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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, August 31, 2020

31 August - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

10 pm MDT

The Mauritius Oil Spill: What's at Stake for a Vital Trio of of Ecosystems

Sivajyodee Sannassy Pilly, John Turner, Ronan Roche at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Sivajyodee Sannassy Pilly, John Turner, Ronan Roche* *Enviornment, Indo-Pacific* Mauritius is a biodiversity hotspot and much of the island’s unique wildlife depends on intricate connections between the reefs, lagoons, seagrass meadows and mangroves, so pollution in one habitat can have a devastating ripple effect. Sometimes bad things happen in the worst possible places – like the MV Wakashio running aground on shallow reefs off the south-east coast of Mauritius on July 25. The wreck of the bulk carrier ship began leaking oil in front of a nature reserve island (Ile aux Aigrett... more »

Inhospitable Hosts: Why its Too Early to Ring the Alarm Bells on Coronavirus Reinfection

Zania Stamataki at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Zania Stamataki* *Health, World* Nearly nine months after the first infection with the novel coronavirus, we have very poor evidence for reinfection. However, virologists understand that reinfection with coronaviruses is common, and immunologists are working hard to determine how long the hallmarks of protective immunity will last in recovered patients. Scientists in Hong Kong have reported the first confirmed case of reinfection with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, reportedly backed up by genetic sequences of the two episodes of the 33-year-old man’s infections in March ... more »

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* *He went to school with my little sister and she said that everyone always thought of him to be a future shooter, and so did I when I met him in high school.* - a former schoolmate of Kyle Rittenhouse All he needed was a little bit of encouragement and he got it. Teenage White Nationalist Trump supporter Kyle Rittenhouse was already about to be a young man of note in rightwing circles before he allegedly killed two people and wounded another with a hail of rifle fire on a street in Kenosha Wisconsin last week. A reporter from the *Daily Caller*, a kind of *Daily Storme... more »

Lawsuit Filed Against Merck For Lying To Doctors & Moms About The HPV Gardasil Vaccine

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
You have been lied to a lot for these past one hundred years with faux science and outright data suppression. Here the battle to end this commercial tyranny continues. We have all been brainwashed young to believe in vaccines. Thus we have a market funded by government fiat. Nice. What might go wrong? What has gone wrong over and over again is the science. With the ambiguous exception of small pox vaccine using cow pox which is an almost natural protocol, the rest have mostly been cooked. Recall the advance of successful indoor plumbing came about during the first half of ... more »

Long-awaited Celera 500L 'bullet' plane is finally revealed

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
*Long-awaited Celera 500L 'bullet' plane is finally revealed* *Maureen O'Hare, CNN • Updated 28th August 2020* *FacebookTwitterEmail* This bird is phenomenal and obsoletes the entire private jet fleet, which has been stuck using decades old designs. This bird ends all that and likely starts a gold rush on new far better jets. Obviously a private jet matching the capabilities of commercial fying is a game changer. Design and approval technology is now completely fast tracked as demonstrated by our rapidly advancing rocket tech. This is an initial six man carrier that ca... more »

Science Is Not About Consensus

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
That is almost the definition of science. Science is all about proposing a model separate from the present consensus. How do we not understand this? We have a consensus, secured by our understanding of Newtonian Physics that describes the earth and the sun as a compressed body of material whose initial state is described by surface conditions. Easy to buy into and i certainly diod for most of my life. Yet the moment i successfully described particle creation, and understood gravity as well, this all completely changed out. The new model does not have to be discussed here bu... more »

The 17th Century “Enlightenment”

Louis Hissink at Louis Hissink's Crazy World - 21 hours ago
Rupert Sheldrake commented on the origin of philosophical materialism during his 2015 book, Science Set Free, tour in the US during 2015. The whole presentation and Q&A at the end is worth listening to. During the 17th Century CE the … Continue reading →

Sunday Talks – Richard “Ric” Grenell Discusses DNI Ratcliffe’s Challenges and Security Leaks…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 21 hours ago
Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell appears on Sunday Morning with Maria Bartiromo to expand on the challenges facing current DNI John Ratcliffe.

