
COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal $4 trillion blow to global economy: UN reportThe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism could result in a more than $4 trillion loss to the global economy, UN trade and development body UNCTAD said on Wednesday in a report issued jointly with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Read the full story, “COVID-19 impact on tourism could deal $4 trillion blow to global economy: UN report”, on globalissues.org → read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
4,115 Vaccinated People Have Died, Been Hospitalized With COVID-19 ‘Breakthrough’ Infections: CDC
All this against a background of mis counting and outright data manipilation to the point that all official information is deeply suspect. The big question not been answered is why not do nothing? The numbers so far appear worse because we have avoidable Vaccine deaths in the whole mix. This whole event has been shown by creditable sources to be a complete and deliberate sham to at least promote a global vaccine program. And much else perhaps. Did the CCP pay to collapse the global population? * Vaccinated People Have Died, Been Hospitalized With COVID-19 ‘Breakthrough’ Infec... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Massive 'Winged Humanoid' Encountered By Police Officer & Wife While DrivingThis was in fact a confrontation. It is also important for two reasons. The witness is a police officer and is certainly a class A witness. It does not get better and his wife was along as well. He also actively responded to end the confrontation. We got to investigate the behavior of hgte dash cam in real time. We have unending tales of camera failure. Here we have direct action confirmed. Thus we now know that images are actively blocked by the population of cryptids. It also tells us that the lack of predation on us is no accident. It is at least way too low. *Massi... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
UFO Encounters & Sightings Reported During The Korean WarWhat we hacve been lacking is any combat encounters and that surely is because of suppression. here we have a real encounter erupting into a fire fight and a radiation assault. It is nasty. what is also clear is that neither side had rules of engagement orders for something like this. Both were reckless. . The other side responded with a nasty blast of radiation that ultimately reduced combat effectiveness after a couple of days. there is also a lack of communication as well. *UFO Encounters & Sightings Reported During The Korean War* *Wednesday, June 23, 2021* *https://www... read more
Terra Forming Terra22 hours ago
Death Toll Rises to 9; Engineer Warned About ‘Major Structural Damage’ Before Condo Collapse
First off all of you likely live or have lived in a concrete highrise. Can any of you go down into your parking garage and discover cement spauling or exposed rebar? It really should not happen This only occurs when a serious water damage event is underway. It could be a broken pipe leaking into the interior cement pillars. Yet allowed to progress for years inducing rust expansion and concrete failure At least we can dismiss all the present speculation. This is a sick building that failed *Death Toll Rises to 9; Engineer Warned About ‘Major Structural Damage’ Before Cond... read more
Land Destroyer22 hours ago
US-Taiwan: West’s Last Foothold in ChinaJune 30, 2021 (Brian Berletic - NEO) - In Washington’s ongoing and ever-growing confrontation with China, it continues to place pressure on Beijing over Taiwan. However, as China continues along a path soon to exceed the US economically, militarily, and technologically, Taiwan’s reintegration as part of a single China is all but inevitable. Recently introduced legislation attempting to reinforce US influence over the island territory is - in the short-term - only going to ratchet up tensions further between Beijing and Washington. While US moves are sold as “supporting Taiwan,... read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Fortunate Gun: How the M60 Became an American Staple*Charlie Gao* *Security, Americas* The firearm was durable, efficient, and suitable for infantrymen. *Here’s What You Need to Remember**:* It has ‘German’ DNA. The M60 is one of the enduring symbols of the American firearms industry. Born out of a fusion of two WWII-era German designs, the original M60 had several engineering flaws that lead to its replacement by the M240. But in 2014, Denmark adopted the M60E6 as the standard light machine gun of its armed forces, and the design continues to be manufactured and sold today. How did the M60 go from its rushed original design to ... read more
The Aviationist22 hours ago
The Italian Air Force Unveils First HH-139A Helicopter In Special Color SchemeThe special colored HH-139A celebrates the 90th anniversary of the 15° Stormo. On Jun. 29, 2021, the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) unveiled a special colored Leonardo HH-139A multipurpose combat helicopter during the celebrations of [...] The post The Italian Air Force Unveils First HH-139A Helicopter In Special Color Scheme appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The Duran22 hours ago
IRS Christian bashing Redux in the days of Sleepy Joe [Video]
