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Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

Well this would make a burning mess. Someone had a vehicle and money to buy propane tanks. It may also have been a complete fake job. By the way, dynamite is obvious even to those who have never seen it before. Again too much planning been exhibited here and that is called an insurection and certainly no protest movement. Understand that they are taking names and payback will be a bitch. *Van Full Of Explosives Discovered In Philly On Third Night Of Rioting* *Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,* *
3 More New Studies Show Modern Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Greater Than Nearly Any Time In The Last 10,000 Years
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

There is merit to this. The Sahara and the whole middle East was all forest covered. This absorbed a vast amount of heat which radiated back into the atmosphere rather than been reflected back out into space. The Earth had to be much warmer and the Arctic in particular. We have then had a four thousand year slow cool off to our present regime. Reversing all vthat will taske thousands of years asd well. This is good science and this was not an obvious one to resolve. * 3 More New Studies Show Modern Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Greater Than Nearly Any Time In The Last 10,000 Yea...
The True Story Behind The Legendary Mothman Said To Terrorize West Virginia
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

This was the burst of sighting that produced the narritive in the first place a long time ago.. There were many sightings, lilely of the same creature or of its band perhaps. This means they set up locally and hung around. It had zero to do with bridges falling down. The same thing has happened in illinois this past year and a half. It may aslso have died down. So it certainly was not unique. I do think that we are dealing wityh a clutch of Gargoyles and these may also explain best tyhe Chupacabra outbreaks as well. When you get a good close look, you can idetify a gargoy...
For God and Country || James O'Brien
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

This is a recap of what we have all been understanding. It is real folks. what i find noteworthy is that public arrests have been held off until after the election. We all know they are guilty. Obvious placeholders are staying the course as well. Yet all today are tightly controlled. It must be awful knowing your life is over and then going through the motions. It is now end game. It is ironic they were able to mirror the fake dossier with the confirmed laptop from HELL. 180,000 sealed indictments. Today we saw Jack Dorsey sporting a years growth of beard. New Style a...
More than 40 dead or missing after landslide hits San Salvador volcano, El Salvador
The Watchers » Latest articles - 19 hours ago
A large landslide triggered by heavy rains hit the northeastern flank of the San Salvador volcano in El Salvador late October 29 (LT), 2020. The slide hit the village of Los Angelitos on the slopes of the volcano, burying 60 homes and damaging 75. Los Angelitos is...... Read more »
Very Strange: What Kind of Weapon Is the AR-556?
Kyle Mizokami, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Americas* [image:] Part AR-15, part gun, this is one heck of a hybrid. *Key point: *There is no doubt that this weapon is unique. But does it work well? Ruger’s AR-556 pistol, a short-barreled AR-15 designed for one or two-handed operation, delivers rifle-level performance in a pistol-sized configuration. The AR-15 rifle, or ArmaLite Rifle-15, was developed by Eugene Stoner as a potential military firearm. The AR-15, first adopted by the U.S. Air Force and later by the rest of the armed forces, is a g...
The Myth of American Primacy
Zack Brown, The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Zack Brown* *Primacy, Americas* Does global armed dominance still pay? The birth of American primacy is based on a myth, said Dr. Stephen Wertheim, deputy director of research and policy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and author of the new book, *Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy**.* According to the standard narrative, in the years following World War II, farsighted internationalists finally broke the power of isolationists in Washington, freeing the United States to take its place as the undisputed leader—and military guarantor—of the...
The Daily Brief 2020-10-30
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 19 hours ago
[image: The Daily Brief 2020-10-30] This is a summary of *20* AMN articles on the following subjects: *Armenia, Azerbaijan, Karabakh, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Golan, Syria, Beirut, Aegean, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Iran, Venezuela, Maduro, UAE, US, ISIS, Russia*. Categories covered in this brief: World-News, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Gulf, Middleeast Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — The AMN Live Team Table of Contents - Azerbaijani forces use white phosphorus over Karabakh: video - Hezbollah leader issues first comments on France attacks - Syrians...
Michael Olenick: The Real Origins of Trump – The Foreclosure Crisis
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
The foreclosure crisis was a key element of Trump's win in 2016, yet the Democrats are still in denial about its costs.
Noor al Haqiqa, SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS - 19 hours ago

