10 pm MDT
John Durham looking into prior FBI ‘investigation’ of questionable millions that flowed into the Clinton Foundation
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

This an expansion of the scope of his investigation as the work on the Obamagate is essentially done. That it leads back to hilary is no surprise. There is some speculation that some arrests will be postponed but this is all planned and scheduled as well and that is wishful thinking. It is clear though that the heavy lifting in terms of public disclosure is independent of what Durham is doing. He gets the high profile arrests. We have not heard from 200,000 sealed indictments and thgat is surely a poli0tical earthquake. Meanwhile voter fraud arrests are taking place. We hav...
1971: The Year That Changed Everything
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

Yes it was, but what really happened is that the first superwave of Baby Boomer Computer Scientists graduated to deliver year one of the necessary brain power to hte digital revolution. Slo Mo came to an end and change took place against the backdrop of MOOREs Law. Other technologies not so lucky as you may imagine. They mostly waited for the information revolutuon to catch up and lift them. There is little about the hardware of all of Space X that was not fully imagined in the sixties. What we now have is accelerated design and fabrication allowing us to safely build these...
Durham Goes Apocalyptic As “Blood Feud” Against “Sissies” Collapses Leftist Media
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Here it is reported that when Durham went for the wrap up interview, he found himself running into the bigger picture of Clinton corruption. This was there anyway and it sounds like a normal expansion of his mandate once the Obamagate treason was settled. This is not good news for the criminals. Understand that two former presidents are now under investigation for treason at least by Durham. I am expecting heavy disclosure ahead of the election. However, the criminal investigations and all that will be mostly post election. The back door of the Supreme court has been slammed s...
Trump's Justice Department Is Making Life Hell for Legal Weed
arclein, Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

Interesting develoment. Trump points out that chronic use lowers an individuals smartness and i do tend to agree wiuth this. It actually needs serious investigation and measurement. At the same time plenty of folks do become dependent if not chemically addicted as we experience with alcohol and tobacco and more sertious opiods. An actual federal program is certainly been kept of the table before this election. I do think that criminalization needs to end. Yet that is a mere beginning. Medical intervention needs to be fornmalized for it to work properly.. That will be a huge...
Editor, Dances With Bears - 21 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The Dutch police have hired a professor called Maurice Punch to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. He tried; the Dutch police think he succeeded in a report called “Passionate Professionals: The Dutch Police Response to the Shooting Down of Malaysian Airlines’ MH17 in the Ukraine.” Punch concluded […]
Assange’s Sixteenth Day At The Old Bailey: Special Administrative Measures, Unreliable Assurances And Espionage
Binoy KAMPMARK, OrientalReview.org - 21 hours ago
September 29. Central Criminal Court, London. Julian Assange’s defence team spent the day going over, reemphasising and sharpening the focus on what awaited their client should he, with the blessing of Her Majesty’s Government, make his way to the United States. Not only will he confront 17 charges under the […]
Guess who’s coming to dinner? Glencore, Peabody and BHP
Jommy Tee, Michael West - 22 hours ago
[image: Coal for dinner Josh Frydenberg] The move by Josh Frydenberg to exclude Greenpeace, the Australia Institute and the Australian Conservation Foundation from next week's Budget lock-up continues his long history of favouring business groups over green groups dating back to when he was Environment Minister. Jommy Tee reports stunning new evidence of fossil fuel influence.
Del Bigtree Tests Air Quality of Breathing While Wearing a Mask on a Child, Proving Masks Are Toxic
Del Bigtree, Need To Know - 20 hours ago
Del Bigtree said that masks are not effective when they are are not properly sealed and are re-used over and over again. He showed that carbon dioxide levels reach dangerous levels inside masks within seconds.
Trump and Biden clash in chaotic debate – experts react on the court, race and election integrity
Rashawn Ray, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 20 hours ago