The Sentencing Of Brenton Tarrant: Jailing The Man, Not The Great Replacement

Binoy KAMPMARK at OrientalReview.org - 21 hours ago
Brenton Tarrant was sentenced last week. The Australian national who butchered, with relish, 51 individuals in Christchurch at Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre, found himself facing something unique in New Zealand: jail for life without parole. He pleaded guilty to 51 charges of murder, 40 counts of […]

Thanks To All Who Have Been A Part of The 10th Annual Inspirational August

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
*If you have missed this event this year, please click on older posts and you can go back to see the 60 posts and end at the introduction post which explains what it is all about.* *A special thank you to all contributors, translators, readers, commentors and those who have shared links to these posts on other forums. You are all much appreciated.* *Many good wishes to all,* *Mike*

Begin To See YourSelf - A Quotation by Wayne Dyer

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
[image: Begin to see yourself -Wayne Dyer #Wisdom #MotivationalQuote #Inspirational Quote #waynedyer #LifeQuotes #LeadershipQuotes #PositiveQuotes #SuccessQuotes]

Shallow M6.5 earthquake hits central Mid-Atlantic Ridge

A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit central Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 21:20 UTC on August 30, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The EMSC registered it as M5.8 at a depth of 100 km (62 miles). The epicenter was...... Read more »

Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Sunday 30th August 2020 – Plus Weekly Update

TonyfromOz at PA Pundits – International - 21 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]

NY Times’ Sexist Takeaway From RNC: Attacks Tiffany, Ivanka, And Guilfoyle

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 21 hours ago
By Clay Waters ~ New York Times “writer at large” Sarah Lyall issued a snotty, sexist story for Saturday’s edition, “The Trump Show’s Supporting Female Cast,” arbitrarily bashing the female members of Trump’s family and any other women who have the bad taste to be in the Trump Administration’s orbit. Read these highlights and remember […]

Climate Elite Say Thee, Not Me, Must $acrifice For The Planet

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 21 hours ago
By Peter Murphy ~ The rich are different from you and me, as the saying goes. They have money. The super-rich have even more. Some of the wealthiest people on the planet are driving and funding the climate change political agenda for more electric cars, wind turbines and solar panels, and eradication of nuclear energy […]

The Mayan Calendar

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 21 hours ago
A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ The Mayan Calendar prediction of Chaos and Disaster was off by only 8 years. Instead of 2012 it should have warned us about 2020! Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones . http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/

Short story: Gold in the Blood

Ethical Technology - 22 hours ago
Genetic engineering could buy athletic potential, not the willpower to train and win, or at least that’s what your father says every now and then. You think every generation wants to complain that things were harder for them than for the following ones, and mostly ignore him and everything else that’s not directly related to your training.

Monstrous moonshine and string theory: a compressed popular book

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours ago
Because an excited reader of popular books has claimed that he has learned more from this Quora answer of mine than from a whole popular book on monstrous moonshine (which is promoted at the bottom of this text), I decided to repost it here and call it "a compressed popular book". An advantage of such a free, compressed book is that you may save your money for a book and buy the bottle instead, the same bottle that Andrew Ogg promised to anyone who proves the monstrous moonshine. How did string theory help Borcherds solve the monstrous moonshine conjecture? First, let me state a sim... more »

Sunday Talks – DNI John Ratcliffe Extensive Interview….

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
From the Office of Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss latest events amid the intelligence apparatus. Ratcliffe outlines his approach to foreign election interference as a national security threat. Additionally DNI … Continue reading →

Why Emily Dickinson Would Recognize 2020

Matthew Redmond at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Matthew Redmond* *Culture, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] As the world continues to endure the ravages of COVID-19, another ghost of Dickinson steps into view. This one, about 40 years old, seems by turns vulnerable and formidable, reclusive and forward. She carries the dead weight of crises beyond her control, but remains unbowed by it. Since her death in 1886, Emily Dickinson has haunted us in many forms. She has been the precocious “little dead girl” admired by distinguished men; the white-clad, solitary spinster languishing alone in her bedroom; and, in more recent interpreta... more »

How to Enjoy Astronomy From Home During the Lockdown

Chris Impey at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Chris Impey* *Science, World* [image: Reuters] Here are five ways you can get started. This is a challenging time for families. Schools across the U.S. are struggling to provide a meaningful online experience. The coronavirus pandemic has cut off or restricted many entertainment options. As an astronomer, I believe a great way for families to fill the void and have a meaningful science experience in the time of COVID-19 is to turn their attention to the stars they can see right outside their homes. The night sky is, and always has been, safe and free. Here are five ways you can... more »