No witty comments today folks. That stuff all just disappeared with my parting notes as I was ready to post tonight's stuff. That old story again. EVERYTHING poofed at 10:32 pm as I went to hit the PUBLISH button. The little spinny thingie showing nothing was happening. For almost 10 minutes. Then I know nothing is going to happen but bad stuff. I think I simply put too much stuff on the page and ... the system just crashes in mid space. I am really ticked. There is no other way to do it; I post these things in small lots and it saves as I go along. Then suddenly, enough! Po...
How Wiccans and Witches Mark Halloween With Reflections on Death as Well as Magic
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
A primer on Wiccans.
No October Surprises: American Media Has Learned from 2016
Keith B. Richburg, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Keith B. Richburg* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] It seems that the mainstream media in the US, which functioned as Trump’s unwitting enablers in 2016, have finally rediscovered their rightful role: to be the country’s gatekeepers against baseless conspiracy theories, to filter out truth from lies, and to hold the powerful accountable for the actions, or their ineptitude. With the US presidential election drawing to a close, everyone, it seems, is absorbing the lessons from the surprising 2016 contest. Pollsters, largely blamed for failing to foresee President Donald Trum...
Why Everyone Hates the M14 Rifle
Charlie Gao, The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Americas* [image:] The terrible rifle only lasted six years before it was replaced. *Key point: *This rifle was supposed to be the next big thing but it flopped badly. Here is how if failed (and got replaced). The M14 is the U.S. military’s worst service rifle. It served as the standard-issue rifle for just six years—by the most generous estimates, half that of the U.S. Army’s second shortest serving rifle, the Krag-Jørgensen. The design itself is fraught wit...
America at a Crossroad---The Demise of Donald Trump and The Powerful Rise of New Voices and Votes, the Young
Grant G, The Straight Goods - 20 hours ago

America at a Crossroad---The Demise of Donald Trump and The Powerful Rise of New Voices and New Votes, the Young Add caption *Written by Grant G* World holds its collective breath, five more days and this predictable travesty ends, and end it will, Donald Trump has unwittingly unleashed a new powerful force, a force that threatens not only the survival of the Republican party but also the make-up and direction of the Democratic party. *Change or be changed.* There was a time, in the not too distant past when politicians deliberately lied or found themselves embroiled in s...
A New World Monetary Order Is Coming
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 21 hours ago

A New World Monetary Order Is Coming by Stefan Gleason, The global coronavirus pandemic has accelerated several troubling trends already in force. Among them are exponential debt growth, rising dependency on government, and scaled-up central bank interventions into markets and the economy. – Central bankers now appear poised to embark on their biggest power …
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago

*by Noah* Happy Halloween folks! Halloween could be so much better if Trump, his grifter family, his staff and his henchmen such as Moscow Mitch and all of those treasonous anti-impeachment Hou$e Representative$, $enators, and media whores ended up receiving the punishments they deserve, but that would require a national policy of equal justice under the law instead of the you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours & best justice that money can buy system that we are plagued with. But, hey, I can indulge in fantasy as much as anyone. So, I'll just point out the simple fact tha...
Maybe They’re Ahead, Maybe They’re Behind
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 21 hours ago
.. but there’s no question the Trump side is having way more fun than the other guys.
Japan Cautiously Begins Arms Technology Exports
Purnendra Jain, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Purnendra Jain* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] This was a first step in the former Abe administration’s larger plan to make Japan an arms-exporting country by revising the three principles on arms exports in 2014. In its first breakthrough since easing restrictions on arms exports in 2014, Japan signed a deal to sell US$100 million worth of advanced air surveillance radars to the Philippines. These radars — fixed and mobile — are built by Japan’s Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO), one of Japan’s five leading defence production companies. MELCO has signed a contract wit...
Armenian women train for combat as Karabakh conflict intensifies: video
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 22 hours ago
[image: Armenian women train for combat as Karabakh conflict intensifies: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 A.M.) – The Armenian Ministry of Defense released a new video this week that showed several women taking part in training exercises with the country’s armed forces. According to the Armenian Ministry of Defense, the women took part in the first drills under the tutelage of the armed forces. The Armenian Ministry of Defense’s video showed the women taking part in drills and interviews about their reason for taking up arms to defend their country. Continue reading Armenian women tr...
Indonesia Spells Out Terms Of Engagement With US
M. K. BHADRAKUMAR, - 22 hours ago
On the eve of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s arrival in Jakarta on October 28, the senior editor of the leading Indonesian daily Jakarta Post Kornelius Purba wrote a taunting op-ed dwelling on what the heavyweight from Washington hoped to achieve in his mission at this late hour […]
Iranian hackers gained access to voter data: report
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 22 hours ago
[image: Iranian hackers gained access to voter data: report] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:20 A.M.) – U.S. officials said late Friday that Iranian hackers who sent threatening messages to thousands of Americans earlier this month had accessed the data of a number of voters. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security confirmed, in a joint statement, said that “the perpetrator’s success in obtaining voter registration data in at least one state,” according to Reuters. The U.S. authorities are preparing to confront any potential cyber infiltration in the presidential elections scheduled for ...
Israel carried out several attacks on Syrian military’s defenses in past weeks: commander
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 22 hours ago
[image: Israel carried out several attacks on Syrian military’s defenses in past weeks: commander] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:10 A.M.) – The commander of the Israeli Army’s 210th Division, Brigadier General Roman Goffman, stated that his forces had carried out several raids during the past weeks against the Syrian fortifications on the contact line in the Syrian Golan Heights. Goffman said in an interview with the Russian Tass News Agency on Friday: “During the past weeks, we carried out several operations against Syrian fortifications, which were established directly on the border line and...
Azerbaijani forces destroy Russian-made missile system in Karabakh: video
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 22 hours ago
[image: Azerbaijani forces destroy Russian-made missile system in Karabakh: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) – The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense released a new video on Friday evening that showed their forces destroying a Russian-made anti-aircraft missile system. According to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, their forces were able to destroy a Russian-made 9K33 Osa anti-aircraft missile system that was positioned in the Karabakh region. “Another Osa anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed. October 30, at about 20:25, one Osa anti-aircraft missile unit belonging to the A...
Biden Corruption: An In-Depth Investigation Of The Ukraine Allegations
Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian - 1 day ago
* Of all the revelations about Biden family members cashing in on Joe Biden’s influence — revelations arising from Ukraine, China, Iraq, Romania, Kazakhstan, and other places — those relating to Ukraine are likely the most damning. * Certainly, the revelations relating to Ukraine are the ones that most definitively involve criminal conduct. After all, Ukraine is the country where Joe admitted (actually, bragged) on tape about threatening to withhold a billion dollars of U.S. aid unless a prosecutor got fired — a prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company where Joe’s son ...
Battleships and Aircraft Carriers vs. a Hurricane: During WWII, It Happened
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* [image:] The outcome for the Task Force was not pretty. *Key point:* Due to a mistake or poor decision-making, Task Force 38 went right into a typhoon. Not every ship would survive the ordeal. After two grueling months of action in the Pacific, Vice Admiral John S. “Slew” McCain’s powerful Task Force 38 retired in late November 1944 to the big Caroline Islands base of Ulithi Atoll for a 10-day breather. No one needed a break more than Admiral...
The Air Force Sent Its D-21 Drone to Spy on Russia
Michael Peck, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Europe* It was a sleek flying machine that bore an uncanny resemblance to the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The D-21 was conceived in the mid-1960s as a solution to the problem of spying on the Soviet Union. Soviet surface-to-air missiles, like the one that downed a U-2 over Russia in 1960, were making photo missions over Communist territory more hazardous. The SR-71 could fly high and fast enough to be safe, but why risk a manned aircraft and its pilot when a robot could do the job? In November 1969, the U.S. Air Force ...