They shouted, they interrupted, they insulted – and not entirely in equal measure. But Biden and Trump also touched on the issues occasionally. Our panel of experts analyzed three key exchanges.
CA Senator Dianne Feinstein Was Maskless in an Airport After Calling for Mandatory Airport Mask Mandate
Gateway Pundit, Need To Know - 20 hours ago
Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein from California was spotted in a DC airport without a mask on Friday, showing that she is a hypocrite as she called for a mandatory airport mask mandate three months ago.
A 10-Year-Old Commitment to Biodiversity Misses Virtually All of its Targets
Global Issues News Headlines - 20 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS, Sep 30 (IPS) - The coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of over one million people worldwide and destabilized the global economy, also upended the UN's ambitious socio-economic goals, including the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. Read the full story, “A 10-Year-Old Commitment to Biodiversity Misses Virtually All of its Targets”, on globalissues.org →
From Pledges to Policy and Practice: Moving Nature to the Heart of Decision-Making
Global Issues News Headlines - 20 hours ago
BOGOTA, Colombia, Sep 30 (IPS) - This week, Heads of State and Government from 64 countries announced one of the strongest pledges yet to reverse the loss of biodiversity and nature's contributions to people by 2030. Advancing from powerful pledges to concrete policy and action, however, means that nature must be moved to the heart of global, national and local decision-making. It's time for nature to be reintegrated into everything we do. Read the full story, “From Pledges to Policy and Practice: Moving Nature to the Heart of Decision-Making”, on globalissues.org →
Community Hydropower Dam Illuminates Life in Salvadoran Villages
Global Issues News Headlines - 20 hours ago
CAROLINA, El Salvador, Sep 30 (IPS) - Ermelinda Lobos's life has improved substantially since she and the rest of the people in her small village, hidden in the mountains of northeastern El Salvador, worked hard to build a mini hydroelectric plant and become self-sufficient in energy. Read the full story, “Community Hydropower Dam Illuminates Life in Salvadoran Villages”, on globalissues.org →
Minnesota: Somali Vote Harvester Filmed Exchanging $200 for a Blank Ballot
Project Veritas, Need To Know - 21 hours ago
A former co-worker of Ilhan Omar said that the Congresswoman started the pay-to-vote scheme. She said that people on Ilhan Omar's payroll count the votes at polling places and even manage the precincts! Translators are allowed to accompany voters into the booths and they mark the ballots for the voters.
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* Well, well, well! It's the $750 Man! President Deadbeat paid a whole $750 in taxes in his first year as president. He gamed the IRS and, by extension, all of us. I'm shocked I tell ya! Shocked and, definitely appalled and pissed, really pissed. Here's what our 6 most recent presidents paid in their first year in office. Compare and Contrast: 1. President Ronald Reagan- $165,202 2. President H. W. Bush- $101.382 3. President Bill Clinton- $62,670 4. President George W. Bush- $250,221 5. President Barrack Obama- $1,792,414 6. Herr Trump, aka Dear Leader- $750 Yep, ever...
Project Veritas Exposes Vote-Rigging Scheme Tied to Somali Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
Project Veritas, Need To Know - 21 hours ago
Liban Mohamed, the brother of a Minneapolis City Council, incriminated himself by saying he had 300 absentee ballots for his brother in his car.
Lack of PPE Affects Essential Workers' Mental as Well as Physical Health
Peter Smith, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Peter Smith* *Health & Safety, The Americas* While personal protective equipment (PPE) and infection control procedures are often discussed as measures to reduce virus transmission, we also need to understand their importance in the context of mental health, especially since the mental health impacts of COVID-19 may linger beyond the pandemic. While all workers across Canada and around the world are being affected by COVID-19, health-care workers as a group are most heavily feeling its impact. This is because of their pivotal role in the treatment of people infected with the vir...
To Keep the Middle East Nuclear-Free, America Should Build a New Arab Coalition
John Spacapan, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*John Spacapan* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] The rapprochement between Israel and the UAE suggests a way to put a lid on the nuclear caldron. A future with multiple states in the Middle East pointing nukes at one another seems more likely than ever before, but the Israel-UAE deal illuminates a solution. With Saudi Arabia secretly pursuing nuclear technology and Turkey and Egypt pursuing nuclear programs as well, Washington should ponder why states loaded with American weaponry are going nuclear anyway. The short answer is, they think America will, or already has, aba...
These "Flying Boats" Were Built To Carry a Nuclear Payload
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, * The Seaplane Striking Force was intended to deploy long-range nuclear bombers, obviating the need for large aircraft carriers or land-based runways. *Key Point*: While the SSF concept had its ardent and articulate advocates, it was probably never going to perform a primary role in the Navy’s nuclear strike mission. The first few years after World War II were challenging ones for the U.S. Navy. Massive demobilization of personnel and rapid scrapping or retirement of ships created internal disruptions. Formation of a new Defense Department, c...
Terrifying: How Adolf Hitler's Speeches Captivated Millions of Germans
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* The Nazi dictator was a master of oratory, mesmerizing crowds with words and gestures. *Key Point*: Hitler understood the power of place and theatrics in influencing the masses. When Nazi architect Albert Speer surrendered in 1945, he made A strange remark: “So now the end has come. That’s good. It was all only a kind of opera anyway.” Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda Josef Goebbels agreed that Hitler turned politics into a grand play. Even the Führer called himself “the greatest actor in Europe,” enjoying contact wit...
Can Political Violence Ever Be Justified?
Gwilym David Blunt, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Gwilym David Blunt* *Politics, * We cannot be naive about democracy. The idea that political violence has no place in democratic politics relies on the assumption that democratic states are incapable of severe injustice. This is accompanied by a dogmatic belief that severe injustices – if they do occur – will be remedied by the exercise of voting, the protection of individual rights by the court, or, at the extreme, civil disobedience. The summer of 2020 was indelibly marked by political violence on the streets of many American cities. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and i...
Chris Wallace Was The Worst Debate Moderator In American History
Dov S. Zakheim, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Dov S. Zakheim* *Politics, Americas* Trump was no winner in this debate, but there was certainly a loser. President Donald Trump acted true to form in his debate with former Vice President Joe Biden. Forget the president’s boasts, misrepresentations, and exaggerations that seemed to virtually color his every sentence. Rather, what mattered was his utter lack of common courtesy, of respect for his opponent, of comporting himself in a manner that befits the leader of any nation, great or small. Trump’s constant interruptions, his endless attempt to over speak, or over shout Biden,...
Donald Trump Raised Valid Concerns About Joe Biden's Record
Aram Bakshian Jr., The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Aram Bakshian Jr.* *Politics, Americas* The vulnerabilities Biden displayed aren’t going to go away. Sixty years ago, as a sixteen-year-old, I watched the first televised presidential debate. I’ve watched every one of them since. Without hesitation, I consider this one the worst of them all, and that’s saying a lot. It is hard to imagine any viewer coming away from The Tuesday Night Fights feeling anything but disgusted and depressed. If I had to give it a title, it would be “Grumpy Old Men: The Sequel.” Both candidates were rude, crude, and sloppy with their facts. It was more ...
Genius & Ageing Well - A Quotation by Aldeous Huxley
Stranger in a Strange Land, Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago

* To read clearly, just click on the picture above for better resolution.*
Marine F-35B And KC-130J Collide And Crash In Southern California
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 22 hours ago
The tanker (pictured on Tuesday) was forced to make an emergency landing in a field near Thermal, California, just east of the airport. All eight crew members on board were unharmed *FOX News:* *U.S. military jet crashes after mid-air collision during refuelling* The F-35 crew ejected and is being treated, the KC-130 crew is safe, military officials said. A U.S. military jet crashed Tuesday in California, after a mid-air collision with a KC-130J aircraft. According to the military, the crash occurred around 4 p.m. after the F-35B hit the KC-130J during an air-to-air refueling. ...
Fruit Punch: Japanese Researchers Find Tannin-Rich Persimmon Juice Weakens Coronavirus.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago
Fruit Punch: Japanese Researchers Find Tannin-Rich Persimmon Juice Weakens Coronavirus | Nippon.com https://www.nippon.com/en/blog/m00155/fruit-punch-japanese-researchers-find-tannin-rich-persimmon-juice-weakens-coronavirus.html
Scientists precisely measure total amount of matter in the universe
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago
Scientists precisely measure total amount of matter in the universe https://phys.org/news/2020-09-scientists-precisely-total-amount-universe.html
Tweets For Today
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 22 hours ago
“I guess I'm debating you, not him [Biden], but that's ok" Donald Trump clashes with debate host Chris Wallace after he challenges the President about his plan to replace Obamacare Latest updates: https://t.co/a7JgkzeNo8 #Debates2020 pic.twitter.com/fgJ9LjjHaU — BBC North America (@BBCNorthAmerica) September 30, 2020 North Korea tells U.N. that now it has 'effective war deterrent' it will focus on economy https://t.co/8YJTmuhbjS pic.twitter.com/YpzPj23uV1 — Reuters (@Reuters) September 30, 2020 Sudan's army launched a disarmament campaign Tuesday to seize all illegal weapons ...
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 22 hours ago
And I thought it was a wash. Who won the first presidential debate?#Debates2020 #debates — CSPAN (@cspan) September 30, 2020
Half a million sharks may be killed to produce global Covid-19 vaccine
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago
Half a million sharks may be killed to produce global Covid-19 vaccine https://www.rfi.fr/en/science-and-technology/20200929-half-a-million-sharks-may-die-for-covid-19-vaccine-warn-activists-squalene-shark-allies-stefanie-brendl?xtor=CS1-50&ref=tw
Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 23 hours ago
Buried lakes of liquid water discovered on Mars – BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-54337779?at_custom3=BBC+News&at_custom4=F62200A2-025A-11EB-B364-B0FD923C408C&at_custom2=facebook_page&at_custom1=%5Bpost+type%5D&at_campaign=64&at_medium=custom7
Age Of Stupid
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 23 hours ago
Regina students in band class must blow into their instruments through masks with a slit. https://t.co/fM8JWm3EFk — CBC News (@CBCNews) September 30, 2020
Chris Wallace’s Back Must Be Sore
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 23 hours ago
If anyone finds an accurate count of how many times Chris Wallace rescued Joe Biden, please post it in the comments.
Russia Could Never Discredit The US Empire The Way These Guys Just Did
Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone - 23 hours ago
Well. Wow. I mean, wow. So in case you missed it, the first US presidential debate was everything the US empire deserves and a fair reflection of everything the US empire is. If Vladimir Putin were every bit the election-meddling demon the Democrats say he […]
September 30, 2020: Reader Tips
Robert, Small Dead Animals - 1 day ago
Tonight we offer you a beautiful video illustrating the beauty of Alaska. Your best tips of the past day are much appreciated!
Thai Protests are Anti-Chinese, Not "Pro-Democracy"
Land Destroyer, Alt Thai News Network ATNN - 1 day ago