The IRS is at it again. Remember back in the bad old days of Obama, how the IRS delayed granting tax-exempt status to pro-Christian-value, conservative or Christian organizations? Remember how there was an investigation that found that the IRS was discriminating against such people? It looks like the IRS thinks you forgot, and they are […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
BRITNEY SPEARS — The Last American Slave
People of a certain age may remember when Britney Spears first hit the headlines. She was just sixteen years old when she recorded the song …Baby One More Time. In 1998, it was number one on both sides of the Atlantic. A stunningly attractive blonde, she was the girl next door, charismatic, clean living, and […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Record Stock Sales From Money Losing Firms Ring Alarm Bells! Next Phase of Tech Stocks Coming
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The Duran22 hours ago
New York’s City’s next mayor might be its Guardian Angel [Video]
New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio has got to go. As Mayor of the largest city in America, this ultraliberal mayor has brought ‘the City’ to its worst status in at least thirty years. Crime, homicide, street violence are all way up, and it is estimated that the population of New York City shrunk by […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
President Trump is back and badder than ever [Video]
The subheading may be excessively positive, but let us consider this as though we were in normal times: A great way to show one’s own success is to let the other guy run things and fail so badly that the contrast becomes clear. This happened with America. When Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the […] read more
Need To Know22 hours ago
Biden Executive Order Mandates Race ‘Training’ At Every Level Of The Federal GovernmentCritical Race Theory promotes these concepts: white privilege, white fragility, oppressor/oppressed, intersectionality, systemic racism, spirit murder, equity, antiracism, collective guilt, and affinity space. CRT is based in Marxism, which ultimately cost over 100 million human lives. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
American Dragon: This Missile Launcher Turns Tanks to Dust*Charlie Gao* *History, Americas* The Javelin has served the U.S. military well for over forty years. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Javelin has been a major success worldwide. In the 1970s, the United States produced what might be considered one of the worst anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) of all time. The M47 Dragon was slow, quirky and took forever to reach its target. But less than twenty-five years later, the United States produced one of the best anti-tank missiles in the world, the Javelin. How did the United States manage to turn around its infantry anti-tank progr... read more
The Duran22 hours ago
FDA gives WARNING about mRNA vaccines as press to jab continues [Video]
Many of my readers have responded with great interest to my pieces regarding concern over the COVID-19 vaccination push taking place all over the world, especially in my two “home countries”, the United States of America and the Russian Federation. However, it seems important to reiterate some important elements that shape my point of view […] read more
The Duran22 hours ago
Interest Rates: The Most Important Factor For an Economy – Financial Education
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Need To Know23 hours ago
Radical Oregon Democrats Pass Bill to Give Illegal Aliens MedicaidUsually the Federal Government pays most of the costs associated with Medicaid, but non-citizens are ineligible for federal funding. Therefore, Oregon taxpayers will have to foot the entire bill, at a minimum cost of more than $300M. read more
Musings from the Chiefio23 hours ago
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Z-Stack, Quercetin And MoreIt looks like Quercetin works well with Zinc. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has a mix or "stack" of it with Vit C &D that he uses in a clinical setting with good effect. Continue reading → read more
Need To Know23 hours ago
Pentagon Says that Biden Regime Bombed Syria And Iraq In ‘Self-Defense’The Pentagon claims the US bombed Syria and Iraq in self defense. This is deceitful as the airstrikes were not defensive because Syria and Iraq do not have the capability to bomb the US; the US has no legal right to fight wars in either country; and Biden's actions had no Congressional authority. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Death by Distance: Today's Top Five Sniper Rifles*Charlie Gao* *Security, * An in depth look at a marksman's equipment. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Advancements in optics, bullet, and manufacturing technology have allowed sniper rifles to reach out to further than ever before, so fielding a modern sniper rifle is important for many militaries. The modern sniper rifle rose to prominence in the 1980s as a critical tool for counterterrorist teams and continued to prove itself on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Advancements in optics, bullet, and manufacturing technology have allowed sniper rifles to reach out to... read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Attorney: Woman Says Dodgers’ Trevor Bauer Assaulted HerPolice are investigating an allegation of assault against Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer and an attorney for the accuser says the woman has obtained a protection order. read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 30 June 2021 – PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Tuesday 29 June 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 30 June 2021 – PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Man Wins Miss Nevada USA Pageant, On Track To Win Miss USA…Then Miss Universe?By Gabriel Hays ~ One of the world’s premiere beauty pageants has fallen for the transgender craze and will be allowing a biological male to compete with the country’s most beautiful women for the crown of Miss America. A transgender woman – or anatomically speaking, a dude – just beat out 21 real women for […] read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 30 June 2021 – PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Unfounded Fear Of Extinction Drives Climate HysteriaBy David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ A new poll says that fear of human extinction is widespread among climate alarmists. This is very surprising but it explains a lot of the extremes we are seeing in alarmism. No wonder these people are so determined. Where is this completely unscientific idea coming from? The poll was taken […] read more
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Wednesday 30 June 2021 – PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Celebrating Founding Fathers Is ‘Structural Racism,’ National Archives SaysBy Jarrett Stepman ~ Venerating and celebrating the Founding Fathers is an example of “structural racism,” apparently. That’s the conclusion of a recently released document created by a National Archives and Records Administration task force on racism. The National Archives and Records Administration is a federal agency charged with taking care of our country’s governmental […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
June 30, 2021: Reader TipsThis evening we present some beautiful videography of Saskatchewan grain elevators. And for those grain elevator super fans, here’s an NFB film. Your Prairie-focused tips, or even those from elsewhere in the world, would be appreciated! read more
Stop the New Zealand government’s plan to seal Pike River mine!
From wsws.org The Labour Party-led government is racing to shut down the underground investigation of Pike River coal mine. It aims to prevent the recovery of evidence that could lead to prosecutions of those responsible for the disaster which killed 29 workers in November 2010. The Pike River Recovery Agency (PRRA), which has only explored … Continue reading Stop the New Zealand government’s plan to seal Pike River mine! → read more
NZ Herald: “Covid 19 coronavirus: ‘Extremely difficult’ – New herd immunity estimates revealed”
The Health Forum NZ’s comment below: THIS HERD WILL NOT BE IMMUNE BASED ON A VX…the official messaging is now changing, and is much more truthful.Until now all talk has been about reaching “herd immunity”….which was never a realistic possibility with the type of “non neutralising” VXs being rolled out….they do not prevent transmission of … Continue reading NZ Herald: “Covid 19 coronavirus: ‘Extremely difficult’ – New herd immunity estimates revealed” → read more
Other items of interest
Thanks to contributors for these headlines: Kim Hampson Reiner Fuellmich – Full Length Interview in Berlin – Planet Lockdown – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills Japanese glyphosate scare highlights lack of regulation in New Zealand – Organic NZ magazine Bayer Fails to Overturn European Ban on Bee-Harming Pesticides – Organic NZ magazine Warren Woodward … Continue reading Other items of interest → read more
Accidental Deliberations1 day ago
Tuesday Night Cat Blogging
Cat ascension. read more
4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized or Died With Breakthrough COVID Infections, CDC Says • Children’s Health Defense
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 3,907 hospitalizations and 750 deaths in people fully vaccinated against COVID with an FDA-authorized vaccine as of June 21. Source: 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized or Died With Breakthrough COVID Infections, CDC Says • Children’s Health Defense read more
Biden Admin Creates ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Map To Help Activists Target Vaccine Skeptics Door To Door – Stillness in the Storm
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: (Patrick Howley) The Joe Biden administration has created a “Vaccine Hesitancy Map” using U.S. Census Data in order to help pro-vaccine activists target counties where people who don’t want to take the vaccine live. Source: Biden Admin Creates ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Map To Help Activists Target Vaccine Skeptics Door To… read more
A Quest for Fauci’s Mythical “Holy Grail of Science”-Peer reviewed vaccine data not available until 2022-2024 | The Colorado Herald