The Migrant Influx to the UK Won't Stop: Why Policy Makers Need a New Narrative

Heaven Crawley at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Heaven Crawley* *Immigration, UK* Policy makers need to change the narrative around asylum seekers. While people need to be safe, this is not, in and of itself, sufficient. People also need hope and the possibility of a life beyond misery and destitution. Despite the exceptional circumstances of 2020, it is just like any other year in one way. Like clockwork, just as summer arrives, we are bombarded with stories of the “migrant invasion”. This year the pictures are of people crossing the channel in flimsy boats. Priti Patel, the UK’s home secretary, has appointed a Clandestine C... more »

An Interview With Armstrong Williams on How to Fix Race Relations

Rob Bluey at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Rob Bluey* *Politics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1BD41A4510&share=true] He offers insights found in his new book and from his personal life. Armstrong Williams grew up on his family farm in rural South Carolina and went on to become the second-largest minority broadcast TV owner in America. He has closely watched the racial tension in America and offers a path toward healing and atonement in his new book “What Black and White America Must Do Now: A Prescription to Move Beyond Race.” Williams, a TV host and Daily S... more »

Did Larry Bird Tell NBA Players ‘Shut Up and Play the Damn Game’?

David Mikkelson at Snopes.com - 23 hours ago
A supposed quote from the Celtic great criticized NBA players for their pro-racial justice protests.

Quote of the Day

vonMesser at 'Nox & Friends - 23 hours ago

Part Three: Forming your OEE game plan

Coral Beach at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Editor’s note: This is part three of a four-part series on understanding and implementing overall equipment effectiveness strategy. This series is sponsored by SafetyChain Software. While delivering safe food is a leading priority for food companies, this must be done in a way that satisfies customer needs and makes sense from a business standpoint. According... Continue Reading

Packs of baby food damaged by mice leads to recall in New Zealand

Joe Whitworth at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Holes found in baby food packaging was likely due to mice, according to officials in New Zealand. Initial investigations also looked at the possibility of a manufacturing fault and involved New Zealand Police to ensure the damage was not caused deliberately. Supermarket chain Woolworths NZ recalled squeezable baby food pouches from stores nationwide after holes... Continue Reading

Six companies put on notice after FDA uncovers violations

News Desk at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading

Webinar review of the 2020 Center for Produce Safety Virtual Research

News Desk at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
On Sep. 8 at 2 p.m. EDT, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA), United Fresh, and Western Growers (WGA) are revisiting selected research presentations from the 2020 Center for Produce Safety Virtual Research Symposium. The webinar is titled CPS Research Symposium Review: Bringing Executive Summaries to Life. This year’s symposium provided broad glimpses of knowledge gained... Continue Reading

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Global COVID-19 cases cross 25 million as India sets grim record. A million additional cases have been detected globally roughly every four days since mid-Julyhttps://t.co/1F8zmMEtfj 📸 Juan Barreto pic.twitter.com/DjBug76a18 — AFP news agency (@AFP) August 31, 2020 COVID-19 cases grow 'exponentially' in France: Macron refuses to rule out national lockdown https://t.co/AC1jEnx79m — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) August 31, 2020 That is ... a heck of a graph. https://t.co/PaZYUOEQH2 — cdrsalamander (@cdrsalamander) August 30, 2020 VIDEO: Drone footage of anti-government rally... more »

August 31st – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1320

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Monday August 31st – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

Antifa's Web Site Directs Visitors To Joe Biden's Web Page

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
I have just clicked on the https://t.co/JiKJh95TwL and I really landed here... — Lillian H. Mueller (@lill_the_swiss) August 30, 2020 *WNU Editor:* OMG it does!!!!(as of 12:17AM EST, August 31, 2020) *Update: *Snopes also confirms that it is true .... *Did Antifa.com Redirect to Biden’s Official Campaign Website?* (Snopes).

How Should the European Union Respond to Rising Greece-Turkey Tensions?

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 23 hours ago
Can the EU de-esclate increasingly testy Greece-Turkey dealings ?

Gas Lies: Santos tries to ram through coal seam gas at Narrabri with fake claims

Michael West at Michael West - 23 hours ago
[image: Santos CSG gas] Santos has lodged a big report based on false assumptions to push its Narrabri CSG project through regulators. Its independent expert is not independent, nor expert. Michael West investigates.