*September 30, 2020* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Ongoing protests in Thailand appearing very similar to those recently seen in Hong Kong are no coincidence. They are part of an admitted "Pan-Asian Alliance" that - while claiming to be "pro-democracy" are in reality created by the US government and aimed directly at Beijing. Thailand has tilted too close to Beijing for Washington's liking and as a response, has scheduled Thailand for destabilization and if possible, regime change. *Thailand Tilting "Too Close" To China* dChina is Thailand's largest and most important trading part...
The world failed on all of its biodiversity targets. What happens next?
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 1 day ago
The world failed on all of its biodiversity targets. What happens next? – Greenpeace International https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/45215/failed-global-biodiversity-targets/
Navajo Council approves hardship assistance, now goes before Navajo President
Unknown, CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
Council voted unanimously Thursday, Sept. 24, to authorize $49,454,416 for coronavirus (Covid-19) hardship assistance.
Picture Of The Day
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
An ethnic Armenian soldier fires an artillery piece during fighting with Azerbaijan's forces in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, September 29. Defense Ministry of Armenia/via REUTERS *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Fierce clashes erupt between Armenia and Azerbaijan* (Reuters).
‘I Am Woman’ Singer Helen Reddy, ’70s Hitmaker, Dies at 78
AP News, Snopes.com - 23 hours ago
Helen Reddy, who shot to stardom in the 1970s with her rousing feminist anthem “I Am Woman” and recorded a string of other hits, has died.
The Crowhouse - The Greatest Show on Earth - Covid-19
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 23 hours ago

*Watch on BitChute HERE* *H/T The Truthseeker.UK* The first part of this video is particularly important because *a British Doctor, Dr. Mike Yeadon*, explains that *the PCR test *used to diagnose CovID-19 has been producing *90% "False Positives*". I absolutely don't know how this *Circus/Charade/Fraud/HOAX/Criminal Scamdemic* can continue day after day...*but it does.*
September 30th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1350
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
Wednesday September 30th – Open Thread
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
Parallels Between the Election of 1876 and 2020?
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
History proves again that we’re not living in entirely unprecedented times. ~ Lewis Morris · ~ Even in good times, it’s hard for some people to gain a sense of historical perspective. But in an age when leftist dogma has seized control of the news media, social media, and the cultural zeitgeist, it’s pretty much […]
Line-speed arguments set to be heard by video conference on Oct. 13
Dan Flynn, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Ahead of her Oct. 13 video conference on swine slaughter line speed, a federal judge in Minnesota is welcoming outside parties to offer their opinions about the case. Judge Joan N. Ericksen did not yell “Olly Olly oxen free,” but she might as well have by welcoming Amicus Curiae filings from several states, the National... Continue Reading
Denmark investigates Shigella outbreak with 40 sick
Joe Whitworth, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
More than 40 people are sick and almost a third have needed hospital treatment as part of a foodborne Shigella outbreak in Denmark. From the end of August, 42 people have been registered with shigellosis in the country. The outbreak is being investigated to try to pinpoint the source of infection and help stop it... Continue Reading
Liberals’ Complaints About The Coming Supreme Court Vote Don’t Pass The Smell Test
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago
By Neil Patel ~ In case you didn’t notice, our country is completely falling apart. There are so many problems that they are hard to list out at this point, but the biggest, by far, is the increasing animosity between Americans of different political persuasions. People think those on the other side are evil and […]
Multi-country recalls due to ethylene oxide in sesame seeds
News Desk, Food Safety News - 1 day ago

The presence of an unauthorized substance in sesame seeds from India has prompted a spate of product recalls across Europe. The ethylene oxide alert was first raised by Belgium in early September but now concerns almost 20 countries. Ethylene oxide is a genotoxic carcinogen after regular consumption. Sesame seeds were used in the production of... Continue Reading
Lack of inspections, heavy metals cited in FDA enforcement updates
Coral Beach, Food Safety News - 1 day ago
The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Use the links to view the full alert modifications. Import Alert Description URL... Continue Reading
The book seized by the British polizei when they arrested the German Doctor who spoke out at the recent Trafalgar Square protest
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago
LINK http://markcrispinmiller.com/2020/09/the-book-seized-by-the-british-polizei-when-they-arrested-dr-schoning/ (Full story & updates below) UPDATE: In case you missed it, the arrest: Dr. Heiko Schoning arrested at Trafalgar Square protest for speaking truth about COVID-19 This is no longer “friendly fascism” of the sort that’s long prevailed in the “democracies,” but, more and more, the brutally “unfriendly” kind that was ostensibly defeated … Continue reading The book seized by the British polizei when they arrested the German Doctor who spoke out at the recent Trafalgar Square p...
The ‘one child’ proposal for you … a suggestion today … law tomorrow?
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago
A link to the website promoting one child families because yes, there is just not enough room or resources on the planet currently for everybody … or so we are told: LINK: https://www.worldpopulationbalance.org/content/one-planet-onechild Please read this article for my response to that lie: Note to Bill Gates: The hunger ‘virus’ kills about 8K children a … Continue reading The ‘one child’ proposal for you … a suggestion today … law tomorrow? →
Bioweapon Labs Get More NIH Funding for Deadly ‘Research’
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago
Story at-a-glance EcoHealth Alliance collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for years, collecting coronavirus samples from bats and manipulating it to jump to humans The dangerous gain-of-function research was carried out via a grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) The grant was cut off in April 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic … Continue reading Bioweapon Labs Get More NIH Funding for Deadly ‘Research’ →
Thai Protests are Anti-Chinese, Not "Pro-Democracy"
Land Destroyer, Land Destroyer - 1 day ago