Originally posted on AGR Daily News: The data is currently stored in the “Holy Grail of Science” until sometime around or after November 2, 2022, at which point it will take another 18 months for peer review. Again, Fauci’s recommendations that the vaccine is safe might change based on evolving data. But do NOT question… read more
Nephrotic syndrome – Symptoms and causesNephrotic syndrome – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/nephrotic-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20375608 read more
Nephritic Syndrome.Nephritic Syndrome – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK562240/ read more
Fruit: ControversyThroughout the centuries, fruit has been known to be one of the most healing foods available to us on this planet. In the past couple of decades, however, you may have noticed a shift in our perception of bananas, apples, … Continue reading → read more
What Is The Meaning Of Prayer.What Is The Meaning Of Prayer – Purpose Fairy https://www.purposefairy.com/9081/what-is-the-meaning-of-prayer/ read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Heckler & Koch: These Grenade Launchers Are Super Killers*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* H&K's grenade launchers have a long and deadly history. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The AG36’s greatest strength proved to be its adaptability. The 40mm individual single-shot grenade launcher is one of modern infantry fireteam’s core pieces of firepower. They provide rapid explosive firepower at ranges greater than hand grenades but less than infantry mortars. During the Vietnam War, they were called the “squad leader’s artillery.” While the United States pioneered the use of this class of weapon with the M79 single-shot grenade launcher an... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
These NATO Artillery Systems Could Bury Russia Ten Times Over*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* What was once an area dominated by the Soviets, rocket artillery is increasingly Europe's domain. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Rocket artillery is an area that the Soviets (and now the Russians) have long dominated. (Think Katyusha rockets.) Now Europe is catching up. Rocket artillery is one of the most destructive weapons on the modern battlefield. Designed to pump out a high volume of fire within a short period, rocket artillery systems are particularly dangerous in their ability to obliterate a position before units have a chance to ta... read more
New Mandala1 day ago
Myanmar Update 2021: Twin crises – COVID-19 and the coupWhile it appears that the military has not changed much over the last decade, the country and its people certainly have. The post Myanmar Update 2021: Twin crises – COVID-19 and the coup appeared first on New Mandala. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
June 30th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 162In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post June 30th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 162 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
America's Undeclared War Against Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq And Syria Escalates Again*Reuters:* *Undeclared conflict? America's battles with Iran-backed militia escalate, again* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's latest strikes against Iran-backed militia in Syria and Iraq were not the first nor likely the last of his young presidency. For some of Biden's fellow Democrats, the crucial question is: does the pattern of attacks and counter-attacks amount to an undeclared conflict? If it does, they say, there is a risk that the United States could stumble into a direct war with Iran without the involvement of Congress, an issue that is becoming ... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Wednesday June 30th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Wednesday June 30th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge . read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
NSA Responds to Tucker Carlson Claim of Surveillance, The Generic and Very Political Non-Denial Should Alarm EveryoneLast night Fox news host Tucker Carlson reported on a whistleblower contact from within the intelligence community who informed him the NSA was conducting electronic surveillance of his private communication (email and text messages). Tonight the NSA responded via Twitter: Techno Fog noted something most of us would also note {SEE HERE} the NSA statement […] The post NSA Responds to Tucker Carlson Claim of Surveillance, The Generic and Very Political Non-Denial Should Alarm Everyone appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Study uncovers many strains of pathogenic E. coli in German flourResearchers have found a wide distribution and high diversity of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) in German flour. Recent outbreaks associated with contaminated flour and undercooked dough have been reported in the United States and Canada. The study on German flour revealed that it can serve as a vector for STEC strains with a high... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Canada’s 5-year implementation plan for nutrition labeling for listing colors and ingredientsHealth Canada published amendments to nutrition labeling, a list of ingredients, and food color requirements of the “Food and Drug Regulations” in Canada Gazette Part II on Dec. 14, 2016. The key changes, being implemented on a 5-year schedule must be met this year. They relate to: new requirements regarding the legibility of ingredient lists... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Government Chemist sees cases reduce because of pandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic has led to a reduction in referee cases but requests have increased in complexity, according to the Government Chemist. Paul Hancock, referee analyst and head at the Office of the Government Chemist, said cases include genetically modified rice from China, antibiotics in honey and labeling of a food supplement. A formal sample... Continue Reading read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
mRNA Vaccines Have Been Killing Animals During Testing For 90 YearsSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
They’re Preparing For The End Game: UFO, Aliens … Fallen Angels, Nephilim & The Endtimes Strong DelusionEnd Times Productions The U.S. Government just released a report stating that UAPs (UFOs) are real physical objects that have been tracked for almost 20 years, using the most advanced military equipment. But if they are real, what are they? And who is flying them? Every question you might have and MORE are answered in … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
‘The Five’ Reacts to the White House Blaming Republicans for Defunding PoliceFox News Biden administration attempts to cast GOP as party who wants to cut police budgets; reaction on ‘The Five’ #FoxNews end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Ryan and Emily: 144 UFO Sightings CONFIRMED, Intelligence Failure Or Plot For More Money?The Hill White House reporter for The Hill, Alex Gangitano, discusses newly released intelligence documents on UFOs. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
‘Suddenly You Can’t Find Him’: Jim Jordan Criticizes Fauci For Skipping GOP COVID-19 Origin HearingForbes Breaking News At today’s GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) took aim at NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci for not appearing before the Republican-led hearing. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Something Is Slowing Down Milky Way’s Galactic Bar RotationAnton Petrov Good telescope that I’ve used to learn the basics: https://amzn.to/35r1jAk Get a Wonderful Person shirt: teespring.com/stores/whatdamath – Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: http://paypal.me/whatdamath Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a new study that shows how dark matter halo slowed down the Milky … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
David Morgan: Gold Stocks are Extremely UndervaluedPalisades Gold Radio To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisadesradio.ca Tom welcomes back experienced silver investor David Morgan to the show. David gives us an overview of the markets, including copper, gold, silver, miners, and the overall equities markets. Copper appears to have peaked, having broken down thru … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Could the EU Kick Hungary Out Over LGBTQ+ Laws? – TLDR NewsTLDR News EU Support TLDR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tldrnews Earlier in the month Hungary announced its new anti-LGBTQ+ laws and since then the kickback has been huge, with some in the EU even calling for the country to be removed. So in this video we’ll explain the scandal, the new laws and if it really could … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Is There Really A Silver Shortage? | Andy SchectmanLiberty and Finance President of Miles Franklin Andy Schectman answers your questions about whether there is in fact a shortage in physical silver, how to keep your options open by storing metals even if you decide to relocate internationally, and whether the wealthiest people and organizations in the world are requesting delivery on COMEX. – … read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 216 hours ago
Must Watch! "Homeless People Rotting Away As Economy Collapses; Los Angeles Walking Through Hell; LA Has Failed"
*Full screen recommended.* Jeremiah Babe, *"Homeless People Rotting Away As Economy Collapses;* * Los Angeles Walking Through Hell; LA Has Failed"* *○* Related: *"San Francisco Homeless Camp Costs $60,000 Per Tent, Per Year"* ○ "With moratorium ending at the end of June, more than *40 million* Americans face foreclosure or eviction." - https://www.cbsnews.com ○ read more
The Conservative Socrates19 hours ago