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Flames engulf the Community Corrections Division building as an American flag flutters on a pole during protests after a white policeman shot a Black man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, August 24, 2020. Kenosha has been rocked by civil unrest and violence since Sunday, when an officer shot Jacob Blake, 29, in the back seven times at close range in an incident captured on video. Blake was left paralyzed by the shooting and is being treated for his injuries. REUTERS/Stephen Maturen *WNU Editor: *The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Photos of the week* (Reuters).

Prominent Rabbi Breaks Silence: ‘Messiah Coming This Year!’

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Prominent Rabbi Breaks Silence: ‘Messiah Coming This Year!’ by ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ , https://www.breakingisraelnews.com There have been 5,780 holidays of Rosh Hashanna since the creation of the world but if a prominent rabbi’s prediction proves true, in just a few short weeks, Rosh Hashanna number 5,781 will be quite special. – Rabbi Shalom Arush, an …

COVID-19: Trigger for a New World Order. Economic Stagnation and Social Destruction

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
COVID-19: Trigger for a New World Order. Economic Stagnation and Social Destruction by Patrick Henningsen, New Dawn 180, via https://www.globalresearch.ca/ I can remember them saying that ‘everything changed after 9/11’. It did, but certainly not for the better. I think we can all agree on that. I remember how everyone surrendered their rights and key …

FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers by Weaver, http://tapnewswire.com/ Backed by funding from Defense Department, and Bill Gates The Department of Defense, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have partnered with a Silicon Valley company, Profusa, to implement a technology which could control our minds and bodies. What …

Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street Chanting ‘F-ck Your Jesus,’ Cover Street Preacher With Silly String (VIDEOS)

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street Chanting ‘F-ck Your Jesus,’ Cover Street Preacher With Silly String (VIDEOS) by Cassandra Fairbanks, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ Black Lives Matter rioters in Charlotte marched down the street chanting “f-ck your Jesus” on Monday night. The chant originally began as “cops killed Jesus,” but quickly took an anti-Christian turn. …

Media Silent As Democratic Protesters At Republican National Convention Put Trump Effigy Under Guillotine Amid Calls for His Assassination

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Media Silent As Democratic Protesters At Republican National Convention Put Trump Effigy Under Guillotine Amid Calls for His Assassination by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ As we have told you, the forces behind groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are demonic, there can be no question about that now, but it is only part of the larger …

Silver Price Roundtable: David Morgan, Bix Weir, Chris Marcus

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Arcadia Economics If you’re curious to hear what some of the silver experts in the market like David Morgan and Bix Weir think of the current silver setup, then you’ll want to hear this recent roundtable on the Beyond Mystic channel. I was also a part of the conversation, and to hear the latest info …

Michael Snyder: Judgment is Coming for America — God’s Prophetic Warnings for America

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Michael Snyder: Judgment is Coming for America — God’s Prophetic Warnings for America by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Journalist and book author Michael Snyder predicts, “Judgment is coming for America.” Snyder lays out his case in his new book called “Lost Prophecies of the Future of America.” Snyder says, “You look in the Bible …

CNN and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow HUMILIATED as They Try to GASLIGHT Riots as PEACEFUL!!!

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Dr. Steve Turley CNN and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow HUMILIATED as They Try to GASLIGHT Riots as PEACEFUL! In this video, we’re going to look at the latest embarrassment to come out of the standard-bearers of fake news, and why even scholars are beginning to call these networks out for the blatant propaganda machines that they’ve …

Doug Casey Interview: Gold, Silver & Economic Chaos

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Silver Dragons In this Doug Casey Interview we talk about gold, silver and the current state of the economy. Doug Casey gold stocks are brought up and Doug Casey explains not only why he has invested in gold stocks, but why you should as well. Doug Casey is a best selling author and founder of …

Asteroids That Passed Closer Than The Moon in August 2020 Many Were Discovered After Close Approach

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
PHASTEROID TRACKER (2020 QG) Nominal Lunar Distance 0.02 (2020 PA) Nominal Lunar Distance 0.15 (2020 QY2)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.17 (2020 QF2)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.55 (2020 PX5)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.59 (2020 QN4)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.71 (2020 PW2)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.73 (2020 QJ5)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.77 (2020 QQ4)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.80 (2020 QR5)Nominal Lunar Distance 0.83 (2020 …

Douglas MacKinnon: ‘Election Day’ Asteroid – Not a Political Omen, But It is a Warning

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Douglas MacKinnon: ‘Election Day’ Asteroid – Not a Political Omen, But It is a Warning by Douglas MacKinnon | Fox News This is but the latest in an escalating series of asteroid close-calls and fly-bys Have you heard about the “Election Day” asteroid? NASA is predicting it will give the Earth a very close shave the …

Selenium reduces COVID-19 risk - a back-of-the-envelope Bradford Hill analysis.