*September 30, 2020* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Ongoing protests in Thailand appearing very similar to those recently seen in Hong Kong are no coincidence. They are part of an admitted "Pan-Asian Alliance" that - while claiming to be "pro-democracy" are in reality created by the US government and aimed directly at Beijing. Thailand has tilted too close to Beijing for Washington's liking and as a response, has scheduled Thailand for destabilization and if possible, regime change. *Thailand Tilting "Too Close" To China* dChina is Thailand's largest and most important trading partne...
Spanish Speaking Viewers Of Telemundo By A Margin Of 2 To 1 Say President Trump Won Tonight's Presidential Debate
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday pic.twitter.com/JxCUFda6iF — Daniel Garza (@danielggarza) September 30, 2020 *WNU Editor:* The Telemundo numbers are shocking. It looks like President Trump resonated with Hispanic voters. These numbers are also the exact reverse for President Trump from 2016 when the majority of hispanic viewers believed Hillary Clinton had won the debate. CNN and FOX have also done a poll with their viewers. LOL Their numbers are the complete opposite of ...
Why Joe Biden Owes His Debate Win To Donald Trump
Jacob Heilbrunn, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Jacob Heilbrunn* *Politics, Americas* American democracy, which was supposed to be exported to the rest of the world once upon a time, has never looked to be in a greater shambles than now. Donald Trump needed a win tonight. Joe Biden didn’t. But Biden won—thanks to Trump himself. The slugfest between the two was a chaotic mess that played to Biden’s advantage. Even a draw would have constituted a win for Biden. Trump gave him more than that. Biden was unsure at the outset. He scored no huge blows. But he didn’t need to. Trump, among other things, made a huge, unforced error i...
iPhone 12 Is Coming: Apple Has Foxconn's Factory Working 24 Hours a Day
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * Or whatever it is called, Apple is pulling out all the stops to make sure its new phones are a smashing success. Apple’s iPhone, in a typical year, tends to arrive right around now, in September. This year’s models, however, have been delayed, with an announcement expected about their release at some point in the early part of October. Apple has not yet made an announcement about when the new iPhones will be unveiled or go on sale, but the tech press reports the event will likely take place on October 13. This week, a new report says Apple’s mai...
Tensions Rise as China Erases the Taiwan Strait's Median Line
Mark Harrison, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Mark Harrison* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] For its part, the government in Taipei has been typically cool in its response. Military tension in the Taiwan Strait reached a worrying level on the weekend of 19–20 September. For several days prior, People’s Liberation Army Air Force fighters and bombers had been conducting flights through the strait and the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defence had taken the unusual step of publicising the flightpaths through social media. Then, on Saturday the 19th, Taiwanese media reported an exchange between pilots: a PLAAF pilot was chal...
Why Barrett's Catholic Faith is Nothing to Fear
GianCarlo Canaparo, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*GianCarlo Canaparo* *Politics, * Barrett, like many other notable justices before her, including Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, is a devout Catholic. Barrett’s faith is a problem for some people, but has it affected her judicial decision making? Even before President Donald Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Barrett’s religious views came under fire from prominent progressives. If this sounds familiar, it’s because these same people used this same line of attack in a failed attempt to derail Barrett’s nominat...
Are Republican Supporters Happy With President Trump's Performance Tonight?
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Fans of President Donald Trump applaud while watching a streaming of the first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, from Lititz, Pennsylvania. REUTERS/Rachel Wisniewski *WNU Editor:* Checked a few conservative sites. Talked to two friends who are Americans and who support President Trump. Everyone seems OK with President Trump's performance tonight. But the media's focus groups are saying differently .... *Undecided voters describe Trump as a 'crackhead,' 'arrogant' in post-debate focus group *(The Week).
Write A Negative Hotel Review-- Go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Roland fantasizes about when we can get on the road again. The other day he asked me where I want to go most. He's all in on either Thailand and Indonesia or Sri Lanka and India. I'm thinking of France or Italy or Spain and Morocco. These are all places we've been to before and numerous times. The next day another friend of mine asked me the same question, but when I started answering, he said "no, those countries are closed to Americans." THat's when I figured out he meant NOW, not in a few years, *after* the pandemic when it's safe again. He wants to fly to someplace exotic an...
Are Democrat Supporters Happy With Former Vice-President Biden's Performance Tonight?
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago
Trump is dominating. That’s the brutal truth. It’s painful. So far. — Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) September 30, 2020 *WNU Editor*: Andrew Sullivan is a Biden supporter, and he is clearly disappointed in his candidate's performance. But what I find interesting is not his tweet, but the comment thread to his tweet from mostly Democrat supporters. They are all unhappy, and their vitriol and hatred towards President Trump is off the scale. I have checked other sites, and they are all the same. The anger and hate that I am reading is not healthy. If Presidential candidate Biden had na...
My Take On Tonight's US Presidential Debate
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago
'How you doing, man?': Joe Biden greeted President Trump at the start of their first debate, where they adhered to social-distancing protocols by not shaking hands. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden participate in their first 2020 presidential campaign debate held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, September 29, 2020.REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Here are some quick takes from tonight. I hope this is the last debate that Mike Wallace ever moderates. He was awful. As moderators go. If he is not the...
Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago

Originally posted on Counter Information: By F. William Engdahl Global Research, September 29, 2020 Microsoft founder Bill Gates has made himself the global vaccine czar as his foundation spends billions on spreading new vaccines globally. While much attention has been given to the role of Gates behind the corrupt WHO in promoting radical untested coronavirus vaccines, the record…
Watch “The great death of insects | DW Documentary (ecology documentary)” on YouTube
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago
Originally posted on OCCUPY AMERICA: https://youtu.be/CidaOP7PA-o
Open Forum (Presidential Debate Edition)
Larry-Lambert, Virtual Mirage - 1 day ago
The topic is Debate #1 2020 (Trump v Biden) The talking heads will bash and smash. Democrats will declare victory for Creepy Corrupt Joe Biden. Republicans will declare victory for President Trump. And the next debate will take place in 17 days after a majority of Americans will have voted. I think that President […] The post Open Forum (Presidential Debate Edition) appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
Undeclared company directorship of the Kapiti mayor
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Waikanae Watch: Our attention has been drawn to the fact that the present Kapiti mayor is a director of a company registered as Jackbord Works Ltd and has been since August 2019. Our understanding is that John Penman is the KCDC’s quasi-official photographer (he took the photos last October of elected members…
Manaus, Brazil: The First City to Reach Herd Immunity from Coronavirus?
Gordon Dougan, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Gordon Dougan* *Coronavirus, * Manaus is now regarded as one of the most coronavirus-infected cities in the world, with 44%-66% of the population infected, and is at the centre of a debate about herd immunity. Two years ago, I visited the Brazilian city of Manaus at the start of a trip through the Amazon. Since my childhood, I had been fascinated by this dot on the map that sits at the centre of the Amazon basin at the confluence of the Amazon and Rio Negro rivers. The city is ultra tropical, with life very much lived on the street in an intense atmosphere. I felt it had a slig...
Networked Drones: The U.S. Army's Next Super Weapon?
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * There are many new, cross-domain technologies that are improving the ability of the Army to wage war. *Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona* - There are many now-underway tactical adjustments being pursued by the Army as it adapts to new technologies and seeks to transform into a new era of warfare. Among these are the drones, lightning-fast sensing and shooting, air-ground-sea-space attack coordination, and lots of networked weapons systems. “I think what you are going to see is really the depth and range of the battlefield. It will be a joint-forces fight a...
How Russia's Ivan IV Became "Ivan the Terrible"
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Seeking access to the Baltic Sea, Russian Czar Ivan IV invaded trade-rich Livonia in 1558. *Key Point*: It began with a terrible war. Ivan IV Vasilyevich, first czar of all the Russians, has gone down as one of history’s most notorious despots, infamous for the terrors he carried out among his subjects. Less well known are the numerous and bloody wars he fought to expand his realm. Isolation on the bleak steppes of Eurasia was a fact of life for the state of Muscovy. Wanting to lead his people to prosperity, Ivan’s determined eyes gaze...
Myanmar’s electoral management institutions: the challenges of monitoring
Su Mon Thant & Nicholas Ross, New Mandala - 1 day ago
In 2020 the role of the Union Election Commission and election monitoring seems increasingly politicised. The post Myanmar’s electoral management institutions: the challenges of monitoring appeared first on New Mandala.
EPA Skeptical of Cal Ban on Gas Cars
Hifast, Climate Collections - 1 day ago