The Three Pashas of the Ottoman EmpireOn January 23, 1913, Lieutenant Colonel Enver Bey (who later became famous as Enver Pasha), marched into Constantinople’s Sublime Porte along with ten of his armed supporters, belonging to the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP). The Grand Vizier’s guards opened fire to stop the intruders, and Enver and his supporters fired back. In the exchange of gunfire, four people, including Nazim Pasha, Minister of War in the Ottoman government, were killed. Some accounts suggest that Nazim Pasha was killed by intention, though the CUP termed Nazim Pasha’s death a "regrettable accident.” E... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Cold War Tanks: The Good, the Bad, and the Just Plain Weird*Charlie Gao* *Security, Americas* These three designs each possessed their own levels of ingenuity, stupidity, and ridiculousness. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *These bizarre prototypes paved the way for tanks that are still in service. The United States fielded a pretty standard lineup of tanks during the Cold War. First came the Patton line, which evolved in a pretty straightforward fashion from the M47 to the M60 with a few deviations such as the M60A2 Starship. Then came the Abrams, which serves on to this day. But American designers made plenty of weird prototypes... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Japan Crushed China in 1895. Asia Is Still Not The Same.*James Holmes* *Japan, Asia* History abounds with failures. *Here's What You Need to Know*: China need not utterly defeat American arms to achieve modest goals. “TOKYO, July 31, 1894—’For the foreseeable future,’ declares an American defense expert, ‘no rational Japanese naval planner could present a plan to defeat the Chinese navy, even in the Yellow Sea.’ Why say such a thing? Because it stands to reason. Japan has been a modern industrial nation only since the Meiji Restoration of 1868-1869. That’s under three decades. “And after centuries of self-imposed seclusion, Japan has... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
World War II: How Groupthink Killed Japan at the Battle of Midway*James Holmes* *World War II, World* A devil’s advocate is a precious commodity. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Admiral Yamamoto was no Big Brother who stamped out dissent. The trouble was that his fellow seamen stood in awe of him. A devil’s advocate is a precious commodity. That has to be one of the takeaways from revisiting the Battle of Midway seventy-five years on, and it should be etched on the internal workings of any martial institution that wants to survive and thrive amid the rigors, danger, and sheer orneriness of combat. Despite Japanese mariners’ tactical brillianc... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Biden Increased the Child Tax Credit. So Why Might It Be Lower?*Trevor Filseth* *Child Tax Credit, * An estimated 36 million households are eligible for the credit, and there is little doubt that the payments will make a difference for some of them. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, the March 2021 legislation that sent out the most recent round of $1,400 stimulus checks, Congress approved a significant expansion to the Child Tax Credit. The credit, formerly set at $2,000 per year per child, was increased to $3,000 or $3,600, depending on the age of the child. It also included a provision whereby half of the payments will be mailed out... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
ESwatini: A Country You Have Never Heard Of Is Facing Massive Anti-Government Protests
*The Guardian: **Armed forces open fire in crackdown on anti-monarchy protests in Eswatini* *Teargas used against protesters in African kingdom with an overnight curfew imposed * Government forces in the southern African kingdom of Eswatini fired gunshots and teargas on Tuesday to break up protests calling for reforms to its system of absolute monarchy, witnesses said. A dusk-till-dawn curfew was also imposed. The acting prime minister, Themba Masuku, denied media reports that King Mswati III had fled the violence to neighbouring South Africa. “His Majesty … is in the coun... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Argentina says producers have sold 23 million tons of 2020/21 soybeansRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Argentina’s producers have sold 23 million metric tons of soybeans from the 2020/21 season after recording transactions totaling 518,800 tons last week, the Agriculture Ministry said Tuesday in a report updated to June 23. The pace of soybean sales is behind that of the previous season. At the same time […] The post Argentina says producers have sold 23 million tons of 2020/21 soybeans appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil registers 1,893 new Covid deaths, bringing total to 515,985 (June 29)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil reported 1,893 new deaths from Covid-19 on Tuesday, bringing the total number of deaths from the disease in the country to 515,985, the Health Ministry said. There were also 64,903 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 18,513,305, the ministry added. Brazil is […] The post Brazil registers 1,893 new Covid deaths, bringing total to 515,985 (June 29) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