U.S. Recognition of Kosovo Sets a Precedent for Artsakh
Alex Galitsky, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Alex Galitsky* *Politics, Europe* [image:] The case of Kosovo inadvertently laid out a framework for remedial secession that applies directly to the case of Artsakh and the expression of its right to self-determination in the face of the existential threat posed by Azerbaijan. While addressing Armenian supporters at a campaign rally on Sunday, President Donald Trump invoked Kosovo in his pledge to resolve the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the South Caucasus. In doing so, Trump may h...
Jakl: people succumb to the delusion that governments are ensembles of specialists in assorted fields
Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame - 22 hours ago
An interview with Ladislav Jakl, an aide to the Czech ex-president Klaus Mr Jakl, let us talk about two important events. The first one was October 28th, an anniversary of the 1918 birth of the independent Czechoslovakia when the primary goal should be to remember that event, not just to hand out some awards. How do you view this special day and should the medals have been picked in person, as in previous years? Or is it right that the president has postponed this ritual? Your question seems to imply that you have embraced the delusion, like a substantial part of the Czech journalis...
Tweets For Today
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
US sees a record number of new #coronavirus infections for the second day running, with more than 94,000 cases pushing the US tally past nine million cases, while Europe tops 10 million and France enters a new lockdown — AFP news agency (@AFP) October 31, 2020 BREAKING: Riots happening in Barcelona, Spain due to #COVID19 restrictions. Situation termed as ‘very tense’ — Wars on the Brink (@WOTB07) October 30, 2020 Armenia, Azerbaijan agree to defuse Nagorno-Karabakh conflict pic.twi...
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Friday 30th October 2020
TonyfromOz, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
The Wrong Way to Modernize Beef Inspection
Thomas Gremillion, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Opinion Earlier this week, Tyson Foods indicated that it will soon replace over a dozen federal food safety inspectors in its Holcomb, Kansas beef plant with company employees, pursuant to regulatory waivers that will also allow the company to raise line speeds. However you feel about the current beef inspection system, this is the wrong... Continue Reading
Budget and staff cuts impacting enforcement in UK
Joe Whitworth, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Many of the UK’s regulatory agencies find themselves unable to enforce the rules due to budget cuts and declining staff numbers, according to new research. The report examined losses in regulatory enforcement capacity across six areas including food, the environment, health and safety, and consumer protection. The unchecked UK, a group supported by 40 organizations... Continue Reading
October 31st – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1381
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
Saturday October 31st – Open Thread
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
The Mirage Of Biden Unifying America
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Tim Graham ~ Of all the preposterous lines the Democrat-media complex could utter in the waning days of this election, the most preposterous is that a Biden victory could unify the country. Think of Biden’s convention speech. “I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of […]
New Video : You Can’t Fool Mother Nature
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 23 hours ago
Peter Navarro Discusses China and Their Leverage Over Joe Biden…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
As most CTH readers and are aware Peter Navarro is one person in a small group of of five close advisors on all things related to trade and President Trump’s America First economic policy. [Ross, Lighthizer, Mnuchin, Navarro and Kudlow] … Continue reading →
Why China, Russia, Iran, And North Korea Care About US Election Results
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By James Carafano ~ Americans aren’t the only ones waiting for the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. So are people around the world. And they are asking the same question many Americans are: What difference will it make for them? No poll-watchers are more attentive than America’s adversaries are. So how will the world turn when the […]
A Scary Halloween
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago
A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ Life in the age of the Coronavirus: Halloween 2020 will be REALLY scary. Stay Safe! Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones .
Washington, D.C. & The USSA Go Crazy Next Week!, Event Horizon Chronicle - 1 day ago
I know, I know, Washington, DC is already crazy, but believe me, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Crazy is just about to find another gear. A few days ago I had a peculiar dream. In the dream I was watching a succession of large airplanes take off from a short, urban runway at dusk. The pilots would roar down to the end of the runway, punch it, and lift up and away into the air. There were 737s, MD-80s, Martin 404s, a Lockheed Constellation, etc. The last one was a DC-6. There aren't many of them flying anymore, though they were in wide use in the 1950s and up into the 1960s. But one ap...
Even Without a Reset Metals Will Do Well | Rick Rule
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Archbishop Vigano Open Letter to Trump: Save Us From “Great Reset” — Digital ID — New World Order by Q1 2021?
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Quote: – “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global elite that wants to subdue all humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations …… the imposition of vaccination will be accompanied by … health passports and digital ID …” …
Arby’s and Buffalo Wild Wings Owner Buying Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins Brands
AP News, - 23 hours ago
Inspire Brands Inc. said that it is acquiring Dunkin’ Brands Group Inc. for $11.3 billion, including the Dunkin’ Brands’ debt that Inspire will be taking on.
Picture Of The Day
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago

A view shows a crater following recent shelling in the town of Shushi (Shusha), October 29. Azerbaijan and Armenia accuse each other of killing civilians by shelling cities in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, in an escalation of a month-long conflict over the mountain enclave. Vahram Baghdasaryan/Photolure *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Civilians in crossfire as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict deepens* (Reuters).
US Tops More Than Nine Million Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago

The US surpassed nine million cases on Friday just hours after reporting a record-high of more than 88,500 new coronavirus cases on Thursday Daily deaths are low compared to figures seen in the early days of the pandemic, with 971 recorded on Thursday, but are creeping back up towards 1,000 per day *Daily Mail:** US records more than 9 million coronavirus cases after setting a single-day record of 88,500 infections - as states including Illinois and North Dakota report all-time highs * * On Friday, the US topped more than nine million coronavirus cases, making up 20% of the world...
Biden, Obama Make a Final Appeal to Michigan’s Black Voters
AP News, - 23 hours ago
Joe Biden enters the final weekend of the presidential campaign with an intense focus on appealing to Black voters whose support will be critical in his bid to defeat President Donald Trump.
The Upaniṣads On Human Senses
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 1 day ago
The human senses are described in several verses in the *Upaniṣads*; most of these verses say that there are eleven senses, known as indriya, but some verses take the number of senses up to fourteen. The five principle senses of perception are known as *buddhindriyani* or *jnanendriyani*, because they are used to control the buddhi or higher intelligence—they are: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Then there are the five senses of karma or action, known as *karmendriyani*: larynx, hand, foot, and organs of elimination and generation. The eleventh sense is the manas or mind, which ...
#ElectionEdge 4: SCOTUS Late Ballot Lawfare, guest George Szamuely
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 1 day ago

*Patrick Henningsen* | We're now just fours days out from the big day, and it's getting weirder still.
Eric Sprott Is Convinced A Silver Shortage Is Coming…
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Arcadia Economics #EricSprott is one of the biggest investors in the #preciousmetals sector, and he has better access to fund flows than just about anyone out there. Which makes it interesting to hear how he keeps talking about how he sees a #silvershortage coming. To find out why, click to watch the video now! end
The Retirement Risk Spectrum: (Pt-1) 99% Bond Losses & New Era of US Bankruptcies
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
ITM TRADING, INC. If you care about preserving your wealth and/or maintaining your standard of living through this crisis (and further into the future). This is going to be a very valuable series to watch. In this Part-1 video, I’ll be covering the major risks in Investor Protections and the Bond Markets, including the new …
Hysteria Over Amy Coney Barrett Reflects The Complete Lack of Respect for Christian Beliefs That is Now So Common
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Hysteria Over Amy Coney Barrett Reflects The Complete Lack of Respect for Christian Beliefs That is Now So Common by Micah Curtis, Wild claims surrounding the new US Supreme Court judge are based on nothing other than the fact she is a Catholic. It demonstrates how many political progressives have no time for those …
China’s Central Bank Poised To Legalize Digital Yuan As Part Of Sovereign Fiat Currency
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
China’s Central Bank Poised To Legalize Digital Yuan As Part Of Sovereign Fiat Currency by Tyler Durden, China is poised to give legal backing to the launch of its own sovereign digital currency, cementing its trailblazer status in virtual currencies far ahead of other countries, after already recently experimenting with large-scale trials of actual …
The Big Evil Reset & Klaus Schwab’s Plan To Make You A Slave
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Five in Ten 10/29/20: Prominent Israeli Rabbi Says He’s Meeting With Messiah
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
SkyWatch TV A prominent haredi (ultra-Orthodox) rabbi, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, says he’s holding meetings with the Messiah and is telling other rabbis that the war of Gog and Magog is imminent. Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat ( explains why this is significant — and an opportunity to share the gospel with Jews. end
The Truth About the Coronavirus Vaccine Trials — #NewWorldNextWeek
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
corbettreport Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: – Story #1: How COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Rigged Singapore Halts Dosing of Two Flu Shots After 59 Deaths in South …