Originally posted on Science Matters: The federal government is raising legal and practical questions about a recent California executive order attempting to end sales of gas-powered cars in the state by 2035. Source Microsoft News: Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler wrote to California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on…
Banned By YouTube
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 1 day ago
My YouTube account was skyrocketing in a hockey stick, with nearly six million views in the past four weeks. So YouTube has quite predictably shut me down.
Rejoice: New Roku AirPlay 2 Capability will Provide HBO Max Workaround
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * Roku made a variety of announcements Monday about new products that it has on the way. Here is what we know. Roku made a variety of announcements Monday about new products that it has on the way. Directed at "cord cutters and people who love to stream," the new Roku Ultra is the company’s new flagship streaming player, which will offer support of both Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos, the company said in a blog post. It will cost around $100. “The new and improved Roku Ultra offers powerful, smooth streaming with channels that launch in a snap and o...
The British Airmen Who Went To War in Plywood Boxes: Meet the Glidermen of WWII
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* The Glider Regiment took part in some of the most hazardous operations of World War II. *Key Point*: These tough and gallant men flew unarmored, unpowered aircraft, fragile and vulnerable, into the teeth of streams of tracers and the deepest gloom of night. On June 22, 1940, the British prime minister, the formidable Winston Churchill, directed that an airborne force of at least 5,000 men was to be formed. It was a noble notion but replete with difficulties, not the least of which were the absence of any doctrine, a lack of aircraft, a...
A spatially explicit surface urban heat island database for the United States: Characterization, uncertainties, and possible applications
GCD, ClimateCite Corp - 1 day ago
Science Direct T.Chakrabortyac, A.Hsubcd, D.Manyac, G.Sheriffe Received 3 April 2020, Revised 30 July 2020, Accepted 30 July 2020, Available online 13 August 2020. Abstract The urban heat island (UHI) effect is strongly modulated by urban-scale changes to the aerodynamic, thermal, and radiative properties of the Earth’s land surfaces. Interest in this phenomenon, both from the climatological and public health perspectives, …
The Positive Vedic Sense of Life
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 1 day ago
The Vedic sense of life was positive—the Vedic philosophers were questing for not just liberation but for ways of achieving virtue, happiness, and fulfillment in one’s lifetime. In her book *The Rig Veda*, Wendy Doniger begins the chapter, “Realia,” with these lines: “The Rig Veda is a sacred book, but it is a very worldly sacred book. Nowhere can we find the tiniest suspicion of a wish to renounce the material world in favor of some spiritual quest; religion is the handmaiden of worldly life. The gods are invoked to give the worshipper the things he wants—health, wealth, long lif...
Lockdowns, Hydrogel and Dubious Vaccines
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
aminutetomidnite All is not as it is portrayed to the masses. Deception abounds, and a definite global agenda is in play. You are being lied to and controlled as they move us into the Beast system one step at a time. end
Photos Show Mask-Less Feinstein Walking Though Airport – Despite Pushing National Mask Mandate
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Photos Show Mask-Less Feinstein Walking Though Airport – Despite Pushing National Mask Mandate by Adan Salazar | www.Infowars.com Masks for thee, but not for me! Photos obtained by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson appear to show Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) walking through an airport terminal without a face mask, despite her pushing for new FAA mask …
Chris Powell: Gold and Silver Delivery Issues Continue
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Arcadia Economics Gold and #silver have rallied this year, with gold even setting new all-time highs, amidst continued delivery issues and signs of fractures in the precious metals markets. Fortunately, #ChrisPowell of #GATA, who saw and warned about this decades before the #CFTC fined #JPMorgan almost $1 billion, joined me at #SilverFest to share what …
Arab Normalization Emboldens ‘Third Temple’ Israeli Fanatics
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Arab Normalization Emboldens ‘Third Temple’ Israeli Fanatics by CJ Werleman | Sep 28, 2020, https://insidearabia.com/ The UAE-Bahrain normalization deals put radical Israeli settlers within touching distance of fulfilling their goal of erecting a Third Temple atop of the ruins of the Dome of the Rock. – On the morning of June 7, 1967, the third day of …
Israel Demolishes 500 Palestinian Structures in 2020, UN Says
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Israel Demolishes 500 Palestinian Structures in 2020, UN Says by https://www.dailysabah.com/ Israel has demolished more than 500 structures in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip this year, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said Monday. In a statement, the U.N. office said 506 buildings were razed by Israeli forces …
Will the Planned Coronavirus Second Wave Take Root With the Election Chaos and Nationwide Riots as Distractions?
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Will the Planned Coronavirus Second Wave Take Root With the Election Chaos and Nationwide Riots as Distractions? by Gary D. Barnett, https://www.lewrockwell.com/ … What in the world lies ahead? We are in the midst of the most incredible attempt by the powerful to take over humanity that has ever happened on earth. These times will …
Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan’s Gold And Silver Manipulation “Crime Ring”
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan’s Gold And Silver Manipulation “Crime Ring” by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ There was a time when the merest mention of gold manipulation in “reputable” media was enough to have one branded a perpetual conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil farm out back. That was roughly coincident with a time when Libor, FX, …
Why a New Gold Standard Is Inevitable | Jan Nieuwenhuijs
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Gold Newsletter Governments across the world have no choice but to keep interest rates near or below zero. For Jan Nieuwenhuijs, a precious-metals analyst with Voima Gold, the current fiat international monetary system is coming to an end. He argues inflation is the only way out of the enormous debt bubble most countries have created …
Oral Argument Summary: U.S. v. Flynn
asalvatore, Lawfare - 1 day ago
Michael Flynn at a campaign rally for Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center, 2016 (Gage Skidmore/https://flic.kr/p/MJQaAD/CC BY-SA 2.0/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) It is one month before the presidential election; it has been three years since the Michael Flynn case began; and there have been two D.C. Circuit decisions since Judge Emmet G. Sullivan first scheduled today’s hearing on whether to grant the government’s motion to dismiss its case against the former national security adviser. It being 2020, this hearing takes place remotely. According to th...
Silver Rallies For 2nd Day In A Row, Now Above $24
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Arcadia Economics #Silver rallied again today, this time climbing back over the $24 per ounce mark. At the same time, #JPMorgan was formally fined $920 million for rigging the #gold and silver markets. So where does that leave us? end
Read The New York Times’ ‘Scoop’ on Trump’s Tax Returns And You’ll See – from Its Own Weak Evidence – It Really Is Just Fake News
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Read The New York Times’ ‘Scoop’ on Trump’s Tax Returns And You’ll See – from Its Own Weak Evidence – It Really Is Just Fake News by David Haggith, https://www.rt.com/ The NYT’s much-heralded exclusive claiming that Trump is ‘profiting’ from his presidency despite going ‘broke’ during his tenure has more holes than Swiss cheese. You …
James Corbett: This Is The Battle for Humanity! The Technocratic Enslavement End Game!
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
James Corbett: This Is The Battle for Humanity! The Technocratic Enslavement End Game! by Mac Slavo, September 24th, 2020, SHTFplan.com Josh Sigurdson recently spoke with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the heightened level of tyranny throughout the world creating a prison planet over the course of 2020. With the excuse of an illness, …
September 29: The price of our pandering to the super rich.
Graeme Decarie, The Decarie Report - 1 day ago
https://www.etfo.ca/AboutETFO/MediaRoom/MediaReleases/Pages/Ford%20government%E2%80%99s%20return%20to%20school%20plan%20unravelling%20because%20it%20refuses%20to%20fund%20smaller%20class%20sizes%20to%20keep%20students,%20educat.aspx My home province, Ontario, has a premier who is Donald Trump's twin brother. His name is Doug Ford. ______________________________________________________________ https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/sep/23/aid-agencies-warn-of-covid-19-crisis-in-refugee-camps-as-winter-approaches Our wars have pushed tens of millions - probably more - in...
Three Economists Walk Into a Discussion, Part 1
David Henderson, Econlib - 1 day ago