New pandemic wave with presence of new strains consolidates in Panama (June 29)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Panamanian government announced new social restriction measures given the consolidation of a new wave of Covid 19 infections, which in the last 24 hours has registered 1,249 new cases, and a positivity rate of 8.7 percent in the 14,244 tests performed. "The pandemic is still there, it has not […] The post New pandemic wave with presence of new strains consolidates in Panama (June 29) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Honduras declares yellow and green alerts for heavy rainsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Permanent Commission of Contingencies (Copeco) decreed Tuesday a “yellow” alert (surveillance) in northern Honduras and a green (prevention) for six departments for 48 hours by rains. However, rainfall affects almost the entire country. Since 14:00 local time (20:00 GMT), the yellow alert is in force in the Sula Valley, […] The post Honduras declares yellow and green alerts for heavy rains appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
LaRouchePAC.com - All Posts1 day ago
Renewed Fight Demands Higher Qualities of LeadershipDonald Trump began his re-emergence on Saturday before a huge crowd in Wellington, OH, and delivered a speech declaring that Americans will never surrender to the enemies of our country. Meanwhile, those enemies are threatening indictments of Trump and his organization; the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared domestic "extremists" (ie, the Trump movement) to be the nation's gravest threat; the Green fascists occupying the White House and Congress push our economy into disarray; and a new Biden Collective report concludes that the National Archives Rotunda is an example ... read more
Man survives California great white shark attack, says he's 'probably the luckiest guy in the world'
War News Updates1 day ago
New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos"We are aware there is a discrepancy in the unofficial RCV round by round elimination report. We are working with our RCV technical staff to identify where the discrepancy occurred. We ask the public, elected officials and candidates to have patience. — NYC Board of Elections (@BOENYC) June 29, 2021 Eric Adams says “irregularities” in ranked choice voting results for the New York City mayor race raises “serious questions,” as absentee ballots could sway the election. Eric Adams: 51.9% (368,898) Kathryn Garcia: 48.9 (352,990) Adams +15,908 (≈120k remaining) pic.twitter.com/0uqtIQnsq... read more
The Decarie Report1 day ago
UntitledIsrael is the homeland for Jews. ---- well not really. My name is Decarie, a name that appeared in Quebec about 1650. Well, no, it actually came from France long before that. Uh, Okay. It's originally from Spain. So do I have a right to move into Spain? Maybe to invade it? Of course not. But we daily hear that Israel is the homeland for Jews. The reality is that most Jews now living in Israel have been living in other countries for a thousand years and more. So let's stop babbling about Jews having the right to occupy Israel. (And, incidentally, the small number of Jews who ... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
China's Communist Party Turns 100 On July 1Daily Mail: *Xi Jinping warms up to celebrate 100 years of China's Communist Party with behind-closed-doors show boasting that the country has beaten Covid (without mentioning that they gave it to the world in the first place)* * China is preparing to celebrate 100th anniversary of country's Communist Party which takes place on July 1 * Spectacular event featured prominent celebration of country's Covid response where virus has been quashed * Coronavirus first emerged in Chinese city of Wuhan before spreading across the World and killing four million * President Xi Jinp... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Tucker Carlson Outlines the Biden Administration Logistic Program to Facilitate the Southern Border InvasionBeyond the insanity of the U.S. southern border being unsecured, many people wonder how this entire logistical process is funded. The answer is quite simple; within every federal spending and appropriation bill there are carve-outs for various segments of the process. The Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health and Human Services receive hundreds […] The post Tucker Carlson Outlines the Biden Administration Logistic Program to Facilitate the Southern Border Invasion appeared first on The Last Refuge . read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Taiwan's M16 Rifle Knockoff is Very Successful*Charlie Gao* *Security, Asia* [image: Wikimedia Commons] The T65, and now the T91, have the American rifle to thank. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The T91 will remain an interesting footnote in the history of the M16 platform as one of the first truly viable external short-stroke piston ARs to reach widespread production. Despite early problems in Vietnam, the American M16 made a major impression on many Western-aligned nations in Asia. The Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and Singapore began license producing the M16A1, and many other nations bought M16s straight fro... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The International Criminal Court Must Seek Justice for ISIS Atrocities*Ivana Stradner, Eileen Walsh* *ISIS, * During their years-long reign of terror, ISIS fighters committed human rights abuses including genocide, ethnic cleansing, systematic rape, enslavement, forced conversions, and the use of chemical weapons against the people of Iraq and Syria. Thousands of war criminals who once fought for the Islamic State (ISIS) remain unpunished, with little prospect for speedy justice. Meanwhile, the international organization created to hold individuals like them accountable, the International Criminal Court (ICC), has been tangled in a web of poor lea... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Tigray Fighters In Ethiopia Reject Cease-Fire As ‘Sick Joke’. Says Ethiopian Government Forces Are On The Run*CNN:* *Rebels in Tigray reject calls for ceasefire after Ethiopian government forces withdraw from regional capital* (CNN)Rebel forces in the war-torn Ethiopian region of Tigray have rejected a ceasefire offer from the central government, raising fears of further violence a day after the fighters retook the regional capital Mekelle. The recapture of the city by Tigrayan fighters and the retreat of Ethiopian government troops on Monday marked a stunning about-turn in the country's devastating eight-month civil war. In the wake of Mekelle's capture, the Ethiopian government a... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Why Do The Media Hate Daniel Ortega?When Kamala Harris finally traveled to the U.S./Mexico border last week, she met several young women asylum seekers. The vice president likely saw Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans who were fleeing from violence and extreme poverty. But she probably did not see any Nicaraguan asylum seekers, who are few and far between. Nicaragua and Honduras are considered the two poorest nations in Latin America. Honduras is a corrupt, failed, violent country, whose government is backed by the U.S. Nicaragua has free healthcare and education, and is considered the safest country in Cent... read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville1 day ago
Pottersville Digest
(Another great moment in Qanon signage.) ------------------------------ We're violating people's 4th amendment rights for using their 1st amendment rights. So, no, it's NOT legal. ------------------------------ Just when I think I've heard the stupidest statement possible, Republicans like Bill Cassidy say, 'Hold my beer..." ------------------------------ Because shrinking if not outright destroying the middle class is a far superior agenda. ------------------------------ "The department takes the security of information extremely seriously..." Obviously, not se... read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Google will warn you about ‘fake news’ websites before you click on themThe Sun GOOGLE has begun warning users that its search results may be unreliable. The feature is aimed at breaking news stories, when information is... The post Google will warn you about ‘fake news’ websites before you click on them appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
World Economic Forum makes censorship pledge to “tackle harmful content and conduct online”Reclaim The Net – by Tom Parker The World Economic Forum, an international group that works to “shape global, regional and industry agendas,” has formed... The post World Economic Forum makes censorship pledge to “tackle harmful content and conduct online” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Judge dismisses gov’t antitrust lawsuits against FacebookAP WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Monday dismissed antitrust lawsuits brought against Facebook by the Federal Trade Commission and a coalition of state... The post Judge dismisses gov’t antitrust lawsuits against Facebook appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report1 day ago
Triple-Digit Heat Dome Bakes Pacific Northwest, Triggers First BlackoutZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden The Pacific Northwest is experiencing a multi-day heat wave that we said last week would be “historic.” The unrelenting... The post Triple-Digit Heat Dome Bakes Pacific Northwest, Triggers First Blackout appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
New Constraints on Exoplanet Photosynthesis
[image: Story 447993909] Most autotrophic organisms on Earth use photosynthesis to work their magic. Indeed, photosynthesis accounts for about 99 percent of Earth’s entire biomass (a figure likely to change as we learn more about what lies beneath the surface). The process allows organic matter to be synthesized from inorganic elements, drawing on solar radiation as the energy source, and providing the oxygen levels needed to drive complex, multicellular life. Does photosynthesis occur in other star systems? We know that it emerged early on Earth, and can trace its development back... read more
PopularResistance.Org1 day ago
Holder, Barr, DOJ And FBI Outed In Slimy Plot Against AssangeA careful read of this stunning investigative piece in Iceland’s Stundin newspaper reveals that in June 2011 Eric Holder (no doubt with Obama’s enthusiastic approval) initiated a disgraceful FBI frame-up of Julian Assange. Displaying their usual incompetence, the FBI thoroughly screwed up the Holder framing assignment by coming up with a child-molesting embezzler and sociopath as their spy and agent provocateur within the Icelandic branch of Wikileaks, thereby creating such a mess that the Minister of the Interior had our federal gumshoes thrown out of Iceland. Undeterred by the 2... read more