Unknown at The High-fat Hep C Diet - 1 day ago
*Bradford Hill* introduced a checklist for assessing the strength of epidemiological evidence for causality, which is useful in the current pandemic when nutritional factors have been insufficiently tested by experiment in favour of drugs with, so far, relatively weak effects.[1] Remember, a long time has passed and a lot of people have died while Evidence-Based Medicine was facing the wrong way. And asking the wrong question. "What new treatment will save more lives in the ICU?" is an important question, but one with few answers and no great ones - "What can stop people who ca... more »

Democrats Are Accusing President Trump For Causing The Violence In U.S. Cities

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters:* *Biden condemns Portland violence, says Trump 'recklessly encouraging' it* DETROIT (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday called violence at protests in Portland, Oregon, unacceptable and challenged President Donald Trump to stop “recklessly encouraging” it, after one person was killed during clashes between rival groups. Demonstrations against racism and police brutality have swept the United States since the death in May of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine min... more »

The Sheer Incompetence Of The Florida Democratic Party Could Sentence All Of Us To 4 More Years Of Trump

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
On Friday, the *Tampa Bay Times* published another stinging indictment of the venal and incompetent Florida Democratic Party in the form of a question from top state Senate candidate Kathy Lewis: I can lift Biden and flip state Senate. Why won’t my party help?. Kathy (who has been endorsed by Blue America) is running for an open seat to represent parts of 3 counties Hillsborough, Pasco and Polk. The Hillsborough part of the county has already turned blue and Hillary beat Trump there 50.4% to 46.0%. And Polk County is trending blue. Trump won the whole district 115,750 (52.3%) to 9... more »

On Burke’s Phrase: “a swinish multitude”

Unknown at The Conservative Socrates - 1 day ago
“A swinish multitude”—by his use of this phrase, Edmund Burke has conveyed his low opinion of the men who become part of mobs and indulge in great violence to force society to accept their political agenda. In his *Reflections on the Revolution in France*, Burke writes: “Along with its natural protectors and guardians, learning will be cast into the mire and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude.” Burke’s use of the phrase “a swinish multitude” caused great controversy in his time and the radical politicians and intellectuals saw this as an attack on the underprivileg... more »

Massive freedom rallies in London, Berlin and across Europe demand end to Covid lock-downs

Editor, cairnsnews at Cairns News - 1 day ago
“Tracking and tracing are the tools of this inquisition” by Alexandra Bruce This video shows David Icke addressing the crowd in Trafalgar square in London yesterday, proving that every dog has his day. Decades of foreboding predictions from people like Icke and Alex Jones over the past 30 years, about a Fascist New World Order […]

Milihin welcomes arrest by Victoria Police so COVID scam grievances can be aired in court

Editor, cairnsnews at Cairns News - 1 day ago
https://t.co/6zdywEpIJt?amp=1 By Editor, Cairns Newshttps://t.co/6zdywEpIJt?amp=1VIDEO has surfaced of Aussie freedom fighter Sol Milihin’s post-arrest interview with Victorian Police on charges alleging “incitement” to disobey the Victorian chief health officer’s so-called “directions”.In an interview lasting more than and hour and 15 minutes, Milihin told police he welcomed his arrest as it would allow him to demolish […]

Mass Exodus From New York City

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
The exodus of New York. Big lines this morning at UHAUL. CATASTROPHIC setbacks in quality of life —-people have had enough. pic.twitter.com/5StqXtKWQO — Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) August 29, 2020 *Daily Mail:* *Exodus from the Upper West Side: Fleet of moving trucks descend on NYC neighborhood and dozens wait in line to hire U-Hauls as residents already reeling from virus call it quits after Mayor de Blasio's decision to move 13k homeless people to the area* * U-Haul trucks and other moving vehicles were seen out in abundance on Manhattan’s troubled Upper West Side across the wee... more »