On September 15, the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy had a virtual discussion about both Covid-19 and the views of the two major presidential candidates. The moderator was Gopi Shah Goda, deputy director of, and senior fellow at, SIEPR and the two interviewees were Kevin Hassett, who had been chairman of the Council of Economic […] The post Three Economists Walk Into a Discussion, Part 1 appeared first on Econlib.
Trump Admin Poised To Gift Israel $11 Billion In Bid to Secure Another Arab-Israeli “Peace” Treaty
Geopolitics101, Covert Geopolitics - 1 day ago
Trump’s arrangement to sell F-35 warplanes to the United Arab Emirates has prompted Israel to issue a list of demands – including must-have advanced aircraft and other accouterments. by Kathryn Shihadah The United States continues to use the American taxpayers’ expense account to prioritize Israel’s aspirations. Close on the heels of the so-called Abraham Accords earlier … Continue reading Trump Admin Poised To Gift Israel $11 Billion In Bid to Secure Another Arab-Israeli “Peace” Treaty →
56 Million Americans Depended on Food Banks During the Pandemic
Geopolitics101, Covert Geopolitics - 1 day ago
Once only associated with enemy nations and the Great Depression, bread lines have returned to the US, often in form of miles-long traffic jams or car parks filled with hungry drivers. by Alan Macleod Amid a pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 209,000 Americans and caused widespread economic dislocation, tens of millions have … Continue reading 56 Million Americans Depended on Food Banks During the Pandemic →
Israel Launches 5G Wireless Networks While The Entire Nation Is Held Captive On A 21-Day COVID Lockdown And Not Really Paying Attention
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
In a statement announcing the development, Hendel said that “we are in the midst of one of the most severe crises that have hit Israel. Most social processes during the coronavirus are bases on communications infrastructure and can only be held with advanced infrastructure. Such a crisis requires us to move to advanced infrastructure and … Continue reading Israel Launches 5G Wireless Networks While The Entire Nation Is Held Captive On A 21-Day COVID Lockdown And Not Really Paying Attention →
What is Behind Pakistan's Recent Civil-Military Spat?
Abdul Basit, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Abdul Basit* *Security, Asia* From controlling media to managing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and running foreign policy to holding meetings with businessmen and investors, the opposition is right that the military is running a parallel government under a civilian façade to the detriment of democracy. Following the Pakistani joint opposition’s multi-party conference on September 20, which also featured the Pakistan Muslim League (N), PML-N, chief Nawaz Sharif’s hard-hitting speech against the military, civil-military tensions have come to a head again. After a yea...
Nick Barisheff: China Stockpiling Gold Will Devastate the Dollar
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Palisade Radio Tom welcomes Nick Barisheff, President and CEO of BMG, to the show. Nick started the BMG fund in 1998 to create a safe precious metals product that qualified for Canadian retirement accounts. He wanted it structured so that there could be no interference or encumbrance with the bullion. He discusses the risk of …
Pelosi Plans For House To “Elect” Next President Using Constitutional Escape
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Nancy Pelosi is planning to have the House of Representatives elect the next president, thanks to a little known provision that democrats are apparently trying to exploit. Source: Georgette In a move that seems outrageous,?Nancy Pelosi?doesn’t want the people of the United States to elect the next president, she wants…
Nothing Is Happening By Accident: The Planned Stock Market Crash On October 19, 2020?
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Nothing Is Happening By Accident: The Planned Stock Market Crash On October 19, 2020? by G. J. Wenkman, https://www.silverdoctors.com/ The RESET is coming very soon… “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt … Does anything that is happening today make sense to …
Amazon Launches New Contactless Biometric Palm Reading Technology That Scans Your Right Hand To Allow You To Buy And Sell At Stores
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 1 day ago
Customers at the stores near Amazon’s campus in Washington can flash a palm for entry and to buy goods. The company chose palm recognition, according to Dilip Kumar, vice president of Physical Retail & Technology, because it’s more private than other biometric technology, and a person would be required to purposefully flash a palm at … Continue reading Amazon Launches New Contactless Biometric Palm Reading Technology That Scans Your Right Hand To Allow You To Buy And Sell At Stores →
LG’s 75-Inch NanoCell 99 Series Gives Glimpse of 8K Future
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Technology, * But how far away is that future, exactly? Like it or not, 8K will one day supplant 4K. And if you feel the need to get a head start in preparing for the burgeoning 8K HDTV universe, LG’s NanoCell 99 Series 8K HDTV may provide the perfect entry-level solution. Right now at Best Buy, you can get your hands on this 75-inch monster for $4,300, which is $700 off the regular price. Keep in mind that we are still in the early innings of 8K TV technology, and after a few years, know that the price points should settle down to what we see for 4K HDTVs t...
How the Allies Tried To Bring Turkey Into World War II
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* That Winston Churchill tried to entice Turkey into the war is common knowledge. His secret motivation for doing so is much less well known. *Key Point*: What Churchill could never admit in his memoirs was that he secretly needed Turkey’s support to allow a British invasion of the Balkans. Maybe the Turks were just bad at picking the winning side. In World War I the Central Powers were defeated by the Allies, so in October 1939 they switched to ally with Britain and France. Four days after the fall of Paris, Turkish President Ismet Inönü...
Australian Universities Face Staff Cuts of Ten Percent: What's at Risk
Ian Marshman, Elizabeth Baré, Janet Beard, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Ian Marshman, Elizabeth Baré, Janet Beard* *Education, Australia* Staff cuts impact Australia's ability to prepare its workforce, attract international students and conduct research. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a sudden and very big decline in Australian universities’ revenue as a result of the loss of international student enrolments. Being excluded from the federal government’s JobKeeper program has forced universities to embark on immediate and sustained cost-cutting. Our newly released research identifies several significant risks associated with this approach. Most unive...
Keiser Report | Yikes! European Bank Shares Tumble | E1599
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
RT In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the decades low in European bank stocks as the pandemic and negative interest rates take their toll. In the second half, Max chats to Brian Roemmele of VoiceFirst.expert about the state of artificial intelligence and what it has to do with TikTok. …
Venusian Verities
Louis Hissink, Louis Hissink's Crazy World - 1 day ago
My, my how science changes when new data appear. It now seems Venus’ physical state might have been affected by Jupiter which turned Venus into the thermal hell it is now, as Space.com reports here. Nothing to do with a … Continue reading →
Dr. Michael Eric Dyson Heads to Vanderbilt
cmaadmin, Diverse - 1 day ago

Vanderbilt University has scored a major coup in luring Dr. Michael Eric Dyson—one of the nation’s most prominent Black intellectuals—from Georgetown University.
The poetry of bygone times in old Japan
Lee Jay, Modern Tokyo Times - 1 day ago
The poetry of bygone times in old Japan Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The highly esteemed poet Kakinomoto no Hitomaro comes from old Japan. He is deemed to be one of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals based on his prominence in volumes 1 and 2 of the highly acclaimed Man’yōshū. Therefore, this waka poet who belongs […]
Legal Scholars Worry About Affirmative Action and Civil Rights if Barrett is Confirmed
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 1 day ago

As Judge Amy Coney Barrett makes the rounds on Capitol Hill this week in preparation for her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee next month, some legal scholars are concerned about what her appointment to the high court might mean for the future of civil rights and affirmative action. “I am very concerned about […]
It's lovely in Lakeside in September
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 1 day ago

Beautiful walk along the lakefront this morning about 7:30 a.m. I stopped to talk to a woman who's been coming to Lakeside for 71 years, which makes me who's been coming for only 46 years, a newcomer. I had just noticed the real estate sign in front of the lovely traditional 2-story cottage, cross gable with wrap around porch at 2nd and Poplar. It's a classic, well over 100 years old. I hope Lakeside doesn't allow it to be torn down. When my husband was on the design/review committee it would have been safe. But there's so much money now in Lakeside, it has a 2 or 3 tier system of r...
The Twisted Truth: Silicon Valley Platforms Are Designed for Addiction
NEWS WIRE, 21st Century Wire - 1 day ago

*21WIRE* | Are social media platforms ripping the apart the fabric of human society?
“I’m Not At Risk:” Elon Musk Calls Out “Stupid Person” Bill Gates Over Coronavirus Vaccine, Says He and His Kids Won’t Take It
Nick Meyer, AltHealthWorks.com - 1 day ago

As the coronavirus situation drags into its seventh month in the United States, there are people who are still dwelling on it, and others who are moving on with their lives. One of those who fits into the latter category is Elon Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX founder who famously defied lockdown orders earlier this year and threatened to move his company to Texas in protest of Alameda, California’s quarantine edicts. While Musk typically has laser focus on his projects, including plans to build a $25,000 electric car some time in the next three years, he seemingly cannot stay out of the...
The Story of the Last British Cavalry Charge in History
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Africa* In August 1898, British General H.H. Kitchener reached Omdurman. The stage was set for the last cavalry charge in British military history. *Key Point*: The lancers charged with fine style, lances leveled and swords drawn. On the morning of September 1, 1898, Lieutenant Winston Churchill of the Queen’s 4th Hussars rode out with four squadrons of the 21st Lancers to scout the approaches to Omdurman, a Sudanese village on the west bank of the Nile opposite Khartoum, epicenter of a revolt that had rocked the very foundations of the Britis...
Nagorno-Karabakh: Why Turkey Is Sending Syrian Mercenaries To War In Azerbaijan
Adam Lammon, The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Adam Lammon* *Security, Europe* The allegation that Turkey has sent Syrians to fight in the Caucasus region is troubling, but not unbelievable. It appears that Armenia and Azerbaijan’s south Caucasus conflict is going international once again. Since last Sunday, September 27, the two nations’ militaries have traded blows over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, killing at least 100 people, including civilians. Armenia’s Ministry of Defense has claimed that the Azeri military is now employing long-range artillery and threatened to escalate its own military operations. Turke...
Snopes Coverage of the First 2020 U.S. Presidential Debate
Snopes Staff, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
Joe Biden and Donald Trump are scheduled to debate three times ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. One debate will be held for just the veeps, too.
Live Blog: Presidential Primary Debate #1 in Cleveland, OH.
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 1 day ago
Game on.....
Does Joe Biden Support ‘Defunding’ Police?
Jessica Lee, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
U.S. President Donald Trump has made the claim about his political opponent on numerous occasions.
Debate 9/29/2020 - Where to watch...
Adrienne, Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago

*9pm ET* *Almost all of these venues (I purposely didn't link ABC, NBC, CBS, or any of the other far left MSM) will have pre-debate shows. Not interested in their blah, blah, and I'm damn sure not interested in any post-debate commentary. I don't need a bunch of news readers telling me what I just heard, and which I'm perfectly capable of understanding without their help.* Fox News *PBS* *My choice:* *C-Span*
Congressional Races Heating-- As GOP Goes Berserk Looking At Probable November Losses
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

The other day someone wrote a comment here about how the country is ready to explode in Civil War and all that's needed is a Ft Sumter incident. I don't agree but some kind of a half-assed insurrection would be a fitting and predictable denouement for the illegitimate, completely divisive Trump regime. I'm no Andrew Cuomo fan and I wasn't that shocked to see some Trumpist yahoos in western New York hang him in effigy after a mock trial over the weekend, but what did surprise me was that a Republican congressman-- albeit a knee-jerk Trumpist-- took part in the proceedings. The...
Putin goes full tilt Stalin-clone
Bob Dinn, balance10 - 1 day ago

9-28 Indonesia 4.64/55.8= 8.3% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/indonesia/ …........................................... India 87/855= 10.2% increase.day (minor decline but hopeful) https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india …………….......................................... ………......................................... Iran 3.4/42.4= 8% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/iran …………….................................. France 15/371= 4% increase/day https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/france …………………………………...
How Can Non-Degree Credentials Help Diverse Students in a Recession?
Sara Weissman, Diverse - 1 day ago

As the coronavirus pandemic continues and unemployment rises, postsecondary classrooms swell with returning students seeking new job skills, including through non-degree programs. But how can colleges ensure that these programs actually lead to future educational opportunities – and viable careers – for diverse students in a time of uncertainty?
Armenia Accuses Turkey Of Shooting Down A Sukhoi Su-25
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago
FILE PHOTO: (L) Turkish F-16 © REUTERS/Murad Sezer; (R) Armenian army Sukhoi Su-25 © AFP PHOTO/KAREN MINASYAN *SCMP/Reuters*: *Armenia accuses Turkey of downing warplane, as fighting with Azerbaijan continues* * Turkey, a close ally of Azerbaijan, has denied claims that a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down a Sukhoi Su-25 plane, killing the pilot * This comes as dozens have died and hundreds have been injured in fresh clashes over the Nagorno-Karabakh region Armenia said a Turkish F-16 fighter jet shot down one of its warplanes over Armenian airspace on Tuesday, killing the pilot, ...
COVID-19 Cases Rising Among US Children as Schools Reopen
AP News, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
Children of all ages now make up 10% of all U.S cases, up from 2% in April.
Assange Trial Highlights How US Government Is Likely Deceiving British Court To Win Extradition
Kevin Gosztola, Shadowproof - 1 day ago
Attorney Lindsay Lewis told the British magistrate court "the unreliable nature of the U.S. government’s assurances" should be a concern for the court and British authorities in "determining whether to extradite" Assange to the United States. The post Assange Trial Highlights How US Government Is Likely Deceiving British Court To Win Extradition appeared first on Shadowproof.
Were Trays of Mail, Including Mail-In Ballots, Found in a Ditch?
Nur Ibrahim, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
The U.S. Postal Service has been under fire for several problems concerning mail-in ballots in 2020.
Armenia - Azerbaijan War News Updates -- September 29, 2020
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters*: *Azerbaijan and Armenia reject talks as Karabakh conflict zone spreads* BAKU/YEREVAN (Reuters) - Armenia and Azerbaijan accused one another on Tuesday of firing directly into each other’s territory and rejected pressure to hold peace talks as their conflict over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh threatened to mushroom into all-out war. Both reported firing from the other side across their shared border, well to the west of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region over which fierce fighting broke out between Azeri and ethnic Armenian forces on Sunday. The incidents signalled...
Titans Have NFL’S First COVID-19 Outbreak: 8 Positive Tests
AP News, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
The Tennessee Titans suspended in-person activities for several days after the NFL says three Titans players and five personnel tested positive for the coronavirus, becoming the first COVID-19 outbreak of the NFL season in Week 4.
Presidential Debate Night – President Trump -vs- Joe Biden – 9:00pm ET Livestreams
sundance, The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden take part in the first presidential debate between the two 2020 candidates. The Cleveland, Ohio event is moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace who will transparently assist Joe Biden. The … Continue reading →
Covid-19 Pantodemic Propaganda Roundup
James Allard, OYE Alternative News - 1 day ago

The post Covid-19 Pantodemic Propaganda Roundup appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
Presidential Debate
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 1 day ago
Places to watch the Presidential debate, and a place to post observations and comments. Continue reading →
Slackware on RockPro64 – Progress
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 1 day ago
I've got Slackware running on the RockPro64 complete with working through "slackpkg" issues to the point where I can install more applications. Continue reading →